`Approved for use through 9i"3DIOO. OMB 0851-O03
`Patent and Trademark Oflics: U.S. DEPMITMENT OF COMMERCE
`En;%%fi:a fiegEu?mmd1995.nopersoncaroreqLiredtorespcndloaoolIectlonol iflointafionulessitiiaplays
`Docket Number (Optional)
`CURLIN-— O 01 A
` in re Application of
`Apllcation Number
`09f189 052
`November 9
`Group Art Unit
`Gray, M.
`This is a request under the provisions of 3?’ CFR 1.136(3) to extend the period for filing
`a response in the above identified application.
`The requested extension and appropriate non-small-entity fee are as follows
`(check time period desired):
`one month (37 CFR 1.17(a)(1)J
`Two months (37 CFR 1.1?(a)(2)J
`Three months (37 CFR 1.‘l7(a)(3))
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any fees which may
`be required, or credit any overpayment. to Deposit Account
`i have enclosed a duplicate copy of this sheet.
`I am the [:1 assignee of record of the entire interest.
`I: applicant.
`attorney or agent of record.
`attorney or agent under 37 CFR 1.34(a).
`Registration number if acting under 3?
`2 g EQ _/_ E0
`Kit M . Stetinaas
`Typed or printed name
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.1 hours to complete. Time will vary depending upon the needs of the
`individual case. any oommenta on the amount of time
`u are reauired to complete this form should be sent to the Chis!
`Information Officer. Patent and Trademark Office. Wasmtgton, D
`TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner tor Patents. Washington. Dc 20231.
`Four months (37 CFR1.i7{a)(4))
`Five months (37 CFR 1.17 (a)(5j)
`Applicant is a small entity under 37 CFR 1.9 and 1.27’, therefore the fee amount
`shown above is reduced by one-half. and the resulting fee is: $ 190 - 00
`A small entity statement under 3? CFR 1.27:
`is enclosed.
`has already been filed in this application.
`A check in the amount of the fee is enclosed.
`Thecommissioner has already been authorized to charge fees in this
`application to El Deposit Account.
`ACTA EX. 1005-001
`ACTA Ex. 1005-001
`Case No:
`I twrehy ee|11l}'t|II1 this ennesponduloe I: ‘being
`depnliled with the Ilntled Slur: Pants! Service as
`fin: den mull In on envelnpe addressed to:
`Mslelant Comllllsslnner of Patents. Wuhinghon.
`lJ.C.2a231 on February LQ. mo.
`Trial Dunn
`) Group No.: 3746
`Examiner: M. Gray
`) )
`Serial No.:
`November 9, 1998
`Dear Sirflvladamz
`In response to the initial Oflice Action mailed September 10, 1999 in relation to the above-
`identified patent application, please amend the application as follows:
`Submitted herewith for the Examiner‘s consideration is Figure 6 including a proposed
`modification (shown in red) wherein the reference numeral “l86" has been changed to “18b” in
`accordance with the Examiner’s comment.
`____ -
`On page 1, line 15, please amend the Title of the present application by inserting the words
`ACTA EX. 1005-002
`ACTA Ex. 1005-002
`On page 1 of the application, please insert the following language after the Title and before
`..._ ~.—--—-—-—----:—"
`the “Field of the Invention” section:
`- Eicrofiche Append;-{F
`cation of the present application includes a microfiche appendix which is
`The specifi
`submitted herewith and incorporated herein by reference. The microfiche appendix includes
`a total of three (3) microfiche inc
`I ding a total of one hundred eighty nine (1 89) frames
`On page 21, line 10, please ch
`‘fictionally“ to - - frictionally- -_
`On page 35, line 21, please cha
`e “mirocontroller“ to - -microcontroller- -.
`/ / K,/’
`Please cancel Claims
`, $2, 41 and 44.
`Please amend the following claims: ._
`ended) A curvilinear peristaltic pump for facilitating the pumping of a liquid through
`a drive unit dispo :1 within th housing
`d [mechanically coupled to the cam such that the
`ACTA EX. 1005-003
`ACTA Ex. 1005-003
`a worm mounted to the motor shafl and cgoperatively engaged to the worm ggar
`whgrein the engagement between the worm and the won‘n gear results in the rotation
`of the
`am in a first direction upon the activation of the motor, with such engagement
`an rotation ofthe earn a on the deactivation ofthe motor and maintainin the
`cam in a s t position;
`a plurality o
`ump fingers movably attached to the housing, each of the pump fingers having
`a iirst end which is c
`peratively engaged to the can and a second end which is disposed in spaced
`relation to the platen
`the cam eing configured to sequentially move the pump fingers
`radially outwardly towa
`and inwardly away from the platen member when rotated in the first
`direction by the [drive uni motor;
`wherein a portion 0 he tubing may be extended between the platen member and the second
`ends ofthe pump fingers sue that the sequential movement of the pump fingers toward and away
`from the platen member result
`in liquid within the tubing being pumped in the first direction of
`rotation of the cam.
`In Claim 3, line 1, p ase change “2” to - -1- —.
`nded) The pump of Claim 3 wherein the motor speed control unit comprises:
`encoder wheel by the cam;
`ACTA EX. 1005-004
`ACTA Ex. 1005-004
`e beginning and end of each pump cycle by sensing the interruptions and
`the nu her and size ofthe encoder arms being selected such that interruptions in the beam
`light ca -se
`ereby hrrespond to pump cycles, [with] thgfihling the optical sensor [being
`operable] to det r
` _.__ _
`increase the power to the motor and thus the rotational speed of the cam between pump cycles.
`_ __
`In Claim 5, line 5, please cha/ge “shaped" to - -sized and configured— -.
`cl The pump ofClaim 10 wherein the platen sensor and the tubing sensor [are]
`O‘):l electrically [conn ctc in series
`ch that] communicate with each other in a manner wherein the drive
`. unit may not be ac vat
`e tubing in extended over the membrane and the platen member is
`in the operative positii
` _%:_Trg ._:_.
`____l_n C_l_ai_m_ l_3J line_§_, please inért - lby a correspondingbiasing springf - after“member".
`___ _
`_ __
`a housing including_a support member having first and second regesses disged therein;
`a platen member attached to the housing;
`a rotatable cam disposed within the housing;
`a drive unit disposed within the housing and mechanically coupled to the cam, the activation
`of the drive unit resulting in the concurrent rotation of the cam in a first direction;
`a plurality ofpump fingers movably attached to the housing, each ofthe pump fingers having
`a fI1'Sl. end which is cooperatively engaged to the cam and a second end which is disposed in spaced
`relation to the platen member, the cam being configured to sequentially move the pump fingers
`radially outwardly toward and inwardly away from the platen member when rotated in the first
`direction by the drive unit; and
`a tubing assembly releasably attachable to the housing and comprising:
`ACTA EX. 1005-005
`ACTA Ex. 1005-005
`a length of resilient tubing;
`a tubing locator pin attached to the tubing and removably insertable into the first
`recess; and
`a shut-off valve attached to the tubing and removably insertabie into the second
`the shut-off valve being operable to selectively obstruct
`the flow of liquid
`[therethrough] mg in a direction opposite the first direction;
`wherein the tubing locator pin and the shut-off valve are [removabiy insertable into the
`housing and] attached to the tubing at locations whereat a portion of the tubing is extended over the
`second ends of‘ the pump fingers when the tubing locator pin and the shut—off valve are removably
`inserted into respectivg ones of the first and second recesses within the support member of the
`housing, the tubing being extensible between the second ends and the platen member such that the
`sequential movement of the pump fingers toward and away from the platen member results in liquid
`within the tubing being pumped in the First direction ofrotation ofthe cam.
`45,0: ¢;tmendJn:t;‘pump scum .l‘ii-whenreinz
`the platen member defines an areuate, generally concave inner surface and is pivotally
`connected to the housing so as to be movable between an operative position whereat the membrane
`is covered thereby and the second ends ofthe pump fingers are disposed in substantially equidistantly
`spaced relation to the inner surface, and a non-operative position whereat the membrane is exposed;
`the tubing locator pin and the shut-offvalve ofthe tubing assembly being removably insertable
`into respective ones ofthe first and second recesses within thg support member pfthe housing when
`the platen member in the non-operative position, with the portion of the tubing extended over the
`membrane by the insertion ofthe tubing locator pin and the shut-offvalve into respective ones ofthe
`ACTA EX. 1005-006
`ACTA Ex. 1005-006
`[housing] first and second [ecpsses being captured between the membrane and the inner surface when
`C" the_%t£_31_1_rnember is in the o]§e_l"_£_1_t‘i_ve_p__c)_siti(_}t'i___ __
`————_.——__G7_.__._.._..._._..___.._..__--_.. =.
`32: (Amended) The pump ofClaim gwherein:
`the shut-off valve further includes a biasing member for normally biasing the pinch member
`- “l
`to the closed position; [and]
`the movement of the platen member [is sized and configured] to [move] the operative
`position facilitating the movement of the pinch arm from the closed position to the open position
`]when the platen member is moved to the operative position].
`. .L_____
`.___I ..—::
`I _________ _
`/27:’ (Amended) The pump ofClair-i‘i?’5 fin-"ther comprising:
`a platen sensor disposed within the housing and operable to detect when the platen member
`is in the operative Position; and
`a tubing sensor disposed within the housing and operable to detect when the tubing is
`extended over the membrane;
`the tubing sensor being tripped by the insertion ofthe tubing locator pin into the first recess
`within the support member of the housing, with the platen sensor being tripped by the movement of
`the platen member to the operative position.
`ail". (Amended) The pump ofCla1m 9,7 wherein the platen sensor and the tubing sensor [are]
`electrically [connected in series such that] communicate with each ther in a manner wher in the drive
`unit may not be activated until the tubing locator pin is inserted into the first rece within the su on
`member of the housing and the platen member is in the operative poiition.
`In Claim 30, line 3, please insert - upport member ofth — e ore
`— '—':.-_-:_'..';.'
` eiided}:ft't1t§i£?‘g‘éis§éifibiy for use
`a peristaltic pump having a housing defining a
`ousmg .
`Cl 9*
`ACTA EX. 1005-007
`ACTA Ex. 1005-007
`sgpport member which includes first and second recesses disposed therein, a platen member attached
`to the housing, a rotatable cam disposed within the housing, and a plurality ofpump fingers movably
`‘ L,.lL attached to the housing and cooperatively engaged to the cam such that the rotation of the cam
`sequentially moves the pump fingers outwardly toward and inwardly away from the platen member,
`the tubing assembly comprising:
`a length of resilient tubing;
`a tubing locator pin attached to the tubing and removably insertable into the first recess; and
`a shut-ofl‘ valve attached to the tubing and removajfiy insertable into the second rectfl,_the
`s_hgt_—_off valve being operable to selectively obstruct the flow of liquid [therethrough] through the
`wherein the tubinglocatgpin and the shut-off valve are attgtfid to the tulJi_ng at locations
`whereat a__t_)ortion of the tubingls extended over the_pun_1g_fi_ngcrs when the tubigg1ocator_;)i_nand
`the shut-off valve are removatjy inserted into rgpe_mive ones ofthe firsggd secontfiecesses within
`In Claim 33, line l./pile he change “pump" to - -tubing assembly- -.
`In Claim 34, line plise change“pump” to - -tubingassembIy- —_
`In Claim 36, line 1, plj
`In Ciairn 35, [in
`l, plea e change “pump" to — -tubing assernbly- -.
`c change “pump” to - -tubing assembly- —.
`se change “pump” to - -tubing assembly- —.
`In Claim 3?, line 1, pl
`ended) A shut-offvalve for use in a tubing assembly comprising a Iength ofresilient
`tubing, the sh t-off valve comprising:
`53‘:.\ \
`ACTA EX. 1005-008
`ACTA Ex. 1005-008
`a valve body having an opening therein for permitting the passage of the tubing therethrough;
`a single pinch ann movably attached to the valve body and engagable to the tubing passing
`through the opening, the shut-off valve being gonfigured such that the tubing extends between the
`pinch arm and the valve body when agvgnced through the opening;
`the pinch arm being movable between and open position whereat the tubing passing through
`the valve body is not compressed by the pinch arm, and a closed position whereat the tubing passing
`through the valve body is collapsed by the compression thereof between the pinch arm and the valve
`InClaim 39, line 1, -p/leasrhange“pump”to-—shut—ofI‘valve-—.
`In Claim 40, line I, pleas ,¢‘:hange “pump" to - -shut-ofi'valve- -_
`ln Claim 41, line 1, pleas/e change “pump” to - —shut-off valve- -.
`(Amended) A curvilinear peristaltic pump, comprising:
`a housing;
`. . .--———-—.-.________
`a visual dis lay dsgsed on the housing;
`a drive unit d posed wit
`a control unit d posed wi hin the ho
`ing and in electrical communication with the visual
`"n the housing; and
`ope ative to cause the pump to selectively implement any one of
`display and the drive unit;
`the control unit bei
`[multiple] continuous, PCA, ' N intennittjentg and variafl therapy modalities and to generate a
`visual progress scale on the visual display corresponding to the particular therapy modality being
`ACTA EX. 1005-009
`ACTA Ex. 1005-009
`(J implemented by the pump, the visual progress scale generated on the visual display by the control unit
`during the implementation of the TPN therapy depicting up and down ram in
`hases thereof.
`(Amended) An administration set for use with a curvilinear peristaltic pump having a
`housing which includes at least one recess disposed therein, a plurality of pump fingers movably
`attached to the housing, a drive unit disposed within the housing for sequentially moving the pump
`fingers, and a sensor disposed within the housing for detecting the presence ofthe administration set.
`the administration set comprising:
`a length of straight line, resilient tubing; and
`at least one locating member positionable upon the tubing at a location whereat the locating
`member is removably insertable into the recess and operative to trip the sensor when a portion ofthe
`tubing is extended over the pump fingers;
`the tripping flthe _se_t_1_sor_ bein_g__requi_red t_o_facilitate the activation of the drive unit. __
`__.. ..._,.__
`. -
`(Amended) An administration set for use with a curvilinear peristaltic pump having a
`iL:_u_s_i_r1g which includes at least one regs disposed therein and a sensor dispgsed within the housing
`for detecting the presence of the administration set. the administration set comprising:
`a length of straight line, resilient tubing; and
`at least one locating member positionable upon the tubing at a location whereat the locating
`member is removably insertable into the recess and operative to trip the sensor when a portion ofthe
`tubing is cooperatively engaged to the pump:
`the tripping ofthe sensor being required to facilitate the operation ofthe pump.
`ACTA EX. 1005-010
`...s.._ .._l____
`ACTA Ex. 1005-010
`..—"‘ -—"-'--———-__-'
`_x' I
`: d) An administration set for use with a curvilinear peristaltic pump having a
`-.... ... . ___ __.____.
`" ' "_
`housing which includes a plurality of pump fingers movably attached thereto, the administration set
`a length ofstraight line, resilient tubing; and
`at least one locating member removably insertable into the housing and positionable upon the
`tithing at a location whereat the insertion ofthe locating member into the housing [ensures] will cause
`at least a portion ofthe tubing [is] to be in Contact with the pump fingers.
`(Amended) The administration set of'Claimif."?' comprising a pair oflocating members
`removably insertable into the housing and positionable upon the tubing at locations whereat the
`insertion ofthe locating members into the housing [ensures that] will cause at least a portion ofthe
`tubing [is] ;p_b_§ in coittact with the pump fingers.
`[Ai11ended} An administration set for use with a curvilinear peristaltic pump having a
`I m. the administ ationpset comprising:
`a length of stra h Jmé. resilient tubing; and
`at least one local rig
`eiiiber removably insertable into the [pump] housing and positionable
`upon the tubing at a loca on whereat the insertion ofthe locating member into the [pump ensures
` that] housing will cause at least a portion ofthe tubing [is] Q in contact with the [pump] l_t9_g§_i_r_1_g._
`The foregoing Amendment and remarks which follow are responsive to the initial Office
`. Action mailed September 10, 1999 in relation to the above-identified patent application.
`In that
`Office Action, the Examiner objected to the drawings due to an informality in Figure 6 and the failure
`_ _.l,_______._ .______ .. _._____.._.._...________m._m.__.__....
`ACTA EX. 1005-011
`ACTA Ex. 1005-011
`to depict various elements recited in Claims ll, 22 and 23. The Examiner also rejected to the
`specification clue to a number of grammatical informalities therein, an improper reference to the
`microfiche appendix, and a Title which is not descriptive ofthe present invention. With regard to the
`Title, the Examiner suggested an alternative Title which could be adopted by the Applicant. The
`Examiner further objected to the language of'Claims 4, 5 and 13, and rejected Claims I 1, 22, 26, 2B,
`37, 41 and 57-60 under 35 U.S.C. § 1 I2 due to purported informalities in the language ofClaims 1 l,
`22, 24, 28 and 57.
`in addition to the foregoing, the Examiner rejected Claims 1, S, 13, 14, 15, 38-40, 6] and 62
`under 35 U.S.C. § l02(b) as being anticipated by respective ones of the Jester, Sancofl‘ et al.. and
`French ‘S35 references. The Examineralso rejected Claims 2-4, 6- l 2, 16-23, 25-36, 42-56 and 6 l -64
`under 35 U.S.C. § l03(a) as being unpatentable over the Jester, Corneii, Gordon et al., Borsanyi,
`Dumas, Natwick et al., PCT ‘084, French ‘535, Clemens, Sancoffet al., and Tune et al. references
`considered alone andfor combination. The sole stated grounds for the rejection ofClairns 24, 37, 4]
`and 57-60 were under Section 112, and thus are not based upon the cited prior art.
`By this Amendment, Applicant has made a proposed modification to Figure 6 wherein the
`reference numeral ‘*1 86" has been changed to “l8b" in accordance with the Examiner’s comment.
`Applicant respectfillly submits that this modification to Figure 6 has overcome the Examiner’s
`objection in relation thereto. Further, Applicant has amended the Title of the present Application to
`adopt the Title suggested by the Examiner, and has amended page J ofthc specification to include
`a separate section making specific reference to the microfiche appendix of the present application.
`Further, Applicant has amended pages 21 and 35 ofthe specification to correct the spelling errors
`identified by the Examiner.
`ACTA EX. 1005-012
`ACTA Ex. 1005-012
`In addition to the foregoing, Applicant has canceled Claims 2, 32, 42 and 44 and amended
`numerous claims ofthe present application to more clearly recite the novel and unobvious aspects of
`the present invention. The various amendments to the pending ciaims, and the basis for App|icant’s
`argument that such amendments overcome the various rejections set forth by the Examiner in the
`Office Action, will be discussed in more detail below.
`More particularly, Applicant has amended independent Claim 1 of the present application to
`incorporate the limitations originally set forth in Claim 2 thereinto. Thus, as amended, Claim 1
`describes the drive unit as comprising a cam shaft extending from the cam, a worm gear attached to
`the cam shafi, an electric motor having a rotatable motor shaft extending therefrom, and a worm
`mounted to the motor shaft and cooperatively engaged to the worm gear. As further recited in
`amended Claim 1, the engagement between the worm and the worm gear results in the rotation of
`the cam in a first direction upon the activation ofthe motor, with such engagement eliminating any
`rotation ofthe cam upon the deactivation ofthe motor and maintaining the cam in a set position.
`In the Office Action, the Examiner took the position that Claim 2 was rendered obvious by
`the combination ofthe Jester and Corneil references in that the Jester reference disclosed all ofthe
`elements recited in Claim 1, with the Corneil reference disclosing a cam shaft 5 having a gear 17
`which engages a gear I6 ofa motor shaft 15. More specifically, the Examiner stated that it would
`have been obvious to one ofordinary skill in the an to use a gear system as disclosed in the Corneil
`reference in place of the belt drive disclosed in the Jester reference in view ofthe language at column
`3, line 10- 14 ofthe Jester reference to be effect that, ifdesired, a gear system could be used in place
`ofthe belt 42,
`The Jester reference discloses a peristaltic pump 10 comprising a cam 30 which is mounted
`ACTA EX. 1005-013
`ACTA Ex. 1005-013
`to a rotatabie cam axle 32. Also mounted to the cam axle 32 is a pulley 44. The pump 10 also
`includes a motor 36 having a drive shaft 38 extending therefrom, to which is mounted a pulley 40.
`Extending from the pulley 40 to the pulley 44 is a drive belt 42 which causes the rotation ofthe drive
`shaft 38 to facilitate the concurrent rotation ofthe cam axle 32 and hence the cam 30.
`The Comeil reference discloses a liquid dispensing machine comprising a shaft 5 having a cam
`member 6 mounted thereto. Also mounted to the shaft 5 is a circularly reconfigured gear 1? which
`is cooperatively engaged to a circularly configured gear I6 mounted to the motor shaft 15 ofa motor
`I4. Though Applicant recognizes that the specification of the Jester reference states that a gear
`system could be used in the place of belt 42, Applicant respectfully submits that it is only with a
`disfavored hindsight consideration ofthe combined teachings ofthe Jester and Corneil references that
`such gear system would be interpreted to construe a worm gear attached to a cam shaft and a worm
`mounted to a motor shaft which is cooperatively engaged to the worm gear in a manner eliminating
`any rotation of the cam upon the deactivation of the motor, as recited in amended Claim 1.
`As is explained in the specification of the present application, the deficiency of the pump 10
`described in the Jester reference is that the use of the drive belt 42 to rotate the cam 30 creates
`susceptibility for slight amounts offorward rotation or reverse rotation (rollback) of the cam 30 upon
`the deactivation of the motor 36, Applicant determined that the engagement between a worm gear
`and a worm prevented undesirable residual rotation of the cam upon motor deactivation, with such
`elements now being recited in amended Claim [ as indicated above. The Comeil reference does not
`teach or suggest the engagement between a wonn gear and a worm. Rather, as previously indicated,
`the teachings of the Comeil reference are confined to the engagement between two (2) conventional
`circularly configured gears. Though Applicant concedes that the “gear system" alluded to in the
`ACTA EX. 1005-014
`ACTA Ex. 1005-014
`specification of the Jester reference could be construed to encompass a conventional gear train
`comprising circuiarly configured gearslike that shown in the Cornell reference, Applicant respectfiilly
`submits that the absence of any teaching or suggestion in the Comic] reference regarding the
`engagement between a worm gear and a worm coupled with the absence in the Jester reference of
`any recognition of the undesirability of excess forward rotation or reverse rotation of the cam 30
`compels the conclusion that any Section 103 rejection ofantended Claim 1 under the combination of
`the Jester and Cornell references would be premised only on a disfavored hindsight consideration
`thereof, as indicated above. Thus‘ Applicant respectfiilly submits that amended independent Claim
`I is condition for allowance, as are Claims 3-16 as being dependent upon an allowable base claim.
`With regard to Claims 3-16, Applicant has amended Claim 3 simply to change its dependency
`to Claim I . Additionally, Claim 4 has been amended in an effort to address the Examiner's objection
`in relation to the language thereof. More particularly, in amended Claim 4, the number and size of
`the encoder arms is described as being selected such that interruptions in the beam of light caused
`thereby correspond to pump cycles. thus allowing the optical sensor to detemtine the beginning and
`end of each pump cycle by sensing the interruptions. Claim 5 has also been amended to address the
`Examiner’-s objection to the language thereof‘ by describing the cam as being sized and configured
`{rather than shaped) so as to act against the first ends of the pump fingers. Claim l
`I has been
`amended in a manner believed to overcome the Examiner’s Section 1 I2 rejection in relation thereto
`by describing the platen sensor and the tubing sensor as electrically communicating with each other
`in a manner wherein the drive unit may not be activated until the tubing is extended over the
`tnembrane and the platen member is in the operative position. Claim 13 has also been amended in an
`effort to overcome the Examiner's objection in relation to language thereof by describing each of the
`_.._ __..__._...
`.___.l,__._.-_-._.____ ..._. .
`ACTA EX. 1005-015
`ACTA Ex. 1005-015
`pinch members as being biased radially outwardly toward the platen member by a corresponding
`biasing spring.
`Referring now to independent Claim 17, Applicant has amended the same to describe the
`housing as including a support member having first and second recesses disposed therein. As further
`recited in amended Claim 17, the tubing locator pin attached to the tubing is removably insertabie into
`the first recess, with the shut-off valve attached to the tubing being removably insertable into the
`second recess. Additionally, in amended Claim 17, tlte tubing locator pin and the shut-off‘ valve are
`described as being attached to the tubing at locations whereat a portion of the tubing is extended over
`the second ends of the pump fingers when the tubing locator pin and the shut-oil’valve are removably
`inserted into respective ones of the first and second recesses within the support member of the
`In the Ofiice Action,
`the Examiner rejected Claim 1? as being unpatentable over the
`combination ofthe Jester, French ‘535 and Clemens references. The Examiner conceded that the
`Jester reference does n_ot disclose a tubing locator pin and a shut-ofi‘ valve being attached to a length
`of tubing. However, the Examiner characterized the Clemens reference as satisfying the tubing
`locator pin limitation, with the French ‘535 reference satisfying the shut-oft‘ valve limitation, As
`indicated above, in idependent Claim 17 as amended, the housing is described as including a support
`member having first and second recesses disposed therein, with the tubing locator pin and the shut-off
`valve being described as removably insertable into respective ones ot‘the first and second recesses
`within the support member. The Jester reference does not teach or suggest the housing of the pump
`10 as including a support member having first and second recesses disposed therein for
`accommodating respective ones ofa tubing locator pin and a shut-offvalve attached to the tube 28.
`ACTA EX. 1005-016
`ACTA Ex. 1005-016
`The Clemens reference discloses a peristaitic pump wherein a length of tubing [03 is provided with
`a pair of external abutments 104, 105 mounted thereto. The tubing 103 is described as being placed
`into the slot 42 ofa tube support 40 such that the abutment 104 is placed over a lip 4| as is shown
`in Figure 3. The tubing [03 is also described as being placed into a slot 45 of a tube support 43 such
`that abutment 105 is placed over a lip 44 as is also shown in Figure 3. The combination of the
`abutments 104, I05 and lips 4| , 44 is described in the Clemens reference as preventing longitudinal
`movement ofthe tubing 103 (column 4, lines 31-38). The teachings ofthe French ‘535 reference are
`limited to the attachment of a flow restrictor valve to a length of tubing 1.
`Applicant respectfully submits that neither the Jester, Clemens or French ‘535 references
`considered alone or in contbinatiorr, teaches or suggests the attachment of both a tubing locator pin
`and a shut-offvalve to a length oftubing, with both the tubing locator pin and the shut—offva]ve being
`removably insertabie into respective ones of a corresponding pair ofcomplimentary recesses with the
`support member of the housing of a peristaltic pump. As indicated above,
`the Examiner has
`recognized that the tube 28 disclosed in the Jester reference is not described as having either a tubing
`locator pin or a shut-off valve attached thereto. Nor is the housing ofpump 10 described as being
`provided with a pair of recesses for removably receiving respective ones of a tubing locator pin and
`a shut-off valve. As also indicated above, the teachings of the French ‘535 reference are confined to
`a flow restrictor valve being attached to a segment of tubing, Even assuming, arguendo, that the
`abutments 104, 105 described in the Clemens reference are structurally analogous to a tubing locator
`pin, neither of these abutments 104, 105 is shown or described in the Clemens reference as being
`removably insertable into a corresponding, complimentary recess disposed within a support member
`oftlre pump 10. Applicant respectfully submits that the teachings ofthe Clemens reference regarding
`-_._.l,_.. _,._.._
`__.____ _______,____,__m,___u___
`ACTA EX. 1005-017
`ACTA Ex. 1005-017
`the abutments 104, 105 being abutted against respective lips 41, 44 is not properly interpreted as
`being analogous to the insertion ofa tubing Iocator pin and a shut-offvalve into respective ones of
`platen member 26 contacts the pinch arm 106. The Examiner’s attention is drawn to page 28, lines
`6-] l ofthe specification ofthe present application which specifically states that a portion ofthe platen
`member 26 acts against and applies pressure to the upper ends ofthe side bar portions 108 ofthe
`pinch arm 106, thus facilitating the compression ofthe biasing spring 114 and resultant movement
`ofthe pinch arm 106 to its open position. With regard to Claim 24, Applicant fimher disagrees with
`ACTA Ex. 1005-013
`ACTA Ex. 1005-018
`the Examiner‘s assertion that the same is indefinite due to the specification not providing an adequate
`disclosure as to how to make and use a pinch arm with a breakable detent tab such that upon
`removing the detent tab, the pinch arm is maintained in the closed position.
`In this respect, the
`Examiner's attention is drawn to page 22, lines 21-26, page 23, lines 8-13 and page 24, lines 21-33
`ofthe specification of the present application which provides a comprehensive disclosure regarding
`the use and functionality ofthe detent tab 1 18 ofthe pinch ar