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` VS.
` CASE IPR2017-00317 (Patent 8,989,830 B2)
` CASE IPR2017-00318 (Patent 8,886,296 B2)
` JAMES B. ARPIN, Administrative Patent Judges
` McSHANE, Administrative Patent Judge.
` DECEMBER 12, 2017
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`Apple v. Valencell


` I N D E X
` E X A M I N A T I O N P A G E
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` vs.
` Proceeding held in the above matter on the 12th
` day of December, 2017, between the hours of
`2 3
`8 9
` o'clock in the forenoon and 3:00 o'clock in the
` afternoon before Pamela K. Needham, CCR, CSR (MO,
` IL), in a certain cause now pending before the
` the Petitioner, and VALENCELL, INC. is the Patent
` Owner.
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` Mr. Michael D. Specht
` Mr. Jason A. Fitzsimmons
` Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox, P.L.L.C.
` 1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` Mr. William Kennedy
` Mr. Jeff Bragalone
` Mr. Justin Kimble
` Bragalone Conroy, PC
` 2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 4500 - West
` Dallas, TX 75201
` ALSO PRESENT: Harper Batts
` Baker Botts, LLP
` The Court Reporter:
` Pamela K. Needham, RPR, IL CSR, MO CCR
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` 515 Olive Street, Suite 300
` St. Louis, MO 63101
` 314-203-2987
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` * * * * *
` (On the record at 1:01 p.m. CST)
` JUDGE McSHANE: Who's on the line for
` Petitioner?
` MR. SPECHT: For Petitioner, this is
` Michael Specht, lead counsel, and also with me is
` Jason Fitzsimmons, back-up counsel on these matters.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Thank you. Anybody
` else?
` MR. SPECHT: Your Honor, we also
` arranged for a court reporter who is on the line, as
` well.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay. So before I turn
` to the other parties, could you get -- when you get
` a final copy of the transcript could you get that
` docketed in the cases?
` MR. SPECHT: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Thank you. All right,
` and who's on the line for Patent Owner?
` MR. BATTS: Your Honor, just one more,
` this is also Petitioner FitBit, we're in an
` understudy role here, but we're listening into the
` proceeding, this is Harper Batts from Baker Botts.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right, who's going
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` to be taking for Petitioner?
` MR. SPECHT: Your Honor, I will, this is
` Michael Specht.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Thank you. All right,
` now for patent owner, please?
` MR. KENNEDY: Yes, Bill Kennedy, which
` is a back-up counsel for patent owner, and Jeff
` Bragalone, back-up counsel for patent owner, and I
` believe also Justin Kimble, who is lead counsel for
` Patent Owner is on the line.
` MR. KIMBLE: That's correct, this is
` Justin Kimble, Your Honor.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, and who's going to
` be speaking on behalf of Patent Owner, please?
` MR. KENNEDY: That would be me, Bill
` Kennedy.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right, thank you,
` Mr. Kennedy. Let's see. So Patent Owner here sent
` an email requesting this call and wants to be
` granted authorization to file the sur-reply, and
` Petitioner here opposes this request. So what we're
` going to do here, since it's Patent Owner's request,
` we're going to have Mr. Kennedy go first, then
` Petitioner can respond, and then Patent Owner will
` have a brief final word on the request, specific to
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` the request. Then the way that we're going to do
` this is the judges, we're going to meet and confer
` and get back to you hopefully in short order, we'll
` ask you to hold, and we'll either be able to come
` back with the decision, or we're going to take the
` request under advisement and then issue an order
` later.
` So Mr. Kennedy, how many issues do you
` have, first of all? Generally.
` MR. KENNEDY: I think, I have three
` broad categories, about five total issues.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. That's quite
` a few. Okay, so if we could just stick to the high
` points and delve into the details as much as
` required, that would be appreciated.
` MR. KENNEDY: Okay.
` JUDGE McSHANE: But let's try to keep it
` brief, and if you could please proceed.
` MR. KENNEDY: Sure. So I'd like to
` first by starting off, so this is for the -317 and
` -318 IPR's, and almost all of these issues overlap
` because, or in both of those IPR's, because of the
` overlap in the art between the two. So to start,
` there's an issue with Petitioner's reply and in fear
` with the Goodman reference, and Petitioner uses the
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` Goodman reference for meaning a certain embodiment
` and for meeting a certain claim limitation, and they
` use an embodiment in Figure 2, and in the reply they
` switch embodiments to Figure 7A, so we would want a
` reply to address the switching of embodiments there
` where the embodiment of Figure 7A was not addressed
` during the petition.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Could you give me a
` citing in the reply on that? Do you happen to have
` that?
` MR. KENNEDY: Sure. If you're looking
` at the -318, it would be papers 32 at 11 through 12.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right, you know
` what, I'm going to say something that's sort of
` different than what I said at the beginning. If you
` don't mind, Mr. Kennedy, what I'm going to do is as
` we deal with these issues one by one, if I could
` just have, let's get the, let's get the Petitioner
` to chime in on this one, okay?
` MR. SPECHT: Yes, this is Mike Specht,
` just to clarify, in terms of the pages, Bill, you're
` citing to, what pages were those again?
` MR. KENNEDY: That would be 11 and 12 of
` the -318 file.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, well, let me ask
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` another just real quick, if I may. Did you meet and
` confer with others before this call.
` MR. KENNEDY: So Patent Owner sent a
` request and said do you oppose, they opposed, and
` then Petitioner last night asked for what would be
` speaking about, and we sent them a list of things
` this morning. And they still oppose that after the
` list.
` MR. SPECHT: Shall I proceed, Your
` Honor?
` JUDGE McSHANE: Yes, please.
` MR. SPECHT: Sure. With respect to the
` Goodman issue and the list that Mr. Kennedy just
` referred to, on the list that he sent us there are
` two, two Goodman arguments, if you will, on why they
` believe a sur-reply is appropriate, one referring to
` new arguments about the conformance to the thickness
` of the strip, in that we reference Figure 7A.
` MR. SPECHT: And similarly, another
` argument about the light source extending through
` the aperture where we referred to figure 7A in our
` reply. We are not changing our position from the
` petition in terms of the embodiments we rely on,
` what we did in the reply, and this is, starting on
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` Page 9, is we do, indeed, talk about Figure 7A, but
` only to the extent that it gives us guidance in
` terms of the teaching of Figure 2, which is the
` position from this petition, and we are responding
` to their arguments in their Patent Owner response in
` terms of the shortcomings of our initial arguments.
` We're not relying on Figure 7A to support, or the
` embodiments in Figure 7A to support our arguments or
` make our prima facia case, that's not the case,
` we're just simply responding to their arguments in
` the Patent Owner response, and 7A sheds light on why
` their arguments were incorrect.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, all right. Thank
` you on that issue. Okay, now Patent Owner, please,
` Mr. Kennedy, if you could proceed.
` MR. KENNEDY: So the next, the next two
` arguments that I'd like to address is just for the
` -318 IPR, so not to the -317, and it's involved, it
` starts at Page 18 of the -318 IPR reply, and in that
` instance, Petitioner is talking about several
` different prototypes in the Asada reference, and in
` the petition, Petitioner relied on one prototype,
` and now in reply, Petitioner is relying on a
` different prototype and saying that a person, our
` understanding is that that prototype also includes
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`Page 11
` what it had previously argued was in a different
` prototype, so it was another, another instance of
` switching embodiments, which is something that we
` could not have anticipated in, after the petition
` was filed.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, thank you. And
` Petitioner's reply on that one?
` MR. SPECHT: Yes, Your Honor, once
` again, we believe we are responding to arguments
` that they make in their Patent Owner response,
` arguments that appeared on I believe Page 38 and 39
` in their Patent Owner response, and we're just
` showing the Asada reference which include -- it
` does, indeed, include multiple embodiments in that
` reference. We're not changing our use of Asada,
` we're just looking at other portions of the Asada
` reference to demonstrate again why their arguments
` are flawed in their Patent Owner response. We're
` not changing our initial position.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, thank you. Now
` Mr. Kennedy, next issue?
` MR. KENNEDY: Can I -- so I do believe
` that they, that they are now arguing that -- a
` different thing, it implicitly says in their
` response, in their reply: Petitioner would have
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` understood that prototype B included the signal
` processer like the earlier Prototype, and that a
` further description of Prototype B focuses on
` improvement and modifications, so they're actively
` now talking about what Prototype B discloses instead
` of Prototype A, so they switched focuses there. I
` don't see how that's not a new argument.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right, thank you,
` we'll consider that.
` MR. KENNEDY: And so the next category
` is, of items is a new claim construction structure
` position. There's a term that appears in both of
` the IPR's, light guiding interface, Patent Owner
` proposed the construction of this term, in its
` petition Petitioner did not offer any construction
` for this term. And then now in their reply
` Petitioner is offering a construction for the term,
` so we'd like an opportunity to respond to that new
` construction they're offering for the first time in
` the reply.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. And
` Petitioner?
` MR. SPECHT: Certainly, Your Honor.
` These arguments appear on Page 5 and 6 of our
` Petitioner's reply, and referring to that I mean
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`Page 13
` we're specifically responding to the fact that they
` did propose a construction. We start out that
` section by noting that Valencell proposes
` considering light guiding interface as an interface
` that delivers light along the path. We go on to
` discuss why that -- why their proposed construction
` was wrong, and we offer one that's consistent to the
` position that we took in our petition in terms of
` our use in our arguments. We're not presenting new
` arguments other than to respond to their proposed
` claim construction in their patent owner response.
` MR. KENNEDY: But I think the issue
` there is that in the, in the petition, Apple argued
` that those terms did not need to be construed, and
` now they are offering a construction, so that's not
` something that we could have anticipated.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, well -- okay.
` MR. KENNEDY: If they had this
` construction to start with, they should have offered
` it in their petition, not now.
` MR. SPECHT: And Your Honor, if I may
` respond, we don't believe a construction of the term
` is necessary, we believe our petition and the
` positions we took with respect to light guiding
` interface, that it is the plain and ordinary meaning
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`Page 14
` and then as we applied it is appropriate. Again,
` here we're responding to their proposed construction
` with arguments why they were wrong, and countering
` that with a construction that's consistent with the
` plain and ordinary meaning.
` MR. BRAGALONE: Your Honor, this is Mr.
` Bragalone. Petitioner had an option to either stand
` by their prior position that no construction was
` necessary, or to offer a new construction, and even
` if they'd done it in the alternative, they've
` offered a new construction, we could not have
` anticipated that, and we should be entitled to
` respond to the new construction. They're making new
` arguments as to why their newly proposed
` construction is correct, and we haven't had any
` opportunity to respond to those, and we, we believe
` that we could point out to the Board why their new
` construction has additional problems that we did
` not, of course, know about and could not have
` addressed and did not address in our response.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. So what
` we're talking about here is the issue of the
` interface at, let's see, it's in the 318 case at the
` reply at Pages 5 through 8. I believe that's right.
` MR. KENNEDY: I believe that's correct,
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` Your Honor.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. Next issue,
` please?
` MR. KENNEDY: So the, this is the last
` issue I had, I want to discuss on this call. This
` is more overarching, so in those IPR matters,
` Petitioner has submitted an extra declaration from
` their technical expert, Dr. Anthony, and a large
` part of that declaration involved responding to
` Patent Owner's argument about why certain prior art
` references should not be combined, and during the
` previous deposition of Dr. Anthony, Apple's expert,
` Dr. Anthony stated that he was aware of those
` reasons why not to combine detriments, but he did
` not include them in his original declaration. If
` you look at his new declaration, for example,
` Exhibit 1102 at Page 28, paragraph 46, Dr. Anthony
` states: This is evident in Valencell's reiteration
` of alleged detrimental implications of adding
` components to the Goodman's device like the ones
` discussed above for combination of other elements of
` Goodman, and the detriments are adding mass reduced
` disposability, reduced skin conformance, and added
` skin pressure. And then Dr. Anthony states: Again,
` I was aware of these types of alleged detriments in
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`Page 16
` forming my opinion. A person of ordinary skill
` would have understood and considered these, as well,
` in my opinion, so let's combine the references.
` And then later on in the same exhibit,
` Page 20, paragraph 35 page: As I previously stated
` in forming the opinion for my declaration submitted
` with the petition, I was aware of these types of
` alleged detriments.
` So he's admitted and then Apple again
` admits during their reply that Dr. Anthony was aware
` of these reasons why the references shouldn't have
` been combined, but there's nothing in the original
` declaration that actually discusses those reasons.
` Now fast forward to the reply, he's submitted a
` couple of near 30-page declarations where he spends
` a lot of time talking about the reasons why he
` should combine those references above the detriments
` that we described. He already admitted he was aware
` of these detriments, he did not include them in his
` original declaration, he shouldn't be allowed to now
` include them in his -- in a reply declaration
` essentially holding those reasons back in hopes that
` we wouldn't come across them, he would never have to
` address them. Now he's finally addressed them in
` his recent declaration, and we are now only getting
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`Page 17
` our first shot at responding to those now.
` MR. KENNEDY: And he should have put
` those in his original declaration.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Yeah, excuse me, here's
` a quick question. Have you deposed Dr. Anthony on,
` you know, as to his supplemental declaration yet?
` MR. KENNEDY: No, we haven't, we're, we
` are going to, we are planning on deposing him, and
` we're working out the schedule with Petitioner right
` now.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, all right.
` Anything else on that point, Mr. Kennedy?
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay. And Petitioner,
` please?
` MR. SPECHT: Sure, I mean I think if I
` heard correctly when Mr. Kennedy was just speaking
` he indicated that Dr. Anthony's arguments here were
` responsive to positions they took in their Patent
` Owner response. That's exactly what we're supposed
` to do in a Petitioner's reply, and we felt it was
` both appropriate and necessary to now consider these
` detriments, the specific the detriments that they
` raised in their Patent Owner response. Dr. Anthony
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`Page 18
` felt that wasn't necessary in our Petitioner's -- in
` our petition, because he weighed these things, he
` made arguments, or we made arguments on why a person
` of ordinary skill in the art would combine these
` references, we met that burden. Valencell attempted
` to show some reasons why you wouldn't combine the
` references, we don't believe those have any merit,
` Dr. Anthony puts together arguments in his
` declaration that show that these were technically
` either inaccurate positions, or a person of ordinary
` skill in the art would not have considered the
` detriments in the way in which Patent Owner was
` contending. I think that's perfectly appropriate
` and consistent with the Board's rules. I think here
` what we have is, is we have the notion going back
` from the very first PTAB decision, you know, that
` the Petitioner in this instance gets the last word.
` And the problem is Valencell doesn't like that,
` they've made some arguments, we provided counter
` arguments. That's the ebb and flow of the
` proceeding, and now, you know, they want another
` chance to be the one that has the last word. That's
` not how the process is set up.
` MR. KENNEDY: So I think the issue is,
` though, that Dr. Anthony and Apple have both
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`Page 19
` admitted that Dr. Anthony was aware of the
` detriments of combining these things at the time he
` filed the petition, but he did not include any
` specific opinions about those until he filed the
` second, his supplemental declaration. He shouldn't
` be able to say he was aware of those things and not
` speak about them in the petition and hold those back
` for the reply.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Yeah, okay. Thank you.
` Thank you. Any more issues?
` MR. KENNEDY: I think that, I guess if
` the Board is considering what to do about, if we can
` file a sur-reply here, if the Board rules that we
` cannot, that Valencell cannot file a sur-reply, that
` we would be able to, in the alternative, file a
` motion to strike the new, the portions that we
` believe are new in the, in Apple's reply and in its
` declaration.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right, Mr. Kennedy,
` on all of these issues, if we were to authorize,
` allow a sur-reply, would you be submitting any new
` evidence?
` MR. KENNEDY: I don't believe so, Your
` Honor, no.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay. And again, if we
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`Page 20
` were to authorize a sur-reply, Mr. Specht, I'm going
` to ask a question I probably know the answer to, but
` would you request a sur sur-reply then, as well?
` MR. SPECHT: Your Honor, we would.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. Anything
` else?
` MR. KENNEDY: Your Honor, I think that
` we just suggest if we could have a seven-page page
` limit if you rule in our favor, so I think we would
` get our sur-reply in under that page limit.
` JUDGE McSHANE: All right. So I'm going
` to confer with the other judges, could you please
` hold for a second? And if we're conferring for too
` long, we'll get back to you and let you know, okay?
` (Off the record.)
` JUDGE McSHANE: Hello, this is Sheila
` McShane back on the line again. We are not going to
` authorize the filing of a sur-reply, you've given us
` information about alleged, you know, new materials
` that should have been in the prima facia case of
` Petitioner in the first place, we can discern
` whether something is new or is being provided in
` response to an argument and whether the prima facia
` case was existing in the first place. So we can do
` all that, and so we don't see any need for a
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`Page 21
` sur-reply. Anything else?
` MR. KENNEDY: Is that also a ruling on
` the move to strike?
` JUDGE McSHANE: Yes. It is. We, that
` is denied, as well. Now again, you know, we, you
` will have the opportunity to do the deposition of
` Dr. Anthony, and there is the hearing that is still
` coming up, so any issues that come up, you know, you
` can always raise them to us, to the Panel, and we
` will consider them. So you will have more
` opportunities, okay? Anything else, parties?
` MR. SPECHT: Nothing for the Petitioner,
` thank you, Your Honors.
` JUDGE McSHANE: Okay, thank you.
` MR. KENNEDY: Thank you.
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`Page 22
` I, Pamela K. Needham, Certified Court Reporter
` within and for the State of Missouri, do certify
` that the witness whose testimony appears in the
` foregoing deposition was duly sworn by me; the
` testimony of said witness was taken by me to the
` best of my ability and thereafter reduced to
` typewriting under my direction; that I am neither
` counsel for, related to, nor employed by any of the
` parties to the action in which this deposition was
` taken, and further, that I am not a relative or
` employee of any attorney or counsel employed by the
` parties thereto, nor financially or otherwise
` interested in the outcome of the action.
` <%Signature%>
` --------------------------------------
` Pamela K. Needham, CSR, CCR
` Illinois CSR No. 084-002247
` Missouri CCR No. 505
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`[& - burden]
`& 4:4
`084-002247 22:17
`11 8:12,23
`1100 4:5
`1102 15:17
`12 1:22 8:12,23
`12th 3:9
`18 10:19
`1:01 5:3
`2 8:3 10:3
`20 16:5
`20005 4:5
`2017 1:22 3:9
`2200 4:10
`28 15:17
`30 16:15
`300 4:19
`314-203-2987 4:20
`317 7:20 10:18
`318 7:21 8:12,24
`10:18,19 14:23
`32 8:12
`35 16:5
`38 11:11
`39 11:11
`3:00 3:10
`4500 4:10
`46 15:17
`5 2:4 12:24 14:24
`505 22:18
`515 4:19
`6 12:24
`63101 4:19
`75201 4:11
`7a 8:4,6 9:18,22
`8 14:24
`8,886,296 1:13
`8,989,830 1:12
`9 10:1
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`14:20 16:24
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`14:20 16:24
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`16:8 20:19
`allow 19:21
`allowed 16:20
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`15:13,17,24 16:10
`17:6,25 18:8,25
`19:1 21:7
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`13:16 14:12
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`appear 12:24
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`appeared 11:11
`appears 12:12
`apple 1:4 3:3,12
`13:13 16:9 18:25
`apple's 15:12
`applied 14:1
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`14:1 17:23 18:13
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`arguing 11:23
`argument 9:21
`12:7 15:10 20:23
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`9:17 10:5,6,8,10
`10:12,17 11:9,11
`11:17 12:24 13:9
`13:10 14:3,14
`17:19 18:3,3,8,19
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`Page 1
`art 7:23 15:10
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`asked 9:5
`attempted 18:5
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`authorize 19:20
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`16:7,10,18 19:1,6
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`back 5:8 6:7,8 7:3
`7:5 16:22 18:15
`19:7 20:14,17
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`beginning 8:15
`behalf 6:14
`believe 6:9 9:16
`11:9,11,22 13:22
`13:23 14:16,24,25
`18:7 19:17,23
`best 22:7
`bill 6:6,15 8:21
`board 1:1 3:1,12
`14:17 19:12,13
`board's 18:14
`botts 4:14 5:24
`bragalone 4:9,10
`6:8 14:6,7
`brian 1:15
`brief 6:25 7:18
`broad 7:11
`burden 18:5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`[call - filing]
`call 6:19 9:2 15:5
`case 1:12,13 10:9
`10:9 14:23 20:20
`cases 5:17
`categories 7:11
`category 12:10
`cause 3:11
`ccr 3:10 4:18
`certain 3:11 8:1,2
`certainly 12:23
`certificate 22:1
`certified 22:2
`certify 22:3
`chance 18:22
`changing 9:23
`chime 8:19
`citing 8:9,22
`claim 8:2 12:11
`clarify 8:21
`combine 15:14
`16:3,17 18:4,6
`combined 15:11
`combining 19:2
`come 7:4 16:23
`coming 21:8
`components 15:20
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`conferring 20:13
`conformance 9:17
`conroy 4:10
`consider 12:9
`17:23 21:10
`considered 16:2
`considering 13:4
`consistent 13:7
`14:4 18:14
`construed 13:14
`contending 18:13
`copy 5:16
`correct 6:11 14:15
`correctly 17:18
`counsel 5:7,8 6:7,8
`6:9 22:9,12
`counter 18:19
`countering 14:3
`couple 16:15
`course 14:19
`court 4:17 5:12
`csr 3:10 4:18
`cst 5:3
`d 4:3
`d.c. 4:5
`dallas 4:11
`day 3:9
`deal 8:17
`december 1:22 3:9
`decision 7:5 18:16
`declaration 15:7,9
`15:15,16 16:6,13
`16:20,21,25 17:4,7
`18:9 19:5,18
`declarations 16:15
`delivers 13:5
`delve 7:14
`denied 21:5
`deposed 17:6
`deposing 17:9
`deposition 15:12
`21:6 22:5,10
`described 16:18
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`15:22,25 16:8,17
`16:19 17:24,24
`18:12 19:2
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`10:21,24 11:1,24
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`dr 15:8,12,13,17
`15:24 16:10 17:6
`17:19,25 18:8,25
`19:1 21:7
`duly 22:5
`earlier 12:2
`ebb 18:20
`Page 2
`either 7:4 14:7
`elements 15:21
`email 6:19
`embodiment 8:1,3
`embodiments 8:4
`8:5 9:24 10:8 11:3
`employed 22:9,12
`employee 22:12
`entitled 14:12
`essentially 16:22
`evidence 19:22
`evident 15:18
`exactly 17:21
`examination 2:2
`example 15:16
`excuse 17:5
`exhibit 15:17 16:4
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`expert 15:8,12
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`extent 10:2
`extra 15:7
`f 1:15
`facia 10:9 20:20
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`fast 16:14
`favor 20:9
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`felt 17:22 18:1
`figure 8:3,4,6 9:18
`9:22 10:1,3,7,8
`file 6:20 8:24
`filed 11:5 19:3,4
`filing 20:18
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`[final - mass]
`final 5:16 6:25
`finally 16:24
`financially 22:13
`first 6:23 7:9,20
`12:19 17:1 18:16
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`fitzsimmons 4:4
`five 7:11
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`flow 18:20
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`forenoon 3:10
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`6:23 7:1,2,5 8:14
`8:16 17:9 18:15
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`goodman 7:25 8:1
`9:13,15 15:22
`goodman's 15:20
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`6:2,12 9:10 11:8
`12:23 13:21 14:6
`15:1 19:24 20:4,7
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`illinois 22:17
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`11:2 18:17
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`13:4,4,25 14:23
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`iprbcpc 4:11
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`10:14 11:21 13:12
`14:22 15:2,5
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`8:17 19:10,20
`items 12:11
`j 1:15
`james 1:16
`jason 4:4 5:8
`jeff 4:9 6:7
`judge 1:18 5:4,9
`5:14,19,25 6:4,13
`6:17 7:12,

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