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`encaenla o encumber
`Elfin-Illa \en—‘sé-nya\ n pl but sing or pl in wow. ofien mp ml... in L.
`dedication festival. fr. Gk enkolnr‘a.
`fr. en + ltairtos new — more at
`RECENT] [1691) : an annual university ceremony (as at Onfordl of
`commemoration with recital of poems and essays and conferring of de-
`art-cage \in-‘kaj. en—\ n [1592) : cane l
`alt-camp \thkamp. on-\ vi (1563) : to set up or occupy a camp PM W
`an-camp-rnant \-mant\ n (159 J
`1 a : the place where a grout) (85 3
`: to place or establish in a cam:
`body of iron 3) is one-amped h : the individuals that make up an en—
`: the act of cncarnping : the state of being encamped
`en-cap-au-lota \in-‘kap—so-‘lfit. en-\ vb dot-ed; dot-inn W {1872)
`: to enclose in or its il in .1 capsule (a pilot manmlolcd ill the cockpit)
`2 : EPITOMLZE. SUMMARIZE (n- an era in an apborisrn) ~ in : to be-
`come encapsulated — anocapoauolaotlon \-.knrso—'la-sh3n\ rt
`encapsulated rrw' (1894)
`1 : surrounded by a gelattrtotui or membra—
`nous envelope (- water bacteria} 2 : CONDENSED
`enocao-sule \in-‘kapeal. «hlsul. en-\ vi -at.tlad: -sul-lng le'l'll : EN—
`tan-case \in-‘kas. en~\ vr (1633‘: : to enclose in or as if in a case
`oneness-man! \in-‘ka-srnant. en-\ ti tl'Ml'J : the actor process of encas-
`ing : the state of being encased; also : CASE. vacttitvo
`tan-cash \jn~‘kash. en-\ at “861) Brit : CASH — en-caahvahle \-'kav
`sha—bal\ ad}. chiefly Brit — apocaahvrnent \-ntartt\ n. chiefly Brit
`enocaua-llc \in-‘ito-sllh n Icocamllc. ad}.. fr. L encaum'cus. fr. Gk en-
`burritos. fr. mifllfl to burn in. fr. 931- 1- Win to burn] (160!) : a
`paint made from pigment rniited with melted beeswax and restn and al-
`ter application fitted by heat: also : the method involvi
`the use 0! en-
`caustic or a work produced by this method — encauat ml;_
`once it rum: ME. fr. AF. fr. L enrlo. fr. -ent-. ens, prp. ending + on
`1 : action or
`room (emergence) : instance of an action or pro
`: quality or state (despondence)
`‘en-ee rite \§"(nl-‘sa.nt\adj [E perh. fr. VL 'inrertrn. alter. of L thereon
`inclenr being with young. modif. of Gk colour pregnant. lr. en- + kyeln
`to be pregnant — more at CYMB] (1601! : FREONANT4
`zonceinto :1 IF. fr. OF. enclosing wall. fr. enceindre to surround. Er. L
`inclngere, fr. ln- + elngere to gird —— more at CINCTURE] tea. ”08} : a
`line of fortification enclosing a castle or town: elm : the area so en-
`cl: _ 1
`encephal- or encephalo- cornbfonrn [F ence‘pltal-. fr. Gk enkephal—. fr.
`enkepltnlos. fr. en- + kepholé head — more at cart-mutt] : brain (en-
`cqvlialit'is) encephalomyocarditis)
`en-cooh-a-l ails \ln-mfo-‘li—tas\ n.
`flit-Idea \-'ll-ta-.dfi\ ( 1843) : In~
`flammation of the brain ~ envoap m-lltvic \-'li-tlit\ aw
`envcoph-a-ll-toegan-le “Howie-MM ad] (1923) : tending to cause on-
`cephalitis an ~ virus) -—- an-oepl'I-a-tl-to-
`l'l \-'li-to-J=n. elem tt
`en'ceoh-a- o-gram \in-‘safo—Io-iraim n [l
`8} : an X-ray picture of
`the brain made by encephalog-rap y
`encerttatooanm 2
`an-ca-ph-a-lo-graph \-.gral\ n {1923}
`en-oaph-a-logora-phy \inwsevl'o-‘lfi-gto-fa n "922) : radiography of
`are brain after the cerebrospinal fluid has been replaced by a gas (as
`an-ceph-a-loomy-oII-tia \in-fie-fa-lfi-ym‘i-o-rfl-lafi n. pl alibi-dos \+
`'li-t}.déz\ [NL] (1908) : concurrent inflammation of the brain and spi-
`nal cord:.tpeclf: course excarrtauns
`ao-coph-a-lo-myo-car-dl-tla \-.rni-a-it§r-'
`-tas\ n ['NL] ti94'l) : an
`acute febrile disease esp. of swine and some nonhuman primates
`caused by a plcornavirus {species Encephalommordirir virus of the ge-
`nus Cardlovowi and marked by degeneration and inflammation of
`skeletal and cardiac muscle and lesions of the central nervous system
`armpit-than \m-‘m—fhfin. -lan\ n, pl -la \-la\ [NL fr. Gk evtkeplm-
`lotr] (17.4!) : the vertebrate brain
`m \in-ae—l'o—‘lii-pwhfl Pt. pl {bias {1866}: a disease
`of the brain;
`: one involving alterations of brain structure — en-
`oaph-a-Io-nafi-lc Ha»
`-thlk\ ml}
`art-chain \ht-lchim v:
`E encheynert. fr. AF monomer.
`fr. en- 1-
`clean»: chain] (14¢) : to bind or hold with or as H with chains — en-
`chain-maul \-m:nt\ n
`art-chart“! \in-‘chant. en-\ vt [ME fr. AF erwlmnter. fr. L lnccttture. fr.
`m- + mature to sing — more at CHANT] tide)
`1 : to influence by or as
`if by charms and incantation : BEWI‘I‘CI—t 2 : to attract and move deep-
`ly : rouse to ecstatic admiration (the scene ~ed her to the point of
`tears -—~Elinor Wylie) syn see MTMCT
`en-chantvar n {13:} : one that enchants; en: ; soncmtea
`ya it
`eIn-cl‘tant-lng a4; {1593} : ct-taammo (an ~ smile) — enchant-Ing-
`enchant-men! \in-‘chant-rnont. en-\ n tt3cl
`1 a : the act or art of en-
`chanttng b : the quallt or state of being enchanted 2 : something
`that enchants {the Au: 0 sailing}
`enchant-rose \tn—‘chatt-tras. en«\ in (He)
`1 : a woman who practices
`magic : soncctuass 2 : a fascinating or beautiful woman
`tan-chase \in-‘c has\ vl [M E. to emboss. fr. AF imi‘hmr to set (gems). fr.
`en- + ease. chose case. box. shrine. fr. L more case ~— rnore at case]
`1 :oaxamem: as a : tocut or carve in relief
`I) : INLM' 2
`: SET (ha a gem)
`anoclti-Ia-da \.en-cha—‘lli-do\ n [AmetSm fr. fem. of enchilada. pp. of
`ent'lnlor to season with chili. fr. Sp en- ‘en- + cltlle chili] (1887}
`1 : a
`can. earn tortilla rolled around a savory mixture. covered with chili
`sauce and usu. baked 2 : SCHMEAR. BALL on wax (the whole ~>
`an-cnf-rtd-i-on \.cn—.ki-‘fl-dE-o_n. ~.kl-'\ n. pl -rlt‘l-la \-dt':«o\ tLL, l'r. Gk
`enchcmdtan. fr. cn in + clrelr hand - more at m. CHIR-J (15c) : HAND~
`one-harms n rambfomt, pl enchvmata or onchymaa [NL, fr. porten-
`rhyme] : cellular tissue (collencltymo)
`anvei-pher \in-'si-for. en-\ vr “577) : to convert (a message] into cipher
`— amol-pher-er \-far-ar\ n — en-cI-oner-mant Her-menu. n
`en-clr-cle \ln—‘sor-ital. en-\ w [ME ensmlen] {lie} 1 : to form a clrcle
`around : sunaouno 2 : to past completely around — onvcir-cle-
`men! \-mont\ n
`on clalr \a“-'|tler\ urlv or on? [F. in clear] tea. 189‘!) : in plain language
`(a message sent en (lair)
`art-clasp \ln-‘Itlasp. en-\ vt (1534} : to seize and hold : carapace
`emclgua \lenfiklav. 'iirt-Jtlav't n _[F. lr. MF. fr. enclaver to
`'t‘nclcvwe to lock up. fr. L 91— + clavis key -— more “Elicia; B"
`{1868} : a distinct territorial. cultural. or social unit enclosed a“?!
`as if within foreign territory (ethnic «as
`enaclit-lc \en-‘kli-tilfl u [LL encltm'm'. fr. Gk mltlltilrm. fr. climate”
`to lean on. t‘r. en- + lclt'neln to lean — more at LEAN] (ca. 1663) ”on“:
`that is associated with a preceding word — enclltic mg
`once!!!“ \lrt-'klt‘)z. en-\ aka Invoices \tn-\ rt [ME.
`rob. lr. cum,
`closed. fr. AF. pp. of declare to enclose. fr. \ll. ‘lnrllandere, alter fin:
`intruder-e — more at INCLUDE] (146)
`1 a [l] : to close in : sm'
`<.—... a porch with glass)
`{2) : to fence off {common land] lot-i
`al use b : to hold in : CONFINE. 2 : to Include along with mm.
`else in a parcel or envelope (8 check is enclosed herewith)
`an-clo-aura \In-‘klcrzhar. en-\ elm inoclo-sure \in-t n (15.3 1 ”h
`act or action of enclosing : the quality or state of being 3mm 2
`: something that encloses 3 : something enclosed (a letter with M
`tan-cattle tin-'kod. cn-\ v: (ca. 1919}
`1 a 5 to convert (as a hadron»
`formation) from one system of communication into another, w ; to
`convert [a message} into code
`I) : to convey symbolically (them
`ity of poetry to ~ ideology -.l. D. Nlles)
`2 : to speed y "legend:
`code for — en-oodver n
`[Gk enltdmlanér,
`enktimirzer'n to praise. fr. eflltfimfon] {1599] : one that praises : gum.
`Gtsr — an-co-ml-as-tlc \-.lto-me-'as-tik\ adj
`en-co-rnloum \en-‘ko-rne-am\ n. pl uni-urns also -n'tla Hoe-n {Lt},
`Gk mkfimr‘on. Ir. err in + Moran revel. celebration] 0567] :slnwlngne
`warmly enthusiastic praise: alto : an expression of this
`syn ENCDMlUM. eutoov. PANEGYRIC. Tntoora. CITATION me.“
`formal expression of praise. ENCOMI'UM implies enthusiasm and
`wannth In praising a person or a thins (received omitted from it.
`erary critics). tattoo? a plies to a prepared speech or wfllingmgl.
`ling the virtues and serv cos of a person (delivered the “math:
`funeral service). vmeovatc suggests an elaborate often peetlccmn.
`plimcnt (he: lyrical memoir was a Wflmfl'it.‘ to her mentor). Tatum;
`implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through:
`significant act (the concert was a musical tribute to the earl
`ters). elm-non applies to the formal praise of a person a nod in:
`military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree (canted It'll}
`firm [or bravery}.
`en-oom-oaaa \ln-‘ltam-pas. on» also -'kilm-\ rt [ME] (He)
`1 a no
`form a circle about : ENCLosE b obs : to go completely around 2:
`: ENVELOF b: INCLUDE. comvnsttrmn {a plan that «we; a numberal
`aims) 3 : BRING ABOUT. accomvustt (m a task) — tan-compan-
`ment \-Da~srnont\ n
`art-cone \‘5n..kor\ n [F. still. again] {11II 12)
`1 : a demand for martian
`or reappearance made by an audience 2 a : a reappearance cradli-
`tlonal performance demanded by an audience b : a second achieve-
`1 ment cap. that surpasses the first — encore vb
`en-counotar \in-‘kat‘tn-tor. en-\ vb an-coun-tered: en-coun-lanlng
`\-'ltaun-t(o-}rln\ [ME encoumren. fr. AF encuntrer. fr. ML lemma-cc
`fr. LL inconrra toward. fr. L in- + comm against — more at counted
`vt tide) 1a : to meet as an adversary or enemy h : to eminentl-
`Him with 2 : to come upon face-to-face
`3 : to come uponotrntpn'l—
`ence esp. unexpectedly <~ difficulties) ~ vl : to meet esp. by clamor
`zencounter n [Mel
`1 : a meeting between hostile factions or perm
`: a sudden often violent clash (on - beiween the police and draina-
`2 a : a chance meeting (an accidental ~) b :a partial”
`kind of meeting or experience with another person (a romantic ~) 3
`: a coming into the vicinity of a celestial body (the Martian ~ at t
`encounter group n [1967} : a List]. unstructured group that New '0
`develop the ca
`ity of the individual to express feelinlls "Kl ‘0 5m“
`emotional ties y unrestrained confrontation of individuals
`en-cour-age \in-‘kar-i]. Jim-Iii. en«\ vt -a or]: £94119 [3-1505qu
`fr. AFr-ncarager. fr. or + arms? courage (lie)
`1 a : to tmnlret‘lll
`Warm. Spirit. or he
`: HEARTEN (she was encouraged to continual!
`her early success)
`: to attempt to persuade : URGE (they BMW-
`aavcl him to go back to school) 2 : to spur on : s‘nltttiut'rE (watt
`weather no plant growth) 3 t to give help or patronage to : roam
`(government grants designed to ~ conservation) - an-cou
`syn ENCOURAGE. thPIitrr. ttmnran. sarcomas mean tof_I will
`courage or strength of purpose. ENCOURAGE suggests the milled
`one‘s confidence esp. by an eittemal agency (the teacher‘s PM“
`mammal the students to greater efforts). thrtat‘r. somewhat lim-
`lmpltes instilling life. energy. courage. or vigor into summits-(Fill
`01$ {Juno-fled the people to resist). Heant‘cn implies lb” hflltttllll
`dlsntntedness or despondenc by an infusion of fresh courtly“
`(3! hospital Patient Martens by good news}. BMBomEN Imfillflll”
`alderreo‘ hit her first success. she tried an even more difficult climb)-
`E’le! 0f 601111181: sulficlent to overcome timidity or fell-1m W
`en-cour-aga-ment \-lj—mant. -rli-\ n [1549)
`1 : the act of encouradfll
`: the state of being encouraged 2 : something that encourwfi
`en-cour-ag-lng \- -jiu. -rt-jin\ adi (i593) : giving hope or Drum” {”
`news — en-cour-ag-lng-Iv \-.ill:|-lé\ adv
`emc nt-aon \tn-'krlm-?.on\ It! ([5971 : to make or dye crimson
`encroach \In-‘kroch, en.\ vl [ME enmffim to set. seize. rr. Abram
`alter. fr. en- + cmc. creche hook — more at caocuatl (1535? 1 ' “In”
`Ier by
`not steps or by stealth into the possessions or nah“ ""
`: to advance beyond the usual or
`roper limtts (“1'3
`Wins sea) Sim see nssmss -—- en-eroae -er n — encroach-
`\-'ltroclt~mant\ n
`enocruat alt-o ln-crust tin-'krast. ta-\ vb [pt-ob. fr. L int-norm. la” 5
`CW“ "“511 W (1596] : to cover. line. or overla)r Wllh 0‘ “5 if
`crust ~ vi : to form a crust
`9m 1
`ancrustatlon varqleCRlJS’l‘A'l‘tON
`an-erypt “ll"kl‘llfll. En-\ Ill [en- 1- crypt- (as in coplanar")? (I
`: ENCIPHEE 2 : encooe la — Bn-crypvtion \-'kri
`sham n
`amateur-mun” \in.'ka|_cha.3ra.5h9n. (perm n {l
`i : the 15703:”
`Web an_lndivtdual learns the traditional content of a culturcfl“ vb
`Slmllflm "5 Practices and values — on-cuI-tttr-ate \-'k=l'¢l""
`”QUm-bel' lin-‘kam—bart vf flumeel'ed: -ct.lrn-beI'-ll‘§ \
`E encumbren.
`fr. AF caramel-er. fr. er;w + MF comm darn.
`f |4cl
`1 : WEIGH Down. BURDEN (tout‘lsls we by but!”

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