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`VV (cid:9)
`436 (cid:9)
`filter tip (cid:149) finger
`filter tip n (1932) : a cigar or cigarette tip designed to filter the smoke
`before it enters the smoker’s mouth; also: a cigar or cigarette provided
`with such a tip - fl-ter-tipped \jiI-tortipt\ adj
`filth Vfilth\ n [ME, fr. OE fyith, fr. Jul foul] (bef. 120 I : foul or pu-
`trid matter; esp : loathsome dirt or refuse 2 a : moral corruption or
`defilement b : something that tends to corrupt or defile
`filthy \2fil-thº\ adj filthier; -est (14c) 1 : covered with or contain-
`ing filth : offensively dirty 2 a : UNDERHAND, VILE b : OBSCENE
`syn see DIRTY - filth-MY \-th-lº\ adv - filth-iness \-thº-ns\ n
`fil-trate Vfil-trat\ n (ca. 1846) : material that has passed through a
`fil.tra-tion \fil-trE-shn\ n ( 1 605) 1 : the process of filtering 2 : the
`process of passing through or as if through a filter; also : DIFFUSION
`fim.bria \’fim-bre-\ n, pl-bri-ae \-brº- 1º, -i\ [NL, fr. L, fringe] (1752)
`: a bordering fringe esp. at the entrance of the fallopian tubes - fim-
`bri-al \-brº-l\ adj
` \fim-brº-,E-W\ also fim.bri.ate \-1(cid:228)t\ adj (150 : hay-
`ing the edge or extremity bordered by slender processes : FRINGED -
`fim-bria.tion \.fim-brº-’E-shn\ n
`’fin Vfin\ n [ME finn, fr. OE] (bef. 12c) 1 : an external membranous
`process of an aquatic animal (as a fish) used in propelling or guiding
`the body - see FISH illustration 2 : something resembling a fin: as a
`: HAND, ARM b (1) : an appendage of a boat (as asubmarine) (2)
`: an airfoil attached to an airplane for directional stability c : FLIPPER
`lb d : any of the projecting ribs on a radiator or an engine cylinder -
`fin-like \-,lik\ adj - finned \’find\ adj
`2fin vb finned; fin-ning Vt (1933) : to equip with fins (cid:9)
`vi 1 : to
`show the fins above the water 2 : to move through the water pro-
`pelled by fins
`fin n [Yiddish finf five, fr. MHG, fr. OHG - more at FIVE] (1925)
`slang: a 5-dollar bill
`fi-na-gle \f-na-gl\ Vb fina-gled; \-g(-)liq\ [perh. alter.
`of fainaigue (to renege)] vt (ca. 1 924) 1 : to obtain by indirect or in-
`vi : to use devious or dis-
`volved means 2 : to obtain by trickery
`honest methods to achieve one’s ends - \-g(-)lr\ n
`’fi-nal VfI-n9\ adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L finalis, fr. finis boundary, end]
`(140 1 a : not to be altered or undone (all sales are -> b : of or
`relating to a concluding court action or proceeding K’-’ decree> 2
`: coming at the end : being the last in a series, process, or progress
`(the - chapter> 3 : of or relating to the ultimate purpose or result of
`a process (our - goal> syn see LAST - \fi-n9-º, Tin-lº\ adv
`2final n (1609) : something that is final: as a : a deciding match,
`game, heat, or trial - usu. used in p1. b : the last examination in a
`course - often used in p1.
`n [It, fr. finale, adj., final, fr. L finalis] (1783)
` \f-na-1, fi-n(cid:228)-\
`: the close or termination of something: as a : the last section of an
`instrumental musical composition b: the closing part, scene, or num-
`ber in a public performance c : the last and often climactic event or
`item in a sequence
`fi-nal-ise Brit var of FINALIZE
` \’fi-n9-ist\ n (1898): a contestant in the finals of a competi-
`fi-nal44y \fI2na-1-tº, fu-\ n, p1 -ties (1833) 1 a : the character or
`condition of being final, settled, irrevocable, or complete b: the con-
`dition of being at an ultimate point esp. of development or authority 2
`something final; esp: a fundamental fact, action, or belief
`fi-nal4ze \’fr-nl-,!z\ Vt -ized; -izing (1901) 1 : to put in final or
`finished form (soon my conclusion will be finalized (cid:151)D. D. Eisen-
`hower> 2: to give final approval to (finalizing the papers prepared.
`by his staff (cid:151)Newsweek) -
`usage Finalize has been frequently castigated as an unnecessary neol-
`ogism or as U.S. government gobbledygook. It appears to have first
`gained currency in Australia (where it has been acceptable all along)
`in the early 1920s. The U.S. Navy picked it up in the late 20s, and
`from there it came into widespread use. It is a standard formation (see
`-IZE). Our current evidence indicates it is most frequently used in gov-
`ernment, business dealings, and child adoption; it usu. is not found in
`final solution n, often cap F&S (1947): the Nazi program for extermi-
`nation of all Jews in Europe
`’fi-nance \fu-nan(t)s, Ti-,, fiJ\ n [ME, payment, ransom, fr. MF, fr.
`finer to end, pay, fr. fin end - more at FINE] (1739) 1 pI: money or
`other liquid resources of a government, business, group, or individual
`2: the system that includes the circulation of money, the granting of
`credit, the making of investments, and the provision of banking facili-
`ties 3 : the science or study of the management of funds 4 : the
`obtaining of funds or capital: FINANCING
`2uinance Vt fi-nanced; fi-nancing (1866) 1 a: to raise or provide
`funds or capital for (’-j a new house> b : to furnish with necessary
`funds (’-’ a son through college> 2: to sell something to on credit
`finance company n (ca. 1924) : a company that makes usu. small
`short-term loans usu. to individuals
`fi-nan-cial \f,-’nan(t)-shl, fi-\ adj (1769): relating to finance or finan-
`ciers - fi-nancial-ly (cid:9)
`fi-nan-cier \,finn!sir; fu-1nan-, 1f1-\ n (1618) 1: one who specializes
`in raising and expending public moneys 2 : one who deals with fi-
`nance and investment on a large scale
`financing n (1827) : the act or process or an instance of raising or
`providing funds; also: the funds thus raised or provided
`fin-back Vfin- 1 bak\ n (1725): FIN WHALE
`finch \’finch\ n [ME, fr. OE finc; akin to OHG fincho finch and perh.
`to Gk spiza chaffinch] (bef. 12c) : any of numerous songbirds (esp.
`families Fringillidae, Estrildidae, and Emberizidae) having a short
`stout usu. conical bill adapted for crushing seeds - compare BUNTING,
`’find Vfind\ vb found \faOnd\; find-ing [ME, fr. OE findan; akin to
`OHO findan to find, L pont-, pans bridge, Gk pontos sea, Skt patha
`way, course] Vt (bef. 120 1 a : to come upon often accidentally
`ENCOUNTER b : to meet with (a particular reception) (hoped to
`favor> 2 a: to come upon by searching or effort (must ’-. a suitable
`person for the job> b : to discover by study or experiment (-.’ an
`answer> c: to obtain by effort or management (’(cid:151)’
`the time to study>
`d: ATTAIN, REACH (the bullet found its mark> 3 a: to discover by the
`intellect or the feelings : EXPERIENCE (’-S much pleasure in your com-
`pany> b : to perceive (oneself) to be in a certain place or condition c
`: to gain or regain the use or power of <trying to - his tongue> d : to
`bring (oneself) to a realization of one’s powers or of one’s proper sphere
`of activity <must help the student to ’ himself as an individual (cid:151)N.
`M. Pusey> 4 a : PROVIDE, SUPPLY b : to furnish (room and board)
`5 : to determine and make a state-
`esp. as a condition of employment
`vi: to determine a case
`ment about (’-j a verdict> (found her guilty>
`judicially by a verdict (’(cid:151)’ for the defendant> - find-able \fin-do-bl\
`ad] - find fault : to criticize unfavorably
`2fjfl n (1825) 1 : an act or instance of finding 2 : something found :
`as a: a valuable discovery <an archaeological "-’> b : a person whose
`ability proves to be unexpectedly good
`find-er \’f1n-dr\ n (140 1 : one that finds 2 : a small astronomical
`telescope of low power and wide field attached to a larger telescope for
`finding an object 3: VIEWFINDER
`fin de siŁ-cle Man-d-se-’e-k1; fa-do-syekP\ adj [F, end of the cen-
`tury] (1890) : of, relating to, or characteristic of the close of the 19th
`century and esp. its literary and artistic climate of sophistication,
`world-weariness, and fashionable despair
`find-ing \’fmn-dirj\ n (14c) 1 a : the act of one that finds b : FIND 2
`2 p1 : small tools and supplies used by an artisan (as a dressmaker,
`jeweler, or shoemaker) 3 a : the result of a judicial examination or
`inquiry b : the results of an investigation - usu. used in p1.
`find out Vt ( I 3c) 1 : to learn by study, observation, or search : DI.
`COVER 2 a: to catch in an offense (as a crime) (the culprits were SOON
`found out> b : to ascertain the true character or identity of (the in
`former was found out vi: to discover, learn, or verify something (I
`don’t know, but I’ll find out for you>
`’fine \Tm\ n [ME, fr. OF fin, fr. L finis boundary, end] (130 1 obg
`: END, CONCLUSION 2 : a compromise of a fictitious suit used as a form
`of conveyance of lands 3 a : a sum imposed as punishment for an
`offense b : a forfeiture or penalty paid to an injured party in a civil
`action - in fine : in short
`2fine Vt fined; fin-ing ( 1 559) : to impose a fine on : punish by a fine
`fine ad] fin-er; fin-est [ME fin, fr. OF, fr. Lfinis, n., end, limit] 03c)
`1 a : free from impurity b of a metal : having a stated proportion of
`pure metal in the composition expressed in parts per thousand (a gold
`coin .9166 ’-j> 2 a (I) : very thin in gauge or texture (’ thread>
`(2) : not coarse ("-’ sand> (3) : very small (’-’ print> (4) : KEEN (a
`(5) : very precise or accurate (a fl-’ adjustment>
`knife with a - edge>
`(trying to be too with his pitches> b : physically trained or hard-
`ened close to the limit of efficiency - used of an athlete or animal 3
`: delicate, subtle, or sensitive in quality, perception, or discrimination
`(a "-’ distinction> 4: superior in kind, quality, or appearance : EXCEL.
`LENT (a -S job> <a ’ day> (’-. wines> 5 a : ORNATE 1 (’-j writing> h
`: marked by or affecting elegance or refinement (’.-’ manners> 6 a
`b : ALL RIGHT (that’s - with me> 7 - used as an
`: very well (feel ’(cid:151)’>
`intensive (the leader, in a -’ frenzy, beheaded one of his wives (cid:151)Brian
`Crozier> - fine-ness \tfln-nos\ n
`’fine adv 0 4c) 1 : FINELY: as a: very well b : ALL RIGHT 2 : with a
`very narrow margin of time or space (she had not intended to cut her
`et al.>
`escape so "-j (cid:151)Melinda Beck
`’fine vb fined; fin-ing Vt (14c) 1 : puawy, CLARIFY ("-j and filter wine>
`vi 1 : to become pure or clear
`2 : to make finer in quality or size ’
`(the ale will ’-’-’> 2: to become smaller in lines or proportions
`fi-ne \’fe-(jnh\ n [It, fr. Lfinis end] (ca. 1798) : END(cid:151)
`used as a direc-
`tion in music to mark the closing point after a repeat
`fine art n (1767) 1 a : art as painting, sculpture, or music) con-
`cerned primarily with the creation of beautiful objects - usu. used in
`p1. b : objects of fine art 2 : an activity requiring a fine skill
`fine-ly \’ftn-lE\ adV (14c) : in a fine manner: as a : extremely well
`: EXCELLENTLY <plays the hero very ’-j (cid:151)New Yorker>
`b : with close
`discrimination: PRECISELY C: with delicacy or subtlety: SENSITIVELY
`<a leader attuned to the needs of the people> d : MINUTELY <’-S
`ground meal>
`fine print n (1951): something thoroughly and often deliberately ob-
`scure; esp : a part of an agreement or document spelling out restric-
`tions and limitations often in small type or obscure language
`fin-ery \’fin-rE, Ti-n-\ n, p1 -eries (1680): ORNAMENT, DECORATION;
`esp: dressy or showy clothing and jewels
`fines \’finz\ n p1 [3fine] ( ca. 1903): finely crushed or powdered material
`(as ore); also: very small particles in a mixture of various sizes
`fines herbes \fºn-zerb, f-’nerb\ n p1 [F, lit., fine herbs] (1846) : a
`mixture of herbs used as a seasoning or garnish
`fine-spun \’fin-spnn\ ad] (1647): developed with extreme care or deli-
`cacy; also: developed in excessively fine or subtle detail
`’fi-nesse \fu-nes\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. fin] (1528) 1 : refinement or
`delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture 2: skillful handling of
`a situation : adroit maneuvering 3: the withholding of one’s highest
`card or trump in the hope that a lower card will take the trick because
`the only opposing higher card is in the hand of an opponent who has
`already played
`2finesse Vb fi-nessed; Vi (1746): to make a finesse in play-
`Vt 1: to play (a card) in a finesse 2 a: to bring about
`ing cards
`or manage by adroit maneuvering (’-’S his way through tight places (cid:151)
`Marquis James> b: EVADE, TRICK
`n, p1 in constr[superl. of 3fine] (1951): POLICE OFFICERS
`finest (cid:9)
`- usu. used with the possessive form of a city or area <the city’s -’>
`fine structure n (1935): microscopic structure of a biological entity or
`one of its parts esp. as studied in preparations for the electron micro-
`scope - fine structural ad]
`fine-tooth comb VfIn- 1ti1th-\ n (1839) 1: a comb with close-set teeth
`used esp. for clearing parasites or foreign matter from the hair 2: an
`attitude or system of thorough searching or scrutinizing (went over the
`report with a fine-tooth comb>
`fine-tune \’fin-’t(cid:252)n\ Vt (1967) 1 a: to adjust precisely so as to bring
`(’(cid:151)’ a TV set> (’-’-’ the
`to the highest level of performance or effectiveness
`format> b : to Improve through minor alteration or revision (’-.’ the
`temperature of the room) 2: to stabilize (an economy) by small-scale
`fiscal and monetary manipulations
`fin-fish Vfin - 1fish\ n (ca. 1890): FISH lb - compare SHELLFISH
`’fin-ger \’fi -gr\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG fingar finger] (bef. 12c)
`1 : any of the five terminating members of the hand : a digit of the
`forelimb; esp : one other than the thumb 2 a : something that


`e> d: to
`er sphere
`Jual -
`A board)
`ce a state.
`Line a case
`ng found :
`;on Whose
`scope for
`f the cefl
`F the 19th
`b: FIND
`ination or
`were soon
`)f <the in-
`nething <I
`Ic) 1 ohs
`as a form
`nt for an
`in a civil
`j a fine
`mit] (13c)
`portion of
`td <a gold
`KEEN <a
`I or hard.
`animal 3
`e: EXCEL.
`riting> b
`rs> 6 a
`used as an
`a (cid:151)Brian
`2: with a
`to cut her
`Iter Wine>
`e or clear
`is a direc-
`isic) con-
`u. used in
`aiely well
`vith close
`JTELY <’-j
`rately ob-
`it restric.
`I material
`1846) : a
`(cid:149)e or deli.
`ement or
`ndling of
`’s highest
`c because
`who has
`e in play.
`ng about
`entity or
`n micro-
`-set teeth
`r 2: an
`over the
`to bring
`L) <’--j the
`1 <’-j the
`bef. 120
`it of the
`ing that
`resembles a finger (a narrow ’ of land> b : a part of a glove into
`which a finger is inserted c : a projecting piece (as a pawl for a
`ratchet) brought into contact with an object to affect its motion 3
`: the breadth of a finger 4 : INTEREST. SHARE - often used in the
`phrase have a finger in the pie 5 : BIRD 10 - usu. used with the - fin-
`ger-like \- !llk\ adj
`;finger vb fin-gered; fin-gering \-g(-)riij\ Vt (150 1 : to touch or
`feel with the fingers 2 a : to play (a musical instrument) with the
`fingers b : to play (as notes or chords) with a specific fingering c : to
`mark the notes of (a music score) as a guide in playing 3 : to point
`IDENTIFY 4 : to extend into or penetrate in the shape of a finger
`Vi 1 : to touch or handle something 2 a : to use the fingers in
`playing a musical instrument b : to have a certain fingering - used of
`a musical instrument 3: to extend in the shape or manner of a finger
`n (ca. 1672) : the part of a
`fin.ger.board Vfii)-gar-,bord, -,b(cid:244)rd\
`stringed instrument against which the fingers press the strings to vary
`the pitch - see VIOLIN illustration
`finger bowl n (ca. 1 860) : a small water bowl for rinsing the fingers at
`the table
`fingered Vfisj-grd\ adj (ca. 1529) 1 : having fingers esp. of a speci-
`fied kind or number - used in combination <stubby-fingered> <five
`fingered> 2 : having projections or processes like fingers (the ’ -S roots
`of giant trees>
`finger food n (1928) : a food that is to be held with the fingers for
`fin.ger-hold Vfii-gr-hOld\ n (1909) 1 : a hold or place of support
`for the fingers 2 : a tenuous hold or support
`finger hole n (1854) 1 : any of several holes in the side of a wind
`instrument (as a recorder) which may be covered or left open by the
`fingers to change the pitch of the tone 2 : a hole (as in a telephone
`dial or a bowling bail) into which the finger is placed to provide a grip
` \!fi ijg(.) riij\ n (14c) I. a: the act or method of using the
`fingers in playing an instrument b : the marking (as by figures on a
`musical score) of the method of fingering 2 : the act or process of
`handling or touching with the fingers
`fin-ger.ling Vfil)-gor-lirj\ 0 ( 1 836) : a small fish esp. up to one year of
`fin-ger-nail \fi9-gr-nEl, 1fir3-gr-na(n)l\ n (130 : the nail of a finger
`finger painting n (1937) : a technique of spreading pigment on wet
`paper chiefly with the fingers; also: a picture so produced
`fin.ger-pick-ing Vfiij-gr-.pi-kiq\ n (1969) : a method of playing a
`stringed instrument (as a guitar) with the thumb and tips of the fingers
`rather than with a pick - finger-pick vb
`finger-point-ing \-phin-titJ\ n ( 1 949) : the act of making explicit and
`often unfair accusations of blame
`fin.ger-post \fiq-gr.pOst\ n ( 1785) 1 : a post bearing one or more
`signs often terminating in a pointing finger 2: something serving as a
`guide to understanding or knowledge
`finger-print \- 1print\ n (1859) 1
`: the impression of a fingertip on (cid:9)
`any surface; also : an ink impres-
`fingerprint 1: larch, 2 loop, 3
`whorl, 4 composite
`acteristicrevealmg origin
`evidence (as a spectrogram) that
`characterizes an object or sub-
`stance; esp : the chromatogram
`or electrophoretogram obtained
`by cleaving a protein by enzy-
`matic action and subjecting the
`resulting collection of peptides to
`two-dimensional chromatography
`or electrophoresis - fingerprint (cid:9)
`Vt - n
`finger spelling n (1918) : com- (cid:9)
`munication by signs made with (cid:9)
`the fingers - called also dac-
`’finger-tip \-tip\ n (1842) 1 : the tip of a finger 2 : a protective
`covering for the end of a finger - at one’s fingertips: instantly or
`readily available
`2fingertip adj (1926) 1 : readily accessible: being within easy reach
`<’-’-’ information> <’ controls) 2: extending from head or shoulders
`to mid-thigh - used of clothing
`finger wave n (ca. 1934): a method of setting hair by dampening with
`water or wave solution and forming waves or curls with the fingers and
`a comb
`fin-ial \’fi-nE-l\ n [ME, Ir. final, finial final] (150 1: a usu. foliated
`ornament forming an upper extremity esp. in Gothic architecture 2
`a crowning ornament or detail (as a decorative knob)
`fin-1-cal \’fi-ni-kl\ adj [prob. fr . 3fine] (1592) : FINICKY -
`\-k(o-)lE\ adv - fin4.calness \-kl-ans\ n
` \-kirj, -kn\ adj [alter. of finical] (1661) : FINICKY
`fin-icky \\ adj [alter. of finicking] (ca. 1825) 1 : extremely or
`excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards 2: re-
`quiring much care, precision, or attentive effort <a ’’ recipe> - fin-
`ick-i-ness n
`fi-nis \fi-nos, ’fI-nos; fo-’nE\ n [ME, fr. L] (1 Sc): END, CONCLUSION
`’fin-ish \’fi-nish\ vb [ME finisshen, fr. MF finiss-, stem of finir, fr. L
`finire, fr. finis] vi (14c) 1 a: to come to an end: TERMINATE b: END
`lb 2 a: to come to the end of a course, task, or undertaking b: to
`end relations - used with with <decided to ’.’ with him for good> 3
`to end a competition in a specified manner or position (’-’ed third in
`vt 1 a : to bring to an end : TERMINATE <-’ed the
`the race>
`speech and sat down> b: to use or dispose of entirely (her sandwich
`’--’ed the loaf> 2 a: to bring to completion or issue (hope to their
`new home before winter> b: to provide with a finish; esp: to put a
`final coat or surface on (’--’ a table with varnish> 3 a: to defeat or
`ruin utterly and finally <the scandal ’-’ed his career> b : to bring
`about the death of syn see CLOSE - fin.ish-er n
`2finish n (1779) 1: something that completes or perfects: as a: the
`finger (cid:149) fire
`fine or decorative work required for a building or one of its parts b-
`finishing material used in painting c : the final treatment or coatjn’ of
`a surface d : the taste in the mouth after swallowing a beverag e (as
`wine) 2 a : final stage : END b : the cause of one’s ruin 3 : the
`result or product of a finishing process 4 : the quality or State of be-
`ing(cid:149) perfected
`fin-ished adj (1709) : marked by the highest quality: CONSUMMATE
`finishing school n (ca. 1837) : a private school for girls that empha-
`sizes cultural studies and prepares students esp. for social activities
`finish line n ( 1 899) : a line marking the end of a racecourse
`fi-nite \’fi-,nit\ adj [ME finit, fr. L finitus, pp. of finire] (15e) i a
`: having definite or definable limits (’--’ number of possibilities> b
`: having a limited nature or existence K’--’ beings> 2 : completely de-
`terminable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought
`(the ’-’ velocity of light> 3 a : less than an arbitrary positive integer
`and greater than the negative of that integer b : having a finite num-
`ber of elements (a ’-’ set> 4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb
`form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one
`and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number) - finite n _ fi
`nite-ly adv - fi-nite.ness n
`finite difference n (1807) : any of a sequence of differences obtained
`by incrementing successively the dependent variable of a function by a
`fixed amount; esp : any of such differences obtained from a polynomi al
`function using successive integral values of its dependent variable
` \’ft-n-,thd, -,tybd, ’fin--\ n (1644) : finite quality or State
`’fink \fi9k\ 0 [origin unknown] (1903)
` 1 : one who is disapproved of
`or is held in contempt 2: STRIKEBREAKER 3: INFORMER 2
`2fink vi (ca. 1925): to turn informer: SQUEAL
`fink out vi (1956): BACK OUT, COP OUT
`Fin-land-isa-tion Brit var of FINLANDIZATION
`Fin-land-iza-tion \ 1fln-lan-d-’z5-shan, (,)fin-,Ian-\ n [Finland] (1969)
`a foreign policy of neutrality under the influence of the Soviet Union;
`also : the conversion to such a policy - Fin-land4ze Vfin-lan-diz,
`(,)fin-’Ian-\ Vt
`Finn Vfin\ n [Sw .Finne] (bef. 120 1: a member of a people speaking
`Finnish or a Finnic language 2 a: a native or inhabitant of Finland
`b: one who is of Finnish descent
`fin-nan had-die \1i-ann 2ha-dh\ n [alter. of findon haddock, fr. Findon,
`village in Scotland] (1811) : smoked haddock - called also
`Finn-ic Vfi-nik\ adj (1668) 1 : of or relating to the Finns 2 : of,
`relating to, or constituting the branch of the Finno-Ugric subfamily
`that includes Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp
`’Finnish \’fi-nish\ adj (1699): of, relating to, or characteristic of Fin-
`land, the Finns, or Finnish
`2Finnjsh n (ca. 1845) : a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Finland,
`Karelia, and small areas of Sweden and Norway
`Fin-no-Ugri-an \fl-()nO-’(y)O-gre-on\ adj (1880) : FINNO-UGRIC -
`Fiuno-Ugrian n
`Fin-no-Ugric \ji-n6-’(y)b-grik\ adj (1879) 1 : of, relating to, or
`constituting a subfamily of the Uralic family of languages comprising
`various languages spoken in Hungary, Lapland, Finland, Estonia, and
`parts of western Russia 2: of or relating to any of the peoples speak-
`ing Finno-Ugric languages - Finno-Ugric n
`fin-ny Vfi-ne\ adj (1590) 1: provided with or characterized by fins 2
`relating to or being fish
`fino \’fh-(.)nh\ n, pifinos [Sp, fr. fino fine, fr. fin end, fr. Lfinisj (1846)
`a very dry Spanish sherry
`fin whale n (1885): a baleen whale (Balaenoptera physalus) that attains
`a length of over 60 feet (18.3 meters) and is found in arctic to tropical
`waters worldwide - called also finback
`’If (cid:9)
`fin whale
`fiord var of FJORD
`fio.ri-tu.ra \fE-,Or--’tUr-\ n, p1 -tn-re \-t(cid:252)r-h\ [It, lit., flowering, fr.
`fiorito, pp. of fiorire to flower, fr. (assumed) VL florire - more at
`fip-ple flute \T-gul-\ n [origin unknown] (1911) : any of a group of
`wind instruments (as a flageolet or recorder) having a straight tubular
`shape, a whistle mouthpiece, and finger holes
`fir \!for\ n [ME, fr. OE fyrh; akin to OHG forha fir, L quercus oak] (bef.
`12c) 1 : any of a genus (Abies) of north temperate evergreen trees of
`the pine family that have flattish leaves, circular leaf scars, and erect
`female cones and are valued for their wood; also: any of various coni-
`fers (as the Douglas fir) of other genera 2: the wood of a fir
`’fire \fir\ n, often attrib [ME, fr. OE fr; akin to OHG fiur fire, Gk pyr]
`(bef. 120 1 a (1) : the phenomenon of combustion manifested in
`light, flame, and heat (2): one of the four elements of the alchemists
`b (1): burning passion : ARDOR (2): liveliness of imagination : IN-
`SPIRATION 2 a: fuel in a state of combustion (as on a hearth) b Brit
`a small gas or electric space heater 3 a: a destructive burning (as
`of a building) b (1) : death or torture by fire (2) : severe trial or
`ordeal 4: BRILLIANCY, LUMINOSITY (the ’--’ of a gem> 5 a: the firing
`of weapons (as firearms, artillery, or missiles) b : intense verbal at-
`tack or criticism c: a rapidly delivered series (as of remarks) - fire-
`less \-los\ adj - on fire I : being consumed by fire: AFLAME 2
`\\ abut \\ kitten , F table \r\ further \a\ ash \E\ ace \h\ mop, mar
`\ah\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \h\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \i\ ice \j\ job
`law \6i\ boy \th\ thin \f]\ the \h\ loot \U\ foot
`\tj\ sing \O\ go \(cid:243)\
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \h, k, ", m,
`, e, f, Y\ see Guide to Pronunciation

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