`This application claims the benefit of and priority to U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application No. 60/905,761, filed March 8, 2007, U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application No. 60/876, 128, filed December 21, 2006, and
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/875,606, filed December 19, 2006,
`the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in
`their entireties.
`The present invention relates generally to health and, more
`particularly, to health monitoring.
`There is growing market demand for personal health and
`environmental monitors, for example, for gauging overall health and metabolism
`during exercise, athletic training, dieting, and physical therapy. However,
`traditional health monitors and environmental monitors may be bulky, rigid, and
`uncomfortable - generally not suitable for use during daily physical activity.
`There is also growing interest in generating and comparing health and
`environmental exposure statistics of the general public and particular
`demographic groups. For example, collective statistics enable the healthcare
`industry and medical community to direct healthcare resources to where they are
`most highly valued. However, methods of collecting these statistics may be
`expensive and laborious, often utilizing human-based recording/analysis steps at
`2 s
`multiple sites.
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 1


`IPR2017—003 18
`EXHIBIT 2113 — PAGE 2
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 2


`In view of the above discussion, systems and methods for
`monitoring various physiological and environmental factors, as well as systems
`and methods for using this information for a plurality of useful purposes, are
`provided. According to some embodiments of the present invention, real-time,
`noninvasive health and environmental monitors include a plurality of compact
`sensors integrated within small, low-profile devices. Physiological and
`environmental data is collected and wirelessly transmitted into a wireless
`network, where the data is stored and/or processed. This information is then
`used to support a variety of useful methods, such as clinical trials, marketing
`studies, biofeedback, entertainment, and others.
`Though the methods herein may apply broadly to a variety of form
`factors for a monitoring apparatus, in some embodiments of the invention an
`earpiece functions as a physiological monitor, an environmental monitor, and a
`1 s
`wireless personal communicator. Because the ear region is located next to a
`variety of "hot spots" .for physiological an environmental sensing - including the
`tympanic membrane, the carotid artery, the paranasal sinus, etc. - in some
`cases an earpiece monitor takes preference over other form factors. The
`earpiece can take advantage of commercially available open-architecture, ad
`hoc, wireless paradigms, such as Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi, or ZigBee. In some
`embodiments, a small, compact earpiece contains at least one microphone and
`one speaker, and is configured to transmit information wirelessly to a recording
`device such as, for example, a cell phone, a personal digital assistant (PDA),
`and/or a computer. The earpiece contains a plurality of sensors for monitoring
`personal health and environmental exposure. Health and environmental
`2 s
`information, sensed by the sensors is transmitted wirelessly, in real-time, to a
`recording device, capable of processing and organizing the data into meaningful
`displays, such as charts. In some embodiments, an earpiece user can monitor
`health and environmental exposure data in real-time, and may also access
`records of collected data throughout the day, week, month, etc., by observing
`charts and data through an audio-visual display.
`Each physiological sensor is configured to detect and/or measure
`one or more of the following types of physiological information: heart rate, pulse
`rate, breathing rate, blood flow, heartbeat signatures, cardio-pulmonary health,
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 3


`organ health, metabolism, electrolyte type and/or concentration, physical activity,
`caloric intake, caloric metabolism, blood metabolite levels or ratios, blood pH
`level, physical and/or psychological stress levels and/or stress level indicators,
`drug dosage and/or dosimetry, physiological drug reactions, drug chemistry,
`biochemistry, position and/or balance, body strain, neurological functioning, brain
`activity, brain waves, blood pressure, cranial pressure, hydration level,
`auscultatory information, auscultatory signals associated with pregnancy,
`physiological response to infection, skin and/or core body temperature, eye
`muscle movement, blood volume, inhaled and/or exhaled breath volume,
`physical exertion, exhaled breath physical and/or chemical composition, the
`presence and/or identity and/or concentration of viruses and/or bacteria, foreign
`matter in the body, internal toxins, heavy metals in the body, anxiety, fertility,
`ovulation, sex hormones, psychological mood, sleep patterns, hunger and/or
`thirst, hormone type and/or concentration, cholesterol, lipids, blood panel, bone
`density, organ and/or body weight, reflex response, sexual arousal, mental
`and/or physical alertness, sleepiness, auscultatory information, response to
`external stimuli, swallowing volume, swallowing rate, sickness, voice
`characteristics, voice tone, voice pitch, voice volume, vital signs, head tilt,
`allergic reactions, inflammation response, auto-immune response, mutagenic
`response, DNA, proteins, protein levels in the blood, water content of the blood,
`pheromones, internal body sounds, digestive system functioning, cellular
`regeneration response, healing response, stem cell regeneration response,
`and/or other physiological information.
`Each environmental sensor is configured to detect and/or measure
`one or more of the following types of environmental information: climate,
`humidity, temperature, pressure, barometric pressure, soot density, airborne
`particle density, airborne particle size, airborne particle shape, airborne particle
`identity, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic
`hydrocarbons (PAHs), carcinogens, toxins, electromagnetic energy, optical
`radiation, X-rays, gamma rays, microwave radiation, terahertz radiation,
`ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, radio waves, atomic energy alpha
`particles, atomic energy beta-particles, gravity, light intensity, light frequency,
`light flicker, light phase, ozone, car~on monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide,
`sulfides, airborne pollution, foreign material in the air, viruses, bacteria,
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 4


`signatures from chemical weapons, wind, air turbulence, sound and/or acoustical
`energy, ultrasonic energy, noise pollution, human voices, animal sounds,
`diseases expelled from others, exhaled breath and/or breath constituents of
`others, toxins from others, pheromones from others, industrial and/or
`transportation sounds, allergens, animal hair, pollen, exhaust from engines,
`vapors and/or fumes, fuel, signatures for mineral deposits and/or oil deposits,
`snow, rain, thermal energy, hot surfaces, hot gases, solar energy, hail, ice,
`vibrations, traffic, the number of people in a vicinity of the person, coughing
`and/or sneezing sounds from people in the vicinity of the person, loudness
`and/or pitch from those speaking in the vicinity of the person, and/or other
`environmental information.
`In some embodiments, the signal processor is configured to
`process signals produced by the physiological and environmental sensors into
`signals that can be heard and/or viewed by the person wearing the apparatus. In
`some embodiments, the signal processor is configured to selectively extract
`environmental effects from signals produced by a physiological sensor and/or
`selectively extract physiological effects from signals produced by an
`environmental sensor.
`A monitoring system, according to some embodiments of the
`2 o
`present invention, may be configured to detect damage to a portion of the body
`of the person wearing the apparatus, and may be configured to alert the person
`when such damage is detected. For example, when a person is exposed to
`sound above a certain level that may be potentially damaging, the person is
`notified by the apparatus to move away from the noise source. As another
`example, the person may be alerted upon damage to the tympanic membrane
`due to loud external noises.
`Information from the health and environmental monitoring system
`may be used to support a clinical trial and/or study, marketing study, dieting plan,
`health study, wellness plan and/or study, sickness and/or disease study,
`environmental exposure study, weather study, traffic study, behavioral and/or
`psychosocial study, genetic study, a health and/or wellness advisory, and an
`environmental advisory. The monitoring system may be used to support
`interpersonal relationships between individuals or groups of individuals. The
`monitoring system may be used to support targeted advertisements, links,
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 5


`searches or the like through traditional media, the internet, or other
`communication networks. The monitoring system may be integrated into a form
`of entertainments, such as health and wellness competitions, sports, or games
`based on health and/or environmental information associated with a user.
`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of monitoring the health of one or more subjects includes receiving
`physiological and/or environmental information from each subject via respective
`portable monitoring devices associated with each subject, and analyzing the
`received information to identify and/or predict one or more health and/or
`environmental issues associated with the subjects. Each monitoring device has
`at least one physiological sensor and/or environmental sensor. Each
`physiological sensor is configured to detect and/or measure physiological
`information from the subject, and each environmental sensor is configured to
`detect and/or measure environmental conditions in a vicinity of the subject. The
`physiological information and/or environmental information may be analyzed
`locally via the monitoring device or may be transmitted to a location
`geographically remote from the subject for analysis. The collected information
`may undergo virtually any type of analysis. In some embodiments, the received
`information may be analyzed to identify and/or predict the aging rate of the
`subjects, to identify and/or predict environmental changes in the vicinity of the
`subjects, and to identify and/or predict psychological and/or physiological stress
`for the subjects.
`According to some embodiments of the present invention,
`corrective action information may be communicated to the subjects in response
`to identifying one or more health and/or environmental problems associated with
`the subject. In addition or alternatively, corrective action information for the
`subjects may be communicated to third parties.
`In some embodiments, a geographical map illustrating health(cid:173)
`related and/or environmental conditions associated with the subjects may be
`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a health
`and environmental monitoring system includes a plurality of portable monitoring
`devices, each comprising at least one physiological sensor and/or environmental
`sensor, a plurality of portable communication devices, wherein each
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 6


`communication device is in communication with a respective monitoring device
`and is configured to transmit data from the monitoring device to remote data
`storage, and a processor configured to analyze data within the remote data
`storage and to identify and/or predict health and/or environmental issues
`associated with each subject. Each physiological sensor is configured to detect
`and/or measure physiological information from a respective subject, and each
`environmental sensor is configured to detect and/or measure environmental
`conditions in a vicinity of the respective subject. Each monitoring device is
`configured to be worn by a respective subject (e.g., attached to a body of a
`respective subject, etc.). For example, a monitoring device may be configured to
`be attached to an ear of a respective subject.
`In some embodiments, the processor is configured to communicate
`corrective action information to each respective subject. Corrective action
`information may be communicated to each subject via the monitoring device
`associated with each respective subject, or via other methods.
`In other embodiments, the processor communicates corrective
`action information for a subject to a third party. The processor may be configured
`to perform various analyses including, but not limited to, identifying and/or
`predicting the aging rate of one or more subjects, identifying and/or predicting
`environmental changes in the vicinity of one or more subjects, and identifying
`and/or predicting psychological and/or physiological stress for one or more
`subjects. In some embodiments of the present invention, the processor is
`configured to create a geographical map illustrating health and/or environmental
`conditions associated with one or more subjects.
`2 5
`Information collected from each monitoring device may include
`information that is personal and private and information that can be made
`available to the public. As such, data storage, according to some embodiments
`of the present invention, may include a private portion and a public portion. In the
`private portion, health and environmental data that is personalized for each
`subject is stored. In the public portion, anonymous health and environmental
`data is stored and is accessible by third parties.
`In other embodiments of the present invention, a method of
`delivering targeted advertising to a person includes collecting physiological
`and/or environmental information from the person, selecting an advertisement for
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 7


`delivery to the person based upon the collected physiological and/or
`environmental information, and delivering the selected advertisement to the
`person. The physiological and/or environmental information is collected via a
`monitoring device associated with the person and that includes at least one
`physiological sensor and/or environmental sensor, as described above. The
`received physiological and/or environmental information is analyzed to identify a
`physiological condition of the person and/or environmental condition in a vicinity
`of the person, and an advertisement is selected for a product or service related
`to an identified physiological and/or environmental condition. The selected
`advertisement can be delivered via any of various channels including, but not
`limited to, email, postal mail, television, radio, newspaper, magazine, the
`internet, and outdoor advertising.
`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a system
`for delivering targeted advertising to people includes a plurality of portable
`monitoring devices, each comprising at least one physiological sensor and/or
`environmental sensor, as described above, and a remotely located
`advertisement selection device that receives physiological and/or environmental
`. information from the monitoring devices, selects advertisements based upon the
`collected physiological and/or environmental information, and delivers selected
`2 o
`advertisements to the monitored persons. The advertisement selection device
`receives physiological and/or environmental information from each monitoring
`device via a communication device (e.g., PDA, cell phone, laptop computer, etc.)
`associated with each respective monitoring device. In some embodiments, the
`advertisement selection device is configured to select an advertisement for a
`product and/or service related to a physiological condition of a person and/or for
`a product and/or service related to an environmental condition in a vicinity of a
`In some embodiments, the advertisement selection device includes
`an ad server configured to deliver online advertisements. In other embodiments,
`the advertisement selection device includes an email server configured to deliver
`advertisements via email. In some embodiments, the advertisement selection
`device is configured to communicate with a third party service that can deliver
`selected advertisements via one or more of the following delivery channels:
`postal mail, television, radio, newspaper, magazine, the internet, and outdoor
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 8


`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of supporting interpersonal relationships includes collecting physiological
`and/or environmental information from a monitoring device associated with a first
`person when the first person is in the presence of a second person, determining
`a stress level of the first person using the collected physiological and/or
`environmental information, and displaying the stress level to the first person. The
`monitoring device includes at least one physiological sensor and/or
`environmental sensor, as described above, and is configured to collect
`physiological and/or environmental information that includes indicators
`associated with stress experienced by the first person. The stress level of the
`first person may also be communicated to one or more third parties.
`In some embodiments, the physiological and/or environmental
`information collected from the first person is analyzed to identify a source of
`stress. A solution for reducing stress also may be recommended to the first
`person. In some embodiments, the monitoring device can identify the second
`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a system
`for supporting interpersonal relationships includes a portable monitoring device
`that collects physiological and/or environmental information from a first person
`when the first person is in the presence of a second person, and a processor
`that receives physiological and/or environmental information from the monitoring
`device. The processor determines a stress level of the first person using the
`collected physiological and/or environmental information, and transmits and/or
`displays the stress level to the first person. In some embodiments, the processor
`receives physiological and/or environmental information from the monitoring
`device via a communication device (e.g., PDA, cell phone, laptop computer, etc.)
`associated with the monitoring device. The processor may be configured to
`analyze the information and identify a source of stress. The processor may be
`configured to recommend solutions for reducing stress.
`In another embodiment of the present invention, a method of
`supporting interpersonal relationships includes collecting physiological and/or
`environmental information from a monitoring device associated with a first
`person, and determining a mood of the first person using the collected
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 9


`physiological and/or environmental information. The collected information
`includes indicators associated with one or more moods of the first person. The
`mood of the first person may be communicated to a second person, for example,
`via a communication network (e.g., text message, email, voice message, etc.).
`A system for supporting interpersonal relationships, according to
`other embodiments of the present invention, includes a portable monitoring
`device that collects physiological and/or environmental information from a first
`person, and a processor that receives physiological and/or environmental
`information from the monitoring device, and determines a mood of the first
`person using the collected physiological and/or environmental information. The
`processor receives physiological and/or environmental information from the
`monitoring device via a communication device (e.g., PDA, cell phone, laptop
`computer, etc.) associated with the monitoring device. The processor is
`configured to communicate the mood of the first person to a second person, for
`example, via a communication network (e.g., text message, email, voice
`message, etc.).
`According to further embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of monitoring one or more subjects includes collecting physiological
`and/or environmental information from a monitoring device associated with each
`respective subject, storing the collected physiological and/or environmental
`information at a remote storage device, and comparing the stored physiological
`and/or environmental information with benchmark physiological and/or
`environmental information to identify at least one behavioral response of the one
`or more subjects. Behavioral responses may include, but are not limited to,
`behavioral responses to a product and/or service, behavioral responses to
`product and/or service marketing, behavioral responses to medical treatment,
`behavioral responses to a drug, etc.
`According to some embodiments of the present invention, a system
`for monitoring one or more subjects includes a plurality of portable monitoring
`devices configured to collect physiological information from a subject and
`environmental condition information in a vicinity of a subject, as described
`above, and a processor that compares collected physiological and/or
`environmental information with benchmark physiological and/or environmental
`information to identify at least one behavioral response of the one or more
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 10


`subjects. As described above, behavioral responses may include, but are not
`limited to, behavioral responses to a product and/or service, behavioral
`responses to product and/or service marketing, behavioral responses to medical
`treatment, behavioral responses to a drug, etc. In some embodiments, a
`monitoring device may include a dosimeter configured to measure a dose of a
`drug taken by a respective subject.
`According to further embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of monitoring patients, includes collecting physiological and/or
`environmental information from each patient via a monitoring device associated
`1 o
`with each respective patient, and analyzing the collected information to
`determine caloric intake, health, and physical activity of each patient.
`According to further embodiments of the present invention, an
`entertainment system includes a gaming device, and a plurality of portable,
`monitoring devices in communication with the gaming device, wherein each
`1 s
`monitoring apparatus is associated with a game participant and is configured to
`transmit participant physiological information and/or environmental information
`wirelessly to the gaming device. The gaming device is configured to integrate
`into the gaming strategy physiological information and/or environmental
`information received from each monitoring apparatus. Each monitoring
`apparatus includes at least one physiological sensor and/or environmental
`sensor, as described above.
`According to further embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of interacting with an electronic game includes collecting physiological
`and/or environmental information from a monitoring device associated with a
`person, analyzing the collected information to identify one or more health and/or
`environmental issues associated with the person, sending the identified one or
`more health and/or environmental issues to a gaming device, and incorporating
`the identified one or more health and/or environmental issues into a strategy of a
`game executing on the gaming device. The monitoring device includes at least
`one physiological sensor and/or environmental sensor, as described above.
`In some embodiments, a gaming character may be created based
`on the person using the identified one or more health and/or environmental
`issues. In other embodiments, biofeedback may be provided to the person for
`improving at least one skill associated with the electronic game.
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 11


`According to further embodiments of the present invention, a
`method of monitoring a participant in an activity includes collecting physiological
`and/or environmental information from a monitoring device associated with the
`participant, analyzing the collected physiological and/or environmental
`information to identify one or more health-related and/or environmental issues
`associated with the participant, and providing feedback to the participant,
`wherein the feedback is relevant to a skill utilized by the participant in the
`Fig. 1 is a block diagram of a telemetric monitoring device for
`physiological and/or environmental monitoring and personal communication,
`according to some embodiments of the present invention.
`Fig. 2 is a block diagram of a telemetric network for health and
`environmental monitoring through portable telemetric monitoring devices, such
`as the device of Fig. 1, according to some embodiments of the present
`Fig. 3 illustrates a graphical user interface for displaying data,
`according to some embodiments of the present invention.
`Fig. 4 illustrates an earpiece module according to some
`embodiments of the present invention.
`Figs. 5A-5B illustrates an earpiece module with an adjustable
`mouthpiece for monitoring physiological and environmental information near the
`mouth, according to some embodiments of the present invention, wherein Fig.
`SA illustrates the mouthpiece in a stored position and wherein Fig. 5B illustrates
`the mouthpiece in an extended operative position.
`Fig. 6 illustrates an earpiece module incorporating various
`physiological and environmental sensors, according to some embodiments of the
`present invention, and being worn by a user.
`Fig. 7 illustrates an earpiece module according to other
`embodiments of the present invention that includes a temple module for
`physiological and environmental monitoring.
`Fig. 8 illustrates a monitoring device having a plurality of health
`and environmental sensors and mounted onto a Bluetooth® headset module,
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 12


`according to some embodiments of the present invention.
`Fig. 9 illustrates the display of physiological and environmental
`information collected by a monitoring device, according to some embodiments of
`the present invention.
`Fig. 1 O illustrates the display of demographic comparisons of
`physiological and environmental information, according to some embodiments of
`the present invention.
`Fig. 11 illustrates the display of stress level over time as measured
`by a monitoring device, according to some embodiments of the present
`Fig. 12 illustrates the display of a healthy/stress map, according to
`some embodiments of the present invention.
`The present invention now is described more fully hereinafter with
`reference to the accompanying drawings, in which preferred embodiments of the
`invention are shown. This invention, however, may be embodied in many
`different forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set
`forth herein; rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will
`2 o
`be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the invention to
`those skilled in the art.
`Like numbers refer to like elements throughout. In the figures, the
`sizes of certain lines, layers, components, elements or features may be
`exaggerated for clarity.
`The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing
`particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting of the invention.
`As used herein, the singular forms "a", "an" and "the" are intended to include the
`plural forms as well, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. It will be
`further understood that the terms "comprises" and/or "comprising," when used in
`this specification, specify the presence of stated features, steps, operations,
`elements, and/or components, but do not preclude the presence or addition of
`one or more other features, steps, operations, elements, components, and/or
`groups thereof. As used herein, the term "and/or" includes any and all
`combinations of one or more of the associated listed items.
`EXHIBIT 2113 - PAGE 13


`Unless otherwise defined, all terms (including technical and
`scientific terms) used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood
`by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs. It will be further
`understood that terms, such as those defined in commonly used dictionaries,
`should be interpreted as having a meaning that is consistent with their meaning
`in the context of the specification and relevant art and should not be interpreted
`in an idealized or overly formal sense unless expressly so defined herein. Well(cid:173)
`known functions or constructions may not be described in detail for brevity
`and/or clarity.
`It will be understood that when an element is referred to as being
`"on", "attached" to, "connected" to, "coupled" with, "contacting", etc., another
`element, it can be directly on, attached to, connected to, coupled with or
`contacting the other element or intervening elements may also be present. In
`contrast, when an element is referred to as being, for example, "directly on",
`1 s
`"directly attached" to, "directly connected" to, "directly coupled" with or "directly
`contacting" another element, there are no intervening elements present. It will
`also be appreciated by those of skill in the art that references to a structure or
`feature that is disposed "adjacent" another feature may have portions that
`overlap or underlie the adjacent feature.
`Spatially relative terms, such as "under", "below", "lower", "over",
`"upper" and the like, may be used herein for ease of description to describe one
`element or feature's relationship to another element(s) or feature(s) as illustrated
`in the figures. It will be understood that the spatially relative terms are intended
`to encompass different orientations of a device in use or operation in addition to
`2 s
`the orientation depicted in the figures. For example, if a device in the figures is
`inverted, elements described as "under" or "beneath" other elements or features
`would then be oriented "over" the other elements or features. Thus, the
`exemplary term "under" can encompass both an orientation of "over" and
`"under". The device may be otherwise oriented (rotated 90 degrees or at other
`orientations) and the spatially relative descriptors used herein interpreted
`accordingly. Similarly, the terms "upwardly", "downwardly", "vertical", "horizontal"
`and the like are used herein for the purpose of explanation o

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