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` APPLE INC., ) IPR2017-00317
` ) Patent No. 8,989,830
` Petitioner, )
` )
` v. )
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` -------------------------)
` - - -
` - - -
` Videotaped deposition of BRIAN W. ANTHONY, PH.D.,
` taken at the offices of Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C.,
` beginning at 9:02 a.m., before Nancy J. Martin, a
` Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Shorthand
` Reporter.
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
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` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` B R A G A L O N E C O N R O Y P C
` B Y : T . W I L L I A M K E N N E D Y , E S Q .
` 2 2 0 0 R o s s A v e n u e
` S u i t e 4 5 0 0 W
` D a l l a s , T e x a s 7 5 2 0 1
` ( 2 1 4 ) 7 8 5 - 6 6 7 4
` b k e n n e d y @ b c p c - l a w . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g P a t e n t O w n e r
` S T E R N E K E S S L E R G O L D S T E I N F O X
` B Y : M I C H A E L D . S P E C H T , E S Q .
` J A S O N A . F I T Z S I M M O N S , E S Q .
` 1 1 0 0 N e w Y o r k A v e n u e
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 3 7 1 - 2 6 0 0
` j f i t z s i m m o n s @ s k g f . c o m
` R e p r e s e n t i n g P e t i t i o n e r A p p l e , I n c .
` - a n d -
` S H O O K , H A R D Y & B A C O N L L P ( V I A T E L E C O N )
` B Y : R Y A N J . S C H L E T Z B A U M , E S Q .
` 2 5 5 5 G r a n d B o u l e v a r d
` K a n s a s C i t y , M i s s o u r i 6 4 1 0 8
` ( 8 1 6 ) 5 5 9 - 2 6 9 3
` r s c h l e t z b a u m @ s h b . c o m
` A L S O P R E S E N T :
` D A V I D C A M P B E L L , L E G A L V I D E O G R A P H E R
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`1 3
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` I N D E X
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit U.S. Patent 8,989,830 B2, 41 pages 80
` 1001
` Exhibit Prosecution History File 70
` 1002
` Exhibit Declaration of Brian W. 64
` 1003 Anthony, Ph.D., 82 pages
` Exhibit Academic C.V. of Dr. Brian W. 7
` 1004 Anthony, 20 pages
` Exhibit Mobile Monitoring with Wearable 59
` 1005 Photoplethysmographic Biosensors,
` 13 pages
` Exhibit U.S. Patent No. 4,830,014, 158
` 1007 11 pages
` Exhibit Decision Instituting Inter Parties 134
` Paper 7 Review, 27 pages
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` 9:01 A.M.
` - - -
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the start of media
` labeled No. 1 of the videotaped deposition of
` Dr. Brian W. Anthony in the matter of Apple, Inc. v.
` Valencell, Inc. This is in the United States Patent
` and Trademark Office before the Patent Trial and
` Appeal Board, No. IPR2017-00317.
` This deposition is being held at
` 1100 New York Avenue, Northwest, Suite 600,
` Washington, D.C., 20005 on September 13, 2017 at
` approximately 9:02 a.m.
` My name is David Campbell from TSG Reporting,
` Inc., and I'm the legal video specialist. The court
` reporter is Nancy Martin, in association with
` Veritext.
` Counsel, will you please identify yourselves
` for the record, and the witness will be sworn in and
` we can proceed.
` MR. KENNEDY: Bill Kennedy for patent owner,
` Valencell.
` MR. SPECHT: Michael Specht for petitioner,
` Apple, Inc. With me is Jason Fitzsimmons, also of
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox on behalf of petitioner.
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` having been first duly sworn/affirmed,
` was examined and testified as follows:
`Page 5
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Anthony. My name is Bill
` Kennedy, and I represent the patent owner in this
` matter, and I'll be asking you the questions today.
` I'd like you to start by introducing yourself for the
` record.
` A. My name is Brian W. Anthony.
` Q. And what's your understanding of why you're
` here?
` A. I agreed, as part of my deposition, to be
` cross-examined.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. One other time.
` Q. Was that a patent matter?
` A. It was not.
` Q. What was that deposition relating to?
` A. It was for an antitrust case with the FTC.
` Q. Who were the parties in that antitrust case?
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` A. One of them was a company called Red Lake.
` Another was a company called -- I'm actually
` forgetting. It was 10 years ago.
` Q. So before we go into any further questions,
` I'd like to just go over some typical deposition
` ground rules and try to get you to agree to those.
` The first thing is I'd like you to let me
` finish asking my question before you answer. In
` exchange, I'll let you finish answering before I ask
` another question. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then if you don't understand one of my
` questions, I'd like you to tell me so I can try to
` rephrase it. If you answer one of my questions
` without telling me you don't understand, I'll assume
` that you understood the question. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And then for answers, I'd ask that you
` give a verbal answer instead of a nod of the head or
` something like that so that the court reporter can
` transcribe your answers. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there any reason why you can't testify
` truthfully here today?
` A. No.
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` Q. Is there any reason why your testimony here
`Page 7
` might be unreliable?
` A. No.
` Q. You understand that you're under oath today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you understand that half truths are
` unacceptable answers?
` A. Yes.
` MR. KENNEDY: I'd like to start first with
` your background. I'm going to hand you what's been
` marked in the IPR as Apple -- sorry. Exhibit 1004.
` REPORTER MARTIN: You said it was previously
` marked?
` MR. KENNEDY: Yeah.
` (Deposition Exhibit 1004 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Do you recognize Exhibit 1004?
` (The witness reviewed Exhibit 1004.)
` Q. What is Exhibit 1004?
` A. It appears to be my academic CV.
` Q. Is this different than any other kind of CV
` that you have? You said, "academic CV."
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` A. I use the moniker "academic CVs." They tend
` to be 20-page documents that explain all papers, past
` work. So it's not an abbreviated version.
` Q. Do you see Section 3 in Exhibit 1004 labeled
` "Education"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then there's a column that says,
` "Degree." Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then for your B.S. degree you went to
` Carnegie Mellon University; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what degree did you receive?
` A. Mechanical engineering, bachelor of science
` in mechanical engineering with a minor in European
` studies.
` Q. So you didn't receive a degree in electrical
` engineering; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Do you see the row below that, "School, "MIT,
` Degree, SM"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What specific degree was the SM degree?
` A. That was in mechanical engineering.
` Q. So for your master's, again, you did not
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` study electrical engineering?
` A. My degree was in mechanical engineering. I
` studied electrical engineering, mechanical
` engineering, computer science.
` Q. And in what capacity did you study electrical
` engineering?
` A. In my thesis I developed a technique to
` measure the temperature of silicon wafers undergoing
` rapid thermal processing and developed the mechanics,
` the optics, and the electronics to measure those
` characteristics. So both in my research and then the
` courses that I took.
` Q. So what specific thing did you do to develop
` the optics in that project?
` A. I developed the optics to do the beam forming
` that would take a pulsed laser and pass it through a
` conical winds to turn it into a ring, and then the
` interferometric objects to take a continuous wave
` laser and point it at the center of a ring, impinging
` on a silicon surface to detect converging thermal
` elastic waves, which captured the elastic properties
` of the silicon as the wave was propagating to it.
` Q. What do you mean you developed the optics to
` do the beam forming? Did you buy components? Did you
` design components and make them?
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` MR. SPECHT: Objection. Form. Sorry. I
` thought you were done.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. Can you please
`Page 10
` repeat the question.
` Q. Sure. What did you mean by you developed the
` optics to do the beam forming? Did you design
` components or make them, or did you buy them off the
` shelf?
` MR. SPECHT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So I assembled the optical
` system with commercially available optical components.
` Q. So you didn't design any optical components;
` is that correct?
` A. I guess it would depend on how you just
` define "design." I did not design a new lens to do
` this, but I did design the optical system to perform
` the measurements, yes.
` Q. What's the difference between those two
` things?
` A. An optical component would be something like
` an individual lens. An optical system would be a
` combination of lenses, lights, windows, transmissive
` material, cladding, for example.
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`Page 11
` Q. So I understand my question wasn't entirely
` clear to you. I meant what's the difference between
` designing a new lens versus designing a new optical
` system?
` A. So if I understand the question correctly --
` Q. I'll interrupt you so I can try to make it
` clearer.
` So you said, "I guess it would depend on how
` you just define 'design.' I did not design a new lens
` to do this, but I did design the optical system to
` perform the measurements, yes." So I'm trying to
` understand the distinction you're making there.
` What's the difference of designing a new lens versus
` designing an optical system?
` A. So I think as I said, an optical component, a
` single optical element like a lens is not something
` that I designed. I would -- I purchased lenses for --
` that had the correct shape. So I specified what
` lenses needed to be used and then bought the
` appropriate lenses.
` The design of the optical -- of an optical
` system is a unique arrangement of optical components.
` Several lenses, several light sources, several
` protectors.
` Q. So the fact that you bought a lens off the
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` shelf for the optical system doesn't take away from
` the fact that you put in some kind of design effort to
` make a unique arrangement of optical components; is
`Page 12
` that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. I'd like to go back to Exhibit 1004 and look
` at, again, Section 3, and moving down to your Ph.D.
` from MIT. Can you tell me what specific focus your
` Ph.D. was on?
` A. My specific focus of the doctoral thesis was
` in the video-based system monitoring. My minor of
` study was in electromechanical system design.
` Q. And what is "electromechanical system
` design"?
` A. That is the integration of electronics,
` mechanical components, software, and computation.
` Some would call it "mechatronics." Some would call it
` "robotics."
` Q. I'm sorry. Did you say electromechanics or
` electrical mechanical?
` A. Electromechanical.
` Q. And what specific work with optics did you do
` in your Ph.D. studies?
` A. In my Ph.D. studies, as I said, the thesis
` topic was a video-based system monitoring, principally
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` directed towards monitoring of manufacturing lines,
` the assembly of product happening at high speed or the
` movement of devices happening at high speed. In such
` systems the optical components include the lighting
` that's necessary to appropriately illuminate, the
` selection of lenses and cameras to appropriately frame
` and aim and acquire, the inclusion of -- to create
` some shadows in the control of lighting to make sure
` that the part or system under interrogation is being
` appropriately illuminated, for example.
` I would add to that, actually. Often, in
` looking at a particular scenario -- and I think one
` example that was in my thesis was examining a heart
` valve, a synthetic heart valve, undergoing lifetime
` testing, and in that system a synthetic heart valve,
` which was constructed with a polymer ring and real pig
` tissue as the potential surrogate was being explored
` as a potential candidate for valve replacement. That
` system, for example, would be tested in a novel
` constructive device that would allow fluid to be
` pumped through it to simulate the beating heart.
` In such a scenario you need to generally be
` very creative in figuring out how you create the light
` path to allow the camera to image the device, how you
` get light into it.
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` So more often than not, when you're looking
` at a need for video interrogation in a system that's
` not plain and open to the visible environment, you
` need to figure out how to get light into the system,
` get light out of the system, and have the optical path
` so that they can be videoed in this case.
` Q. In your answer just a moment ago you said you
` made a novel constructive device that would allow
` fluid to be pumped through it to simulate the beating
` heart. What was novel about it?
` A. Many aspects of the device. The novelty in
` terms of the construction of how to put the heart
` valve in a fluid path and optical -- in a fluid path
` and temperature path that would be mimicking the human
` body. Additionally, the novelty that was added to it
` was the techniques to get the correct illumination
` along the pipe where the heart valve was located, and
` then the baffling and camera framing, mirrors and
` lenses, to get the image -- video imagery of the heart
` valve.
` Q. You said, "Additionally, the novelty that was
` added to it was the techniques to get the correct
` illumination along the pipe where the heart valve was
` located." What do you mean by "the techniques to get
` the correct illumination along the pipe"?
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` A. Well, for example, so we have a pipe. We
` have a heart valve in the center of the pipe, and
` we're looking down the pipe. And so you can't shine
` light from the outside. You don't want to create
` adverse shadowing. So you need to consider getting
` light either from the bottom or from the top. And
` different aspects of the dynamics you may want to
` observe would be appropriately illuminated from either
` direction. So to have the flexibility to illuminate
` the heart valve to capture the dynamics of the valve
` itself.
` Q. The light pipes were known before this system
` was developed; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So what specifically about using these light
` pipes made this system novel?
` MR. SPECHT: Objection. Asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I would say I have described
` what it was, but I think it's the complete system
` integration to capture the appropriate -- to capture
` the data.
` Q. A while back you said, "So more often than
` not when you're looking at a need for video
` interrogation in a system that's not plain and open to
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` the visible environment, you need to figure out how to
` get light into the system, get light out of the
` system, and have the optical path so they can be
` videoed in this case." What did you mean by "you need
` to figure out how to get light into the system"?
` A. We need to figure out how to illuminate the
` device. So putting windows in appropriate places,
` putting mirrors in appropriate places so that you have
` photons bouncing onto the surface, photons bouncing
` off the surface.
` Q. And your system putting windows in the
` appropriate place is part of the novelty of that
` system?
` A. Yes. I think it's for me, reflecting upon
` it, hard to say what -- the complete system was novel.
` So it was an individual component known, yes. Did I
` assemble things that were known and purchasable, yes.
` So it was really creating the -- using the cameras and
` lights in their -- sort of their standard way that you
` would know how to assemble, to create, to capture the
` motion of this heart valve.
` So the system itself to capture the heart
` valve was really -- the motion of the heart valve was
` the novelty.
` Q. Sorry. That last sentence you said, "So the
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` system itself to capture the heart valve was really
` the motion of -- the heart valve was the novelty,"
` what did you mean by that?
` A. I believe up until that point nobody had been
` successfully able to capture the ex vivo but simulated
` physiological conditions of a heart valve undergoing
` rapid lifetime testing.
` Q. And what about your system allowed this to be
` achieved?
` MR. SPECHT: Objection. Asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I'm confused as to how to
` explain it in a different way but...
` Q. I'm not asking -- if it's the same answer --
` I just didn't know if it applied in the same way. So
` I'd ask the same question again, but it's okay if you
` say the same -- if your answer is still the same.
` That's fine.
` A. The answer is still the same.
` Q. And what's that same answer?
` A. I can -- I gave a very long answer. I'm
` sorry. Please repeat the question, and I'll try to
` paraphrase what my previous answer was.
` Q. That's fine. Please. Thank you. I
` appreciate it.
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`Page 18
` A. Can you please repeat the question.
` Q. You said, "I believe up until that point
` nobody had been" able to -- "been successfully able to
` capture the ex vivo but simulated physiological
` conditions of a heart valve undergoing rapid lifetime
` testing." I wanted to know what about your system
` allowed this to be achieved?
` MR. SPECHT: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: And I'll try to paraphrase.
` Again, it's the mechanical construct of the whole
` heart valve, the fluid system to move the valve, the
` optical system to illuminate, the optical system to
` video. So everything assembled to record the heart
` valve.
` Q. And all the components in that system are
` previously known; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So it's just the arrangement of those
` components that was novel?
` A. I'd have to think further back and see -- to
` recall whether there were any particular components
` that I described from scratch. I'd say predominantly,
` though, it was known components.
` Q. You can't -- sitting here today, you can't
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` think of any components that were new in that device;
` correct?
` A. The piping system. There was no piping
` system that you would buy into which you would place a
` heart valve. You can't go to Granger and order heart
` valve piping.
` Q. But light pipes were known then; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So part of the novelty of the invention was
` using a known light pipe in a new way?
` A. I think I want to be careful with the term
` "light pipe." The pipe wasn't what an expert would
` typically think of as a light pipe. It was a pipe
` into which the heart valve was placed. Light would
` also go up and down the pipe. So in that sense the
` light was transmitting pipe -- or the pipe was
` transmitting light, allowing it to propagate.
` And in a general sense, did the pipe have the
` effect of allowing light to go in and out, yes. Was
` it a light pipe as, say, you find in different
` lighting systems, for example, flatbed scanners, no.
` Q. But the purpose of those components was to
` illuminate the heart valve with light; correct?
` A. Well, the intent of an optical system in
` general is to provide lighting, windows, material that
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` light can propagate through, air, plastic, glass. So
` it's -- in the majority of optical systems, those are
` the standard optical components. Lenses, lights,
` windows, baffling, shading in a medium through which
` the light is passing.
` Q. But an inventor can take those standard
` optical components and arrange them in a way that's
` novel; correct?
` A. In this case I was solving a novel
` application.
` Q. So I don't think you answered my question.
` My question was you listed off a bunch of optical
` elements, lightings, windows, material, that light can
` propagate through, air, plastic, and glass. You said
` those were standard optical components; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. What I asked was an inventor can use those
` known components to come up with a novel thing;
` correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So we've been talking about in the heart
` valve system for a while. Is there anything else that
` you did in your Ph.D. that involved optics?
` A. The entire thesis was in some way involved
` with optics and its video. You can't do video without
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` optical systems. So I used the heart valve as one
` example of a system that was interrogated.
` Q. Are there any other things that you worked on
` at your Ph.D. that involved guiding light?
` A. As part of my thesis or as part of my
` graduate research? I also was involved in using
` borescopes to interrogate engine parts. I was
` involved with courses that I either TA'ed or took that
` would design optical components. I was a TA for an
` optical engineering class, and certainly, optical
` components. Windows, lights were all part of that
` class that I took. So that's all part and parcel of
` what my doctoral studies included.
` Q. During your doctoral studies, did you come up
` with any optical elements that you considered novel?
` A. Please, can you ask the question again.
` Q. During your doctoral studies, did you come up
` with any optical elements that you considered novel?
` A. And by "element," if I can ask for
` clarification, you mean a single optical component?
` Q. Sure.
` A. I guess it depends on how broadly you want to
` define "novel." So do they design novel windows, yes.
` Do they sort of arrange optical transmissive material
` in novel ways, yes. Did I design any new lenses, no.
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` I would also add that my -- during my doctoral studies
` I was also running and starting my company, and there
` were optical devices and techniques that -- I was
` doing that.
` Q. When you said, "Did I design novel windows,
` yes," what specific novel windows did you design?
` A. I'll continue to use the heart valve.
` Q. So I'm not just asking you about the heart
` valve. I'm asking about which novel windows did you
` design?
` MR. SPECHT: Counsel, please let the expert
` finish his answer.
` MR. KENNEDY: I thought it would just be
` easier if I cut him off there so that I could explain
` since I saw where his answer was going.
` THE WITNESS: So a novel -- in this sense, a
` novel window is generally not designed in isolation.
` A novel window is generally designed with a system in
` mind. It's more common to find individual -- so you
` don't generally find them by windows. You buy lenses.
` And so it's hard to say that I've designed a window
` that could have been released for commercial product
` and reused in many different ways. It's always in the
` context of getting light into a particular area that
` needs to be illuminated.
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` Q. So the novelty in the windows that you
` designed was in the context of getting light into a
` particular area that needs to be illuminated?
` A. Correct.
` Q. We've already heard about the heart valve
` example. Is that an example of one of those windows?
` A. There were certainly windows in that system.
` Q. And did you -- were you involved in any other
` systems in which you found that the novelty in the
` windows was designed in the context of getting the
` light into a particular area that needs to be
` illuminated?
` A. Most optical systems, when you're trying to
` direct and guide light to a particular location, are
` going to involve windows. So I'd say the majority of
` the systems that I would video, or if they were in
` enclosed spaces, would in some way have, as a
` component, a technique or a window, an opening through
` which to get light.
` Q. I'd like to go back to your original answer.
` You said, "So did I design novel windows, yes." And I
` asked you what specific novel windows that you
` designed. I believe that the ultimate answer that
` came down to was "the novelty in the windows designed
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` was in the context of getting light into the
` particular area that needs to be illuminated"; is that
` correct?
` A. Correct. That sounds like what I said.
` Q. And then the example you provided, that was
` your pig heart valve example; is that correct?
` A. Correct. That is one example, yeah.
` Q. Are there any other examples of that?
` A. As I think I also mentioned, involved in
` using borescopes to examine the insides of engines, of
` turbines. What are some other examples? In the
` context of our -- for -- are you asking just in the
` context of the things that I did at MIT as part of my
` doctoral work?
` Q. For now, yes.
` A. Okay. I was also involved with systems to do
` robotic tele-operation using cameras to observe motion
` in the environment. So those camera systems would be
` behind walls or on gimbals. And, again, those are
` windows in those systems. Those are some examples.
` I'm sure there are others, but, now, going back to my
` doctoral thesis is --
` Q. Can you think of any other examples?
` A. I think one of the other examples that
` probably made it into my thesis was the diaper
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Page 24


`Page 25
` packaging line where we had to monitor the flow of
` diapers being packaged. Glue was being applied to the
` diaper as part of a machine, and it passed through a
` machine that would put paper on top of it and passed
` into an additional machine to package it. We needed
` to get a view inside of one of the pieces of
` equipment. So we had to redesign the equipment to
` have a window into the equipment to get a view of the
` gluing and attaching of paper to the glue as another
` example. I'm certain there are others.
` Q. What are the others?
` A. I did already highlight my master's work,
` which was -- the term included windows in both the use
` of the pulsed laser for generating thermal elastic
` wave and the detection of the infometric laser to do
` detection of service motion.
` Also, as part of the consulting that I was
` doing during my studies, I worked for a consulting
` company called Opticus where I designed optical
` height-of-fill systems for monitoring f

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