Filed on behalf of Valencell, Inc.
`Justin B. Kimble (
`Jeffrey R. Bragalone (
`T. William Kennedy (
`Jonathan H. Rastegar (
`Bragalone Conroy PC
`2200 Ross Ave.
`Suite 4500 – West
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Tel: 214.785.6670
`Fax: 214.786.6680
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Patent No. 8,886,2691
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`1 This proceeding is joined with IPR2017-01554.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Patent Owner submits the following observations on the December 20, 2017,
`cross-examination of Petitioner’s reply declarant, Dr. Brian W. Anthony. The
`transcript of Dr. Anthony’s December 20, 2017, deposition filed as Ex. 2150 (“Dec.
`20 Tr.”), which includes testimony for both IPR2017-00317 and IPR2017-00318.
`Observation 1:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 173, line 6 through page 174, line 20, Dr. Anthony
`testified as follows:
`Q. So in your opinion what is element 7? Is it microcomputer? Is it a
`CPU? Is it a signal processor? Because you've labeled it as all three of
`those things.
`A. It's performing processing. So those are largely interchangeable.
`Said a processing unit, microprocessor, a signal processor -- a CPU can
`process signals. A microprocessor can process signals. I was, I guess,
`maybe a little – using those -- the broader terms of them being able to
`process signals.
`Q. And it's still your opinion that that element 7 is not Velcro.
`A. As I labeled here, it's a microcomputer, CPU, signal processor.
`Q. What is element 1 in Figure 11?
`A. Drawing the direct analog I had with Swedlow, could be the
`adhesive connecting it to the rest of the base, representative of the rest


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`of the base to which the -- the rest of the ring to which this is coming
`from. 2
`This testimony is relevant to Dr. Anthony’s credibility relating to his identification
`of the components of Fig. 11 of Asada at pages 13-16 of the -318 Reply. This
`testimony is relevant because it shows Dr. Asada’s inconsistent identification of the
`elements of Fig. 11; moreover, in his prior deposition, Dr. Anthony identified
`element 1 as “biocompatible elastic material” instead of an “adhesive” as he called
`it in this deposition. -318 IPR, Ex. 2010 at 133:10-12.
`Observation 2:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 163, lines 9-19, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. We talked a lot in your prior deposition about the identification -- or
`lack thereof -- of the enumerated elements in Figure 11.
`Do you remember that?
`A. I do.
`Q. And then after your deposition, after your two depositions in
`September, did you communicate with Doctor Asada to try to determine
`what the components in Figure 11 are?
`A. I did not. I felt I knew what the components were as I had labeled
`them here.
`2 For brevity and clarity, objections from counsel have been omitted, without
`notation, from the deposition excerpts in this paper.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`This testimony is relevant to show Petitioner’s and Dr. Anthony’s credibility relating
`to their identification of the components of Fig. 11 of Asada at pages 13-16 of the
`-318 Reply. This testimony is relevant because it shows Dr. Anthony’s willful
`blindness to the facts of Asada’s Fig. 11, despite having those facts readily available
`to him.
`Observation 3:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 115, line 8 through page 118, line 5, Dr. Anthony
`testified as follows:
`Q. And Doctor Asada is in the same department with you at MIT;
`A. Correct. He's in the department of mechanical engineering, which is
`one of the departments I'm appointed in.
`Q. Did you walk down to Doctor Asada's office and ask him why a
`tethered version of prototype B was required?
`A. I did not, and I believe you asked that in my earlier deposition. I
`didn't feel a person skilled in the art would need to go talk to Doctor
`Asada to understand his paper here.
`Q. Well, you're -- you're just guessing at a reason why, and the actual
`source of the information is a colleague of -- of yours, and you just
`decided not to go ask him for that information?
`A. I was asked to form my own opinion. I didn't feel it was necessary.
`My -- what a person skilled in the art would have understood from this
`was as covered in here.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Q. So after your deposition – since September you didn't take the
`opportunity to go speak to Doctor Asada about this reference in
`figuring out.
`A. I -- I have not.
`Q. And why is that?
`A. Didn't feel it was necessary.
`Q. And -- and you testified in your prior depositions that you introduced
`Apple's counsel to Doctor Asada via email; correct?
`A. That was correct.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s attempt to discredit Patent Owner’s
`argument that the wireless device of Asada was prohibited from use in a hospital
`environment at page 27 of the -317 Reply and page 28 of the -318 Reply. 3 This
`testimony is relevant because it shows Dr. Anthony’s willful blindness to the actual
`facts of Asada, and because it shows that Petitioner’s counsel had access to the facts
`of Asada and chose not to supply those facts in this proceeding and instead relied on
`assumptions from Dr. Anthony.
`Observation 4:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 164, lines 6-22, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. What relational information is added by the dashed rectangle shown
`in light transmissive layer 3, in your opinion?
`3 For ease of cross-referencing between the IPR2017-00317 and -00318, Patent
`Owner has included citations to both matters, where applicable.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`A. (Witness reviews document.) So the – the dashed rectangles on layer
`3, the light transmissive material, are showing the projection of how the
`-- when assembled -- the windows would be -- overtop the light
`transmissive material.
`Q. But that relational information is already conveyed by the vertical
`dashed lines in Figure 11, correct?
`A. That entire box is showing how they would be assembled and
`projected down. So -- so I think, as I've stated here, that they're showing
`the alignment -- the assembly and the alignment of the -- when
`assembled -- of the windows overtop the light transmissive material.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s and Dr. Anthony’s interpretation that the
`dashed rectangles on layer 3 of Figure 11 of Asada are meant to show alignment at
`page 15 of the -318 Reply. This testimony is relevant because it shows that Petitioner
`ignores that the relational information is already conveyed via the vertical lines,
`which are used for layer 3 and the other components of Figure 11.
`Observation 5:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 168, line 3 through page 169, line 12, Dr. Anthony
`testified as follows:
`Q. So how do you know that element 1 doesn't provide that function of
`protecting the optical components from direct contact with the skin?
`A. (Witness reviews document.) So that if you were to have openings,
`a window and a hole in that light transmissive material, the components,
`the LED emitter and detector, could be making contact with the -- with
`the body -- with the skin.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Q. And how do you know that element 1 doesn't prevent that? It's sitting
`on top of the -- of the assembly of Figure 11.
`A. (Witness reviews document.) It could also be serving to help, but,
`you know, every -- the complete assembly is intended to protect the – I
`believe that a person skilled in the art would understand -- for multiple
`reasons -- that – that light transmissive material is showing -- the dashed
`lines are showing how the windows are -- are there, and, then,
`furthermore, as I elaborated, I think a person skilled in the art would
`also understand that they serve to protect the optical components.
`Q. How do you know that Element 2 of Figure 11 of Asada isn't serving
`the function of protecting optical components from direct contact with
`the skin?
`A. So, in aggregate, the construction of the device is going to meet the
`design goals. Having very thick cladding material, for example, could
`serve to help further isolate the optical components. But I'm not relying
`on, sort of, that notion in isolation to understand that a person skilled in
`the art would understand that that layer would help to protect. Other
`layers could also help to protect. And the -- yeah.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s and Dr. Anthony’s position that “if the
`dashed rectangles in light transmissive Layer 3 were apertures, the optical
`components would be exposed and directly contact the skin” at page 15 of the -318
`Reply. This testimony is relevant because it shows that elements 1 and 2 of Figure
`11 of Asada would nonetheless protect the optical components from direct contact
`with the skin.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Observation 6:
`In the Dec. 20 Tr., on page 49, line 9 through page 51, line 5, Dr. Anthony
`testified as follows:
`Q. Have you ever seen "guiding" defined as allowing to pass?
`A. (Witness reviews document.) So as I – as I do highlight here, I mean,
`a person skilled in the art reading these claims would have understood
`that a -- what is being described as a window that is serving as a light-
`guiding interface to the body, that it's allowing light to come from --
`through -- pass through the cladding material into the body. And that's
`-- window is serving as that light-guiding interface to the body.
`Q. (Reviews screen.) So I asked you: "Have you ever seen "guiding"
`defined as allowing to pass?" Then you cited to the claim claims. So are
`the claims here the only situation where you've seen the term "guiding"
`defined as “allowing to pass"?
`A. So I was not forming a broad general opinion of what "guiding"
`means. I was making a statement in my declaration about what guiding
`means -- the light-guiding interface means in the contexts of these -- of
`this patent. If you want me to formulate a global definition of "guiding"
`under all its possible uses, I did not do that before this deposition -- or
`before my declaration.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s arguments on the construction of the term
`“light guiding interface” at pages 5-8 of the -317 and -318 Replies. This testimony
`is relevant because it shows the lack of basis for Petitioner’s interpretation that “light
`guiding” can mean allowing light to pass.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Observation 7:
`In the Dec. 20 Tr., on page 55, lines 1-10, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. Do you know if all the layers of Goodman are adhered together in
`Figure 2C?
`A. (Witness reviews document.) Without re -- rereading or looking at
`the -- Goodman's -- the Goodman reference, I don't recall explicitly
`whether that's stated, but a person skilled in the art would understand
`that they would likely be adhered together in some way to form a tight
`construction with adhesive between the layers to hold them together.
`This testimony is relevant to pages 9-11 of the -317 and -318 Replies, where
`Petitioner relies on Dr. Anthony to make its argument that the elements of
`Goodman’s Figure 2C are not adhered together as shown in the modified figure in
`Patent Owner’s Responses. This testimony is relevant because, prior to this
`deposition, Dr. Anthony was not aware of whether the elements in Goodman’s
`Figure 2C were adhered together, and thus Dr. Anthony lacked the required
`knowledge necessary to interpret Figure 2C.
`Observation 8:
`In the Dec. 20 Tr., on page 70, line 1 through page 71, line 7, Dr. Anthony
`testified as follows:
`Q. We know that light emitter 24 is adhered to element 30; correct?
`A. Through adhesive surface 32, yup, as described on line 21 or 22.
`Q. And we know that by "detector 14 is adhered to element 30";


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`A. Yes. Again, through adhesive surface 32.
`Q. And, then, we also know that element 37 is adhered to element 30
`through two different kinds of adhesive: Element 32 and 38; correct?
`A. Yes, 32 and 38 are adhesives.
`Q. So in your expert opinion, PhD from MIT, how are elements 24 and
`14 not pushed through apertures 40 and 41, as depicted in Valencell's
`assembly of the Goodman Figure 2C?
`A. So as I -- as I highlight -- and as I said -- this is an incomplete
`construction. So I think it's misleading, because it's incomplete. A
`person skilled in the art would assemble the entire device and not just a
`fraction of the device. A person skilled in the art would not -- from both
`the description, from the figure, from the arrows -- would understand
`that the emitter detector may extend all the way through the windows.
`They're sitting close to it, but not all the way through.
`Q. Is that your best answer to my question?
`A. I also highlight that's the answer that Doctor Titus gave in describing
`a similar device. But yes.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s argument regarding Goodman’s Figure 2C
`at pages 9-11 of the -317 and -318 Replies. This testimony is relevant because it
`discredits Petitioner’s argument that the elements of Goodman’s Figure 2C are not
`adhered together such that elements 24 and 14 are pushed through apertures 40 and
`41, and supports Patent Owner’s position that, with elements 24 and 14 pushed
`through apertures 40 and 41, “the apertures cannot guide any light to the body and
`cannot deliver light along a path.” -317 Response at 33; -318 Response at 51.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Observation 9:
`In the Dec. 20 Tr., on page 77, lines 20-23, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. Do all windows, in your opinion, allow light to pass through?
`A. Unless they're closed with blinds. But yes, windows will allow
`light to pass through.
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s arguments on the construction of the term
`“light-guiding interface” at pages 5-8 of the -317 and -318 Replies. Dr. Anthony’s
`testimony is relevant because it shows that Petitioner’s inclusion of the phrase
`“allows the light to pass through” in its construction of window that serves as “light-
`guiding interface” is superfluous to the claimed “window,” given that, according to
`Dr. Anthony, all windows allow light to pass through.
`Observation 10:
`In the Dec. 20 Tr., on page 92, lines 3-14, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. But you agree with me that Hicks does have a buffer between the
`components in Figure 6, namely foam layer apertures 88, clear substrate
`80, and interconnecting layer 82; correct?
`A. I agree that the -- those materials are forming a thermal buffer. And
`I think there's a geometrical argument that Valencell was making in
`arguing against that physical size serving as a geometric or structural
`buffer, but, indeed, as is highlighted here, the air pocket, the clear
`substrate, and the interconnecting layer are creating a thermal insulative


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`This testimony is relevant to Petitioner’s argument that Hicks does not have a buffer
`as annotated by Patent Owner at pages 19-20 of -317 and -318 Replies. This
`testimony is relevant because Dr. Anthony nonetheless confirmed that Hicks has a
`buffer between the components in Figure 6, namely between foam layer apertures
`88, clear substrate 80, and interconnecting layer 82.
`Observation 11:
`In Dec. 20 Tr., on page 162, lines 9-18, Dr. Anthony testified as follows:
`Q. You understand that a large portion of this declaration deals with
`overlapping issues that occur in the -318 matter; correct?
`A. I do.
`Q. And so we don't have to go over those same issues again, would your
`answers as you testified earlier today on the -317 matter equally apply
`to the overlapping parts of your declaration in the -317 in the -318
`A. Yes, they would.
`This testimony is relevant to show that Dr. Anthony’s testimony in this deposition
`applies to both IPR2017-00317 and -00318.


`Case IPR2017-00318
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,886,269
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dated: February 9, 2018
`Justin B. Kimble
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`Registration No. 58,591
`Bragalone Conroy PC
`2200 Ross Ave.
`Suite 4500 – West
`Dallas, TX 75201
`The undersigned hereby certifies that document has been served via electronic
`mail on February 9, 2018, to Petitioner Apple at following email addresses pursuant
`to its consent in its Updated Mandatory Notices (Paper 24) at p. 2: mspecht-
`, and; and to Petitioner Fitbit
`, and
` ________________________
`Justin B. Kimble
`Attorney for Patent Owner
`Registration No. 58,591
`Bragalone Conroy PC
`2200 Ross Ave.
`Suite 4500 – West
`Dallas, TX 75201

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