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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` ___________________
` ___________________
` Petitioner
` V.
` Patent Owner
` ___________________
` Case IPR2017-00317
` U.S. Patent No. 8,989,830
` ___________________
` Dallas, Texas
` Friday, November 10, 2017
`Reported by: KIM A. McCANN, RMR, CRR, CSR
`Job No: 133499
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`Apple v. Valencell


`Page 2
` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` November 10, 2017
` 9:07 a.m.
` Oral deposition of DR. ALBERT TITUS,
`held at the offices of Bragalone Conroy, 2200
`Ross Avenue, Suite 4500 W, Dallas, Texas,
`pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
`before Kim A. McCann, Registered Merit Reporter,
`Certified Realtime Reporter and Certified
`Shorthand Reporter in and for the State of Texas.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 2200 Ross Avenue
` Dallas, TX 75201
` Counsel for Apple, Inc.
` 1100 New York Avenue Northwest
` Washington, DC 20005
` Counsel for Valencell, Inc.
`8 9
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` I N D E X
`Examination by Mr. Specht 5
` (Reference only)
` 2007 Declaration of Dr. Albert H. Titus 7
` 1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,989,830 16
` 1007 U.S. Patent No. 4,830,014 52
` 1005 Asada reference 89
` 2110 Albert Titus declaration in support 92
` of motion to amend
` 2123 Han article 98
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`Having been first duly sworn, testified as
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Titus. How are you
` A. Good. How are you?
` Q. Good. As we did yesterday, I want to
`start out with a just a few ground rules so the
`record is complete. As I said, yesterday and
`today my objective here is to ask you clear
`questions. Hopefully you will understand those.
`If you don't understand those, please let me
` Sound reasonable?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you do answer the questions, I
`will assume that you understand them.
` Sound reasonable?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Don't speak over one another.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` A. Yes.
` Q. Provide verbal answers to the
`questions. Reasonable?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Again, we'll take periodic breaks,
`roughly an hour per session. Reasonable?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And certainly, again, if you need a
`break at any time, let me know. I just ask that
`you complete any pending question before we take
`a break?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Any reason you can't testify
`truthfully today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you on any medication that would
`impair your ability to testify today?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know why you are here today?
` A. I do.
` Q. Why is that?
` A. To -- a deposition for my declaration
`in support of the -- of the petition and in
`support of the response provided being developed
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`by Bill Kennedy and his firm to -- for the
`Valencell and the Apple litigation.
` Q. And this deposition relates to
`IPR2017-00317, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the focus of that proceeding is
`U.S. Patent No. 8,989,830, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a document,
`that is Valencell Exhibit 2007.
` Have you seen this document before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is this document?
` A. This is my declaration.
` Q. As we discussed yesterday, this is
`your declaration in support of the patent owner
`response, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And to avoid confusion, I'll do my
`best to refer to this as your POR declaration as
`opposed to your motion to amend declaration to
`keep the record clear.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Please turn to page 2.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` (Witness complies.)
` Q. Do you see a signature on page 2 of
`the declaration?
` A. I do.
` Q. And is that your signature?
` A. It is.
` Q. And page 2 indicates this was
`executed on September 22, 2017.
` Is that the date in which you signed
`this document?
` A. I believe that's correct, yes.
` Q. Did you review your declaration
`carefully before signing it?
` A. I did.
` Q. And what did that review entail?
` A. Various times of reading, editing,
`reading, editing, etc.
` Q. And at the time of signing your
`declaration, did you make any changes or
`corrections to the declaration?
` MR. KENNEDY: I think that that gets
`into -- I think that gets into draft discovery of
`the declaration. I don't think he can answer
`that question.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` MR. SPECHT: Why not?
` MR. KENNEDY: Because drafts of an
`expert declaration are not discoverable. So what
`are the changes he made, you can't really talk
` MR. SPECHT: So I'm not asking about
`the specific changes. I'm just asking if there
`are any changes.
` MR. KENNEDY: But like when would --
`right as during -- right as he was signing it or
`something? It doesn't -- it seems like that gets
`into the actual draft.
` MR. SPECHT: But I'm not asking for
`specifics. It's just a question of whether or
`not you made any changes. It goes to the
`thoroughness of your review.
` MR. KENNEDY: But when? During the
`course of -- during the course of him drafting
`it? Or like right when he was signing it? Or
`see how it goes to the --
` MR. SPECHT: I understand. That's a
`different question.
` Q. (BY MR. SPECHT) So just prior to
`signing the declaration, did you make any changes
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`to it when you reviewed it?
` A. I don't recall at what point final
`changes were made relative to when I signed -- I
`signed the final version.
` Q. When was the last time you reviewed
`your declaration?
` A. Over the last couple of days.
` Q. Have you made -- are there any
`corrections, additions, or deletions you would
`like to make at this time?
` A. I believe the only thing I know of
`that I might have noticed was maybe a typo in one
`of the -- referring to prior art, if I remember
`exactly where the page was.
` (Witness reviewing document.)
` A. Not prior art. I'm sorry. That's
`not correct. It was one of the exhibits, I think
`the number was messed up. I think possibly it
`was, if I remember right, maybe the -- it's like
`Exhibit 214, maybe is mistaken.
` Q. I'm sorry. Where are you at in your
` A. I'm sorry. Yes, it's paragraph 82,
`page 39.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` Q. And what is the correction there?
` A. I'm not sure if I remember off the
`top of my head what that -- I don't know if I
`remember what all the exhibit numbers are, but I
`thought when I was looking in here -- yeah, I'm
`not sure -- I'm not sure if I can recall what
`this exhibit is off the top of my head, what that
`number should be.
` Q. So is it your testimony that there is
`a typo in paragraph 82 with respect to one of the
`exhibit numbers?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Did you write the declaration?
` A. The declaration is my -- is my
`opinion, and I worked on this with Bill Kennedy
`and his staff.
` Q. Are there any particular sections
`that you did write in the declaration?
` A. I can't point to specifically one
`word or one -- one figure or one paragraph, one
`label that I would say that is mine or isn't mine
`because -- but it does represent my -- my
` Q. Can I direct your attention to
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`paragraph 21 of your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You state there, "I reserve the right
`to revise my opinions if I receive new
`information or insight on the relevant topics or
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you receive any new insights,
`based on your deposition yesterday, related to
`the '269 patent?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. And so then based on that, you have
`no new insights in which you would affect your
`opinions in this declaration?
` A. Not at this time, no.
` Q. And it wouldn't affect your views as
`to the accuracy of this declaration?
` A. It would not.
` Q. So we talked about this a bit
`yesterday, but just to make it clear for the
`record with respect to the '830 patent.
` When were you contacted to work on
`this matter?
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` A. Again, I'm not sure of exactly the
`day, but it was around the middle-ish of July, I
`believe, of this year.
` Q. And then when did you actually become
`engaged to work on this matter, meaning you were
`contracted to do the work?
` A. Oh. I don't recall -- again, I'm
`sorry I don't recall exactly the date, but it was
`within a couple of weeks of that, maybe the
`beginning of August or so, end of July, beginning
`of August.
` Q. When you were asked to work on this
`matter, did you have an initial reaction to the
`'830 patent?
` A. As kind of most things that I see for
`the first time, it's like, hmmm, this is
` Q. Did you have a reaction as to whether
`you felt the claims of the '830 patent were
` A. Initially I -- it just was
`interesting. I didn't develop an opinion at that
` Q. Do you have an opinion now as to
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`whether the challenge claims of the '830 patent
`are obvious?
` A. I do not believe they are obvious.
` Q. Can we turn to paragraph 13?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In paragraph 13 you indicate, "I have
`reviewed and analyzed the prosecution history of
`the '830 patent."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What did do you as part of that
` A. I read -- I read through the
`document, relatively long document.
` Q. When you said you read through the
`document, what document are you referring to?
` A. The -- I'm sorry. The prosecution
`history of the '830 patent.
` Q. Did you review any of the provisional
`applications for which the '830 patent claims
` A. I don't recall specifically what I
`looked -- looked at at that point. But I was
`reading through that prosecution history, the
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`long document discusses, you know, many, many
`issues, purely monetary others that are -- were
` Q. Do you have an understanding of the
`prosecution history?
` A. I have a general understanding of it,
`yeah, I believe.
` Q. What does it mean to have a general
`understanding of it?
` A. I mean, I understand what goes on in
`the process of filing a patent and going -- and
`having -- working through the U.S. Patent Office
`and having them have office actions that are sent
`back and responses, etc.
` Q. Do you know why in the prosecution
`history the claims of the '830 patent were
`originally allowed?
` A. I don't know if I recall the exact
`reasonings for that, no.
` Q. Do you know what features the patent
`office considered were patentable?
` A. In the '830 patent?
` Q. Correct.
` A. I believe they allowed the claims
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`that are in the '830 patent to be patentable.
` Q. Were there specific features within
`those patents that were the basis for allowance,
`that you're aware of?
` A. I'm not sure what you mean by
`"features." I mean, they allowed the claims and
`the patent was issued.
` Q. I'm going to give you what's marked
`as Apple 1001 exhibit. This is U.S. Patent No.
`8,989,830 issued to LeBoeuf, et al.
` Have you seen this before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is the patent that's the
`subject of this proceeding, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you familiar with the
`relationship between the '830 patent and the '269
`patent, which we spoke about yesterday?
` A. I'm not sure if I know exactly the
`relationship between them. They're two separate
`patents that have -- that are issued by -- or I'm
`sorry -- not issued by. I believe it's the same
`inventor listed on them, but I don't know -- I'm
`not sure if I remember exactly what the exact
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`relationship is between them.
` Q. Looking at the '830 patent. On the
`cover page about midway down column 1, do you see
`a heading titled "Related U.S. Application Data"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you reviewed this before? And I
`say "this," this portion of the patent?
` A. I believe I read through it at one
`point, yes.
` Q. It states, "Continuation of
`application No. 14/184,364 filed on
`February 19, 2014, now Pat. No. 8,886,269." It
`goes on, I'm just reading the first two lines.
` The U.S. Patent No. 8,886,269 is the
`patent we talked about yesterday, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is the patent of the 317 IPR,
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know what it means for a
`patent to be a continuation of another patent?
` A. I don't know if I -- I don't know if
`I know the exact definition of the legal
`definition of that, but I would say that it would
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`be -- and I believe that it would mean that it
`continues from that. It has some basis as
`derived from the previous.
` Q. What is the basis for that
` A. Just from prior -- prior discussions.
`But again, it's not -- I don't -- I'm not sure
`that I've -- have a full legal definition in my
`head of that.
` Q. So just to be clear, I'm not looking
`for a legal definition. I'm just seeking to
`understand your understanding as a technical
`expert working in a patent matter of the
`relationship between the two patents that we're
`considering, the '269 and the '830 patent.
` And so in terms of that relationship,
`one is a continuation of the other, correct?
` A. It says here that this -- that
`"Continuation of Application No. 14/184,364 filed
`on February 19, 2014, now Pat. No. 8,886,269," so
`I believe that's correct, yes.
` Q. In developing your understanding of
`the '830 patent, did you consider the prosecution
`history of the '269 patent?
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` A. I looked through that, yes.
` Q. And did the prosecution history of
`the '269 patent have any impact on your opinions
`in your declaration for this matter?
` A. After reading through them, it did
`not -- I don't know if I know exactly how it
`impacted my opinions in this matter, but -- but
`as I think I state in the -- in my declaration
`that I -- in my declaration, I believe it's
`stated, "In my opinion, persons of ordinary" --
`I'm sorry, this is paragraph 83, page 39: "In my
`opinion, persons of ordinary skill in the art
`would not have understood claims 1-4, 11-14 of
`the '830 patent to be rendered obvious by the
`single reference Goodman."
` So I believe that -- and that
`continues from there, and I believe that that's
`the answer to my question.
` Q. So my question was did the
`prosecution history of the '269 patent have any
`impact on your opinions in your declaration for
`this matter. How does your answer address that
` A. I believe my opinions are stated in
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`my declaration. So whatever impact it might have
`had or might not have had has come out and has
`been -- is available in my declaration, as I
`said. That was my -- what I was thinking.
` Q. But to your knowledge, there's no
`place in this declaration, the POR declaration
`before us today, that makes any reference to
`the '269 prosecution history, does it?
` A. I believe it -- I believe page 13,
`paragraph 41 states that "The '830 patent issued
`from U.S. Patent No. 14/484,585," it continues,
`etc., etc., on to the next page, going back and
`then gets to the point of "that the priority date
`for the '830 patent is February 25, 2009," which
`is referred to as "the relevant time frame" or
`"time of the invention."
` So it does mention, I guess, in a
`sense it mentions the prosecution history there.
` Q. Is there any other place you're aware
`of that either directly or suggestively refers to
`the prosecution history from the '269 patent?
` A. I'm not sure. I don't believe there
`-- it's mentioned anyplace else.
` Q. Let's go back to paragraph 41 then.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`In paragraph 41, the second-to-last sentence you
`make the statement, "For this declaration, I
`assume that the priority date for the '830 patent
`is February 25, 2009."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your basis for that
` A. Since the patent issued from -- I'm
`sorry -- this patent, The '830 issued -- and this
`is -- I'm just stating from paragraph 41 again --
`"The '830 patent issued from U.S. Patent
`Application No. 14/484,585 (the '585
`application)." The '585 is now a continuation of
`this next number. "The '585 application further
`claims priority provisional application, which is
`filed on No. 61/208,567 filed on February 25,
` So that is -- that's -- my
`understanding is that since the one is -- since
`they're linked in that way, that's why this is
`the priority date for this patent.
` Q. In your opinion, is that all that's
`necessary, that they're linked in the way you
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`described in paragraph 41 to support the priority
`date of February 25, 2009 that you list there?
` A. It says, "the '585 application
`further claims priority to provisional
`application No." -- again, this is continuing in
`paragraph 41 now on page 14 -- "provisional
`application No. 61/208,567 filed on February 25,
`2009, and provisional application No. 61/208,574
`filed on February 25, 2009."
` So I believe it is all of those --
`for all of these connections, I believe that to
`be why it is the priority date.
` Q. Just one reminder of when you're
`reading from a document, can you read more
`slowly --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- so the court reporter can keep up.
` A. Sure.
` Q. Did you review the provisional
`applications that are identified in paragraph 41
`of your declaration?
` A. Yes, I believe I did.
` Q. And do you understand the provisional
`applications that are identified in paragraph 41
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`of your declaration?
` A. Yes, I believe so.
` Q. So would it be your opinion that the
`subject matter claimed in the '830 patent was
`disclosed in those provisional applications?
` A. I don't think that I recall exactly
`what was in those applications specifically.
` Q. So do you not have an opinion whether
`or not the subject matter claimed in the '830
`patent was disclosed in those provisional
` A. I believe that they are -- since --
`that they are connected, I believe that this --
`the statement is accurate in paragraph 41. So I
`believe that there is material that is connected
`in those as -- in those provisional patent
` Q. When you're using the term
`"connected," what do you mean in this context?
` A. In that there's relevant material in
`those patent -- provisional patent applications
`that continues through the -- through to the
`current patent under discussion. My
`understanding for a provisional patent when it is
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`filed, that the provisional patent allows you to
`then file the full patent, and that full patent
`has -- is based on provisional patent and the
`claims that are in there.
` As I said, I don't remember the exact
`details of the provisional patents to be able to
`state whether or not the claims that are in those
`provisional patents are identical to what is in
`the current patent.
` Q. Let's turn to paragraph 51 of your
`declaration. Paragraph 51 includes claim 1 of
`the '830 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you understand claim 1 of the
`'830 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have an understanding of all
`of the challenge claims of the '830 patent?
` A. I do.
` Q. In reviewing claim 1 of the '830
`patent, element 1.2 includes an "element of light
`transmissive material."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` Q. As of 2009, would a person of
`ordinary skill in the art been familiar with a
`light transmissive material?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In element 1.3, there is an element
`"at least one optical emitter."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. As of 2009, would a person of
`ordinary skill in the art been familiar with at
`least one optical emitter?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In that same element, there is -- or
`in that same -- yeah, in that same element 1.3,
`there is "at least one optical detector."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. As of 2009, would a person of
`ordinary skill in the art been familiar with that
` A. Yes.
` Q. In section -- or in element 1.4,
`there's a element of "cladding material."
` Do you see that?
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` A. Yes.
` Q. As of 2009, would a person of
`ordinary skill in the art been familiar with a
`cladding material?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are there any elements within this
`claim that as of 2009, a person of ordinary skill
`in the art would not have been familiar with?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Form.
` A. So in -- taken in its entirety, I
`would say what -- there are elements in here, of
`course, that people would recognize as existing
`because otherwise there would have to potentially
`be more of a definition of what those were to be
`able to have the text in there.
` Basically what you're asking me was
`did someone know what these were, and the answer
`is -- is yes. But that's by themselves -- by
`itself it is not what -- that term itself is not
`patenting the term itself.
` Q. So how does that answer the question
`whether or not there would be any elements within
`the claim that as of 2009 a person of ordinary
`skill in the art would not be familiar with?
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` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Form.
` A. May not be -- there -- I would say in
`terms of those -- looking at those types of
`terms, those -- the terms that you defined and
`other terms in the claim would be recognized by a
`person of ordinary skill in the art.
` Q. Would a person of ordinary skill in
`the art in 2009 been able to combine these
`elements using known methods?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Form.
` A. I don't believe taken in entirety
`that one would have just done this.
` Q. How does that answer the question of
`whether or not a person of ordinary skill in the
`art in 2009 would have been able to combine the
`elements of the claim using known methods?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Asked and
` A. I believe that, as I said, not just
`-- not the whole thing in its entirety, as this
`is. I don't believe it's obvious.
` Q. I didn't ask you whether it was
`obvious, did I?
` A. A person of ordinary skill in the art
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`been able to combine this, again, I don't believe
`they would have in this particular form.
` Q. Why is that?
` A. Why is?
` Q. You said, "A person of ordinary skill
`in the art would not have been able to combine
`this. I don't believe they would have in this
`particular form."
` And I said, "Why is that?"
` What is the basis of that?
` A. I believe in looking at this, it's
`necessary to understand fully what the patent is
`describing, and in particular, it could discuss
`the abstract of the patent or discusses a
`monitoring device configured to be attached to
`the body of a subject, includes an outer layer
`and inner secured together. The inner layers
`includes a light transmissive material, and has
`an inner and outer surfaces. A base is secured
`to at least one outer and inner layers, and
`includes optical emitter and optical detector, a
`layer of cladding material." It continues from
`there. I'm reciting that.
` So I believe that in its entirety,
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`that's what makes this -- makes this -- these
`claims not just something that someone would just
`throw together.
` Q. Let's turn to paragraph 26 of your
`declaration. Sorry. Do you see the statement,
`"I understand that 'preponderance of the
`evidence' means that the evidence is sufficient
`to show that a fact is more likely true than it
`is not"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So if something is expressly
`disclosed by a reference, is it more likely to be
`true than if something is not disclosed by that
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Form.
` A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat the
` Q. If something is expressly disclosed
`by a reference, is it more likely to be true than
`if something is not disclosed by that reference?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection. Form.
` A. Preponderance of evidence means in --
`A preponderance of evidence in paragraph 26 means
`that the evidence is sufficient to show that a
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`Page 30
` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`fact is more likely true than it is not.
` Q. How did that answer the question?
` A. I'm sorry, what was your question
` Q. If something is expressly disclosed
`by a reference, is it more likely to be true than
`if something is not disclosed by that reference?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection to form.
` A. If something is disclosed by a
`reference, is it more likely to be true than not?
`I guess I don't agree with that statement.
` Q. Why not?
` A. If -- if something is -- if something
`could be disclosed by a reference that's stating
`something false, therefore that would not be
` Q. But what if it's not false, is the
`statement true then?
` MR. KENNEDY: Objection.
`Hypothetical. Vague. Ambiguous. Unintelligible
` MR. SPECHT: You don't need to get
`carried away with your objections. They're not
`supposed to be a speaking objection, correct,
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`Page 31
` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
` MR. KENNEDY: Just listing off
`reasons why this whole line of question has
`been -- I think he's been clarifying --
` MR. SPECHT: That's not your call.
` A. So if a -- I'm sorry. So then you're
`saying if a reference states something is true,
`is it more likely that it's true. Is that what
`you were saying?
` Q. Than if it doesn't say anything about
` A. I -- I guess if that is something --
`if it is something that's disclosed as being
`true, then I guess I would have to say that it is
` Q. So what did you do to prepare for
`your deposition today?
` A. Preparation is in general something
`that is -- that is long. I think about it as
`being kind of starting from the point of when I
`was first -- when I first agreed to do this and
`reading the materials, becoming familiar with the
`materials, going through the whole -- the various
`documents. So during the entire timeline over
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`Page 32
` DR. ALBERT TITUS - 11/10/17
`that period of time, reading and preparing, etc.,
`more -- I would say more recently, again, going
`through the documents again, re-reading some
` Q. So after yesterday's deposition in
`the '269 patent, did you do anything to prepare
`for your deposition today?
` A. I read through some documents again.
` Q. What documents did you read through?
` A. I read through my declaration. I
`probably looked at the patent again. I don't --
`I don't recall exactly what else I was looking
` Q. Did you meet with anyone in
`preparation for your deposition today after your
`deposition yesterday?
` MR. KENNEDY: You can answer this
`question, but I cautio

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