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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language,
`unabridged: a Meniam—Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove
`and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff.
`ISBN—13: 978—0-87779-201—7 (buckram)
`ISBN-10: 0—87779-201-1 (buckram)
`I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`11. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`PE1625.W36 1993
`AH rights reserved. Noparr ofthr‘s book covered by the copyrights hereon may be
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`Page 2


`gu-fa or gut-fa also goo-fa or goodah \‘gljfs\ orkll-Ia orkoo-
`fah \'kh‘»\ n »s [Ar
`qujfah basket]
`: a
`round boat made of
`wickerwork used in
`Mesopotamia from
`ancient times
`gqu \'gof\ _ n
`[prob. of imit. ori-
`that are foolish. in-
`tended to mislead or
`deceive, and often
`trueutent : mtauo.
`nstocnoitsrt; broadly : idleebitchet
`lguiJaw \{Jgau'
`. ':.;\ n —5 [lead]: :1 loud or holster-our bur-st
`of laughter
`igirflnw \“ vi {of-motto : to laugh needy or comely
`3111.193: \‘g; :r\ n .5 {origin unknown] Scot : EELI‘OL‘T la
`gn-get-huul \Ettgalhumfi or git-goblin! also grin-gelatin
`\-hof\ n -s
`ugclltopf. rr. so of cowl. monk‘s
`hood (fr. NLRB gugcf. gngr: e, t_r. OHG coco . airfield. ft'. LL
`CWUHE} 4- tap}. hop]. vnr. of dull. [flavor-tat 9:?st yeast (fr.
`0H6 reflect to raise. bowel—more tit cow. t cod). right-"El
`: n centimeter- ealce usu. ol' yeast—leavenod dough containing
`raisins. cit-ton, and nuts and baked in n fluted tube pan
`warm-hem \‘gugenm‘rn. ’nug- sometime: 'gog-\ tr -s Rstl
`cop fir. the name Guggenheim] : mutton? 3
`e \‘gagat‘. vb negated; giggled: gagging \'E(3}lla‘
`goes BS [iron] vi 1 : to make a sour;
`like that of Itqm
`poured from a [task 2 e : to flow min a suoghnirsound
`: GURGLE {writer means over the studio)
`to : to drink (as
`from a luAg] with such a sound -- vi : to poor or drink {as
`liquor) with 1!. sogglutgroend
`ate \“\ n—s : nsou—nd of angling : mm
`311 at war a] (team _
`git-slid \‘gtilye\ at gun
`o_\-l{.'nro\ i'l' -s_IIt girglle. alter. (re-
`sulting trot-rt incorrect
`'vrsion of rancher} of obs. It aguglto
`(also, needle). lr. Oonv agullia. it.
`commie Drnflfl'lmllll pin
`Ell-8.110? Boo-Eon.
`. si3 no
`[or-itch: unknown] : a native
`-- more at numeric mama:
`chiefly in Hewett and aft-
`of the Phili pine glands
`duparagin y
`gun: \‘gu{alr\ n -s [G grab. gar: aim to MEG cm to fer—
`nicm, OHG jester: — more at vEAsr] 1 : a loose urtby deportt
`from water occurring in the onvtttes of roe-kg. being. mostly
`white but sometimes red or yellow. and consoling of a varying
`mixture of clear or richer 2 {by slim-mung] : KTSlA-ILGUHR
`3111.31“: \gelana dire -'li.l'la or Jane. chiefly if: Brim}; Gum
`ei'atin\ on}. urn cop Hr.
`region in northern So.
`America] : of or from Gordon. 3 region of northern So.
`America : of the kind or style prevalent in Guiana : gutaarcss
`gums chesmut a. tut: cap G : the seed of the protrisioii tree
`gnj.a.nan \—nau\ ad} or a. run mp [Guided the region + B an]
`gin-land plum fl. risk can G 1 : any of several tropttuil Ameneeri
`shrubs or small trees of the genus Drypeter {faintly Euphoria:—
`cceee}; esp : n shrubby tree (1.). latgriilemj whose range ex-
`te-ndr northward into southern Florida — called also {lat-ion
`km 2 : the uni. reddish rather dry drnpaceoer fruit of a
`uiltua plum
`mum tree l'l'.
`trrtt cup 6 t a timber tree [qurcorfyflx porp-
`lgiario] of the fernil'_tI Mordecai: thutAhus reddish brown hnrd
`heavy wood and is widely ditttributed in northern So. America
`‘guj-a-nm \lnEalnEz. 15h». ~rt€3\ mil. rm: cop [Guiana the
`region + E 432] 1 :
`. relating to. or characteristic ol‘ the
`region of Gulnnn 2 : of, relating to. or characteristic of the
`people of Guiana
`figuigneue \"\ n —s rut: cap: it active or inhabitant. el‘ the region
`gfli-m-bmzfllan \ Elumnfi. dill-t 4:19. 13:36.35. {339.1133 +\
`adj. usuevip AGéB E alarm, the region + E .9. + l-Broziit‘aa]
`: of or relating to Guiana and Brazil; broadly : comm 3
`guilt \‘gib\ rt
`-s_- [native name to Africa] : : suiall harnessed
`antelope (Tragelaphur .icrlfiturl of western Jib-tea
`Elli-3113!, \ "slfi\ n -3 IF.
`. 0P. of Gran ong‘in; akin to LED
`in’kn. win ct wiexet—mqre nt'wmc‘r] : a grill opening (as e
`and 'gfi
`'sfid. ,'
`rot war a (icon
`hutch or Ricketl: riggcstteket n-it}dow
`gal-dd \‘gfi'Edfi n -s [11. guide. it. Olt golden to guide. direct.
`fr. (3va raider] 1 : thesubtect of a fugue or the antecedent
`3 : a Sign indicating the points of
`ol rt conch 2 : pineal
`entry in a round or canon
`suitable \‘gidabal\ adj {Zguid'e -l- mole] : capable of being
`Eflldtd : EACTABLE
`gnld-anoe \'gid*n t)s\ t: -s after; attrib 1 a : an act of guiding
`the supennten once or insurance rendered by n guide
`: DIRECTION, LEADING (the blind boy depended on the ~ of l1_15
`dog} {it manual for the ~ 01‘ home handymen)
`‘b : tidytee m
`choostng courses. grenades for a vacation or further editcrh
`lion or coping wit personal problems given to utuocots by a
`teacher or a professional counselor (:1 ~ specialist) 2 : a
`program or sen-iceitnmtxoains to‘proinote the adtustntent pt
`cpeoinlgemas {as disturbed or deljnguent children or pits-
`telly through psychological counseling arid apprmrrtl
`3A: the process of controlling the courde or ii protectile [as a
`missile or bomb) by a built-in mechanism {av system) - com-
`lgm'de \‘gi'll\ ti -5 {ME aide. fr. MP guide. Er. OProvgttEda. fr.
`older to guide, direct. ol‘ Gino origin: akin to OE tritmt to
`do}: after. dzparL guitar: to know —- note at wrr] 1 a :
`it per-
`-son who leads-or dtrects another in his «guy or course {as in a
`strange-country or through ctllicultAIen-etn} b : _3 person who
`exhrbhn and usu. m5_-Dr explfluu poo-its of interest {as of
`a. city. .a museum collecuo
`or a building)
`to 2:13th
`I: : something at n guideboo
`Signdpjgau or tnsrrucdon man—
`uul) that
`rot‘i e: u person with gut
`g mlormation a. : one
`{us a ten: er} who dirmts a person in his Conductor course of
`life : ointment. swcnvmon (no boy ever had a better": than
`I in the fundamental decenciesAof life) 2 e :a contrivancn for
`direedn the matron of shraethmg: asp : such it contnranoe (as
`in t1_ too 3 button a dn‘ecttng edge, surface. or channel
`3} : a
`device as a ring or loan} made pen. of rnetal or agate'imd
`_ to ttjishing rod to hold the line 111' position it
`: the
`groove m_ whtch the plow used. in bookhindine moves
`it : a
`semi! devtce for guiding threads or strands of fibre on a spin-
`ning. winding. q'lllllintt. or other textfle-meclmte e: a device in
`a prom press or [oldies machine for holding end releasing
`a. sheet
`: a grooved director for n surgical probe or imile
`g : n sheet of metal or other-pyloric! or a card with meeting
`edge or tab [or labeling that is men-ed in a card ca
`3. index.
`or otherfile to facilitate reference 3 a- : a
`arson or vehicle
`upon when: the movements or alignments o a million- com—
`ritnnd are -regulatedA—- used esp. in commands (A: right} (h-
`center} la; a worship on which others m a formation regulate
`their posIuOrts 4 a : quit ouroc ti : an 11-year—old in 16:
`year—old. sari guide -- disunguished from brownie
`1311MB \“\ 1rd {DI-maf-d [ME pitfall. golden. fr. MI pricier.
`alter. (Influenced by guide. it.) of CF grater. of Gme origin;
`tilde to OE when to look after. deport, when to know—— more
`at wrr] v: 1 : to net as a'pnide to : direct in a we? : con-ouch
`erLo'r (guidedus through ihecity} 2a : to regulate and manage
`: direct or supervise esp. found some desirable end. course,
`way. or development b : to snpcrincend the trotnieg or
`uon of :ISFI'RUCT. “Wish. COUNSEL (his midi-e were guided l3!f
`one or the great educators of the day') 3 See: : to treat or
`handle cap. camber person or an animal (guided her ill} ..... vl
`: to cut or work as a guide
`syn Liam, srzcn. rum. prion-1m: auto: may all
`137 tD 11":
`m of conducting or directing along a course 35' pe crazed by
`one with cerium. specific. or intlmnte knowledge or by some-
`thing equally trurtworthvlfgmdt-d by it native on then expedi-
`tion through the mountains} ( aide patrons to their prone-r
`rests) (inspired and galvanized y the personality of 5'- great
`man who was guiding: them in their art v—Stephen Williams}
`(be guided by good Judgment —_C.S.K_ilb_v3 Lego rectum:
`Encoding to show the write: sot-clenched. in addition. st indict“!!!
`Aecping thogejollowinp in order; it may refer to taking mitte-
`trite. detect-tuning procedure. or assuming a director's role {led
`his men tPfig’é {g lho‘cariiven west) (leading the alip-
`'I 009
`porters of the amendment) (the men leading the research
`pro5ect} s'nzcit wrists“ the fl_cl.l€|rl 0! one Flaming or adhering
`to a course or
`conconntunt condo ling. governing. or
`maneuvering (steering the ship p313:
`the sondburs into the
`harborl {deftlyllftt‘fcd the Council of the International Cort-
`gress through its problem's. concerned with the place of the
`next session —¢LLJ‘_:r_ubabcT} (rte-cure in fine faith that his
`reasoned intelligence will :(ecr Imp Conrail? at all times —E[.
`N_\lu.clcan‘)A PILOT suggests loading -or stench-t5; met a. den-
`grous. truncate. or complicated course or route {pilot the ski
`rough the channel) (wagon trains piloted by bearded scouts
`gtoth his illEAliEI's arm and piloted her to a safe corner) (piloting
`import-m1: bills through the senate fiCrm-ent Bing.) zit-timers.
`refer to planning and supervistng construction: it often
`indicates carrytug through. executing. or eliminating with
`garnering. maneuvering. manipulating. and calculating (the
`influcn ‘ Amenieans in Hawaii. with the connivcnce of I}. S.
`Minister Stevens and the “motel" support of American
`marines engineered a revolution. deposed the Queen —-.f.W.
`‘AElIlson h.|8915 {spokesman forAtlte party when graceful nd-
`Juslments were to be made or delicate compromises cwxfncerm‘
`—5.H.Adatrts> (behind at all was the Soviet leviathan skilfully.
`though at times crudely, pulling strings. engineering. reunitin-
`lnting, stoning. and. timed he.
`inthmdrttmg and compelling
`—Alexundcir Damn)
`gradation.“ \'s.:\ I! : a. board {on upon a guidepostl having
`upon it directions or iniorinauon about the tray
`guide-book \‘rdd.btllt
`IAIAKDEOOK 1: up : a book for
`tourists comments in art-nation about routes. accommoda-
`uons. and piece: at historical or cultural interest — guide~
`hon dish \—kL'-h\ adj — guide-bonny \-ki\ adj
`gtfide mil rt : GUIDE 23
`guided rid} Ur. past.
`. of lgtdde] 1 : accompanied or SWEEP
`vised by a_ guide
`tt _~ tour) («-7 groups) 3 : controllable
`it's to direction of motion in the same way as a guided'inissfle
`{M bomb) (fa-I plane)
`guided missile» : a misrile whose eome toward a targetmny
`be_e.ltered during passage {as by means at a preset control. a
`built-in mo‘chanismremotely controlled by radio. a mummie-
`tng radii: device. or it self-reacting device)
`guide dog ti
`ii dog trained to lend the blind
`guide angler guide pennant it 5 a flu or pennant flown on the
`sin that 15 to net as guide during it
`et maneuver
`gel 3 Install is : moat H3551];
`guide Key n : HOME Kat
`guide-less \‘gidloflodj : huvtng no guide : leckmg leadership
`or control — "deacon-noes ti ~rs
`guideline \'._.
`"A: c- line by which one Its guided: as a : a
`cord or rope to aid :1 passe-t over a dill-icon potnt (as on n
`trail)_or to permit retractog a course (as in a cave)
`l: (l) : an
`in]; number. letter. or word written on copy or set in a
`single hie of type and placed above or e matter for the guid-
`ance of co
`reader and printer :2) : a line drawn Ali-on: outpo-
`out irie of Iuture policy or conduct (its of 3 government}
`seioemrkmthe margin o: mmdteetton or
`guide meridian n z a line that is marked by monementnA that
`rung north and south between other more carefully established
`meridians. and that is used {or reference-incurvewng
`guide mill is : n- srnnll roll main thh guides on each side
`used in metalworking to prevth roiled bars from jarrin-ung
`guide ' at it pin or peg for aligning a tool or die properly
`with t e work : PILIUT — called also leader
`slimmest \'-._s_\ l" 1 : g post (are: the for
`of n road) with
`guidebocrds on it to direct trav-
`elers 2 : oume PIN
`3 : moist»
`Tron, SIGN
`gum-er Voids r)\ rt 41118 gidaur.
`alter. (influenc
`by guide) of DB
`Mam-dew. gtn’d'ew.
`parlour. suitor. tr. ruler to guide +
`‘fDl’. WEN! tor — more 31 Gill-DE
`v.3; : one dint guides: as _a. : ll.
`_ evme'thal lunotions as a guide (as
`in some produeltort operation)
`o_ a
`gm 0 company _ln
`bl :
`tit-11 ndizilt volunlecr_ leg?!
`guirlepost 1
`am. gorilla. and vartuus other
`guide r311 r:
`: a track or rail that serves as a guide; meet! : one
`designed to guide a sliding door
`guide rope in : a rope hurls from n balloon or dinglble so its to
`trail along the around for about hell its length and used or
`to prfienre altitude by variation of the length drawn at:
`out log of ballast or use
`guides pl of some. pm: hi ring 0: Gums
`guide~ship \‘g‘dnlnm rt -5 [I aide _+ akin] Sept : innit-tensor
`thiug ts itted so that its this of motion is controlled
`guidance}! \‘=;\ ii : c charm , slot. or track tn winch 30m:-
`air of small wheels need to
`guide wheel n : either wheel of a
`stabilize the felt: at a bicycle [or
`ers and young children
`ding pros pair 0 Elmo:
`gain word it : carofuwonn 1b
`guiding telescope n : a “Eli-ll]
`telescope mounted rigidly
`parallel to n {shalom-a hie telescope and used by tin observer
`to supplement the eloc mot-ion in rrtiinitalrttnp unmovelalethe
`image of n heavenly body on the photographic plate
`guilt-man \_£')gEd:mnn. (mind. i letd-\ Scat rd! of GOODMAN
`col-don \'g1dlin, -id'n\ it —s EMF. It. Ova gaddoo. Er. stride
`guide —- more at ouroe (11.3] 1 : a flag resembling. but retailer
`than a slandnrd. cleft of rounded tit the outta-11d end. bearing a
`badge. arms. or other distinctive emblem. and borne Ans a
`pardonel cognizance of some pem'n of rank one. for militariv
`use but Inter chidlyAior display at his funeral g a : a'sriittl
`find or streamer earned by mounted troops to ind—Ilclllo the stde
`toward the guide Fhfl matching and to marl: the hue on which
`tumult: a formation It : a 1x5“. swallow-tailed flag home by _Il
`1111leer unit [as of the Li. S. armed for-eon) usu. as e mitt
`: 3 fits rounded and cleft. or the outward end and
`home as a unit nAiarlter (as by a British regiment of dragoons)
`3 : one who carries a suidon
`gul-de-ni-an \swa‘ddnéan\ am an contain: d‘Arezco (titre
`called Frti Gnittorte] Tool 050 henedmttne mt‘lsfll’ and mnsrcal
`relormer + E dun] : relating to the llth'cenrury medicine
`Guido d'fitretzo or his theory of movable herachords
`sfiidoninn hand rt. lira cap G : a figure re
`creating the teen
`of the gamut on thejo-iuts of the left ban to which a staging
`master could dirt: in teaching saint-canon
`[Ellie rt, urn cap 6 : one of the six syllables at or
`do. re. oil. a. nil. in need for the tuna of the hasnchord -—
`compttre sotMm-rton
`guilt-Sire ver of countries
`Ellidcwfifi \{‘)gfi'.dw_otf._§‘lg_fil-. gold m.- 9} mm
`gum-willie \gi—c'dwfli, gt: -. g-t‘—\
`j [guide-ill (var. of goodwill)
`-:— —fr] 1 Scot : menu. Gah‘EIIOth 2 Seat :conniitt. CHEER-
`Ixo {we‘ll tell: a rlgiit gzn'o‘willic Wflufilt {or cold lung sync
`—Ro‘eert _Bl.lmfi§
`Bulge \'gEJ. 'gEzIn tr -5 tM‘E nice. fr. M'E grit e.' metre. fr. 9F}
`: an extza leather strap by which the shiel o l. knight was
`11.. cup {341. fr. Loon
`guignaI-dia \ Eu‘yllrdfia. g{w}ig‘nll—\
`Smut-d 1'19:
`:Fr. botanist + N‘L -ia] :a genus or fungi
`{faintly Spli_eerlttcea'e} having singleAcelled or uneduatly 2e
`celled s
`indleeshnped hydline ascospores _— see fiLACK nor
`enigma l'ufinr. mm :2. pi mane: \-n’.-arax\ IF, it. MF
`guisne. guide] : GEAN
`gut-snot 5 green \{'lg§rt§y§z—\ ti.
`tut: cap 3:: G [alter CE.
`Gainer. 19111 cent. Fr. chemist who tll§covercd the process]
`1 : aA bluish
`_ en pigment of good brillianee'and permanence
`eonsmnnng n hydrated chromic oxide made by fusion of
`sodium dtcbrotnate and lactic acid and hydrolysis of
`product 2 t a. dark bluish green that is greener and stronger
`than meme: teal green and greener. lighter. and stronger than
`{sense 2} — called also .Ht‘ttlrr't greet-t
`pEn'ydl. -)'EI\ n -5 ,wtttetl'me's cap (F, prob. after
`Guisnal. reputed name of n .eilitworlter ol' Lyons and charac~
`ter of the puppet theater which Laurent Mourque: installed
`there for the enrllcst peflormnoa [in 1.795) of French puppEt
`shows] 1 : norm; 2:3:EAND rwrfl—wmparemtttosc'rrr:
`2 : purer-Tc snow 3 i a theatrical production lecturing
`melodramatic tension, horror. an
`Page 3

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