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`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 001

`Patent Application
`James M. Dabbs HI
`Brian Claise
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`[0001] Overview
`[0002] A method is described for reliable, wireless group alerting. In this system,
`an encrypted message is broadcast to a group address. This message is received by a
`number of mobile receivers, each. of which then acknowledges back to the system,
`decrypts the message, displays it to the user, and allows the user to respond. The
`system comprises a database, switch, a wireless network, and a plurality of intelligent
`mobile receivers. It employs centralized management to simplify the role of the
`mobile users and administrators, minimizing configuration and operational human
`errors that would otherwise result in confusion or lost messages. It also employs novel
`mechanisms to compress the responses from the receivers to use minimal airtime. The
`system is particularly relevant to public safety and critical infrastructure operators,
`where large group dispatches must be delivered quickly and deterrninistically to a
`heavily distracted mobile workforce, and their responses must be delivered to the
`dispatch center efficiently. As such, this system provides a comprehensive,
`meaningful solution to support distracted users with simple, resilient group
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 002

`System Description
`[0004] With reference to Fig. 1, a central switching system (‘Switch’) connects to
`a Wireless Network and communicates with a number of subscriber devices
`(‘Receivers’) such as pagers, cell phones, or wireless personal data assistants. Each
`Receiver contains one identifying Primary Address and multiple Group Addresses,
`and is capable of receiving broadcast alert messages directed to any of its addresses.
`The Switch contains a Receiver Database describing receivers, their group
`membership, and connects to a Wireless Network, such as a PCS network employing
`cell broadcast, a paging network, or a broadcast-capable data network employing
`group addressing.
`[0005] With reference to Fig. 2, the Receiver Database comprises an independent
`table of Receivers and an independent table of Groups. Each Receiver row contains an
`identifying personal address, as well as other information specific to a single device
`and its Wireless Network architecture. Each Group row contains an identifying group
`address, an encryption key, and a symbolic name. A dependent table, Membership,
`provides the many-to-marry relationship between Receiver and Group rows. Each
`Membership row assigns one receiver to one group. Membership rows contain
`GroupAddress and Persona1Address columns, identifying a Group and Receiver row,
`respectively. Each Membership row also contains a ReceiverGroupNumber column, a
`small mnemonic value that uniquely identifies the Group from other Groups
`programmed into the same Receiver, and CC (‘carbon copy’) flag to define specific
`behavioral aspects of the Receiver. Receivers do not respond to messages received by
`group addresses if their CC flag is set, while they can respond to messages received
`by group addresses with if their CC flag is clear. This mechanism allows users to
`monitor alerts to specific groups, without expectation by the source of the alerts for a
`[0006] As administrative changes occur to the Receiver Database, configuration
`transactions areexecuted over the air with individual Receivers to synchronize their
`configuration memory with the Receiver Database. The system therefore maintains an
`up-to-date image in each the configuration memory of each Receiver, including a list
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 003

`of Group addresses, their ReceiverGroupNumber values, their symbolic names,
`encryption keys, and CC flags.
`[0007] A ‘Client’ (e.g., a computer—aided dispatch center, a human user, or other
`network client) uses this system to broadcast alert messages to groups of Receivers.
`To do so, the client composes a message, including display content and a list of
`response strings. The Client then connects to the Switch and requests transmission of
`the message to a particular group name. Depending on architecture of the Wireless
`Network, either the Client or the Wireless Network assigns an identifying field to the
`message such that user responses can be associated with the correct message.
`[0008] Upon receipt of the message, the Switch responds to the Client with
`detailed information on the group such as a list or a count of group members. It then
`encrypts the Group Message, assigns a cyclical message sequence number, and
`transmits the message to the Group Address.
`[0009] Upon receiving the Group Message, the Receivers decrypt the message
`and display the content, group name, and multiple choice options to the user. Each
`Receiver with a CC flag of falseltransmits one or more acknowledgement codes
`through the Network back to the Switch, specifying message received, message read
`notifications, and enumerated multiple-choice responses. The datagrarn carrying the
`acknowledgement code also includes the personal address of the receiver, the
`ReceiverGroupNumber of the group address, and the message sequence number of the
`message, which together efficiently and uniquely identify the specific group message
`at the specific Receiver.
`Each receiver provides a configuration display for the user. This display
`allows the user to specify, by group name, how notification should occur for messages
`received by each group address. Similarly, the Switch provides an administrative
`human interface that allows a system administrator to set up and maintain the
`Receivers belonging to each Group.
`[001 1] An Exemplary Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System
`The foregoing system description discusses the high-level organization and
`data flow of a group messaging system that can use any of a variety of network types.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 004

`With reference to Figs. 3, 4 and 5, the following is a description of an exemplary type
`of network, that is, a ReFLEX “two-way” paging network that incorporates the new
`group messaging layer of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a Sparkgap campus server or
`network controller which is configured to implement group messaging in accordance
`with the present invention. Fig. 4 illustrates the use of a Sparkgap network controller
`in a system configuration similar to Fig. 1. Fig. 5 illustrates another exemplary
`system configuration.
`The Sparkgap network controller in Fig. 3 provides private two-way
`paging, mobile data, and wireless email over inexpensive channel pairs in the 800/900 ‘
`ESMR band. Coverage can be configured for a single building, multiple counties, or
`state-wide service, supporting small user devices such as pagers and personal data
`assistants (PDAs) with Motorola’s proprietary ReFLEX protocol. Since the Sparkgap
`server provides encrypted acknowledgement paging, responders reply immediately to
`CAD events and other messages directly from their pagers, and AES encryption
`protects all transmissions. Since the Sparkgap server supports mobile applications,
`law enforcement officers can use PDAs to connect wirelessly with municipal, state,
`and federal databases to run license checks, warrants, and other mobile applications.
`Further, the Sparkgap server is useful for automatic vehicle location. Small,
`inexpensive GPS sending units can monitor vehicles and heavy equipment, sending
`real-time location and status information on a 24/7 basis. The Sparkgap server can
`also support wireless e-mail. Users can send and receive secure, wireless email using
`pagers and PDAs.
`The Sparkgap server can support one base station or hundreds of base
`stations, each consisting of a standard 900MHz paging transmitter and ReFLEX base
`receiver. A single station covers a 7—20 mile radius, and a network can coordinate
`multiple stations using simulcast or cellular arrangements to optimize coverage and
`capacity. A single channel pair can serve thousands of users, and multiple channels
`can be aggregated for additional capacity. Even under worst—case peak conditions,
`ReFLEX uses centralized arbitration to prevent contention and channel overloading.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 005

`The Sparkgap server maintains a full packet data layer on top of the
`toughest and most reliable communication technology available, that is, paging, and it
`leverages this foundation into a balanced set of features, coverage, and capacity. The
`Sparkgap server connects directly to computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems,
`provides low latency messaging with virtually unbreakable security, and operates with
`the lowest cost-per-user and cost-per-coverage-area of any wireless data solution
`available. For additional resilience, redundant hot standby units maintain network
`operation even under catastrophic circumstances, keeping first responders connected
`when they’re needed most.
`[0016] As stated previously, Sparkgap is a ReFLEX network solution designed to
`control one or more base stations and provide two-way paging and mobile data
`coverage over an arbitrary geographical area. While this solution is similar in some
`ways to traditional one-way paging, two-way paging also differs significantly fi'0m its
`one-way counterpart. Two-way pagers acknowledge and reply to messages they
`receive, and they can originate their own messages. These additional capabilities
`outperform traditional paging input protocols (e.g., SNPP, TAP and TNPP). In
`addition, while suitable second generation paging protocols exist (e.g., SMTP, SMPP,
`and WCTP), these newer protocols add significant complexity and introduce latency
`unsuitable for public safety and similar communications applications.
`In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, a Sparkgap Dispatch
`Protocol (SDP) is provided as a streamlined means for a computer aided dispatch
`(CAD) system to communicate with two-way pagers on a Sparkgap ReFLEX
`network. It is to be understood, however, that the group messaging of the present
`invention can be implemented using other types of protocols and network devices.
`The SDP of the present invention is a transactional, TCP/IP protocol where the CAD
`system is the client and the Sparkgap is the server. It features synchronous, client-
`initiated request/response transactions as well as asynchronous server-driven events,
`minimizing latency and complexity and delivering a rational solution to the public
`safety space.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 006

`[0018] With further reference to Fig. 4, when employing SDP, the CAD system
`client connects to the Sparkgap server using TCP/IP on port 55000. The CAD system
`initiates transactions with the Sparkgap using a synchronous request/response model,
`that is, — the CAD system sends the Sparkgap a request, the Sparkgap takes an action,
`and then the Sparkgap sends the CAD system a response. Additionally, in order to
`minimize latency in delivering responses from the pagers, the Sparkgap server also
`sends asynchronous event notifications to the CAD system regarding message
`progress and responses from individual pagers.
`The SDP will now be described in further detail. A description of protocol
`data units, transactions and events follows.
`1. SDP Protocol Data Units
`SDP requests, responses, and events are implemented as atomic protocol
`data units (PDUs) transmitted by the client and server using the TCP/IP network.
`PDUs are serialized, and preferably always transmitted contiguously in their entirety.
`In other words, a node must never ‘interrupt’ a partially transmitted PDU to begin
`another PDU. A PDU is encoded using ASCII plain text, and consists of an
`identifying header followed by a collection of name/value attributes enclosed, as
`shown below, in curly brackets (braces).
`1.1 Syntax
`[0023] All PDUs are encoded using ASCII plain text according to the following
`[0024] Client-to-server transmission syntax:
`“request” <request-number> <request—type> “{“ <attribute-list> “}“
`Server-to-client transmission syntax:
`“event” <event-type> “{“ <attribute—list> “}“
`“response” <request-number> “{“ attribute-list “}“
`[0029] where,
`: := <integer>
`::= token
`: token
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 007

`: <attribute> [<attribute-listI
`: := attribute-name ““ attribute-value “;“
`: token
`2 := <integer> <string>
`: := Base] 0 Integer Expression
`: string enclosed in double quotes
`[0030] An example PDU exchange is illustrated in the following table:
`Sparkgap to CAD
`CAD to Sparkgap
`request 5066 SendMessage
`{ C
`Destination1D=Fire 1 ;
`Display=”Ca1ling All Cars”;
`MCR=”On My Way”;
`MCR=”On Scene”;
`Response 5066
`{ R
`ResultText=”Message Queued”;
`} ;
`Event PagerResponse
`{ T
`PagerlD=”22903 0O20”;
`PagerName=”Doe, John”;
`MessageRead=1 ;
`1.2 Attribute Value Types
`SDP supports two attribute types, with string or integer values. Integer
`values are simply unsigned integers with no more than 32 significant bits, described
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 008

`using base-10 notation. Strings are simply printable ASCII strings contained in double
`quotes, and supporting the following escape sequences:
`New Line
`Carriage Return
`Double Quote
`An octal value
`1.3 The Timestarnp Attribute
`[0034] All events contain a timestamp attribute marking the creation of the event.
`A timestamp value contains a string in a specific format:
`MM is the 2-digit month (1-12)
`is the 2—digit day of the month (1-31)
`YYYY is the 4—digit year
`is the 2 digit hour (O-23)
`MM is the 2 digit minute (0-59)
`is the 2 digit second (0-59)
`is the 1-4 character time zone abbreviation
`1.4 Attribute Order
`In some cases, attribute order is significant. For purposes of this document,
`receiving nodes are expected to read and decode attributes from first to last in the
`2. Transactions
`[0038] A transaction is exchanged on the network as a request from the client,
`some action by the server, and a response from the server. SDP includes three
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 009

`2.1 Login
`The Login transaction simple establishes the identity of the CAD client for
`purposes of reconnection. Should a TCP/IP connection be broken, the Sparkgap will
`queue events awaiting a reconnection.
`2.1.1 Request
`The request PDU contains the following attributes:
`[0043] User (string, mandatory): This value contains the name or identity of the
`CAD system, which much match an entry in the Sparkgap CAD account database.
`Password (string, optional): This value contains the access password for
`the CAD system. If the CAD account is set up without a password, then this attribute
`is not required.
`[0045] Version (integer, mandatory): This value specifies the protocol version that
`the CAD system is requesting for this session. The version is conveyed as the major
`number multiplied by 100 and added to the minor number. For this document, this
`attribute value is 100.
`2.1.2 Response
`The response PDU contains the following attributes:
`[0048] ResultCode (integer, mandatory): This value contains the result code of the
`Resu1tText (string, optional): This value contains a human readable
`message string describing the result of the transaction.
`[0050] Version (integer, mandatory): This value specifies the protocol Version
`that the Sparkgap is supporting for this session. The version is conveyed as the major
`number multiplied by 100 and added to the minor number. For this document, this
`attribute value is 100.
`System (string, optional): This value contains an identifying description of
`the Sparkgap system.
`2.1.3 Example
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 010

`This example illustrates a CAD system logging into a Sparkgap as user
`“ECD9 1 l,” requesting version 1.0 of the protocol. The Sparkgap grants the login and
`acknowledges version 1.0 support.
`Sarkga to CAD
`Response 5066
`{ R
`System=”Sparkgap ESN
`} ;
`{ U
`2.2 SendMessage
`The SendMessage transaction queues a message for delivery for one or
`more pager recipients. The transaction only queues the message for processing. As the
`message is processed and responses are received, a sequence of events will convey the
`results back to the CAD system.
`2.2.1 Request
`The request PDU contains the following attributes
`[0058] MessagelD (string, mandatory): This value uniquely identifies the message
`from the client (CAD) perspective. An identical MessagelD attribute will be included
`in all subsequent events related to this message.
`CadEventlD (string, optional): This value uniquely identifies the
`precipitating CAD event. If present, an identical CadEventlD attribute will be
`included in all subsequent events related to this message.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 011

`[0060] DestinationlD (string, mandatory): This value specifies the target audience
`for the message. The DestinationlD must match the name of a group or individual
`user in the Sparkgap database. The PDU may contain multiple Destination1D
`attributes, in which case the message will be directed to an aggregated group
`representing the net total of all recipients.
`[0061] GroupDetail (integer, optional): This value conveys the client’s desire to
`receive detailed information about group recipients in the transaction response. If this
`field is present and set to a non-zero value, then the response will include a Pagerfl)
`and PagerName attribute for each constituent number of the group. If the
`GroupDetail attribute is not present or set to zero, then this information will not be
`included in the response.
`[0062] Display (string, mandatory): This value contains the actual display
`message to be read by message recipients. Multiple Display attributes will be
`contained in the order they appear into a single unbroken message.
`[0063] AlertResponse (integer, mandatory): If present and set to a non-zero value,
`this value instructs the Sparkgap system to notify the CAD client as pagers receive the
`message alert their users.
`[0064] ReadResponse (integer, optional): If present and set to a non-zero value,
`this value instructs the Sparkgap system to notify the CAD client as users display the
`message on their pager.
`[0065] MCR (string, optional): If present, MCR attributes specify “multiple-
`choice responses” to be presented to the user as reply options. Multiple MCR
`attributes may be included in the request. The first MCR encountered is number 0, the
`second is number 1, and so on. As users reply to the message, the Sparkgap system
`will relay appropriate PagerReply events to the CAD client.
`2.2.2 Response
`The response PDU contains the following attributes:
`Resu1tCode (Integer, mandatory): This value contains the result code of
`the transaction.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 012

`Resu1tText (suing, optional): This value contains a human readable
`message string describing the result of the transaction.
`[0070] GroupSize: This value specifies the total number or recipient members in
`the group.
`PagerID (Suing, mandatory): This value contains the identification of one
`pager in the aggregate destination group. The presence of this atuibute signifies that a
`corresponding PagerName attribute will follow. Together, these two fields are
`duplicated for each member of the total pager destination group.
`PagerName (string, optional): The value contains the name of the pager
`user corresponding to the last PagerID value.
`This example illustrates a CAD system sending the message “Calling all
`cars” to two dispatch groups, Firel and Fire34. The CAD.system requests notification
`from each pager when the users read the messages, but not when the pagers alert. The
`request includes a CadEvent[D and a MessageID so that the CAD system can
`properly categorize forthcoming events related to this message. Sparkgap queues the
`message and returns a SllCCCSSfl.1l result code in the response.
`CAP to Sparkgap
`Sparkgap to CAD
`request 5066 sendmessage
`{ C
`adEventlD=”#CTYFO4 1 820772”;
`Display=”Ca1ling All Cars”;
`MCR”On My Way”;
`MCR”Already On Scene”;
`Response 5066
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 013

`ResultText=”Message Queued”;
`} ;
`2.3 QueryMessage
`The CAD client initiates a QueryMessage transaction to discover present
`status of a previously sent message. The transaction response provides details about
`the message status as well as the status of all message recipients.
`2.3.1 Request
`[0078] MessageID (string, mandatory): This value identifies the message to be
`queried. It must match the Message1D attribute of the SendMessage request that
`created the message.
`2.3.2 Response
`The response includes a message status, and a number of member status
`values in the form of an attribute group, PagerID, PagerName, Pagerstatus. These
`three attributes may appear multiple times in the response to convey the status of
`multiple pagers in the message’s aggregate destination group.
`[0081] ResultCode (integer, mandatory): This value contains the result code of the
`transaction. If this value is not zero, then the Messagestatus, Pager]D, PagerName,
`and PagerStatus fields will not be present.
`[0082] ResultText (string, optional): This value contains a human readable
`message string describing the result of the transaction.
`[0083] MessageStatus (integer, mandatory): This value contains the present status
`of the message, as described in the table below.
`PagerID (string, mandatory): This value contains the identification of one
`pager in the aggregate destination group. The presence of this attribute implies that a
`corresponding PagerName attribute may follow, and that a Pagerstatus attribute will
`follow. Together, these two or three fields are duplicated for each member of the
`pager group total pager destination group.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 014

`PagerNa1ne (string, optional): This value contains the name of the pager
`user corresponding to the last PagerID value.
`Pagerstatus (string, mandatory): This value contains the status of the pager
`user corresponding to the most recent PagerID value in the PDU. PagerStatus values
`are enumerated in the table below.
`Pagerstatus and MessageStatus value enumerations are described below:
`PagerStatus Values
`The message is pending for transmission.
`The message has been sent to the device but not yet acknowledged in
`any way.
`The message has been successfully received by the device.
`The message has been read by the user.
`“Answered” The user has answered the message.
`MessageStatus Values
`The message is pending for transmission.
`The message has been transmitted and is open for replies.
`The message is closed.
`2.3.3 Example
`This example illustrates a CAD system, querying for the message 2004.
`The Sparkgap returns a MessageStatus of 1 to indicate that the message has been sent,
`and it returns individual deliver status codes on the four members of the group.
`CAD to Sparkgap
`request 5067 sendmessage
`Sparkgap to CAD
`{ M
`Response 5067
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 015

`PagerName=”Doe, John”;
`PagerName=”Doe, Jane;
`PagerID=”22903 0O43”
`PagerName=”Orwell, George”;
`PagerName=”Miller, Hark”;
`SDP allows the Sparkgap server to send asynchronous events to the CAD
`client to notify it of message activity on the network. SDP includes two events:
`3.1 PagerRep1y
`This event infonns the CAD system that a recipient pager has responded in
`some way to a message. The event contains the following attributes
`Timestamp (string, mandatory): This value specifies the time that the
`Sparkgap received the information from the pager.
`[0095] MessagelD (string, mandatory): This value identifies the message,
`matching the MessagelD attribute value of the SendMessage request that created the
`CadEventID (string, mandatory): This field is only present if a
`CadEventlD attribute existed in the SendMessage request that created the message. If
`it is present, it matches the value in the SendMessage request.
`PagerID (string, mandatory):This value contains the identification of the
`pager issuing the reply.
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 016

`PagerName (string, optional): This value contains a descriptive name of
`the pager user.
`[0099] UserAlerted (integer, optional): If this attribute is present and its value is
`non—zero, it means that the message was successfully received by the pager and the
`user was alerted.
`[00100] MessageRead (integer, optional): If this attribute is present, it means that
`the user displayed the message on the pager.
`[00101] McrValue (integer, optional): If this attribute is present, the user selected a
`multiple-choice reply value indicated by the value.
`[00102] McrText (string, optional): If this attribute is present, it contains the actual
`text of the selected multiple-choice reply.
`[00103] MessageText (string, optional): If this attribute is present, it contains a
`manually typed response from the pager.
`[00104] The PDU will not aggregate events; it will contain either UserAlerted,
`MessageRead, McrValue (and McrText), or MessageText. It will not contain a
`combination of these fields. Each distinct pager response will arrive in its own event
`PDU with its own timestamp value.
`[00105] In the following example, Pager 229030020 (John Doe) has responded to
`message 2004 with multiple-choice response number 2.
`Event PagerResponse
`{ T
`irnestamp=”O7082004l 3
`O5 5 3EST”;
`CadEventID=’ ’#CTyFD4l
`PagerID=”2290_3 0020”;
`PagerName=”Doe, John”;
`UserAlerted=l ;
`MessageRead=l ;
`McrText=”Already On
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 017

`[00106] 3.2 MessageComp1ete
`[00107] This event informs the CAD system that a message has transitioned to the
`closed state. The message record will remain in memory for some time, but the
`system will no longer accept pager responses for it. This event contains the following
`[00108] Timestamp (string, mandatory): This value specifies the time that the
`Sparkgap closed the message.
`[00109] Message1D (string, mandatory): This value identifies the message,
`matching the Message1D attribute of the SendMessage request that created the
`[001 10] CadEvent1D (string, mandatory): This value is only present if a
`CadEventID attribute existed in the original SendMessage request that created the
`message, and if it is present, it matches the value in the SendMessage request.
`[001 1 1]
`In this example, Sparkgap announces that Message 2004 is closed:
`VI arkga (0 CAD
`Event MessageComp1ete
`{ T
`CAD t0 Sarkga
`[001 12] Result Codes
`[001 13] SDP supports the following result codes:
`Transaction Completed Successfully
`Badly formed PDU
`Unknown recognized Request
`General Electric Co. 1014 - Page 018

`Invalid User/Password
`3000 Message Queue Full - Try Again Later
`Unknown MessageID
`Unknown DestinationID
`3003 Missing Required Attribute
`[001 14] A Dispatch/Response Layer will now be described which is a layer above
`the ReFLEX Air Protocol to support group messaging in accordance with the present
`invention. The SDP and DRL are analogized as book ends in that they operate on
`either side of the ReFLEX network.
`[001 15]
`[001 16] The Dispatch/Response Layer (DRL) provides efficient and high-
`performance group and personal messaging over ReFLEX. DRL uses binary IS

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