Case 6:15-cv-00975-RWS Document 1 Filed 11/11/15 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 1
`CIVIL ACTION NO. 6:15-cv-00975


`Plaintiff GroupChatter, LLC files this Original Complaint against Defendants General
`Electric Company, GE Energy Management Services, Inc. and GE Grid Solutions, LLC
`(collectively, “GE”) for infringement of: U.S. Patent Nos. 7,969,959; 8,199,740; 8,588,207; and
`Plaintiff GroupChatter, LLC (“GroupChatter”) is a Texas limited liability
`company with its headquarters and principal place of business at 1400 Preston Road., Suite 475,
`Plano, Texas 75093.
`Defendant General Electric Company is a New York corporation with its principal
`place of business at 3135 Easton Turnpike, Fairfield, CT, 06828-0001. General Electric
`Company may be served through its registered agent CT Corporation, 1999 Bryan St., Ste. 900,
`Dallas, TX 75201-3136.
`Defendant GE Energy Management Services, Inc., is a Delaware corporation with
`its principal place of business at 4200 Wildwood Pkwy Bldg 2018, Atlanta, GA 30339. GE
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`Energy Management Services, Inc., may be served through its registered agent CT Corporation,
`1999 Bryan St., Ste. 900, Dallas, TX 75201-3136.
`Defendant GE Grid Solutions, LLC is a Delaware corporation with its principal
`place of business at 4200 Wildwood Pkwy Bldg 2018 N6-04A-03, Atlanta, GA 30339. GE Grid
`Solutions, LLC may be served through its registered agent CT Corporation, 1999 Bryan St., Ste.
`900, Dallas, TX 75201-3136.
`GroupChatter brings this action for patent infringement under the patent laws of
`the United States, namely 35 U.S.C. §§ 271, 281, and 284-285, among others. This Court has
`subject-matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1338(a), and 1367.
`Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(c) and
`1400(b). Defendant does business in this judicial district, has committed acts of infringement in
`this judicial district, has purposely transacted business in this judicial district involving the
`accused products and/or, has regular and established places of business in this judicial district.
`Defendants are subject to this Court’s specific and general personal jurisdiction
`pursuant to due process and/or the Texas Long-Arm Statute, due at least to its substantial
`business in this State and judicial district, including: (A) at least part of its infringing activities
`alleged herein; and (B) regularly doing or soliciting business, engaging in other persistent
`conduct, and/or deriving substantial revenue from goods sold and services provided to Texas
`GroupChatter incorporates paragraphs 1 through 5 herein by reference.
`GroupChatter is the owner, by assignment, of U.S. Patent No. 7,969,959 (the
`Plaintiff’s Original Complaint and Jury Demand
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`Case 6:15-cv-00975-RWS Document 1 Filed 11/11/15 Page 3 of 11 PageID #: 3
`“’959 Patent”),
`A true and correct copy of the ’959 Patent is attached as Exhibit A.
`As the owner of the ’959 Patent, GroupChatter holds all substantial rights in and
`under the ’959 Patent, including the right to grant sublicenses, exclude others, and to enforce,
`sue, and recover damages for past and future infringement.
`The United States Patent Office granted the ’959 Patent on June 28, 2011.
`The ’959 Patent is valid, enforceable and was duly issued in full compliance with
`Title 35 of the United States Code.
`Defendant has no consent or authorization to practice the ’959 Patent.
`GE is practicing one or more claims of the ’959 Patent, including at least claims 1
`and 30, by making, using, offering for sale, selling, and/or importing components and systems
`for alerting groups of recipients over a wireless network.
`GE has directly infringed and continues to infringe the ’959 Patent by practicing,
`without limitation, the methods of claims 1 and 30 by deploying, testing, and operating a wide
`area Grid IQ Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) network
`that enables remote
`configuration, operation, and monitoring of utility meters (the “Grid IQ AMI System”).
`The Grid IQ AMI System consists of subsystems and components including RF
`Mesh components, Smart Metering Operations Suite, Grid IQ Connect, Grid IQ Network
`Communications Platform, access points, subscriber units, and endpoints.
`The Grid IQ AMI System operates with endpoints (e.g., electric meters) that have
`communication modules.
`Grid IQ AMI System endpoints are identified by device ID, endpoint ID, serial
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`number and/or network address.
`Grid IQ endpoints are organized in groups.
`The Grid IQ AMI System relies on one or more wireless networks to
`communicate with
`the endpoints, where
`the wireless networks
`include power
`communication (PLC) system components, mesh network components, cellular network
`components, access points, subscriber units, and other endpoints.
`During operation of the Grid IQ AMI System, GE processes endpoint addresses,
`endpoint group addresses, outgoing communications, and incoming acknowledgment responses.
`Actions may be performed on one or more groups of Grid IQ AMI System
`GroupChatter has been damaged as a result of Defendant’s infringing conduct
`described in Count 1. GE is liable to GroupChatter in an amount that adequately compensates it
`for GE’s infringement, which, by law, can be no less than a reasonable royalty, together with
`interest and costs as fixed by this Court under 35 U.S.C. § 284.
`GroupChatter incorporates paragraphs 1 through 22 herein by reference.
`GroupChatter is the owner, by assignment, of U.S. Patent No. 8,199,740 (the
`“’740 Patent”),
`A true and correct copy of the ’740 Patent is attached as Exhibit B.
`As the owner of the ’740 Patent, GroupChatter holds all substantial rights in and
`under the ’740 Patent, including the right to grant sublicenses, exclude others, and to enforce,
`sue, and recover damages for past and future infringement.
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`The United States Patent Office granted the ’740 Patent on June 12, 2012.
`The ’740 Patent is valid, enforceable and was duly issued in full compliance with
`Title 35 of the United States Code.
`GE is practicing one or more claims of the ’740 Patent, including at least claims 1
`and 11, by making, using, offering for sale, selling, and/or importing components and systems
`for alerting groups of recipients over a wireless network.
`GE has directly infringed and continues to infringe the ’740 Patent by practicing
`one or more claims of the ’740 Patent, including at least claims 1 and 11, by deploying, testing,
`and operating the Grid IQ AMI System and its subsystems that provide a deterministic group
`messaging system through which GE alerts groups of recipient endpoints over a wireless
`Grid IQ AMI System endpoints are capable of transmitting and receiving data
`GE stores and processes endpoint and group addresses for multiple endpoints.
`GE provides endpoints with data by broadcasting outgoing communications to the
`endpoints and processes incoming acknowledgments when it operates the Grid IQ AMI System
`and related subsystems.
`The Grid IQ AMI System and related subsystems are a deterministic group
`messaging system for providing acknowledged group messaging.
`GroupChatter has been damaged as a result of Defendant’s infringing conduct
`described in Count 2. GE is liable to GroupChatter in an amount that adequately compensates it
`for their infringement, which amount, by law, can be no less than a reasonable royalty, together
`with interest and costs as fixed by this Court under 35 U.S.C. § 284.
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`GroupChatter incorporates paragraphs 1 through 35 herein by reference.
`GroupChatter is the owner, by assignment, of U.S. Patent No. 8,588,207 (the
`“’207 Patent”),
`A true and correct copy of the ’207 Patent is attached as Exhibit C.
`As the owner of the ’207 Patent, GroupChatter holds all substantial rights in and
`under the ’207 Patent, including the right to grant sublicenses, exclude others, and to enforce,
`sue, and recover damages for past and future infringement.
`The United States Patent Office granted the ’207 Patent on November 19, 2013.
`The ’207 Patent is valid, enforceable and was duly issued in full compliance with
`Title 35 of the United States Code.
`GE is practicing one or more claims of the ’207 Patent, including at least claims 1
`and 8, by making, using, offering for sale, selling, and/or importing the Grid IQ AMI System and
`its subsystems that provide a deterministic group messaging system through which GE alerts
`groups of recipients over a wireless network.
`GE has directly infringed and continues to infringe the ’207 Patent by deploying,
`testing, and operating the Grid IQ AMI System that provides acknowledged group messaging
`with endpoints (e.g., utility meters) in the Grid IQ AMI System.
`GE processes endpoint and group identifiers, provides the endpoints with related
`data, wirelessly transmits outgoing communications to the endpoints, and processes incoming
`acknowledgments when it operates the Grid IQ AMI System and related subsystems.
`The Grid IQ AMI System and related subsystems are a deterministic group
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`messaging system and provide acknowledged group messaging.
`GroupChatter has been damaged as a result of Defendant’s infringing conduct
`described in Count 3. GE is liable to GroupChatter in an amount that adequately compensates it
`for their infringement, which, by law, can be no less than a reasonable royalty, together with
`interest and costs as fixed by this Court under 35 U.S.C. § 284.
`GroupChatter incorporates paragraphs 1 through 46 herein by reference.
`GroupChatter is the owner, by assignment, of U.S. Patent No. 9,014,659 (the
`“’659 Patent”),
`A true and correct copy of the ’659 Patent is attached as Exhibit D.
`As the owner of the ’659 Patent, GroupChatter holds all substantial rights in and
`under the ’659 Patent, including the right to grant sublicenses, exclude others, and to enforce,
`sue, and recover damages for past and future infringement.
`The United States Patent Office granted the ’659 Patent on April 21, 2015.
`The ’659 Patent is valid, enforceable and was duly issued in full compliance with
`Title 35 of the United States Code.
`GE is practicing one or more claims of the ’659 Patent, including at least claims 1
`and 10, by making, using, offering for sale, selling, and/or importing the Grid IQ AMI System
`and its subsystems that provide a deterministic group messaging system through which GE alerts
`groups of recipients over a wireless network.
`GE has directly infringed and continues to infringe the ’659 Patent by deploying,
`testing, and operating the Grid IQ AMI System that provides acknowledged group messaging
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`with endpoints in the Grid IQ AMI System.
`In operation, the Grid IQ AMI System provides acknowledged group messaging.
`The Grid IQ AMI System stores an identifier for a plurality of endpoints.
`The Grid IQ AMI System provides for grouping of endpoints and assignment of a
`group identifier to a group of endpoints.
`The Grid IQ AMI System wirelessly transmits data to endpoints.
`The Grid IQ AMI System processes incoming acknowledgments from endpoints
`within a group.
`The Grid IQ AMI System and related subsystems monitor for responses from
`endpoints to group message transmissions.
`The Grid IQ AMI System and related subsystems are a deterministic group
`messaging system for providing acknowledged group messaging.
`GroupChatter has been damaged as a result of GE’s infringing conduct described
`in Count 4. GE is liable to GroupChatter in an amount that adequately compensates it for their
`infringement, which compensation, by law, can be no less than a reasonable royalty, together
`with interest and costs as fixed by this Court under 35 U.S.C. § 284.
`GE is hereby notified it is legally obligated to locate, preserve, and maintain all
`records, notes, drawings, documents, data, communications, materials, electronic recordings,
`audio/video/photographic recordings, and digital files, including edited and unedited or “raw”
`source material, and other information and tangible things that GE knows, or reasonably should
`know, may be relevant to actual or potential claims, counterclaims, defenses, and/or damages by
`any party or potential party in this lawsuit, whether created or residing in hard copy form or in
`the form of electronically stored information (hereafter collectively referred to as “Potential
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`As used above, the phrase “electronically stored information” includes without
`limitation: computer files (and file fragments), e-mail (both sent and received, whether internally
`or externally), information concerning e-mail (including but not limited to logs of e-mail history
`and usage, header information, and deleted but recoverable e-mails), text files (including drafts,
`revisions, and active or deleted word processing documents), instant messages, audio recordings
`and files, video footage and files, audio files, photographic footage and files, spreadsheets,
`databases, calendars, telephone logs, contact manager information, internet usage files, and all
`other information created, received, or maintained on any and all electronic and/or digital forms,
`sources and media, including, without limitation, any and all hard disks, removable media,
`peripheral computer or electronic storage devices, laptop computers, mobile phones, personal
`data assistant devices, Blackberry devices, iPhones, video cameras and still cameras, and any and
`all other locations where electronic data is stored. These sources may also include any personal
`electronic, digital, and storage devices of any and all of GE’s agents, resellers, or employees if
`GE’s electronically stored information resides there.
`GE is hereby further notified and forewarned that any alteration, destruction,
`negligent loss, or unavailability, by act or omission, of any Potential Evidence may result in
`damages or a legal presumption by the Court and/or jury that the Potential Evidence is not
`favorable to GE’s claims and/or defenses. To avoid such a result, GE’s preservation duties
`include, but are not limited to, the requirement that GE immediately notify its agents and
`employees to halt and/or supervise the auto-delete functions of GE’s electronic systems and
`refrain from deleting Potential Evidence, either manually or through a policy of periodic
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`Texas Bar No. 24046950
`Plaintiff’s Original Complaint and Jury Demand
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