`Patent Owner
`Patent Nos. 7,969,959, 8,199,740, 8,588,207, and 9,014,659
`Issued: Jun. 28, 2011, June. 12, 2012, Nov. 19, 2013, and Apr. 21, 2015
`Filed: Dec. 16, 2005, Jun. 6, 2011, May 21, 2012, Nov. 8, 2013
`Inventors: James M. Dabbs, III et al.
`Titled: Method and apparatus for efficient and deterministic group alerting
`Declaration of Bruce Deer Regarding
`U.S. Patent Nos. 7,969,959, 8,199,740, 8,588,207, and 9,014,659
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 1

`1, Bruce Deer, do hereby declare and state, that all statements made herein of my
`own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 ofthe United States
`Dated: Novembergg2016
`Bruce Deer

`INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 7
`Engagement ...................................................................................................................... 7
`Background and Qualifications ........................................................................................ 7
`Compensation ................................................................................................................. 11
`Information Considered .................................................................................................. 11
`II. LEGAL STANDARDS FOR PATENTABILITY ........................................................... 12
`Anticipation .................................................................................................................... 13
`Obviousness ................................................................................................................... 14
`III. THE CHALLENGED PATENTS .................................................................................. 19
`Summary of the Alleged Invention of the Challenged Patents ...................................... 19
`Effective Filing Date Of The Challenged Claims .......................................................... 22
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art ................................................................................ 23
`The Claims of the Challenged Patents I Am Addressing In This Report ...................... 24
`Construction of Terms Used in the Claims .................................................................... 24
`“mobile device” means “a wireless device that can be in motion during normal use,
`such as a pager, cell phone, or wireless personal data assistants (PDA), or portable computer
`running WiFi” in this review ................................................................................................ 25
`“responder device” means a “mobile device capable of responding” in this
`proceeding ............................................................................................................................. 27
`(iii) “recipient” means “a user who receives a message via a mobile device” in this review
`“alerting” means “notifying” in this review ............................................................... 29
`“type of message” refers to whether a message is a group message, an individual
`message sent to one pager, or an individual message received from one pager ................... 30
`“network client” means a “device that can initiate a broadcast group message” ....... 31
`(vii) Means-plus-function limitations ............................................................................. 32
`Prior Art References ....................................................................................................... 37
`(i) Gutman ....................................................................................................................... 38
`(ii) LaPorta........................................................................................................................ 40
`(iii) Brabec ......................................................................................................................... 41
`(iv) Motorola Wireless Application Development Document .......................................... 41
`(v) ReFLEX Paper ............................................................................................................ 42
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 3

`Comparison of Gutman To Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22, and 29-30 of the
`’959 Patent ................................................................................................................................ 43
`Claim 1 of the ’959 Patent .......................................................................................... 43
`(ii) Claim 2 of the ’959 Patent .......................................................................................... 64
`(iii) Claim 3 of the ’959 Patent .......................................................................................... 64
`(iv) Claim 8 of the ’959 Patent .......................................................................................... 65
`(v) Claim 10 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 65
`(vi) Claims 13 and 22 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................... 67
`Claim 17 of the ’959 Patent .................................................................................... 68
`(viii) Claims 14, 18, and 21 of the ’959 Patent ................................................................ 70
`(ix) Claim 20 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 72
`(x) Claim 29 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 73
`(xi) Claim 30 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 74
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of The Knowledge Of A Person Of Ordinary Skill In
`The Art To Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22, and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent .................. 82
`Claims 1-3, 8, 13, 20, 22, and 30 of the ’959 Patent .................................................. 82
`(ii) Claim 10 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 84
`(iii) Claim 17 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 85
`(iv) Claims 14, 18, and 21 of the ’959 Patent .................................................................... 85
`(v) Claim 29 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 87
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of LaPorta To Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22,
`and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent ..................................................................................................... 87
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered LaPorta in Conjunction With
`Gutman .................................................................................................................................. 87
`(ii) Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22, and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent ....................... 90
`(iii) Claim 17 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 90
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of Brabec To Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22,
`and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent ..................................................................................................... 91
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered Brabec in Conjunction With
`Gutman .................................................................................................................................. 91
`(ii) Claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22, and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent ....................... 93
`(iii) Claim 17 of the ’959 Patent ........................................................................................ 95
`Comparison of Gutman To Claims 1-5, 10-16, 20, and 21 of the ’740 Patent .............. 96
`Claim 1 of the ’740 Patent .......................................................................................... 96
`(ii) Claim 11 of the ’740 Patent ...................................................................................... 117
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 4

`(iii) Claims 2 and 12 of the ’740 Patent........................................................................... 124
`(iv) Claims 3 and 13 of the ’740 Patent........................................................................... 125
`(v) Claims 4 and 14 of the ’740 Patent........................................................................... 126
`(vi) Claims 5 and 15 of the ’740 Patent........................................................................... 127
`Claims 10, 20, and 21 of the ’740 Patent .............................................................. 127
`(viii) Claim 16 of the ’740 Patent .................................................................................. 129
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of The Knowledge Of A Person Of Ordinary Skill In
`The Art To Claims 1-5, 10-16, 20, and 21 of the ’740 Patent ................................................ 130
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of LaPorta To Claims 1-5, 10-16, 20, and 21 of the
`’740 Patent .............................................................................................................................. 132
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered LaPorta in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 132
`(ii) Claims 1-5 and 11-16 of the ’740 Patent .................................................................. 133
`(iii) Claims 10, 20, and 21of the ’740 Patent .................................................................. 133
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of Brabec To Claims 1-5, 10-16, 20, and 21 of the
`’740 Patent .............................................................................................................................. 135
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered Brabec in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 135
`(ii) Claims 1-5 and 11-16 of the ’740 Patent .................................................................. 135
`(iii) Claims 10, 20, and 21of the ’740 Patent .................................................................. 136
`Comparison of Gutman To Claims 1-3, 8-9, and 11 of the ’207 Patent ...................... 138
`Claim 1 of the ’207 Patent ........................................................................................ 138
`(ii) Claim 3 of the ’207 Patent ........................................................................................ 157
`(iii) Claim 8 of the ’207 Patent ........................................................................................ 158
`(iv) Claims 2 and 9 of the ’207 Patent............................................................................. 165
`(v) Claim 11 of the ’207 Patent ...................................................................................... 165
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of The Knowledge Of A Person Of Ordinary Skill In
`The Art To Claims 1-3, 8, 9, and 11 of the ’207 Patent.......................................................... 167
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of LaPorta To Claims 1-3, 8, 9, and 11 of the ’207
`Patent 169
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered LaPorta in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 169
`(ii) Claims 1-3, 8, and 9 of the ’207 Patent .................................................................... 169
`(iii) Claim 11 of the ’207 Patent ...................................................................................... 170
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 5

`Comparison of Gutman In View Of Brabec To Claims 1-3, 8, 9, and 11 of the ’207
`Patent 171
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered Brabec in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 171
`(ii) Claims 1-3, 8, and 9 of the ’207 Patent .................................................................... 171
`(iii) Claim 11 of the ’207 Patent ...................................................................................... 172
`Comparison of Gutman To Claims 1-4, 8, 10-13, and 16 of the ’659 Patent .............. 173
`Claim 1 of the ’659 Patent ........................................................................................ 173
`(ii) Claim 10 of the ’659 Patent ...................................................................................... 194
`(iii) Claims 2 and 11 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 202
`(iv) Claims 3 and 12 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 202
`(v) Claims 4 and 13 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 203
`(vi) Claims 8 and 16 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 204
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of The Knowledge Of A Person Of Ordinary Skill In
`The Art To Claims 1-4, 8, 10-13, and 16 of the ’659 Patent .................................................. 205
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of LaPorta To Claims 1-4, 8, 10-13, and 16 of the
`’659 Patent .............................................................................................................................. 206
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered LaPorta in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 207
`(ii) Claims 1-4, and 10-13 of the ’659 Patent ................................................................. 207
`(iii) Claims 8 and 16 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 208
`Comparison of Gutman In View Of Brabec To Claims 1-4, 8, 10-13, and 16 of the ’659
`Patent 209
`(i) A Person of Ordinary Skill Would Have Considered Brabec in Conjunction With
`Gutman ................................................................................................................................ 209
`(ii) Claims 1-4, and 10-13 of the ’659 Patent ................................................................. 209
`(iii) Claims 8 and 16 of the ’659 Patent........................................................................... 210
`IX. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 211
`X. APPENDIX A: Materials Considered By Bruce Deer ................................................... 212
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 6

`I have been retained by counsel for General Electric Co. as an expert
`witness in the above-captioned proceeding. I have been asked to provide my
`opinions about the state of the art of the technology described in U.S. Patent No.
`7,969,959 to James M. Dabbs, III et al (“the ’959 Patent”) (Ex. 1001), U.S. Patent
`No. 8,199,740 to James M. Dabbs, III et al (“the ’740 Patent”) (Ex. 1002), U.S.
`Patent No. 8,588,207 to James M. Dabbs, III et al (“the ’207 Patent”) (Ex. 1004),
`and U.S. Patent No. 9,014,659 to James M. Dabbs, III et al (“the ’659 Patent,”)
`(Ex. 1003) (collectively, the “Challenged Patents”). I also have been asked to
`provide my opinions on the patentability of claims 1-3, 8, 10, 13-14, 17-18, 20-22,
`and 29-30 of the ’959 Patent, claims 1-5, 10-16, 20, and 21 of the ’740 Patent,
`claims 1-3, 8, 9, and 11 of the ’207 Patent, and claims 1-4, 8, 10-13, and 16 of the
`’659 Patent (collectively, the “Challenged Claims”). The following is my written
`report on these topics.
`Background and Qualifications
`2. My Curriculum Vitae is submitted herewith as Exhibit 1010.
`Since 2007 I have been an independent consultant in the wireless
`communications and technology sector. Prior to 2007 I was President and CEO of
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 7

`SkyTel, a division of Verizon which developed and deployed wireless
`communication networks.
`Having gained my degree in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi
`State University in 1979, I joined Lockheed Aerospace in 1980 as a systems
`engineer. I worked at Lockheed Aerospace until 1994 in a number of roles in
`technical, research and project management teams, during which period I obtained
`(in 1984) an M.S. in Electrical Engineering (with an emphasis on
`telecommunications) from the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. At
`Lockheed Aerospace I worked on and led several projects involving wireless
`communications systems related to military data links between ground-based
`narrowband radios and airborne platforms. These projects involved the
`transmission of digital data streams containing targeting and coordination
`information between ground units and tactical aircraft.
`In 1994 I joined the US-based paging infrastructure company Mobile
`Telecommunications Technologies, Inc., which operated under the name
`‘SkyTel’,1 where I worked on the development and enhancement of the company’s
`existing messaging systems, including paging networks in the US and overseas. I
`was also responsible for developing the software aspects of the paging system
`1 Mobile Telecommunications Technologies, Inc. changed its name to SkyTel
`in 1998.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 8

`infrastructure for the rollout of the first two-way paging communication system in
`the US, which employed Motorola’s ReFlex protocol. During this period I was
`also involved in the development of enhanced message handling functionality over
`the two-way messaging platform, including development and deployment of fax
`message forwarding functionality and a fully-featured wireless e-mail system. My
`role in these projects involved the development (including both designing and
`writing the necessary software code) of messaging infrastructure software
`applications in order to implement the relevant underlying communication
`In 1996 I was promoted to Vice-President and Chief Technical
`Officer, and during the period to 2001 I directed all technical development
`operations for SkyTel, which were focussed upon continued development and
`improvement of the company’s two-way messaging technologies. During this time
`I was involved in a project working in partnership with Motorola to advance its
`ReFlex two-way communications protocol – directing the merger of two variants
`of the protocol into a single compatible protocol, resulting in significant
`efficiencies once implemented.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 9

`From 2001 to 2004 I held the role of Senior VP and Chief Operations
`Officer of SkyTel and the Broadband Solutions division of MCI,2 directing the
`development of wireless broadband systems. I was also a member of the national
`Wireless Emergency Response Team (WERT) formed due to the September 11
`2001 terrorist attacks to address technology and communications interoperability
`issues. In 2004 I was promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer, during
`which period I was responsible for further development of the company’s wireless
`communication systems. In 2006 I also testified before the Federal
`Communications Commission Independent Panel regarding the effectiveness of
`communications systems in the immediate aftermath of hurricane Katrina.
`In 2007 I retired from SkyTel and became an independent consultant,
`offering project management, technical operations, engineering, software and
`systems development assistance to companies, with a focus on emerging
`businesses in the telecommunications sector. I was also President and CEO of a
`start-up company developing wireless communication technologies for vehicle
`In 1999 SkyTel was acquired by WorldCom, which then was renamed MCI.
`During this period the company’s wireless operations (SkyTel and
`WorldCom Wireless Broadband Solutions) were managed by the same
`executive management team, but operated separately.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 10

`tracking and traffic congestion management using wireless technology from 2007
`until 2012.
`As described above, I have significant working knowledge of paging
`communication protocols, including the Motorola ReFlex protocol.
`C. Compensation
`I am being compensated at my standard hourly rate for my study and
`testimony in this matter. I am also being reimbursed for reasonable and customary
`expenses associated with my work and testimony in this investigation. My
`compensation is not contingent on the outcome of this matter or the specifics of my
`Information Considered
`11. My opinions are based on my years of education, research and
`experience, as well as my investigation and study of relevant materials. In forming
`my opinions, I have considered the materials I identify in this report and those
`listed in Appendix A.
`I may rely upon these materials and/or additional materials to respond
`to arguments raised by the Patent Owner. I may also consider additional
`documents and information in forming any necessary opinions — including
`documents that may not yet have been provided to me.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 11

`13. My analysis of the materials produced in this investigation is ongoing
`and I will continue to review any new material as it is provided. This report
`represents only those opinions I have formed to date. I reserve the right to revise,
`supplement, and/or amend my opinions stated herein based on new information
`and on my continuing analysis of the materials already provided.
`In expressing my opinions and considering the subject matter of the
`claims of the Challenged Patents, I am relying upon certain basic legal principles
`that counsel has explained to me.
`15. First, I understand that for an invention claimed in a patent to be
`found patentable, it must be, among other things, new and not obvious from what
`was known before the invention was made.
`I understand the information that is used to evaluate whether an
`invention is new and not obvious is generally referred to as “prior art” and
`generally includes patents and printed publications (e.g., books, journal
`publications, articles on websites, product manuals, etc.).
`I understand that in this proceeding that General Electric has the
`burden of proving that the claims of the Challenged Patents are anticipated by or
`are obvious from the prior art by a preponderance of the evidence. I understand
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 12

`that “a preponderance of the evidence” is evidence sufficient to show that a fact is
`more likely true than not.
`I understand that in this proceeding, the claims must be given their
`broadest reasonable interpretation consistent with the specification. The claims,
`after being construed in this manner, are then to be compared to the information in
`the prior art.
`I understand that in this proceeding, the information that may be
`evaluated is limited to patents and printed publications. My analysis below
`compares the claims to patents and printed publications that are prior art to the
`I understand that there are two ways in which prior art may render a
`patent claim unpatentable. First, the prior art can be shown to “anticipate” the
`claim. Second, the prior art can be shown to make the claim “obvious” to a person
`of ordinary skill in the art. My understanding of the two legal standards is set forth
`A. Anticipation
`I understand that the following standards govern the determination of
`whether a patent claim is “anticipated” by the prior art.
`I have applied these standards in my evaluation of whether the
`Challenged Claims of the Challenged Patents are anticipated by the prior art.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 13

`I understand that the “prior art” includes patents and printed
`publications that existed before the earliest filing date (the “effective filing date”)
`of the claim in the patent. I also understand that a patent will be prior art if it was
`filed before the effective filing date of the claimed invention, while a printed
`publication will be prior art if it was publicly available before that date.
`I understand that, for a patent claim to be “anticipated” by the prior
`art, each and every requirement of the claim must be found, expressly or
`inherently, in a single prior art reference as recited in the claim. I understand that
`claim limitations that are not expressly described in a prior art reference may still
`be there if they are “inherent” to the thing or process being described in the prior
`art. For example, I understand that inherency may be established if missing
`descriptive matter is necessarily present in the thing described in the reference.
`I understand that it is acceptable to consider evidence other the
`information in a particular prior art document to determine if a feature is
`necessarily present in or inherently described by that reference.
`B. Obviousness
`I understand that a claimed invention is not patentable if it would have
`been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the field of the invention at the time
`the invention was made.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 14

`I understand that the obviousness standard is defined in the patent
`statute (35 U.S.C. § 103(a)) as follows:
`A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically
`disclosed or described as set forth in section 102 of this title, if the
`differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the
`prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been
`obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.
`Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the
`invention was made.
`I understand that the following standards govern the determination of
`whether a claim in a patent is obvious. I have applied these standards in my
`evaluation of whether the Challenged Claims would have been considered obvious
`at the time of the effective filing date of the Challenged Patents, which I
`understand Patent Owner contends is the December 16, 2004 filing date of U.S.
`Provisional App. No. 60/636,094 (“the ’094 Application”) (Ex. 1014).
`I understand that to find a claim in a patent obvious, one must make
`certain findings regarding the claimed invention and the prior art. Specifically, I
`understand that the obviousness question requires consideration of four factors
`(although not necessarily in the following order):
`The scope and content of the prior art;
`The differences between the prior art and the claims at issue;
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 15

`The knowledge of a person of ordinary skill in the pertinent art; and
` Whatever objective factors indicating obviousness or non-obviousness
`may be present in any particular case.
`In addition, I understand that the obviousness inquiry should not be
`done in hindsight, but must be done using the perspective of a person of ordinary
`skill in the relevant art as of the effective filing date of the patent claim.
`I understand the objective factors indicating obviousness or non-
`obviousness may include: commercial success of products covered by the patent
`claims; a long-felt need for the invention; failed attempts by others to make the
`invention; copying of the invention by others in the field; unexpected results
`achieved by the invention; praise of the invention by the infringer or others in the
`field; the taking of licenses under the patent by others; expressions of surprise by
`experts and those skilled in the art at the making of the invention; and the patentee
`proceeded contrary to the accepted wisdom of the prior art.
`I understand the combination of familiar elements according to known
`methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield predictable results.
`I also understand that an example of a solution in one field of endeavor may make
`that solution obvious in another related field. I also understand that market
`demands or design considerations may prompt variations of a prior art system or
`process, either in the same field or a different one, and that these variations will
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 16

`ordinarily be considered obvious variations of what has been described in the prior
`I also understand that if a person of ordinary skill can implement a
`predictable variation, that variation would have been considered obvious. I
`understand that for similar reasons, if a technique has been used to improve one
`device, and a person of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that it would
`improve similar devices in the same way, using that technique to improve the other
`device would have been obvious unless its actual application yields unexpected
`results or challenges in implementation.
`I understand that the obviousness analysis need not seek out precise
`teachings directed to the specific subject matter of the challenged claim, but
`instead can take account of the “ordinary innovation” and experimentation that
`does no more than yield predictable results, which are inferences and creative steps
`that a person of ordinary skill in the art would employ.
`I understand that sometimes it will be necessary to look to interrelated
`teachings of multiple patents; the effects of demands known to the design
`community or present in the marketplace; and the background knowledge
`possessed by a person having ordinary skill in the art. I understand that all these
`issues may be considered to determine whether there was an apparent reason to
`combine the known elements in the fashion claimed by the patent at issue.
`Petitioner General Electric Co. – Exhibit 1009, p. 17

`I understand that the obviousness analysis cannot be confined by a
`formalistic conception of the words “teaching, suggestion, and motivation.” I
`understand that in 2007, the Supreme Court issued its decision in KSR Int'l Co. v.
`Teleflex, Inc. where the Court rejected the previous requirement of a “teaching,
`suggestion, or motivation to combine” known elements of prior

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