`Third Edition
`SYBIL P. PARKER Editor in Chief
`New York St. Louis San Francisco
`Auckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg
`Johannesburg Lisbon London Madrid Mexico
`Montreal New Delhi Panama Paris San Juan
`Sao Paulo Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
`NU MARK Ex.1031 p.1

`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously
`in the following works: P. B. Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copy­
`right © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. J. Markus, Electronics
`and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed., Copyright © 1960,1966,1978 by McGraw-Hill,
`Inc. All rights reserved. J. Quick, Artists' and Illustrators' Encyclopedia, Copyright
`© 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Blakiston's Gould Medical Dic­
`tionary, 3d ed., Copyright © 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`T. Baumeister and L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engi­
`neers, 7th ed., Copyright © 1958, 1967 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. Huschke,
`Glossary of Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 1959; US. Air Force
`Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual 11 — 1, vol. 1, 1972; Communications-
`Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; W. H. Allen, ed., Dic­
`tionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aeronautics and
`Space Administration, 1965; J. M. Gilhland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary
`of Terms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158,
`1967; Glossary of Air Traffic Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary
`of Range Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, National Bureau
`of Standards, AD 467-424; A DOD Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic
`Terms, 1st ed., Department of Defense, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed., A
`Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nu­
`clear Terms: A Glossary, 2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed., Com­
`pilation of Terms in Information Sciences Technology, Federal Council for Science
`and Technology, 1970; Glossary of Stinfo Terminology, Office of Aerospace Re­
`search, U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary of Electronic, Technical, and
`Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; ADP Glossary, Department
`of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097.
`Third Edition
`Copyright © 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as per­
`mitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
`publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
`means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior
`written permission of the publisher. Philippines Copyright 1984,
`1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
`D O D O
`8 9 1 0 9 8 7 6 5
`ISBN 0 - 0 7 - 0 1 5 2 ^ - 5
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms.
`I. Parker, Sybil P.
`1. Science—Dictionaries. 2. Technology—Dictionaries.
`[DNLM: 1. Science—Dictionaries. 2. Technology—Dictionaries. Q 123 M147]
`ISBN 0-07-045269-5
`NU MARK Ex.1031 p.2

`artificial line
`underground reservoirs, usually by injecting gas into the rock or
`sand formation to force fluids from wells; an example is a gas
`[ELEC] Circuit made up of lumped constants,
`artificial line
`which is used to simulate various characteristics of a transmis­
`sion line.
`[ELEC] Balancing network simulating the
`artificial line duct
`impedance of the real line and distant terminal apparatus, which
`is employed in a duplex circuit to make the receiving device
`unresponsive to outgoing signal currents,
`artificial load
`[ELEC] Dissipative but essentially nonradiat-
`ing device having the impedance characteristics of an antenna,
`transmission line, or other practical utilization circuit,
`artificial malachite See copper carbonate,
`artificial monument
`[ENG] A relatively permanent object
`made by humans, such as an abutment or stone marker, used to
`identify the location of a survey station or comer,
`artificial neroli oil See methyl anthranilate.
`artificial nourishment [civ ENG] The process of replenish­
`ing a beach by artificial means, such as the deposition of
`dredged material.
`[PHYSIO] Activation of an egg
`artificial parthenogenesis
`by chemical and physical stimuli in the absence of sperm,
`artificial radiation belt
`[GEOPHYS] High-energy electrons
`trapped in the earth's magnetic field as a result of high-altitude
`nuclear explosions.
`artificial radioactivity See induced radioactivity,
`artificial radio aurora
`[COMMON] Modification of the
`ionosphere by high-power high-frequency radio transmitters to
`improve scatter and auroral long-distance communica­
`tion. Also known as radio aurora.
`artificial recharge [civ ENG) The recharge of an aquifier
`depleted by abnormally large withdrawals, by the use of injec­
`tion wells and other techniques.
`artificial respiration
`[MEDJ The maintenance of breathing
`by artificial ventilation, in the absence of normal spontaneous
`respiration; effective methods include mouth-to-mouth
`breathing and the use of a respirator.
`artificial satellite
`[AERO ENG] Any man-made object placed
`in a near-periodic orbit in which it moves mainly under the
`gravitational influence of one celestial body, such as the earth,
`sun. another planet, or a planet's moon,
`artificial scheellte See calcium tungstate.
`artificial sky
`[ARCH] A dome (usually hemispherical) il­
`luminated by concealed light sources; used to illustrate and
`study daylighting techniques on architectural models placed
`near the center of the hemisphere.
`artificial sweetener
`( F<X>D ENG ) A sugar substitute .such as
`[IND ENG] One type of variable intro­
`artificial variable
`duced in a linear program model in order to find an initial basic
`feasible solution; an artificial variable is used for equality con­
`straints and for greater-than or equal inequality constraints,
`artificial ventilation
`(MINENG] The inducing of a flow of air
`through a mine or part of a mine by mechanical or other means,
`artificial voice
`JENG ACOUS) 1. Small loudspeaker mounted
`in a shaped baffle which is proportioned to simulate the acousti­
`cal constants of the human head; used for calibrating and testing
`close-talking microphones. 2. Synthetic speech produced by a
`multiple tone generator; used to produce a voice reply in some
`real-time computer applications.
`artificial weathering
`[ENG] The controlled production of
`changes in materials under laboratory conditions to simulate
`actual outdoor exposure.
`|ORD) A gun or a rocket launcher with mounting too
`large or too heavy to be classed as a small arm. Abbreviated
`[ORD] The portion of an artillery weapon,
`artillery bogie
`consisting of wheels, axles, and various supporting appurte­
`nances. which is the principal weight-bearing unit when the
`weapon is being transported.
`artillery cart
`[ORD] A trailer that carries equipment used by
`artillery units for fire control, communications, and mapping; it
`is attached to a field gun for traveling,
`artillery cartridge extractor
`[ORD] An extractor designed
`for pulling an empty cartridge case or unfired cartridge out of
`the chamber of an artillery weapon.
`artillery cleaning staff
`[ORD] A round wooden or metal
`staff with or without a metal handle and with a head unit
`designed for holding a piece of fabric or cotton for swabbing the
`bore of a mortar or a short-barrel cannon,
`artillery sled
`[ORD] A flat-bottomed steel item usually
`curved up at one end; it usually has wheel welds and attaching
`facilities for fastening the wheels of artillery mounts; used
`primarily to transport weapons over snow. ice. swamps, or
`rough terrain.
`[ORD] The process of determining, with
`artillery survey
`sufficient exactness, the relative horizontal and vertical loca­
`tions of the pieces and targets so that they may be plotted on the
`firing chart, and of providing accurate data for the pieces,
`artillery train
`(ORD] A number of pieces of ordnance
`mounted on traveling carriages.
`[MINERAL] Mg,CO,(OH);-3H,0 A snow-white
`mineral crystallizing in the orthorhombie system and occurring
`in crystals or fibrous aggregates.
`[GEOL] A European stage of geologic time in­
`cluding Lower Permian (above Sakmarian, below Hungarian).
`]VERT ZOO] An order of terrestrial, her­
`bivorous mammals characterized by having an even number of
`toes and by having the main limb axes pass between the third
`and fourth toes.
`artotype See photogelatin printing plate.
`ARTS See automated radar terminal system,
`[GRAPHICS] 1. Illustrative and decorative matter as
`distinguished from text. 2, illustrative matter and type proofs
`arranged on a mechanical,
`arty See artillery.
`[MAP] A combination of graphical and
`Arundel method
`analytical methods, based on radial triangulation, for point-by-
`point topographic mapping from aerial photographs,
`[AGR] The cultivation of field crops,
`[ORG CHEM] An organic radical derived from an aroma­
`tic hydrocarbon by removal of one hydrogen,
`aryl acid
`[ORG CHEM] An organic acid that has an aryl
`[ORG CHEM] An organic compound formed from
`an aromatic hydrocarbon that has at least one amine group
`joined to it. such as aniline,
`arylated alkyl See aralkyl.
`aryl compound
`[ORG CHEM I Molecules with the six-carbon
`aromatic ring structure characteristic of benzene or compounds
`derived from aromatics.
`[ORG CHEM] A diazo compound
`aryl diazo compound
`bonded to the ring structure characteristic of benzene or any
`other aromatic derivative.
`[ORG CHEM] A radical that is bivalent and formed by
`removal of hydrogen from two carbon sites on an aromatic
`(ORG CHEM] An aromatic derivative in which a
`aryl haiide
`ring hydrogen has been replaced by a haiide atom,
`(ORG CHEM) A compound formed from a metal and
`an aryl radical, for example. PbR,,, where R is the aryl radical,
`aryloxy compound
`(ORG CHEM) One of a group of com­
`pounds useful as organic weed killers, such as 2.4-dichloro-
`phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).
`[ORG CHEM) An aromatic species in which two adja­
`cent atoms of a ring lack substiiuents. with two orbitals each
`missing an electron. Also known as benzyne.
`[ ANAT] Relating to either of the paired, pyramid-
`shaped, pivoting cartilages on the dorsal aspect of the larynx, in
`man and most other mammals, to which the vocal cords and
`arytenoid muscles are attached.
`[MINERAL] A bluish-green mineral consisting of a
`basic copper sulfate with copper chloride and lead, and occur­
`ring as incrustations.
`aS See abmho.
`As See altostratus cloud; arsenic,
`asar See esker.
`[ORG CHEM] C|,H,„0, A crystalline substance
`with melting point 67:aC; insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol;
`found in plants of the genus Asarum; used as a constituent in
`essential oils such as calumus oil. Also known as 2,4.5,-tri-
`methoxy-i-propenyl benzene.
`asbestine [MATER] A material with the properties of
`asbestos [MINERAL] A general name for the useful, fibrous
`varieties of a number of rock-forming silicate minerals that are
`heat-resistant and chemically inert; two varieties exist: amphi-
`bole asbestos, the best grade of which approaches the composi-
`NU MARK Ex.1031 p.3

`asbestos blanket
`mantle x
`vascular stolon
`colony members
`Left side of a zooid of the colonial
`ascidian Perophora. The tunic,
`mantle, and anterior wall of the
`pharynx have been removed from
`the left. The two arrows indicate
`direction of water intake and
`Longitudinal section showing
`several asci in ascocarp of
`Erysiphe aggregate.
`The structural formula of ascorbic
`j mantle (carapace)
`fourth trunk appendage
`maxillary gland
`second maxilla
`Ascothorax ophioctenis, a parasite
`in the bursae of brittle stars.
`(After Wagin from A Kaestner;
`from R. D. Barnes, Invertebrate
`Zoology, 2d ed., Saunders, 1968)
`tion Ca2Mg5(OH)2SiK022 (tremoiite), and serpentine asbestos,
`usually chrysotile, Mg3Si2(0H)405.
`asbestos blanket
`[MATER] Asbestos fibers (alone or in
`combination with other fibers) stitched, bonded, or woven into
`flexible blanket form; used for high-temperature insulation or
`for fire barriers.
`[MATER] A sheet of fire-resistant material
`asbestos board
`made from asbestos fiber and portland cement,
`asbestos cement
`[MATER] A building material composed
`of a mixture of asbestos fiber, portland cement, and water made
`into plain sheets, corrugated sheets, tiles, and piping,
`asbestos-cement cladding [BUILD] Asbestos board and
`component wall systems, directly supported by wall framing,
`forming a wall or wall facing.
`asbestos-cement pipe
`[MATER] A concrete pipe made of a
`mixture of portland cement and asbestos fiber and highly resis­
`tant to corrosion; used in drainage systems, waterworks sys­
`tems, and gas lines. Also known by the trade name Transite
`(MATER] A product made by saturating felted
`asbestos felt
`asbestos with asphalt or other suitable binder, such as a synthetic
`[MATER] A material composed of as­
`asbestos insulation
`bestos fibers bonded with mixtures of clay or sodium silicate;
`used as thermal insulation for temperatures above 1500°F
`asbestosis [MED] A chronic lung inflammation caused by
`inhalation of asbestos dust.
`asbestos joint runner
`[MATER] An asbestos rope, wrapped
`around a pipe and then clamped in position; used to hold molten
`lead which is poured in a caulked joint. Also known as pouring
`(MATER] A fireproof
`asbestos plaster
`insulating material
`generally composed of asbestos with bentonite as the binder,
`asbestos roofing
`[MATER] Roofing or wall cladding sheets
`made of asbestos cement.
`asbestos shingle
`IMATER] A shingle composed of asbestos
`cement formed under pressure; used on houses for roofing and
`siding that resist the destructive effects of time, weather, and
`asbolane See asbolite.
`[MINERAL] A black, earthy mineral aggregate con­
`taining hydrated oxides of manganese and cobalt. Also known
`as asbolane; black cobalt; earthy cobalt,
`[MET] A brazement prior to any additional treat­
`ment such as thermal, chemical, or mechanical treatments.
`ASC See A-acetylsulfanilyl chloride.
`A scale
`[ACOUS] A system used to filter out sound below 55
`decibels; its characteristics are equal to those of the human ear.
`A scan See A scope.
`[VERT ZOO] A family of amphicoelous frogs in
`the order Anura, represented by four living, species,
`ascarlasis [MED] Any parasitic infection of humans or do­
`mestic mammals caused by species of Ascaris.
`[INV ZOO] The common name for any roundworm
`belonging to the superfamily Ascaridoidea.
`Ascaridata [INV ZOO] An equivalent name for the
`[ INV ZOO] An order of parasitic nematodes in the
`subclass Phasmidia,
`[INV ZOO] A family of parasitic nematodes in
`the superfamily Ascaridoidea.
`|INV ZOO] A suborder of parasitic nematodes in
`the order Ascaridida.
`(INV ZOO] A large superfamily of parasitic
`nematodes of the suborder Ascaridina.
`ascaridole [ORGCHEM] C|„HI60, A terpene peroxide, ex­
`plosive when heated; used as an initiator in polymerization.
`Ascaris [INV ZOO] A genus of roundworms that are intesti­
`nal parasites in mammals, including man.
`Ascaris iumbrlcoldes
`[INV ZOO] A large parasitic round­
`worm in the small intestine of man,
`[INV ZOO] An equivalent name for Ascaridoi­
`ascender [GRAPHICS] That part of some lowercase letters
`which extends above the main body, as in b, d, and h.
`ascending aorta
`[ANAT] The first part of the aorta, extend­
`ing from its origin in the heart to the aortic arch,
`ascending branch
`[MECH] The portion of the trajectory
`between the origin and the summit on which a projectile climb
`and its altitude constantly increases,
`ascending chromatography
`(ANALY CHEM] A techniqut
`for the analysis of mixtures of two or more compounds in whicf
`the mobile phase (sample and carrier) rises through the fixec
`ascending node [ASTRON] Also known as northbounc
`node. 1. The point at which a planet, planetoid, or come
`crosses to the north side of the ecliptic. 2. The point at which:
`satellite crosses to the north side of the equatorial plane of its
`ascending series [MATH] 1. A series each of whose terms is
`greater than the preceding term. 2. See power series,
`ascending vertical angle See angle of elevation,
`[AERO ENG] Motion of a craft in which the path is
`inclined upward with respect
`to the horizontal.
`Ascheim-Zondek test
`[PATH] A human pregnancy test tha
`uses the reaction
`of ovaries in immature white mice to ar
`injection of urine from a woman.
`[INV ZOO] A theoretical grouping erected b;
`B. G. Chitwood as a series that includes the phylum Nematoda
`Aschelminthes [INV ZOO] A heterogeneous phylum o
`small to microscopic wormlike animals; individuals art
`pseudocoelomate and mostly unsegmented and are covered wit!
`a cuticle.
`(GEOL] Pertaining to rocks of minor igneous intru
`sions that have not been differentiated into light and dark por
`tions but that have essentially the same composition as the large
`intrusions with which they are associated,
`Aschoff body [MED] The lesion of rheumatic fever fount
`around blood vessels in the myocardium.
`[INV ZOO] A large class of the phylum Tunicata
`adults are sessile and may be solitary or colonial.
`[BOT] Pitcher-shaped, as certain leaves,
`(BOT] A pitcher-shaped plant organ or part.
`ASCII See American Standard Code for Information Inter
`ascites [MED] An abnormal accumulation of serous fluid
`the abdominal cavity.
`Asclepladaceae [BOT] A family of tropical and subtropica
`flowering plants in the order Gentianales characterized by
`well-developed latex system; milkweed (Asclepias) is a well
`known member,
`ascocarp [MYCOL] The mature fruiting body bearing asc
`with ascospores in higher Ascomycetes.
`ascogenous [MYCOL] Pertaining to or producing asci.
`ascogonium [MYCOL] The specialized female sexual orgai
`in higher Ascomycetes.
`Ascolicheties [BOT] A class of the lichens characterized b;
`the production of asci similar to those produced by Asco
`Ascomycetes [MYCOL] A class of fungi in the subdivisio:
`Eumycetes, distinguished by the ascus,
`[INV ZOO] A sponge or sponge larva having incurreti
`canals leading directly to the paragaster.
`A scope
`[ELECTR] A radarscope on which the trace appear
`as a horizontal or vertical range scale and the signals appear a
`vertical or horizontal deflections. Also known as A indicator; I
`ascorbic acid [BIOCHEM] C„HtO,, A white, crystalline
`water-soluble vitamin found in many plant materials, especiall
`citrus fruit. Also known as vitamin C.
`[MYCOL] An asexual spore representing the fina
`product of the sexual process, borne on an ascus i
`(INV ZOO] An order of marine crustaceans i
`the subclass Cirripedia occurring as endo- and ectoparasites c
`echinoderms and coelenterates.
`ascus [MYCOL] An oval or tubular spore sac bearing as
`oospores in members of the Ascomycetes.
`[ELECTR] Acronym for Anti-Submarine Detection Ir
`vestigation Committee; British term for sonar and underwate
`listening devices.
`[GEOPHYS] Not subject to the occurrence or dt
`structive effects of earthquakes.
`[INV ZOO] A group of free-living, fresh-watt
`isopod crustaceans in the suborder Asellota.
`(INV zoo] A suborder of morphologically and ecc
`logically diverse aquatic crustaceans in the order Isopoda.
`NU MARK Ex.1031 p.4

`panoramic adapter
`paper insulation
`panoramic adapter [ELECTR] A device designed to operate
`with a search receiver to provide a visual presentation on an
`oscilloscope screen of a band of frequencies extending above
`and below the center frequency to which the search receiver is
`tuned. Also known as panadapter.
`panoramic display [ELECTR] A display that simultaneously
`shows the relative amplitudes of all signals received at different
`panoramic radar [ENG] Nonscanning radar which transmits
`signals over a wide beam in the direction of interest,
`panoramic receiver
`[ELECTR] Radio receiver that permits
`continuous observation on a cathode-ray-tube screen of the
`presence and relative strength of ail signals within a wide
`frequency range.
`pan out
`[MIN ENG] TO give a result, especially as compared
`with expectations; for example, in mining, the gravel may be
`said to pan out.
`panplairt [GEOL] A broad, level plain formed by coales­
`cence of several adjacent flood plains. Also spelled panplane.
`panplanation [GEOL] The action or process of formation or
`development of a panplain.
`panplane See panplain.
`pan-range [ELECTR]
`Intensity-modulated, A-type radar in­
`dication with a slow vertical sweep applied to video: stationary
`targets give solid vertical deflection, and moving targets give
`broken vertical deflection.
`panspermia [BIOL] A 19th-century theory in opposition to
`the theory of spontaneous generation and proposing that ail
`reproductive bodies are universal, developing wherever there is
`a favorable environment.
`[INV ZOO] A sporont of cnidosporan pro­
`tozoans that contains two sporoblasts.
`pan tank See rundown tank.
`pantellerlte [PETR] A green to black extrusive rock charac­
`terized by acmite-augite or diopside, anorthoclase, and cos-
`syrite phenocrysts in an acmite or feldspar matrix that is either
`pumiceous, partly glassy, fine-grained
`holocrystalline trachy-
`tic, or microlitic.
`Panthalassa [GEOL] The hypothetical proto-ocean sur­
`rounding Pangea, supposed by some geologists to have com­
`bined all the oceans or areas of oceanic crust of the earth at an
`early time in the geologic past.
`[NAV ARCH] A series of pulsations resulting from
`repeated minor explosions in the furnace of a ship's boiler or
`from vibration of a ship's plating due to sea loads,
`panting beam
`[NAV ARCH) A beam fitted athwartship in the
`bow or stern of a vessel to prevent panting of the sides.
`[PALEON] An extinct order of mammals which
`included the first large land animals of the Tertiary.
`[VERT ZOO) A family of fishes
`in the order
`Osteoglossiformes; the single, small species is known as Af­
`rican butterfiyfish because of its expansive pectoral fins,
`pantograph [ENG] A device that sits on the top of an electric
`locomotive or cars in an electric train and picks up electricity
`from overhead wires to run the train.
`(GRAPHICS) A draw­
`ing instrument used for copying and consisting of four rigid bars
`linked together in a parallelogram form; one arm, equipped with
`a pencil, is connected through the bars to a pointer that is used to
`trace the original drawing.
`[ENG] System for transmitting and automat­
`ically recording radar data from an indicator to a remote point.
`[PALEON] A family of middle to late Pal-
`eocene mammals of North America in the superfamiiy Pan-
`[PALEON] A family of late Eocene
`mammals of Asia in the superfamiiy Pantolambdoidea.
`[PALEON] A superfamiiy of extinct mam­
`mals in the order Pantodonta.
`Pantoiestldaa [PALEON] An extinct family of large aquatic
`insectivores referred to the Proteutheria.
`pantometar [ENG] An instrument that measures all the an­
`gles necessary for determining distances and elevations,
`pantophagous [zooj Feeding on a variety of foods,
`pantophobia [PSYCH] An abnormal fear of everything.
`Pantophthalmidae [INV ZOO] The wood-boring flies, a
`family of orthorrhaphous dipteran insects in the series
`pantothenate [BIOCHEM] A salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
`[INV ZOO] The equivalent name for Pycnogo-
`pantothenic acid [BIOCHEM] G,Hr05N A member of the
`vitamin B complex that is essential for nutrition of some animal
`species. Also known as vitamin Bv
`[PALEON] An infraclass of carnivorous and in­
`sectivorous Jurassic mammals; early members retained many
`reptilian-features of the jaws.
`pan-type car
`[MIN ENG] A vehicle for removing material
`from quarries; it is dooriess. is reversible in direction, and can
`be dumped from either side.
`panuveltis [MED]
`Inflammation of the entire uveal tract.
`Panzer-Forderer snaking conveyor
`[MIN ENG] An ar­
`mored conveyor that is moved forward behind the coal plough
`by means of a traveling wedge pulled along by the plough or by
`means of jacks or compressed-air-operated rams attached at
`intervals to the conveyor structure.
`[VET MED] Affecting many animals of different
`[METEOROLJ A violent, northeasterly fall wind
`on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua and Guatemala; it consists of
`the cold air mass of a norte which has overridden the mountains
`of Central America and, being a descending wind, it brings tine,
`clear weather.
`[BIOCHEM] An enzyme preparation obtained from
`the juice of the fruit and leaves of the papaya (Carica papaya):
`contains proteolytic enzymes.
`Papanicolaou's stains
`[CHEM] A group of stains used on
`exfoliated cells, particularly those from the vagina, for exam­
`ination and diagnosis.
`Papanicolaou test
`[RATH] A technique for the detection of
`precancerous and early noninvasive cancer by the staining and
`examination of exfoliated cells: used especially in the diagnosis
`of uterine cervical and endometrial cancer. Also known as F^p
`Papaveraceae [BOT] A family of dicotyledonous plants in
`the order Papaverales, with regular flowers, numerous stamens,
`and a well-developed latex system.
`Papaverales [BOT] An order of dicotyledonous plants in the
`subclass Magnoliidae, marked by a syncarpous gynoecium,
`parietal placentation, and only two sepals,
`[ORG CHEM] C20H:,O4N A white, crystalline
`alkaloid, melting at 147°C; soluble in acetone and chloroform,
`insoluble in water; used as a smooth muscle relaxant and weak
`analgesic, usually as the water-soluble hydrochloride salt. Also
`known as 6,7-dimethoxy-l-veratrylisoquinoline.
`paper [MATER] Felted or matted sheets of cellulose fibers,
`formed on a fine-wire screen from a dilute water suspension,
`and bonded together as the water is removed and the sheet is
`[MATER} A composition board available in
`varying thicknesses and degrees of rigidity,
`paper capacitor [ELEC] A capacitor whose dielectric mate­
`rial consists of oiled paper sandwiched between two layers of
`metallic foil,
`paper chromatography [ANALYCHEM] Procedure for anal­
`ysis of complex chemical mixtures by the progressive absorp­
`tion of the components of the unknown sample (in a solvent) on
`a special grade of paper.
`paper clay [MATER] A special-grade clay that is mixed with
`paper pulp to add body, weight, and finish to paper products,
`paper coating
`[MATER] Surface coating for paper, made
`from suspension of clays, starches, casein, rosin, polymers,
`wax, or various combinations; used to give strength and special
`surface qualities.
`paper cutter
`[DES ENG] A hand-operated paper cutter and
`trimmer, consisting of a cutting blade bolted at one end to a ruled
`board: when the blade is drawn flush with the board, which has a
`metal strip at the cutting edge, a shearing action takes place
`which cuts the paper cleanly and evenly,
`paper electrochromatography
`[ANALY CHEM] Variation
`of paper electrophoresis in which the electrolyte-impregnated
`absorbent paper is suspended vertically and the electrodes are
`connected to the sides of the paper, producing a current at right
`angles to the downward movement of the unknown sample,
`papsr electrophoresis [ANALYCHEM] A variation of paper
`chromatography in which an electric current is applied to the
`ends of the electrolyte-impregnated absorbent paper, thus mov­
`ing chargeable molecules of the unknown sample toward the
`appropriate electrode.
`paper insulation
`[MATER] Electrical insulation made of pa­
`per, chiefly from coniferous woods but also from rags. rope, and
`Oriental poppy (Papaver
`orientale), of the family
`Papaveraceae in the order
`Papaverales. (Photograph by
`John H. Gerard, from National
`Audubon Society)
`(solvent front)
`y carotenes
`G chlorophyll a
`Y lutem - reaiantl
`VG chlorophyll b
`V viola«anthin
`r neo*anthir>
`(dned paper)
`(petroleum etner + 0 6\ npropanol)
`Paper chromatogram of
`chlorophyll showing ring
`separation. The circular type
`shown is one kind of paper
`chromatogram. G signifies green;
`Y, yellow.
`NU MARK Ex.1031 p.5

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