SE,1'EMll& I. 1117 ttlUME 14 . lll U M8f~ JI
`Token ring on
`the fast track
`fo1dors 11grt,e w/orge Hiy/1-Spero fling stundard.
`~r-t,,.(w-L_,, Inc
`WLll'"lruc.\ S...:Ot!llU.. Inc., Cl"u
`C\'~u·nh Inf , lfl\t ind \r~dgir
`\ 't' IYIH(L,_'-_ llH , C:u'401114'ill ..ire"
`l'he It'll> 1nlrn·n1 lR n•rwlnr:c1n•
`<M.IC'llll~ lot IC:lol ~1'-*' tl1t' 1111.ifl.
`buud L\.' tttln1c•")o
`J.~' by l.iwM:luni.; OH('
`<rf \tM" ,, • .., .A11\hf1111t1r.
`Q,1n1l.1fd~ ;a111t ltlHta.
`C'fflll l .. C"\c:t.
`1"h'"• muhh·cndor
`dl'111·1. fhJXC"<l :.1 th<'
`~"fo•HI Tnlt"O Rini
`1-ulure~ roundt.11>1<"
`3-l)C'!llSOT~ by lhc
`Tull)' Cot'nup "'n<I
`\ftt1~ n.u. pton ..
`l)C!l lo tk-ln'tt ... dr.«~ litbertLM,,~,,,41/•oJ> .wa ,,.. ......... *
`k;atC'd, tulI'·c I ligt.. -•1M1tlNM.nt~'1'tlvll'lf-• ...,.,,.,clT.,.,,.R1oi,g-1tmv.'-C.
`'i~C"d Totrn Ring
`u~ h•"-"-11' 1k;u,1•rak~ fr-0111 Hil)\I
`bu ~CWOllk;U,i.i~
`IJigl~ ·10M:n. RinK b.ld.(cid:173)
`rr" inrlutlr h":i!\')'\\l"~ht" S<.A:Nn
`Novell GroupWise
`to 'Surge' ahead
`lhf' 1011).~
`tlri f) f'(INI U 1 U' ....
`huu~h'tl IUM:-1~il11g It• .l•"M
`:t.11(( SCI \d linb \\I iitt (' b.tt1".l~idth
`"' Olf-sl ooeordtt1.
`Tht n, ... di'lllHH ... rAllHll\ of
`J ll~h·~~l rolcu kill!( "'"
`O('t·111· id '<'1\\hl'ld•lo~rC1p9M 10
`•~~ \'cp-'l\t. Jch~11i111lriLl1
`"&uld.srd...nd \\~lt'littg pn)t~l)fJn
`ol th(: t•'<hooloi." m•~ lw dt'\C'a.
`opl"tl 10~ uiu(' 1ooot.h-..
`SpeedJ' stMd:lnl
`\\'h\ moo.c- ,w t ;.~~ 64;-c-,10,,(cid:173)
`to>M.•11-nn~ u~.''" h.-\t nt•t -t'('n ,1.u
`ulCl c.ut' i.o OO~c ttat'l."tt'i.~iun
`' lh<' 16\I bi'/ sC'c\·er(cid:173)
`"llt" Iii-" 1111ru1luc~d u1 19"8 ..
`\'cn,ltu" h.H'f" l•t hu•llt., 11 1ht''
`"'-<UU to h.lng l}O lo 'BOIJOC cori»(cid:173)
`ra1r. CUiC.Omrr~ tl1;n ~re rons~
`<'I l!IJC H""''"l fl\l"rt;l'4~d 10 .. ~0 ·
`r111ic l ,,,_1nl.1\1t11.,m•11t",ll•
`tf'".l(if l~h.uologl~"°"h .b F""t
`.w·rol«':n rinc. *"'£!95
`rl l)Af"l , 1mpr{l\'tii nk-nd:.nng
`AIMl "4 IM' :uwl .w1 n1!1._.1u'fl
`\\'ch )\ttrf:""" dlc10, In ~d<lillon.
`~u~ '" C"'l;pt'<'l i:\1 to fn1urc 1h('
`-..... --- fruit.~ ofNO'<'<°lfi' loclg<in tici(cid:173)
`p;uffi .fC"l(c.·nc-..n P1oje-o.
`.dlhtMtjeh l h b \\t-b-l><l't.'11
`tc:chooJogr"""' C"-cnnialh:(cid:173)
`,.,l'll!"fJ((' :.':an• r.11l"1CT
`.\&-.·Su.J! •• .,
`Tips and tales from the
`frame relay trenches
`rt"l3)' ¥1-0Tld, ~·her(' soafing:
`d.:-1 nJ.nd .tkiil"' wh h ;i ,.hofl;ti~(' 'lll
`h1.i.:l1<{.1,p.w.11, ci1 l Ulb .. nd the
`s.. o..ip. />O!!: 14
`GetmoA "'8:1tt:
`oo., ... c11i1 ..... "1111tr-~
`.Md,.. ... ft1111t,....
`O ~tlMhltl·M fllf
`By D.avfd RoMe
`P:.ul R,obidc·l•X d1dtl't chluk
`h.Ull•' 1r: IA\ t o ultl .,.,,. llf) h i-o
`\.. 'A w ncmllcn .. huJ on .. d.1)' it
`did. Brue:~ Tlul'-hc:r dKfn ·1 too"'
`Ir"'" "' rrlJ\- <oolcl '""L~ ll con1
`1u,i1\'41'1tllll••\;tl~i.u t•al-.·cl~
`<Uloe:t...-d u uo.. Robr1t ~Li.ll,c1
`dkln 'c br-ht''\f' h~ cttukl ju~1if\ .1
`lr.ttll(' Jcl.t\ 4 Ollllt'ClMWl .ll ~ .. llli'll
`1111.:u .. h11ffa.r. IMl hit' lcwnt..-1 hurw
`tn duju•lth.11
`•\rid 1t1> 1t ~oc!i Jn tht": fr.unc
`c ..,
`"' ... ... < ...
`"' "' ...
`wVJw'iwf usion .com
`Pai:-.,,., 19!•-~
`a, P1:111 Mcftaln,ara
`\\'i1h C.r"up\\'i'W" ; .2
`~1•u"ll 10 .. hip aoy d.i,.
`'()\t•ll. lo< .th l'.td\ ·~
`•'t11 klug n11 .1 ((• U~.qn.
`\n•rwtlint "-l C'• t."'• lfl'IC'n
`1h.11 hA\r hrr-n h1 wl..d,
`~·1u 1-ge '!\'ill M(cler.11(' lh(' _ . __
`lno.-rnl"t m.aL.'t.t\'ttt tl1•J
`C .m11p\\'".w- twil) ru·Ml• l•l .__."P
`fMU" "-lth U\..t .,.lt.14Jl-""'J10 Ult"°
`Y.ging- 1>roduc:o ~t~h .u Locm
`0i: ... .:l·~:11·nroc ( :o.,,,. · .. 1AU1 .. ~OIC-:0.,
`\ikrosort a:.-p. "!i EM:tuno,e
`"'nd r-.:rc~pc- ( A-unnuini<a·
`bOlh C:u• p. ... <...MUI nu111t•l1N
`These CUSlomc"I'\ ~Kl StJrg~
`b tikck·w include client :SUJ>
`port inr 11\(o 1 iKht~lu
`1)11 rC'hJt\ Ai. t t''"I fl'ro1oc •>I
`Page 1

`C•btlttH' ~ flDW MtCtCllAN d"tee1 Jl'\'-0 the
`. l way f,.... s!lared to switched LAJts,. P•ge 2S.
`- -·•<t·- ·
`~.e.~~r~Wo!!.~~~~~~~.~ ~ §:£¥.
`OJI ~ lloi"t pe ..
`29 AIMQwst.aifll 10 suppon IP ~k-­
`phony and rax .sc:ni«.11.
`3~ ._, Tbc ....-ch for U.o
`next Ai&T chief itX«Ulh~
`Management Strategies
`63 A bid"',. an CO~l )'OU dc'4rl).
`J-fow tU<'di«rt CfDpl'°)-'ttf <:an
`affect. )'OUf bon()m line-.
`• w\
`This Week
`Only• fusion
`XMdlllotf. a<IMJ'Oi'
`........ Utlit~··"
`IJO~·~·-- ~M24
`~ ~tMl5'1111e(O).saicfhlla
`C>OCefDll tee11riu' llOlt lelllld trya 1d« Ola
`~itlNlrllObCdeal-Md llllfl'l
`OocfWw:SU I
`cu..v--.• ,...d~-·
`Loe • te FllllOI tllis wetll
`01t$4fl.8. wt'.rt~FW911-w•-
`""' ......... OUt . . . . te,...'fl!IOllDOlll
`0 <:Olik.e CW! rot.If tlledll9t $0 )'°II 'll'Oltle.<e IO
`~ ~'eC;fWR¥1«~8.'JCHI
`WMlll&wetnetnt• ~·_.,­
`and .. 1Mwll,..._,too~o~jll'1
`In~-Gfl mcwt dtfAllS d th• W,. enlltle.
`Ooc~ S53l
`•• •
`, • • , ,
`t ll ft
`,.,, ....... ,. , .... .
`...... --....... a
`.... """,.""""" .....
`1Mf...wr- ......... 111e . . . _ . .
`........ ..
`How to contact us
`WllS!f;: ........... tlSt Wo~ao&d.
`r,,.......MAOl'An CM&.: (508)115-tCOO;
`r.:tclGllt?o.lCl7. I.awl: ,.....,.~
`CMlCt.UJllOtl; (608) *20-7•A-': ~toltl,
`S?Aw.SH W ~oo 1)89t lltlr lllOit
`Intranet Applications
`-2 Syb•• l!U!C•! on dbuil>utrd
`j1\~" appUcaclon oppo1 1unhkt
`with jaguM tr.uu..cUon scn'tt.
`33 DofMM,•1 fltua toob to Allegro--
`NU f0< $J>Ctdy c-cnail
`38 Peoplt$0fl .-....C applicuions
`j 11itr to cut nerwork traffic and
`•upponj3''a~ brows~n.
`38 Scott~ Va.nual ttality and
`lhe COR of lh t! fnteme1.,
`Technology Update
`39 MPOA: The stan~>ascd key
`to turbodiatglng future LAN
`40 &ltot1at Co-opc:rition at work.
`40 Ira lrMfkr; £.1«1_f(>1lic coor
`sncrce policy: You·rc frtt to
`de> wh!ll the 8U''t:n\IDCIH
`41 UMI Mu - Kttping •
`cbt<J tr.ill is the best dd'eruc:.
`M Maril Gll:!Os: Barney ope<ilS a
`whole n~ ...,'Ofl<I.
`66 1lllt Buzz: S-imnling in fa\'a 21
`~-'*'~ lntemtt 8U$ln~
`- -,,_ """' :l!l.
`_.,. __ ,....,.
`.... _ ..... ,..6.
`- -.Page<O.
`6 NMllMl"l on to ~O\'t'll
`Oitt:aoty S.;rvic:t:s.
`10 ,_ ._,, , _ _ fl'O-
`pc:MIC<I Lncc:rnct rq>U.cation
`1 0 sun. •BM AM Htbc:lpt learn to
`buildja\~'6 ruture.
`12 C-.-ol1tn Wcbda0>(cid:173)
`codfttenclng sen-ice.
`12 'Tllit..,....ctv......, lars ou1
`lu C:llt.nnct cri1c111 and KU
`up Bclloorc :u iu nct\•.-ork.
`1 5 JUftlpet Cet:t n~lCt-g:~ncration
`t\1nd1ng for I~ nr:·-t-ge1lcr.a-(cid:173)
`don rout<",..
`65 Dita &Mtnl rolls out new
`\r\~c:b xner.
`Local Networks
`, 7 Mic.-.... NEC Wille to
`su-cngt.hcn NT's corporate
`OttwOf'k l)l USCles.
`1 I J..,. ..ta th.: spot ror X
`Jtnen fr-om .-rummiogbird
`and CraphOn.
`19 DM ICelml: A nC"W inc;aning
`for labor D>~
`2 5 C..10111'1 R1 - . kt<1>0
`1.r'cld. d re1notc clknts.
`28 l<ftM Tillty. Token ring:
`S1l'l1tqlc once""""·
`Carriers & ISPs
`of IM top-Iler ISl't.
`79 "'-- -
`~ &tntgting to b«onu: pro(*
`itablc. BUI after a seri~s of"
` pffl1ndt:J. \\~II Str«t
`kt'OU U'> h:.\'4! Jo&.t f"ilh.
`Ser v, rs
`• ~SWMMlll •s:ioocMnaM..
`NIJMA*'8)'be: tneai'JSllltf. Page :lO.
`Page 2

`Vendors air combination Web browser and phone
`Alcate~ Nori el arid Samsung read!/ Sfi(IO Webplume, mi a/ltmalivt to aesktop PCs .
`By Enen M...mer
`1\18'11 )Of*
`\'lhli :. pbonc and cuaip ulct
`6nnly ensconced on )'0\1r dok·
`top, i,. d1cn: :t_ny roo111 (CJr' ;i 11c;w
`dt"\icc called the " 'c:bphonc."
`T he \'lt::"bph<>n<" le:!.$ )'Vt.I n1;1l e
`.s1iu1dard cltcuit~t<:hed voi<:<':
`calls attd access l ntc:n1cts<:n'ic.c:;
`<1tthc~n>et_i 1nc:.
`Al.:2(el O:ua Nel~'<rrl:.'f, Inc .
`Northe rn Tclc:com. Jnc. aind
`$:.u_n!lung El«.u-.ntk$ c~'·11npaoy.
`Tnc:. att: betting tl1at bu.~iot".$(C$
`and (.Onj.Umcrs will open thci.r
`f<n· 1he
`1,11._ .. \._.. ,,.,,. ,1 .... 01e.._. ;_ t• S;tMl
`scrttrt-b:tscd phone whb a kq··
`bo:ltrd L11~1 strr1plU'it11 :l((;~"'S to
`scniccs t,)• ai ... -....,is tJclng "on" lO
`nutify t he Wit"r tl1'4I ('o111~it or
`\ Oi«- ;uh l rl:tta.·C':dnfcl'eu c:c: C:lllil
`AJcatcl's. \'tJ'IJruu or 1he \\'cb(cid:173)
`J)hooe . clt'pttw;d. 1.0 ship by early
`uext )'(W, proi.1dc$ lttc u:;('r witb.
`:. ~u1'6t:d tn;t,il~)( f(lr \1'1ic;t: 1'fl;l il,
`e-i:nail::.l)dfax m~ges . .said Pat·
`rkk 1;01,Alrnw l'~ \ie<- p1~:cfd~nl
`of c;omn1uni.c::uk>n!'i 1e1·1nin:d.$.
`The dt:\ice also ha$ a s mart card
`rc:~d~r to J><'r." ('ltrd.~ bt!:iriug
`fn1blic-l:ey <iertifie:ues or Otbc:r
`idcnti6ca1ion. said Uol, ""-ho
`uvutd 001 AJ~1e1'4 entry in 1t1e
`race )a.tit week during the Java
`lntc:mc:l H11'1inas Upn hc:1-c.
`9.'hh th e full ~rr.t: 1\ \\1t lJ..
`supponinJt HTrP,
`tJu: Ja~ ... Virtui,ll ~b ·
`1-IT~l l..,.
`chine and TCP/ IP, '')'Oll jU$l
`posh a OOtton u)boeon tht:\V1:1>:·
`N T E R N E T
`The Nt>nt:l
`'l "'.is a
`1;nt$intAA device
`tha t get."' you
`the corporate
`dircc:tory f.>T c•
`.a i
`Jklid B US I NESS
`boa.rd, So11cl's'•icc p1-.:!!idcntor
`lnu.)1u:~$ <k'v(:l.,1pr,1~nt. " Cq.11•
`liUOlCr.l could $Cto11 b.U\\ b :J·
`'<LOC:i=$ or look.
`;ti clcctroaic
`c:.ial._" Tiu: \Vcbphoncs :d,;o
`c:an clillpl:ay t('al·timc fl11-3nd :a.l or
`n\"Ws~1 pd;lt<:$.
`S;.nU\u,g'll vet!<iQn of x \\Tt:h·
` i:eprcscnli'"··awayto
`~ubpt rnuhinlefli:a d.a l~ t<) 1he
`phone for image and vid~on·
`fcren<:iug/ ' said In Rru. vice
`J)l'r .. ~klt 1H v($:1111!'u1)g's $1.1fl"'"-'tt!
`cc-n1er in ils copo ... .;ne technical
`·nae \\'ebphoo« rt"ly on d1,:d
`line• ur B."Uic R:ttc l ntcrf;ic:t'
`ISON', and dntt manufacturcn
`eo:xpec:t IQ havr wircl~:u, \\'cb-
`1>h<nu::s out sonlt!tlme next >"Ca£
`lue<n t T«h110JQgic11, hu;.'11
`l nfe_nto Ne~wotk Software Soht·
`lions di\ision, n!)W set to be pur·
`at work on its
`t)Wl'I 1)_(11J)c) O(
`\.\'ill Ol'g:l·
`ni1.atioos sec
`1ivc to d~l:.lop PCs.?
`"\Vc .. re looking a1 them for
`et"loe11ion 1l1l'I
`adminiw•.ui\'e scnicn." laid
`Cur ~tor..rln.nccull\~ dlrmor
`:t• the Ontaril) Cotlt:g~ Af>plic:.(cid:173)
`Uoo Service. wh.ic.h-p1'0~'><'ss1u­
`...nd c;On •
`li<(ll o\tion.s on behalJ of 2:5
`Ontario coll<.-gts. 'TIH! colJegcs
`a1·e C(tO \~rlJ ng 1 hc:it cun>e1n plat·
`(OJ'lU<ICfJ<.'Odent dicnt/ SC:l'\'CI'
`applications ro p1atfom1-indt'·
`1>e-ndeiu j:w.1.. The Java-based
`\'iebphones n1ighl be a good fit
`in the coJlcgt$' .IC1\'Cr·bascdja\~.t
`H O\o.~·ur, w tl ~iclop ~ pr.itt'u·
`li:al OC'W 11rr.1y o( t'clc:tUnnic C-C)lll•
`u'"1't:c ll~r~1en ~~d on push
`1ech11ologia.. Vkbphoue nuu1u·
`fat1ured ,.;u n~-.;d lhe help or
`t Java M.lftware dn"Clopcf'S, Inter·
`•,! net .M:n•kc pro.idc-~ ;a.nd tele(cid:173)
`phone cotnpanles.. So Jar, 1.bcrc
`Ntir1cl'& M~nk11• 1n;tnager for
`bu.tjntssdc~'C'lo1nc.n1,.Jack Roch·
`rig, ac:~·l cdg:OO the $500
`\V't:bphone may be priced 100
`high. He.- also .said the disc~
`Mon~~tt e.r whh l~h::~ :,ind ISPll
`phone or pro\liding ntw .k-rvie«
`1.o>Wpportit h"\1': l:M:e,1
`The \Vcbphone .. carries tbe
`pe.rceptiou it should!)(' [al '~'1'
`IQ\">"'((ISI device:," :maid R~ luig.
`admitting that Noncl's internal
`re.scvch sh.O\I.'$ Ust'J'S ("xpt'Ct h to
`t0$lat'()\1n(l$l(l(). •
`Sun, IBM and Netscape
`form Java alliance
`By Elleft Mettmer
`/i.'l'Ut >Orlr
`Sun ~ficros\.,-1em~. Inc.. 18~1
`and Ne~pe ·co1ntnu1)1<;:lli(los
`C'..orp. laM wcx:J.:Joincd togc1hcr
`to srx'Cd d<'\'elopruenl and
`ensure oomfn on i1nptc;:mc 1H~·
`tion$ of Ja'-a applications.
`Speci.licalty. th~ companies
`.s.aid the:)' will con1binc C1)gln ee-r·
` rC$0u.rcc.s to "retune,. the
`d~ss libnuit:." in j -a\,..t. De\'Cloi>
`1n~11 1 Kil UUK) 1.l. l'beidt::d$tt'1
`oiak~ sure Ja\--a application., 'Ifill
`no1 ~flC.r fn:>en djlfe1·<'nce11 in
`look llnd fc-el 1h:11 somc1irncs
`nc:w ci:ntcr "'ill be~ atJ"'~
`Safi h1 Cupe11ino, CAlif.
`"for c:vcrr new rclCll.Sc: of
`Ja\11., h't "'°lnl t() pore it ei:el')"
`~·here -
`lo btcw.'ic::f'S and com·
`puter$- all al lhc ~,"
`··This is not a ·1;.ilchen cabi(cid:173)
`net' th"t's going to dc:linc lhe
`LJa'\'a) .Strau:_gy," ~aid NtUO'l.J)~
`Jl'rc;s.jdcnt and Ct:O Jim &rt..,.
`dale. ···Jt.'s aboul getting the lillt·
`tht J OK 0 111 1h1:1>-e:, fas:1. wi1h ;.
`comm.on.(()l.1r<c b~. ''
`This j av.1.allia.ncc a lso.plan,-to
`fine-t uni: anod1r1 w<1rlt
`Vendors push for 'Net replication standard
`..,e.,.. ... moy
`}/(W )~fk
`P~ish tce.hnolog)'\"Cndor ~fa·
`riu1ba. Inc. a.nd S<'Vcral oth<>r
`ro1npanies lasl week i1ubo'llucd a
`•c;i..nd;1rd pro~~! rc)r ~ pfi~·
`don 10 the \\'orid \ \lide \~eb
`Con:iortit1n1 {\\'tlC) dC!Pgncd 10
`rl"lie\-elnlc:rnet c:t1nge:\1ion.
`'lbc Oi1tribution a.nd Repli·
`i;;ition Pro tc)c;CJI CORP). J(1in1ly
`.l.l1b111l11r 1l by 1\f:tthnb.-i, Sun
`~•k~)'5U:-n•'· Inc.. CllclSC:apc
`Comn1unic:uions Corp., NO\'Cll,
`Inc. and others, conscf\.'CS band·
`\'li(h,h and kC:C.'l~ 1raek of sof\·
`ware ver.sioos .,.·h en updating
`content d.att, or app\icatior~
`°'"rth~ Jnterf)et.
`But whecht r "(>RP b«~nn e$ -:t
`s:ta1l dafd 1nay dt:.pend mor~ on
`, ... _
`10 • Netwoft(Worfd • Sel)Cember 1. 1997 • www.f!Wfvi!Ofl.CCllll
`thecourL'i lhan tlu: \V3C lx:catist:
`tjf ~ p~tcflt·il'lfrh\~Rl Cf'll l~wsuil
`Inc. s.Japp<:d on
`~1ll ritl'l l)!',l i n ~1 ~.r(h .
`NO\".-idJ~ CEO Albion Fitz·
`l:ut ~ck ~aid tlil!
`~t:uitnOO 51'.andard
`w-.u: "a c;;nbu«l, .:x1}loit:11h·eo
`moo.-c" designed lO rob NM':l·
`digiu of its inu:llectu:ll prop<ny
`righu.. ORP i.~ clr.:arly bMCd on
`"fractional diffi:recncing pro-
`Go~ t.rdttallt.r
`NcNlll09"• suit •plnJj
`MlttmN.- •hfN
`<:eSSC$" palentcd in Occc 1nbcr
`I))· NO\~.tdigiu, fi1~gtl".i.ld said.
`The t« hnolog) pitched to the
`\\·3c by ~1l1_riml·a U. dt'$is-ntd to
`r¢ ... ·1:1.11.:n ;i j ;w:l <l.ppti<~tion
`hdp linfflltt lll.'rvic:t: przy,·lder.;
`1'Unt ~cross coo1putl'r
`l!-nd 1hdr r ustornt!l'JI atab!U.11
`mirror si1cs <in lhe •Net that can
`The JOR I.I. rdc:ucd last
`$)':'!Uy rq:illvi1e d.1t:i,
`F'eohnq•)'. l$ ' h l" mot1 r«~n • \."l!f'·
`aion of the Java technology 1ha1
`, which announced
`Sun littnset w the 1ndwtry.1'hc
`the su.ndardl prof)OSll,1 O&t l<l$t
`wtt::k'• J:1va ln1e1ltcl Ru~in~
`JDK CfuU"ins tl (ore-~ of AJ:'b,
`Expo here, rcsP"nded io a$UUe(cid:173)
`progn.mming tools, a co1npiter
`n1cn1 1 h ~11{0\-;tdigln'3 law~oit i.
`<1nd dcb4~gg<>r.
`" \\'c're h:uno:u:ring a n.UI
`without mC"ril. R<prescntath'Cs
`thcn's Sti( up/ ' said &<Jll
`frOO) th(' \ \13C dc:'c;tirlOO to ..:<Jin ·
`l'llClll 01\ What t'()Ul'Se of' at'tiCHl
`M'.cNeal)'. Sun chai.r01an and
`the: st;1ndard11 org<1ni~;ition will
`et.: O. l;_t.;st """Cck :u thej avu b1u:r·
`necBw;incs.1 £i'pl'I here.
`take. But a ~·kt':St>.'Ofn:tn 93\(l
`the legal issucsatvolwxl pr-esc:-nt
`The r<'tuning effort. "'ill be
`ao •·1u1p1tttdented" sltuado11
`done at "''ha1 Sun calls 1he Java
`for the \\>"3C.•
`Tunin!f and .Poning Centc:r:The
`SI.In'• scott ¥cfltal)\ Net5tlpe'SJ!tn 8etbcl• ... IBM'& Jolin ThOCllfKClll fll pHE '91
`prog.rns. me JDK 1.2. by the 1nid(cid:173)
`dlt u( tlC::Xl )"Cal'. TI1c JDR 1.2 I~
`expcctc'l:.1 to "'id fl<.'W Jn ultlmcd i;t
`C11'1 dk<Uril)'~CdtOJ:t\':I..
`~ ''C.ndon wclcou1cd lhc
`'\lnnounccttlCJH ()( lhc j:tV'.I tw1·
`tn.i; center. "the i~uci.s making
`• urt: (:\'tryihiogll!iniync:so •here
`.... ..;u be ii·upport in dt~ b1•o'o\'Sd',"
`t;;ddShaun ,\ lainc, chic f t«h nol(cid:173)
`Ogy t>ffi«:cs- '!lt s~1ga l11tr:n1;"'
`tiC>naJ. Inc. Sanga i.s· buiJding
`n1c.>c.luh1r J;n';I :i.ppli<"atiOO$ now
`~ing de-pJoycd through \he
`Ontari(• U1,h1;:1'$ity
`Maine OOl('d tha1-0nJySun's9wn
`Holja\-a h1'-0wser, "''ritteu i11J:h~.a.
`suppor~th.eJDKI , 11n IOO%. •
`Page 3

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