`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`U.S. Patent Nos. 9,014,243
`Exhibit 1018 Page 1
`I, David Bader, hereby declare as follows:
`I am a librarian at Haynes and Boone, LLP. I have worked in this
`capacity since March 1, 2000.
`Exhibit 1017 is a true and accurate copy of a document that I obtained
`from IHS relating to the ANSI standard Tl.413-1995. Exhibit 1017 is submitted
`with the Petition for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No. 9,014,243. I
`understand that IHS is a commercial database carrying standards and historical
`documents available to the public. IHS is accessible to the public at the websites
`www.IHS.com and www.global.IHS.com. Our library regularly relies upon the
`IHS database for access to such public documents.
`Exhibit 1015 is a true and accurate copy of a document that I obtained
`from the IEEE Xplore Digital Library relating to the article authored by Kim
`Maxwell, "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line: Interim Technology for the Next
`Forty Years." Exhibit 1015 is submitted with the Petition for inter partes review
`of U.S. Patent No. 9,014,243. I understand that IEEE Xplore Digital Library is a
`commercial database carrying non-patent literature documents available to the
`public. IEEE Xplore Digital Library is accessible to the public at the website
`http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/. Our library regularly relies upon the IEEE Xplore
`Digital Library database for access to such public documents.
`Exhibit 1018 Page 2
`Attached as Appendix A is the IEEE.org website snapshot from the
`IEEE Xplore Digital Library that evidences that at least as of October 1996, the
`article authored by Kim Maxwell, "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line: Interim
`Technology for the Next Forty Years," was publically available. I obtained
`Appendix A by accessing the http://ieeexplore.ieee.org website, performing a
`search for the above noted title, opening (or clicking on) on the "Asymmetric
`digital subscriber line: interim technology for the next forty years" hyperlink
`search result, and downloading and printing the resulting webpage.
`Attached as Appendix B is the copyright.gov website snapshot from
`the Library of Congress that evidences that at least as of March 23, 1998, the book
`authored by Walter Goralski, "ADSL and DSL technologies," was publically
`available. I obtained Appendix B by first accessing the http://www.copyright.gov/
`website, opening (or clicking on) the hyperlink "Search Records," then opening (or
`clicking on) the hyperlink "Post-1978," and performing a search by title for the
`above noted title, next clicking on the hyperlink for "Format for Print/Save," then
`downloading and printing the resulting webpage.
`I hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United
`States of America that the foregoing is true and correct, and that all statements
`made of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information
`Exhibit 1018 Page 3
`and belief are believed to be true. I understand that willful false statements are
`punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. See 18 U.S.C. § 1001.
`Date: May 5, 2016
`Respectfully submitted,
`David Bader
`Exhibit 1018 Page 4
`Exhibit 1018 Page 5
`IEEE Xplore Abstract - Asymmetric digital subscriber line: interim technology for the ne...
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`Asymmetric digital subscriber line:
`interim technology for the next forty
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`K. Maxwell ; Independent Editions, USA
`Cited By
`The Internet has surfaced as the dominant early market for residential broadband. ADSL, a
`transmission system capable of realizing rates from 1 to Mb/s over existing telephone lines, fits
`Internet access requirements perfectly, and offers telephone companies a tool for connecting
`virtually all Internet users at megabit rates before the next century. ADSL is asymmetric-high-speed
`downstream, lower-speed upstream-to counteract speed limitations imposed by line length and
`crosstalk. The transmission technology itself has two essential forms, single-carrier and multicarrier,
`which must press Shannon's limit to squeeze so many bits through so little bandwidth. With
`complicated line coding and other features such as integral forward error correction and
`ATM/Ethernet mode interfaces, ADSL will be the most complex modem ever attached to a telephone
`line. This will not prevent ADSL from reaching consumer-level pricing within the next two years. We
`can expect some commercial deployment in 1997 and virtually ubiquitous availability by the end of
`Published in:
`IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume:34 , Issue: 10 )
`100 - 106
`INSPEC Accession Number:
`Date of Publication :
`Oct 1996
`Date of Current Version :
`06 August 2002
`Issue Date :
`Oct 1996
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`Exhibit 1018 Page 6
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`Exhibit 1018 Page 7
`Exhibit 1018 Page 8
`Page 1 of 1
`Type of Work: Text
`Registration Number / Date:
` TX0004771443 / 1998-05-14
`Title: ADSL and DSL technologies / Walter Goralski.
`Imprint: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1998.
`Description: 379 p.
`Copyright Claimant:
` McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
`Date of Creation: 1998
`Date of Publication:
` 1998-03-23
`Names: Goralski, Walter
` McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018 Page 9