`Exhibit 1016 Page 1
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Goralski, Walter
`_ ADSL and DSL technologies / Walter Goralski.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0—07—O24679-3
`2. Digital
`1. Telephone switching systems, Electronic.
`3. Telecommunication—Standards.
`I. Title.
`A Division ofThcMcG-mw-HillCompanies
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`ISBN 0-O7-024679-3
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` —
`Exhibit 1016 Page 2
`Exhibit 1016 Page 2
`ChaP‘°" Eighth
`_ The Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Architecture
`nple QAM eXamp1e E
`ves. If the four am_
`ent signal types are "
`ides combined with
`81 sin (Ft) + A1 cos
`37 signal types. This 2,
`duced in all modem‘ "
`ne). A sample “com
`.‘111Ch more common
`we have been used
`12 different phage
`£1119 components (a
`signal, in this case
`3 greater (or fewer)
`1e number of phase
`allation points and
`ke all multibit en-
`ls that can be dis-
`ital video informa-
`into 4-bit nibbles
`QAM/CAP with 16
`‘he nibbles are fed
`amplitudes for the
`. modulator, which
`ator actually com-
`bines the appropriate amplitudes of the sine and cosine of the carrier fre-
`quency, thus creating the phase and amplitude shifts associated with the
`correct constellation point. Finally, the signal is filtered to assure that it
`does not interfere with other channels. Note that the resulting signal con-
`tains substantial energy at the carrier frequency; this should not be sur-
`ADSL devices (the ATU-C and ATU-R) have been built that use QAM,
`CAP, and DMT technology as line codes. However, the official standard
`line code for ADSL is DMT, as defined by the American National Stan-
`dards Institute ANSI T1.413 standard in 1995 for ADSL. Although DMT
`is often said to be “newer” than CAP or QAM, DMT was actually invented
`years ago by Bell Labs. DMT was never implemented until recently for
`many reasons, not the least of which was that CAP and QAM were suffi-
`cient for all telecommunications purposes common at the time.
`DMT works by first dividing the entire bandwidth range on the for-
`merly analog passband limited local loop into a large number of equally
`spaced subchannels. Technically, they are called subcarriers, but many
`people still call them subchannels. Above the preserved baseband analog
`signaling range, this bandwidth usually extends to 1.1 MHz. The entire
`1.1 MHZ bandwidth is divided into 256 subchannels, starting at 0 Hz.
`Each subchannel occupies 4.3125 kHz, giving a total bandwidth of 1.104
`MHz on the loop. Some of the subchannels are special, and others are not
`used at all. For example, channel #64 at 276 kHz is reserved for a pilot
`Most DMT systems use only 250 or 249 subchannels for information.
`The lower subchannels, #1 through #6 in most cases, are reserved for 4
`kHz passband analog voice. Because 6 times 4.3125 Hz is 25.875 kHz, it
`is common to see 25 kHZ as the starting point for ADSL services. Note
`that a wide guardband is used between the analog voice and the DMT sig-
`nals. In addition, the signal loss at the upper subchannels, such as #250
`and above, is so great that it is difficult to use them for information trans-
`fer on long loop at all.
`There are 32 upstream channels, usually starting at channel #7, and
`250 downstream channels, which gives ADSL its distinct asymmetric
`bandwidth. Each of the subchannels is 4.3125 kHz wide, of course, and
`only when echo cancellation is used are there actually 250 downstream
`Exhibit 1016 Page 3
`Exhibit 1016 Page 3
`Chapter Eight
`The Asymeti
`Figure 8-6
`_ DIVT in opera "
`subchannels. When only FDM is used for echo control, there are typically
`32 upstream channels and only 218 or less downstream channels because
`they no longer overlap. The upstream channels occupy the lower end of
`the spectrum for two reasons. First, the signal attenuation is less here,
`and customer transmitters are typcially lower-powered than local ex-
`change transmitters, which is a concern. Second, there is more noise at
`the local exchange with the possibility of crosstalk, so it only makes sense
`to use the lower portions of the frequency range for the upstream signals.
`When ADSL devices that employ DMT are activated, each of the sub-
`channels is “tested” by the end devices for attenuation. In actual practice,
`the “testing” is a complex kind of handshaking procedure, and the para-
`meter used is gain (the reciprocal of the attenuation). The noise present
`in each of the subchannels is measured as well.
`Not all of the subchannels are used for information transfer, as men-
`tioned above. Some are reserved for network management and perfor-
`mance measurement functions. For instance, in the downstream direction,
`only 249 of the 256 subchannels available downstream are typically used
`for information transfer.
`Usually, each of the numerous subchannels employs its own coding
`technique based on QAM. This may strike some as odd, given the fervor
`that vendors have when seeking to distinguish CAP/QAM and DMT. Nev-
`ertheless, there obviously is at some of QAM in DMT. The real attraction
`of DMT is not so much that it is different than CAP and QAM, but rather
`that based on DMT’s performance monitoring, some subchannels will
`carry more bits per baud than others. The total throughput is the sum of
`all the QAM bits sent on all the active subchannels (some may be com-
`pletely “turned off”).
`Moreover, all of the subchannels are constantly monitored for perfor-
`mance and errors. The speed of an individual subchannel or group of sub-
`- channels can actually vary, giving DMT a granularity of 32 kbps. In other
`words, a DMT device might function at 768 kbps or 736 kbps (that is, 32
`kbps less), depending on operational and environmental conditions. Just
`by way of comparison, CAP devices usually offer 340 kbps granularity
`(768 kbps or 428 kbps), but pure QAM can offer granularity as fine as 1
`bps, which means that there is nothing that technically limits CAP/QAM
`to one level of granularity but not another. In fact, some vendors of CAP-
`based ADSL equipment have claimed 32 kbps granularity, and even
`RADSL capabilities, for their latest products.
`It should be noted that
`these CAP RADSL products modify their spectrum when the rate
`changes, and now become a real issue to manage with regard to spectral
`Exhibit 1016 Page 4
`Exhibit 1016 Page 4
`tpter Eight
`The Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Architecture
`‘ are typically
`inels because
`lower end of
`L is less here,
`1an local ex.
`nore noise at
`makes sense
`ream sig'na1s_
`:h of the sub-
`tual practice,
`[Dd the para-
`ioise present
`sfer, as men-
`t and perfor-
`am direction,
`ypically used
`: own coding
`en the fervor
`id‘ DMT. Nev-
`eal attraction
`VI, but rather
`hannels will
`is the sum of
`may be com-
`ed for perfor-
`group of "sub-
`bps. In other
`s (that is, 32
`ditions. Just
`' as fine as 1
`dors of CAP-
`;y, and even
`3 noted that
`en the rate
`d to spectral
`1 it 1
`Figure 8-6
`DMT in operation
`Ideal bits/channel
`Typical Loop Gain
`Actual bits/channel
`Frequency Range
`Ideal bits/channel
`Frequency Range
`Real Loop Gain
`Frequency Range
`Typical bits/channel
`Frequency Range
`Frequency Range
`(“Notch” from bridged tap
`Noise from AM radio station)
`Frequency Range
`Experts generally concede that finer granularity is a benefit that can
`maximize user acceptance and deployment situations.
`Discrete Multitone (DMT)
`Figure 8-6 shows discrete multitone technology in operation in an ADSL
`device on a typical local loop. The figure actually has two parts. The up-
`per shows a kind of ideal situation, such as that found in a straight run
`of 24 gauge copper wire less than 18,000 feet without a lot of outside noise
`(good luck finding one of those). The only real attenuation effects come
`from the distances and frequencies involved. The lower part of the figure
`shows a typical local loop in the real world.
`Consider the design ideal first.'Across the frequency range, on the left,
`there exists a targeted maximum number of bits per second per subcar-
`rier (channel) that the device would like to send and receive. However, the
`middle figure shows the situation on a typical loop. The gain (the recip-
`rocal of the attenuation) is better or worse depending on frequency. At
`higher frequencies, distance effects dominate; at lower frequencies, im-
`pulse noise and crosstalk dominate. This leaves a broad middle range
`(about 25 kHz to 1.1 MHz) for signals, with the gain slowly dropping off
`with increasing frequency.
`Exhibit 1016 Page 5
`Exhibit 1016 Page 5