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`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 520
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`l.I:I:-n- Wmllhmllfll-lllll No
`PCIISE 95/99314
`T E
`V01. 30. no. 22,
`ISSN G013-5194.
`pages 1831-1832, XP00049G811
`CHAN C -|( ET AL:
`‘Efficient frequency
`assignment schema for intermodu1ation
`distortion reduction in fibre-optic
`micrnce1Iular systems"
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`June 1992
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`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 526
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 526

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`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 527
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 527

`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 528
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 528

`International Bureau
`(51) Imernflfional Patent C135-$59350“ 7 3
`H04M 3/00
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`WO 00/64130
`26 October 2000 (26.I0.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`17 April 2000 (17.04.00)
`(30) Priority Data:
`20 April 1999 (20.04.99)
`(71) Applicant: TERADYNE, INC. [US/US]; 321 Harrison Avenue,
`Boston, MA 02118 (US).
`(72) Inventors: RUDINSKI, Ilia, L.; 1717 W. Crystal Lane, Mount
`Prospect, IL 60056 (US). SCHMIDT, Kurt, E.; 6444 W.
`Brever Road, Burlington, WI 53105 (US).
`(74) Agent: WALSH, Edmund, J.; Teradyne, Inc., 321 Harrison
`Avenue, Boston, MA 02118 (US).
`(81) Designated States: AE. AG, AL. AM. AT, AU. AZ, BA. BB.
`BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL,
`IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU,
`LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT,
`RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TI‘, TZ,
`UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI,
`CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`(57) Abstract
`A method determines a structure of a subscriber line. The method includes searching a reference set for a match between the
`subscriber line and a model line of the reference set and identifying that the subscriber line has a specific physical structure. The match is
`based on electrical properties of the lines. The act of identifying is responsive to finding a match with one of the model lines that has the
`specific physical structure.
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 529
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 529

`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Republic of Moldova
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`The fonner Yugoslav
`Burkina Faso
`Republic of Macedonia
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`Central African Republic
`New Zealand
`Cote d’Ivoire
`Russian Federation
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 530
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 530

`WO 00/64130
`This is a continuation—in—part of Application No.
`U.S. Application No. 09/294,563, filed April 20, 1999.
`This application relates generally to communications
`networks, and more particularly,
`to determining electrical
`properties of multi—wire communication lines.
`there has been an increased demand for the
`subscriber lines of plain old telephone services
`to carry high—speed digital signals.
`The demand has been
`stimulated by home access to both the Internet and distant
`office computers. Both types of access typically employ a
`line as part of
`the path for
`carrying digital
`lines were built
`to carry voice signals at
`audible frequencies and can also carry digital signals as
`tone signals in the near audible frequency range. Modern
`digital services such as
`ISDN and ADSL transmit data at
`frequencies well above the audible range. At these higher
`frequencies, POTS‘s lines that transmit voice signals well
`may transmit digital signals poorly. Nevertheless, many
`(TELCO‘s) would
`telephone operating companies
`offer ISDN and/or ADSL data services to their subscribers.
`performance at the high frequencies characteristic of ISDN
`and ADSL transmissions. Nevertheless, high cost has made
`undesirable solution for providing subscribers with lines
`capable of supporting ISDN and. ADSL.
`less expensive
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 531
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 531

`WO 00/64130
`alternative would
`to repair
`only those
`high—speed digital data.
`To limit
`replacement or repair to inadequate lines,
`TELCO‘s have placed some emphasis on developing methods
`for predicting which subscriber
`lines will
`support data
`such as ISDN and ADSL.
`Some emphasis has been
`also placed on predicting frequency ranges at which such
`data services will be supported.
`Some methods have also
`been developed for
`finding faults
`in subscriber
`already supporting data services so that
`such faults can
`be repaired.
`Current methods
`ability of
`and entail
`test access at multiple points.
`these methods entail using skilled interpretations
`frequency measurements
`line parameters
`determine data
`transmission abilities.
`scale, such tests are very expensive to implement.
`The present
`invention is directed to overcoming or,
`reducing the affects of one or more of
`problems set forth above.
`Summary of the Invention
`In a first aspect,
`the invention provides a method of
`a subscriber
`determining a physical structure of
`The method includes searching a reference set for a match
`between the
`line and a model
`line of
`reference set and identifying that the subscriber line has
`a specific physical structure.
`The match is based on
`identifying is responsive to finding a match with one of
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 532
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 532

`W0 00/64130
`the model lines that has the specific physical structure.
`In a second aspect,
`the invention provides a method
`of qualifying a subscriber line for a data service.
`method includes searching a reference set of model lines
`for a best match to a subscriber line by comparing sets
`of electrical properties and determining that the
`subscriber line has a specific physical structure.
`act of determining is responsive to the best matching
`model line having the specific physical structure.
`method also includes disqualifying the subscriber line
`for the data service,
`in part,
`in response to determining
`that the specific physical structure corresponds to a
`disqualified line.
`In a third aspect,
`the invention provides a method
`of providing a data service.
`The method includes
`searching for a match between electrical properties of a
`subscriber line and a model line of a reference set and
`determining whether the subscriber's line is qualified
`for the data service.
`The act of determining is based in
`part on whether the best matching model line has one of a
`The method also
`bridged tap and a mixture of gauges.
`includes performing a business action in response to
`determining that the subscriber's line is qualified.
`invention provides
`a data
`In a
`fourth aspect,
`program of
`instructions for causing a computer to perform one or more
`of the above—described methods.
`Various embodiments use test accesses, which provide
`data on low frequency electrical properties of subscriber
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 533
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 533

`W0 00/64130
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`features and advantages of
`the invention will
`be apparent
`from the following description taken together
`with the drawings in which:
`a portion of
`POTS network having a
`system for detecting faults in subscriber telephone lines;
`2A shows a first measuring setup for making one-
`ended electrical measurements on a
`2B is an equivalent circuit
`for_ the Ineasuring
`setup of FIG. 2A;
`second measuring setup. for making
`2C shows
`electrical measurements
`telephone line;
`3 illustrates signal distortions produced by the
`test bus and standard voice test access;
`pair fault;
`shows a split pair fault in a subscriber line;
`shows how a splice error can produce a split
`a phase measurement
`6A shows
`resistive imbalance on a subscriber line;
`signature of
`6B shows
`a phase measurement
`signature of
`split pair fault on a subscriber line;
`flow chart
`illustrating a method of
`detecting faults on subscriber
`lines with the system of
`FIGS. 1, 4, and 5;
`flow chart
`illustrating a method of
`qualifying subscriber lines with the method of FIG. 7;
`a method of providing high speed data
`services using the methods of FIGs.
`7 and 8;
`1OA—l0E show exemplary subscriber
`lines having
`different gauge mixes;
`11 shows a subscriber line with a bridged tap;
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 534
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 534

`WO 00/64130
`l2A—12E shows exemplary structures of subscriber
`lines having one bridged tap;
`13 is a flow chart for a method of determining
`the specific physical structure of a subscriber line from
`a reference set;
`is a
`flow chart
`a method of
`finding a
`best match between a subscriber and model lines;
`15 is a
`flow chart
`a method of qualifying
`subscriber lines; and
`is a
`flow chart
`a business method. of
`providing high—speed data services to subscribers.
`is a
`flow chart
`stacked method of
`detecting bridged taps using auxiliary variables;
`attenuations of nominal subscriber lines;
`attenuations of non—nominal subscriber lines;
`shows predicted,
`shifted predicted,
`subscriber line;
`FIG. 19 shows an exemplary decision tree;
`20 illustrates the action of
`the rules of
`decision tree of FIG. 19 on a set of subscriber lines;
`is a
`flow chart
`illustrating a method of
`creating the decision trees with machine learning methods;
`22 is a
`flow chart for a method of determining
`the branching rules of
`FIGS. 19-20.
`the decision tree illustrated in
`Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`I shows a portion of a POTS network 10 that has
`a system 11 for detecting faults in subscriber lines 12-
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 535
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 535

`wo 00/64130
`The subscriber
`lines 12-14 connect subscriber units
`to a
`i.e., modems
`switch 15.
`The switch 15 connects the subscriber
`12-14 to the remainder of the telephone network 10.
`switch 15 may be a POTS switch or another device, e.g.,
`digital subscriber loop access multiplexer (DSLAM).
`Each subscriber
`line 12-14 consists of
`The two wires are generally referred to as
`the ring AR@ and tip AT@ wires.
`line 12-14
`each subscriber
`A large portion of
`housed in one or more standard telephone cables 22.
`cable 22 carries many subscriber lines 12-14, e.g., more
`than a dozen,
`in a closely packed configuration.
`an electrical
`subscriber lines 12-14.
`Electrical measurements for detecting line faults are
`a measurement
`the measurement unit 40 includes one or both
`devices 41 and 43.
`Each device 41,
`43 performs one—ended
`electrical measurements
`selected lines
`the electrical measurements
`preferred embodiments,
`The device 41 performs measurements on tip and
`ring wires of a selected subscriber line 12-14 in a common
`detecting split pairs.
`can measure.
`admittances of the tip and ring wires of a selected line
`12-14 either
`separately or
`and produces data
`The measurement unit 40 may also house other
`electrical measurements,
`The measurement unit
`to the
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 536
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 536

`WO 00/64130
`switch 15 via a test bus 42.
`The devices 41,
`43 connect
`to the switch 15 through
`the test bus 42 and a standard voice test access 44.
`voice test
`44 electrically connects either
`41 or device
`to the subscriber
`selected for testing.
`The voice test access 44 generally
`transmits electrical signals with low frequencies between
`and 20 kilo Hz
`about 100 Hertz (Hz)
`44 may
`signals at higher
`the test
`in some switches 15.
`e.g., up to 100 to 300 KHZ,
`The measurement unit 40 is controlled by computer 46,
`which selects the types of measurements performed,
`device 41,
`43 used,
`and the subscriber
`12-14 to
`to the
`measurement unit
`40 via a connection 48, e.g.,
`or dedicated wire,
`receives measurement
`from the measurement
`connection 48.
`software program for
`controlling line testing by the measurement unit
`40 and
`for detecting line conditions or faults with results from
`the measurement unit 40.
`The software program is stored,
`in a data storage device 49, e.g.,
`in executable form,
`hard drive or random access memory (RAM).
`The program may
`also be encoded on a readable storage medium 50,
`such as
`an optical or magnetic disk,
`from which the program can be
`40 signals
`the neasurement unit
`To perfonn a
`the voice test access 44 to connect
`the line 12-14 to be
`tested to wires of
`the bus 42
`for connecting to internal
`devices 41, 43.
`Then, one or both of the internal devices
`43 performs electrical measurements on the selected
`line 12-14. After
`the measurements are completed,
`measurement unit
`40 signals the switch 15 to disconnect
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 537
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 537

`W0 00/64130
`the line 12-14 from the wires of the bus 42.
`can classify selected subscriber
`lines 12-14 prior to fully connecting the lines 12-14 for
`data services.
`The range of possible classes to which a
`line 12-14 can be assigned will depend on the business
`needs of
`A simple, but very useful
`set of
`classes is "qualified" and "disqualified" to provide data
`Qualification is based on ‘determining, with
`high certainty,
`that a selected line 12-14 will support a
`specified data
`Disqualification is based on
`determining, with high certainty,
`the selected line
`12-14 will not support the specified data service.
`2A shows
`a first
`setup 52
`for -performing one
`type of one-ended electrical measurements with the device
`The measurements are used to detect faults such as
`split pairs in the subscriber lines 12-14 of FIG. 1.
`The device 41 has a variable frequency voltage source
`for driving the
`tip and
`ring wires T,
`R of
`line 12-14 under
`The voltage source
`drives both wires
`in a
`common mode
`measurement unit 40.
`The tip and ring wires T,
`R of the
`line 12-14 under test are connected to the device 41 via
`the voice test access 44.
`to one
`resistors Ri and R2.
`The second side of resistors R1 and R2
`to the respective tip and ring wires T, R of
`line 12-14 under
`the voltage
`source 54 drives the tip and ring wires T,
`R in common
`mode through the corresponding resistors R1 and Rp
`The resistors R1 and R2 have equal resistances so that
`the voltage source 54 induces equal voltages V1, V2 between
`each resistor R1,
`and ground if the currents
`also equal.
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 538
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 538

`WO 00/64130
`impedances Zr,
`ZR of the tip and ring wires T,
`R make the
`voltages Vb
`V2 differ
`in amplitude and/or phase.
`example, mutual
`inductance effects produced by a split
`ZR unequal.
`impedances ZT,
`pair can make the input
`Voltmeters VM; and VM2 measure amplitudes and phases
`From measurements of
`of voltages V1 and V2,
`the voltmeters VM1 and VM2,
`the computer 46 can obtain the
`phase difference between V1 and V2
`equivalent circuit
`setup 52 of
`In the common mode
`the :ip and ring wires T, R act as elements
`the voltage
`that connect
`independent circuits 56,
`source 54
`to a
`common ground 58.
`tip wire T
`to an impedance ZT
`in the circuit 56,
`and the
`ring wire R is equivalent to an impedance ZR in the circuit
`and ZR may ‘have different
`amplitudes and/or phases due to the presence of a fault on
`either the tip or ring wires T, R. Different values for ZT
`and Zn produce different currents IT and IR in the circuits
`56 and 57 and different measured voltages V; and V2.
`phase of the voltage difference V1 — V2
`is proportional
`the phase difference between the input
`impedances of
`In the phase of the difference V1
`tip and ring wires T, R.
`— V2,
`termination effects associated with the attached.
`subscriber unit 16 can largely be ignored.
`2C shows
`Ineasuring setup 60
`for performing
`one—ended electrical measurements on a selected subscriber
`line 12-14 with the device 43 shown in FIG 1.
`The device
`43 measures electrical properties, which can be used to
`determine the specific physical structure of the lines 12-
`and to determine line conditions
`and‘ faults
`described below.
`Some methods
`for detecting line faults
`and conditions with the device 43 have been described in
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 539
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 539

`WO 00/64130
`U.S. Application No. 09/294,563
`filed April 20,
`‘563 application is
`incorporated. herein,
`in its entirety.
`The device
`adapted to measure
`between the tip wire T,
`ring wire R,
`and ground G for a
`line 12-14 being tested.
`tip and ring
`wires T,
`R of
`line 12-14 being tested couple
`driving voltages V1’ and V2’
`through known conductances Gt
`and Gr.
`tip and ring wires T,
`R also connect
`voltmeters V;
`and VI. The Vt and V, voltmeters
`read the
`voltage between the tip wire T and ground G and between
`The readings
`the ring wire R and ground G,
`from the voltmeters Vt and V, enable the computer
`46 to
`determine three admittances Ytm Ya,
`and Yng between the
`tip—ring, and ring—ground,
`pairs tip—ground,
`The device 43 can measure the admittances at preselected
`in the range
`supported by
`the voice
`access 44.
`The ‘563 application has described methods for
`performing such measurements.
`Referring to FIG. 3,
`the computer 46 may compensate
`test bus
`introduced by
`signal distortions
`and/or the voice test access 44.
`To perform compensation,
`the combined bus
`the computer 46 treats the two lines of
`42 and test access 44 as a linear two port systems.
`the currents
`and voltages
`and IR‘, VR'
`terminals of the measurement device 40 are related
`to the currents and voltages IT, V5 and IR, VR on the output
`terminals of the tip and ring wires T, R by the following
`2x2 matrix equations:
`[IT, VT] = A(f)
`[IT', VT']t and [IT, Vi] = A'(f)
`[IR', Va']t-
`frequency dependent matrices A(f)
`and A'(f)
`determined experimentally for each bus 42 and voice test
`impedances or admittances of the tip and ring wires T,
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 540
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 540

`WO 00/64130
`with the currents and voltages IT,
`VT and IR, Va obtained
`from the above equations.
`The measurement unit
`and computer 46 can detect
`faults such as split pairs, resistive imbalances, metallic
`load coils, bridged taps, gauge mixtures, and high
`signal attenuations.
`Co—pending U.S. Patent Application
`filed April
`1999, describes
`detection of
`some of
`these faults
`and is incorporated
`herein by reference in its entirety.
`Referring again
`proximity can
`inductively produce
`talk between
`lines 12-14.
`talk is frequently caused by large
`noise or ringing signals on one of
`the lines 12-14.
`large signal
`inductively produces signals on nearby lines
`To reduce cross talk,
`the tip and ring wires T, R
`of each subscriber line 12-14 are either tightly twisted
`together or kept
`in close proximity in the cable 22.
`this way,
`stray signals affect both wires of
`a pair
`induced signals do not
`the difference signal
`between the tip and ring wires.
`Referring to FIG. 4,
`the tip and ring wires T‘, R‘ of
`a subscriber line 24 are separated spatially in a portion
`the subscriber
`The portion of
`of cable 26.
`tip and
`ring wires T’,
`line 24
`separated is referred to as
`a split pair.
`A split pair
`talk other
`a high risk of picking up cross
`T’, R‘ has
`lines 28-29 in the same cable 26 or external noise sources
`such as power lines (not shown).
`Split pairs also introduce impedance discontinuities
`into subscriber
`lines, because the split pair creates a
`localized and
`impedance variation.
`and high
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 541
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 541

`W0 00/64130
`signal attenuations for high—speed digital transmissions.
`illustrates one type of split pair,
`The splice error
`split pair caused by a splice error.
`occurred when two portions of a subscriber line 32, which
`are located in two different cables 33, 34, were joined.
`The splice 35 has joined tip and ring wires T1, R2
`from two
`different twisted pair lines 36,
`37 in the cable 33 to tip-
`and ring wires T3,
`R3 of a single twisted pair 38 in the
`adjacent cable 34.
`The tip and ring wires T1,
`R2 of
`portion of the subscriber line 32 are widely separated in
`a substantial portion of the cable 33.
`the tip and
`ring wires T1, R2 form a split pair.
`Detection of
`split pair
`is difficult
`several reasons. First, split pairs do not produce easily
`detected effects
`such as metallic faults,
`wires or shorted wires, or impedance imbalances.
`split pairs produce cross talk that produce intermittent
`faults depending on the signals
`on nearby lines, e.g.,
`ringing signals.
`intermittency makes
`such faults difficult to recognize.
`tests have not been very successful
`detecting split pairs.
`split pairs
`degrade the quality of a subscriber
`data services.
`line for high—speed
`6A and 6B provide graphs 68,
`69 of the phase of
`the voltage difference V1
`— V2 between resistors R1 and R2
`while testing two exemplary subscriber
`lines 12-14 with
`the measurement
`setup 52 of FIG. 4.
`The graphs 68,
`provide frequency sweeps of
`the phase difference, which
`show signatures of faults that can interfere with high—
`speed data services, e.g.,
`the graph 68 shows a signature
`Referring to FIG.
`for a resistive imbalance fault on the tested subscriber
`line 12-14.
`The signature for a resistive imbalance is a
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 542
`Exhibit 1002 Part 2 Page 542

`WO 00/64130
`pronounced peak in the phase of the voltage difference V1 -
`The peak appears
`in the phase difference between
`The peak has
`the tip and ring wires.
`impedances of
`narrow width that is typically not more than a few hundred
`to about
`2 KHZ.
`the phase has
`a height of
`greater than about 53
`Referring to FIG.
`the graph 69 shows a signature
`for a split pair fault on the tested subscriber line l2-
`14. The
`signature is a
`and substantially constant
`phase for V1
`— V2,
`a substantially constant non—zero
`phase difference between the input
`impedances ZT,
`ZR of the
`wires T, R.
`the phase has a value of between
`.5° and l.5°.
`The nonzero and flat phase extends
`over a
`region of
`frequencies having a width of at
`5,000 kilo Hz.
`The phase of
`ZT and ZR may remain flat,
`lOO Hz to about 20,000 Hz
`nonzero, and peakless from about
`if a split pair is present, i.e., over the frequency range
`measurable through the voice test access 44,
`shown in FIG.
`A nonzero and substantially frequency independent
`phase difference between the input
`impedances ZT,
`ZR of the
`tip and ring wires is a signature for a split pair on the
`subscriber line 12-14 being tested.
`is a flow chart
`illustrating a method 70 of
`detecting a fault
`in the subscriber lines 12-14 with the
`system 11 .of
`subscriber line 12-14 to test for faults (step 72).

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