`Ulllted States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 28, 2000
`7/1998 Otto
`5,838,682 11/1998 Dekelbaum eta].
`. .. 370/401
`0 380 842 A3
`8/1990 Europeaii Pat. Ofi”.
`G06F 13/36
`0 497 054 A2
`8/1992 European Pat. O11‘.
`G06F 13/36
`U 497 054 A3
`8/1992 European Pat. Oil.
`“The SPARC Architecture Manual”, Version 9, SPARC
`Inc., Menlo Park, California; 1994;
`M6m0WM0de1S”;PP~117439 & 256463
`primary Exanzine,-__]0hn A, Follangbcc
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Conley, Rose & Tayon PC; B.
`Noel Kivlju
`Acontext-dependent, multiply binding name resolution sys-
`em. A name resolver is provided, connected to either a
`requester’s system or a receiver’s system, or both. Requests
`o a given service or domain name are resolved to the
`appropriate IP address. The intended recipient of the request
`is resolved based upon a combination of one or more
`redeterniined criteria,
`information about
`sender (e.g. geographical
`location, specific requester
`identity, etc.); information about the intended recipient (e.g.
`load balance at the receiver, type of service, etc.); informa-
`ion contained within the request itself (e.g. type of service
`requested); or other information (time of day, date, random
`selection of recipient, e.g.). The system is implemented in
`iardware and/or software, and the resolution criteria can be
`made interdependent or independent.
`20 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Inventor: Zahir Ebrahim, Mountain View, Calif.
`73 Assignee: Sun Mierosystenis, Inc., Palo Alto,
`Appl. No.: 08/674,561
`G061? 15/16
`U.S. Cl.
`. 340/825 2. 825.44.
`Ficld Of 50i1I‘Cll
`340/254; 379/100.15, 265, ll2, 210, 100-15;
`370/254, 401; 709/226-228, 200
`References cued
`6/1991 Tsuchiya et al.
`8/1992 Harvey et al.
`7/1993 Vacon et al.
`5,274,700 12/1993 Gechter et al.
`8/1994 Kelly, Jr. el al.
`12/1994 Vasudevan .
`2/1995 Sakai et al.
`4/1996 Moore et al.
`11/1996 Nelson et al.
`12/1996 Riidia el iil.
`5,590,186 12/1996 Liao et al.
`1/1997 Peltus .... ..
`4/1997 Civanlar et al.
`7/1997 Wachoo et al.
`5,703,943 12/1997 Otto
`7/1998 McGarvey .
`.. 340/825.52
`.. 3'05/200.57
`Service Resolution
`Requester sends request
`Name Resolver receives request
`Geographical or
`based resolution
`Timefl'ime Zone
`and/or Data
`based resolution
`Quality of
`service based
`Fonivard request to
`selected destination
`Petitioner Limelight - LNIOO4
`Petitioner Limelight - LN1004
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 1 of6
`Requester 1
`DNS lookup
`looks up
`Requester X
`Requester 2
`FIG. 1
`(Prior Art)
`Requester 1
`DNS lookup
`looks up
`Requester 2
`Requester X
`Service 3
`F|G_ 2
`(Prior Art)
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 2 of6
`DNS Lookup looks
`up name "sun.com"
`Requester issues
`name "sun.com"
`DNS_Spoofing_s6ervice (on Host 4)
`FIG. 2A
`Service Resolution
`Requester sends request
`Name Resolver receives request
`Geographical or
`based resolution
`Time/Time Zone
`and/or Data
`based resolution
`Quality of
`service based
`Select a destination
`FonNard request to
`selected destination
`FIG. 3
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 3 of6
`Requester 1
`Requester 2
`Requester M
`Destination 1
`Destination 2
`Destination N
`FIG. 4
`Name Resolver
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 4 of6
`Requester 1
` Intranet/Internet/Web
`Name Resolver
`Destination 1.1
`Destination 1.2
`Destination 1.N
`FIG. 5
`Mem ry
`Requester 2
`Requester M
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 5 of6
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 28,2000
`Sheet 6 of6
`Zone 1
`Zone 2
`Zone 3
`Service Location
`Service Location
`Service Location
`Resolver 1
`Resolver 2
`Resolver 3
`FIG. 7
`In a network (either Intranet or Internet) system, when a
`host wants to communicate with another host or locate a
`service or another host on the network,
`the address is
`typically resolved in an absolute manner; that is, the naming
`service of the network resolves a given name to a single II’
`(Internet Protocol) address. For instance, a domain name
`service (DNS) call resolves a r1ar11e to a single IP address or
`host name on the Internet.
`When there are many connections to a given host or
`service, the resulting congestion degrades the overall per-
`formance. The service provider may upgrade the service,
`e.g. to increase its capacity. In this case, in order to keep the
`modification of the service transparent to requesting hosts, a
`demultiplexer may be used, as illustrated by way of example
`in FIGS. 1-2, For instance, in FIG. 1 a call to Service 3 Will
`be uniquely resolved to that service’s IP address and trans-
`mitted there accordingly, because there is only a single
`binding in the DNS name resolver to the host of Service 3.
`In general, in a conventional system such as that illustra ed
`in FIGS. 1, 2 and 2A, there will be a single binding between
`a name and an II’ address,
`type of
`Yet another alternative is for a special
`demultiplexer, which may monitor the traffic, and from he
`di ‘erent II’ addresses can collect statistics such as response
`time and/or the load on the corresponding IP hosts, and use
`this information for load balancing by binding a reques ed
`name to an IF address for a host which is less heavily loaded.
`If Service 3 is upgraded to include Services 3.1 through
`then the demultiplexcr is added (see FIG. 2);
`requesting or DNS resolving host resolves the request as
`usual and sends it out over the (I11ter— or Intra—)network, but
`the demultiplexer is interposed between the network and he
`to route the incoming requests to one of he
`services. Note that in this case, there is still a single binding
`between the DNS and the demultiplexer.
`A problem with this approach is that the demultiplexer
`acts as a limiting factor on throughput, and additionally
`represents a single source of failure for all of the services
`that it serves. Amechanism is needed whereby such a critical
`point and bottleneck can be avoided, while still providing
`access to the services for remote users.
`An alternative ap aroach to decreasing congestion is
`through DNS spoofing, where the name resolver is fooled
`into giving out a di erent name binding, by keeping the
`name resolver updated frequently with a new name resolu-
`tion binding based on some criteria such as load distribution
`on target servers. An example of DNS spoofing is shown in
`FIG. 2A, in which a requester 2 issues a request using the
`name “sun.com”, and a DNS lookup 4 looks it up. The host
`(1, 2 or 3) to which the names is bound will depend upon
`criteria employed at the destination domain, as determined
`by DNS spoofing service 6. Such criteria may include load
`on the hosts,
`their availability, etc. The DNS spoofing
`service 6 polls the hosts 1-3 periodically or at demand, and
`binds one of them at a time to the DNS lookup name resolver
`for the name “sun.com”.
`the criteria used to achieve the
`In a spoofing service,
`binding are not related to the context of the requester; they
`rely only upon information at the destination. Thus, much
`information that could be important in making a binding is
`not utilized. In none of the known systems is caller context
`It would accordingly be advantageous to have a system
`which takes into account the context of the requester in the
`process of name resolution.
`Acontext—dependent name resolution system is presented,
`which implements predetermined criteria for static or
`dymamic binding ofa "'name"‘ to any one ofseveral “objects"
`of the same type. Which “object” is selected for the binding
`is determined by a “name resolver” using context inforn1a—
`tion that is explicitly specified by the requestor in a name
`resolution lookup call to the “name resolver”. The “name
`resolver”, which is implemented as a server program, stores
`a lookup table comprising bindings of a “name” to several
`dififerent instances of an object, along with “policy” infor-
`mation which defines the criteria for selecting an instance of
`the object. For instance, the name may be an internet URL
`of the form “wwW.sun.com”, and the resolved to object may
`be an IP address of the type Thus the “name
`resolver” will store the tuple: <www.sun.com><IP_
`address_1><II’_address_2>. .
`, and will store policies on
`which IP address to bind to wWw.sun.com when a lookup
`request specifying “www.sun.com” is received by it.
`By enabling multiple binding support
`in the “name
`resolver”, several advantages are realized. First, the system
`enables new resources to be added transparently to the caller.
`When a new server is added to distribute the load for one or
`more hosts corresponding to the name “sun.com”,
`instance, the II’ address for the new server is simply added
`to the tuple in the name resolver, along with any desired
`policy criteria, e.g. to use only between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
`Secondly, the fundamental limit to scaling which is inher-
`in today’s single binding systems is removed, by
`enabling multiple destination servers providing the same
`service to be referenced by the same “name” handle by the
`caller (for example “sun.eom”), and the name to be resolved
`by the name resolver to different physical computers servers,
`depending upon caller context. Many instances of the name
`resolver may be running on different physical computers,
`and many instances of the services may be running, and the
`requester will access the name resolver closest to him; and
`the resolved object that is closest to the requester or that can
`best serve the request (based upon some selected or prede-
`termined criteria) will be bound to the request, all transpar-
`ently to the requester. Another advantage of the system of
`the invention is that it allows resources to be easily repli-
`cated transparently to the user, eliminating any single point
`of failure in the network or at the service end point. If one
`valid destination fails, is not responding or is over—loaded,
`the name resolver is already capable of binding a “name” to
`multiple destinations, and the unavailable destination can be
`disabled iii the name resolver’s internal tables, using adrnir1—
`istrative means.
`The context that may be used as a basis for the binding is
`variable; it may include information about the requester (e.g.
`requester IP address, domain name or inferred geographical
`region), about the destination (with similar altematives),
`the request
`itself (e.g.
`type or quality of service
`requested), or about independent information (e.g. time of
`day or time zone of the point of origin of the request).
`FIGS. 1—2A are diagrams of present network systems
`used for destination addresses for requests.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating a method according to
`the system of the present invention.
`FIGS. 4 and 5 are diagrams of network systems incorpo-
`rating features of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 in an illustration of the operation of an embodi-
`ment of the invention using geographhbased resolution
`FIG. 7 is a diagram depicting zones in which domain
`name service resolvers and service location resolvers of the
`invention may be located.
`Amethod according to the invention is illustrated in FIG.
`3, and FIGS. 4-5 shows a suitable systems implementable
`on the Internet or VVorldWide Web,
`the Internet or an
`Intranet, incorporating features of the name resolution sys-
`ten1 of the invention.
`Name resolution can include any kind of name resolution
`lookup for binding one object
`to another. This includes
`binding the name of a service to a host computer (or its IP
`address) that provides that service, and binding the type of
`service to the i1ar11e of a service providing that type of
`service. It also includes resolving a name in one domain to
`another name in the same domain, and to another name in a
`di erent domain. For the purposes of this invention,
`terms “service” and “host” can be considered synonymous,
`as can “service location” and “host location”.
`The system of the invention includes three fundamental
`features that can be implemented singly or in any combi-
`nation with one another: multiple binding of destination
`addresses to names; caller context name resolution in con-
`nection with such multiple binding; and name resolution
`policy considerations, i.e. independent criteria upon which
`such resolution is based.
`Name Resolution: An Example
`An example of name resolution occurs, for instance, when
`a user wishes to view video, e.g. a movie, on his or her
`computer. An application running on the computer is used to
`make a procedure call
`to the name resolver to determine
`which server can serve a movie, e.g.
`where the string “movie” is passed to a server, which then
`returns the name of the service providing that movie (or it
`may return a linked list of services providing movie services,
`from which the user may be prompted to select one).
`The server may, by way of example, return a single
`service name (eg. “quicktime”)
`in the variable called
`“service handle”. Next,
`the application must determine
`which server host can provide this service to this client; to
`do this, it makes another name resolution call:
`host handle=name hostname lookup (service
`and passes it the variable “service_handle” returned by the
`previous call. This call returns the name of a server which is
`hsted as offering this service.
`The network location of this server must now be
`determined, so that the user’s computer or workstation can
`connect to it to get the movie service, and so it makes the
`IP address=na1ne hostaddre ss
`and finally obtains an IP address of an appropriate host that
`can provide the movie service to the user.
`Further calls to this quicktime server may determine a list
`of movies that are available. Alternatively, a design may be
`lookup (host
`implemented in which the caller simply specifies the name
`of the movie he wants to see, and the name lookup returns
`to the caller the IP address of a host that is currently able to
`serve the requested movie to the caller.
`All of or some of the above steps may be combined in
`more integrated calls to the name resolver.
`In the present invention,
`in addition to the above, an
`additional parameter is passed to the name_hostaddress_
`lookup() function above (or to all the functions above); this
`parameter may be called the caller_context. This caller_
`context is used by the name resolver to help it decide which
`IP address to use. Thus, the calls would look like:
`handle, caller_context).
`Caller_context is a cookie (or structure) that may include
`information such as the caller’s IP address,
`its point of
`origin, the quality of the requested service, or any other
`context that might be relevant. These contexts must be well
`specified and their format(s) standardized, so that many
`different name resolvers can interoperate properly. The
`particular caller_context formats and contents selected are
`not themselves crucial to the invention.
`The present invention uses requester context—dependent
`intelligence to determine which of several destination hosts
`should be utilized, or in other words, which of several 11’
`addresses should be used to resolve a given “name” request.
`The context—dependent intelligence, implemented as hard-
`ware or software or a combination of both, allows the
`“name” resolution to be based upon some context informa-
`tion from the requestor, and/or upon the “name” being
`resolved in a context-free manner, but optionally dependent
`upon criteria such as load balancing on the destination.
`As shown in FIG. 4, a requesters 100-120, of which there
`may be an arbitrary number, each comprise computers or
`workstations on a local network, served by a server 150. The
`requesters will typically be conventional workstations, per-
`sonal computers, or any networkable computing device,
`with local processors (130, etc.), memory (140, etc.), mass
`storage (not shown) and network connections. The server
`150 also includes a conventional processor 160, memory
`170, mass storage and necessary connections and control
`hardware and software.
`A name resolver 180 forms part of the server 150, or may
`be a separate unit.
`It may be implemented entirely in
`software, i.e. as program modules stored in mass storage
`and/or the memory 170, or it may be a stand-alone device,
`with its own logic or processor and memory, as desired.
`The server 150 is connected to a broader network 190,
`such as the Internet, an Intranet or WAN (wide-area
`network), or the WorldWide Web, via a network connection
`(e.g. a T—line) 260. 011 this network 190 is optionally another
`name resolver 200, which may be implemented in the same
`fashion or differently from the name resolver 180. Name
`resolvers 180 and 200 may both be used, or either may be
`used by itself. (See discussion of FIG. 7, below.)
`Destination hosts 210-230 may also be conventional
`computers or workstations with processors (such as 240),
`memory (such as 250), mass storage (not shown), network
`connections, etc., as needed to implement conventional
`network functions in addition to the features of the present
`Referring to the flow chart of FIG. 3, when a requester
`(such as 100-120) sends a name resolution request to a name
`resolver 180, instead of the single binding of conventional
`systems, the name resolver 180 includes multiple binding
`tables and/or functions (implemented by appropriate logic or
`program modules) to resolve the request to a11 appropriate IP
`address for a destination host (such as 210-230 in FIG. 4).
`information obtained from the
`location (e.g. partially in a local name resolver and partially
`in the destination server).
`Alternatively or iii addition, criterion B.1 may be based
`upon information at the receive end at the time of sending
`the request, and resolved at the receiver.
`C. Resolution Based Upon Request Contents
`1. type of service requested;
`2. specific information (or type of information) requested;
`3. any other implicit
`information inferred from the
`request; and/or
`4. any other explicit
`D. Resolution Dependent Upon Other Factors
`1. randomly generated selection of destination based upon
`qualified list; and/or
`2. other independently developed information.
`These resolution criteria can be used singly or in any
`desired combination with one another, as specified by the
`requester or the administrator of the destination (e.g. server
`owner or service provider). For instance, in the example of
`FIG. 6 the resolution of the destination address to sun.con1
`(Europe) could be modified if the load of sun.com (Europe)
`is larger by some predetermined threshold amount than the
`load at sun.con1 (USA)—in which case the su11.con1 (USA)
`resolution could override the default sun.com (Europe)
`resolution for requesters in Europe, either at all times or only
`during peak European hours, which correspond to 0 —peak
`hours in the United States.
`An extension of this system is in the resolution of services
`provided at the receiver network of a request. For instance,
`a given organization may have many database servers, and
`request for access to given information may in conventional
`systems be routed to the same server, because of the single
`binding nature of destination resolution. VVith multiple
`address resolution binding, multiple database servers (or
`other destination hosts) such as 210, 270, 280, etc. (see FIG.
`5) may be made available under a single name, in which case
`a local service resolution server, such as server 300 in FIG.
`is provided. The server 300 includes tables, program
`modules or the like as desired to resolve a request to any one
`of several to many IP addresses. The selection of a given
`server to receive a request can depend upon, for example,
`load at each of the servers.
`In general, the resolution systems or subsystems will be in
`one of three “zones” (see FIG. 7): the sender’s zone 1 (up to,
`the sender’s firewall or Internet server);
`the name
`resolver system’s zone 2 (which may be at a server on the
`Internet, or any place outside zone 1 which is not in the
`receiver’s system; and the receiver’s zone 3. Service loca-
`tion name resolvers may be in any of zones 1-3; typically,
`destination lookup name resolvers, which may comprise
`n1ultiple—bi11ding domain name services (DNS’s), will be in
`either zone 1 or LOHC 2. It will be understood that zones, for
`the purpose of this application, are administrative
`boundaries, and need not correlate to actual network bou11d—
`The present invention can interact with existing systems
`in a number of Ways. For instance, in secure systems where
`the source address is stripped from the request by a firewall
`(and only, e.g., the domain name remains), then the entire
`source address would not be used to resolve the destination;
`the name resolver is provided with the program instructions
`or circuitry to implement this. Note also that the DNS name
`resolution may be a distinct operation from service location,
`and thus the destination can be selected due to a combination
`of considerations including source address, requested des-
`An example of such a multiple binding would be the
`binding of multiple, geographically disparate destinations to
`a si11gle domain name. If, for instance, a user in Germany
`wishes to access www.sun.com (the WWW server for Sun
`Microsystems, Inc.), he or she can simply use the Uniform
`Resource Locator (URL) “http:/'/www.sun.com”). Thus, the
`user sends the request from requester (see FIG. 6), and the
`name resolver determines that the requester is in Germany.
`(See step 20 in FIG. 3). The selected destination may either
`be in the United States or elsewhere in Europe, since Sun
`Microsystems in this example has two “sun.com” locations.
`Since there is a valid European local destination, the name
`resolves the destination address to sun.com
`(Europe), as indicated at box 30 of FIG. 3. This resolved
`destination is then selected for the request packet(s) (box 40
`of FIG. 3), and the request is forwarded to sun.com (Europe)
`(box 50 of FIG. 3).
`Following are lists of context—dependent resolution crite-
`ria applicable to the invention and usable at box 30 of FIG.
`3, where resolution may be based upon requester
`information, destination information, request contents, or
`other information:
`A. Resolution Based Upon Requester Information
`Examples of manners in which the resolution dependent
`upon requester information may be carried out include:
`1. resolution based upon the domain name of the sender;
`2. resolution based upon the inferred (looked—up) actual
`geographic region of the sender;
`3. resolution based upon other geography—related infor-
`mation of the sender:
`4. either directly ascertainable from the request (city/'
`country info, e.g.); and/or
`5. indirectly ascertainable (area code, address, etc.);
`6. resolution based upon quality of service desired by the
`requester; and
`7. resolution based upon requester’s time of day or time
`B. Resolution Based Upon Destination Information
`Examples of manners in which the resolution dependent
`upon a specified or intended destination or receiver infor-
`mation may be carried out include:
`1. resolution based upon the load at the receiver;
`2. resolution based upon the inferred (looked—up) actual
`geographic region of the receiver;
`3. resolution based upon other geography—related infor-
`mation of the receiver:
`4. either directly ascertainable from the request (city/'
`country info, e.g.); and/or
`5. indirectly ascertainable (area code, address, etc.).
`Criterion B.1 can be resolved either based upon informa-
`tion as perceived at the sender end or based upon informa-
`tion as it exists at the receiver end, and resolved at the sender
`end. For example, the sender might frequently send requests
`to a particular server, service, geographical region or orga-
`nization. In this case, it may be advantageous to regularly
`poll one or more oftenused destinations to determine their
`level(s) of activity. Alternatively, such polling could a11to—
`matically be carried out for any destinations for which the
`sender determines that its number of requests exceeds a
`certain threshold, or for a top predetermined percentage of
`requests sent by the requester (e.g. all destinations for which
`the number of requests exceeds N1%, or the top N2 desti-
`nations to which the sender makes requests, where N1 and
`N2 are appropriate predetermined numbers). Polling can be
`implemented as program modules integral
`to the name
`resolver(s), either entirely in one or in more than one
`tination address, and request contents, including the type of
`request made or service requested.
`The multiple binding feature of the invention allows a
`single name, Internet address (e.g. URL address such as
`http://www.sun.com) or the like to represent as many actual
`servers (or services) as desired. This has a distinct advantage
`of allowing modifications, upgrades or replications to be
`made to the destination server(s) without modification of the
`destination address or service name as used by the requester.
`Such modifications may include adding servers or services,
`or establishing a mirror site at a location geographically near
`a large source of requests, etc.
`There may be security and consistency implications of
`multiple bindings, with concomitant solutions. If a destina-
`tion address can be multiply bound, a name resolver may be
`configured to bind to an incorrect address, either deliberately
`or otherwise. While this may also be a problem with existing
`single binding, multiple binding may complicate detection
`of the problem. Thus, the system of the invention may be
`combined with programs and tables for verification that a
`given binding is valid. Very secure systems may wish to
`limit their multiple binding to a predetermined, fixed nun1—
`ber of resolution possibilities, or even maintain the current
`system of single binding as far as Internet or Web transmis-
`sion is concerned, a11d implement multiple binding only
`behind a firewall. Alternatively or in addition, encryption
`and digital signatures may be used to ensure validity of
`bindings, and of modifications or additions to the bindings.
`Variations may be had by designating a gven name
`resolution as a default resolution, and utilizing alternative
`resolutions only upon the request meeting predetermined
`criteria (such as load imbalance, geographical distance,
`specific sources of the request, etc).
`Additional bindings (i.e. additional addresses to which a
`request may resolve) may be added without the requester
`being aware of it, and indeed substitutions may be made at
`any time, again transparently to the requester.
`T. Service Selection Based Upon Caller Context
`The system of the invention may be applied more gener-
`ally to the use of caller context for name resolution. Context
`about the requesting user (e.g. in a variable called “caller,
`context”) can be passed to appropriate functions, such as:
`Here, the function service_handle executes a service name
`lookup based upon the input “movie”, as well as the infor-
`mation in the variable caller_context, outputting the value
`service_handle. Given this output as input, along with
`(again) caller context,
`the function host handle then
`returns an appropriate host name.
`An example of a possible such situation could result when
`a user desires an encryption service, and several encryption
`policies are available. The service handle function can be
`configured to return different encryption algorithm services
`based upon the specified destination (which is specified in
`caller context), or there may be an effective override in the
`caller_context by which the user can select a higher level of
`In general, as noted above, the invention may be imple-
`mented at the sender’s system or at the destination system,
`or indeed at points in between (e.g. at proxy servers). Note
`that single points of failure and bottlenecks are removed
`using the present system, and a truly distributed, multiply
`binding name resolution system is achieved.
`What is claimed is:
`l. A system for name resolution comprising:
`a first service provider;
`a first requester configured to generate a request which
`indicates a destination name of a service; and
`a name resolver interposed between said first service
`provider and said first requester, wherein said name
`resolver is configured to select a destination address
`corresponding to said destination name of said service
`from a plurality of destination addresses depending
`upon at least two of either a geographical location of
`said first requester, a load of use of said first provider,
`and/or a time of said request, wherein said geographic
`location of said first requester is specified as a param-
`eter within said request.
`2. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said name
`resolver is configured to select said destination address
`corresponding to said destination name of said service
`depending upon said date of said request and said time of
`said request and wherein said date of said request is specified
`as a parameter within said request and said time of said
`request is specified as a parameter within said request.
`3. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said name
`resolver is further configured to select said destination
`address corresponding to said destination name of said
`service depending upon at
`least one of a quality of said
`service requested by said first requester and a type of said
`service requested by said first requester.
`4. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said name
`resolver is further configured to select said destination
`address corresponding to said destination name of said
`service depending upon at least two of a type of service
`provided by said first server provider, a quality of service
`provided by said first server provider, a date of said service,
`and a time of said service.
`5. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said first
`service provider is included within said first host and said
`first requester is included within said first host.
`6. The system as recited in claim 5, wherein said first
`service provider is included within said first host and said
`first requester is included within said first host.
`7. A system for resolving names comprising:
`a name resolving unit coupled to a requester for a service
`and a provider of said service, wherein said name
`resolving unit
`is configured to select a destination
`address corresponding to said destination name of said
`service from a plurality of destination addresses in
`response to a request for said service, and wherein
`said name resolving unit is configured to select said
`destination address corresponding to said destination
`name of said service depending upon at least one of
`either a geographical
`location of said requester, a
`date of said request, and/or a time of said request.
`8. The system as recited in claim 7, wherein said name
`resolving unit is configured to select said destination address