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`MIT 2003
`MIT 2003
`Limelight v. MIT
`Limelight v. MIT we ——:-—————
`FiFth Edition


`i l l
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`library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Peterson, Larry L.
`Computer networks : a syStems approach / Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie. — 5th ed.
`p. cm. — (The Morgan Kaufmann series in networking)
`Includes bibliographical references.
`ISBN 978-0-12-385059— 1 (hardback)
`1. Computer networks. I. Davie, Bruce S. 11. Title.
`TK5105.5.P479 2011
`201 1000786
`British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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` d F
`Foreword to the First Edition
`1 Foundation
`Problem: Building a Network
`1.1 Applications
`1.1.1 Classes of Applications
`1.2 Requirements
`1.2.1 Perspectives
`1.2.2 Scalable Connectivity
`1.2.3 Cost—Effective Resource Sharing
`1.2.4 Support for Common Services
`1.2.5 Manageability
`1.3 Network Architecture
`1.3.1 Layering and Protocols
`Internet Architecture
`1.4 Implementing Network Software
`1.4.1 Application Programming Interface
`1.4.2 ExampleApplication
`1.5 Performance
`1.5.1 Bandwidth and Latency
`1.5.2 Delay >< Bandwidth Product
`1.5.3 High-Speed Networks
`1.5.4 Application Performance Needs
`1.6 Summary
`What’s Next: Cloud Computing
`Further Reading
`2 Getting Connected
`Problem: Connecting to a Network
`2.1 Perspectives on Connecting
`2.1.1 Classes of Links.


`2.2 Encoding (NRZ, NRZI, Manchester, 4B/5B)
`2.3 Framing
`2.3.1 Byte-Oriented Protocols (BISYNC, PPP,
`2.3.2 Bit-Oriented Protocols (HDLC)
`2.3.3 Clock—Based Framing (SONET)
`2.4 Error Detection
`2.4.1 Two-Dimensional Parity
`Internet Checksum Algorithm
`2.4.3 Cyclic Redundancy Check
`2.5 Reliable Transmission
`2.5.2 Sliding Window
`2.5.3 Concurrent Logical Channels
`2.6 Ethernet and Multiple Access Networks (802.3)
`2.6.1 Physical Properties
`2.6.2 Access Protocol
`2.6.3 Experience with Ethernet
`2.7 Wireless
`2.7.2 Bluetooth®(802.15.1)
`2.7.3 Cell Phone Technologies
`2.8 Summary
`What’s Next: “The Internet of Things”
`Further Reading
`Problem: Not All Networks are Directly Connected
`3.1 Switching and Bridging
`3.1.1 Datagrams
`3.1.2 Virtual Circuit Switching
`3.1.3 Source Routing
`3.1.4 Bridges and LAN Switches
`3.2 Basic Internetworking (1P)
`3.2.1 What Is an Internetwork?
`3.2.2 Service Model
`3.2.3 Global Addresses
`3.2.4 Datagram Forwarding in IP
`3.2.5 Subnetting and Classless Addressing


`3.2.6 Address Translation (ARP)
`3.2.7 Host Configuration (DHCP)
`3.2.8 Error Reporting (ICMP)
`3.2.9 Virtual Networks and Tunnels
`3.3 Routing
`3.3.1 Network as a Graph
`3.3.2 Distance Vector (RIP)
`3.3.3 Link State (OSPF)
`3.3.4 Metrics
`3.4 Implementation and Performance
`Switch Basics
`3.4.2 Ports
`3.4.3 Fabrics
`3.4.4 Router Implementation
`3.5 Summary
`What’s Next: The Future Internet
`Further Reading
`4 Advanced Internetworking
`Problem: Scaling to Billions
`4.1 The Global Internet
`4.1.1 Routing Areas
`Interdomain Routing (BGP)
`IP Version 6 (IPv6)
`4.2 Multicast
`4.2.1 Multicast Addresses
`4.2.2 Multicast Routing (DVMRP, PIM, MSDP)
`4.3 Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
`4.3.1 Destination-Based Forwarding
`4.3.2 Explicit Routing
`4.3.3 Virtual Private Networks and Tunnels
`4.4 Routing among Mobile Devices
`4.4.1 Challenges for Mobile Networking
`4.4.2 Routing to Mobile Hosts (Mobile 1P)
`4.5 Summary
`What’s Next: Deployment of IPv6
`Further Reading
`228 7
`354 ‘


`5 End-to-End Protocols
`Problem: Getting Process to Communicate
`5.1 Simple Demultiplexer (UDP)
`5.2 Reliable Byte Stream (TCP)
`5.2.1 End—to-End Issues
`5.2.2 Segment Format
`5.2.3 Connection Establishment and
`5.2.4 Sliding Window Revisited
`5.2.5 Triggering Transmission
`5.2.6 Adaptive Retransmission
`5.2.7 Record Boundaries
`5.2.8 TCP Extensions
`5.2.9 Performance
`5.2.10 Alternative Design Choices
`5.3 Remote Procedure Call
`5.3.1 RPC Fundamentals
`5.3.2 RPC Implementations (SunRPC, DCE)
`5.4 Transport for Real—Time Applications (RTP)
`5.4.1 Requirements
`5.4.2 RTP Design
`5.4.3 Control Protocol
`5.5 Summary
`What’s Next: Transport Protocol Diversity
`Further Reading
`6 Congestion Control and Resource
`Problem: Allocating Resources
`6.1 Issues in Resource Allocation
`6.1.1 Network Model
`6.1.2 Taxonomy
`6.1.3 Evaluation Criteria
`6.2 Queuing Disciplines
`6.2.2 Fair Queuing
`6.3 TCP Congestion Control
`6.3.1 Additive Increase/ Multiplicative


`6.3.2 Slow Start
`6.3.3 Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery
`6.4 Congestion-Avoidance Mechanisms
`6.4.1 DECbit
`6.4.2 Random Early Detection (RED)
`Source—Based Congestion Avoidance
`6.5 Quality of Service
`6.5.1 Application Requirements
`Integrated Services (RSVP)
`6.5.3 Differentiated Services (EF, AF)
`6.5.4 Equation-Based Congestion Control
`6.6 Summary
`What’s Next: Refactoring the Network
`Further Reading
`7 End—to-End Data
`Problem: What Do We Do with the Data?
`7.1 Presentation Formatting
`7.1.1 Taxonomy
`7.1.2 Examples (XDR, ASN.1, NDR)
`7.1.3 Markup Languages (XML)
`7.2 Multimedia Data
`7.2.1 Lossless Compression Techniques
`Image Representation and
`Compression (GIF, JPEG)
`7.2.3 Video Compression (MPEG)
`7.2.4 Transmitting MPEG over a Network
`7.2.5 Audio Compression (MP3)
`7.3 Summary
`What’s Next: Video Everywhere
`Further Reading
`8 Network Security
`Problem: Security Attacks
`8.1 Cryptographic Building Blocks
`8.1.1 Principles of Ciphers
`8.1.2 Symmetric-Key Ciphers


`8.1.3 Public-Key Ciphers
`8.1.4 Authenticators
`8.2 Key Predistribution
`8.2.1 Predistribution of Public Keys
`8.2.2 Predistribution of Symmetric Keys
`8.3 Authentication Protocols
`8.3.1 Originality and Timeliness Techniques
`8.3.2 Public-Key Authentication Protocols
`8.3.3 Symmetric-KeyAuthentication
`8.3.4 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement
`8.4 Example Systems
`8.4.1 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
`8.4.2 Secure Shell (SSH)
`8.4.3 Transport Layer Security
`IP Security (IPsec)
`8.4.5 Wireless Security (802.11i)
`8.5 Firewalls
`8.5.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Firewalls
`8.6 Summary
`What’s Next: Coming to- Grips with Security
`Further Reading
`9 Applications
`Problem: Applications Need their Own Protocols
`9.1 Traditional Applications
`9.1.1 Electronic Mail (SMTP, MIME, IMAP)
`9.1.2 World Wide Web (HTTP)
`9.1.3 Web Services
`9.2 Multimedia Applications
`9.2.1 Session Control and Call Control
`(SDP, SIP, H.323)
`9.2.2 Resource Allocation for Multimedia
`9.3 Infrastructure Services
`9.3.1 Name Service (DNS)
`9.3.2 Network Management (SNMP)


`9.4 Overlay Networks
`9.4.1 Routing Overlays
`9.4.2 Peer-to-Peer Networks
`9.4.3 Content Distribution Networks
`9.5 Summary
`What’s Next: New Network Architecture
`Further Reading
`Solutions to Select Exercises


`path from the desktop to the recipient’s mailbox.
`(1) Connection without preauthentication (OK greeting)
`(2) Preauthenticated connection (PREAUTH greeting)
`(3) Rejected connection (BYE greeting)
`(4) Successful LOGIN or AUTHENTICATE command
`(5) Successful SELECT or EXAMINE command
`(6) CLOSE command, or failed SELECT or EXAMINE command
`(7) LOGOUT command, server shutdown, or connection closed I
`Connection established
`I S
`erver greeting
`CHAPTER9 Applications
`Not authenticated
`l Selected
`Both sides close the connection I
`I FIGURE 9.2 IMAP state transition diagram.
`Finally, note that when the user replies to a message, or sends a new
`message, the mail reader does not forward the message from the client 10
`the mail server using IMAP, but it instead uses SMTP. This means That the :-
`user's mail server is effectively the first mail gateWay traversed along the.
`9.1.2 World Wide Web (HTTP) ‘\
`The World Wide Web has been so successful and has made the mm 0115 -
`accessible to so many people that sometimes it seems to be Synonym '


`9. 1 Traditional applications
`with the Internet. In fact, the design of the system that became the
`Web started around 1989, long after the Internet had become a widely
`deployed system. The original goal of the Web was to find a way to
`organize and retrieve information, drawing on ideas about hypertext—
`interlinked documents—that had been around since at least the 1960s.1
`The core idea of hypertext is that one document can link to another doc-
`ument, and the protocol (HTTP) and document language (HTML) were
`designed to meet that goal.
`One helpful way to think of the Web is as a set of cooperating clients
`and servers, all of whom speak the same language: HTTP. Most people are
`exposed to the Web through a graphical client program or web browser
`like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Figure 9.3 shows the
`Firefox browser in use, displaying a page of information from Princeton
`Clearly, if you want to organize information into a system of linked doc-
`uments or objects,,you need to be able to retrieve one document to get
`started. Hence, any web broWser has a function that allows the user to
`obtain an object by opening a URL. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
`are so familiar to most of us by now that it’s easy to forget that they haven’t
`been around forever. They provide information that allows objects on the
`Web to be located, and they look like the following:
`If you opened that particular URL, your web browser would open a TCP
`connection to the web server at a machine called
`and immediately retrieve and display the file called index.htm|. Most files
`on the Web contain images and text, and many have other objects such as
`audio and Video clips, pieces of code, etc. They also frequently include
`URLs that point to other files that may be located on other machines,
`which is the core of the “hypertext” part of HTTP and HTML. A web
`browser has some way in which you can recognize URLs (often by high—
`lighting or underlining some text) and then you can ask the browser to
`Open them. These embedded URLs are called hypertext links. When you
`ask your web browser to open one of these embedded URLs (e.g., by
`pointing and clicking on it with a mouse), it will open a new connec-
`tion and retrieve and display a new file. This is called following a link.
`It thus becomes very easy to hop from one machine to another around
`1A short history of the Web provided by the World Wide Web consortium traces its roots
`to a 1945 article describing links between microfiche documents.


` 71 0
`CHAPTER 9 Applications
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`l FIGURE 9.3 The Firefox web browser.
`the network, following links to all sorts of information. Once you ha"? a
`means to embed a link in a document and allow a user to follow that llnk
`to get another document, you have the basis of a hypertext system
`When you ask your browser to View a page, your browser (the client)
`fetches the page from the server using HTTP running over TCP. Like SMTP’
`HTTP is a text-oriented protocol. At its core, HTTP is a request/$51301”e
`protocol, where every message has the genera] form


`9.1 Traditional applications
`_71 1
`where, as before, <CRLF> stands for carriage-return+line-feed. The
`first line (START-LINE) indicates whether this is a request message or a
`response message. In effect, it identifies the “remote procedure" to be
`executed (in the case of a request message), or the status of the request
`(in the case of a response message). The next set of lines specifies a col—
`lection of options and parameters that qualify the request or response.
`There are zero or more of these MESSAGE_H EADER lines—the set is ter—
`minated by a blank line—~each of which looks like a header line in an email
`message. HTTP defines many possible header types, some of which per-
`tain to request messages, some to response messages, and some to the
`data carried in the message body. Instead of giving the full set of possible
`header types, though, we just give a handful of representative examples.
`Finally, after the blank line comes the contents of the requested message
`(M ESSAG E_BODY) ; this part of the message is where a server would place
`the requested page when responding to a request, and it is typically empty
`for request messages.
`Why does HTTP run over TCP? The designers didn’t have to do it
`that way, but TCP does provide a pretty good match to what HTTP
`needs, particularly by providing reliable delivery (who wants a Web page
`with missing data?), flow control, and congestion control. However, as
`we’ll see below, there are a few issues that can arise from building a
`request/ response protocol on top of TCP, especially if you ignore the sub—
`tleties of the interactions between the application and transport layer
`The first line of an HTTP request message specifies three things: the oper-
`ation to be performed, the Web page the operation should be performed
`on, and the version of HTTP being used. Although HTTP defines a wide
`assortment of possible request operations—including write operations
`that allow a Web page to be posted on a server—the two most common
`Operations are GET (fetch the specified Web page) and HEAD (fetch sta-
`tus information about the specified Web page). The former is obviously
`used when your browser wants to retrieve and display a Web page. The
`latter is used to test the validity of a hypertext link or to see if a particu—
`lar page has been modified since the browser last fetched it. The full set of
`Operations is summarized in Table 9.1. As innocent as it sounds, the POST
`Command enables much mischief (including spam) on the Internet.


`CHAPTER 9 Applications
`Table 9.1 HTTP Request Operations
`Request information about available options
`Retrieve document identified in URL
`Retrieve metainformation about document identified in URL
`Give information (e.g., annotation) to server
`Store document under specified URL
`Delete specified URL
`Loopback request message
`CONNECT For use by proxies
`For example, the START-LiNE
`says that the client wants the server on host to
`return the page named index.htm|. This particular example uses an abso-
`lute URL. It is also possible to use a relative identifier and specify the host
`name in one of the MESSAGE_H EADEFi lines; for example,
`GET index.html HTTP/1.1
`Here, Host is one of the possible MESSAGE_HEADER fields. One Of The
`more interesting of these is lf-Modified-Since, which gives the client a way
`to conditionally request a Web page—the server returns the page only ifit‘
`has been modified since the time specified in that header line.
`Response Messages
`response messages begin with a
`Like request messages,
`In this case,
`the line specifies the version 0f
`being used, a three-digit code indicating whether or not the I
`was successful, and a text string giving the reason for the respOHS
`e. For
`example, the START_LlNE
`HTTP/1 1 202 Accepted


`9.1 Traditional applications
`Table 9.2 Five Types of HTTP Result Codes
`Example Reasons
`request received, continuing process
`action successfully received, understood, and accepted
`SaverEnorSxx sewerkfledtofuMHanappamnflyvaHdrequefl
`indicates that the server was able to satisfy the request, while
`HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
`indicates that it was not able to satisfy the request because the page was
`not found. There are five general types of response codes, with the first
`digit of the code indicating its type. Table 9.2 summarizes the five types of
`As with the unexpected consequences of the POST request message, it
`is sometimes surprising how various response messages are used in prac-
`tice. For example, request redirection (specifically code 302) turns out to
`be a powerful mechanism that plays a big role in Content Distribution
`, Networks (CDNs) (see Section 9.4.3) by redirecting requests to a nearby
`Also similar to request messages, response messages can contain
`one or more MESSAGEHEADER lines. These lines relay additional
`information back to the client. For example, the Location header line
`specifies that
`the requested URL is available at another location.
`Thus, if the Princeton CS Department Web page had moved from http://
` to,
`for example, then the server at the original address might respond with
`HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanentiy
`the response message will also carry the
`In the common case,
`requested page. This page is an HTML document, but since it may
`Carry nontextual data (e.g., a GIF image), it is encoded using MIME (see


` 714
`CHAPTER 9 Applications
`Section 9.1.1). Certain of the MESSAGEHEADE‘R lines give attributes
`of the page contents, including Content—Length (number of bytes in the
`contents), Expires (time at which the contents are considered stale),
`and Last-Modified (time at which the contents were last modified at the
`Uniform Resource /dentif/er5
`The URLs that HTTP uses as addresses are one type of Uniform Resource
`Identifier (URI). A URI is a character string that identifies a resource,
`where a resource can be anything that has identity, such as a document,
`an image, or a service.
`The format of URIs allows various more specialized kinds of resource
`identifiers to be incorporated into the URI space of identifiers. The first
`part of a URI is a scheme that names a particular way of identifying a
`certain kind of resource, such as mailto for email addresses or file for file
`names. The second part of a URI, separated from the first part by a colon,
`is the scheme-specific part. It is a resource identifier consistent with the
`scheme in the first part, as in the URIs
`A resource doesn’t have to be retrievable or accessible. We SaW an
`example of this earlier in Section 7.1.3——extensible markup language
`(XML) namespaces are identified by URIs that look an awful lot like URLS’
`but strictly speaking they are not locators because they don’t tell you how
`to locate something; they just provide a globally unique identifier for the
`namespace. There is no requirement that you can retrieve anything at
`the URI given as the target namespace of an XML document. We’ll see
`another example of a URI that is not a URL in Section 9.2.1.
`TCP Connections
`The original version of HTTP (1.0) established a separate TCP COTmeCflOn
`for each data item retrieved from the server. It’s not too hard to see how
`this was a very inefficient mechanism: connection setup and teardown
`messages had to be exchanged between the client and server even ifall the
`client wanted to do was verify that it had the most recent copy Of a page»
` -_-'=.-_.-4-


`CHAPTER 9 Applications
`The main thing to notice here is the interleaving of session control and
`resource allocation tasks. Solid lines represent SIP messages, dashed lines
`represent RSVP messages. Note that SIP messages are transmitted direc—
`tion from phone to phone in this example (i.e., we have not shown any SIP
`proxies), whereas the RSVP messages are also processed by the routers in
`the middle as the check for sufficient resources to admit the call.
`We being with an initial exchange of codec information in the first two
`SIP messages (recall that SDP is used to list available codecs, among other
`things). PRACK is a “provisional acknowledgment.” Once these messages
`have been exchanged, RSVP PATH messages, which contain a description
`of the amount of resources that will be required, can be sent as the first
`step in reserving resources in both directions of the call. Next, RESV mes-
`sages can be sent back to actually reserve the resources. Once a RESV
`is received by the initiating phone, it can send an updated SDP message
`reporting the fact that resources have been reserved in one direction.
`When the called phone has received both that message and the RESV
`from the other phone, it can start to ring and tell the other phone that
`resources are now reserved in both directions (with the SDP message) and
`also notify the calling phone that it is ringing. From here on, normal SIP
`signalling and media flow, similar to that shown in Figure 9.9, proceeds.
`Again we see how building applications requires us to understand
`the interaction between different building blocks (SIP and RSVP, in this
`case). The designers of SIP actually made some changes to the protocol
`to enable this interleaving of functions between protocols with different
`jobs, hence our repeated emphasis in this book on focusing on complete
`systems rather than just looking at one layer or component in isolation
`from the other parts of the system.
`There are some protocols that are essential to the smooth running Of
`the Internet but that don’t fit neatly into the strictly layered model. One
`of these is the Domain Name System (DNS)—not an application that
`users normally invoke explicitly, but rather a service that almost all other
`applications depend upon. This is because the name service is Used
`to translate host names into host addresses; the existence of suCh an
`application allows the users of other applications to refer to remote hOStS


`9.3 Infrastructure services
`by name rather than by address. In other words, a name service is usually
`used by other applications, rather than by humans.
`A second critical function is network management, which although not
`so familiar to the average user, is the operation performed most often by
`system administrators. Network management is widely considered one of
`the hard problems of networking and continues to be the focus of much
`research. We’ll look at some of the issues and approaches to the problem
`9.3 1 Name Service (DNS)
`In most of this book, we have been using addresses to identify hosts.
`While perfectly suited for processing by routers, addresses are not exactly
`user friendly. It is for this reason that a unique name is also typically
`assigned to each host in a network. Already in this section we have seen
`application protocols like, HTTP using names such as
`We now describe how a naming service can be developed to map user-
`friendly names into router-friendly addresses. Name services are some-
`times called middleware because they fill a gap between applications and
`the underlying network.
`Host names differ from host addresses in two important ways. First,
`they are usually of variable length and mnemonic,
`thereby making
`them easier for humans to remember. (In contrast, fixed-length numeric
`addresses are easier for routers to process.) Second, names typically con-
`tain no information that helps the network locate (route packets toward)
`the host. Addresses, in contrast, sometimes have routing information
`embedded in them; flat addresses (those not divisible into component
`parts) are the exception.
`Before getting into the details of how hosts are named in a network,
`we first introduce some basic terminology. First, a name space defines
`the set of possible names. A name space can be either flat (names are
`not divisible into components) or hierarchical (Unix file names are an
`obvious example). Second, the naming system maintains a collection of
`bindings of names to values. The value can be anything we want the nam—
`ing system to return when presented with a name; in many cases, it is
`an address. Finally, a resolution mechanism is a procedure that, when
`invoked with a name, returns the corresponding value. A name server is


`CHAPTER9 Applications
`a specific implementation of a resolution mechanism that is available on
`a network and that can be queried by sending it a message.
`Because of its large size, the Internet has a particularly well-developed
`naming system in place—the Domain Name System (DNS). We therefore
`use DNS as a framework for discussing the problem of naming hosts. Note
`that the Internet did not always use DNS. Early in its history, when there
`were only a few hundred hosts on the Internet, a central authority called
`the Network Information Center (NIC) maintained a flat table of name-t0-
`address bindings; this table was called hosts.txt. Whenever a site wanted
`to add a new host to the Internet, the site administrator sent email to
`the NIC giving the new host’s name/ address pair. This information was
`manually entered into the table, the modified table was mailed out to the
`various sites every few days, and the system administrator at each site
`installed the table on every host at the site. Name resolution was then sim-
`ply implemented by a procedure that looked up a host’s name in the local
`copy of the table and returned the corresponding address.
`It should come as no surprise that the hostsixt approach to naming
`did not work well as the number of hosts in the Internet started to grow.
`Therefore, in the mid—19805, the Domain Naming System was put into
`place. DNS employs a hierarchical namespace rather than a flat name
`space, and the “table” of bindings that implements this name space iS
`partitioned into disjoint pieces and distributed throughout the Internet.
`These subtables are made available in name servers that can be queried
`over the network.
`What happens in the Internet is that a user presents a host name to an
`application program (possibly embedded in a Compound name such as
`an email address or URL), and this program engages the naming SYStem
`to translate this name into a host address. The application then opens a
`connection to this host by presenting some transport protocol (e.g., TCP)
`with the host’s IP address. This situation is illustrated (in the case of send—
`ing email) in Figure 9.14. While this picture makes the name resolu’EiOI1
`task look simple enough, there is a bit more to it, as we shall see.
`Domain Hierarchy
`DNS implements a hierarchical name space for Internet objects. Ulfllke
`Unix file names, which are processed from left to right with the naming
`components separated with slashes, DNS names are processed from Tight
`to left and use periods as the separator. (Although they are processed from
`1 9
`I .-
`2.1;? .


`9.3 Infrastructure services
`_ _
`1 FIGURE 9.14 Names translated into addresses, where the numbers 1 to 5 show the sequence ofsteps in the process.
`2a] m
`/K /\ /\ /\ /\ A A A
`cisco~ -yahoo nasa -nsf
`arpan -navy acm- nieee
`re A A A A A A A A A A
`A A
`ux01-- ux04
`d 1
`s 1 1
`- FIGURE9JS Exampleofadomain hierarchy.
`right to left, humans still read domain names from left to right.) An exam-
`ple domain name for a host is Notice that we said
`domain names are used to name Internet “objects.” What we mean by this
`is that DNS is not strictly used to map host names into host addresses. It
`is more accurate to say that DNS maps domain names into values. For the
`time being, we assume that these values are IP addresses; we will come
`back to this issue later in this section.
`Like the Unix file hierarchy, the DNS hierarchy can be Visualized as
`a tree, where each node in the tree corresponds to a domain, and the
`leaves in the tree correspond to the hosts being named. Figure 9.15 gives
`an example of a domain hierarchy. Note that we should not assign any


`CHAPTER9 Applications
`semantics to the term domain other than that it is simply a context in
`which additional names can be defined.5
`There was actually a substantial amount of discussion that took place
`when the domain name hierarchy was first being developed as to what
`conventions would govern the names th

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