`Exhibit 1002
`Page 1 of 17

`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`7 £7 gggjggfin,
`Margaretl ieckhefer
`Senior Information and Reference Specialist
`The Library of Congress
`Tel: (202) 707-2590
`30/ 3 C‘/Q
`Date of Execution
`Page 2 of 17
`Page 2 of 17

`Page 3 of 17

`Page 4 of 17

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`Page 5 of 17
`Page 5 of 17 h

`Munulaclurers G-Ihru-N
`catalog Pages 1853 lo 372-!
`Zlsl (1955-56) EDITION
`For the greater convenience of users and '
`because of the lolger size of this edition.
`all copies of this edition of The Composite
`Catalog are published in three volumes.
`Vomm 1 mm the MP1” dmi_
`fied index. reference to which will show '
`fcivgggssgggggcgififigfguggg °h.=fi-
`Volume I also contains the catalogs of
`companies whose names [all in the alpha-
`betical range of Fl-thru-F, inclusive.
`See VULIIHEI tur complete classified
`index of products and samces
`found in the front o! each volume.
`This Volume. Volume 2. begins with "G"
`and contains the catalogs of companies
`whose names
`in the alphabetical
`range from G—tl'aru—N, inclusive.
`Volume 3 begins with "O" and contains!
`the catalogs of companies whose names
`in the alphabetical
`range from
`O-thru-Z, inclusive.
`Complete index to manufacturers will be
`Ildm U.-SH
`Tho Composilo Catalog is Published by World Oil. The Gult Publishing Co.. Houston. Texas
`Copyright, 1955, The Gulf Publishing Co.
`Page 6 of 17
`Page 6 of 17

`This alphabetically arranged list shown all concerns whose catalog data urlll be tourist in the Complete
`1955-56 [2131]
`edition of The Composite Catalog. The
`three volumes are dlvlclod as
`VOLUME I--Pages I to l852...V0|.IIME 2—Pages 1853 to 3724...V0l.I.IM£ 3-Pages 3125 to 5392
`616- 617
`619- 620
`621- 640
`641- 644
`645- 647
`649- 660
`661- 728
`729- 780
`785- 804
`Bell Rubber Co.
`The Belmont Packing 8: Rubber Co.
`Berry Division, Oliver Iron and Steel Corp.
`Bethlehem Steel Company .
`Bethlehem Supply Co.
`Bettis Rubber Co.
`Big Four Machine 8: Supply Co.
`The Billings 81 Spencer Co.
`Block, Sivalls 8- Bryson, Inc.
`Borg-Warner Corp., Rockford Clutch Division
`Bowen Company of Texas,
`S. R. Bowen Co.
`Bradford Motor Works. _
`The Bradford Pipe Lining Co. and
`The Bradford Pipe 8: Tool Co.
`The Brewster Co., Inc.
`British Oilfield Equipment Co. Ltd.
`Broderick 8: Bascom Rope Co.
`Brown Oil Tools, Inc.
`Bucyrus-Erie Co.
`Budo Division, Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co.
`Buffalo-Eclipse Corp..
`Penberthy Injector Co. Division
`Burt Tank, Separator & Oil Treating Corp.
`G. T. Bynum Co.
`Byron Jackson, Division of
`Borg-Warner Corporation
`806- 807
`845- 888
`889- 894
`896- 901
`902- 903
`Cabot Shops,
`Carnco Inc.
`Cameron Iron Works
`1074-1079 8- 1801-1852
`Campbell Chain Co.
`" _CapitoI Mfg. 8: Supply Co.
`Carbide Manufacturing Co.
`" Cardvvell Mfg. Co.,
`Carlon Products Corp.
`S. C. Carter Co., Inc.
`Catawisso Valve 8. Fittings Co.
`Caterpillar Tractor Co.
`The Covins Co.
`Celler Machinenfabrik Gebruder Schafer
`Chain Belt Company
`1230-1235 8: 3022-3023
`Champion Spark Plug (lo.
`The Charles Machine Works
`Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.
`Chil-(sun Co.
`Chiksan Co., Well Equipment Mfg.
`Corp. Division
`Christensen Diamond Products Co.
`Clark Bros. Co.,
`Climax Engine & Pump Mfg. Co.
`Coffing hloist Division, Dufi-Norton Co.
`Coleman Instrument Co.
`The Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp.,
`Wickwire Spencer Steel Division
`1246-1248 8. 1481
`Page 7 of 17
`Page 7 of 17
`A-1 Bit 8‘ Tool Co.
`A 3 Products
`Abe-gg 8: Reinhold Co.
`ACF Industries, Inc.,
`W-K-M Manufacturing Co., Inc., Division
`Acme Oil Tool Co.
`Acme Regulator Co.,
`Advance Oil Tool Co.
`Aeroquip Corp.
`The Aerotec Corp.
`Aetna Ball and Roller Bearing Co..
`Division of Porkersburg-Aetna Corp.
`Iron Works
`Alamo Iron Works
`Alco Products,
`The Aldrich Pump Co.
`Allied Chemical 8. Dye Corp., Barrett Division
`Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Buda Division
`Altens Foundry 8; Machine Works, Inc.
`American Chain & Cable Co., Inc.,
`R-P 8. C Valve Division
`American Coldset Corp.
`American Hoist and Derrick Co.,
`The Thomas Laughlin Division
`American Iron and Machine Works Co., Inc.,
`Subsidiary of American Machine and
`Foundry Co.
`. .. .
`American Manufacturing Co. of Texas
`American Pipe 8: Steel Corp.
`American Recording Chart Co.
`American Roller Bearing Co.
`American Steel 8: Wire Div.,
`United States Steel Corp.
`Inc., Dunham Tanks Division
`George Angus 8- Co. Ltd.
`Audley Engineering Co. Ltd.
`Axelson Manufacturing Co.,
`Division of U. S. Industries, Inc.
`97- 116
`117- 136
`140- 141
`149- 152
`142- 143
`144- 145
`146- 147
`153- 172
`194- 195
`608- 609
`896- 901
`173- 192
`193- 200
`201- 260
`261- 312
`196- 197
`313- 314
`315- 318
`319- 330
`3- 376
`B] Oil Tools. Byron Jackson,
`Division of Borg-Warner Cor ora ‘S;
`81 Service, Inc.,
`Subsidiary of Borg-Warner Co -
`Boash-Ross Tool Co., Division of
`Joy Manufacturing Co.
`B and W Incorporated
`Baker Oil Tools, Inc.
`Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp.,
`The Pelton Water Wheel Co. Division
`Barco Manufacturing Co.
`Barnes Manufacturing Co.
`Boroicl Sales Division, National Lead Co.
`Barrett Division. Allied Chemical & Dye Corp.
`The Baylor Co., Inc.
`The J. B. Beaird C0,, Inc.
`Beaver Pipe Tools,
`Beck Engineering Combustion Kompany
`Bell 8 Gossett Co., Marlow Pumps Division
`385-468 8. 2741-2760
`377- 384
`469- 600
`604- 607
`608- 609
`610- 612
`Q 907-1004

` M:AN|ll=AC'I'l.|llEIl'S |no:x—comanuea
`Hill alphabetically arranged IIII‘ shown all concerns whose catalog data will be found in the complete
`1955-56 {list} edition of
`the Composite Catalog. The
`three volumes are dlvlded as follows:
`VOLUME I-Pagesl to I852...V0l|.lME 2—Pages 1853 to 3724...VOLUM£ 3-Pages 3725 to 5392
`Iron Works
`Construction Machinery Co.
`Continental Motors Corp.
`Control Specialty Corp.
`The Cooper-Bessemer Corp.
`Fred E. Cooper,
`Crane Co.
`Creighton Oil Tool Co.
`M. J. Crose Manufacturing Co., Inc.
`Crossett Chemical Co.
`Cummins Engine Co., Inc.
`Cummins Sales 8: Service, Inc.
`1351-1352 8: 1373
`D+-8 Division, Emsco Manufacturing Co.
`Dale Co.
`Daniel Orifice Fitting Co.
`Davey, Paxman 8. Co., Ltd.
`The Denison Engineering Co.
`Derrick Light 8- Equipment Co.,
`Division of Jon R. Long, Manufacturer
`Detroit Diesel Engine Division,
`General Motors Corp.
`The Dia-Log Company,
`Division of Ford Alexander Corp.
`Diamond Chain Co.,
`Diamond Oil Well Drilling Co.
`Directo Corp.
`Dixie Electroplating Co.,
`Dodge Manufacturing Corp.
`Dollinger Corp.
`Double Seal Union Co.
`C. H. Dragert Co., Inc.
`The Dresser Industries,
`Clark Bros. Co. Division
`[DECO Division
`Lane-Wells Co. Division
`Magnet Cove Barium Corp. Division
`Pacific Pumps.
`Inc. Division
`Security Engineering Division
`Drilco Oil Tools, Inc.
`Drilling Accessory 8. Manufacturing Co., Inc.
`Drilling 8. Service, lnc.
`D"l”l"Q Equipment Manufacturing Co.
`Duff-Norton Co.
`D011-Norton Co., Coiling Hoist Division
`Dunham Tank Division of
`1110 Duration Co.
`4481 -451 2
`319- 330
`Susan 3. Therolf Tool Cg.
`Eastman Oil Well Survey Co. and
`“Eastman International Co.
`ard Valves, Inc., Subsidiary of
`F Rockwell Manufacturing Co.
`“efiwerk Wulfel
`E”'‘‘‘-’0 Engineering Co., Ltd.
`"'1"-30 Manufacturing Co.
`1376, 1537-1596 8- 1597
`Emsca Manufacturing Co.,
`Swivel Fitting Division .
`Emsco Screen Pipe Co.
`Enarcla Manufacturing Co.
`English Drilling Equipment Co., Ltd.
`Equipment Engineers, Inc.
`The Eureka Tool Co. _.._
`_ 1602-1605
`George E. Failing Co., Subsidiary of
`Westinghouse Air Brake Co.
`Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
`Falcon Products, Inc.
`The Folk Corp.
`__ . .
`Farrel-Birmingham Co., Inc.
`Fawick Airflex Division, Favvick Corp.
`Fisher Governor Co.
`__ .
`The Edwin H. Fitler Co.
`Flexitaliic Gasket Co.
`Fluid Packed Pump Co.
`Food Machinery 8. Chemical Carp., Well
`Equipment Mfg. Carp. Div., Chiksan Co.
`Ford Alexander Carp., The Dio-Log Co.
`Foster Cathead Co.
`Fox Diamond Derrick Co.
`The Foxboro Co.
`Fram Carp., Warner Lewis Co. Division
`Franks Machine Co.
`_ _.
`. 1702-1703
`Franks Division of Cabot Shops, Inc. 1801-1852 8: 1074-1079
`Frontier Industries,
`Inc. Manzel Division
`Fuller Co., Subsidiary of
`General American Transportation Corp.
`Gadco Products, Inc.
`Gardner-Denver Co.
`The Garlock Packing Co.
`Garrett Oil Tools,
`Division of U. S. Industries, Inc.
`Garrott Brass and Machine Co., Inc.
`Gaso Pump 8: Burner Mfg. Co.
`Gatke Corp.
`Gearench Mfg. Co.
`Gebruder Schafer
`General American Transportation Carp.,
`Fuller Co. Division
`._ .
`General Electric Co., Apparatus Sales Division
`General Electric Co., Electronics Division
`General Motors Carp.,
`Detroit Diesel Engine Division
`Geophysical Machine Works
`Globe Oil Tools Co.
`Goodall Rubber Co., Inc.
`The German-Rupp Co.
`H. P. Gait Manufacturing Co.
`Goulcls Pumps,
`Grant Oil Tool Co.
`Grant Oil Tool Co.,
`MacClatchie Manufacturing Co. Division
`. 1869-1888
`Page 8 of 17
`Page 8 of 17

`This alphabeticoiiy arranged list shows ail concerns whose cutaiog dam wiii be found in the compiete
`1955-56 (23511
`edition of The Composite Coming. The
`three voiumes are divided as
`VOLUME ‘I-Pages 1 to i852...VOi.UME 2-Pages 1853 to 3724...VOwM£ 3—Pages 3725 to 5392
`G-raver Tank & Mfg. Co., Inc.
`Graver Consiroction Co.
`Gray Tooi Co.
`Greer Hydraulics inc.
`Grip-Tite Manuiaciuring Co.
`Grove VCt1Ve & Reguiator Co.
`The Guiberson Corp.
`Gui? Coast Machine & Suppiy Co.
`The GUI? Publishing Co.,
`(Oil Book Division}
`The Guif Pubiishing Co.,
`(Oii Company Forms)
`2 2I298-1303-1956-2024-2235-2253
`4381 -4396-4402-4416-4664-4728
`Gustin-Bacon Manufacturing C62 2
`The Gwilliam Co.
`2 2236-2237
`2 2221-2234
`2 2238-2239
`262? -2680
`269} -2694
`2 2707-2709
`271 7-2740
`385- 468
`Hycirauiic Pump Co.
`Hycirii Co.
`Hyster Co.
`JDECC, One oi The Dresser industries
`Indian Driiling Mud Co., Inc.
`fngersoii-Rand Co.
`. 2,
`international Horvesier Co.
`JTAG {Hermann Von Routenkronz)
`iTCO International,
`5 8; J Steei & Suppiy Co.
`J. P. Machine and Tool Co.
`James Tooi Co.
`22 2
`Jefferson Union Co.,
`Jensen Brothers Manufacturing Co., Inc.
`Jerguson Gage & Valve Co.
`Johnson Biock Co.
`Johnson-Fagg Engineering Co.
`Johnston Testers, inc.
`Jones & Laughiin Steel Corp.
`The S. M. Jones Co.
`Joy Manufacturing Co.
`Joy Manufacturing Co.,
`Baash-Ross Tooi Co. Division
`Jusirite Manufacturing Co.
`K & G Oii Tool and Service Co., Inc.
`Ben F. Keiley Co., Inc.
`Ken Corporation 2
`. 2.
`I 2317-2336
`2 2369-2374
`. 2376-2377
`. .2378-2380
`2 2389-2476
`2 .2477-2500
`. 222381-2388
`Keystone Deveiopment Corp.
`Keystone Suppiy Co.
`Keystone Too! Corp.
`King Oii Toois 2
`The Kingston Instrument Co. Ltd.
`M. M. Kiniey Co.
`Kinzbach Too! Co.,
`Kobe, inc.
`I.-K Pump Valve Co.
`iamtex Eauipmeni Corp.
`Lane-Weiis Co.
`Lcmgcion Manuiaciuring Co.
`Laridn & Co.,
`Larkin Packer Co., Inc.
`The Thomas Laogiziin Division,
`American Hoist and Derrick Co.
`The Layne and Bowier Co.
`Lebanon Steei Foundry .
`I.eBus International Engineers, Ltd- 2
`Le8us Rotary Tool Works, Inc.
`2 2779-2781
`2 2761-2770
`2 2771-2773
`2 2774-2775
`2778 »
`2 2809-2828
`2 2830-2836
`2 2837-2856
`2 2886-2887
`2 2881 -2884
`2 2888-2891
`2 ’[291o.29n
`2 223934912
`Page 9 of 17
`Page 9 of 17
`Hacker Machine 8. Supply Co.
`Hctiliburfon Oil Weli Cementing Co.
`Homer Vaives, Inc.
`Leland Hamner Co.
`Hands-Engiand Oiifieids Equipment Ltd.
`Haniei & Lueg G.M.B.H.
`Harbison-Fischer Manufacturing Co.
`I-Icxrnischfeger Corp., P&H Miti-Mite Divisio
`Harrisburg Sales 8: Service, Inc.
`Herb J. Hawthorne, Inc.
`Haynes Steliite Co., Division of
`Union Carbide and Carbon Corp.
`Hayward Testing Service22
`HeIciie’s Machine Works
`i-ieIc1ie"s Portobie Pipe Service
`Henclershot Tool Co.
`Hercuies Fiiter Corp.
`Hercuies Motors Corp.
`Hercuies Too! Co.
`Hermann Von Raufenkranz, HAG
`C. F. Hickman Co.
`Hiiiman-Keiiey .
`Don R. Hinderiiier,
`Hoiiow Red Soies and Service Co.
`Homeiiie Corp.
`Hopper Machine Works,
`The Chczries N. Rough Mfg. Co.
`Houston Engineers, inc.
`Houston OEI Fieici Materiai Co., Inc.
`Houston Ready-Cut House Co.
`Houston Weii Screen Co.
`Howard-Turner Machine Wori<s2
`J. M. Huber Corp.
`Hughes Tool Co.
`Hun? Tooi Co.
`Hutchison Manufacturing Co.

`Page 10 of 17

`PACIHC cog.
`Division 'DlIKj M -
`Tokpllalo Mllcjq 3.3".‘
`West Calder Road
`Phone 4-9472
`1012 Wirie St.
`Phone 998
`New Abilene Hwy.
`Phone 883
`Farm Road 109
`Phone Pershing 2-29.‘:
`Corpus Christi
`Higltu. uy9
`Phone Tlilip -1-8289
`1102 Gulf States Bldg.
`Phone Randolph 7071
`El Comm
`213 Gary Circle
`Phone 316
`Fort Worth
`514 Continental
`Life Bldg.
`Phone F0. 5503
`Highway 172
`Phone 4691
`East Hwy. 82
`Phone Howard 5-3391
`Loving Rd. at
`Red Top Rd.
`Phone I527
`403 No. Ave. E
`Phone 754
`2002 S0. Waysitie Dr.
`Phone Walnut 6-1701
`-4.. D. 571
`309 Bankers Mort.
`Phone Capitol 7-3173
`Highway No. 7'2
`Phone 164
`218 Oklahoma St.
`Phone 403
`Hwy.No. S0 Greggton
`Phone Plaza 92706
`690 No. College Ave,
`Phone Porter 34306
`Houston H w y.
`Pl! one 69.3
`Page 11 of 17
`Page 11 of 17
`Toclmlccll Oil Field Sorvicls
`sun South sm sum, Lo: Angel-es ss, Co1iforIio.'l'eIapho¢ Luann 1.1211.
`r. o. an 2194. Terminal Ann, I... 3,..-
`Luke Trail. Edmonton, Alberto-$10 Lancaster, I
`., Coleen!
`, Alberto-—1I.I||.._
`llrhoolndno El lo-ml. Corooos,\|'u¢1n1o.
`elephant BIOS. Cobb: Lu...
`Moroouiho. Vwnuoio. Aaooa. Emma Aozooeemli. Veaunlelo.
`Division Office: 5800 N. Eastern.
`Dkllliuuno City II, Oils.
`Telephone Garfield I-2-I01
`| gem} 75o&_7%f/r _
`Division Office: 1002 Scull: Wayside Drin-
`Houstuu 3, "fun:
`Telephone WAln_ut 6~I?Ill-«L D. 5?]
`El Dora-Jo
`.\--.'l’ll\4:'€St Ave.
`l'|----.- _"_'43l
`I ll...-.ul--Hwy. 82
`l'h-me IUT?
`‘Ill Peters Road
`Phone Filmore 1-3-124
`Hwy. U. S. 90
`Phone 7781
`Lake Charles
`1!}. S. Hwy. 90
`l‘lt'Inl.0Cl< 9-3032
`New Iberia
`ll.‘~l1 W. Marin St.
`l'lm1lI.' 2-.'l.‘*'."l,
`New Orleans.
`9111 C.aruu.'|r -lell Bldg.
`'l'\‘ 3744
`\\ alnul 8: Jefierson
`I'll!‘-nt‘ 3104
`5315 Greenwood Road
`Phone 68511
`N». Pine St.
`l'ls«mc 23:51}
`Palm er Roar]
`Phone 3503
`Liberty Road
`Phone 5689
`N-m'l;u1 St.
`Empire 52.714-Day
`Fllmitc 52911--Night
`.7 North 33 St.
`Phone 9-9984
`l-h'-L Front St.
`l '3 .u »m: Hemlock 4-2153
`321 West 151
`Phone Kimball 244
`Scotts Blufi
`2606 Ave. "F."
`Highway 55017.35!
`Phone Davis 5-2122
`Humble & Houston
`Phone 3-3063, 3-4181
`Hwy. 2 North
`Phone 2-2651
`P. ($31303: 96
`Phone 4-2361
`I.‘u1 \.\'c-1 5th St.
`Phone 6266
`P. O. Box 569
`1-‘hone 2057
`luuo Park
`Phone 17?
`Hwy. 54 No.
`Phone 685
`Okla. State Hwy.
`76 North
`Phone 30-1
`Hwy. 76 North
`Phone 1012
`Oklahoma City
`SRIKI No. Eastern Ave.
`Phone Garfield 7-2401
`Oklahoma City
`1116 Liberty
`National Bank Bldg,
`Phone Garfield 7-2401
`I-lxl. 76
`300 N. Alabama St.
`Phone 4100
`Hwy. 77 N.
`Phone 1071
`Highway 270 North
`Phone 336
`711 National Bank of
`Commerce Bldg.
`Dlamond 3-6283
`U. S. Highway 33
`Plione 4-915?
`Falfurrias Hwy.
`Phone 4-4371
`Corsicarla. Hwy.
`Phone 4089
`Bay City
`Whartotl Hwy.
`Phone 2262
`4011 \\'r-t llrllr Terr.
`l'lmnr l".':lr\ ll"-k 3-7529
`l'nll~' S1.
`1'1:-one 31!)
`l5.l5l 1 lr.uu.:e Ave.
`.\r\‘::l;1 f:~ll'19.l
`175 Nu. Harden Ave.
`l'l|u'ln .\l all: r
`l'i:- I'.'.l' “rill--\\'S
`3203 l'atl.£.‘rS0:|. Bldg.
`l’! nll '
`Ktl-_\'<l:-11: 4-7523
`Higlma_\ 6 West
`l'|um.- 1_.:Lwre11c.e 3-4413
`l'lmnt‘ 8706
`Mt. Carmel
`l'ligl:\\.|}f I 81 Old
`Keen-tlmrg Road
`l’l:onr L-[I3
`El Dorldo
`1853 W. on. St.
`l'lmmr l3-l-I}
`Great Bend
`.\ur1h .\‘[:'m St.
`l’l'.r-nr F321
`Bill 5:. lack---n
`Plintir RTiI
`H M 3 . 44'] East
`l‘1-.~:-.r- H Udson 3-3171
`31.: Lir-lur 5!‘.
`l'!.. me Harrison 5-6709
`R113‘ ['1 ntral Bldg.
`ll-ilufl 4-9277
`C--1 uer Sandy Lane
`& So. Green
`Phone 3967

`There are two main cla
`t d
`Essa bi::;r ;i:;*;P‘:g—t*r
`movement and when weight
`is applied
`?1E°S§t5lCk‘“g element expands until packer
`2. ANCHOR PAC KER S——Supp()rtgd
`by 3-_ tau PEPE "e5ti“g on bottom or con-
`“ectmg ‘Vltll another
`type packer set
`below. This anchor setting prevents
`downward movement of the packer when
`pressure is applied, and allows expansion
`of the packing assembly until packer is
`Engineered Packer Service is available
`to any operator, at his request, with no
`fee, cost, or obligation. This service in-
`sures the operator of correct procedures
`and applications to any problem con-
`fronted in packer operation. Ask your
`Lane-VVel1s man for further information.
`VVe can serve you better if you supply
`all the information requested below at the
`time you send an inquiry or order.
`Specifications covering Packers should
`1. Type and Number of Packer (A0-1,
`etc.). No number needed for CO and
`2. Size and weight per foot (or I.D.) of
`casing in which packer is to be Set
`(as 5V2”—17 lbs.).
`3.I.D. of mandrel required (as 2’:).
`VVrite for Packer Bulletin for avail-
`able diameters in each packer size.
`4. Size, weight and thread of_ easing,
`tubing, drill pipe or tool
`jO1[1t on
`which packer is to be run. Always
`specify tubing as nomupset or external
`(E_U,E,)_ Tubing thread con-
`Trpe Packer
`nection will be furnished A.P.I. 8
`Round Thread E.U.E. unless other-
`wise ordered. On Formation Packer
`order, specify I.D. of easing packer
`is to run through and diameter of
`open hole in which packer is to be set.
`All Packers can be furnished in drillablc
`material, or with anti-corrosion coating,
`at extra cost.
`All prices, dimensions, specifications,
`and weights of materials are subject to
`change without notice.
`Special designs of packers will be built
`to order as "Custom” items. Quotations
`on such items will be prepared on request.
`To comply with Department of Com-
`merce regulations, it is necessary that all
`inquiries and orders for export state final
`Type Packer
`Tubing 5319
`A.P.I. Standard Nomenclature ilstlsltlg isfioarinerly
`Int? to Actual O.D_ instead of Nomma H. v- A P deSig_
`Used. Data Tables in this catalog £0 0‘
`3 nations.
`‘1 ble on request
`Current Packer Price Lists are 3-‘ 3-‘ 9‘
`from all Lane-Wells offices.
`Spare Parts
`A pamphlet titled “Packer Parts Lists and Inter-
`cliangeability Tables” is available on request, This
`information is especially useful to customers outside
`the United States and others concerned with large
`orders of parts.
`Packer Availability
`Popular types and sizes of Lane-Wells Packers are
`available in stock at Laiie-Wells Branch locations_
`Page 12 of 17
`Page 12 of 17

`5"rI*"*“*4 ’
`'._ L
`Valve Type
`(IOCL: 30" stroke, 6 rings)
`(DOC: 8'" stroke, 4 rings}
`Lanc~Well3 BOCL and BOC Packers 013-
`Im roving V..'un-.-..«-::ac F
`tain a positive casing-to-tubing pack-off
`um 3, Bl -.-L':-.. C
`any of the duty applications listed below. By-
`In 3- ...,,‘
`pass makesg possible running any} pulling
`Pa:-gifin .ACC1.l.l'$'t--.‘;;.o.fln
`through fluid---Circulating valve pen-mts equal-
`In ectlon of Gas -
`- \\';{"
`Ejiftinrx ofl ressu1r:es and refimoval of setthtlijgs
`u ':1g.
`sp c"
`t a
`cllslpacker.-E, writ; (I:..ane1}§iVel:l1s gale;
`Department, Los Angeles, California.
`Testing Single Zone Formation Content
`Testing Cement Job or Casing for Leaks
`Acidizing Single Zones
`Protecting Casing
`Improving Natural Flow Efficiency
`Dual Zone Completion
`Inclucinf Tubing Flow using Side Door
`Chokes, Tubing Perforatmns or Gas Lift
`_,.. _n
`. ts
`Rn,-E-13:” kai
`Testing Multiplcsz -MCI-' .-.9
`Testing Cement «
`t‘,-m.-,¢ 5"
`Acidizmg Multiple 7.rmn_
`$::1n}io§;rti‘g1i“{VT0lol Awlwnh‘
`.:--. I:'L. or
`with Lm°'w°H5 3°C" X -. {'-
`Selectige Injection m’ G” I .4-'-
`l¢sEOflCi[l'F‘Y1 Rel)
`m ’
`‘W’. ‘mam’
`.F°‘"_ d-‘=‘31I9-‘ti <11!-I2‘-|‘!*I'-?T= 0‘ II!
`plicatipns call your nearest L|ap
`or wntg to the I_,ang-\\'¢11; 1;.“ ‘
` 3
`E E.
`we , 2 -4?
`— '— M
`' ._ _'. LT‘
`_i_._'.' -— -_ '
`Page 13 of 17
`Page 13 of 17

`‘pa. and 30C PACKERS (Continued)
`C0113;-.——'I‘bp collars on all Lane-Wells packers have
`?.i}]¢d threads to lit
`running—in strings and small cross
`mminimize pick-up load, \\'here\'er possible, fishing wickers
`. “"3 iong neck are inroviderl to furnish a gfiod grip for an
`, mm Valve or By-pnss—--—L;me-\\-'ells \':1|\'e Type packers
`tit —.
`.*' hf‘: bY‘P-355 areas \.\'hiI.‘:i'I allow full eirculiltinn withnut
`I wthe packing rings.
`3-. $1,,’-—I.ane-\\'ells slips are rim-‘e-tailed to tapered grom-es
`I m,¢_ They canmit
`='.lr;=._s__J_' against
`the casing walls, catch in
`'“¢-be bent
`luck when the packer is withrlrawn, Heat
`lirml_v grip the hardest casing over opIi-
`‘ ‘ya, do not clog nor rean.iil_v S-I')Il\’€ down easing, give even
`... of load with no p0iI1t—t¢'i-point stress concentrations.
`.-"'5,-:.. Rein Ri:1g—On Lane-\\‘e|ls Packers this "free-wheeh
`allows the cage to turn under it. This zlvmiitls twisting
`- dips and slip reins.
`drcl (Tube or Body‘) The inside rliameter of Lane-
`ls, wherever possible,
`as large as the drift diameter
`on which the packer is run. This means that swabs.
`_ valves, pumps, chokes, and other tools may be freely run
`' The BOCL Mandrel is longer than the BOC to allow a
`Intwen valve and seat to assure better valve Control
`I 16-19.22-22A-
`5-in.41.42.43.u. 20-2[I.lI.21-21A
`!HAv15-45A-46- 23.23II.24.24A
`wI.Ir-4r.II.«IiL 29-29A-3|}-SIJA
`, I
`.j.::,..._._..._ __ ......_
`5 Nu-.Iicq.
`:»'u. rm.
`.x'.. Heq.
`:9... I2...
`3:... I2...
`Write for Engineering Specifications
`The lulluwmg pages give a brief out—
`line of the l,:me—\'I-'eIls packers avail-
`airie. There are 337 types and sizes of
`packers from which to select‘ Detailed
`tie}-1{IFl])IZ1OI'l at
`l..ane-Wells packers
`along with selection tables, parts list,
`and engirieering speciI'iC."Iti:_ms as shown
`fur the ROCL and BOC can be ob-
`lriined by writing: L:3rIe—\\.'ells C=)m-
`l”‘”3"' P‘ 0- Bax ‘3i94_ Termmal Am
`l.ras Angeles :-4. Czllifnrrim.
`Page 14 of 17
`Page 14 of 17'
`.... .\
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` |
`Packers I
`L,u£7ute¢)/tat PALKER SERW
`Lane—\Vells BOE Packers obtain 3. P051?“/C Casing-fltto webiii§l0£o(fiai:i?i§i1s0inriliepglge l1')dCk.‘°ff
`in repeated settings under severe opeglitingsanrifigiggflgnd pulling through fluid, CipI'€‘ifllm9nS
`“iii: 1;erS€SE;(L)1S1':lS,
`i-teinoifral of settling5 before Pulling. By itself forimng
`Testing Single Zone Formation Conientk
`Testing Cement Jobs or Casing for
`ea 5
`Acidizing, Single Zone; and
`\Vith Lane—\Ve11s BOCU Packerfor:
`Testing Multiple Zone Formation Content
`Testing Cement Jobs or Casing for Leaks
`Acidizing, Multiple Zone
`Perforation \\/asliing
`bing or drill pipe str
`etch P
`ll BOEL Packers are used in deep We_11_s, Where U1
`C0n;r&¢;ab(1:e’é¢iid under the same severe well conditions as confronted by the BOE Packeri
`The BOEL Mandrel is longer than the BOE to allow ‘a 30” stroke between valve and seat
`to assure better valve control in deep Wells.
`Incorporates standard Lane-Wells design principles but
`every part subjected to the greater repeated Stresses of extra
`heavy duty testing operations is made of highest grade alloy
`steels in stronger section and heat treated.
`Lane-VVells BOCU Packers are used as the upper of a
`two-packer combination to obtain a positive casing—to—tub1ng
`pack—off where a limited section of easing is'to be blocked off
`in any of the average duty applications listed below. To pre- ‘
`vent communication between tubing and annulus through
`the circulation ports, a sliding seal is incorporated between
`the lower end of the Mandrel and the circulating Sub. The
`by-pass makes possible easy running and pulling through
`fluid, and the circulating valve permits equalization of pressures
`and removal of settlings before pulling.
`VVith Lane-VVe1ls A0 or BOC Packers for:
`Testing Formation Content, Multiple Zone
`Testing Cement Jobs or Casing for Leaks
`Acidizirig, Multiple Zones
`Perforation Vi/ashing
`With Lane—\Ve1ls BOC and CO Packers for:
`Selective Injection of Gas or VVater into Multiple Zones for Repressuring
`Recycling, Pressure Maintenance, or Storage.
`Laiie—We1ls AO Packers are used to obtain a
`pack-off in any of the following applications in
`casing where slow running is practicable and
`P0SitiV_e casing—t.o-tubing
`dry casing or fluid laden
`a circulation valve is not
`By itself for:
`Testing Single Zone Formation Content
`Testing Cement Jobs or Casing for Leaks
`Aeidizing Single Zone Wells
`Protecting Casing
`Improving Natural Flow Efficiency
`I d
`or T b'
`I'1GL:1l(g11i1jft ‘l.;a]i:Il%'S. ow using Side Door Chokes, Tubing Perforations, or
`For detailed discussion of any of these applications can
`‘V 11 B
`, -t
`th L
`Y0ur nearest Lane-
`An<:ges1esr5::ncCa1pfr \’H‘1 e
`ane Veils Company, P. O. Box 2194, Los
`Page 15 of 17
`Page 15 of 17

`5-31;/: It/c‘1t‘c LANE-WELLS /Man!
`(Sleeve Packing Element)
`(Series 4 is Valve Anchor Type)
`3 Packers are
`Lane-\\'ells Series
`used in the following applications to
`obtain a positive open—hole—to—tubing
`pack-off where very low fluid heads
`prevail and a l)y—pass or \'(1lV'C to ciri:u-
`late above packer is not required:
`l.ane—\\"ells Series 4 Packers are
`used in the following applications to
`obtain a positive pack—oii‘ between open
`hole and tubing or drill pipe in fluid-
`ladcn wells. The by—pass makes possi-
`lile easy running and pulling through
`lluid. and the circulating valve permits
`clianging fluids, equalization of pres-
`sures and removal of settings by Cl1'C}l~
`For additional resistance to vertical movement of a
`packer when extremely high below packer pressures
`are anticipated,
`the Hydraulic Hold Down Tool
`available. This tool holds over 6,000 psi dilicrential;
`has non—porous nickel plated pistons and body, indi-
`vidual and specific holding points on the piston to
`afford a positive fix in the casing and is economical
`because of its simplicity of design. The tool operates
`entirely by hydraulic pressures built up in the mandrel
`at the rear of the piston forcing the pistons out into
`in the casing. The greater
`the pressure trying to move the
`Improving Natural Flow Efiicienc)’
`Improving Gas—Oi1 Ratios
`packer in th

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