`United States Patent
`[45] Date of Patent: Nov. 9, 1993
`[11] Patent Number:
`Teams Concept —Tirnely Meregency Alerting Means
`[73] Assignee:
`Barry Pershan, Olney
`Bell Atlantic Network Services, Inc.,
`Arlington, Va.
`[21] Appl. No.: 689,433
`[22] Filed:
`Apr. 23, 1991
`Int. Cl.5 ................... .. H0451 11/D0; HO4M 3/38;
`H04M 3/50
`{S2} US. Cl. ...................................... .. 379/57: 379/67;
`379/38; 379/89
`379/58, 57, 6'1. 88,
`379/89, 9l. 144; 340/8255, 825.51
`[58] Field of Search
`References Cited
`9x'19?3 Colman .
`231933 Hiiligoss. Jr.
`291983 Matthews et ai.
`5/198-i Bethel et ai.
`431986 Matthews el al.
`"H1986 Mathews el al.
`4.625.081 ll/l98t'3 Lolito et a1.
`4.161.307 M1988 Matthews et al.
`5/1989 Comroe et al.
`.................. .. 45583.3
`4.860.341 M1989 D'Avel|o et al.
`.... .. 379./9!
`2/W90 Blaldey .......... ..
`.. 3'39/SB
`5/1990 Gutrnan et al.
`.. 3'39/5?
`.... .. 3‘19x'6T
`4.961.216 10/1990 Baehr et al.
`.... .. Jrsxeo
`4.965.821 10.91990 Bishop et al.
`5.055.151 I0/I991
`Tanalta et al.
`.................. .. 3‘19ft’:'i X
`................... .. 379/33
`Community Alert Network Publication entitled "A
`Primary Examt'ner—Curtis Kuntz
`Asststartr Examt‘ner—George J. Oehling
`Attorney. Agent, or F:'rm—Lowe. Price. I..eBlanc &
`Disclosed is a method of utilizing a public switched
`telecommunications network which includes a voice
`messaging system (VMS) to provide a reliable and flexi-
`ble notification service to deliver to designated persons
`a message which may be prestored or created at the
`time of initiating the notification. The list of persons to
`be notified is pre-established and permits multiple tele-
`phone numbers to be used to locate a single person or an
`alternate person. Pagers may be simultaneously or se-
`quentially called requesting that the desired person call
`in for their message. The list of persons to be notified
`may be changed by the system coordinator from any
`DTMF telephone and the telephone numbers or pager
`numbers assigned to persons to be notified may be
`changed by such persons from any DTMF telephone.
`Alternatively the list may be created or changed by the
`coordinator using a personal computer or ASCII data
`type device. The system automatically reports the re-
`sults of a notification session to the coordinator and
`automatic billing is provided. The service includes es-
`tablishment of redundant data bases in different geo-
`graphic locales for added reliability.
`15 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`a-_ 1"‘ — ——-—-———~_
`Apple 1017
`Apple 1017
`U.S. Pat. 8,995,433
`U.S. Pat. 8,995,433
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 5
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9, 1993
`Sheet 2 of 5
` 2.5.55255-.m5:...z_5EE.55:5-~5:$2EF5-_
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9, 1993
`sheet 3 of 5
` nmEE:2m__m_.._......m.m=_E
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 5
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 9, 1993
`Sheet 5 of 5
`Community Alert Network of Schenectady. N.Y..
`advertises a public notification service for correctional
`facilities. The Community Alert Network (CAN) pro-
`poses to provide a prompt method of notifying response
`teams, corrections officials, off duty personnel, the me-
`dia, state, county and local law enforcement officers as
`well as the neighboring community and special facilities
`such as schools and hospitals in the event of an escape
`or other type of other emergency at the facility. The
`CAN apparatus provides a computer driven telephone
`service at the correctional facility designed for targeted
`emergency situations.
`Community Alert Network contracts with an organi-
`zation to provide a service for personnel notification
`and emergency response and establishes a data base of
`telephone directory numbers provided by the client for
`each contract. Once the data base is established CAN
`apparatus provides the notifying process upon the oc-
`currence of the predesignated emergency situation.
`When an incident has occurred or threatens and has
`been reported to the appropriate official the notifying
`process is begun. The designated official contacts CAN
`via a 24 hour emergency phone number and dictates an
`access code and password to the CAN operator. The
`emergency official identifies specific lists of phone num-
`bers to be called and may dictate the message to be
`delivered. Different messages may be delivered to dif-
`ferent targeted groups. Some messages may have been
`prerecorded and simply recalled. The computers at
`CAN then begin calling the requested phone numbers
`and delivering the designated message. A report is later
`delivered to the client summarizing the number of calls
`made, completed, busy and no answer, etc. The con-
`tract usuaily entails a start-up fee based upon the size of
`the telephone number data base in addition to a usage
`charge based on computer line calling time plus an
`update charge for modifications to the data base.
`Message Processing Systems, Inc. of LaCosta. Calif.,
`advertises an emergency notification automatic out-
`dialing system. The system consists of a micro-com-
`puter based central processing unit. keyboard and moni-
`tor. The system may be activated from any touch tone
`telephone by use of the caller’s pass code. When verifi-
`cation is completed the system requests the list of indi-
`viduals to be notified and the caller may choose a prere-
`corded message or record a new message for transmis-
`sion. The system thereupon loads the appropriate num-
`bers and commences a calling cycle. The system is pri-
`marily designed as consumer premise equipment which
`includes both hardware and software.
`The present invention provides a modern telecommu-
`nications network integrated notification service which
`utilizes existing equipment
`to make available to the
`customer or consumer an exceptionally reliable and
`flexible method to inform specific people of issues or
`events by calling them and delivering a customized
`message via the telecommunications network. The ser-
`vice and system allows up to four telephone numbers to
`be used to locate a single person or an altemate person
`in place of the primary name on a pre-established list.
`Pagers may be simultaneously or sequentially called
`requesting that the desired person call in for their mes-
`A person or group of people at an organization is
`assigned the responsibility of acting as the system coor-
`dinator who performs the initial act of establishing the
`This application relates to a group notification ser-
`vice and system and more particularly relates to such a
`service and system utilizing and integrated into a public
`switched telecommunications network.
`Various systems and methodology have been pro-
`posed for automatic or semi-automatic dissemination
`and distribution of a prerecorded message to a desig-
`nated group or list of directory numbers or persons. In
`general these systems have been designed for specific
`purposes such as emergency notifications, various types
`of alerts, delivery of business messages, and the like.
`The installation of such a system and service usually
`entails the acquisition and installation of a sophisticated
`and costly private business exchange (PBX) for the use
`of a particular business organization or relatively exten-
`sive capital investment to establish a central data and
`control system linked through leased lines to a public
`switched telecommunications system (PSTS}.
`Matthews er al U.S. Pat. No. 4,371,752. issued Feb. 1.
`1933, describes a PBX type approach wherein a PBX
`voice messaging system (VMS) is adapted to record
`voice messages and accept predesignations of addresses
`to which the voice messages are to be sent. Upon actua-
`tion the PBX VMS then delivers the voice message
`independently to each person within the group.
`Matthews et al U.S. Pat. No. 4.581.436, issued Apr. 3,
`1986. describes a generally similar system wherein the
`user is also permitted to reply to all addresses in the
`predesignated group.
`Matthews et al U.S. Pat. No. 4361.80".-'. issued Aug. 2.
`I988. presents a variation on the foregoing wherein the
`user must access the system by speaking a password
`which is then compared to a speaker dependent temple!
`stored in the system.
`Bethei et al U.S. Pat. No. 4,446,336, issued May 1,
`1984, describes a communications system for distribut-
`ing and broadcasting announcements individually to a
`large number of persons using mass announcement
`units. Each such unit includes a storage disk for storing
`announcements to be broadcast to the network.
`Colman U.S. Pat. No. 3,761,632, issued Sep. 25, 1973,
`describes an emergency or alarm type notification sys-
`tem which responds to the occurrence of an alarm situa-
`tion such as fire or burglary. When such an emergency
`is detected the system automatically dial calls to various
`telephones according to a programmed sequence and
`then plays an alann message to each of the stations or
`telephones called. Variations in systems of this type are
`described in related Colman U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,519,745
`and 3,700,813.
`Hilligoss. Jr. et al U.S. Pat. No. 4,371,751, issued Feb.
`1, 1933, describes an automatic message transmitting
`apparatus which includes a base station and remote unit
`for receiving inputs indicative of various operator emer-
`gency conditions and for thereupon automatically se-
`quentially dialing a plurality of preselected telephone
`numbers and transmitting messages indicative of the
`alarm condition. The apparatus includes storage for
`multiple messages and a keyboard for inputting infor-
`mation such as selected telephone numbers and alarm
`list. This is accomplished by the coordinator via a
`DTMF telephone without the necessity of any on prem-
`ise equipment.
`The coordinator dials into the system and enters a
`password to be used in all future transactions. The coor-
`dinator next forms each desired list. Each list is prefera-
`bly given a unique name using the voice of the coordi-
`nator. The coordinator is then prompted to key in the
`size of the list required, 25, 50. ‘I5. 100, etc., in incre-
`ments of 25.
`Responsive to prompts the coordinator designates
`how long the system should wait between attempts if
`the line is busy and secondly, in the event that one or
`more of the telephone numbers entered are long dis-
`tance calls, what credit card number is to be billed.
`The coordinator is then asked to verbally state the
`name of the first person to appear on the list. The sys-
`tem next prompts entry of the first telephone number
`for this person and the pager number if such is desired.
`After the telephone number and possibly a pager num-
`ber is entered they are sequentially prompted to enter a
`second telephone number or an alternate person. In the
`latter event they will be requested to state the person's
`name. in addition to keying in the telephone number.
`This permits the system to regenerate the person's name
`upon completing a call to that person.
`The operation continues in this manner until a maxi-
`mum of four numbers or names have been entered. The
`process continues to the maximum limit that the coordi-
`nator entered earlier. Prior to actually using the system,
`each person on the list may call into the system and, as
`a substitute for the password entered by the coordina-
`tor. may enter a personalized password that will be used
`during an actual call out by the system. All lists and
`parameters may be updated at any time by the coordina-
`In order to initiate an actual notification session a
`coordinator calls into the system and enters their pass-
`word. If there is more than one list the system prompts
`the designation of the desired list. The system then
`prompts the entry of the desired priority designation.
`The priority designation entered by the coordinator
`assigns a class of service to the call which will deter-
`mine how many trunks are assigned for the particular
`out-calling and assignment. This in turn determines the
`rapidity with which the sequence may be completed.
`The out-dialing sequence then begins. The first num-
`ber is dialed and if a person answers the telephone the
`system states: “There is a message for ‘the person's
`name‘. If this person is available please enter the correct
`password." If the password is correct, the message in
`the coordinator’s voice is delivered. A printed and/or
`verbal continuation is then delivered back to the coor-
`dinator showing the name. date and time of delivery. If
`the telephone number was busy, the system retries the
`number three times. The duration between attempts
`would have been designated by the coordinator during
`the original set-up of the list. After three attempts the
`system goes to the alternate number and/or name for
`this person. If the wrong password is entered the person
`would be given three chances. If the password is still
`incorrect the system would go to the next number and-
`/or name on the list. Similarly. if no one answers the
`the system proceeds to the next number
`and/or person on the list.
`This process continues until all four numbers or peo-
`ple are tried. If no one was reached during this process
`and no one called in for the message, the system would
`begin the process again for a second and third time if
`necessary. After the third attempt. the printed report
`would note that no one could be reached after three
`attempts including the time each attempt was made.
`Simultaneously, pager numbers are called. Up to four
`pager numbers may be entered for each primary entry.
`The system dials the pager number and leaves a mailbox
`number for the person to call into to retrieve their mes-
`sage. All four pager numbers will be called. If no one
`responds to retrieve the message within a predesignated
`time limit, this process is repeated two additional times.
`After this. if no one calls in to retrieve the message and
`the system is unable to deliver it through it's normal
`out-dialing procedure, it is noted in the coordinator's
`It is accordingly a primary object of the present in-
`vention to provide a modern telecommunications net-
`work integrated notification service which utilizes ex-
`isting equipment to make available to the consumer an
`exceptionally reliable and flexible method to inform
`specific people of issues or events by calling them and
`delivering a customized message via the telecommuni-
`cations network.
`It is another object of the invention to provide such
`an improved notification service wherein the user is
`able to elect the degree or priority involved and speed
`with which notification occurs.
`It is another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notifi-
`cation service which permits utilization of existing
`voice messaging equipment to virtually simultaneously
`perform multiple functions including the new service.
`is another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notifi-
`cation service which utilizes existing telephone com-
`pany equipment and requires no capital investment on
`the part of customers.
`It is another object of the invention to provide such
`an improved notification service without requiring the
`purchase, lease or installation of equipment on the con-
`sumer's premises.
`It is another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notif-
`cation service to inform specific people of issues or
`events through notification either of the specifically
`designated people or of predesignated alternates such
`It is still another object of the invention to provide
`such a modern telecommunications network integrated
`notification service which permits designated persons
`to update their listed telephone directory and/or pager
`It is another object of the notification service of the
`invention to provide an improved notification service of
`the foregoing type wherein the customer is provided
`with a verbal or printed report summarizing the number
`of calls made, completed, busy, no answer. etc.
`It is still another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notif-
`cation service which provides automated billing using
`existing PSTN equipment and procedures such as AMA
`and AMATPS.
`It is still another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notifi-
`cation service which provides enhanced reliability
`through the provision of redundant storage in geo-
`graphically separate locales subject to entirely different
`environmental and ambient conditions.
`the file. Voice messages are stored digitally in a voice
`messaging storage or data base in the VPU.
`It is a feature of the present invention that the notifi-
`cation services of the invention may be provided
`through usage of the VMS equipment already available
`in the PSTN, such as the VMS equipment illustrated at
`30 in FIG. 1. In order to achieve this result it is neces-
`sary only to provide additional storage capacity in the
`VPU along with added software for the MCU. The
`added storage may be referred to as additional mail-
`boxes but is preferably referenced as added slots de-
`picted graphically as slots 46. These may vary in num-
`ber but in an illustrative example might comprise 25
`slots. In addition to these slots 46 the VPU is provided
`with an administrator slot depicted graphically at 48.
`The slots are interconnected with the DSS and MCU to
`carry out their designated functions under control of
`the MCU and it’s software.
`The method and system of the invention is now de-
`scribed in conjunction with the drawings.
`A person or group of people at an organization is
`designated as the coordinator. The first step of the coor-
`dinatot is to create and set up the desired list. This is
`accomplished by dialing into the system with a DTMF
`telephone such as any of the telephone stations 14 and
`16 shown in FIG. 1.
`Referring to the flow diagram of FIG. 2, the coordi-
`nator dials into the system at 50. Responsive to a verbal
`prompt the coordinator enters at 52 a temporary pass-
`word given to them by the Telco. The coordinator is
`then asked to enter a new password that will be used
`with all future interactions with the system. The pass-
`word is verified at 54 and the input of information to
`create the list and its operating parameters is initiated at
`56. At this point the coordinator elects one of three
`options, namely, (1) start a new list, (2) out-calls to the
`existing list, or (3) change the existing list.
`Assuming that
`the coordinator elects to create or
`start a new list and selects the first option, a series of
`questions is presented by the system for answer by the
`coordinator via the DTMF buttons. Those questions
`may be are as follows:
`How long should the system wait between attempts if
`the line is busy?
`How many attempts should be made if a line is busy?
`Would you like to use your credit card for any long
`distance calls‘? If so, please enter the credit card
`The system would then ask the IOXX code so the
`user could choose their selected carrier.
`Following the input of this data the coordinator is
`ready to begin the process of building the desired group
`or groups. At 58 the coordinator is asked to verbally
`state the name of the first group. This name may be the
`name of the organization or of a particular work group
`within the organization.
`At 68 the coordinator is prompted to verbally state
`the name of the first person. organization or work group
`within this group. At 62 the coordinator is prompted to
`enter the first telephone number they would like to have
`dialed in order to reach the person or organization just
`named. This number is entered via the DTMF key-
`is another object of the invention to provide a
`modern telecommunications network integrated notif-
`cation service which permits a customer to utilize a
`personal computer or ASCII data type device to enter
`and query the data base that resides within the network
`integrated equipment.
`Still other objects and advantages of the present in-
`vention will become more readily apparent
`to those
`skilled in the art from the following detailed descrip-
`tion, wherein a limited number of preferred embodi-
`ments of the invention are shown and described, simply
`by way of illustration of the best mode contemplated of
`carrying out the invention.
`As will be realized the invention is capable of other
`and different embodiments and its details are capable of
`modifications in various obvious respects. all without
`departing from the invention. Accordingly, the draw-
`ing and description are to be regarded as illustrative in
`nature, and not as restrictive.
`The invention will be more fully understood from the
`following detailed description taken in conjunction
`with the accompanying drawings. in which:
`FIG. I is a diagrammatic illustration ofa first embodi-
`ment of the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a flow chart illustrating the creation or
`generation of the original list:
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating a typical operation
`of the notification service of the invention;
`FIGS. 4A and 4B is a flow chart illustrating the pro-
`cedure for changing an existing list according to the
`Referring to FIG. 1 there is shown at 10 a central
`office having one or more program controlled elec-
`tronic switches (SESS, IAESS, etc.) 12 connected in a
`public switched telephone network (PSTN) between
`telephone stations 14 and 16. local switches 18 and 20
`and intermediate switches exemplified by switch 22.
`The switches are interconnected by suitable trunks such
`as DS1 or T1 trunks 24, 26 and 28.
`The switch 12 is housed in a central office 10 which
`also contains a Voice Messaging System (VMS) gener-
`ally indicated at 38. The VMS may be of any available
`commercial manufacture such as, by way of example.
`the Boston Technology, Inc. CO Access System. The
`VMS includes a conventional master control unit
`(MCU) 32, digital switching system (DSS) 34 and voice
`processing unit (VPU] 36. The VM5 is connected to the
`switch 12 via a suitable trunk such as a D81 or T1 trunk
`38. Outgoing trunks of a suitable type, such as 1381 or
`T1 trunks are provided as indicated at 4-0, 42 and 44.
`As will be understood by those skilled in the art the
`VMS 30 is presently utilized in PSTNs to provide vari-
`ous types of voice messaging services. Among the most
`common of these are central office or telephone com-
`pany (Telco) based answering services. Voice Mail and
`call completion.
`Voice Mail
`is a service wherein a caller dials the
`called party's mailbox number and leaves a message.
`The called party can retrieve messages by dialing the
`mailbox from any DTMF telephone and entering an
`authentication code. By entering instructions from the
`dial. the message can be repeated, erased, or retained in
`Following the entry of this first telephone number the
`coordinator is queried as to whether or not there is a
`pager number for the person. If the answer is affirma-
`tive the coordinator is prompted to enter the pager
`number. Following the entry of the pager number the
`coordinator is prompted to advise if there is a second
`telephone number they would like to dial in the event
`the first number is busy after the selected number of
`attempts, or the number does not answer. This inquiry
`occurs at 64. If the response is affirmative the coordina-
`tor is prompted to enter the alternate telephone number
`at 66. Up to four telephone numbers may be entered for
`each listing. If the inquiry as to an alternate telephone
`number is answered in the negative the coordinator is
`queried at 68 as to whether or not there is a pager num-
`ber for the person.
`is affirmative the coordinator
`the answer
`prompted to enter the pager number at 70. The system
`permits the entry of both an alternate telephone number
`as well as a pager number for the person designated and
`an inquiry to this end is provided at 72. Up to four
`telephone numbers and four pager numbers may be
`entered for each listing. While in most cases the addi-
`tional telephone numbers will be alternate locations for
`the listed person. it may also be a second or third person
`that could act for the first person within that listing.
`Similarly, the pager numbers may be for people who
`could act for the first person within the listing. The
`establishment of four telephone numbers and four pager
`numbers is accomplished by repetition of the sequence
`indicated within the broken lines at 74. The coordinator
`can end the process by indicating at any time that there
`are no additional telephone numbers or pager numbers
`required for this person or organization. The coordina-
`tor can close off the group at any time by entering a
`touch tone button that indicates that there are no more
`names to be entered.
`Having completed the listing for the first person the
`coordinator is queried at 76 as to whether or not there
`is another person to be added to the list. If the answer is
`affirmative the name is verbally entered at 78. The sys-
`tem then repeats the sequence indicated at 74 with re-
`spect to this new person on the list. If the coordinator
`responds to the inquiry at 76 in the negative the list is
`closed at B0 and the coordinator is queried at 82 as to
`whether or not it is desired to start another list. If the
`answer is affirmative the system proceeds to 58 to re-
`peat the sequence just described to form the first list.
`Each group will have its own distinct number and
`name; for example. the first group formed will be group
`number one. the second group number two. etc., en-
`abling the coordinator to quickly access a group at a
`later date. If the coordinator should reach the maximum
`number of listings that were contracted for. i.e.. 25. 50,
`100, etc., the system prompts them that no more listings
`are available.
`No one group can exceed the total number of listings
`the client ordered. While one person or organizational
`name and its telephone numbers may appear in many
`groups, the total number of people or organizations
`cannot exceed the total number of listings ordered. This
`would allow the coordinator to set up an organization
`in the following manner:
`Group (1) Vice Presidents
`Group (2) Directors
`Group (3) Second Levels
`Group (4) First Levels
`Group (5) One of the Vice Presidents. four of the
`directors, twelve Second Levels and thirty First
`Group {6} Another Vice President's organization
`Group (Tl) Groups 1. 3 and 5
`Group (8) The whole organization.
`If duplicate names appear due to combining groups
`the system recognizes the duplication and will only call
`the person once.
`Following completion of the lists as indicated by a
`negative response at 82 the system provides the neces-
`sary prompts for establishing the parameters of opera-
`tion. Thus at 84 the coordinator is queried and responds
`as to how many retries are desired after receiving a busy
`signal. Here the coordinator may enter 1, 2. or 3. At 86
`the coordinator is queried and responds to the length of
`wait desired between retries, such as 1, 2 or 3 minutes.
`At 83 the coordinator establishes the type of receipt
`desired following an actual notification session. Thus
`the coordinator may elect a printed receipt. a verbal
`receipt. or both. At 90 the coordinator may exit by
`indicating that no changes are desired and that the lists
`are complete. The procedure for changing a list or
`making other changes in the notification session is illus-
`trated in and described in connection with FIG. 4.
`Referring to FIGS. 4A and 4B the coordinator enters
`at 92 if proceeding from the completion of generation of
`an original list as just described in connection with FIG.
`2. If this is not the case and the coordinator is entering
`the system to change a previously established list and
`notification session the coordinators enters at 50 via
`password identification at 52 and 54. If the coordinator
`elects to change an existing list at 56 the system pro-
`ceeds to 96 where the coordinator enters the number of
`the list it
`is desired to change. Following entry of the
`number of the list which the coordinator desires to
`change, the election is made at 98 as to whether or not
`it is desired to change the name of the list. If an afTtrma-
`tive response is forthcoming the new name is verbally
`stated at 190 and this new name is verified or changed at
`If the name is verified at 102 the coordinator is
`queried at 104 as to whether or not additional changes
`are desired. If the response is negative the coordinator
`exits the program at 106. If additional changes are de-
`sired the coordinator is returned to the entry inquiry at
`56 via entry 92. From 92 the coordinator proceeds
`through steps 56 and 96 and 98 to 108. It is to be noted
`that this point would be reached initially if the coordi-
`nator had responded negatively at 98 in the initial entry.
`At 108 the coordinator is queried as to whether it is
`desired to change the number of retries following a
`busy/no answer or the printing or, in the alternative.
`whether it is desired to add or delete a name from a list.
`If the response indicates a desire to change the number
`of retries or printing, the coordinator proceeds to 110.
`Here the coordinator enters directions as to how many
`retries are desired—l, 2 or 3. Following this the interval
`between retries is established at 112. The election of a
`printed receipt. verbal receipt. or both is made at 114.
`Following this the coordinator may elect to make addi-
`tional changes or exit the system at 104, 94. or 1136.
`Returning to the step indicated at 108, if the coordina-
`tor indicates a desire to add or delete a name from a list
`they next proceed to 116 where an election is made as to
`whether or not to delete a listing. If deletion is desired
`the coordinator proceeds to 118 to enter the number of
`the name it is desired to delete. The coordinator thence
`may proceed to 120 to elect to make additional changes
`at 94 or to exit at 122.
`Returning to the step indicated at 116 if the coordina-
`tor has indicated a desire to change a name at 108 and
`also has indicated no desire to delete a listing at 116 the
`coordinator proceeds to 124 to indicate a desire to add
`a listing. At 126 the coordinator verbally states the
`name of the person to be added to the list. This is fol-
`lowed by the entry of the telephone number for this
`person at 128. At 130 and 132 the coordinator estab-
`lishes that an alternate number is to be entered for the
`newly listed person and enters that number at 132. At
`134 the coordinator establishes whether there is a pager
`number for the newly added listing and enters that
`number at 136.