`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,995,433 B2
`*Mar. 31, 2015
`Applicant: ErnpirI.'lPl.l.(I.NcwYorI<.NY(l1S)
`Inventor: Michael J. Rojas. North Canton. 011
`Assignee: Empire IP LLC. Austin. TX (US)
`Subject to any diseiainter, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`u.s.c. 15-t(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Mar. 25. 2014
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201450204935 Al
`Jul. 24. 2014
`Related LLS. Application Data
`Csmtintlnlion of tupplicatiun Nu. 131546.673. filed on
`Jul. 1]. 2012, now Pat. No. 3.724.622. which is a
`cnnlinuatinlt of application No. I213*)8.[]63. lilccl on
`Mar. 4. 2009. now Pat. No. 8.243.723. which is a
`continuation 01' application No. 101740.030.
`liit-xi on
`Dec. 18. 2003. now Pat. No. 7.535.890.
`Int. Cl.
`F1134}. I2/66
`H041. I258
`I-.1’04M 3/533
`IMJM 7/110
`H04L 29/06
`U.S. C1.
`............ .. IIEML 51'/1'14 (2013.01): H041. 12/581’
`(2013.01): Ht'J4'M'353366(2013.01)‘.H0-1M’
`?/006 (£013.01 )_: H04M 22r}3./4536 (201101 )2
`HML 65/40 (2013.01): 1104M’ 1/533 (2013.01)
`_______________________ __ 3701352; 11091206; 379188. 1?
`Field oi'(‘.1ass11ication Search
`CPC ................ .. H041. 65140; H04M 3.1533: 1-104M
`See application tile for complete search history.
`Refemnces Cited
`U.S. 1-’.+\'l‘1:lN'l' DO'CUMEN'1'S
`5.'.I'63.226 B1
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`.J1.'or::e_t'. Agmii, or f'i'rm—Jo11n R. K212511312 K211}! 1..
`Kashn: Kaslta Law 1.[.C‘
`Methods. syslelus and pntgralus Ibr instant voice messaging
`over a ]'I£ICl(Cl~SWilCl1CCl network are provided. A method for
`instant voice messaging may comprise receiving an instant
`voice message having one or inure recipients. delivering the
`instant voice ntessage to the one or more recipients over a
`packel—swilc1u:d Ilelwork.
`lentpnrarily storing the instant
`voice message ifa recipient is unavailable: and del ivering the
`stored instant voice ntesstlge 10 the recipient once the recipi-
`ent becomes available.
`27 ('.'Iairns, 9 Drawing Sheets
`K U.
`E‘t'1'vl (I1?-INT
`Apple 1001
`U.S. Pat. 8,995,433

`US 3,995,433 32
`Page 2
`References Cited
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`6-"2004 Goodmanct al.
`2DO4f0|2290fi Al
`T-"2004 Bernstein ctal.
`2'[]B4!'0|283S6 AI
`9.-"2004 LaPoint
`2-304.-'on9a92 Al
`':f§3$ ‘'1'!
`§$j’I3§§3§§f§ A:
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`3«'2m3 Encteclal.
`'°"2°'3 w°i“”'
`................... 709.905

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`Sheet 1 M9
`US 8,995,433 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`Sheet 2 of9
`Us 8,995,433 B2
`FIG, 11.?

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 6 of 9
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`Sheet 8 of 9
`US 8,995,433 B2

`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2015
`Sheet 9 of 9
`US 8,995,433 B2
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`US 8,995,433 B2
`CROSS-Rl£l'-'l:‘Rl~lNCE TO Rl€l...«\'l'E|)
`This application is a continuation of U .3. patent applica-
`tion Ser. No. 13f546.fiT3. tiled Jul. 1]. 2012. which is a
`continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 12t'398.D6.'-t filed
`Mar. 4. 2009. now U.S. Pat. No. 8.243.723. issued Aug. 14.
`2012. which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No.
`l0t740.030 filed on Dec. 18. 2003. now U.S. Pat. No. 7.535.
`390. issued May 19. 2009. the entire content and disclosure of
`which is incorporated by reference.
`1. Technical Field of the Invention
`The present invention generally relates to Internet tele-
`phony (IP telephony). More particularly. the present inven-
`tion is directed to a system and tnethod forenabling local and
`glo bal instant Volt’ messaging over an H’ network. such as the
`Internet. with PSTN support.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`Traditional telephony is based o11 a public switched tele-
`phone network (i.e.. “PSTN"). In the PSTN.
`at telephone
`terminal is electrically connected to a conventional or legacy
`switch. The telepltone temiinal and the legacy switch coin-
`municate via a proprietary protocol. which may be different
`depending on the vendor ofthe legacy switch. Circuit switch-
`ing provides a commu nication path (i.e.. dedicated circuit) for
`a tclephonecall from the telephone terminal to another device
`over the PSTN. including another telephone terminal. During
`the telephone call. voice communication takes place over that
`communication path.
`An alternative to the PSTN is Voice over lrttemct Protocol
`(i.e.. “VoIP”). also known as ll’ telephony or lntemet tele-
`phony. In the ll’ telephony. a Voll’ terminal device is con-
`nected to a packet-switched network (e.g.. Internet ) and voice
`contmunication from the VoIP terminal device is digitized.
`packetized and transmitted over the packet-switched network
`to a destination Volt’ terminal device. which reconstructs the
`packets and audibly plays. stones or otlterwise processes the
`transntissitttt. The Walt‘ terminal device may he :1 Volt’ tele-
`phone or a general-purpose personal computer (PC) enabled
`for ll’ telephony. More specifically. the PC is programmed
`with the sollware and equipped with audio inpotloutput
`devices (eg. a combination of microphone and speaker or El
`headset) to serveas a Voll’ terminal device. The PC so enabled
`and equipped will herein be referred to as a Voll’ terminal
`device or a Volt’ soflphone.
`FIG. 1 is an illttstrativc exatnple of a prior art I]-‘telephony
`system 100. The ll-’ telephony system 100 comprises a packet-
`switched ll’ network 102. such as the Internet, which trans-
`mits \«'olP lrallic from and to a plurality of terminal devices .
`I04. 106 and 110. Terminal device 104 is a Vol I’ softphone
`that is enabled for 11’ telephony over the network 102. Tenni-
`nal device 106 is a Volt’ telephone. which is connected to the
`network 102 via a sollswitch 108. The \-’oIP sollswitch 108 is
`disposed on the packet-switched network (e.g.. Internet) 102
`between an origination terminal device (such as Volt’ soft-
`phone 104) and a destination terminal device [such as Voll’
`telephone 106). and routes packets over the packet-switched
`11-‘ network 102. The softswitch 108 may also manage and
`perform administrative fimctions for die tenninal device or
`devices (eg. \«i.1lP telephone 106) to whiclt it is cormectcd.
`Whether the terminal device is a Volli’ softphone 194 or aVolP
`the terminal device is connected to the IP
`telephone 106.
`network 102 via a networking standard such as Etlientet.
`IEEEE, 1394 (also known as “l’irewire“)_. IISEE
`802.1] (also known as “WiFi"}. or networking over serial
`comrnunicalion channels such as the Universal Serial Bus
`(i.e.. “USB“). Data cotrnnunication over the network then
`takes place using a connection protocol. e.g., transfer control
`protocolflttteriiet protocol (i.e.. “TE.'.l’t'll”').
`Funlicr regarding FIG. 1, terminal device 110 is a legacy
`telephone that is connected to a legacy switch 1 12 for (circuit-
`switched) voice communications over the PSTN 116 with
`other terminal devices. A media gateway II4 may be pro-
`vided between the legacy switch 112 and the packet-switched
`network 102 to enable ll’ telephony between the legacy tele-
`phone lltl and 21 Volt’ terminal device, such as :1 Volt’ soft-
`phone 104 or Volt’ telephone 106. More specifically. the
`media gateway 114 converts the audio signal carried over
`PSTN to packets carried over the packet-switched IP network
`102. In addition. :1 media gateway I 18 may be disposed over
`the PSTN I16 and connected to a soliswitclt 120 to convert
`the audio signal from the legacy telephone 110 to packets
`routed over the 11’ network 102 via the softswitch 120.
`Voice messaging in both the Volt’ and l-’S'l’N is known.
`More specifically. the foregoing systems may be provided
`-5 with a facility to allow users to leave voice messages for
`recipients. which is a feature that is familiar to anyone who
`uses a telephone. Conventionally. leaving a voice message
`involves dialing the recipient's telephone number (often
`without knowing whether the recipient will answer). waiting
`for the connection to be established. speaking to an operator
`or navigating through a menu ofoptions, listening to a greet-
`ing Inessage. and recording the message for later pickup by
`the recipient. 111 that message. the user must typically identif_v
`himself or herself in order for the recipient to return the call.
`Instant text messaging is likewise known. More specifi-
`cally. a user is provided with a client terntinal. which is
`typically at general-purpose PC‘ pnigratiuited with instant text
`messaging software and in data communication over an 11-’
`network with an instant text-messaging server. The instant
`texbmessagirtg server presents the user. via the client termi-
`nal. with a list of persons who are currently "online“ and
`ready to receive text messages on their own client temtinals.
`The user then uses the client terminal to select one or more
`persons to whom the message will be sent and types in a text
`. message. The text message is sent innnediately via the text-
`messaging server to the selected one or more persons and is
`displayed on their respective client terminals.
`However. notwithstanding the foregoing advances in the
`\ritlI’t"l’STN voice comnttlnication and voicettext messaging,
`there is still a need in the art tor providing a system and
`method for providing instant Voll’ messaging over an 11’
`network. More particularly. there is a need it1 the art for
`providing local and global instant voice messaging over VolP
`with PSTN support.
`SIJMNIARY OF 'l‘l-{|:' lNVEN‘l'l()N
`The present invention is directed to a system and method
`for enabling local and global instant Vol]? messaging over an
`IP network. such as the Internet.
`According to an embodiment of the present invention.
`there is provided an instant voice messaging system for deliv-
`ering instant messages over a packet-switched network. the
`system comprising: a client connected to the network. the
`_ client selecting one or more recipients. generating an instant
`voice message therefor, and transmitting the selected recipi-
`ents and the instant voice message therefor over the network:

`US 8,995,433 B2
`and a server comtccted to the network, the server receiving the
`selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor. and
`delivering the instant voice message to the selected recipients
`over the network. the selected recipients being enabled to
`audibly play the instant voice tttcssage.
`According to anotlterembodiment ofthc present invention.
`there is provided an instant voice messaging system for deliv-
`ering instant messages over a packet-switched network
`enabling public switched telephone network (PSTNJ support.
`the system comprising: a PSTN telephone cotmccted to tlte
`network for providing input audio: :1 client connected to the
`network. the cl icnt selecting one or more recipients. generat-
`ing an instant voice message therefor using tlte input audio
`provided by the PSTN telephone. and transmitting the
`selected recipients and the ittstant voice message therefor
`over the network; at server connected to the network. the
`server receiving the selected recipients and the instant voice
`message therefor. and delivering the instant voice message to
`the selected recipients over the network. the selected recipi-
`ents being enabled to audibly play the instant voice message.
`According to a further embodiment of the present inven-
`tion. there is provided an instant voice messaging system for
`delivering instant messages over a packet-switched network.
`the system comprising: a voice-over-intentel-protocol (VolP)
`telephone connected to the network forproviding inpttt audio:
`a client cotutected to the network. the client selecting one or
`more recipients. generating an instant voice mes sage therefor
`using the input audio provided by the Volt’ telephone. and
`transmitting the selected recipients and the instant voice mes-
`sage therefor over the network: a server connected to the
`network. the server receiving the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor_. and delivering the instant
`voice message to the selected recipients ovcrthe network. the
`selected recipients being enabled to audibly play the instant
`voice tnessage.
`According to still another embodiment of the present
`invention. there is provided an instant voice messaging sys-
`tem for delivering instant messages ovcra plurality of packet-
`switched networks.
`the system cotnprising: a client con-
`nected to El local network. the client selecting one or more
`external recipients connected to an extental network outside
`the local network, generating an instant voice message there-
`for. and transtnitting the selected recipients and the instant
`voice message therefor over the local network and the exter-
`nal network: attd a server connected to the external network.
`the server receiving the selected recipients attd the instant
`voice message therefor. and delivering the instant voice ines-
`sagc to the selected recipients over the external network. the _
`selected recipients being enabled to audibly play t_he instant
`voice message.
`According to yet another emboditncttt ofthc present inven-
`tion. there is provided an instant voice ntessaging systent for
`delivering instant messages over a plurality of packet— ..
`switched networks enabling public switched telephone net-
`work (PSTN) support. the system comprising: a l’S'l'N tele-
`phone connected to a local network for providing input audio;
`a client connected to the local network. the client selecting
`one or more external recipients connected to an external
`network outside the local network. generating an instant
`voice message tlterefor using the input audio pmvided by the
`PSTN telephone. and transntitting the selected recipients and
`the instant voice message therefor over the local network and
`the external network: a server connected to the external net-
`work. the server receiving the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor. and delivering the instant
`voice message to the selected recipients over the extcntal
`network. the selected recipients being enabled to audi bly play
`the instant voice message.
`According to yet a further embodiment of the present
`invention, there is provided an instant voice messaging sys-
`te n1 for delivering instant messages over a plurality ol'pacl<et—
`switched networks. the system contprising: a voice-over—in—
`telephone connected to a
`network for providing input audio. a client connected to the
`local network. the client selecting one or more external recipi-
`ents connected to an external network outside the local net-
`work. generating an instant voice message therefor using the
`input audio provided by the Voll’ telephone. and transmitting
`the selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor
`over the local network and the external network; an server
`connected to the external network, the external server receiv-
`ing the selected recipients and the instant voice message
`therefor. and delivering the instant voice message to tltc
`selected recipients over the external network. tl1c selected
`recipients being enabled to audibly play the instant voice
`According to still a litrthcr etnbodimcttt of the present
`invention. there is provided an instant voice messaging sys-
`tem for delivering instant mcssa ges over a plurality ofpackct-
`switched networks. the system comprising: a client con-
`nected to an external network, the client selecting one or more
`recipients connected to a local network. generating an instant
`voice message therefor. and transmitting the selected recipi-
`ents and the instant voice message llterefor over the external
`network: an extcntal server system connected to the external
`network. the external server system receiving the selected
`recipients and the instant voice message. and routing the
`selected recipients and the instant voice ntessage over the
`extemal network and the It ‘Ell network; a local server con-
`nected to the local network. the local server receiving the
`selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor. and
`delivering the instant voice message to the selected recipients
`over the local network. the selected recipients being enabled
`to audibly play the instant voice message.
`According to an embodiment of the present invention.
`there is provided a method for instant voice messaging over a
`packe1—switched network, the method comprising: selecting
`one or more recipients for instant voice messaging at a client:
`generating an instant voice message for the selected recipi-
`cnts at the client: transmitting the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therelor over the network from the
`client to it server. receiving the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor at the server: delivering the
`instant voice message from the server to the selected recipi-
`ents over the network: and audibly playing the instant voice
`message at the selected recipients.
`Ac cording to another etnboditncnt ofthc present invention.
`there is provided a method for instant voice messaging over a
`pacl<et—switched network enabling public switched telephone
`network (PSTN) support. the method comprising: providing
`input audio via a PSTN telephone connected over the net-
`work; selecting one or more recipients for instant‘ voice ines-
`saging at a client: generating an instant voice message using
`the input audio front the PSTN telephone for the selected
`recipients at the client: transmitting the selected recipients
`and the instant voice message therefor over the network from
`the client to a server: receiving the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor at the server: delivering the
`instant voice message from the server to the selected recipi-
`ents over the network: and audibly playing the instant voice
`message at the selected recipients.

`US 8,995,433 B2
`According to a further embodiment of the present inven-
`tion. there is provided a method for instant voice messaging
`over a packet -switched network. the method comprising: pro-
`viding input audio via a voice-over-intcmet-protocol (\«'olP)
`telephone connected over the network: selecting one or more
`recipients for instant voice messaging at a client: generating,
`an instant voice message using the input audio from the Voll‘
`telephone for the selected recipients at the client '. lransmitt ing
`the selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor
`over the network from the client to a server; receiving the
`selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor at
`the server: delivering the instant voice message from the
`server to the selected recipients over the network: and audibly
`playing the instant voice message at the selected recipients.
`According to still another embodiment of the present
`invention. there is provided a method for instant voice mes-
`saging over a plurality of packet-switched networks.
`method comprising: selecting one or more external recipients
`for iIJstant voicc messaging at a client connected to a local
`network. the one or more external recipients connected to an
`external network outside the local network; generating an
`instant voice message for the selected external recipients at
`the client: transmitting the selected external recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor over the local network and the
`external network; receiving the selected external recipients
`and the instant voice message therefor at an external server
`connected to the external network: delivering the instant
`voice message to the selected external recipients over the
`external network: and audibly playing the instant voice mes-
`sage at the selected external recipients.
`According to yet another embodiment ofthe present inven-
`tion. there is provided a method for instant voice messagiitg
`system over a plurality of packet-switched networks enabling
`public switched telephone network (PSTN) support.
`the ..
`method comprising: providing input audio via a PSTN tele-
`phone connected to a local network; selecting one or more
`external recipients for instant voice messaging at a client_. the
`one or more external recipients connected to an external
`network outside the local network; generating an instant
`voice message for the one or more external recipients using
`the input audio provided by the PSTN telephone: transmitting
`the selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor
`over the local network and the external network: receiving the
`selected recipients and the instant voice me ssagc therefor at a
`server connected to the external network: delivering the
`instant voice message to the selected recipients from the
`server over the external network: and audibly playing the
`instant voice message at the selected recipients.
`According to still a further embodiment of the present
`invention. there is provided a method for instant voice mes-
`saging systcm over a plurality of packet-switched networks.
`the method comprising: providing input audio via a voice-
`over—internet—protocol (Vi:tIl’) telephone connected to a local
`network; selecting one or more external recipients for instant
`voice messaging at a client. the one or more external recipi-
`ents connected to an external network outside the local net-
`work; generating an instant voice message for the one or more
`external recipients using the input audio provided by the\«'olP
`telephone: transmitting the selected recipients and the instant
`voice message therefor over the local network and the exter-
`nal network: receiving the selected recipients and the instant
`voice message therefor at a server comicctcd to the external
`network: delivering the instant voice message to the selected
`recipients from the server over the external network: and
`audibly playing the instant voice message at the selected
`According to yet a further embodiment of the present
`invention. there is provided a method for instant voice mes-
`saging over a plurality of a plurality of packet-switched net-
`works. the method comprising: sclccting one or more recipi-
`ents connected to a local network at a client connected to an
`external network; generating an instant voice message [or the
`selected recipients at the client: transmitting the selected
`recipients and the instant voice message therefor over the
`external network from the client to an external server system;
`receiving the selected recipients and the instant voice mes-
`sage at the cxtcmal server system: routing the selected recipi-
`ents and the instant voice message over the external network
`and the local network: receiving the selected recipients and
`the instant voice message therefor at a local server connected
`to the local network: delivering the instant voice message to
`the selected recipients ovcrthe local network: audibly playing
`the instant voice message at the selected recipients.
`The objects. features and advantages of the present inven-
`tion will become apparent to one skilled in the art. in view of
`the following detailed description taken in combination with
`the attached drawings. in which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates an example of a prior art IP telephony
`FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary local IVM system for
`enabling instant voice messaging according to the present
`FIG. 3 illustrates an exemplary IVM cl icnt of FIG. 2 for
`enabling instant voice messaging according to the present
`F IG. 4 illustrates an exemplary IVM server of FIG. 2 for
`enabling instant voice messaging according to the present
`FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary global IVM system com-
`prising a local IVM system and global IVM clients. according
`to the present invention‘.
`FIG. 6 illustrates an exemplary global IVM server system
`depicted in FIG. 5. according to the present invention:
`FIG. 7 illustrates an exemplary transport server depicted in
`FIG. 6. according to the present invention:
`FIG. 8 illustrates an exemplary directory server depicted in
`FIG. 6. according to the present invention: and
`FIG. 9 illustrates an exemplary global IVM system cont-
`prising a plurality of local IVM systems and global IVM
`clients. according to the present invention.
`l.)ETAII.E|) IJ|%iS(IRll"l'l0N
`The present invention is directed to a system and method
`for enabling local and global instant Voll-’ messaging over an
`II’ network with PSTN support.
`FIG. 2 is an exemplary illustration ol’a local instant voice
`messaging (IVM) system 200 according to the present inven-
`tion. 'l'hc instant voice messaging system 200 comprises a
`local IVM server 202 that provides the core functionality for
`enabling instant voice messaging with PSTN support accord-
`ing to the present invention. The architecture of the local IVM
`server 202 will be described i11 detail hcrcinbclow with ref-
`erence to FIG. 4. According to the exemplary IVM system
`200, the local IVM server 202 is enabled to provide instant
`voice messaging to one or more IVM clients 206 and 208. as
`well support instant voice messaging for l’S'I'N legacy tele-
`phones ll0. It is noted that although FIG. 2 depicts one of
`each IVM client 206. 208 and legacy telephone ].l0 lor clarity
`and brevity. the local IVM server 202 is enabled to support a

`US 8,995,433 B2
`plurality of each of the foregoing IVM clients 206. 208 and
`legacy telephone 110. The local packet-switched Il’ network
`204 intercotuiects the IVM clients 206. 208 and the legacy
`telephone 110 to the local WM server 202 as well as inter-
`connecting tlte local l'v'M server 202 to the local JP network
`204. The network 204 may be a local area network (LAN). a
`wide area network (WAN). or the like. which supports both
`wired and wireless devices. The exemplary IVM client 208 is
`a VoIP soliphone. the architecture ofwhich will be described
`in detail hereinbelow with reference to FIG. 3 . A microphone
`212 is connected to the IVM client 208 and enables tlte
`recording ofan ittsta nt voice message according to the present
`invention into an audio lile 210 for transmission to the local
`IVM server 202 over t.he network 204. An input device 218
`(tag. a keyboard) is connected to the IVM client 208 to select
`otte or more recipients that are to receive the recorded instant
`voice message. Although not depicted in FI(_i. 2. tltc input
`device 218 ntay include a trackball. digitizing pad or mouse.
`or the like. A display device 216 is connected to the WM
`client 208 to display instant voice messages recorded zutdlor
`received by a user ofthe [VM client 208. An audio device 214.
`such as external speaker. is cotmected to the IVM client 208
`to play received instant voice messages. It is noted that the
`m.icrophone 212. audio device 214. display device 216 and
`input device 218 may form integral pans of the IVM client
`Further with reference to FIG. 2. WM client 206 is inter-
`connected via the network 204 to the local IVM server 202.
`An exemplary IVM client 206 is a Voll’ telephone. which
`comprises a screen display (not shown) capable ofdisplaying .
`instant voice messages recorded andfor received by a user of
`the IVM client 206 according to the present invention. The
`Volt’ telephone 206 further comprises a handset andfor
`speakerphone for recording instant voice messages and lis-
`tening to instant voice ntessages received at the Volt‘ 1cle— ..
`phone 206 according to the present invention. The Wall’ tele-
`phones which tnay be implemented to provide instant voice
`messaging functionality according to the present invention
`are conunercially available frotn many vendors. including
`:\lcate|'”“. Luccnt'”". NBC” and Cisco"’‘. to namcjusl a few.
`In addition to the foregoing IVM clients 206. 208. the IVM
`system 200 supports a legacy telephone 110 for instant voice
`messaging according to the present invention. The legacy
`telephone lltl is connected to a legacy switch 112. "the legacy
`switch 112 is ftmher connected to a media gateway 114. Both
`the legacy switch 112 and the tnedia gateway 114 intercon-
`nect the legacy telephone I 10 via the network 204 to the local
`IVM server 202. thereby facilitating instant voice messaging
`according to the present invention. 'll1e media gateway 114
`may be a gateway that supports trunk pack network control
`(i.e.. “_I'[’N(_'l’") protocol. media gateway control protocol
`(i.c.. “MGCP“). or a media gateway control [-1.428 protocol
`(i.e.. "Ml3G.:’\CO“).As previously mentioned. the media gate-
`way II4 converts the audio signal carried over PSTN to
`packets to be transmitted over a pacl<et—switched ll’ network,
`such as the local network 204.
`The implementation of the instant voice messaging for
`IVM client 208 will be described first and will be followed by
`the implementations for WM client 206 and legacy telephone
`I10. with reference to the local IVM system 200 depicted in
`FIG. 2. These implementations implement a “record mode"
`of the instant voice messaging according to the present inv en-
`tion. There will further be described an “intercom mode“ of
`the instant voice messaging according to the present inven-
`tion. 'lherefore. in operation ofthc IVM client 208 according
`to FIG. 2. the IVM client (IVM softphone) 208 is connected
`over the network 204 to the l\r'M server 202. which as afore-
`mentioned enables instant voice messaging functionality
`over t.he network 204. The IVM client 208 displays a list of
`one or more l\«'M recipients on its display 216. provided and
`stored by the local I VM server 202. as will be particularly
`described hereinbelow with reference to FIG. 4. The tlscr
`operates the WM client 208 by using the input device 218 to
`indicate a selection of one or more [VM recipients front the
`list. The user selection is transmitted to the IVM server 202.
`The user selection also generates a start signal to the WM
`client 208 that the user is ready to begin instant voice tt1es-
`saging according to the present invention. In response to the
`start signal. the IVM client {softphone) 208 listens to the input
`audio device 212 and records the user's speech into a digi-
`tized audio file 210 (ie. instant voice message) stored on the
`IVM client 208. The audio file 210 at the [VM client 208 is
`finalized via a stop signal. which is generated by the user via
`the input device 218 or a preset titnc period without speech
`input via the input audio device 212 on the IVM client 208.
`Once the recording of the user's speech is finalized. lV"lVl
`client 208 generates a send signal indicating that the digitized
`audio file 210

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