Leonard J. Forys
` Petitioner, Case IPR 2017-00222
` -v- Patent 8,243,723
` Patent Owner
` Deposition of LEONARD J. FORYS
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, January 9, 2018
` 10:30 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Gail L. Inghram Verbano,
`BA, CRR, CLR, RDR, CSR-CA (No. 8635)
`Job No. 11037
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 1


`Leonard J. Forys
` Petitioner, Case IPR 2017-00221
` -v- Patent 7,535,890
` Patent Owner
` Petitioner, Case IPR 2017-00225
` -v- Patent 8,995,433
` Patent Owner
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 2


`Leonard J. Forys
` Deposition of LEONARD J. FORYS
` January 9, 2018
` 10:30 a.m.
` Deposition of LEONARD J. FORYS, held
` at the offices of STERNE, KESSLER, GOLDSTEIN &
` FOX, PLLC, 1100 New York Avenue, Suite 600,
` Washington, D.C. pursuant to notice, the
` proceedings being recorded stenographically by
` GAIL INGHRAM VERBANO, Notary Public, Registered
` Diplomate Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter,
` Certified Shorthand Reporter-CA (No. 8635).
`1 2 3 4 5
`8 9
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 3


`Leonard J. Forys
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`For Apple, Inc.:
` 1100 New York Avenue, Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202.371.2600
`For Facebook, WhatsApp and Snap:
` 777 6th Street, NW, Suite 1000
` Washington, DC, 20001
` 202.842.7837
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 4


`Leonard J. Forys
`For the Patent Holder:
` 2600 E. Southlake Boulevard
` Suite 120-324
` Southlake, Texas 76092
` 469.401.2659
` (Via telephone)
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 5


`Leonard J. Forys
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, January 9, 2018; 10:30 a.m.
` - - -
`after having been first duly sworn or
`affirmed to testify to the truth, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` - - -
` MR. MANGRUM: So we are now
` on the record. This is Brett
` Mangrum representing the Patent
` Owner, the Uniloc entities; and
` probably should do announcements
` around the table.
` MR. EISENBERG: We have Jason
` Eisenberg representing Apple,
` Inc.; and with me are Trent
` Merrell, Amirali Sharifi, and
` Steve Pappas from Sterne Kessler.
` MS. SCHWIER: And Lisa
` Schwier from Cooley representing
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 6


`Leonard J. Forys
` Facebook, WhatsApp and Snap.
` MR. MANGRUM: Well, I
` appreciate everyone braving the
` weather. I understand that -- is
` it an ice storm that's out there
` right now?
` MR. EISENBERG: Yes, but
` luckily it warmed up quickly.
` Last night was like a slick of ice
` everywhere, though.
` Q. Dr. Forys -- go ahead.
` A. No, go ahead.
` Q. I appreciate you making
`yourself available to take the time.
`You understand you're here to discuss,
`among other things, the declaration you
`submitted in conjunction with the
`Petitioner's Reply?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'm getting a little bit
`of delay. That's fine. We'll just
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 7


`Leonard J. Forys
`work together. Maybe that will make a
`cleaner record, the fact that after I
`speak a question, I think there's a
`delay in the audio coming to you.
` For the record, would you
`please state your full name and mailing
` A. Yes; my name is Leonard John
`Forys, F-O-R-Y-S. I reside at 823
`Holmdel Road, H-O-L-M-D-E-L, in the
`town called Holmdel, same spelling, New
` Q. Thank you.
` MR. MANGRUM: And Jason, for
` logistics on this deposition, we
` might need to go off record and
` print out a few documents. I'm
` curious if you can facilitate that
` on your end.
` MR. EISENBERG: Absolutely.
` And we have three clean notebooks
` of the records here next to him.
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 8


`Leonard J. Forys
` If you have additional documents
` you need to email us, just let me
` know and we'll take care of it.
` MR. MANGRUM: It sounds like,
` pursuant to our email leading up
` to this deposition, we talked
` about that, and my guess is you
` probably already have the
` documents that I need. I'm not --
` I won't be pulling up any exhibits
` that should come as a surprise.
` To the extent you have it already
` there, great. To the extent we
` need to go off record and print
` them out, I appreciate your
` willingness to facilitate.
` MR. EISENBERG: Absolutely.
` MR. MANGRUM: Dr. Forys --
` great. Thanks, Jason.
` Q. Dr. Forys, I'd like to start
`with what we've been referring to for
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 9


`Leonard J. Forys
`the record as "the '890 patent." This
`is US Patent No. 7,535,890.
` THE WITNESS: So I have the
` documents.
` Q. And for purposes of this
`deposition -- go ahead.
` A. I have my documents here.
` Q. Okay. Great. And for
`purposes of this deposition, as before,
`I'm going to refer to this document as
`"the '890 patent."
` A. Fine.
` Q. I understand that it's -- the
`version you're using is probably the
`Bates-marked one that has "Exhibit
`1001," I believe, on the bottom
`right-hand corner. Can you just
`confirm that?
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. I'd like to have you turn
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 10


`Leonard J. Forys
`with me in that document to the last
`several pages where the claims are
`listed. To be more specific, let's
`first go to Column 25.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Do you see where there's a
`claim numbered Claim 14?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you see there are --
`there's a preamble and then two
`indented paragraphs.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So in that paragraph,
`it looks like the first one appears
`from lines 24 to 29; and the second one
`looks like it appears from line 30 to
`line 39.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So I want to ask you
`about two terms appearing in those two
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 11


`Leonard J. Forys
`paragraphs. The first looks like it
`appears on line 24 of Column 25: "A
`client connected to a local network."
`And the second one appears on line 30:
`"A server connected to the external
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And it looks like the
`external network first appears -- I
`have to look back. I'm going to ask
`you some questions just about those two
`terms, "local network" and "external
` Is it your understanding that
`those terms also appear in the other
`claims of the '890 patent?
` A. I believe so. I have to look
`at it, but probably.
` Yes, I see Claim 2 has a
`local network in it. So certainly
`"local" appears.
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 12


`Leonard J. Forys
` I see Claim 7 has "external
`network" in it. So, yes, just from my
`brief glance, it appears that those
`terms appear elsewhere.
` Q. Yes, okay. I want to ask you
`just some questions about your
`understanding of "local network" and
`"external network."
` Do you recall offering
`opinions with regard to those terms?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you --
`first of all, just back up a step.
` Do you know what a local area
`network, or LAN, is?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is it?
` A. I discussed this in both my
`declarations, if you want me to read
`that or just do it off the cuff?
` Q. However you'd like to answer.
`I don't want to tell you how to answer.
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 13


`Leonard J. Forys
`I'm just curious, if you have a general
`understanding of what a LAN is, you can
`state that for the record.
` A. So you just want me to do it
`from my general understanding then, not
`what I wrote?
` Q. That's -- that would be fine.
` A. Generally speaking, if I
`recall from what I wrote, is that a --
`generally speaking, a LAN serves a
`geographically small area -- a
`building, perhaps a college campus --
`and uses certain kinds of protocols
`that are useful in small geographical
`areas, such as things like Ethernet,
`for example; and uses routers and
`bridges and different pieces of
`technology to make them either wireless
`or wired, as the case may be.
` Q. Do you understand -- is it
`your understanding a local -- I'm going
`to call it a LAN, just for the sake of
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 14


`Leonard J. Forys
`the record. But for the court
`reporter, "LAN" is an acronym for local
`area network.
` Is it your understanding that
`a LAN is an example of a local network
`within the context of the claims?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want you to -- I want to
`loop back for a second to a general
`description of this case, a college
`campus environment, where you would
`have like an Internet-based local area
`network, or LAN, which is addressed by
`local addresses and it's deliberately
`kept separate from the Internet, like a
` Would you classify that LAN
`as a local network within the context
`of the claims?
` MR. EISENBERG: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: It could be. I
` don't think it's defined
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 15


`Leonard J. Forys
` necessarily in the claims, but it
` could be.
` Q. And why could it be?
` A. Because geographically small
`area, and a college campus, and you
`talk about intranet, I believe. Those
`words are generally associated with a
` Q. And my question was: Would
`you classify that LAN as a local
`network within the context of the
` MR. EISENBERG: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: It could be,
` yes.
` Q. And just so I understand your
`answer, is your answer "it could be"
`because -- because it's a LAN, or it
`could be for other reasons?
` A. It could be because it's --
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 16


`Leonard J. Forys
`it could be -- I don't have to use a
`LAN. You can use other things as well.
`But if you're using a local area
`network with a certain topologies and
`certain connections and certain
`protocols that's usually associated
`with a LAN, that would be a local
` Q. Could you think of an example
`where it would be not a local network,
`what I just described?
` A. You could -- again, you have
`a college campus, if it's quite large,
`you could have it as being a WAN, a
`wide area network, using different
`protocols. Just -- stupid example, if
`you want -- a simple example; not
` You can make telephone
`connections, and that would not be a
`LAN; that would be a regular telephone
`connection between computers or
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 17


`Leonard J. Forys
`something like that. That's -- in
`fact, that certainly existed in the
`early days. That's the way you would
`connect computers, using telephone
` So -- and I wouldn't consider
`that to be a LAN in that case,
`necessarily, because you might go off
`to a switch -- excuse me.
` Q. Go ahead. You might go off
`to a switch? Sorry.
` A. You may go off to a switch 20
`miles away with your telephone line and
`then come back. And that's the way --
`that is a way it could be done. And I
`think that was common -- that was
`common in the early days, yeah.
` Q. And would you consider that
`type of network that you just described
`a local network within the context of
`the claims?
` A. I don't know. I don't know
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 18


`Leonard J. Forys
`if the network -- again, I don't know
`if the patent defines what it is. I
`have to take a look at that.
` Q. We'll get to that.
` A. It's certainly not a LAN. It
`could be a local network. It's not
` Q. Earlier you mentioned in your
`answer or one of your prior answers the
`term "WAN," was that a wide area
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if -- going back to our
`college campus example, if the college
`campus had implemented its Internet via
`a WAN, a wide area network, would you
`consider that to be a local network
`within the context of the claims?
` A. I don't know. Again, I don't
`think the '890 patent defines it.
`Possibly, but I think the examples they
`give were WAN examples.
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 19


`Leonard J. Forys
` But, again, I don't recall
`that. If you let me look at my
`declaration and the patent, I can give
`you a more definitive answer. Right
`now I'm just doing things by memory.
` Q. Okay. Well, let's take a
`look at -- you said you had it in front
`of you; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Why don't we take a look at a
`specific statement in the patent. If
`you turn to Column 6 -- I'm turning
`there myself, so give me a second.
`Lines 59 to 65.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Actually, if you look up at
`the top of that paragraph at line 40,
`do you understand this paragraph to be
`a description corresponding to Figure
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. Okay. And maybe if you put
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 20


`Leonard J. Forys
`your finger on Figure 2, so you can
`flip back and forth between the
`description and the figure itself, that
`might be helpful for us.
` A. Sure.
` Q. So it is your understanding
`that Figure 2 of the '890 patent fits a
`local network within the context of the
` A. They have something in Figure
`2 that's labeled 204 that's called a
`"local IP network."
` Q. And so is it your
`understanding that local IP network 204
`is a local network within the context
`of the claims?
` A. It appears to be. It's
`labeled that way.
` Q. And so there's a description
`of local IP network 204 that appears on
`those specific lines I cited to you.
`Scroll down through that paragraph to
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 21


`Leonard J. Forys
`lines 59, 60 and 61.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And it says, "The network 204
`may be a local area network," and then
`it offers the acronym LAN -- "a wide
`area network" -- again acronym WAN --
`"or the like, which supports both wired
`and wireless devices."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Is it your
`understanding that that description, at
`a minimum, states that what's shown as
`element 204 could be a LAN, a WAN or
`the like?
` A. That's what it says. And why
`they label it as "local," I don't
`understand that part, but that's what
`they did.
` Q. Is it your understanding that
`a WAN could also be considered a local
`area network -- I'm sorry -- a WAN
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 22


`Leonard J. Forys
`could be considered a local network
`within the context of the claims?
` A. Certainly the way that this
`description of the specification
`relates to it -- I would not have
`called it that, but they are calling it
`that, yes.
` Q. Okay. How does a LAN differ
`from a WAN, just in the general sense?
` MR. EISENBERG: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Typically,
` it's -- it's -- and I said before,
` typically it's geographic
` considerations; and also different
` kinds of protocols are typically
` used.
` Q. Are WANs sometimes designated
`as a collection of LAN?
` A. They could be but need not
`be. For example, a telephone network
`is a WAN, but my phone is not a local
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 23


`Leonard J. Forys
`area network. So it can be, but not
` Q. And you mentioned protocols,
`there may be a difference in protocols.
`Can you add some color to that answer,
`explaining what different protocols
`might be used for a LAN versus a WAN?
` MR. EISENBERG: Objection.
` for example, you could use
` Ethernet. You can use 802.11b,
` the wireless protocols, to access
` a wireless router.
` Whereas a WAN could be
` regular telephony protocols.
` Could be IP network protocols. It
` could be a variety of things. But
` it's usually things -- a LAN is
` usually limited by geographical
` distance. Ethernet has a
` geographical limitation as to how
` far stations can be from each
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 24


`Leonard J. Forys
` other.
` Q. Do you know offhand what that
` A. I think it's kilometers, one
`or two kilometers. It's not very far.
`There's extenders and there's all these
`additional things you could put on it
`to extend, but generally, it's in the
`kilometer range.
` Q. And the protocol, the
`Ethernet protocol and the 802 -- I'm
`going to misquote you; I wasn't able to
`write down quickly enough what you
` You mentioned an Ethernet
`protocol. Let's start there. Can that
`be implemented in a WAN-type network as
` A. It could be part of a WAN
`network, but you would think -- but,
`again, if you're looking at the wide
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 25


`Leonard J. Forys
`distances of tens of miles and hundreds
`of miles, which a WAN could accomplish,
`that would be inappropriate, because
`the protocol just doesn't allow it, for
`technical reasons. So you could use it
`for a part but not the entire path.
` Q. And the 802 same question:
`That 802 protocol you mentioned.
` A. Yes. Again, that's the same
`kind of thing. It's usually limited by
`distance because of the fact that
`you're talking about high-frequency
`radio waves and the propagation,
`attenuation -- the signal dies off
`rather quickly with distance, let me
`put it that way.
` So, again, you're talking
`sometimes only hundreds of meters.
`Again, there are extenders and ways of
`extending that, but you're still
`talking a relatively small geographical
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 26


`Leonard J. Forys
` Q. Got it. Okay. Let me ask
`you now about how you distinguish a
`LAN-type network from the Internet.
`Let me ask it in this way.
` Is the public Internet
`technically classified as a LAN, or
`local area network?
` A. The public network, with a
`capital I, is typically not considered
`to be a LAN. It could be -- components
`of it, parts of it could be a LAN but,
`generally speaking, it encompasses
`distances as large as tens of thousands
`of miles.
` Q. So it's correct to say that
`the Internet in general -- speaking of
`the Internet, capital I, so that's the
`worldwide web -- so let me rephrase the
`question. I just want to get in
`context what I mean by "Internet."
` So thinking of the Internet
`as a whole, it is not technically
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 27


`Leonard J. Forys
`classified as a LAN?
` MR. EISENBERG: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: As a whole.
` Parts of it may be, but as a
` whole, it is not.
` Q. I'll have you turn now with
`me in the same patent, Exhibit 1001,
`which in this matter is the '890
`patent -- when I say "this matter," I
`believe it's the '221 matter.
` Turn with me to Figure 6 of
`that patent.
` A. Yep.
` Q. Okay. Do you notice in
`Figure 6 that there are -- at least in
`that Box 510, there are some reference
`numbers that are also included in
`Figure 2?
` A. Let me just check that to
`make sure. Yes. I see 206 and 208,
`which are IVM clients, both in Figure 2
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 28


`Leonard J. Forys
`and in Figure 6.
` Q. Do you see the local
`server -- the local IVM server 202? Do
`you also see that appearing in Figure
` A. Yes, I see it to the right
`side of Figure 2. Yes.
` Q. And then there's a -- an
`element 102, interconnecting Box 510
`and Box 502 in Figure 6.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you understand element 102
`to refer to the Internet?
` A. That's what the figure says
`that it is. And, again, it's hard to
`tell because it's all capitalized.
`Typically, the public Internet would
`have a capital I and lower case other
`letters. I'd have to read a
`description, but I presume so.
` Q. Let me help you with that
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 29


`Leonard J. Forys
`answer. There is a description of
`Figure 6 -- let's turn there. I'll
`draw your attention to Column 21, lines
`49 to 53.
` A. Column 21 you said; right?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes. It's clear in this case
`that it is the public Internet, because
`it has a capital I and then lower case
`the rest of the letters. So that
`typically refers to the public
` Q. Okay. Do you see element 102
`in Figure 2?
` A. No, it does not appear there.
` Q. Do you understand that the
`reference to "the Internet" appears to
`be outside of what's shown in Figure 2?
` A. It's not clear. It's not
`clear that local IP network 204 could
`not be the Internet. It just doesn't
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 30


`Leonard J. Forys
` Q. Well, there is a -- if you
`look -- let me help you with this
`answer by rephrasing my question.
` Do you remember when you
`pointed to element 202 appearing on the
`right-hand side of Figure 2?
` A. Yeah, I see that.
` Q. And then Element 202 in
`Figure 6 appears to be communicating
`with the same Box 502.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it's communicating over
`what's identified as Reference 102, or
`the Internet.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do. But that doesn't
`mean that 204 is not the Internet as
`well. That's not stated.
` Q. Well, do you see where -- do
`you see where the clients in Figure 6
`are communicating with the local IVM
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 31


`Leonard J. Forys
` A. Yes.
` Q. And according to Figure 2,
`the clients communicate with the local
`IVM server over what network?
` A. I just gave some examples.
`And I believe the -- hold on for a
`second here.
` For example, I believe, that
`Claim 2 identifies the network as a
`local network, but Claim 1 does not.
`So I think that -- I think it's left
`open. I think it could be a LAN, and
`it could be other things as well. It's
`just not stated.
` (Simultaneous cross-talk.)
` Q. -- the elements 206, the IVM
`client, 206 and 208.
` A. Yes.
` Q. In Figure 2.
` A. Yes.
` Q. They communicate -- so
` Toby Feldman, Inc.
`Certified WOB
`(800) 246.4950
`Apple v. Uniloc, IPR2017-00221, -222, -225
`Uniloc's Exhibit 2004, page 32


`Leonard J. Forys
`elements -- let's start, first of all,
`just with 208, to make it even simpler.
` So element 208, IVM client,
`that communicates with local IVM server
`over what network?
` A. A network. It could be a
`LAN. It could be a WAN.
` Q. Could you identify by
`reference number from Figure 2 what
`network IVM client communicates with
`local IVM server

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