`/* IRAsimu.cpp */
`/* Hui Jin */
`/* simulation file of Irregular Repeat Accumlative code.
` The code structure is actually more like an LDGM code
` + an accumulative inner code.
` First verstion; 3/20/2000
` Copyright @ Hui Jin, Caltech 2000
` Modification: initial verison 3/20/2000
` We should use the same .prm code as in GetInter.cpp,
`which has degree
` decreasing.
` second versioin Use checknode length instead, so
` edge number = k * check_len;
` And now we don't need the restriction in first
` version. The interleaver has been changed.
`#include <iostream.h>
`#include <fstream.h>
`#include <stdlib.h>
`#include <math.h>
`#include "IRA.h"
`#include "vector.h"
`#include "ldpc.h"
`#include "paramfio.h"
`#include "capacity.h"
`#include "datatype.hh"
`#include "random.hh"
`#include "node.h"
`void printusage()
`{ cout << "Usage" <<endl;
`cout << "IRAsimu paramfile 0 snr infonodelength
`Interfile" << endl;
` cout << "IRAsimu paramfile 1 sigma infonodelength
`Interfile" << endl;
` cout << "IRAsimu paramfile 2 p infonodelength
`Interfile" << endl;
` exit(1);
`} v
`oid getLRdegree(degree_sequence& L, degree_sequence &R, char *
`Apple Inc. v. California Institute of Technology
` ivector deg;
`vector fe;
`paramfio P;
` P.set_filename(filename);
`P.read("variable degree", deg);
`P.read("variable fraction", fe);
`L.d = deg;
`L.fe = fe;
`P.read("check degree", deg);
`P.read("check fraction", fe);
`R.d = deg;
`R.fe = fe;
`void rate_info(const double rate)
` cout << "Rate=" << rate << endl;
`capacity C;
`double capacity = C.sn_binary_AWGN(rate);
`cout << "capacity = " << capacity << ",i.e. " \
` <<10*log10(1/(2*rate*capacity*capacity)) <<"dB" <<endl;
`oid getInterleaver(int * _interleaver, char *filename, int Edge_num)
`fstream inFile(filename, ios::in);
`} v
`{ i
` if(!inFile) {
` cerr<< "cannot open file" << endl;
` exit(-1);
` }
` for(int i=0; i<Edge_num; i++)
` inFile >> _interleaver[i];
` inFile.close();
`int main(int argc, char* argv[])
`if (argc !=6)
`degree_sequence LV;
`degree_sequence LC;
`int argcount = 1;
` getLRdegree(LV, LC, argv[argcount++]);
` double rate = LV.av_inv_degree_edge();
` rate/= LC.av_inv_degree_edge()+ LV.av_inv_degree_edge();
` rate_info(rate);
` int mode=atoi(argv[argcount++]);
`double sigma;
` double snr;
` if(mode==0)
` {snr = atof(argv[argcount++]);
` sigma= sqrt(pow(10, -snr/10.0)/(2*rate));
` }
` else
` {
` sigma=atof(argv[argcount++]);
` snr=10*log10(1/(2*rate*sigma*sigma));
` }
` int _info_len=atoi(argv[argcount++]);
` int LEdge_num= 0;
` int nv[LV.n];
` {
` double s=0;
` for(int i=0; i< LV.n-1; i++)
` {
` nv[i]= int(floor((s+LV.fn[i])*_info_len) -
` s+=LV.fn[i];
` LEdge_num += nv[i] * LV.d[i];
` }
` nv[LV.n-1]= _info_len -(int)floor(s*_info_len);
` LEdge_num += nv[LV.n-1] * LV.d[LV.n-1];
` for(int i=0; i< LV.n; i++)
` {
` cout << nv[i] << " degree " << LV.d[i] << endl;
` }
` }
` int _check_len= (int) floor(LEdge_num/LC.av_degree_node());
` cout <<"simulation: sigma=" << sigma <<", SNR=" << snr << "dB"
`<< endl;
` cout << "check_len" << _check_len << " Info length" <<
` << endl;
` cout << "total edge is " << LEdge_num << "(using check node is
` <<(int) floor(LC.av_degree_node()*_check_len)<< ")" << endl;
` int _Interleaver[LEdge_num];
` getInterleaver(_Interleaver, argv[argcount], LEdge_num);
` RandomGenerator rand;
` int simu_num=0;
` int WBT=0; //wrong bit counter
` int WBL=0; //wrong blocks counter
` IRAcode *ira =new IRAcode(_info_len, _check_len, LEdge_num, nv, &LV,
`&LC, sigma, &rand, _Interleaver);
` int k= ira->smartIteration();
` cout <<"stop at " <<k << "wrong bits " << ira->wrong_bits()<< endl;
` while(WBL < 20)
` {
` simu_num++;
` IRAcode ira(_info_len, _check_len, LEdge_num, nv, &LV,
`&LC, sigma, &rand, _Interleaver);
` int k= ira.smartIteration();
` int wb=ira.wrong_bits();
` if(wb>0) //wrong block
` {
` WBT+=wb;
` WBL++;
` cout << endl <<"wrong block " << simu_num << " with
`"<<k << "ite, " \
` << wb << "wrong bits" << endl;
` cout << "\t \t current total wrong block " << WBL <<
` }
` else //correct block
` cout << "success block " << simu_num << " with "<<k <<
`"ite." << endl;
` }
` cout << "BER" << double(WBT)/double(_info_len*simu_num) <<
` cout << "WER" << double(WBL)/double(simu_num) << endl;