`// //
`// IRA.h //
`// Head file for IRA //
`// Author: Hui Jin
`// Modification: Mar 10, 2000 First version
`// This file defines the class of Irregular Repeat Accumulate code.
`// the code essentially is a concatenate of LDGM code and Accumulate
`#ifndef _IRA_H
`#define _IRA_H
`#include <iostream.h>
`#include <stdlib.h>
`#include "ldpc.h"
`#include "node.h"
`#include "random.hh"
`class IRAcode
` private:
` RandomGenerator *Rand; //random generator, used to simulate
` int infobits_len; //length of information
` int codebits_len; //length of code bits
` int checkbits_len; //length of check bits
` double rate; //related by rate of this
` int LEdge_num; //edges number on the left. LDGM
` int REdge_num; //edges number on the right, Acc.
` int *Interleaver; // the permutation of LDGM code. Length
` // LEdge_num.
` double *y_r; //received codebits. Length codebits_len.
` double sigma; //sigma, noise standard deviation, channel.
` degree_sequence *pLV; //LDGM variable degree profile.
` degree_sequence *pLC; //LDGM check degree profile.
`Apple Inc. v. California Institute of Technology
` // passed by calling function.
` double * LMessage; // the message updated between left
` // variable and check nodes.
` // Length should be LEdge_num.
` double * RMessage; // The message update between check
`nodes and
` // variable nodes on right.
` int * Lbelief; //the belief from left variables, through
` int * Rbelief; //the belief from right varibles, through
` var_node *RVarNode; //for LDPC codes, only L exists.
` var_node *LVarNode;
` check_node * CheckNode; //check nodes.
` void getYrAWGN();
` //initialize Left variable nodes.
` void initLVNode(int nv[]);
` //initialize right variable nodes.
` void initRVNode();
` //initialize check nodes.
` void initCNode();
` void initMessage();
` void initM0();
`//debug function.
` public:
` IRAcode() { }
` IRAcode(int info_len, int check_len, int _LEdgenum, int nv[],
`degree_sequence * _pLV, degree_sequence * _pLC, \
` double _sigma, RandomGenerator *_Rand, int *_Interleaver);
` ~IRAcode() {
` delete [] LMessage;
` delete [] RMessage;
` delete [] Lbelief;
` delete [] Rbelief;
` delete [] RVarNode;
` delete [] LVarNode;
` delete [] CheckNode;
` delete [] Interleaver;
` delete [] y_r;
` }
` void update_message();//update message by message passing.
` int wrong_bits(); // total wrong bits after belief
`propagation is stoped.
` bool state_check(); //1 if every parity check is satisfied.
` //0 otherwise
` void iteration(int num); // do message passing in num
` int smartIteration(); // do iterations in a smart way.
`//debug function.
` void displayConnection();
` void displayMessage();
`this function gets the received sequence after AWGN channel. Given
`sigma, and
`assuming all zero is transmitted.
`inline void IRAcode::getYrAWGN() {
` int codeseq[codebits_len];
` for(int i=0; i<codebits_len; i++)
` codeseq[i]=0;
` Rand->binAWGNchannel(codeseq, codebits_len, sigma, y_r);
`} /
`This function initializes all the message to zero.
`inline void IRAcode::initMessage()
` int i;
` for(i=0; i<LEdge_num; i++)
` {
` LMessage[i]=0;
` Lbelief[i]=1;
` }
` for(i=0; i<REdge_num; i++)
` {
` RMessage[i]=0;
` Rbelief[i]=1;
` }
`this function displays the connection between nodes.
`inline void IRAcode::displayConnection()
` int i;
` for(i=0; i<infobits_len; i++)
` LVarNode[i].display_edgeid();
` for(i=0; i<checkbits_len; i++)
` {
` RVarNode[i].display_edgeid();
` CheckNode[i].display_edgeid();
` }
`} /
`this function displays the message on all edges.
`inline void IRAcode::displayMessage()
` int i;
` for(i=0; i<LEdge_num; i++)
` cout << i << " " << LMessage[i] << " " << endl;
` for(i=0; i<REdge_num; i++)
` cout << i << " " << RMessage[i] << " " << endl;
`endif _IRA_H
`} #