`Pamela Stansbm being of full age and duly sworn, deposes and says as follows:
`I am an employee of the Cornell University Library (“the Library”), and Specifically the Original
`Cataloging Unit, located at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. I am familiar with the
`policies and procedures ofthe Library as they relate to the receipt, cataloging, and tracking of
`books and I have personal knowledge ofthe facts set forth below.
`I am the Administrative Supervisor in the Original Cataloging Unit, which maintains
`bibliographical and processing information for many historical documents. I have held such
`position since I 96.
`Included in the Library’s historical collection are various publications. As part of that collection,
`the Library maintains custody of an original copy of the proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh
`Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, September 22-
`24, 1999 which contains the papers Irregular turbocodes / by Brendan J. Frey and David J.
`C. MacKay, and The Serial Concatenation of Rate-1 Codes Through Uniform RandOm
`Interleavers / by H. D. Pfister and P. H. Siege].
`4. Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP requested information about Irregular turbocodes /
`by Brendan J. Frey and David J. C. MacKay and The Serial Concatenation of Rate-1 Codes
`Through Uniform Random Interleavers / by H. D. Pfister and P. H. Siege] — specifically
`when these items were first made publicly available by the Library. Based upon my review of the
`Library’s records and my knowledge of the Library’s standard procedures, Irregular turbocodes
`/ by Brendan J. Frey and David J. C. MacKay and The Serial Concatenation of Rate-1
`Codes Through Uniform Random Interleavers / by H. D. Pfister and P. H. Siege] were
`publicly available at the Cornell University Library aslfofMarch 2042000.
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`5 . Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP also requested information about when the Library
`received its copy of Irregular turbocodes / by Brendan J. Frey and David J. C. MacKay and
`The Serial Concatenation of Rate-l Codes Through Uniform Random Interleavers 1' by H.
`D. Pfister and P. H. Siege]. Based upon my review of the Library’s records and my knowledge
`of the Library’s standard procedures, the Library received its original copy of the proceedings of
`the Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
`Computing, September 22-24, 1999 containing both Irregular turbocodes / by Brendan J.
`Frey and David J. C. MacKay and The Serial Concatenation of Rate-1 Codes Through
`Uniform Random Interleavers / by H. D. Pfister and P. H. Siegel before March 20, 2000. The
`Library was flee to place this publication in circulation to the public upon its receipt.
`I have reviewed the document filed as Replacement Exhibit 1002 in [PR2017-00210 and the
`document filed as Replacement Exhibit 1202 in IPR2017-00219. Both of these documents are
`true, complete, and accurate reproductions of excerpts from the Library’s original copy of the
`proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control
`and Computing, September 22-24, 1999, including the table of contents in its entirety
`(appearing on pages iv—xvi of the proceedings) and Irregular turbocodes / by Brendan J. Frey
`and David J. C. MacKay in its entirety (appearing on pages 241-248 of the proceedings).
`Sworn to before me this
`12th day of July 2017
`Commission Exp. 02ft ”20
`Tompkins County
`Registration #01 SM627625