`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2017-00219
`U.S. Patent No. 7,116,710
`Petitioner’s Motion to Seal
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.14 and 42.54, Petitioner Apple Inc. respectfully
`requests that the Board seal Petitioner’s Reply, Exhibits 1250 (IRA.cpp with
`metadata), 1251 (IRA.h with metadata), 1252 (IRAsimu.cpp with metadata), 1253
`(IRAsimu.cpp with metadata), 1254 (GetInter.cpp with metadata), 1255 (excerpts
`from the deposition of Dr. Hui Jin (Case No. 16-cv-3714)), and 1263 (Transcript of
`the Deposition of Dr. Hui Jin).
`Although “the default rule is that all papers filed in an inter partes review are
`open and available for access by the public,” a party may file a motion with the
`Board to seal confidential information that is protected from disclosure. Garmin v.
`Cuozzo, IPR2012-00001, Paper No. 36. “The standard for granting a motion to seal
`is ‘for good cause.’” Id. (quoting 37 C.F.R § 42.54). The Office Patent Trial
`Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 48760 (Aug. 14, 2012), states that the “rules
`identify confidential information in a manner consistent with Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure (‘FRCP’) 26(c)(1)(G), which provides for protective orders for trade
`secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial information.”
`The parties have conferred and agreed to the provisions of the Protective
`Order set forth in Exhibit 1269, and have stipulated to be bound to the terms set forth
`Petitioner’s Motion to Seal
`therein. Exhibit 1270 shows the proposed modifications from the Board’s Default
`Protective Order, to which the parties have stipulated, in redline. The Protective
`Order provides:
`Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the
`information submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall file
`confidential and non-confidential versions of its submission, together
`with a Motion to Seal the confidential version setting forth the reasons
`why the information redacted from the non-confidential version is
`confidential and should not be made available to the public. The
`nonconfidential version of the submission shall clearly indicate the
`locations of information that has been redacted. The confidential
`version of the submission shall be filed under seal. The redacted
`information shall remain under seal unless, upon motion of a party and
`after a hearing on the issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines that
`some or all of the redacted information does not qualify for confidential
`Ex. 1269 at 4.
`Petitioner has filed its Petitioner’s Reply under seal, as well a
`publicly-available redacted version of its Reply. The redacted portions of
`Petitioner’s Motion to Seal
`Petitioner’s Reply contain information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL –
`ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY” by Patent Owner, which Patent Owner claims are
`“confidential research, development, or commercial information” pursuant to FRCP
`Exhibits 1250-1254 are source code files with associated metadata designated
`as “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY” by Patent Owner, which
`Patent Owner claims are “confidential research, development, or commercial
`information” pursuant to FRCP 26(c)(1)(G). Furthermore, Exhibits 1250-1254 were
`designated “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY” by Patent Owner in
`the district court litigation California Inst. of Tech. v. Broadcom Ltd., No.
`2:16-cv-03714-GW-AGR (C.D. Cal. May 26, 2016).
`Exhibit 1255 is an excerpt from the deposition transcript of Dr. Hui Jin in the
`district court litigation California Inst. of Tech. v. Broadcom Ltd., No.
`2:16-cv-03714-GW-AGR (C.D. Cal. May 26, 2016), designated as
`“CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY” by Patent Owner, which Patent
`Owner claims is “confidential research, development, or commercial information”
`pursuant to FRCP 26(c)(1)(G). Furthermore, Exhibit 1255 was designated
`“CONFIDENTIAL” by Patent Owner in the district court litigation California Inst.
`of Tech. v. Broadcom Ltd., No. 2:16-cv-03714-GW-AGR (C.D. Cal. May 26, 2016).
`Petitioner’s Motion to Seal
`Petitioner has filed its Exhibit 1263 under seal, as well a publicly-available
`redacted version of Exhibit 1263. The redacted portions of Exhibit 1263 contain
`information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY” by
`Patent Owner, which Patent Owner claims are “confidential research, development,
`or commercial information” pursuant to FRCP 26(c)(1)(G).
`Petitioner therefore respectfully requests that the aforementioned materials
`remain under seal pursuant to the Protective Order.
`Dated: February 7, 2018
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Michael Smith/
`Richard A. Goldenberg (No. 38,895)
`Dominic A. Massa (No. 44,905)
`Michael H. Smith (No. 71,190)
`Mark D. Selwyn (pro hac vice)
`James M. Dowd (pro hac vice)
`Attorneys for Petitioner