`Page 1
`) IPR2017-00210
`) IPR2017-00700
`) IPR2017-00219
`) IPR2017-00728
`) IPR2017-00701
`Patent Owner. )
`U.S. Patent No. 7,116,710
`Los Angeles, California
`Tuesday, January 30, 2018
`Reported By:
`Job No. 136154
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Apple v. Caltech
`Apple 1264


`January 30, 2018
`9:31 a.m.
`Page 2
`by Petitioner, at the offices of Wilson
`Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, 633 West Fifth
`Street, Los Angeles, California, before
`Susan A. Sullivan, CSR, RPR, CRR, State of
`3 4
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580


` A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Page 3
` Attorneys for Apple
` 350 South Grand Avenue
` Los Angeles, California 90071
` Attorneys for California Institute of Technology
` and the Witness
` 650 Page Mill Road
` Palo Alto, California 94304
` MICHAEL ROSATO, ESQ. (Telephonic appearance)
` QUINCY LU, ESQ. (Telephonic appearance)
` -and-
` 555 Twin Dolphin Drive
` Redwood Shores, California 94065
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`2 3
`8 9


`APPEARANCES (Continued):
`Page 4
` Associate General Counsel
`2 3
`6 7 8 9
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`Page 5
` MR. DOWD: Just before we get started as a
`housekeeping matter, on January 24th we requested
`that Caltech down designate the January 15, 2015,
`and March 3rd, 2015, depositions of Dr. Divsalar or
`identify any basis upon which to assert that they
`were confidential given that those are all
`discussing prior art and we requested consent to use
`them here at the deposition today. As I noted, all
`the material discussion in those transcripts is
`about prior art and therefore not confidential.
`Caltech has to date identified no basis for
`confidential identification of that material other
`than to obstruct its use today. So I understand
`that it is maintaining an objection, Caltech is, so
`we plan to seek relief and we will plan to hold
`today's deposition open pending that relief.
` MR. ARGENTI: Okay. And from our
`perspective the first time that this issue was
`raised with PTAB counsel with Caltech was this
`morning immediately before the deposition was to
`begin, it was not raised to us before this despite
`the dates that were stated by counsel, and to the
`extent that it was raised with other counsel a few
`days before the deposition was scheduled to begin I
`would point out that a similar issue was raised with
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`Page 6
`respect to Hui Jin's deposition in the IPRs and was
`resolved by the parties but that's when it was
`raised in after more reasonable manner by Apple than
`it has done so here so we of course object to any
`attempt to keep the deposition open after today.
`From our perspective the deposition begins today and
`ends today. He is made available for cross-
`examination which satisfies our requirements under
`the rules.
` MR. DOWD: Why don't we swear the witness.
` called as a witness, having been duly sworn by
` the court reporter, was examined and testified
` as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Divsalar.
` A Good morning.
` Q Could you please state your full name for
`the record.
` A Dariush Divsalar.
` Q Where do you work?
` A JPL. Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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`Page 7
` Q And is JPL a part of Caltech?
` A I am an employee of Caltech, right.
` Q What's your job title?
` A Fellow of Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
` Q What are your responsibilities?
` A Responsibility doing research and also
`providing recommendation how to enhance the future
`missions for the NASA.
` Q What is your home address?
` A 1159 Las Pulgas Place, Pacific Palisades,
`California 90272.
` Q What is your business address?
` A 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California
` Q Is there any reason that you can't provide
`complete, truthful and accurate testimony today?
` A No.
` Q You are not on any medication that would
`impair your ability?
` A No.
` Q Now have you testified before?
` A Yes.
` Q How many times?
` A Two times.
` Q You said two times?
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`Page 8
` A Before this testimony, right.
` Q Correct.
` A Yeah.
` Q And are those the January 15, 2015, and
`March 34d, 2015, depositions in the Caltech versus
`Hughes case?
` A I believe so. I don't exactly remember the
`dates but I believe so.
` Q Okay. It was in 2015?
` A 2015.
` Q All right. Now that case also involved the
`same set of patents that are at issue here, do you
`recall that?
` A Yes.
` Q Now you've testified before so this may be
`old hat but just so that we're on the same page,
`when I ask a question you will need to answer
`audibly so that the reporter can take down your
`answer; is that fair?
` A Yes.
` Q I'll do my best not to speak when you're
`speaking and ask that you do the best you can
`likewise just so the reporter can get what we say
` A Yes.
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` Q If you have any question about what I'm
`asking let me know and I will try to clarify my
`Page 9
`question, okay?
` A Okay.
` Q Now did you do anything to prepare for
`today's deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q What did you do?
` A We had a preparation yesterday at Caltech.
` Q For how long?
` A It was almost whole day.
` Q So seven hours?
` A Most probably.
` Q Who was present?
` A Matt, Todd and Chantal.
` Q So the folks who are in this room?
` A Yes.
` Q Anyone else?
` A No. Except for short time my secretary came
`to the room and we left the room in order to get
`coffee, come back.
` Q Was the preparation at your office at
` A I don't have office at Caltech.
` Q Your office is at JPL?
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` A Yes.
` Q And JPL is administered by Caltech, right?
`Page 10
` A Yes.
` Q Are you paid a salary?
` A I'm what?
` Q Are you paid a salary at JPL?
` A Yes.
` Q And Caltech pays that salary?
` A Yeah. Because I'm an employee of Caltech,
`Caltech pays, yeah. It is managed by Caltech.
` Q With respect to your preparation, did you
`review any documents?
` A I only reviewed my declaration.
` Q No other documents?
` A No other documents.
` Q Okay. So, for example, your 1998 paper at
`Allerton, do you recall that?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you review that in preparation for the
` A I looked at that but not -- not going
`through all details.
` Q Okay. Were there any other documents that
`you looked at to prepare for the deposition?
` A No. That's it.
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` Q And other than your attorneys, did you speak
`Page 11
`with anyone to prepare?
` A No.
` Q Did you meet with anyone to prepare?
` A No.
` Q Are you represented by counsel today?
` A Yes.
` Q And who is that?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Who is your counsel today?
` A Sitting here, Matt, Todd and Chantal.
` Q Okay. Are you aware of whether your counsel
`also represents Caltech in litigation adverse to
`Apple in Broadcom?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection as to form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: You don't know one way or the
` A Yeah.
` Q Have you entered into any agreement with
`Caltech in connection with this litigation?
` A No agreement except that I will be paid as a
` Q And so you are being paid as a consultant to
`Caltech for the work that you do on this case?
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` A Yes.
` Q What is the rate at which you are being
`Page 12
` A 600.
` Q Is that $600 per hour?
` A Per hour.
` Q Does that mean for your time here today you
`are being paid $600 per hour?
` A That's correct.
` Q Is that greater than or less than your
`ordinary salary?
` A It is greater than.
` Q How much greater?
` A I'd say a few hundred dollars maybe.
` Q Is there a --
` A $300.
` Q Is there a reason why you require $300 more
`than your ordinary salary to testify on Caltech's
` A Yeah. Because I have to take vacations both
`for preparation for deposition and my vacation date
`will be equal to a month of compensation included in
`my salary so if I retire or I leave JPL I can ask
`for the, all vacation days that I haven't used and
`get paid.
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` Q Do you have a current plan to leave JPL or
`Page 13
`Caltech anytime soon?
` A Not now.
` Q Is the consulting agreement that you
`referenced, is that written down somewhere?
` A No.
` Q It is just an oral agreement?
` A Exactly.
` Q Are there any other terms other than $600
`per hour?
` A Not -- nothing.
` Q How much time have you spent working on this
` A I spent a few hours, I spent during my
`weekends some hours and then a few hours to provide
`comments for my declaration and the time that I
`signed the declaration. Whatever I said in Section
`III regarding compensation is truth. However,
`Counsel decided later on that to consider me as a
`consultant and pay me based on consulting.
` Q Do you have a standard consulting rate?
` A No.
` Q Have you -- withdrawn.
` Have you entered into any other consulting
`engagements other than this one?
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`Page 14
` A Yeah. I have been consulting to other
` Q And when you consult for other companies was
`your rate greater than or less than $600?
` A It is less than. But then there is a stock
`compensation which usually I am requesting which
`essentially if the startup company becomes IPO or it
`is acquired by another company then I can make money
`on that.
` Q With respect to the time spent on this case
`you mentioned there were a few hours over a weekend,
`a few hours providing comments --
` A Right.
` Q -- on the declaration.
` A Right.
` Q Would you say that it is -- in total that
`would be less than six hours?
` A Yes.
` Q Less than four?
` A The weekend doesn't count because is on my
`week, weekend, so I cannot ask for the salary
`whatever I do during the weekend. So if I spend any
`time on that, based on the salary I will not be
`paid. For preparation of declaration has been set,
`in Section III, is based, was based on my salary.
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`Page 15
` Q I understand.
` A So after that counsel made decision that I
`should rather be as a consultant than be paid based
`on my salary, you know, at JPL.
` Q Okay.
` A Which was not right, actually, that I work
`at JPL and be paid, you know, based on the salary of
`JPL for something which is not related to my work
`and projects.
` Q That's fine. I'm actually asking a
`different question now. I want to get a sense of
`the total amount of time that you've spent doing
`work on this case. And is it fair to say --
` A Yeah. About six hours, yeah.
` Q Okay. Okay. Are you receiving payment for
`your testimony today?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't received anything
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Do you expect to?
` A Probably, yes.
` Q Do you have a financial stake in the outcome
`of this lawsuit?
` A No.
` Q Aside from this litigation, have you had any
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`Page 16
`other contacts with Caltech?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: You should explain in what
` Q BY MR. DOWD: When did you first start
`working at Caltech?
` A When I came to JPL I was part of Caltech and
`employed by Caltech. My employer is Caltech because
`JPL is owned by Caltech so I started at JPL in
`October 16, 1978.
` Q So you have worked at Caltech for --
` A JPL.
` Q -- 40 years?
` A At JPL, yes. 40 years except from '96 to
`2001 I was also part-time teaching at Caltech.
` Q Okay. Do you know Dr. Bob McEliece?
` A Yes.
` Q Are you friends with him?
` A You should explain what friend means.
` Q Do you consider him your friend?
` A Friend, yeah. There are many -- I have many
`friends but he was close friend that I spend time
`with somebody based on the weekly or yearly or
`monthly? Last time that I saw Bob McEliece was
`about one year ago.
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`Page 17
` Q When did you first meet him?
` A I met him at JPL. He was consultant at JPL.
` Q In what year?
` A I cannot recall but it should be in
`beginning of eighties.
` Q And have you worked with him since the
` A Yes.
` Q And so do you consider him a friend?
` A I consider him as a colleague when he was
`consulting at JPL and somebody that always I
` Q Have you been to his home?
` A Yes.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Have you met his spouse?
` A Yeah.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Have you met his children?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Have you engaged with him
` A Only maybe once a year but during the
`Christmas party.
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` Q Now am I correct that you and Dr. McEliece
`Page 18
`shared an office at JPL?
` A Yes.
` Q How long did you share an office?
` A I don't remember exactly, but over maybe few
` Q More than five?
` A I cannot remember exactly it was more than
`five or less than five, but say that five.
` Q Okay. Did you share an office during the
`period from 1998 through 2000?
` A Yes.
` Q And as office mates did you discuss the work
`that you each were doing?
` A You should explain to me what work.
` Q Am I correct that you worked on error
`correction codes at that time?
` A Yes.
` Q And Dr. McEliece was also working on error
`correction codes at that time?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you discuss your respective work on
`error correction codes during that period?
` A I guess at that time I was discussing
`turbocodes and serial concatenated codes.
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`Page 19
` MR. ARGENTI: Concatenated.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Would that include the serial
`concatenated codes including the RA codes that are
`discussed in your 1998 Allerton paper?
` A Yeah. RA code can be recorded as a serial
`concatenated code.
` Q And that was an area where you and Dr.
`McEliece were working together, right?
` A Yes. We did some work on the turbocodes and
`finding the bounds on effective free distance of
`turbocodes, especially serial codes, and we
`published a paper in Electronics Letters.
` Q Now in your declaration you say in Paragraph
`5 that in 1999 you were promoted to the role of
`Senior Research Scientist at JPL/Caltech.
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recall that?
` A Yes.
` Q And the selection of Senior Research
`Scientist required a recommendation and it also
`required eight references. Let me ask, was Dr.
`McEliece one of the references or recommenders?
` A I don't remember because usually, you know,
`JPL management and directors, they are requesting
`the differences so I don't know exactly that Bob
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`McEliece was one of my recommenders are not.
` Q Was he involved in your decision to promote
`Page 20
`you to Senior Research Scientist?
` A No.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And in 2015 you became a
`fellow at JPL/Caltech; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Was Dr. McEliece involved in recommending
`you to become a fellow?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember but I believe
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Okay. Could you provide a
`brief overview of your education since high school.
` A Since high school?
` Q Yes.
` A Okay. I got Bachelor's degree from
`University of Teheran in 1970. A Master's degree
`from UCLA in 1975. Engineer degree in 1977. Ph.D.
`in 1978.
` Q Were the engineer degree and the Ph.D.
`degree also at UCLA?
` A Yes.
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`Page 21
` Q Did your Ph.D. thesis have a particular
` A It was on mismatched receivers over
`bandwidth channels with inter-symbol interference.
` Q Did that involve error correction code?
` A I also discussed error correction code in my
`thesis, yes.
` Q Is it fair to say you have been active in
`the field of error correction code since at least
` A Yeah. I worked on many different subjects
`including error correction coding, yeah.
` Q After you obtained your Ph.D. in 1978 what
`did you do next?
` A Before finishing my Ph.D I applied to
`several places and then I was hired by JPL in 1978.
`October 16.
` Q What is the relationship between JPL and
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: We are considered as an
`employee of the California Institute of Technology.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And beyond that do you have
`any understanding of the relationship?
` A I guess not the relationship except we are
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`employee and JPL is managed by Caltech, most funding
`coming from the NASA through a contract with
`California Institute of Technology.
` Q Now you mentioned that you have taught
`Page 22
`classes at Caltech.
` A Yes.
` Q What classes did you teach?
` A A random processes or random signals,
`digital communication.
` Q Any others?
` A No. There was Digital Communication 1 and
` Q Did those classes involve error correction
` A Part of it I also discuss about error
`correction, specifically turbocodes and serial
`concatenation codes.
` Q Did that include RA codes?
` A I don't remember but maybe.
` Q While at JPL have you worked on any
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: What do you mean by product?
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Have you worked on any project
`at JPL that resulted in any kind of tangible thing?
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`Page 23
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. I worked on the
`turbocodes from 1995 and on in order to define and
`produce good codes for space application to be used
`in the future NASA missions and we proposed those
`turbocodes to standards, CCSDS standard.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: What is the CCSDS standard?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: It is committee for the
`standardization of -- for space. I don't know
`exactly, you know, what the letter stands for what
`but this is standards for the international standard
`for the space application and satellite
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And does the CCSDS standard
`define an error correction code?
` A Yeah.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: They define many things
`including error correction codes.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: What kind of error correction
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: The error correction codes,
`turbocodes definitely, which we propose for the
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`Page 24
`standards and much later low-density parity-check
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Is the CCSDS LDPC code an
`irregular LDPC code?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; scope, form.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. The LDPC codes that we
`proposed to the standard through JPL was based on
`the protographs and protograph structures and for
`those cases you don't have to make everything
`irregular because of using the -- this based on the
`RA, actually repeat-accumulate codes, an extension
`of that, that we proposed to standard which perform
`very well and meeting other codes in performance.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Just to make sure I
`understand, does the CCSDS standard include an
`irregular LDPC code?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection to form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Again, it depends on the type
`of LDPC codes. We said that the structure we
`proposed, because there are random structure for
`LDPC codes and there is a structured one. We
`proposed protograph-based LDPC code which has a
`structure and it uses circulant permutations.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: It uses certain permutations?
` A Circulant permutations.
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`Page 25
` Q Circulant.
` A Yes.
` Q Does that make it irregular?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: No. That's type of
`permutation that has been used for ease of
`implementation of encoder and decoder.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Has JPL actually implemented
`the CCSDS codes in any mission?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah. They implemented on, as
`far as I know, on the FPGA.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And when you say the FPGA --
` A Yeah.
` Q -- what FPGA?
` A Field-Programmable Gate Array.
` Q For what mission?
` A For various missions. I suppose for the
`MRO, for the Mars, that orbits Mars, and some other
` Q So the Mars Orbiter?
` A Mars Orbiter and as far as I know maybe for
`certain other missions that I don't remember right
` MR. DOWD: I will mark as Apple Exhibit
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`Page 26
`1056, at least for the 00210 case, a copy of your
` (Apple Exhibit 1056 (00210), 1256 (00219),
`1039 (00297), 1056 (00700), 1156 (00701), 1256
`(00728), CALTECH-EXHIBIT 2032, Curriculum Vitae,
`Bates Nos. 0001 to 00036, marked for identification,
`as of this date.)
` MR. ARGENTI: So this is a new exhibit that
`has not been introduced in the IPR; is that correct?
` MR. DOWD: I believe this is actually also
`Exhibit 2032 --
` MR. ARGENTI: Okay.
` MR. DOWD: -- to IPR 210 as identified at
`the bottom. So maybe I'm being redundant but just
`for sake of form I've marked it as Apple Exhibit
` MR. ARGENTI: I will just point out that the
`rules say we're not supposed to submit duplicative
`exhibits so to the extent it has been submitted it
`is probably just easier to refer to it as the
`exhibit that's already introduced in the proceeding.
` MR. DOWD: That's fine. We can do it that
` Q So let me direct your attention to what I
`have handed you as Exhibit 2032, do you see that at
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`Page 27
`the bottom?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recognize it?
` A Yeah. My C.V.
` Q And is it complete?
` A What do you mean by complete?
` Q As of the date of your -- that it was
`submitted in IPR 210, 00210.
` A I believe so.
` Q Okay. Is it accurate?
` A It looks like.
` Q Now if you turn to starting on Page 10,
`there are a list of patents, 22 patents that start
`there. Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And you are a named inventor on 22 patents,
` A Yeah.
` Q Those all relate to error correction codes?
` A Those all relate on error -- not all of them
`but most of them, yeah.
` Q Okay. And if we go over to Page 12,
`starting on that page there's a list of
`publications, your publications; is that right?
` A Yes.
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`Page 28
` Q And that continues through Page 36, right?
` A Page 36. I mean there, might be some
`missing publications or there might be, you know,
`some missing patents maybe, but this is what I had.
` Q Okay. At least each of the ones that are
`identified in Exhibit 2032 are either patents or
`publications that you authored, right?
` A Yeah.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: If you could turn to Page
`23 --
` A Yes.
` Q -- the paper that's listed as No. 66,
`"Coding Theorems for 'Turbo-Like' Codes" --
` A Yes.
` Q -- that's the paper that you published in
`September of 1998 on RA codes; is that right?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And that was published with
`Dr. Jin and Dr. McEliece as your co-authors, right?
` A Yes.
` Q And it says that that was as a part of the
`1998 Allerton Conference, do you see that?
` A Yeah.
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`Page 29
` Q What is the Allerton Conference?
` A It is a conference. We have many
`conferences, you know. One of them is Allerton
` Q And is that held in Illinois?
` A Yes.
` Q Is it held in September every year?
` A I haven't gone recently but as far as I
`remember, yes, usually September. Maybe not the
`same place, maybe they changing the places, but I
`don't know exactly right now.
` Q Okay. How well attended is the Allerton
` A It depends. You know, I said that I haven't
`been there recently but a few hundred people, maybe.
` Q Let's focus on the period 1998, '99, 2000,
`that timeframe. Do you have that in mind?
` A Yeah. I don't remember.
` Q You said that roughly a few hundred people
`would attend the Allerton Conference?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's my weak estimate.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Okay. That's your best
`understanding; is that true?
` A Yeah. I don't know exactly, you know, how
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`Page 30
`many people are attending each year but I expect it
`should be on order of hundreds.
` MR. ARGENTI: I'm going to add a foundation
`objection to that last question as well.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Is the Allerton Conference a
`conference attended by folks who are working in the
`field of error correction codes?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. Some.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Does --
` A Not all.
` Q Does the conference specifically address,
`does it have a track, for example, on error
`correction code issues?
` A What do you mean by track?
` Q So, for example, would there be
`presentations on error correction code issues during
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Usually there are
`presentations over who is invited or sending papers,
`after acceptance of papers they're going to present
`one of the authors, will present a paper.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Is the Allerton Conference
`open to the public?
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`Page 31
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I believe so.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And when you attend Allerton
`do you have to sign a nondisclosure agreement or any
`confidentiality agreement of any kind?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know. I believe no.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: Okay. And so you as a member
`of the public attending Allerton, you are free to
`discuss any of the ideas that you hear there?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form, scope.
` THE WITNESS: Usually, you know, whatever it
`is in a paper that you want to present, yes.
` Q BY MR. DOWD: And so with respect to the
`community of scientists and researchers who are
`working on error correction codes, am I correct it
`is a fairly small community?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: What do you mean by small?
` Q BY MR. DOWD: That it is in the dozens or
`less than a hundred?
` A In what year?
` Q 1998.
` A '98. Maybe around a hundred, maybe.
` Q Okay. And that was true in 1999 as well?
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580


`Page 32
` A Yeah. It eventually increased, increased,
`you know, over the years the number of people
`working on the coding, on error correction codes.
` Q Sure. But back in '99 to 2000 it was
`roughly a core of a hundred people or so?
` A Maybe.
` Q And would those core p

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