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`Petitioner, )
`) IPR2017-00210
`) IPR2017-00700
`) IPR2017-00219
`) IPR2017-00728
`Patent Owner ) IPR2017-00701
`* * C O N F I D E N T I A L * *
`New York, New York
`January 10, 2018
`JOB NO. 135900
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`Apple v. Caltech
`Apple 1263


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`January 10, 2018
`8:59 A.M.
`held at the offices of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich &
`Rosati, 1301 Avenue of the Americas,
`40th Floor, New York, NY 10019, before
`Bonnie Pruszynski, a Registered
`Professional Reporter, Registered Merit Reporter,
`Certified Livenote Reporter, and Notary Public of
`the State of New York.
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Attorneys for Apple
`1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20006
`60 State Street
`Boston, Massachusetts 02109
`Attorneys for California Institute of Technology
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, California 94304
`701 Fifth Avenue
`Seattle, WA 98104
`(telephonic appearance for meet and confer
` only)
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Attorneys for California Institute of Technology
` 51 Madison Avenue
` New York, New York 10010
`1 2
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` (Witness sworn.)
` called as a witness, having been first
` duly sworn, was examined and testified
` as follows:
` Q. Good morning. Could you please
` provide your address and contact information.
` A. My address is 2 River Terrace,
` Apartment 12L, New York, New York, 10282.
` Q. And have you taken any medications
` that would limit your ability to testify
` truthfully today?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Is there any reason you can't
` testify truthfully today?
` A. There is no reason.
` Q. Have you testified before, in a
` deposition?
` A. In deposition, I did.
` Q. How many times?
` A. I did twice.
` Q. And just so the record is clear, my
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`name is Michael Smith, and I am representing
`the petitioner Apple. With me is Richard
` Can you also please state your name
`for the record?
` A. My name is Hui Jin, spelled H-U-I,
` Q. How many times have you testified
` A. I testified twice before.
` Q. In what cases?
` A. One case was Caltech versus Hughes.
`The second case is the Caltech versus
`Broadcom, Apple. There are other companies.
` Q. So, when you answer questions
`today, I will ask that you answer audibly.
`Is that okay?
` A. Definitely.
` Q. And if you don't understand a
`question that I ask, will you please let me
` A. Definitely, and thank you for
` Q. And if you don't say anything, I
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`will understand that you understood my
`question, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Did you do anything to prepare for
`your deposition today?
` A. I did.
` Q. What did you do?
` A. I did prep with attorneys from, you
`know, the -- Matt's team.
` Q. With whom did you speak?
` A. Can you ask your question again?
` Q. What attorneys did you speak with
`to prepare for your deposition today?
` A. The attorneys I spoke are including
`Matt Argenti, Ron Hagiz, and I believe there
`are also a few attorneys on the phone,
`Michael Rosato, Quincy Lu, and Jim Asperger.
` Q. Did you speak with anyone else to
`prepare for your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review any documents to
`prepare for your deposition?
` A. Can you ask your question again?
` Q. Did you review any documents to
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`prepare for your deposition today?
` A. I did.
` Q. What documents did you review?
` A. I reviewed my declaration and all
`the exhibits mentioned in the declaration.
` Q. Did you review any other documents?
` A. I believe I also reviewed the --
`my -- you know, the IRA paper that we -- we
` Q. Anything else?
` A. As far as I remember at this
`moment, these are the files I reviewed.
` Q. Did you do anything else to prepare
`for your deposition today?
` A. I also reviewed the files that
`Caltech gave to me, those software files, the
`files in my directory when I was working in
`Caltech. These files probably are going to
`be mentioned today.
` Q. Did you review any computer
`directories to prepare for your deposition
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Did you review any metadata
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`associated with any of the files in those
` A. I did.
` Q. Are you represented by counsel
` A. What do you mean?
` Q. You understand that, or are you --
` Are you aware whether your counsel,
`or are you -- strike that.
` Are you aware of whether
`Mr. Argenti and others that you met with also
`represent Caltech in this litigation?
` A. That's my understanding.
` Q. Have you entered into any
`agreements to consult with Caltech in
`connection with this litigation?
` A. What do you mean, enter an
` Q. Do you have any agreement with
`Caltech in connection with this litigation?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. Yeah, can you -- if you can
`paraphrase your question, I would appreciate
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` Q. Have you entered into any
`agreements with Caltech?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I do have an agreement with
` Q. Could you describe that agreement?
` A. Can you point to me that -- what
`you are referring to? To my declaration?
` Q. No. I'm asking whether you have
`any agreements with Caltech?
` A. Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you can
`point me to declaration, I can probably
`answer your question.
` Q. Do you need your declaration to say
`whether you have an agreement with Caltech?
` A. My understanding is that today my
`testimony is about the declaration, and you
`are not supposed to be asking any questions
`outside of the declaration.
` Q. Are you able to answer whether you
`have an agreement with Caltech without seeing
`your declaration?
` A. I can, but I am saying if you can
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`point me to the declaration -- you know, if
`it is related to my declaration, I'm more
`than happy to answer that question.
` Q. Dr. Jin, what is the nature of your
`consulting agreement -- or let me rephrase
` Dr. Jin, what is the nature of your
`agreement with Caltech?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I mean, you kind of -- you have not
`get me the answer for the first question.
`I'm asking if you can point me to the
`declaration. It's my understanding that I am
`going to -- I'm here for testimony about my
`declaration, so I would appreciate it if you
`stay inside the declaration.
` Q. Dr. Jin, I'm here to ask you
`questions. If your counsel thinks my
`questions are inappropriate or outside the
`scope, they can object, but you need to
`answer my questions. Do you understand that?
` A. Okay. If you say so.
` Can you ask your question again?
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` Q. I am handing you a copy of U.S.
`Patent Number 7,116,710, which is identified
`as Apple Exhibit 1001 from IPR2017-00210.
` Do you have that document?
` A. Should I usually have like a label
`as well?
` MR. ARGENTI: Not in this
` proceeding.
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` THE WITNESS: Oh, not in this --
` MR. ARGENTI: It should be
` pre-marked.
` THE WITNESS: Oh, I see. Yeah.
` Because in the last deposition, I have
` those things.
` Q. Yeah, that -- some of them will be
` pre-marked in this case, and others we will
` add a label if needed.
` A. Okay. I do have the document.
` Q. You are a named inventor on U.S.
` 7,116,710; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. If I refer to this as the '710
` patent, do you understand I am referring to
` 7,116,710?
` A. I understand.
` Q. I'm also handing you a copy of the
` declaration of Dr. Hui Jin, which has been
` marked Caltech Exhibit 2020 from
` IPR2017-00210.
` (Interruption.)
` Q. Do you see on the cover of the
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`declaration it says Patent Number 7,116,710?
` A. I see that.
` Counsel, sorry to interrupt. If
`you are going to go into the declaration, I
`have two corrections I want to make. Do you
`want me to make it now or -- there are two
`corrections that after reviewing the document
`last week, I identified there are two typos
`that are in the declaration.
` Now, for the correctness, and for
`this deposition to go complete smoothly, I
`want to correct it at certain point. If you
`want me to correct now or you can ask me to
`correct later.
` Q. Yeah, go ahead and correct it now.
` A. Okay. So, the first correction is
`on page five, paragraph eight on page five.
`So, it reads from the second line, "for
`example, that profile indicates that
`48.972 percent of the variable nodes
`(information bits) would be repeated 15
` So here the correction should be
`"48.972 percent of the variable nodes' edges
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`associated with -- associated with variable
`nodes which are repeated 15 times."
` Q. Okay.
` A. And that same goes for the next,
`"and 0.240 percent of the variable nodes,"
`same thing. "0.240 percent of the variable
`nodes' edges associated with variable nodes
`which are repeated 14 times." This is the
`first correction.
` The second correction is on page
`nine, paragraph 12. Page nine, paragraph 12.
` Q. Okay.
` A. It also reads, the second line,
`right now it says, "the variable var_node,
`'*CheckNode' defined IRA.h as an array of
`var_node objects."
` Replace the "var_node" with a
`"check node" for both these two places. Is
`"an array of var_node" changed to "an array
`of check node."
` Q. Anything else?
` A. That's it.
` Q. I'm also going to hand you a copy
`of the declaration submitted in -- the
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`declaration of Dr. Jin submitted in
` And I am also handing you a copy of
`the declaration submitted in -- of Dr. Jin
`submitted in IPR2017-701.
` Each of these says Patent Number
`7,116,710 on the cover; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And each of these declarations is
`the same; correct?
` A. I mean you want me to compare word
`by word?
` Q. Did you prepare -- how many
`declarations did you prepare?
` A. I only prepared one.
` Q. And it's the same declaration that
`was submitted in each of the IPRs; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And if we use the declaration for
`IPR2017-210 that I handed you earlier, that
`applies to all your other declarations that
`were -- or applies to the declarations that
`were submitted in the other cases as well;
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` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. You can put aside the
`declarations from 219 and 701, and we will
`just use the 2017-210 declaration.
` A. We are going to make all the
`corrections on all those documents as well;
`right? The two corrections I made.
` Q. Correct. Understood.
` Your declaration discusses the '710
`patent; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. Can you clarify your question?
` Q. Your declaration offers testimony
`concerning the '710 patent; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. Concerning, what do you mean?
` Q. Paragraph one of your declaration
`mentions the '710 patent; correct?
` A. Do you mean that the first sentence
`says I am a named inventor of this patent?
` Q. Yeah, and with that in mind, you
`see that the declaration references the '710
`patent; correct?
` A. Yeah, this declaration is about the
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`circumstances that I recalled and I am
`confident about, you know, when we conceived
`the ideas of our invention of IRA codes and
`all the facts that I remembered regarding
`time period leading to the provisional filing
`of the '710 patent.
` Q. Your declaration does not discuss
`any other patents; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. This declaration is about the
`invention, is about how we conceived the
` Q. The only patent discussed in the
`Jin declaration is the '710 patent; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I mean, that's not entirely
`correct, because the invention of the
`other -- I mean the other patents is also
`about invention, this invention, the
`invention of irregular repeat-accumulate
`codes. We have different claims about this
`very important innovation, and this
`declaration is about that innovation. It's
`not about that patent in particular. If I
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`answered that question clearly.
` Q. Your declaration doesn't discuss
`any other patents besides the '710 patent;
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I think I already answered that
`question. The '710 patent is about
`invention. In this declaration is about our
`invention, how we get the idea, the process,
`you know, the circumstances we had idea and
`all the evidences of -- about the time
`period, what we have been doing, what I have
`done in particular during that period, I mean
`getting the ideas, reducing to practice.
` Q. Your declaration does not discuss
`any specific claims of the '710 patent;
` A. Can you say your question again.
` Q. You understand that the '710 patent
`has -- contains patent claims; correct?
` A. Yes, I do understand.
` Q. You do not discuss any of the
`patent claims of the '710 patent in your
`declaration; correct?
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` A. In this declaration, as I already
`mentioned, is about the -- one is about how
`we conceived the idea and how these ideas
`were actually implemented, showing the
`evidence of those documents, and more
`importantly about the dates.
` So, it's the -- the structure of
`our invention is in this declaration.
` Q. The specific claims of the '710
`patent are not discussed in the declaration;
` A. I mean that probably calls for some
`legal judgment. I am not sure I am qualified
`to say. I only can say is, this declaration
`is about the invention, the invention in the
`sense that the structure of IRA codes is
`clearly described, I mean discussed here, the
`circumstances, circumstances we conceived the
`idea, and how much work we put into
`developing the idea, leading to the provision
`of the invention.
` Q. You don't specifically discuss any
`of the '710 patent's claims, though; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
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` A. I think I just answered that
`question. I'm saying that, you know, that
`seems like calling a legal judgment, which I
`am not qualified to say that. I'm just
`saying that what this declaration is about,
`is about the innovation of the IRA patent,
`the circumstances, you know, the discussion
`when there -- the evidence of showing from
`both Dr. McEliece and me, there are several
`evidence, several factors. There are many
`factors actually. You are welcome to go into
` But for your question about
`discussing the claims, I'm not qualified -- I
`don't think I'm qualified to say that.
` Q. So, you couldn't, for example,
`point me to a paragraph in your declaration
`where you specifically discuss claim one of
`the '710 patent?
` A. All I can say is in this
`declaration, for example, the figure three,
`has the important elements of our IRA code
`invention. The innovation has four unique
`elements, combine them together in a unique
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`way, and which generates surprising and
`superior performance.
` So, it has all the elements there.
`Now, to -- specifically saying that, whether
`that reads as claim one, I'm not qualified to
`say, but it has all the elements.
` Q. You don't offer an opinion on
`whether it reads on claim one; correct?
` A. Can you say your question again.
` Q. You testified specifically saying,
`"whether that reads on claim one, I am not
`qualified to say."
` Did I read that correctly?
` A. Yeah, I am saying that I am not
`legal expert like you guys are, so I am not
`try to offer that opinion of saying that,
`whether I can say one way or another, but
`this has all the elements of our invention,
`so it has all the elements on figure three,
`and this declaration is actually going
`through saying, you know, we had this idea by
`March 10th.
` MR. SMITH: I'm going to start a
` new line of questioning. I don't know if
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` you guys want to take a break now or I
` can keep going with that.
` MR. ARGENTI: Sure. It's been
` almost an hour.
` THE WITNESS: Let's take a break.
` (Recess from 9:55 to 10:04 a.m.)
` Q. Dr. Jin, in your declaration, you
` refer to several exhibits; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you allege that those exhibits
` show that you conceived and reduced the
` invention to practice; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. Can you clarify your question?
` Q. Sure.
` Your declaration refers to various
` exhibits; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And some of these exhibits you
` assert show that you conceived your
` invention; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. Can you ask me your question again?
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` Q. Are there any -- strike that.
` You have your declaration; right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. As of January 2015, you did not
`have any documents that would show conception
`or reduction to practice of the '710 patent;
` A. It's a long sentence. Can you
`break it down?
` Q. Sure.
` As of January of 2015, you did not
`have any documents that would show conception
`or reduction to practice of the '710 patent;
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. What's this January -- you said a
`date of January 2015?
` Q. Correct.
` A. What is that date?
` Q. As of January 2015, did you have
`any of the exhibits in your possession that
`you reference in your declaration?
` A. No. These files are on the Caltech
`server, that when I left Caltech in 2001,
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`after my graduation from Ph.D. program, I did
`not take those files referred in the exhibit
`with me, so...
` Q. When did you -- after leaving
`Caltech, when did you first see the exhibits
`that you referenced in your declaration?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I got this file sometime early of
`last year, and I review those, and I make
`sure that these are actually my files.
` Q. Did you review those in connection
`with this litigation?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So, between January -- I'm sorry,
`strike that.
` Between 2001, when you left
`Caltech, and 2017, when you reviewed the
`documents you cite in your declaration, in
`connection with this litigation, you did not
`have the documents you cite in your
`possession; correct?
` A. I personally don't have the
`documents with me during that period of time.
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`But once I got hold of the files, I checked
`the directory, and I also checked the
`metadata, and all the files I checked in the
`metadata was before 2001, so no one messed
`around with those files. So, and I looked at
`the directory. Those are kind of --
` Q. I don't mean to interrupt you. I'm
`just going to ask again, please answer the
`question that I have asked.
` MR. ARGENTI: And let him complete
` his answer that he is providing.
` A. Yeah, I would appreciate if you let
`me finish my answer. Is that okay?
` Q. Go ahead.
` A. So, I just said that I reviewed the
`directory, I reviewed the file, the metadata
`of the files, showing that -- all the files I
`checked, I checked the metadata and
`directories. There was no change after 2001,
`so I am confident that no one else touched
`the file.
` That is consistent with my
`understanding, this -- the files in Caltech
`were -- only have -- I mean, I am the only
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`one have write access to these directories,
`to these files, and I look at a directory,
`it's consistent with my recollection of how I
`organized the projects, and so, even though
`that I don't have those files in possession
`during that period of time, I look at it,
`these are my files.
` MR. SMITH: I'm just going to note
` for the record that was not responsive,
` and if the witness keeps giving answers
` that are not responsive to my questions,
` we may need to take it up with the Board
` at some point. But I will again ask the
` witness to answer the question that I
` asked and not answer beyond what I am
` asking.
` Q. Do you understand that?
` A. I think I understand.
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` Q. I am handing you a document that is
`identified as Caltech Exhibit 2021, from
` This is an exhibit you cite in your
`declaration; correct?
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` A. That's correct.
` Q. I'm also going to hand you an
`exhibit that's been labeled Exhibit 2022, in
` And this is another exhibit that
`you cite in your declaration; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. If I refer to Exhibit 2022 as the
`McEliece notebook, will you understand what I
`am talking about?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. You did not see Exhibit 2022 in
`2000; correct?
` A. I did not see this page, but I
`recognize the writing of Dr. McEliece.
` Q. So, you did not see Exhibit 2022 in
`2000; correct?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I recognize his handwriting. I did
`not see this particular document, but I
`recognize his handwriting. I work with
`Dr. McEliece for more than six years, five,
`six years.
` Q. Dr. Jin, I'm not asking whether you
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`recognize his handwriting. I'm asking you,
`did you see this note -- did you see
`Exhibit 2022 in 2000?
` MR. ARGENTI: Objection, form.
` A. I answered your question already.
`In the sentence, I already said that I
`recognize his handwriting, but I did not see
`this particular document in 2000. But this
`is Dr. McEliece's handwriting.
` Q. You are not aware of anyone who is
`not a named inventor on the patents who at
`the time that Exhibit 2022 was created
`witnessed the document, either by signing it
`or providing some other attestation; correct?
` A. That's a long sentence. Can you
`say it again.
` Q. You are not aware of anyone who, at
`the time Exhibit 2022 was created, witnessed
`the document by signing it or signing some
`other attestation; correct?
` A. That's correct. I am not aware of
`anyone that seen this document.
` Q. Can you turn to page 21.
` You don't know whether these notes
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`were in fact written on March 7th, 2000;
` A. Actually, I'm fairly confident they
`are writ- -- they were written on March 7th.
`Actually, thank you for giving me both the
`e-mail and this document, because if you put
`them together, that Dr. McEliece are trying
`to describe the RA code in a form that we can
`generalize into irregular LDGM plus
`accumulator code, and similarly in this
`e-mail, it's basically the same thing.
` So, if you put them together, I'm
`very confident they were written on
`March 7th.
` Q. You don't know -- you don't know
`whether they were written

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