PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
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`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
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`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
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`Appllcalllt of Clted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`I'\) \l
`_\ no \Io
`Relter at al-
`l<lrl<- Jr- at al-
`Hutt et al.
`01-19-1977 Makino et al.
`Kirschner et al.
`Kato et al.
`Hutt at al-
`Guinet et al
`Siegle et al.
`03-28-1978 Miller
`02-13-1979 Micic et al.
`Shussler et al.
`Beyers, Jr.
`Beyers, Jr. et al.
`10-09-1979 Miller
`01-29-1980 Mortimer
`Bart et al.
`Crowther et al.
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.
`Comcast, Exhibit—1024
`Comcast, Exhibit-1024

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
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`Appllcant of Clted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Baba et al.
`Imaide et al-
`04-07-1981 Weintraub et al.
`Freeman et al
`Dissly et al
`Schnee et al-
`Yarbrough et al.
`05-11-1982 Monteath et al.
`Cogswell et al
`Bourassin et al.
`Cox et al-
`06—28—1 983
`Shanley ll
`01/10/1984 Merrell
`Cichelli et al.
`Furukawa et al
`Lindman et al.
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
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`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
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`Applicant Of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Kruger et al.
`_\ co oo01
`Swanson et al.
`Bonneau et al.
`Von Kohorn
`07-23-1985 Wechselberger et al
`Sukonick et al.
`Campbell et al.
`10-15-1985 Greenberg
`Elam et al
`11-26-1985 Kurosawa et al.
`01-21-1986 Harger et al.
`05-06-1986 Astle
`07-01-1986 Yarbrough et al.
`Von Kohorn
`Suziki et al.
`10-28-1986 Amano et al.
`11-11-1986 Atkinson
`Beyers, Jr.
`Lert, Jr. et al.
`Peers et al.
`Si nature
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

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`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
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`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
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`Number—Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`RE 32,632
`Hayashi et al.
`Harvey et al.
`Froling et al.
`Harvey et al
`01-05-1988 Hayes
`03-01-1988 Hakamada et al.
`03-01-1988 Micic et al.
`03-29-1988 Atkinson
`05-24-1988 Hakamada
`Brown et al.
`06-07-1988 Martinez
`Reiter et al.
`Kram et al.
`Clupper et al.
`09-20-1988 Mical
`Britton et al.
`11-22-1988 Muguet
`03-14-1989 Wells
`Perine et al
`lchikawa et al.
`05-19-1989 Welsh
`0 \lL _\
`_\ coco co
`Russell et al.
`08-15-1989 Welsh, Russell J.
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`Campbell et al.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patemee or
`Appllcant of Clted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Eigeldinger et al
`Lane et al.
`Pietzsch et al.
`11-21-1989 Kaminaga et al
`lngle et al.
`Olive. Jr-
`lnoue et al.
`12-26-1989 Monslow et al.
`01-16-1990 Yee
`Beard et al.
`Pocock et at
`Bennett et al
`04-03-1990 Henderson et al.
`Robert et al
`Beard et al.
`Duffield et al.
`Johnson et al.
`Johnson et al.
`Si nature
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemben. zoos
`Henry 5. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patemee or
`Appllcant 01‘ Clted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Sakamoto et al.
`Kim et al
`Durden et al.
`Bly et al.
`06-11-1991 Moon-Hwan
`Baji et al
`Barillari et al
`Henderson, Jr. et al.
`Canfield et al
`Bevins, Jr.
`Esch et al
`04-07-1992 Keenan
`04-28-1992 Ando
`06-02-1992 McCalley et al
`06-09-1992 Yee
`06-30-1992 Yoshimura
`Kim et al.
`09-15-1992 MacKay et al.
`Blatter et al.
`Si nature
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Name of Patemee or
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Appllcant of Clted Document
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`10-13-1992 Wachob
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`RE 34,340
`10-20-1992 Hoeber et al.
`11-03-1992 Keenan
`ltoh et al
`Endoh et al
`Olivo, Jr.
`01-05-1993 Martinez
`03-16-1993 Wilson et al.
`Yoneda et al
`04/20/1993 Wyman
`05-11-1993 Yee et al.
`05/18/1993 Maruoka
`Steele et al
`Hoarty et al.
`Von Kohorn
`Jernigan et al
`Harvey et al.
`Bonicel et al.
`Thompson, Jr.
`Fink et al.
`Hayashi et al.
`Rovira et al.
`Harney et al
`Litteral et al.
`Si nature
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Number—Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patemee or
`Appllcant of Clted Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Banker et al.
`Chaney et al.
`Kauffman et al
`11/09/1993 Wyman
`Lumelsky et al.
`Esch et al
`Glick et al.
`Banker et al
`lshikawa et al.
`05-31-1994 Keenan
`06-21-1994 Amano et al.
`Harvey et al.
`Lappington et al
`Herz et al
`Banker et al.
`10/25/1994 Wasielewski et al
`Haave et al
`12/20/1994 Welsh
`Bates et al.
`Kitahara et al
`Kwoh et al.
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Duffield et al.
`Coddington et al
`04-25-1995 Graves et al
`Zahavi et al
`Sakuma et al
`Schmelzer et al
`06-13-1995 Woo et al
`07-18-1995 Willis
`Hayashi et al.
`Eisen et al.
`08-29-1995 Wilkins
`Duffield et al.
`10-24-1995 Wolf et al.
`11-07-1995 Ohga et al.
`Strubbe et al.
`Young et al.
`Cragun et al
`Strubbe et al
`263 O7427_1*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
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`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. Yuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
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`Publication Date
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patemee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Z Banker et al-
`Yuen et al
`03/26/1996 Marshall et al
`06/04/1996 Mankovitz‘ et al
`06/04/1996 Marshall et al
`Clanton, III et al
`06-11-1996 MacGregor et al.
`Hoarty et al
`Cherrick et al.
`Blahut et al
`Harper et al
`07/30/1996 Adams et al.
`07/30/1996 Mankovitz
`08-13-1996 Martinez
`09/17/1996 Maze et al
`Fite et al
`Davis et al
`Hendricks et al
`09/24/1996 Mankovitz
`Gough et al
`Kim et al
`lsenberg et al
`Schulhof et al
`Fardeau et al
`Hamilton et al
`12/03/1996 McLaughlin et al
`Trulin et al
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
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`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Name of Patemee or
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Florin et al.
`12/10/1996 Wanderscheid et al
`Lawler et al
`Amano et al
`Miller et al
`Knee et al
`Lett et al
`Florin et al.
`01/21/1997 White et al
`Hendricks et al
`Hendricks et al
`02/11/1997 Wanderscheid et al
`Claussen et al.
`02-11-1997 Queinnec
`03/11/1997 Abecassis
`04/01/1997 Augenbraun et al
`Russo, James
`Billock et al
`Roop et al
`Florin et al.
`Rowe et al
`Newberry et al.
`Rohra et al
`Youman et al
`05/13/1997 Aristedes et al.
`05/20/1997 Weissensteiner et al
`Alten et al
`Kostreski et al
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Examiner Name
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Name of Patemee or
`Applicant 01‘ Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Document Number
`Publication Date
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM‘DD‘WW
`Tanigawa et ai
`Dunn et ai
`Lazarus et ai.
`Bryant et ai.
`08/05/1997 Matthews iii
`Zereski, Jr. et ai
`Aristides et ai
`Hendricks et ai
`Budow et ai
`09/02/1997 Morales
`Nahan et ai
`09/09/1997 Metz
`Thomas et ai
`Eyer et ai
`Schindler et ai
`Scott et ai.
`10/14/1997 MattheWs,iii et ai
`Hendricks et ai
`10/28/1997 Wehmeyer et ai
`Volk et ai
`Diaz et ai
`Berquist et ai.
`263 O7427_1*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
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`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`Publication Date
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Name of Patemee or
`Applicant of Cited Document
`Reimer et al
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Lawler et al
`Rzeszewski et al.
`01/20/1998 Marshall et al
`01/20/1998 Ming et al
`Payne et al
`Janin et al
`Dunn et al
`Beyers et al
`Rauch et al
`Hendricks et al.
`Bertram et al.
`Hong et al
`Reilly et al
`Clantin, III et al.
`05/12/1998 Matthews
`Faust et al
`Hanaya et al
`Epperson et al
`Herz et al
`Aras et al
`Herz et al
`Ellis et al.
`Yoshinobu et al
`Nemirofsky et al
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a oollection of information unless it oontains a valid OMB control number.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Examiner Name
`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
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`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Name of Patentee or
`Applicant Of Cited Document
`Publication Date
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MM'DD'WW
`Hite et al
`06/30/1998 Mayer
`06/30/1998 Wolff et al
`Cathey et al
`Alten et al
`Hanaya et al
`Kummer et al.
`Bolanos et al.
`Rogers et al
`Kroll et al.
`2 5,798,785
`Hendricks et al.
`Crump et al
`Schein et al.
`Karlton et al
`van Cruyningen
`Lawler et al
`Laursen et al
`Young et al.
`Usui et al
`Young et al
`09/22/1998 Milnes et al
`09/29/1998 Matthews lll
`09/29/1998 Morrison
`Howe et al
`Nagasaka et al
`Throckmorton et al
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation
`if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional). 2App|icant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.

`PTO/SB/08a/b (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2012. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Attorney DocketNumber GS-61 Con 2
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Examiner Name
`Novemberr. zoos
`Henry c. vuen
`Jean D. Saint Cyr
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Publication Date
`Number-Kind Codez (ifknown) MMDD-WW
`Farber et al
`Davis et al
`10/27/1998 Marshall et al
`10/27/1998 Moncreiff
`Brenner et al
`Neel et al
`Jain et al
`Miller et al
`Coleman et al
`12/08/1998 Gerace
`12/08/1998 Marsh et al
`Dougherty et al
`LaJoie et al
`Kubota et al
`02/02/1999 Wehmeyer et al
`Aras et al
`02/23/1999 Matthews, Ill
`Lemmons et al
`Furuya et al
`04/06/1999 Marshall et al
`Allen et al
`Shoff et al
`Niijima et al.
`Broadwin et al
`Vaughn et al
`Lawler et al
`Farmer et al
`06/22/1999 Matthews,lll et al
`Rzeszewski et al.
`Chen et al
`263 O7427_l*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through

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