`Under the F’e.*ervvoi‘k Redtictieri Aetet'1995, no wersons are rec
`US Patent
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`Dec-ket NLilTibei‘ (fdptienei)
`GS./O5’i CON 2
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`2 73' ' M5318
`Noieime’ 7» 2333
`on_ Firssttxiaanied invenier
`Typed or printed
`i-ienry L. ‘r Lien
`Jeeh D. Seint—Cyr
`Appiieeht requests review {it the firei rejection in the ab0ve—identitied eppiicetion. Ne amendments are being flied
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`i am the
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`/i3risiine Johennessenf
`assignee of record of the entire interest.
`See 37 CFR 3.71. Statement under 37 CPR 3.73(b) is enclosed.
`(Ferrn PTO/SB/96)
`pristine Jeharmesgen
`Typed or printed name
`attorney or agent of record. 55302
`Registration nurnber
`Teiepiicme nurnber
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`Registration nurnher it
`untier 37 CFR 1.34
`[}eC9mb3,- 22, gm 9
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`:3) an ap
`tion. Cehfio
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`GS-61 CONT 2
`In re Patent Application of: Yuen et al.
`Application No.: 10/704,318
`Confirmation No.2 3367
`Filed: November 7, 2003
`Art Unit: 2425
`Examiner: J. D. Saint-Cyr
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response to the Final Office Action pending in the above referenced application,
`Applicant requests a panel review of the pending rejections prior to proceeding with the full
`appeals process. This Request is being filed with (i) a petition and fee for a three (3) month
`extension of time under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a) and 37 C.F.R. § 1.17(a)(3), and (ii) a timely-filed
`Notice of Appeal.
`The application includes 26 claims (claims 1, 3-9, 11-20, 22-23, and 25-30), eleven of
`which (claims 1, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30) are independent. Claims 1, 3, 5-6, 9, 11, 13-
`14, 16-17, 20, 23, 25, and 27-28 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable over
`U.S. Patent No. 5,731,844 ("Rauch") in view of U.S. Patent No. 5,710,601 ("Marshall"). Claims
`4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26 and 29 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable
`over Rauch in view of Marshall and U.S. Patent No. 5,583,560 ("Florin"). Applicants
`respectfiilly disagree with the Rejections of independent claims 1, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29,
`30 under § 103(a) in the Final Office Action, as being based on a clear error of fact.
`Applicants’ invention relates to three part guide that includes program listings, a
`currently broadcast television program, and a detailed program description. Independent claims
`1 and 9 recite, respectively, a method and system for displaying simultaneously: (1) a plurality of
`television program listings in a first area of the screen, (2) a currently broadcast television
`program in a second nonoverlapping area of the screen, and (3) a detailed program description of
`the currently broadcast television program displayed in the second area of the screen in a third
`nonoverlapping area. The detailed program description displayed in the third area of the screen
`may be switched in response to a user input without changing the currently broadcast television
`program in the second area of the screen. An example of applicants’ display is shown in Fig. 2
`of the Application (see below) which illustrates a display including a program listings display
`area 46, a video display area 42, and an information display area 44
`Fig. 2 of the 10/704,318 Application
`Fig. 2 readily illustrates the advantageous effect of simultaneously displaying
`program listings, program video, and program information which enables a user to efficiently
`review available programs and their associated information, while continuing to watch a desired
`program video.
`Rauch and Marshall do not disclose or suggest Simultaneously Displaying a Plurality of
`Program Listings, a Currently Broadcast Program, and a Detailed Program Description,
`and Switching the Detailed Program Description Without Changing the Currently
`Broadcast Program
`The Final Office Action asserts that Rausch discloses a three part guide. (Final
`Office Action, page 3-4, citing Rausch, FIG. 2, col. 7, lines 30-33.) However, the Examiner
`acknowledges that Rausch does not disclose switching the detailed program description
`displayed in the third area of the screen without changing the currently broadcast television
`program displayed in the second area of the screen. (Final Office Action, page 4.) The
`Examiner attempts to fill the deficiency with Marshall which discloses displaying additional
`program information with a video output. (Final Office Action, page 4, citing Marshall Fig. 8,
`col. 3, lines 31-33 and 41-44.) Marshall, however, shows a program description of a selected
`program listing and also Egg the video display to a program of the selected program listing.
`In Marshall, when a user selects the program MASH from its FIG. 7 screen, the MASH program
`description and a MASH image are displayed in Marshall’s FIG. 8 (below).
`Fig. 3
`There is no disclosure in the either Rausch or Marshall of simultaneously
`displaying all three elements recited in applicants’ independent claims and switching a program
`description changing the currently broadcast television program display. The Examiner
`states in the Final Office Action at page 4 that it would have been obvious to modify Rausch to
`include the program description without changing the main video as taught by Marshall. Even if
`Rausch and Marshall were combined however, the combination would not yield Applicants
`claimed invention.
`Independent claims 7 and 15 recite, respectively a method and system that
`includes the simultaneous display of above mentioned three areas (program listings, currently
`broadcast television program, and detailed program description), and: receiving a selection of a
`program listing, displaying a program corresponding to the selected program listing and
`switching the program description in the third area corresponding to a selected program listing.
`The Examiner asserts that claims 7 and 15 are unpatentable over Rausch in view of Marshall and
`Florin. (Final Office Action, page 8-10.) The Examiner relies on Florin for its alleged
`disclosure of the element receiving a selection of one of the plurality of program listings
`displayed in the first area of the screen and displaying the currently telecast video program
`corresponding to the selected program listing, and asserts that it would have been obvious to
`modify Rausch in view of Marshall and Florin to obtain a system to display selected programs
`concurrently with a program listing. (Final Office Action, page 10.) Applicants disagree. Claim
`7 and 15 require a selection of a program listing, controlling the tuner to display a program
`corresponding to the selected program listing, and switching a description of the program
`corresponding to the selected program listing. In Florin, the displayed program 250 (Florin FIG.
`12) corresponds to a currently viewed program “which the user was last viewing”. (Florin, col.
`15, lines 29-30.) VVhen a program list is obtained in Florin, the currently viewed program 250 is
`highlighted in the program list, and remains in the display as a user highlights other listings.
`(Florin, FIG. 12, col. 15, lines 46-50.) When a listing is selected in Florin, the program is
`displayed in a full screen. (Florin, col. 15, lines 34-37.) Thus, the combination of Rausch,
`Marshall and Florin does not disclose all of the elements of claims 7 and 15.
`For at least the foregoing reasons, applicants submit that the § 103(a) rejections of
`independent claims 1, 7, 9, 15 are based on clear error of fact and, therefore, should be reversed.
`Independent claims 8, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30 include similar elements as claims 1, 7, 9 and 15 and
`their rejections should also be reversed for the same reasons. The rejections of the dependent
`claims 3-6, 11-14, 18-20, and 25-28 should also be reversed for the same reasons.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Pristine Johannessen/
`Pristine Johannessen, Reg. No. 55,302
`Attorney for Applicants, Ropes & Gray LLP, Customer No. 75563
`PTO/SB/31 (06-09)
`Approved for use through 06/30/2009. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`GS/1361 CON 2
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`In re Application of
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`Hem-y Q Yuan’ at a;_
`Application Number
`November 7, 2003
`For M»:-thod an-:l Apgvaraius for Displaying Teievision Programs and Related Text
`Typed or printed
`Jean D. Saint-Cyr
`Applicant hereby appeals to the Board of Patent Appeals and lnterferences from the last decision of the examiner.
`The fee for this Notice of Appeal is (37 CFR 41 .20(b)(1 ))
`$ 54000
`D Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27. Therefore, the fee shown above is reduced
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`I am the
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`See 37 CFR 3.71. Statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b) is enclosed.
`(Form PTO/SB/96)
`./Pristine Johannessenl
`P”5‘t‘“‘9 Jghannesge”
`Typed or printed name
`attorney or agent of record. 551332
`Registration number
`attorney or agent acting under 37 CFR 1.34.
`Registration number if acting under 37 CFR1.34.
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`Becambflr 22’ 2810 Date
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