United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Florin et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Dec. 10, 1996
`Inventors: Fabrice Florin, Mill Valley; Michael
`Buetmer’ Burlingame; Glenn Corey’
`San Rafael; Janey Fritsche, Mill
`Valley; Peter Maresca, Palo Alto;
`Peter Miller, Los Altos Hills; Bill
`Purdy, San Anselmo; Stuart Sharpe;
`§cCl.:<a1Vi¥est, both of San Franc1sco, all
`[73] Assignee: Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino,
`[21] Appl_ No; 32,081
`_]un_ 22, 1993
`(Under 37 CFR 1.47)
`Int. Cl.
`[52] U.S. C1.
`................................................... .. H04N 7/173
`................................... 348/7; 348/12; 348/13;
`455/5.1; 455/4.2
`[58] Field of Search .................................. .. 348/7, 10, 12,
`348/734, 906, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567;
`455/4.2; H04N 7/16, 7/173, 5/44, 5/445,
`References Cited
`Re. 32,532
`Re. 34,340
`3/1933 Atkinson ............................... .. 340/709
`8/1993 Freeman ____,_
`9/1981 Schnee et al.
`..... .. 455/3
`(List continued on next page.)
`10/1987 Eumpean Pat OE '
`..... .. H04N 7/087
`10/1990 European Pat. Off.
`..... .. H04N 5/782
`4/1991 European Pat. Ofi.
`Japan ............................. H04N 5/445
`Japan ........................... .. H04N 5/445
`3/1935 WIPO -
`(List Continued on next page.)
`42nd Annual Convention and Exposition of the National
`Cable Television Association, Jun. 6, 1993, SF, CA, pp.
`82_89 M 1(1) -1 “Addr
`bl D
`d W- hD nl
`able dperiiionvsl Y
`essa 6
`Eco at
`0w 0a
`(List C011tiI1115d on next Page-)
`Primary Examl.ner_John K_ Peng
`Assistant Examiner—Chn's Grant
`Attomey, Agent, or Firm—Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zaf- ‘
`An interactive audio-visual (A/V) transceiver is advanta-
`geously coupled to a television and/or telephone (T/T) cable,
`a TV, a video recorder (VCR), and other A/V devices. The
`A/V transceiver switches data between a program/service
`provider and the connected A/V devices. In one embodi-
`the transceiver includes three primary modules, a
`main module including a CPU’ 3 system bus’ System
`memory, an infraqed
`control unit, an audio-visua_1 bus,
`an A/V decoder, an AN processor, and an A/V encoder, an
`A/V connect module including a number of tuner/demodu-
`lators and a switch, and an optional CD ROM module. The
`A/V transceiver hardware is complemented with an operat~
`ing system and software program which supports the func-
`tions provided in the AN user interface. Additionally, a
`remote control device is provided to communicate with the
`A/V transceiver to interactively manage selection of pro-
`gram and service sources, selection program and service
`offerings from any selected source, viewing of selected
`Pfogfam Ofienngs, and 1nt<=raCt10n_W1ti} Selected Sen/106
`olferings. The remote control dev1ce 1s advantageously
`provided with a basic AN control button group, an interac-
`tive control button group, an auxiliary control button group
`anda numeric key pad to facilitate control of the transceiver.
`The interactive control button group includes an info button,
`a list button, a categories button, a pix button, a mark button,
`a jump button, and a pointing device consisting of up, down,
`left, and right arrow buttons, and a center select button.
`16 Claims, 50 Drawing Sheets
`W’//E/I /z////a—y/5z/nL
`'50 ‘Wm
`Comcast, Exhibit-1004

`Page 2
`5/1939 WIPO-
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`10, 1993, _ Montreux, Switzerland, p.
`555-567, Hoarly “Multimedia on Cable Television Sys-
`Technir§:15I%1;(7:los1iIre Bulletin, go]. 34, Ncz 71?, Dec.
`, pp.
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`on erence
`Tech§i:1caél4DiIsclosure B11.1)11et1I1, fvol.C36, No. 0;, £31.
`ovioo or onvontion
`Elektor, No. 4, Apt 1990- PP- 10-121 “D213-Homobus Fiir
`Audio and Video”-
`42nd Annual Convention and Exposition of the NCTA, 6/6,
`1993, SF, CA, pp. 223-236, Bestler “Flexible Data Struc-
`tures and Interface Rituals for Rapid Development of OSD
`Alexander, Wsualizing cleared—ofi" desktops, Computer
`world, May 6, 1991, 1,_ 20
`Hiroshi Ishi, Kazuho Arita, Clearface: Translucent Mul-
`tiuser Interfacefor Team Wor/(Station, ECSCW, Sep., 1991,
`1111 6_10_
`Hiroshj Ishii, Naonli
`Workspace’ Communications
`34 N0 12 pp 37_50
`Ar’ticle.entitled-' Learning Considerations In User Interface
`D .
`_ Th R‘ M d l_
`[h _ P Hi k P Ch
`9 00'"
`" 9’ 9",‘. 9"

`9"’ 9“ 1
`cation of the Software Portability Laboratory, University of
`W0§°r1°°- W0‘0fl00- 0_ma‘10- C_9“00_0v 101- 1934-
`A9101‘? 0111111009 C’w1'0"/04040700/10" 9f 1/19 414110 §"8"a/
`Processor Setup For A PC Audio Editor; publication of
`International Business Machines, IBM Technical Disclosure
`Bulletin, vol. 30, No. 10, Mar. 1988.
`Article entitled: Browsing Within Time—Driven Multimedia
`Documents; authors: Stavros Chiistodoulakis and Steven
`Graham; publication of the Institute for Computer Research,
`University’ of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Jul.,
`Im am“
`Natural—Motzon—Pzcture Dedicated Multi—Media Authoring
`System; authors: Hirotada Ueda, Takafumi M1tyat'ci1<o, and
`Satoshi Yoshizawa; Communications of the ACM. Man.
`1991, pp. 343-350.
`Toward an Open Shared
`.................................. .. 358/86
`4/1983 Lambert
`8/1985 Sokonick ................................ 340/721
`8/1985 Campbell et al.
`11/1985 Pike ........................................ 364/900
`.. 340/747
`__ 353,147
`.. 340/721
`............................ .. 364/550
`11/1989 Ingle et al.
`12/1989 Monslow et a1.
`2/1990 Beard etal.
`340/706 .
`4/1990 Duflield ............................. .. 358/191.1
`4/1990 Henderson et a1_
`__________________,_ 340/325
`6/1990 Atkinson ......... ..
`6/1990 Rowe et al.
`7/1990 Beard et al.
`1/1991 Johnson et al.
`.. 358/86
`2/1991 Monslow et a1.
`.. 380/10
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`9/1991 Strubbe et a1.
`10/1991 Kolnick ........................
`1'I6I1(l6l'SOI1, J1‘. Ct
`9/1992 MacKay et al.
`''''" 358/86
`9/1992 Fmaro ''''‘'
`. 358/194.1
`9/1992 Young
`10/1992 Hoeber .... ..
`10/1992 H061)er at 31
`1/1993 Martinez ................................... 358/86
`3/1993 Wilson et al.
`......................... 370/94.2
`4/1993 Kwan ____________
`__ 353/36
`5/1993 Hearty at 31
`,_ 353/35
`6/1993 Stmbbe ................................... .. 358/86
`8/1993 Thompson, Jr.
`........................ 273/439
`8/1993 Rovira etal.
`-- 370/77
`9/ 1993 Liitefal 01 31-
`-- 353/35
`10/1993 Vogel """"" "
`10/1993 Chaney et a1.
`. 358/191.1
`2/1994 Glick et al.
`.... .. 379/90
`10/1994 Young et a1.
`10/1994 Banker et 31.
`_ 348/12
`4/1995 Remillard ...................... ..
`.. 379/96
`4/1995 Goldstein .......................... ..
`4/1993 Young ..................................... 358/142
`B1 4,977,455

`U.S. Patent
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`1. Field of the Invention:
`The present invention relates to the field of audio-visual
`systems. More specifically, the present invention relates to a
`system for selectively viewing and interacting with pro-
`grams and services from a number of prograrn/service
`sources, a control device for controlling the system, and the
`methods and apparatus incorporated in the system for man-
`aging selection, viewing, and interacting with the prograrnl
`service olferings.
`2. Art Background:
`Over the past 40 years, television and motion pictures
`have become an important aspect of everyday life for people
`in the industrialized world. The development of advanced
`technology in the areas of digital and high definition tele-
`vision (HDTV), video recording systems, laser disks and
`compact disc (CD) entertainment systems, coupled with
`satellite, cable television and telephone services, have pro-
`vided opportunities for viewers to store, retrieve and selec-
`tively display a variety of television and audio-visual or
`interactive programming on home entertainment systems.
`Over the past decade, improvements in personal computing
`systems have provided a variety of powerful miniaturized
`personal computers which permit the storage of data and
`control of home appliances, such as entertainment systems,
`through the use of microprocessors. Additionally, a variety
`of graphic user interfaces have been developed to ease
`human interaction with these new personal computer sys-
`The combination of computer technology with television
`(TV) and audio-visual
`(A/V) systems, has fostered the
`development of multi-media interactive entertainment sys-
`tems. The combination of computer hardware and software
`with audio-visual systems has brought new forms of art and
`entertainment into being. CD read only memory (ROM)
`systems coupled to personal computers permit interactive
`video computer simulations, unique self-paced learning
`environments and interactive “movies”, not possible in
`earlier television systems (See,
`"The Revolution Stans
`Here”, Newsweek, page 42 (Ian. 18, 1993)). It is known that
`consumers desire interactive television and multi-media
`applications for home use. One of the biggest challenges for
`an interactive television service is the design of an interface
`that is easy and fun to use by average consumers.
`In the computer industry, a variety of graphic user inter-
`faces have been developed to facilitate human interaction
`with computer systems. Many display systems utilize meta-
`phors in the design of the interface as a way of maximizing
`human familiarity, and conveying information between the
`user and the computer. It is well known that designing
`around a familiar metaphor helps reduce human learning
`time (See for example, Patrick Chan, “Learning Consider-
`ations In User Interface Design: The Room Model”, Report
`CS-84-16, University of Waterloo Computer Science
`Department, Ontario, Canada, July, 1984, and the references
`cited therein). Research in interface design using metaphors
`in man-machine interfaces may be applied to multi-media
`systems, and in particular, to interactive television systems.
`The marriage of video and television technology with
`computer interface technology provides consumers with
`maximum flexibility in storing, retrieving and viewing tele-
`vision and other audio-visual prograrnnring. As will be‘
`described, the present invention provides methods and appa-
`ratus for presenting an improved audio-visual user interface,
`which includes various user-selectable features for viewing
`and controlling a television, video tape recorder (VCR) and
`other audio-visual devices. As will be disclosed, the present
`invention’s user interface provides a user-friendly mecha-
`nism for consumers to view, record, and play back TV and
`A/V programs, as well as control otherA/V home entertain-
`ment devices using a remote control device. Furthermore,
`information such as TV program listings and additional
`information related to programs as well as selecting and
`controlling categories of interactive programs and services
`may be provided through the user interface of the present
`The present invention provides methods and apparatus for
`presenting an improved audio-visual user
`interface for
`selecting and displaying cable television or other audio-
`visual programs, as well as controlling various audio-visual
`devices and interactive services. The present
`assumes a service provider provides cable television and/or
`telephone (T/T) service to users via a T/I‘ cable, including a
`digital channel of prograrn/service listings, at
`least one
`digital back channel (from the user’s home to a central file
`server), a number of analog TV channels, a number of digital
`pay-per-view channels, and other interactive services trans-
`mitted from remote storage devices such as digital
`servers. Under the present invention an interactive audio-
`visual (AN) transceiver is advantageously coupled to a
`user’s television, video tape recorder, and the T/T cable. In
`one embodiment,
`the transceiver includes three primary
`modules. A main module includes a central processing unit
`(CPU) coupled over a digital system bus to system memory
`and, preferably, an infra-red (IR) or similar wireless control
`unit. The main module is further coupled over an audio-
`visual bus to an A/V decoder, an A/V processor, an AN
`encoder, a TV, an AN connect module connected to the T/T
`cable, and to one or more VCRs and other AN devices. The
`main module may also be coupled to an optional CD ROM
`module, to permit the playback of multi-media CD ROM
`titles, audio CDs, and the like. Other optional modules or
`external devices (such as additional VCRs, CDs, hard disks,
`telephone, fax and answering machines) may be connected
`to this transceiver and controlled through the use of the
`audio-visual user interface of the present invention. The A/V
`transceiver hardware is complemented with an operating
`system software program which supports the functions pro-
`vided in the present invention’s audio-visual user interface.
`In operation,
`the cable or telephone service provider
`transmits an interleaved data stream preferably including a
`television program listing,
`together with program titles,
`program times, categories, channel numbers and the like,
`from a central file server on the digital channel of program
`listings to the transceiver. The data is interleaved such that
`the current day’s data is followed by other weekly data.
`A remote control device is preferably provided for com-
`municating with the transceiver, and includes a number of
`user selectable interactive functions such as: an info button,
`a list button, a categories button, a pix button, a mark button,
`a jump button, a select button, and a pointing device
`consisting of a set of cross-hair arrow buttons (up, down,
`left, right) or other pointing devices capable of providing the
`same functions (such as a mouse, thumb stick or touch pad).

`While viewing the TV, a user may obtain additional infor-
`mation on a current program by depressing the info button,
`and obtaining more detailed information using the pointing
`device. By depressing the list button on the remote control
`the transceiver displays a program listing of the
`current programs available for viewing. Through the use of
`the pointing device, viewers can scroll up and down the
`program listing or view a highlighted program in full screen
`by pressing the select button. By pushing the right or left
`arrow buttons on the pointing device, program listings may
`also be viewed for difierent hours, days and up to several
`weeks in advance through the present invention‘ s use of data
`interleaving. The depression of the categories button on the
`remote control device results in the display of a categories
`menu bar on the TV screen, which includes categories such
`as “all”, “sports”, “news" and “favorites”. The selection of
`one of these categories results in the display of only pro-
`grams within that category. Moreover, through the depres-
`sions of both the list button and the categories button, a
`program listing is displayed of the currently available pro-
`grams within the selected category. Through the use of the
`arrow buttons on the pointing device, category listings for
`difierent times and dates up to several weeks in advance may
`also be viewed. The selection of the favorites category
`results in the display of currently available favorite pro-
`grams, including programs that are frequently watched by a
`particular TV household, marked programs, or programs
`that match preselected user preferences.
`The, depression of the pix button results in the display of
`a “visual menu” of multiple picture-in-picture (PIP) win-
`dows along the perimeter of the TV screen. Each of the PIP
`windows displays one of the programs currently being
`received by the A/V transceiver in the last category selected
`by the viewer. The PIP windows are displayed at a variable
`frame rate (N) (depending on the number of windows), and
`are captured by one or more tuners in the transceiver. A
`center PIP window displays a larger video image (along with
`audio) of the currently highlighted PIP window. The other
`PIP windows can be similarly viewed by using the pointing
`device on the remote control. The depression of the mark
`button allows users to “bookmark” a particular program for
`later viewing. The depression of the jump button allows a
`user to jump between previously marked programs.
`Additional features, functions, and interface screens are
`available to the viewer using the teachings of the present
`including a menu button for controlling other
`devices connected to the A/V transceiver (such as CD, VCR,
`etc.), a record button for making copies of programs onto
`connected AN recording devices (such as VCRs, hard disks,
`etc.), a plurality of control buttons for playing back, stop-
`ping, rewinding, or fast-forwarding audio-visual programs
`on connected AN playback devices, a numeric keypad for
`dialing charmel numbers, confirming financial transactions
`with personal
`identification numbers, an optional micro-
`phone with talk button for supplementing the present user
`interface with direct voice commands through the use of
`voice recognition technology, a pay-per view interface, and
`a home shopping interface, as well as other
`described herein.
`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of the audio-visual
`(A/V) system of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram illustrating the major
`components of the audio-visual transceiver of FIG. 1 in
`further detail.
`FIG. 3a diagrarnatically illustrates the electronic spectrum
`utilized by the present invention.
`FIG. 3b conceptually illustrates the present invention’s
`use of an interleaving data stream to download prograrnl
`service listings, and other information, to the present inven-
`tion’s AN transceiver.
`FIG. 4a illustrates one embodiment of the remote control
`device of the present invention with the sliding panel in a
`closed position.
`FIG. 4}; illustrates the first embodiment of the remote
`control device of the present invention shown in FIG. 4a
`with the sliding panel in an open position.
`FIGS. 5a and 5b illustrate a second embodiment of the
`remote control device of the present
`invention with no
`sliding panel and additional features.
`FIG. 6 illustrates the present invention’s full screen view-
`ing function as viewed by a user with a graphic overlay
`panel which includes the current channel number as well as
`the channel logo and identifier.
`FIG. 7 illustrates the present invention’s info function
`showing the first page of the basic information track (“info-
`FIG. 8 illustrates the present invention’s info function
`with a second page of basic infonnation, obtained by using
`the right arrow button on the remote control device.
`FIG. 9 is an additional illustration of the info function of
`the present invention in which the user has requested a third
`page of information using the remote control device.
`FIG. 10 illustrates the present invention’s use of the info
`function providing the user with additional tracks of infor-
`mation (such as the “Tid Bits” information track), by using
`the down arrow button of the remote control device.
`FIG. 11 is a further illustration of additional information
`tracks (“info-tracks"), such as this “Info Mart”, accessible to
`the user of the present invention using the down arrow
`button of the remote control device.
`FIG. 12 illustrates the present invention’s use of the list
`function to display current prograrn/service listings and to
`highlight a particular program. Viewers may scroll up or
`down that list by using the up or down arrow buttons on the
`remote control device.
`FIG. 13 illustrates the list function of the present inven-
`tion in which the NTV programming during the hour of 8:00
`to 9:00 p.m. includes two programs, one starting at 8:00
`p.m., the other starting after the previous program has ended.
`FIG. 14 illustrates the list function of the present inven-
`tion which allows the user to highlight the second program,
`which starts at 8:10 p.m., using the right arrow button of the
`remote control device.
`FIG. 15 is an additional feature of the list function of the
`present invention where the user marks the highlighted
`program with the mark button of the remote control device.
`FIG. 16 illustrates the selection of an altemate hourly time
`slot beginning at 9 p.m. using the right arrow button of the
`remote control device.
`FIG. 17 illustrates the selection of an alternate day for the
`prograrn/service listing by depressing the right arrow button
`of the remote control device.
`FIG. 18 illustrates displaying of a record panel confirming
`the title and length of the program to be recorded, along with
`a confirmation of which VCR and tape to record on, by
`depressing a select button in the remote control device.
`FIG. 19 illustrates the present invention’s use of the select
`button on the remote control device while the prograrnl

`service listing is displayed to instruct the selected VCR or
`AN recording device to make a copy of the highlighted
`FIG. 20 illustrates the present invention’s “reminder”
`feature, which automatically displays a live picture-in-pic-
`ture (PIP) window of a previously marked program when the
`program is received by the A/V transceiver.
`FIG. 21 illustrates the present invention’s jump function,
`wherein pressing a jump button one the remote control
`device permits a user to jump directly to a full screen view
`of a previously mar

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