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`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 1/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 1/12


`Bernard Testa, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
`Yuichi Sugiyama, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
`William E. Evans, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis,
`Kinam Park, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
`Bonnie L. Svarstad, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
`Joachim M. II. Mayer, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
`An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
`ch areas
`covered in
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`Pharmaceutical Research publishes innovative basic research and technological advances in the pharmaceutical biomedical scienc
`the journal include: pharmaceutics and drug delivery, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, drug metabolism pharmacology and toxicology:
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`chemistry, natural products chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemical kinetics and drug stability, biotechnology, pharmaceutical technology, an
`tigations, as well as articles on the social, economic, or management aspects of the pharmaccufica] Sciences
`Ken-ichi Inui, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan
`Myron K. Jacobson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kfimucky
`Rudy 14- Jllliano, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Caro ma
`Vincent H. L. Lee, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
`Southern California, Los Angeles, California
`Hans E. Juiiginger, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands
`William J. Jusko, SUNYB School of Pharmacy, Amherst, New Y0
`Tetsuya Kamataki, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
`Neil Kaplowitz, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Callfomla
`Ian W. Kellaway, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff, Wales
`Sung Wan Kim, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
`Thomas Kisscl, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
`Joachim Kohn, Rutgers University, Picataway, New Jersey
`Peter A. Kollman, University of California, San Francisco, California
`Jindrich Kopccek, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
`Thomas M. Lutlden, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha,
`Susan M. Lunte, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
`G°l'd0ll McKay, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada
`Hans P. Merkle, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,
`Kllmill K Midha, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada
`Duane D. Miller, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee
`Randall J. Mrsny, Genentech MS#6, South San Francisco, California
`Bernd W. Muller, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat, Kiel, Germany
`Sliozo Muranishi, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Kyoto, Japan
`Tsuneji Nagai, Hoshi University, Tokyo, Japan
`Masahiro Nakano, Kumamoto University Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan
`Teruo Okano, Tokyo Women’s Medical College, Tokyo, Japan
`Mlchaftl J- Pikal, Eli Lilly Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
`Vcrnoique Preat, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles, Belgium
`Ronald E. Reid, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
`Jim E. Riviere, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
`Joseph R. Robinson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
`Malcolm Rowland, University of Manchester, Manchester, England
`Wolfgang Sadéc, University of California, San Francisco, California
`Tomi K. Sawyer, Parke-Davis/Warner-Lambert, Ann Arbor, Michigan
`Wei-Chiang Shen, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
`Valentino J. Stella, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
`Andy Stcrgachis, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
`Eric Tomlinson, GeneMedicine, The Woodlands, Texas
`University, Kanazawa, Japan
`of Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands
`'ty of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
`Timothy S. Weidmann,
`Robert J. Wills, R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute,
`Raritan, New Jersey
`Keiji Yamamoto, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
`Gordon L. Amidon, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
`Per Artursson, Department of Pharmacy BMC, Uppsala, Sweden
`Jessie Lai-Sim Au, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
`Shoji Awazu, Tokyo University of Pharmacy & Life Science, Tokyo, Japan
`Michael B. Bolger, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
`J. Lyle Bootman, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
`Ronald T. Borchardt, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
`Ilarold G. Boxenbaum, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Rockville,
`D. Craig Brater, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana
`Douwe D. Breimer, University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands
`Alice Clark, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi
`Patrick Couvreur, Universi
`d, Chatenay-Malabry, France
`Daan J. A. Crommelin, University
`ht, T116 Nlftlleflilllds
`Richard N. Dalby, UMAB School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Maryland
`Stanley S. Davis, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England
`Jennifer B. Dressman, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt,
`Alexander T. Florence, University of London, London, England
`John G. Gambertoglio, University of California, San Francisco,
`Kathleen M. Giacomini, University of California at San Francisco,
`San Francisco, California
`Robert Gurny, Universite de Geneve, Geneve,'Switzerland
`Jonathan lladgraft, University of Wales, Cardiff, Wales
`Abraham G. Hartzema, University of North Carolina, Chapel l-Iill,
`North Carolina
`Mitsuru Ilashida, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
`Joel Ilay, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
`Susan Ilcrshenson, Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, California
`Brian B. Hoffman, VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, California
`Anton J. Hoplinger, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
`Tatsuji lga, University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
`Kinam Park, Purdue University, School of Pharmacy, West Lafayette,
`Indiana 47097
`Ruth Ellis-Ballard
`Elizahetli B. Gongora
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`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 2/12
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`An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
`Volume 13 Number 6
`June 1996
`Biomaterials Science at a Crossroads: Are Current Product Liability Laws in the United States Hampering
`Innovation and the Development of Safer Medical Implants?
`Joachim Kohn
`Macromolecular Carrier Systems
`for Targeted Drug Delivery: Pharmacokinetic Considerations on
`Yoshinobu Takakura and Mitsuru Hashida
`Population Pharmacokinetics of Terfenadine
`Richard L. Lalonde, Denis Lessard, and Jacques Gaudrealtlt
`Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic Studies: Is It Useful to Take into Account Concentrations Below the Limit
`of Quantification?
`Henri Humbert, Marie Daniele Cabiac, José Barradas, and Christopher Gerbeau
`High Variability in Drug Pharmacokinetics Complicates Determination of Bioequivalence: Experience
`with Verapamil
`Yll Chung Tsang, Radu Pop, Paul Gordon, John Hems, and Michael Spino
`Transdermal Drug Delivery
`Iontophoretic Delivery of a Telomeric Oligonucleotide
`Rhonda M. Brand and Patrick L. Iversen
`Analysis of Simultaneous Transport and Metabolism of Ethyl Nicotinate in Hairless Rat Skin
`Kenji Stigibayashi, Teruaki Hayashi, Tomio Hatanaka, Masahiko Ogihara, and Yasunori Morimoto
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 3/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 3/12


`Drug Targeting
`Targeted Delivery of Doxorubicin via Sterically Stabilized Immunoliposomes: Pharmacokinetics and
`Biodistribution in Tumor-bearing Mice
`Noam Emanuel, Eli Kedar, Elijah M. Bolotin, Nechama I. Smorodinsky, and Yechezkel Barenholz
`Erythrocytes as Carriers for Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
`M‘m”“‘]””“’c“l“d" Garmv R050‘/"1Wl)€l L(5P€Z» Silvia Stmz, Montserrat Pirzilla, and Jose’ Luque -
`Formulation of Polyiodinated Triglyceride Analogues in a Chylomicron Remnant—Like Liver—Selective
`Delivery Vehicle
`Marc A. Longino, Douglas A. Bakan, Jamey P. Weichert, and Raymond E_ Counsel]
`Development and Pharmacokinetics of Galactosylated Po1y—L—Glutamic Acid as a Biodegradable Carrier
`for Liver—Specific Drug Delivery
`Hideki Hirabayashi, Makiya Nishikawa, Yoshinobu Takakura, and Mitsuru Hashida
`Gastrointestinal Pharmacology
`Age—dependent Expression of P—Glycoprotein gpl70 in Caco-2 Cell Monolayers
`Ken-ichi Hosoya, Kwang-Jin Kim, and Vincent H. L. Lee
`In Vivo Assessment of Intestinal, Hepatic, and Pulmonary First Pass Metabolism of Propofol in the Rat
`Araz A. Raoofi Patrick F. Augustijns, and Roger K. Verheeck
`Enteral Absorption of Insulin in Rats from Mucoadhesive Chitosan—Coated Liposomes
`Hirofumi Takeuchi, Hiromitsu Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Niwa, Tomoaki Hino, and Yoshiaki Kawashima
`Contribution of Lysosomes to the Subcellular Distribution of Basic Drugs in the Rat Liver
`Jimko Ishizaki, Koichi Yokogawa, Masako Hirano, Emi Nakashima, Yoshimichi Sai, Shoji Ohkuma,
`Tohru Ohshima, and Fujio Ichimura
`Solubilization of Retinoids by Bile Salt/Phospholipid Aggregates
`Ching—Yuan Li, Cheryl L. Zimmerman, and Timothy S. Wiedmann
`Permeation Behavior of Salbutamol Sulfate Through Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Membranes Embedded
`by Thermo-responsive Cholesteryl Oleyl Carbonate
`Shan—Yang Lin, Yih-Yih Lin, and K0-Shao Chen
`The Effect of Hydrophobic Character of Drugs and Helix—Coil Transition of K-Carrageenan on the
`Polyelectrolyte—drug Interaction
`Ninus Caram—Lelham and Lars—0lof Sundelof
`Determination of Molecular Mobility of Lyophilized Bovine Serum Albumin and y-Globulin by Solid-State
`‘H NMR and Relation to Aggregation—Susceptibility
`Sumie Yoshioka, Yukio A30, and Shigeo Kojima
`Effects of Polyaminocarboxylate Metal Chelators on Iron-thiolate Induced Oxidation of Methionine— and
`Histidine-Containing Peptides
`Fang Zhao, Jian Yang, and Christian Sch(')'neich
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`Mylan V. Quallcaps, IPRZO17-00203
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`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 4/12


`CONTENTS (Continued)
`Synthesis and Anti—Pr0liferative Activity of 2-Hydroxy—l,2—dihydroacronycine glycosides
`Sofia Mitaku, Alexios-Léandros Skaltsounis, Frangois Tillequin, Michel Koch, Yves Rolland, Alian
`Pierre’, and Ghanem Atassi
`Investigations into the Relationship Between Drug Properties, Filling, and the Release of Drugs from Hard
`Gelatin Capsules Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis
`James Hogan, Pei—Inn Shite, Fridrun Podczeck, and J. Michael Newton
`Effect of the Spermicide, Nonoxynol 9, on Vaginal Permeability in Normal and Ovariectomized Rabbits
`Fiisim Acatiirk and Joseph R. Robinson
`Primary Cell Culture of the Rabbit Choroid Plexus: An Experimental System to Investigate Membrane
`Vikram K. Ramanathan, Andrew C. Hui, Claire M. Brett, and Kathleen M. Giacomini
`The Effect of Iontophoresis on Skin Barrier Integrity: Non—invasive Evaluation by Impedance Spectroscopy
`and Transepidermal Water Loss
`Yogeshvar N. Kalia, Lourdes B. Nonato, and Richard H. Guy
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 5/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 5/12


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`_ F fiS’fi‘8:8éf>3s7,2lPR2o17—oo2o3
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 6/12


`Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 13, No. 6, 1996
`Investigations into the Relationship
`Between Drug Properties, Filling,
`and the Release of Drugs from Hard
`Gelatin Capsules Using Multivariate
`Statistical Analysis
`James Hogan,‘ Pei-Inn Shue,‘ Fridrun Podczeck,‘
`and J. Michael Newton”
`Received December 5, 1995; accepted March 4, 1996
`Purpose. The aim of the present work is to identify complex relation-
`ships between fonnulation variables and dosage form properties to aid
`the development of hard gelatin capsules.
`Methods. Multivariate statistical analysis was employed based on a
`statistical design, which considered drug solubility, particle size and
`concentration, type and concentration of filler and disintegrant, and
`concentration of standard lubricant and glidant as the main influence
`factors. Both the filling properties of the formulations and the
`disintegration/dissolution properties of the capsule content were
`Results. From the two multivariate statistical methods used, nonpara-
`metric canonical analysis proved to be the superior method to deal
`with the complex information included in the data. While the filling
`performance of the formulation could clearly be attributed to the formu-
`lation variables such as drug particle size, type of filler, concentration
`of drug and glidant, the disintegration of the capsules and the dissolution
`of the drugs was not strongly related to the formulation variables
`chosen. In this respect as a trend, the drug solubility, and the type of
`disintegrant and filler appear to be more important factors.
`Conclusions. Based on an appropriate number of experiments, organi-
`sed in a statistical design, nonparametric canonical analysis can be
`used to identify relationships in a set of data that is grouped in influence
`and response variables to aid the development of a dosage form.
`KEY WORDS: hard gelatin capsule formulation; multivariate statisti-
`cal analysis; parametric and nonparametric canonical analysis; statistical
`The presentation of drugs in hard gelatin capsules as an
`oral dosage form has an historical background dating back to
`1834 (1). Currently, their output continues to increase and the
`number of formulations listed in, for example, Physicians’ Desk
`Reference (2), is 126. The basis of the formulation of powder-
`filled hard gelatin capsules is discussed by Cole (3). The objec-
`tive of formulations is to ensure that each capsule provides the
`dose of drug required by Pharrnacopoeial standards and that
`the drug should be released from the capsule to ensure drug
`bioavailability. The choice of type and quantity of ingredients
`to be incorporated to assist the formulation in terms of diluents,
`disintegrants, glidants, lubricants and wetting agents is part of
`the process of formulation and depends on the dose of drug
`' Department of Pharmaceutics, The School of Pharmacy, University
`of London, 29-39 Brunswick Square, London WCIN 1AX, England.
`2 To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`and the physical and chemical properties of the drug. Just how
`the drug properties are related to the formulations is not known.
`Hence an investigation into this relationship could be a valuable
`aid to capsule formulation.
`Experimental Design
`To relate drug properties to capsule performance is a com-
`plex task, hence there is a need for statistical design, which is
`appropriate for the use of multivariate statistical methods.
`Five drugs were chosen according to their solubility, which
`covers a range between 0.2 g1" and 200 gl" giving a factor
`of 3 on a logarithmic scale. The drugs are phenytoin (0.2gl"),‘~
`theophylline (8.0gl“), paracetamol (15.0gl‘), propranolol—HCl
`(5O.0gl"1) and aminophylline (200.0gl" 1). To describe the drug,
`if a relationship to the filling performance of the capsules is
`the target, the mean particle size has been determined, which
`was 26 mm for paracetamol and aminophylline, 57 pm for
`theophylline, 65 um for phenytoin and 122 um for proprano-
`Five fillers have been chosen for their relative solubility,
`which apparently increases in the following order: calcium
`phosphate < microcrystalline cellulose < maize starch < starch
`1500 < lactose monohydrate. Five disintegrants have been
`chosen randomly, and the swelling ability in water (22°C) has
`been measured as described by Podczeck and Révész (4). The
`disintegrants were ranked according to their relative swelling
`volume: Explotab (1680%) > AcDiSol (600%) > Amberlite
`(190%) > Polyplasdone XL (l50%)> maize starch (110%).
`In all cases, magnesium stearate was used as a lubricant, and
`Aerosil was incorporated as a glidant. In both cases, levels of
`0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% w/w have been used, and the midpoint
`of the experimental design was set to 1.0% in both cases. In
`the case of magnesium stearate,
`this is the widely accepted
`lubricant concentration, whereas for Aerosil 0.5%
`appears the more usual concentration (5). However, from tab-
`letting it is known that the optimum concentration of Aerosil
`can vary between 0.2 and 2.0% depending on the formulation
`property of main concern. For example, with respect to a rapid
`dissolution rate 1.0% Aerosol is optimal (6), whereas 0.5%
`only is insufficient (7). At the extreme, 2.0% Aerosil has been
`shown to be optimal for a satisfactory filling and necessary
`compact strength (8,9). Finally, the optimal Aerosil concentra-
`tion has been reported to depend on the magensium stearate
`concentration and the way to incorporate both components into
`the powder mixture. Based on a statistical design, Staniforth
`et al. (10) found that at 1.0% magnesium stearate the coefficent
`of fill weight variation decreased with increased Aerosil concen-
`tration between 0.5 and 2.0%, again indicating that the Aerosil
`optimum might be above the commonly used 0.5%. Thus the
`use of the five levels of Aerosil in the experimental design for
`the current paper will be able to clarify this point, because both
`0.5% and 1.0% Aerosil are included in the design. Recently,
`Jones (11) published a survey of excipients used in capsule
`formulation, based on the marketed formulations in France,
`Germany and Italy. Quantitative information about excipients
`used in Italy revealed that the most commonly used Aerosil
`concentration in powder filled hard gelatin capsules is 1.5%,
`0724-874l/96/0600-0944$09.50/0 © I996 Plenum Publishing Corporation
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 7/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 7/12


`Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Capsule Formulation
`and that more than 75% of the formulations contain more
`than 0.9% Aerosil. Thus, the value of 0.5% (5) appears even
`more doubtful.
`Due to the nature of the data material, i.e., several influence
`factors and a variety of response variables, a multivariate analy-
`sis is required to identify relationships between these two groups
`of variables. The response variables (Y) are all of nominal
`(= numerical) nature, whereas the independent variables are
`nominal or ordinal depending on whether a rank number (ordi-
`nal) or an underlying variable (particle size, swelling volume)
`has been used to describe them. Hence, both parametric and
`nonparametric test procedures can be used. Such a parametric
`test procedure is the canonical analysis introduced by Hotelling
`(12). This method has been used for pharmaceutical problems,
`e.g., by Podczeck et al (13) and by Bohidar and Bohidar (14).
`The drug, disintegrant type and the concentrations of the excipi-
`ents used are described by their physical properties, but for the
`filler type a dummy variable has to be used. Table I shows the
`variable group X used in this kind of analysis. All formulation
`properties (response variables, Y) are used as their original
`Table 1. Variable Group X Used in the Classical (Parametric)
`Canonical Analysis
`EN D,(ps)
`5.0 .
`values (arithmetic mean, compare Materials and Methods) and
`presented in Table 2. Nonparametric canonical analysis (15) is
`the equivalent type of multivariate procedure if ordinal variables
`are to be used. The advantage compared to the classical canoni-
`cal analysis is its acceptance of nonlinear relationships. How-
`ever, all variables have to be transferred into ordinal data, which
`appears as a loss in information especially in the group of the
`response variables. Table 3 shows the data matrix of X using
`the rank of the physical properties of the excipients as ordinal
`data. Table 4 shows the classification of ordinal data for Y used
`in the nonparametric procedure.
`The five drugs used were of EP quality: aminophylline
`(Knoll AG, Germany), theophylline (BP-Knoll AG, Germany),
`(Becpharm U.K.),
`(Recordati, Italy) and paracetamol (Becpharm, U.K.). The fillers
`employed included lactose monohydrate (Dairy Crest U.K.),
`maize starch (Beehive Industries, Holland), microcrystalline
`cellulose (Avicel PH102, FMC, USA), Starch 1500 (Colorcon
`Ltd., U.K.) and calcium phosphate (East Anglia Chemicals,
`U.K.), and were of EP quality. The disintegrating agents were
`maize starch (Beehive Industries, The Netherlands) (E.P.), pol-
`yplasdone XL (GAF Corporation, U.K.), Amberlite (Sigma
`Chemical, U.S.A.), Explotab (Forum Chemicals Ltd., U.K.) and
`Ac-Di-Sol (FMC, U.S.A.). Magnesium stearate (British Drug
`Houses, U.K.) and Aerosil 200 (Degussa, Belgium) were uti-
`lised as the lubricant and glidant respectively.
`All materials were used as received from the suppliers
`except Aerosil 200 and Theophylline, which were sieved
`through a 60 and 100 mesh screen respectively to facilitate
`blending. Batches of 1 kg were prepared in a Y-cone blender
`(Erweka, AR400, Copley, U.K.) rotating for 20 minutes at
`approximately 56 rpm.
`The minimum bulk density of the various powders was
`determined in a 100 ml measuring cylinder, inverting the cylin-
`der l0 times before measuring the volume occupied by the
`powder. The maximum bulk density was determined in accor-
`dance with BS 1440, 1967. The values reported represent the
`mean of 5 determinations.
`Preparation of Capsules
`The powder mixtures were filled into size no. 0 hard-
`gelatin capsules using an automatic capsule filling machine
`(Zanasi AZ-5, Italy). The dosator height, compression force
`and powder bed height were adjusted by trial and error to give
`the maximum bulk density of the formulation. At the desired
`settings, the machine was initially run until the powder bed
`came to an equilibrium by visual inspection, before approxi-
`mately l00 capsules were collected from each run. These cap-
`sules were stored in tied polythene bags for further studies.
`The fill weight of 20 individual capsules was determined as
`required by BP.
`Note: EN, experiment number; D,(ps), drug characterised by particle
`size; d2(sol), drug characterised by solubility; ft, filler type; fl, filler
`level; dt, disintegrant type; dl, disintegrant level; 11, lubricant level; gl,
`glidant level; dc, drug concentration.
`Disintegration Test
`Capsule disintegration times were measured in 800 ml of
`distilled water at 37 t 1°C using “BP Disintegration Test for
`Hard-Gelatin Capsules.”
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 8/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 8/12


`Hogan, Shue, Podczeck, and Newton
`Table 2. Variable Group Y Used in the Classical (Parametric) Canonical Analysis
`Packing and filling performance
`Drug release
`1 17068.5
`0.42 0.65 1.57 36.15 5.94 2467 25.1 86.333 7.3
`Note: EN, experiment number; Vmin, minimum bulk density; Vmu, maximum bulk density H, Hausner’s ratio; Carr, Carr’s compressibility
`index; CFV, coefficient of fill weight variation; AUC, area under the dissolution curve; MDT, mean dissolution time; VDT, variance of the
`dissolution time; DT, disintegration time.
`Dissolution Test
`The dissolution rates of the drugs from the various formula-
`tions were determined by means of the B.P. Apparatus II
`method. The paddles were rotated at 50rprn in 1000 ml of
`distilled water maintained at 37 t 0.6°C. Six capsules from
`each batch were evaluated simultaneously using an automated
`dissolution apparatus (Pharma Test, PTWS, Germany) con-
`nected to a sample collector (Pharma Test, Type PTFC I, Ger-
`many). Ten or more samples were extracted from the dissolution
`medium of each capsule throughout its period of dissolution.
`Each sample was diluted 25 times and analysed by a uv-vis
`spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer 554, USA). The absorbance
`of the solution of paracetamol, theophylline, aminophylline and
`propranolol was determined at 242 nm, 271 nm, and 288 nm
`respectively. The absorbance values were transformed to con-
`centrations by reference to standard calibration curves obtained
`experimentally. The solubility of phenytoin is too low to ensure
`sink condition, hence a low percentage release was achieved. To
`allow quantitative comparisons with the other drugs, arbitrarily
`assigned values indicating poor dissolution were given to this
`formulation. The dissolution profiles were characterised by the
`area under the curve (AUC), the mean dissolution time (MDT)
`and the variance of dissolution time (VDT) (16).
`First, parametric canonical analysis has been undertaken
`to describe the relationship between the excipients used in
`the formulations and'the filling performance of the capsules
`characterised by the powder densities, powder flow and coeffi-
`cient of fill weight variation. The mathematical outcome is
`summarised in Table 5. The relationship between filling perfor-
`mance and the formulation components is significant. However,
`with this method only 27.8% (gzylu) of the variability of the
`filling properties can be explained, and therefore a prediction
`of filling properties from a given formulation appears to be
`impossible. Looking in detail at the interranging communalities
`(dz), it can be seen that the minimum bulk density of the powders
`is best described, whereas the Hausner’s ratio is clearly less
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, |PR2017—OO203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 — 9/12
`Mylan v. Qualicaps, IPR2017-00203
`QUALICAPS EX. 2014 - 9/12


`Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Capsule Formulation
`Table 3. Variable Group X Used in the Nonparametric Canonical
`dependent on the formulation components. The major influence
`factors are probably the particle size of the drug, the amount
` of glidant used and the type of filler and disintegrant incorpo-
`rated into the formulation.
`Secondly, the same set of data was used in the nonparamet-
`ric canonical analysis (see Table 5). The test of significance
`already indicates that using this method the relationship between
`the two groups of variables can be identified in more detail,
`because nonlinear aspects are also evaluated. Furthermore, the
`ranking of the response variables to transfer them into ordinal

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