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`Page C
`Unique Belt Applications
`Leather Belts-Hp Loss and Speed
`Find the Length of Open and Closed Belts
`Ten Types of Belt Drives
`Mechanisms for Adjusting Tension of Belt Drives
`Equations for Computing Creep in Belt Drives
`Typical Feeders, Take-ups, Drives and Idlers for Belt Conveyors
`Page 3-1
`Unique Belt Applications
`Brent Oman
`B elt power transmission systems have been in operation in industry for over 200 years, going
`back to early flat belt drives. These early flat belts were typically composed of leather and
`cotton or hemp rope, used to transmit power from steam engines or water wheels to early
`industrial production machinery. Belt technology has increased dramatically, with modem engineered
`belt systems handling loads and applications with a design flexibility that other power transmission
`systems cannot match. Modem belt drives can handle a wide variety of loads and speeds that would
`not have been possible in the past.
`An example of an extremely harshly loaded belt application is the supercharger belt drive system used
`on the supercharged, nitromethane consuming Top Fuel and Funny Car classes in professional drag
`racing. The belt drive is used to drive the supercharger, transmitting power from the engine crank(cid:173)
`shaft. Vehicles in these drag racing classes commonly traverse the 1/4 mile track in under 5 seconds.
`Belt tensioning is provided by the addition of an idler. The superchargers used to develop such high
`vehicle speeds can require in excess of 1000 HP to operate, at speeds in excess of 10,000 RPM.
`Engine acceleration at the start of a race can be nearly 5,000 RPM in 0.2 seconds. Such extreme
`operating conditions requires a belt with equally extreme capabilities. A polyurethane synchronous
`belt with high strength aramid tensile cords and a modified curvilinear moth form is the only belt
`which can handle such a demanding load requirement. Supercharger drive belts are commonly
`14mm pitch (distance from the center of one belt tooth to the center of an adjacent belt tooth)
`and approximately 3 inches wide.
`An example of a Top Fuel or Funny Car supercharger driven from engine crankshaft
`Page 3-2
`Belts & Belting
`While the supercharger drive, racing application is highly visible and glamorous, the same
`polyurethane belt is used in industry to replace roller chain on a wide variety of applications.
`Roller chain requires lubrication and regular maintenance in order to perform at its peak level.
`Roller chain can stretch up to 3% of its length over the life of the chain. The high capacity,
`polyurethane synchronous belt provides superior horsepower capacity, with virtually no stretch.
`Relative Center Distance Take-U:p Required
`(100" Chain I Poly Chain GT)
`RollerCbam __
`0.4 0.6
`Stretch comparison of high performance polyurethane synchronous belt vs. roller chain.
`Over time, stretch of flexible power transmission products may require re-tensioning for optimum
`performance. Note that the high performance polyurethane belt system is virtually free of stretch
`over the life of the belt drive.
`Additionally, no lubrication is necessary with the synchronous belt. The lack of lubrication allows
`the polyurethane synchronous belt to replace roller chain on applications where cleanliness is
`necessary to prevent contamination of product. As an example, conveying and paper converting
`applications are typically very sensitive to grease and contaminants contacting the product being
`Live roller conveyors are used for controlled movement of a great variety of regular or irregular
`shaped commodities, from light and fragile to heavy and rugged unit loads. The term "live roll"
`indicates that the conveyor rolls are connected and driven by a power source. Where roller chain
`previously had to be used due to its capacity at low speeds, the latest generation of polyurethane,
`modified curvilinear tooth, aramid tensile cord synchronous belt drives have horsepower capacities
`in excess of simila rly sized roller chain drives.
`Horsepower Rating Comparison
`000 1200 18:X> 2CO)
`0 # 40 Roller Chain - 16 T Spkt
`D# so Roller Chain -12T Spkt
`0 # 60 Roller Chain - 11 T Spkt
`• 8mm PCGT - 12mm - 2ST Spkl
`EJ8mm PCGT - 21 mm - 25T Spkl
`• 8mm PCGT - 36mm • 25T Spkl
`Comparison of Horsepower Ratings for roller chain and high performance polyurethane syn(cid:173)
`chronous belts. Note that it is quite possible to replace roller chain with comparably sized
`belt drives which will eliminate lubrication and maintenance concerns.
`Page 3-3
`The high capacity synchronous belt allows for driving live roll conveyors by an arrangement of "roll
`to roll" belt drives, connecting adjacent rolls. A t times, idler rolls are inserted between driven rolls.
`Typical conveyor arrangement showing general roll to roll drive configuration
`Detail showing motor and gearbox driving sets of live rolls.
`Note the belt drives connecting pairs of live rolls.
`Drive Side
`Detail showing head shaft drive and roll to roll drive. The drives can be
`on opposite sides, the same side, or a combination over the length of the
`conveyor system.
`Page 3-4
`Belts & Belting
`The major advantages of the polyurethane synchronous belt compared to roller chain are their high
`load capacity, wide range of operating speeds, lack of lubricant contamination, and virtual elimina(cid:173)
`tion of maintenance. The polyurethane synchronous belts can be used to replace roller chain with
`performance advantages in a wide variety of industries, including lumber, pulp, and paper; packag(cid:173)
`ing; food processing; and sand/gravel/concrete processing. An additional conveying application for
`synchronous belts is transporting product on the belt's back.
`This pallet conveyor transports product on the back of a synchronous belt. Typically, the
`belt span will be supported on a low friction surface. Special high durability backings are
`available which will reduce wear on the back belt contact surface. Special backings are
`also available in non-marking constructions.
`Another unique product which demonstrates the design flexibility available belts provide is long
`length synchronous belting. This is a synchronous belt which is available in a continuous length
`of up to 100 feet, in a variety of pitches and constructions. Rubber trapezoidal tooth profile belts
`with pitches from .080" to .500" are available; as well as rubber curvilinear tooth profile belts with
`pitches from Zmm to 8mm. Urethane long length belting with aramid or steel tensile cords is also
`available in both trapezoidal and modified curvilinear tooth profiles.
`Long length belting is a cost effective, efficient and low maintenance alternative to chain. It is
`particularly suited for linear movement applications (automatic doors, automated warehouse or
`production conveying systems) and positioning applications (machine tools, x-y coordinate
`machines, printers, office equipment). Synchronous long length belting offers high positioning
`accuracy, length stability, low maintenance, and simple mechanical attachment using belt clamping
`fixtures. The clamping fixtures are easily machined, providing an effective method of attaching
`the ends of the belting to the device or product being positioned.
`An example of a clamp groove profile which is used for attaching modified curvilinear
`tooth profile polyurethane long length belting to a fixture. A top plate Is typically used
`to mechanically clamp the belt into the grooves. The fixture Is mechanically attached
`to the component being positioned by the belt drive.
`Page 3-5
`It is not uncommon for a pair of long length belts to be used in an industrial manufacturing envi(cid:173)
`ronment to move a production mechanical device linearly. The belt is typically clamped to the
`device being positioned. Examples of applications include cutters, knives, print heads, and compo(cid:173)
`nent movement equipment.
`Belt clamp fixture attached to belt. The fixture would be attached
`to the machine element baing positioned by the belt drive.
`One of the advantages of synchronous belts is their very high efficiency. Efficiency of any power
`transmission system is a measure of the power loss associated with the motor, the bearings and the
`belt drive. Any loss of power is a loss of money. By minimizing the losses in the system, the cost of
`operating the drive is minimized. Since the passage of the U.S. Energy Policy Act (1992), higher
`efficiency motors are more often being used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) to reduce
`power loss. The U.S. Energy Policy Act is aimed at increasing the efficiency standards for all types
`of appliances and equipment (including electric motors). However, even a high efficiency motor's
`advantages can be under-utilized if the most efficient belt drive alternative is not chosen.
`Synchronous belts are more energy efficient than V-belts, providing a cost effective method of
`improving the overall system efficiency.
`Efficiency can be defined by the following formula:
`Efficiency = HPout/HPin = (TORQUEout x RPMout)/(TORQUEin x RPMin)
`As this equation shows, energy losses in belt drives can be separated into two categories, torque
`and speed loss. Torque loss results from the energy required to bend the belt around the sprocket
`or sheave. Energy lost as heat (due to friction) also causes torque loss.
`Speed losses are the result of belt slip and creep. Belt slip is self-explanatory. Creep happens as the
`belt elongates or stretches as it moves from the slack side to the tightside as tension increases. This
`causes a slightly longer belt to leave the sheave than what entered.
`Since V-belts generally have a much thicker cross section than synchronous belts, they use more
`energy bending around the sheave. Also, V-belts operate through a wedging action with the sheave,
`thus creating friction. There is generally more heat lost through this wedging action than from the
`minimal friction generated as a synchronous belt tooth enters and exits the sprocket grooves.
`V-belt drives, especially if poorly maintained, will slip. But synchronous belts are a positive drive
`system and do not slip. T he V-belt drive will show a decrease in driveN speed (rpm) over time and
`the synchronous drive will not. Also, due to its low stretch properties, a synchronous belt does not
`experience creep.
`Even though properly maintained V-belts drives can run as high as 95-98% efficient at the time of
`installation, this often deteriorates over time by as much as 5% during operation. Poorly maintained
`V-belt drives may be up to 10% less efficient. Synchronous belts remain at an energy efficiency of
`around 98% over the life of the belt.
`Page 3-6
`Belts & Belting
`97.8•/o Synchronous Belt Drive
`-J. V-Belt Drive
`~ 90
`0 -I
`~ g 80
`IE w 70
`60 ~-------------------------------
`Increasing DriveN Torque
`Synchronous belts are often used where precise positioning of components is required. Sophisticated
`machine tool applications, pick and place applications, and printing applications are just a few
`examples of potential synchronous belt drive applications.
`This machining station uses synchronous belts to drive lead screws
`which position a machining spindle.
`Page 3-7
`Synchronous belts are used to drive and position components in this
`pick and place application.
`V-belt drives offer robust power transmission systems which can be designed for many unique appli(cid:173)
`cations. One example is the use of spring loaded idlers to minimize maimenance by means of auto(cid:173)
`matic tensioning. An additional benefit is that a spring loaded idler provides lower overall drive
`tensions for drives subjected to large peak loads as compared to the drive's average load. This
`increases the life of the V-belt and drive componems.
`Fixed, manually adjusted, idlers function by forcing the idler into the belt until proper belt tension
`is achieved and the idler is locked into place. Belt tension in fixed idler drives is not constant, but
`decreases with time due to sheave wear, belt wear, and belt elongation. When retensioning is
`required, the idler must be manually adjusted to provide proper tension. With a fixed idler, static
`tension is imposed on the drive to transmit the peak load. With varying loads, this can result in
`higher belt tensions, reducing belt life.
`The spring loaded idler system automatically compensates for sheave and belt wear as well as belt
`elongation. Spring loading is often designed to provide constant tension over the life of the V-belt
`drive. Additionally, on applications subject to extremely wide variations in horsepower require(cid:173)
`ments, properly designed spring loaded idlers produce a constant slack side tension. Since the slack
`side tension remains constant, the tight side tension increases with increasing loads but drops as
`the loads decrease. This results in lower overall tensions and longer belt life.
`TT = 50 lbs.
`V-belt drive with spring loaded idler
`Page 3-8
`Belts & Belting
`Specific design procedures must be followed to properly calculate the required spring forces.
`However, the long term application benefits greatly outweigh the initial design time required.
`Examples of V-belt applications which commonly use spring loaded idlers are Lawn mower deck
`drives and agricultural machinery.
`The driveR and driveN sheaves of a typical V-belt drive are usually in the same plane, but there
`are occasions which require that the two sheaves be in different planes. Two of the most common
`two-plane V-belt drives are quarter turn drives, which have the sheaves 90" apart, and eight-tum
`drives, which have the sheaves at 45". Quarter turn drives are more widely used, exa mple applica(cid:173)
`tions include irrigation pumps driven by a PTO, agricultural equipment, lawn and garden equip(cid:173)
`ment, and lineshafts.
`Top View
`S.S (D+P ) KIM.
`I ( t) --·
`"! _j_
`~j~1 r
`Horizon tal
`Quarter drive configuration showing dimensional design considerations.
`Specific design considerations must be followed when designing drives operating in more than one
`plane. Minimum drive center distances, alignment positioning of the two shafts, rotational direc(cid:173)
`tion, and belt tensioning are all factors which must be examined in order to obtain optimum belt
`performance. It is suggested that belt manufacturers be consulted for specific application recommen(cid:173)
`dations when designing a two plane drive.
`Serpentine drives are commonly defined as those having three or more sheaves or sprockets, in
`which the belts can drive from either inside or backside surfaces. There are many types of applica(cid:173)
`tions for serpenrtine drives, but several of the more common types include automotive front end
`accessory drives, roll drives in printing or paper equipment, machine tools, and conveyors. Many
`belt types can be used, including Micro-V, Double-V, conventional V-belts, and double sided syn(cid:173)
`chronous belts. Double sided synchronous belts not only allow for power transmission from both
`sides of the be lt, but also synchronize shaft speeds. This is typically critical in roll drives used in
`the paper or printing industry. Double sided synchronous belts arc a clean, low main tenance
`alternative to roller chain for these types of applications.
`Page 3-9
`Double sided synchronous belts provide design flexibility
`for systems requiring shaft counter-rotation and positive
`In addition co providing a cost effective means of power transmission, belts can also be supplied in
`a variety of special constructions which might be required for unique applications. Alternate ten(cid:173)
`sile member types, high or low temperature constructions, non-marking constructions, and special
`backings arc just a few of the special constructions that are available to solve equipment designer's
`Synchronous belts can be supplied with sp-ecial backings for unique
`applications. Product is captured between t he backs of two belts and
`moved in an assembly or conveying process. Similarly, belts with special
`backings can be used for wire drawing applications or bottling applica(cid:173)
`Information provided: Courte•y of The Gates Rubber Com pony
`Authot: Brent Oman. Project Appllcot.on Engineer
`The Got.s Rubb.r Compony
`Page 3-10