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`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 1
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 1

`Microsoft Press
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`Library of Congress Catalogmg-10-Pubhcauon Data
`Microsoft Press Computer D1ct1onary -- 3rd ed
`ISBN 1-5723 1-446-X
`l. Computers--D1cuonanes 2 Microcomputers--D1ct10oanes
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`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 2

`programs are necessary for copy-protc=ctt::d apph
`c.auons, whteh cannot be copied by nonnal oper(cid:173)
`ating system commands They ryp1cally hm1t the
`numher of l."Op1es that can be msrallcd
` \ m-sta 'Jar\ n A program, prov1d<..>d w ith
`the Apple Macintosh operaung system,
`allows the user to msiall system upg1ade" dnd
`make boolable (system) disks
`instance \m'stans\ n An Object, m ob,IC{.t-on(cid:173)
`ented progrnmm1ng, m relaLLon to the cla~s to
`wluch it belongs Fo1 example, an ob1ect myltst
`that be longs to a class List LS an mslance of rhe
`class See also class, instance variable, mstanLL(cid:173)
`ate, ob1ec1 (defm1t1on 2)
`instance variable \m'st.;;ins var e-:rbl\ n A van(cid:173)
`able associated with an instance of a class (an
`object) If a c!Jss defines a certam va riable, each
`instance o f the claso; has it.:. own copy of that van(cid:173)
`able See also clas.!I, mstance, object (definition 2),
`oh1ect-onented programming
` \in-sta n'she-at\ vb To create an
`instance of a dass See also class, instance, ohteet
`(definmon 2)
`instrucllon \ m-s1.ruk'sh;m\ n An action statement
`m any computer language, most often m machme
`or assembly lang\iage Most programs consist of
`two types of statements dt..-"Clarat10ns and mstmc(cid:173)
`uon.s See also dedarahon, statemenL
`in.stn1ctlon code \m-struk'shan kOd'\ n_ See
` code
`lnslrucllon counter \1n-struk'sh;)n cou n· t~r\ n.
`See mstmcuon register
`instruclion cycle \m-struk'shan sf'kl\
`11 The
`cycle m w hich a processor retneves an 1nsrruct.Jon
`from memory, decodes 1t, and cam cs 1t out The
`ume requm .. -d for an mstruction cycle is the sum of
`the mstrucuon (fetch) time and the execuuon
`(translate and e:ic:ecure) ume and 1s measured by
`the number of dock Ucks (pulses of a proces'ior's
`internal timer) consumed
`instruction mix \m-struk'.sban m1ks \ n
`assortme nl of types of mstruct1ons contamed m a
`program, such as assignment mstructions, mathe(cid:173)
`mallcal 111stmc11011s (floaLLng-po1nt or mteger),
`control instrucuons, and mdcxmg mstrucuons
`Knowledge of mstruction mtxes JS important to
`designers of CPUs because 1t tells them which
`msrn1e11ons should be shortened to yield the grtal-
`est speed, and to de.signers of benchmark.!> ~
`~~ ~:~:~lem to make the benchmarks ~leva~
`instruction pointer \m-struk'shan poin·~r\
`See p1og1,1m Counter
`instructlon register \m-struk shan reJ'<>-stvr\
`A register m a cent.ral proccssmg unit lhar ho~
`the add1ess of the next mstruCllon to be executeu
`instruction set \m-struk'shdn sef\ n The set Of
`machme mstruCllons that a processor recogn1~~
`and can execute See also assembler, mtcrocO(le
`tim \ n Th(
`instruction time \m·struk shdn
`number of clock ticks (pulses of a computer s tnter(cid:173)
`nal timer) required to retneve an tnstrucuon fr01r
`memory Insuuct1on tune is the f11'$t part of an
`lOSLructiOn cycle, the second part IS the executlQrl

`(rranslate and execute) time Also called I-lime
`instruction word \ m struk'shdn Wdrd'\ n 1. The
`length of a machme language instruction 2. A
`mach me language mstruct1on oontammg an 0pei
`al.Lon code 1dentlfymg the type of mstructJon, pos(cid:173)
`sibly o ne or more operands specLfymg da1a to be
`am_"Cted o r its .tddress, and possibly bits used for
`mdexmg or other purposes See also assemhler,
`machine ccxie
`insulator \m'~-Hi'tar\ n 1. Any matenal that is a
`very poor conductor of elecrnc1ty, such as rubber
`glas..'i, o r ceramic Also called nonconductor Com(cid:173)
`pare conductor, semiconductor 2. A device used
`to separate elements of electr1cal c1rcu1ls and pre(cid:173)
`vent current from Laking unwanted palhs, such as
`the stacks of ceramic disks !hat suspend h1gh-voll(cid:173)
`age power Imes from transmission rowers
`integer \ m t;} pr\ ti 1. A pos1t!VC or negative
`•who!~· number, such as 37, -50, o r 764 2-A dau:i
`type represenLLng whole numbers Calculauons
`uwolvmg only mtegei'S are much faster than caku·
`la1Jons mvolvmg fl oalmg-pomt numbers, so inte(cid:173)
`gers are widely used m programmmg for counting
`and numbenng purposes Integers can be signed
`(pos1uve or negative) or unsigned (posmve) TI1ey
`ca n also be descnbed as long or short, depending
`on Lhe number of bytes needed to store lhem
`Short integers cover a smaller range of numbers
`(for example, -32,768 through 32,767) than do
`(for example,
`through 2,147,483,647) Also called mregral num·
`ber See also noarmg-pomt notatloP
`S54 •
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 3

`programming language built into it. Most current
`Web browsers are Java-compliant. See also Java,
`Web browser.
`Java Developer's Kit \Fi'v;::i d;::i-veL:i-p;::irz kif\ n.
`A set of software tools developed by Sun Microsys(cid:173)
`tems, Inc., for writing Java applets or applications.
`The kit, which is distributed free, includes a Java
`compiler, interpreter, debugger, viewer for applets,
`and documentation. Acronym: JDK (j'D-K'). See
`also applet, Java, Java applet.
`Java Management Application Progmmming
`Interface \ja'v;;i man';;ij-m;::int
`priS'gram-eng in't;;ir-fas\ n. A set of application
`programming interface specifications, proposed
`by Sun Microsystems, Inc., to enable the Java lan(cid:173)
`guage to be used for network management. Acro(cid:173)
`nym: JMAPI
`(J'map'e, J'M-A-P-n. See also
`application programming interface, Java.
`JavaScript \ja'v;;i-skript'\ 11. A scripting language
`developed by Netscape Communications and Sun
`Microsystems, Inc. that is loosely related to Java.
`JavaScript, however, is not a true object-oriented
`language, and it is limited in performance com(cid:173)
`pared with Java because it is not compiled. Basic
`online applications and functions can be added to
`Web pages with JavaScript, but the number and
`complexity of available application programming
`interface functions are fewer than those available
`with Java. JavaScript code, which is included in a
`Web page along with the HTML code, is generally
`considered easier to write than Java, especially for
`novice programmers. A JavaScript-compliant Web
`browser, such as Netscape Navigator, is necessa1y
`to run JavaScript code. See also application pro(cid:173)
`gramming interface, HTML, scripting language.
`Compare Java.
`Java terminal \ja'v;::i t;;ir'm;::i-ml\ n. A type of per(cid:173)
`sonal computer with a reduced number of compo(cid:173)
`nents that is built primarily to provide an access
`terminal to the Web, including downloadable Java
`applets. Typically, such machines will not have
`locally addressable hard disks or installable pro(cid:173)
`grams but will obtain any necessary materials,
`including Java applets, for the user from some(cid:173)
`where on the network. Centrally obtained soft(cid:173)
`ware is generally less expensive to administer but
`usually requires some download delay before
`usage may begin. Java terminals, currently under
`development by Sun Microsystems, Inc., are simi(cid:173)
`lar in concept to NetPCs. See also.Java, Java applet,
`network computer. Compare NetPC.
`JCL \j'C-L'\ n. Acronym for Job Control Language.
`A command language used in IBM OS/360 main(cid:173)
`frame systems. JCL is used to launch applications
`and specifies information on running time, pro(cid:173)
`gram size, and the program files used for each
`application. See also command language.
`JDK \f D-K'\ n. See Java Developer's Kit.
`jewel box \j6b';;il boks, j651'\ n. A clear plastic
`container used to package and store a compact
`disc. See the illustration. Also called jewel case.
`Jewel box.
`.jfif \clofJ-F-I-F'\ n. The file extension that identi(cid:173)
`fies graphic image files in the JPEG File Inter(cid:173)
`change Format. See also JPEG.
`JIT \fl-T'\ n. See just-in-time.
`jitte1· \jit';::ir\ n. 1. Small vibrations or fluctuations
`in a displayed video image caused by irregularities
`in the display signal. Jitter is often visible in the
`form of horizontal lines that are of the same thick(cid:173)
`ness as scan lines. 2. A rqugh appearance in a fax
`caused by clots that are incorrectly recorded during
`the scanning process and thus wrongly positioned
`in the output. 3. In digital communication, distor(cid:173)
`tion caused by lack of synchronization of signals.
`.jm \dofJ-M'\ n. On the Internet, the major geo(cid:173)
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Jamaica.
`JMAPI \J'map'e, f M-A-P-I'\ n. See Java Manage(cid:173)
`ment Application Programming Interface.
`.jo \dofJ-0'\ n. On the Internet, the major geo(cid:173)
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Jordan.
`job \job\ n. A specified amount of processing
`performed as a unit by a computer. On early
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 4

`p iracy \pi r'<l-st:\ n. 1. 111c theft of a computer
`design or program. 2. Unamhonzed disu 1buuon
`and use of a computer program
`.pit \dot·p1r', dolP-l-1"\ n A file extension for an
`c1rduve file compressed wnh PackIT SeR also
`pitch \ptch\ n 1. A measure, generally used with
` fonts, that descnbes the number of
`characters that fit m a hOnzomal mch See also
`characters per mch Compat-epomt 1 (deftnmon1)
`2. See screen pitch
`p ixel \piks' ::>I\ n Short for picture ( p bc:) clemem
`One srot m a rt...""Ct1lmear gnd of thousands of such
`spot'> chat arc md1v1dually ~pamtecr to form an
`image produced o n Lhe &<::reen by a computer or
`on paper by a pnnter A pixel 1s the smallest ele(cid:173)
`ment rJiat d isplay or pnnt hardware and software
`can mampufate m crt:atmg leuers, numbers, or
`graphics See the 1lluslral!Orl.'> Also called pel.
`.•. Ii
`,..;"•-:!• ...
`....... :-
`P'lxeL TbeleUerJl(top) Is actually m nde Hpof
`a patteni of pixels In a g rid, as Is tbe cat'.1 eye
`pixel image \piks' ::>I nn"<>j\ n The reprt:senmion
`of a color graphic tn a computer's memory A pixel
`tmage is sm11.lar
`to a bit image, wluch also
`descnbes a scrt.-en graphic, but a pixel image has
`an added d1mens1on, someumes called depth, that
`descnbes the number of btis In memory assigned
`to each on-screen pl.Xe!
`p ixel map \pdcs' o:>l map"\ n. A data structure tha!
`descnbcs the pixel image of a graphic, including
`such features as color, image, resoluoon, d unen-
`1116 p m grid array cm tba
`Pin g rid arr-ay
`b<Kll of u Pentium cblp
`pipe \pip\ 11 1. A portion of memory that can be
`used by one process Lo pass mfonnation along to
`another Essentially, a pipe works ltke JtS name(cid:173)
`sake It connects Lwo processes so that the output
`of one can be used as the mput to the other See
`also mput stream, outpul stream 2. The ve1tJC:d
`hne character (I) !hat appears on a PC keybo:ud
`as the shift character on the hackslash (\) key
`3 In UNIX, a command function that tran.-;fers the
`output of one command to the mput of a second
`pipeline procc...-ssing \pip11n pros· es-Cng\ n A
`method of processmg on a computer that allows
`fast parallel processing of data TI1ts tS accom(cid:173)
`plished by overlapping oper.:it1ons usmg a pipe, or
`a portion of memory that passes mformauon from
`one process to another See aL'iO parallel proc~ss­
`mg, pipe (defintUon l), p1pclmmg (defm1t1on 3)
`pipelining \pip1i'neng\ n l . A metho<l offetch-
`mg and decoding mstruct1ons (prcprocessmg) m
`which, at any given time, several program mstruc-
`1.1ons are m vanous stages of being fetched or
`Ideally, p1pclmmg speeds execution
`tune by ensunng rhat the m1croproccssor does not
`have to wan for mstructi.ons, when tl completes
`execuuon of one mstruct1on, the next IS ready and
`wa1tmg See also superp1pehnlng 2. In parallel
`pracessmg, a method ln whid1 instructions are
`P'J.SSed from one processing unit co another, as on
`an assembly lme, and each urut ts speoallzed for
`Deiformmg a parucular type of opera.t10n 3. The
`Use of pipes m passing the output of one task as
`input to another unul a desired sequence of casks
`has been earned out. See also ptpe (deflmllon 1),
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 5

`undo \un-d85'\ vb. To reverse the last action-for
`example, to undo a deletion, thus restoring deleted
`text to a document. Many application programs
`enable the user both to undo and to redo an
`action. See also undelete2
`undock \ un-dok'\ vb. 1. To detach a laptop or
`other portable computer from a docking station.
`See also docking station, laptop. 2. To move a tool(cid:173)
`bar from the edge of a window so that the toolbar
`becomes its own free-floating window. See also
`tool bar.
`unerase \ un-e-ras'\ n. See undelete2.
`unfold \ un-folc!'\ adj. See inline (definition 1).
`unhandled exception \un-han'dld eks-ep'sh;m\
`n. An error condition that an application does not
`internally resolve. When an unhandled exception
`occurs, the operating system terminates the appli(cid:173)
`cation that caused the error.
`Unibus \ yO'fJ 'ni-bus' \ n. A bus architecture intro(cid:173)
`duced by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1970.
`Unicode \ y85'ni-k6cf\ n. A 16-bit character
`encoding standard developed by the Unicode
`Consortium between 1988 and 1991. By using two
`represent each character, Unicode
`enables almost all of the written languages of the
`world to be represented using a single character
`set. (By contrast, 8-bit ASCII is not capable of rep(cid:173)
`resenting all of the combinations of letters and dia(cid:173)
`critical marks that are used just with the Roman
`alphabet.) Approximately 39,000 of the 65,536
`possible Unicode character codes have been
`assigned to date, 21,000 of them being used for
`Chinese ideographs. The remaining combinations
`are open for expansion. Compare ASCII.
`Uniform Data Transfer \ yoo' nd-f6rm da 'td trans(cid:173)
`far, dat'd\ n. See UDT.
`Uniform Naming Convention \yoo'm-f6rm
`na'meng kdn-ven'shdn\ n. The system of nam(cid:173)
`ing files among computers on a network so that
`a file on a given computer will have the same
`pathn;ame when accessed from any of the other
`computers on the network. For example, if the
`directory c: \path 1 \patb2\ ... patlm on computer
`servern is shared under the name patbdirs, a user
`\ \serv(cid:173)
`on another computer would open
`to access
`c: \path 1 \path2\ .. pathn\filename.ext on semern.
`See also URL, virtual path.
`Uniform Resource Citation \yoo'nd-f6rm
`re -
`sors sl-ta'shdn\ n. A description of an object on
`the World Wide Web, consisting of pairs of
`attributes and their values, such as the Uniform
`resources, author names, publisher names, dates,
`and prices. Acronym: URC (ffR-C).
`Uniform Resource Identifier \ y85' nd-f6rm re, -
`s6rs 1-den'td-fl'dr\ n. A character string used to
`identify a resource (such as a file) from anywhere
`on the Internet by type and location. The set of
`Uniform Resource Identifiers includes Uniform
`Resource Names (URNs) and Uniform Resource
`Locators (URLs). Acronym: URI (ffR-0. See also
`relative URL, Uniform Resource Name, URL.
`Uniform Resource Locator \ yoo' nd-f6rm re, s6rs
`lo'ka-tdr\ n. See URL.
`Uniform Resource Name \yoo'nd-form
`re sors
`nam'\ n. A scheme for uniquely identifying
`resources that may be available on the Internet by
`name, without regard to where they are located.
`The specifications for the format of Uniform
`Resource Names are still under development by
`the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). They
`include all Uniform Resource Identifiers (URis)
`having the schemes urn:, fpi:, and path:; that is,
`those that are not Uniform Resource Locators
`(URLs). Acronym: URN (ffR-N'). See also IETF,
`Uniform Resource Identifier, URL.
`UniForum \yoo'ni-f6r'um\ n. 1. The Interna(cid:173)
`tional Association of Open System Professionals,
`an organization of UNIX users and administrators.
`2. A series of UNIX trade shows sponsored by Uni(cid:173)
`Forum and managed by Softbank COMDEX, Inc.
`See also COMDEX.
`uninstall \ un' in-stal'\ vb. To remove software
`completely from a system, including the elimina(cid:173)
`tion of files and components residing in system
`locations such as the Regist1y in Windows 95 or
`Windows NT. Some applications have built-in
`uninstall utilities, and in other cases a separate
`uninstall program can be used. Also called dein(cid:173)
`uninterruptible power supply \ un' in-tdr-up' -
`td-bl pou'dr su-pll'\ n. See UPS.
`union \ yoon'ydn \ n. 1. In set theo1y, the smallest
`combination of two sets that contains all elements
`of both sets. 2. In logic, an inclusive OR operation.
`.......... •
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 6

`U.S. Department of Defense
`computer to a remote computer by means of a
`modem or network. 2. The copy of the file that is
`being or has been transferred.
`upload2 \up 'lod\ vb. To transfer a copy of a file
`from a local computer to a remote computer. Com(cid:173)
`pare download.
`uppercase \up';,r-kas'\ adj. Of, pertaining to, or
`characterized by capital letters. Compare lower(cid:173)
`upper memo1-y area \up';,r mem';,r-e ar'e-;,\ n.
`upper memory block \up';,r mem';,r-e blok'\ n.
`UPS \U'P-S'\ n. Acronym
`for uninterruptible
`power supply. A device, connected between a
`computer (or other electronic equipment) and a
`power source (usually an outlet receptacle), that
`ensures that electrical flow to the computer is not
`interrupted because of a blackout and, in most
`cases, protects the computer against potentially
`damaging events, such as power surges and brown(cid:173)
`outs. All UPS units are equipped with a battery and
`a loss-of-power sensor; if the sensor detects a loss
`of power, it switches over to the battery so that the
`user has time to save his or her work and shut off
`the computer. See also blackout, brownout.
`uptime \up't!m\ n. The amount or percentage of
`time a computer system or associated hardware is
`functioning and available for use. Compare down(cid:173)
`upward-compatible \up 'w;,rd-k:im-pat' ;;1-bl \ adj.
`Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a computer
`product, especially software, designed to perform
`adequately with other products that are expected
`to become widely used in the foreseeable future.
`The use of standards and conventions makes
`upward compatibility easier to achieve.
`urban legend \ur'b;;1n le(;,nd\ n. A widely distrib(cid:173)
`uted story that remains in circulation in spite of the
`fact that it is not true. Many urban legends. have
`been floating around the Internet and other online
`services for years, including the request for cards
`for the sick boy in England Che's long since recov(cid:173)
`ered and grown up), the cookie or cake recipe that
`cost $250 (it's a myth), and the Good Times or
`Penpal Greetings virus, which will infect your
`computer when you read an e-mail message Cit
`does not exist). See also Good Times virus.
`URC \ U'R-C\ n. See Uniform Resource Citation.
`URI \ U'R-I'\ n. See Uniform Resource Identifier.
`URL \ U'R-L', ;;1rl\ n. Acronym for Uniform Re-
`source Locator. An address for a resource on the In(cid:173)
`ternet. URLs are used by Web browsers to locate
`Internet resources. A URL specifies the protocol to
`be used in accessing the resource (such as http: for
`a World Wide Web page or ftp: for an FTP site),
`the name of the server on which the resource
`resides (such as //, and,
`optionally, the path to a resource (such as an HTML
`document or a file on that server). See also FTP 1
`(definition 1), HTML, HTfP, path (definition 1),
`server (definition 2), virtual path (definition 1),
`Web browser.
`URN \ U'R-N'\ n. See Uniform Resource Name.
`.us \dofU-S'\ n. On the Internet, the major geo(cid:173)
`graphic domain specifying that an address
`located in the United States. Because the United
`States was the only possible location in the older
`ARP ANET naming system, the United States can be
`regarded as a default location for domain name
`addresses ending in .com, .gov, .edu, .org, .mil,
`and .net. See also ARPANET, .com, domain name,
`.edu, .gov, .mil, .net, .org.
`usable \y®'z;;1-b\'\ adj. Of, pertaining to, or char(cid:173)
`acteristic of the ease and adaptability with which a
`product can be applied to the performance of the
`work for which it is designed. A high degree of
`usability implies ease of learning, flexibility, free(cid:173)
`dom from bugs, and good design that does not
`involve unnecessarily complicated procedures.
`USB \ U'S-B'\ n. Acronym for universal serial bus.
`A serial bus with a bandwidth of 1.5 megabits
`per second (Mbps) for connecting peripherals to
`a microcomputer. USB can connect up to 127
`peripherals, such as external CD-ROM drives,
`printers, modems, mice, and keyboards, to the
`system through a single, general-purpose port.
`This is accomplished by daisy chaining peripher(cid:173)
`als together. USB supports hot plugging and mul(cid:173)
`tiple data streams. Developed by Intel, USB
`competes with DEC's ACCESS.bus for
`speed applications. See also bus, daisy chain, hot
`plugging, input/output port, peripheral. Compare
`ACCESS. bus.
`U.S. Department of Defense \ U'S d;,-parfm;,nt
`;;1v cb-fens'\ n. The military branch of the United
`~111w •
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 7

`virtual server
`visual progrnmming
`screen. Screen images are written into display
`memory in sections called pages, each of which
`contains one screen display.
`Visual Basic \vizh'6'5-;;il bii'sik\ n. A high-level,
`visual-programming version of Basic. Visual Basic
`was developed by Microsoft for building Windows(cid:173)
`based applications. See also Basic, Visual Basic for
`Applications, Visual Basic, Scripting Edition, visual
`Visual Basic for Applications \ vizh' 6'5-;;il bii' sik
`far a'pl;:i-kii 'sh;;inz\ n . A macro-language version
`of Visual Basic that is used to program many Win(cid:173)
`dows 95 applications and is included with several
`Microsoft applications. Acronym: VBA (V'B-A').
`See also macro language, Visual Basic.
`Visual Basic Script \ vizh' cm-;;il bii -sik skript \ n.
`See Visual Basic, Scripting Edition.
`Visual Basic, Scripting Edition \vizh' 6'5-;;il bii' (cid:173)
`sik skrip'teng ;;i-dish' ;;in'\ n. A subset of the Visual
`Basic for Applications rrogrammlng language,
`optimized for Web-related progr~u11111ing. As with
`JavaScript, cod • for
`lsuaJ 13asi ·, Scripting Edition
`is embedded in HTMi. documenrs. This version is
`included with the Internet Explorer Web browser.
`Al~o catted VD crJpt, Visual Basic Script. See also
`Visual Basic for Aprlications.
`Visual C++ \vizh'6'5-;;il Cplus-plus' \ n . A Micro(cid:173)
`soft application development system for the pro(cid:173)
`gramming language C++ that runs under MS-DOS
`and Windows. Visual C++ is a visual programming
`environment. See also visual programming. Com(cid:173)
`pare Visual Basic, Visual J++.
`visual interface \ vizh' 05-;;il
`graphical user interface.
`visualization \ vizh' cm-;:il-;;i-zii, sh;;in \ n. A feature
`of an application that displays data in the form of
`a video image. For example, some databases can
`interpret and show data in the form of a two- or
`three-dimensional model.
`Visual]++ \vizh'c35-;;il ]'plus-plus'\ n. Microsoft's
`Java visual programming environment, which can
`be used to create applets and applications in the
`Java language. See also applet, Java, Java applet,
`visual programming.
`visual programming \ vizh' 6'5-;;il pro ' gram-eng\
`n. A method of programming using a program(cid:173)
`ming environment or language in which basic pro(cid:173)
`gram components can be selected through menu
`in' t;;ir-fiis \ n. See
`that lie partially outside the normal screen view. See
`also monitor.
`virtual server \ v;;ir' choo-;;il s;;ir'v;;ir\ n. A virtual
`machine that resides on an HTTP server but has
`the appearance to the user of being a separate
`HTTP server. Several virtual servers can reside on
`one HTTP server, each capable of running its own
`programs and each with individualized access to
`input and peripheral devices. Each virtual server
`has its own domain name and IP address and
`appears to the user as an individual Web site.
`Some Internet service providers use virtual servers
`for those clients who want to use their own
`domain names. See also domain name, HTTP
`server (definition 2), IP address.
`virtual storefront \ v;;ir' ch6'5-;;il st6r'fr;;int\ n. A
`company's point of presence on the Web, provid(cid:173)
`ing opportunities for online sales. Also called elec(cid:173)
`tronic storefront.
`virtual terminal \v;;ir' chcm-;;il t;;ir'm;;i-n;;il\ n. See
`terminal emulation.
`virtual tiiner device driver \v;;ir' chcm-;;il
`t! 'm;;ir
`de-vis' drI'v;;ir\ n. See virtual dev~ce driver.
`virtual world \~r· hOO-al w;;irld ' \ n. 1. A 3-D
`modeled environment, >flen Teated in VRML,
`where a user can interact with the viewer to
`change variables. See also viewer, VRML. 2. An
`electronic environment that has no basis in the
`phy i •al world. MultiL1ser dungeons (fVJUDs , talk(cid:173)
`ers, and ch·11 room.1> :1re oft,t!n on.o;idered vinu~ll
`orlds. ee also chat 1 (d finition 1. ), MUD, ta ll er.
`virus \ vTr' us\ 11 . An inln1si e prognun that infects
`computer files by inserting in those files copies of
`itself. The copies are usually executed when the
`file is loaded into memory, allowing them to infect
`still other files, and so on. Viruses often have dam(cid:173)
`aging side effects- ·om ·times intentionaJly, some(cid:173)
`times no1. For example, som · viruses can destroy
`a omputer's hard disk or rak up memory space
`Lh~H c.:ould mhetwise be: use I hy programs.
`od Tim ~ virus, Trojan h~ r. e, worm.
`virus ·ignature \ Tr' us sig' n;i-c.hur\ rt . A portion
`of uniqu • computer cod<J contained in a virus.
`Antivirus programs search for known virus signa(cid:173)
`tures to identify infected programs and files. See
`also virus.
`visible page \viz';;i-bl piij'\ n. In computer graph(cid:173)
`ics, the image that is being displayed on the
`• NtHt -
`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 8

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`FireEye - Exhibit 1025 Page 9

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