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`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
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`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
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`Library of Congress Cataloging—in—Publication Data
`Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. —- 3rd ed.
`ISBN l—5723l—446-X
`1. Computers——Dictionaries.
`I. Microsoft Press.
`2. Microcomputers--Dictionaries.
`QA'l6.l5.M54 I997
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`Robert Lyon. Roslyn Lutsch


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`fax I11(_'.-d(?I'I‘t
`The FAT is the only file systetii NIS—D05 can L156:
`\‘i-'indow.< -_\}T_ and \X*'indow.~' 95 U{)t?I"21flI’lf..‘,
`systeitis can use the FAT file wsteiii in aititlition to
`their own tile systents (HPFS. _\ITF.Ԥ.
`;ll‘I(_l VF.-'\T.
`respectit-'e|_vt. See ctfsta file alloezttion t21h|e. HI-“F3.
`.'\'T'I’.‘i, OS-‘.2.
`\\}"intlt'.1\\'.~‘- ‘)5.
`\V-"intlt'Jt\'.~& NT.
`father \fi'1'cll1ar\
`11. See getiemtiori (definition 1).
`father file \f:'i'tl|1ar l"il‘\
`:1. A file that is the l;1.~1t
`previottsly \-':1lid .'-set of :1 chttnging raet of‘ 1121111. The
`fttther file is imtnetlizttely p1'L‘CL‘L'lt‘Ll hy :1 gt1tntll';1—
`ther file :1nt|
`initiiecliately .‘-?lIt.‘L.‘(:'t:Ll(ft;l hy its son.
`Thu: p:tire~' fit!/Jet‘ and sort. pareitr t1r‘tt| d.?t':’d tor
`rie3t‘ettd::Jttt}. and ftrdepetrtlettr and dcpeittdtutr ztre
`_~;y11011ymot1s. See also generattion ttlefi11ition 1).
`fat server \F:1t‘
`ttreliitectttre. 11
`.~'.er\-‘er maehintz that perform.~: ntost
`of the prc)ct<-wing, witlt
`little or none pe1't“o1'n1etl
`hy the client.
`logit.‘ and claim 1“eHit|e
`on the :'aer\-‘er’. and presentattion Her\'iCe.~‘« are han-
`I;llt:Cl by the client. See ztlsta client frlefinitiort 5').
`[definition 3).
`thin client. C'omprH‘e {:11 Client. thin St‘F\-'t’]‘.
`fatware \f;1t'w:"1r\
`:ioft\\';1re that monopolizes
`tapztce LlI1L'l power clue to an t)\'t'—
`tltlnee of fe:11ttre_~: or int:fFieie11t tlesign. .-"list": c(t¢’1’e:.*{
`:15 it
`:1. A pliysieail defect.
`fault \f:ilt.
`loose connection. that pre\'ent.~: :1 .-systeiii or tlevitre
`from nperziting its it Hl‘lt'J1.llt.l.
`fault tolerance \F;ilt'
`tol‘;)1'—e11-4, f13|t'\ 1:. The abil-
`'.-1 compttter or an operating S}'Slt‘ITi
`ity of
`1'e:5})(Jnd to :1
`tszttatstropliic event or fatttlt.
`.<ttt‘I1 -.15
`21 power otttage or
`in it way
`that ensures tlr.-it no tizttzt
`is lost and any work in
`progreas is not corruptetl. This can be ;1eeoin—
`plislied with 21
`l1:1ttery—h11ekecl power
`hackttp l11trtlW‘¢1l'E3.
`in the operating
`r;y:ate1i1. or any combination of tliese. In 21
`tolemnt network. the 55}-'.*t[t':I11 liars the ability either
`to continue the ~;_v.-:ten1‘s; operation without
`of data or to slittt the rs}-'ste111 down and restart it.
`that wztrs
`in I‘J1‘()g]'(‘..~§:'i
`\\'l'ten the falult otttrttrretl.
`favorite \t?1’var-it‘. t'Ii'\'r;>t\ 11. in _\-Ti-.'rosoft Internet
`Explorer. :1 Ll.‘.-if.-.‘r-{_lt-_‘fiI'1t‘t’.l 5l'IO|1.L'LI1. to -.1 pa-ige on the
`Wcirlcl Witle Welt. anailogotts to -.1 hooltmatrk in
`Netscape .\E1\-'ig;1tt)r. See also Fat-'o1'ite.~: folder. hot-
`1i_-st. (Lb-mpm'e liooltm:11'k (definition 3:.
`Favorites folder \t':‘1'\'._3r-its l'6l‘tl;-r.
`t'e'1'\'r.‘it.~\ N. In
`1\-liero.<:oft Internet Explorer, :1 collection of .-short-
`tcttt.-+ to Web .'.~'ite.‘«‘ that 11 Lt.‘-it:‘1‘ hit.-4 .‘-«L’lE:L‘Et‘Ll for ftttttre
`l't_‘l_t'ft_’I1(.'L*. Other Web hr1'1\\'.-ttrrs refer to Il'|l.‘~' E.‘( 1llec—
`.‘:'«LIt;‘l1 as l}tiOl\'mz1]‘li.'.i or hot-
`tion by other n;1111e.~;.
`lists. Set“c't1'so|1otJlm‘t11rl< file t'tlel'it'iitioI‘1 1}. Internet
`Expl::)l‘t.‘1". l'RL. C'tJtryJctr‘tJ |.1o1_ikm:1t‘k {<.lt‘l-ll‘]l[lt)l'1 2}.
`fax \f'.tk5\
`rt. tiltort for f:tt'Hi1‘i1ile. The 1.l'1l1'}.‘1'111l3:3.‘-ilf_)fi
`of text or gi';tpl‘tlt‘.*-1 over telepltonts ll1'1I:_‘.‘i in (_li§.’.llIl?.{.‘(l
`forni. Com-entionail fax n1;1cl1ine.'< 511111 1111 original
`tlocttmr.-111, trtznsrnit [lI‘| image of the tlotrtiment 11%
`:1 bit amp. and reproduce the receix-"eel imatge on at
`printer. Resolution and eneotling are .-st;1nt1-.irdized
`in the C(.‘.lTI' Grottpfi 1-4 Fi_‘CtJIl‘l11'it3I1(la1fi()1‘Ir~;. F1121
`iimlges (‘Lin ttlretn be .~;ent
`:tl'i(.l reL'ei\'etl by £11lL'I‘(_}-
`eotnptiters eqttippetl with lktx l’l;1l‘(l\\".l1't_‘ untl soft-
`.5135’ 1<tt’.\‘r.; CC]Tl' Ci rt>Ltp:~'
`fax machine \fltl<.-.4’ 11ia—.~.l1C=n'\
`11. Sltort for f:1c.~'»in1-
`ile mzrehine. A device th;1t
`.~tt‘;-iris pages.
`the itnatge.-a ol'tl1o.~:e pilgflh‘ to :1 tligitul format con-
`Hi:-‘1tt..’I’tl with the intt:rn;1t'1on;1l
`rite.-tiiiiile .~:t'.:ntl;1rt|.
`and trz111.~ar11it.~t the image tlirottgh :1 telephone line.
`A lttx m:1L'l1it1e
`i‘et‘t‘.t\'t-:5 .-sttclt
`prints them on pupet‘. See the Elltt.-.1ti'21tion. See (rfsti
`5:211) ttlefinition 2}.
`Fax machine.
`fax modem \l'uk.e:' mt"ftl.1.111\
`.-—\ modem that
`sendre (anti pos5ihly recei\-'e.'\‘J (1:11-.1 encotletl in :1
`ill): Fnrtnttt
`it}-'pit‘:1l|y CCITT fax t'or111z1tJ.
`;1t‘;1x t11;1t‘hin1:‘. or 2tnothe1' motleni
`tleeotiera Ll1'1(l
`('t_)n\'e1't5 to an itiizige. The itiiuge inttst
`have lieen 1;-nt:otlet'l on the host eoinptitet. Text
`:1 nd gm
`the rm
`l7;t.\'. mo
`Fax mo:
`fax on d:
`mzited 2
`H_t-'m.- FC
`fax pros:
`and prirt
`fax serve
`\\'£'_J!'l'{ ("at
`titJ11s Co:
`§:t'1I|‘.tli_ _1r
`F conned
`tor. mm:
`F conned:

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