`• Programmable ROMs Using 21V
`High Performance HMOS II
`• Easily Expandable Memory and 1/0
`Interval Time/Event Counter
`• Up to 1.36 p,s Instruction Cycle All
`Two Single Level Interrupts
`Single 5-Volt Supply
`Over 96 Instructions; 90% Single Byte
`The Intel MCS®-48 family are totally self-sufficient, 8-bit parallel computers fabricated on single silicon chips
`using Intel's advanced N-channel silicon gate HMOS process.
`The family contains 27 1/0 lines, an 8-bit timer/counter, and on-board oscillator/clock circuits. For systems
`that require extra capability, the family can be expanded using MCS®-80/MCS®-85 peripherals.
`Instructions 1 or 2 Cycles
`• •
`These microcontrollers are available in both masked ROM and ROMiess versions as well as a new version,
`The Programmable ROM. The Programmable ROM provides the user with the capability of a masked ROM
`while providing the flexibility of a device that can be programmed at the time of requirement and to the desired
`data. Programmable ROM's allow the user to lower inventory levels while at the same time decreasing delay
`times and code risks.
`These microcomputers are designed to be efficient controllers as well as arithmetic processors. They have
`extensive bit handling capability as well as facilities for both binary and BCD arithmetic. Efficient use of
`program memory results from an instruction set consisting of mostly single byte instructions and no instruc(cid:173)
`tions over 2 bytes in length.
`4Kx 8 ROM
`2Kx8 ROM
`1Kx 8 ROM
`2K x 8 Programmable ROM
`1 K x 8 Programmable ROM
`256x8 RAM
`128 x8 RAM
`64x8 RAM
`256x8 RAM
`128x8 RAM
`64x8 RAM
`128x8 RAM
`64x8 RAM
`Figure 1. Block Diagram
`Figure 2. Logic Symbol
`August 1989
`Order Number: 270053-0Q3
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`1 of 13

`DBo 12
`082 14
`DB3 15
`DS. 11
`DBs 11
`6 5" l
`2 144-43424140
`Top VIew
`Looking down on PC Boord
`18 19 20 21 22 232" 25 26 27 28
`Figure 3. Pin Configuration
`Figure 4. Pad Configuration
`Table 1. Pin Description
`Circuit GND potential.
`+ 5V during normal operation.
`Low power standby pin.
`Programming power supply ( + 21 V).
`Main power supply; + 5V during operation and programming.
`Output strobe for 8243 1/0 expander.
`Program pulse ( + 18V) input pin During Programming.
`8-bit quasi-bidirectional port.
`8-bit quasi-bidirectional port. P20-P23 contain the four high order
`program counter bits during an external program memory fetch and
`serve as a 4-bit 1/0 expander bus for 8243.
`12-19 True bidirectional port which can be written or read synchronously
`using the RD, WR strobes. The port can also be statically latched.
`Contains the 8 low order program counter bits during an external
`program memp~ fetch, and receives the addressed instruction under
`the control of EN. Also contains the address and data during an
`external RAM data store instruction, under control of ALE, RD. and
`Input pin testable using the conditional transfer instruction JTO and
`JNTO. TO can be designated as a clock output using ENTO CLK
`Used during programming.
`Port 1
`Port 2
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`2 of 13

`Table 1. Pin Description (Continued)
`Input pin testable using the JT1, and JNT1 instructions. Can be
`designated the timer/counter input using the STAT CNT instruction.
`Interrupt input. Initiates an interrupt if interrupt is enabled. Interrupt is
`disabled after a reset. Also testable with conditional jump instruction.
`(Active low) interrupt must remain low for at least 3 machine cycles for
`proper operation.
`Output strobe activated during a BUS read. Can be used to enable
`data onto the bus from an external device.
`Used as a read strobe to external data memory. (Active low)
`Input which is used to initialize the processor. (Active low) (Non TIL
`VI H)
`Used during power down.
`Used during programming.
`Used during ROM verification.
`Output strobe during a bus write. (Active low)
`Used as write strobe to external data memory.
`Address latch enable. This signal occurs once during each cycle and is
`useful as a clock output.
`The negative edge of ALE strobes address into external data and
`program memory.
`Program store enable. This output occurs only during a fetch to
`external program memory. (Active low)
`Single step input can be used in conjunction with ALE to "single step"
`the processor through each instruction.
`(Active low) Used in sync mode.
`External access input which forces all program memory fetches to
`reference external memory. Useful for emulation and debug. (Active
`Used during (18V) programming.
`Used during ROM verification (12V).
`One side of crystal input for internal oscillator. Also input for external
`source. (Non TIL V1H)
`Other side of crystal input.
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`3 of 13

`Table 2. Instruction Set
`--- ~-------
`Add register to A
`Add data memory
`to A
`ADDA, #data 1\dd immediate to A
`Add register with
`Add data memory
`with carry
`ADDC A. *data Add immediate with
`And register to A
`And data memory
`to A
`ANLA, #data And immediate to A
`Or reg1ster to A
`Or data memory
`to A
`ORL A, #data Or immediate to A
`Exclusive or register
`to A
`Exclusive or data
`memory to A
`XRLA, #data Exclusive or
`1m mediate to .A
`Increment A
`Decrement A
`Clear A
`Complement A
`Decimal adjust A
`Swap nibbles of A
`Rotate A left
`Rotate A left
`through carry
`Rotate A right
`Rotate A right
`through carry
`Bytes Cycles
`joUTLP, A
`ANL P, #data
`Input port to A
`Output A to port
`And immediate to
`ORL P, #data Or immediate to
`Input BUS to A
`Output A to BUS
`v-.NL BUS, #data And immediate to
`ORL BUS, #data Or immediate to
`Input expander port
`to A
`Output A to
`expander port
`And A to expander
`Or A to expander
`Bytes Cycles
`Increment register
`Increment data memory
`Decrement register
`Bytes Cycles
`JMP addr
`Jump unconditional
`Jump indirect
`DJNZ A, addr Decrement register
`and skip
`Jump on carry = 1
`Jump on carry = 0
`Jump on A zero
`Jump on A not zero
`Jump on TO= 1
`Jump onTO= 0
`JumponT1 = 1
`Jump on Tt = 0
`Jump on FO = 1
`Jump on F1 = 1
`Jump on timer flag
`Jump on INT = 0
`Jump on accumulator
`JC addr
`JZ addr
`JNZ addr
`JTO addr
`JNTO addr
`JT1 addr
`JNT1 addr
`JF1 addr
`JTF addr
`JNI addr
`JBb addr
`Bytes Cycles
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`4 of 13

`~------------------------T_a_b_l_e_2_._1n_s_tr __ uctionrs_e_t_(C_o_n_t_in_u_e_d_l ________________________ ~
`CALL addr
`Jump to subroutine
`Return and restore
`Bytes Cycles
`Clear carry
`Complement carry
`Complement flag 0
`Clear flag 1
`Complement flag 1
`Bytes Cycles
`Data Moves
`Bytes Cycles
`Read timer/counter
`Load timer I counter
`Start timer
`Start counter
`Stop timer I counter
`Enable timer I
`counter interrupt
`Disable timer I
`counter interrupt
`Bytes Cycles
`Enable external
`Disable external
`Select register bank 0
`Select register bank 1
`SEL MBO Select memory bank 0
`SELM81 Select memory bank 1
`ENTOCLK Enable clock output
`on TO
`No operation
`Bytes Cycles
`Bytes Cycles
`Move register to A
`Move data memory
`to A
`MOVA, #data Move immediate to
`Move A to register
`Move A to data
`MOVR, #data Move immediate to
`MOV ®R, #data Move immediate to
`data memory
`Exchange A and
`Exchange A and
`data memory
`Exchange nibble of
`A and data memory
`Move external data
`memory to A
`MOVX®R,A Move A to external
`data memory
`Move to A from
`current page
`MOVP3A, ®A Move to A from
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`5 of 13

`Case Temperature Under Bias ....... o•c to + 7o•c
`Storage Temperature .......... - 55•c to + 15o•c
`Voltage on any Pin with Respect
`to Ground ...................... - 0.5V to + 7V
`Power Dissipation .......................... 1.5W
`NOTICE: This is a production data sheet. The specifi(cid:173)
`cations are subject to change without notice.
`• WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the "Absolute
`Maximum Ratings" may csuse permanent damage.
`These are stress ratings only. Operstion beyond the
`"Operating Conditions" is not recommended and ex(cid:173)
`tended exposure beyond the "Operating Conditions"
`msy affect device reliability.
`D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = o•cto +7o•c;Vee = Voo = 5V ±10o/o;Vss = ov
`Input Low Voltage (All
`Except RESET, X1, X2)
`Input Low Voltage
`(RESET, X1, X2)
`Input High Voltage
`(All Except XT AL 1,
`Input High Voltage
`(X1, X2, RESET)
`Output Low Voltage
`Output Low Voltage
`Output Low Voltage
`Output Low Voltage
`(All Other Outputs)
`Output High Voltage
`Output High Voltage
`Output High Voltage
`(All Other Outputs)
`Teat Conditions
`loL = 2.0mA
`loL = 1.8 rnA
`IQL = 1.0mA
`loL = 1.6 rnA
`loH = - 400 /LA
`loH = -100 /LA
`loH = -40 /LA
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`6 of 13

`D.C. CHARACTERISTICS TA = O"Cto +70"C;Vcc = Voo = sv ±10%;Vss = OV(Continued)
`Test Conditions
`Leakage Current
`(T1' Tm')
`Input Leakage Current
`(P10-P17, P20-P27,
`Input Leakage Current
`Leakage Current
`(BUS, TO) (High
`Impedance State)
`Voo Supply Current
`(RAM Standby)
`Typ Max
`Vss :S: V1N :S: Vee
`Vss + 0.45 :S: V1N s Vee
`Vss s V1N s 3.8
`Vss s V1N S Vee
`Total Supply Current•
`loo +
`Standby Mode Reset
`RAM Standby Voltage
`"Icc + 100 are measured with all outputs In their high Impedance state; RrSET low; 11 MHz crystal applied; INT. SS. and EA floatmg.
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`7 of 13

`A.C. CHARACTERISTICS T A = o•c to + 7o•c; Vee = v 00 = 5V ± 10%; Vss = ov
`11 MHz
`f (t)
`(Note 3)
`Clock Period
`ALE Pulse Width
`Addr Setup to ALE
`Addr Hold from ALE
`Control Pulse Width (AD, WR)
`Control Pulse Width (PSEN)
`Data Setup before WR
`Data Hold after WR
`Data Hold (RD. PSEN)
`RDto Data in
`PSEN to Data in
`Addr Setup to WR
`1 /xtal freq
`Addr Setup to Data (AD)
`Addr Setup to Data (PSEN)
`Addr Float to RD. WR
`(Note 1)
`Addr Float to PSEN
`ALE to Control (RD. WR)
`ALE to Control (PSEN)
`Control to ALE (AD, WR, PROG)
`Control to ALE (PSEN)
`Port Control Setup to PROG
`Port Control Hold to PROG
`PROG to P2 Input Valid
`Input Data Hold from PROG
`Output Data Setup
`Output Data Hold
`PROG Pulse Width
`Port 2 1/0 Setup to ALE
`Port 21/0 Hold to ALE
`Port Output from ALE
`TO Rep Rate
`Cycle Time
`4.5t+ 100
`1. Control outputs: CL = 80 pF. BUS Outputs: CL = 150 pF.
`2. BUS High Impedance Load 20 pF
`3. f(t) assumes 50% duty cycle on X1, X2. Max clock period is for a 1 MHz crystal input.
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`8 of 13

`~ ILAFCI :---
`ALE_J ~ L
`f--•cct -j teAt 1---
`WR ----------~L____j
`I •ow f:::-±.j two
`2 O-. TEST POINTS .-a.
`A. C. testing inputs are driven at 2.4V for a logic "1" and 0.45V for
`a logic "0". Output timing measurements are made at 2.0V for a
`logic "1" and O.BV for a logic "0".
`[ . .
`PIEN --+------''--,
`i I
`I \~ ___ ____,I/'--:------~-------J-+-1--.-LP
`-j ~ILP
`P~RT 20-23 DATA
`NEW P20-23 DATA
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`9 of 13

`------,-------,---=2'-l XTAL1
`_:-r." r J;::
`~ L.-
`Cl--------;r----2=-j XTAL1
`~ C"·-,~f
`C1 ~ 5pF +'f.pF +(STRAY< 5pF)
`C2 ~ (CRYSTAL + STAY) < 8 pF
`C3 ~ 20 pF ± 1 pF + (STRAY < 5 pF)
`Crystal series resistance should be less than 300 at 11 MHz; less
`than 750 at 6 MHz; less than 18011 at 3.6 MHz.
`For XT AL 1 and XTAL2 define "high" as voltages above 1.6V and
`"low" as voltages below 1.6V. The duty cycle requirements for
`externally driving XTAL 1 and XTAL2 using the circuits shown
`above are as follows: XTAL1 must be high 35-65% of the period
`and XTAL2 must be high 35-65% of the period. Rise and fall bmes
`must be faster than 20 ns.
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`10 of 13

`Programming Verification
`In brief, the programming process consists of: acti(cid:173)
`vating the program mode, applying an address,
`latching the address, applying data, and applying a
`programming pulse. Each word is programmed com(cid:173)
`pletely before moving on to the next and is followed
`by a verification step. The following is a list of the
`pins used for programming and a description of their
`Clock Input (3 to 4.0 MHz)
`Initialization and Address Latching
`Selection of Program or Verifying Mode
`Activation of Program/Verify Modes
`Address and Data Input
`Data Output During Verify
`P20-P22 Address Input
`Programming Power Supply
`Program Pulse Input
`An attempt to program a missocketed P8749H/48H
`will result in severe damage to the part. An indication
`of a properly socketed part is the appearance of the
`ALE clock output. The lack of this clock may be
`used to disable the programmer.
`The Program/Verify sequence is:
`1. Voo = 5V, Clock applied or internal oscillator
`operating, RESET = OV, TO = 5V, EA = 5V,
`BUS and PROG floating. P10 and P11 must be
`tied to ground.
`2. Insert P8749H/48H in programming socket
`3. TO = OV (select program mode)
`4. EA = 18V (activate program mode)
`5. Address applied to BUS and P20-22
`6. RESET = 5V (latch address)
`7. Data applied to BUS
`8. Voo = 21 V (programming power)
`9. PROG = Vee or float followed by one 50 ms
`pulse to 18V
`10. v00 = sv
`11. TO = 5V (verify mode)
`12. Read and verify data on BUS
`13. TO = OV
`14. RESET = OV and repeat from step 5
`15. Programmer should be at conditions of step 1
`when P8749H/48H is removed from socket.
`Once programmed the P8749H/48H cannot be
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`11 of 13

`TA = 2s•c ±s•c; Vee= sv ±5%; Voo = 21 ±
`Address Setup Time to RESET
`Address Hold Time After RESET
`Data in Setup Time to PROG
`Data in Hold Time After PROG
`RESET Hold Time to Verify
`V00 Hold Time Before PROG
`Voo Hold Time After PROG
`Program Pulse Width
`TO Setup Time for Program Mode
`TO Hold Time After Program Mode
`TO to Data Out Delay
`RESET Pulse Width to Latch Address
`Voo and PROG Rise and Fall Times
`CPU Operation Cycle Time
`RESET Setup Time before EA
`If Test 0 is high, too can be triggered by RESET.
`Test Conditions
`TA = 25•c ±5•c; Vee= sv ±5%; v 00 = 21 ±
`Voo Program Voltage High Level
`Voo Voltage Low Level
`PROG Program Voltage High Level
`PROG Voltage Low Level
`EA Program or Verify Voltage High Level
`v00 High Voltage Supply Current
`PROG High Voltage Supply Current
`EA High Voltage Supply Current
`Test Conditions
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`12 of 13

`EA __:]
`DB---i._ __ A-DD...,R:-E __ s.,..s_.JH ROM DATA H .. --A-:D::-D::R::-:E=ss:---'~~--------
`p2~p23 -------1~----A-D_D_R_E_s_s ______ ~~
`ALE is function of X1, X2 inputs.
`1 (INPUT)
`Vee~ Voo ~ +SV
`Vss ~ OV
`PROGRAM ---------lr--- VERIFY----i---- PROGRAM-
`--~ ~
`PRO~PL-------------1-v- ~-.1_ _______ -------------·
`VIZIO, Inc. Exhibit 1021
`13 of 13

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