`David G. Lowe
`Computer Science Department
`University of British Columbia
`Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4, Canada
`An object recognition system has been developed that uses a
`new class of local image features. The features are invariant
`to image scaling, translation, and rotation, and partially in-
`variant to illumination changes and affine or 3D projection.
`These features share similar properties with neurons in in-
`ferior temporal cortex that are used for object recognition
`in primate vision. Features are efficiently detected through
`a staged filtering approach that identifies stable points in
`scale space. Image keys are created that allow for local ge-
`ometric deformations by representing blurred image gradi-
`ents in multiple orientation planes and at multiple scales.
`The keys are used as input to a nearest-neighbor indexing
`method that identifies candidate object matches. Final veri-
`fication of each match is achieved by finding a low-residual
`least-squares solution for the unknown model parameters.
`Experimental results show that robust object recognition
`can be achieved in cluttered partially-occluded images with
`a computation time of under 2 seconds.
`1. Introduction
`Object recognition in cluttered real-world scenes requires
`local image features that are unaffected by nearby clutter or
`partial occlusion. The features must be at least partially in-
`variant to illumination, 3D projective transforms, and com-
`mon object variations. On the other hand, the features must
`also be sufficiently distinctive to identify specific objects
`among many alternatives. The difficulty of the object recog-
`nition problem is due in large part to the lack of success in
`finding such image features. However, recent research on
`the use of dense local features (e.g., Schmid & Mohr [19])
`has shown that efficient recognition can often be achieved
`by using local image descriptors sampled at a large number
`of repeatable locations.
`This paper presents a new method for image feature gen-
`eration called the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT).
`This approach transforms an image into a large collection
`of local feature vectors, each of which is invariant to image
`translation, scaling, and rotation, and partially invariant to
`illumination changes and affine or 3D projection. Previous
`approaches to local feature generation lacked invariance to
`scale and were more sensitive to projective distortion and
`illumination change. The SIFT features share a number of
`properties in common with the responses of neurons in infe-
`rior temporal (IT) cortex in primate vision. This paper also
`describes improved approaches to indexing and model ver-
`The scale-invariant features are efficiently identified by
`using a staged filtering approach. The first stage identifies
`key locations in scale space by looking for locations that
`are maxima or minima of a difference-of-Gaussian function.
`Each point is used to generate a feature vector that describes
`the local image region sampled relative to its scale-space co-
`ordinate frame. The features achieve partial invariance to
`local variations, such as affine or 3D projections, by blur-
`ring image gradient locations. This approach is based on a
`model of the behavior of complex cells in the cerebral cor-
`tex of mammalian vision. The resulting feature vectors are
`called SIFT keys. In the current implementation, each im-
`age generates on the order of 1000 SIFT keys, a process that
`requires less than 1 second of computation time.
`The SIFT keys derived from an image are used in a
`nearest-neighbour approach to indexing to identify candi-
`date object models. Collections of keys that agree on a po-
`tential model pose are first identified through a Hough trans-
`form hash table, and then through a least-squares fit to a final
`estimate of model parameters. When at least 3 keys agree
`on the model parameters with low residual, there is strong
`evidence for the presence of the object. Since there may be
`dozens of SIFT keys in the image of a typical object, it is
`possible to have substantial levels of occlusion in the image
`and yet retain high levels of reliability.
`The current object models are represented as 2D loca-
`tions of SIFT keys that can undergo affine projection. Suf-
`ficient variation in feature location is allowed to recognize
`perspective projection of planar shapes at up to a 60 degree
`rotation away from the camera or to allow up to a 20 degree
`rotation of a 3D object.
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 1
`2. Related research
`Object recognition is widely used in the machine vision in-
`dustry for the purposes of inspection, registration, and ma-
`nipulation. However, current commercial systems for object
`recognition depend almost exclusively on correlation-based
`template matching. While very effective for certain engi-
`neered environments, where object pose and illumination
`are tightly controlled, template matching becomes computa-
`tionally infeasible when object rotation, scale, illumination,
`and 3D pose are allowed to vary, and even more so when
`dealing with partial visibility and large model databases.
`An alternative to searching all
`image locations for
`matches is to extract features from the image that are at
`least partially invariant to the image formation process and
`matching only to those features. Many candidate feature
`types have been proposed and explored, including line seg-
`ments [6], groupings of edges [11, 14], and regions [2],
`among many other proposals. While these features have
`worked well for certain object classes, they are often not de-
`tected frequently enough or with sufficient stability to form
`a basis for reliable recognition.
`There has been recent work on developing much denser
`collections of image features. One approach has been to
`use a corner detector (more accurately, a detector of peaks
`in local image variation) to identify repeatable image loca-
`tions, around which local image properties can be measured.
`Zhang et al. [23] used the Harris corner detector to iden-
`tify feature locations for epipolar alignment of images taken
`from differing viewpoints. Rather than attempting to cor-
`relate regions from one image against all possible regions
`in a second image, large savings in computation time were
`achieved by only matching regions centered at corner points
`in each image.
`For the object recognition problem, Schmid & Mohr
`[19] also used the Harris corner detector to identify in-
`terest points, and then created a local image descriptor at
`each interest point from an orientation-invariant vector of
`derivative-of-Gaussian image measurements. These image
`descriptors were used for robust object recognition by look-
`ing for multiple matching descriptors that satisfied object-
`based orientation and location constraints. This work was
`impressive both for the speed of recognition in a large
`database and the ability to handle cluttered images.
`The corner detectors used in these previous approaches
`have a major failing, which is that they examine an image
`at only a single scale. As the change in scale becomes sig-
`nificant, these detectors respond to different image points.
`Also, since the detector does not provide an indication of the
`object scale, it is necessary to create image descriptors and
`attempt matching at a large number of scales. This paper de-
`scribes an efficient method to identify stable key locations
`in scale space. This means that different scalings of an im-
`age will have no effect on the set of key locations selected.
`Furthermore, an explicit scale is determined for each point,
`which allows the image description vector for that point to
`be sampled at an equivalent scale in each image. A canoni-
`cal orientation is determined at each location, so that match-
`ing can be performed relative to a consistent local 2D co-
`ordinate frame. This allows for the use of more distinctive
`image descriptors than the rotation-invariant ones used by
`Schmid and Mohr, and the descriptor is further modified to
`improve its stability to changes in affine projection and illu-
`Other approaches to appearance-based recognition in-
`clude eigenspace matching [13], color histograms [20], and
`receptive field histograms [18]. These approaches have all
`been demonstrated successfully on isolated objects or pre-
`segmented images, but due to their more global features it
`has been difficult to extend them to cluttered and partially
`occluded images. Ohba & Ikeuchi [15] successfully apply
`the eigenspace approach to cluttered images by using many
`small local eigen-windows, but this then requires expensive
`search for each window in a new image, as with template
`3. Key localization
`We wish to identify locations in image scale space that are
`invariant with respect to image translation, scaling, and ro-
`tation, and are minimally affected by noise and small dis-
`tortions. Lindeberg [8] has shown that under some rather
`general assumptions on scale invariance, the Gaussian ker-
`nel and its derivatives are the only possible smoothing ker-
`nels for scale space analysis.
`To achieve rotation invariance and a high level of effi-
`ciency, we have chosen to select key locations at maxima
`and minima of a difference of Gaussian function applied in
`scale space. This can be computed very efficiently by build-
`ing an image pyramid with resampling between each level.
`Furthermore, it locates key points at regions and scales of
`high variation, making these locations particularly stable for
`characterizing the image. Crowley & Parker [4] and Linde-
`berg [9] have previously used the difference-of-Gaussian in
`scale space for other purposes. In the following, we describe
`a particularly efficient and stable method to detect and char-
`acterize the maxima and minima of this function.
`As the 2D Gaussian function is separable, its convolution
`with the input image can be efficiently computed by apply-
`ing two passes of the 1D Gaussian function in the horizontal
`and vertical directions:
`gx =
`For key localization, all smoothing operations are done us-
`ing = p, which can be approximated with sufficient ac-
`curacy using a 1D kernel with 7 sample points.
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 2
`The input image is first convolved with the Gaussian
`function using = p to give an image A. This is then
`repeated a second time with a further incremental smooth-
`ing of = p to give a new image, B, which now has an
`effective smoothing of = . The difference of Gaussian
`function is obtained by subtracting image B from A, result-
`ing in a ratio of =p = p between the two Gaussians.
`To generate the next pyramid level, we resample the al-
`ready smoothed image B using bilinear interpolation with a
`pixel spacing of 1.5 in each direction. While it may seem
`more natural to resample with a relative scale of p, the
`only constraint is that sampling be frequent enough to de-
`tect peaks. The 1.5 spacing means that each new sample will
`be a constant linear combination of 4 adjacent pixels. This
`is efficient to compute and minimizes aliasing artifacts that
`would arise from changing the resampling coefficients.
`Maxima and minima of this scale-space function are de-
`termined by comparing each pixel in the pyramid to its
`neighbours. First, a pixel is compared to its 8 neighbours at
`the same level of the pyramid. If it is a maxima or minima
`at this level, then the closest pixel location is calculated at
`the next lowest level of the pyramid, taking account of the
`1.5 times resampling. If the pixel remains higher (or lower)
`than this closest pixel and its 8 neighbours, then the test is
`repeated for the level above. Since most pixels will be elim-
`inated within a few comparisons, the cost of this detection is
`small and much lower than that of building the pyramid.
`If the first level of the pyramid is sampled at the same rate
`as the input image, the highest spatial frequencies will be ig-
`nored. This is due to the initial smoothing, which is needed
`to provide separation of peaks for robust detection. There-
`fore, we expand the input image by a factor of 2, using bilin-
`ear interpolation, prior to building the pyramid. This gives
`on the order of 1000 key points for a typical pixel
`image, compared to only a quarter as many without the ini-
`tial expansion.
`3.1. SIFT key stability
`To characterize the image at each key location, the smoothed
`image A at each level of the pyramid is processed to extract
`image gradients and orientations. At each pixel, Aij, the im-
`age gradient magnitude, Mij, and orientation, R ij, are com-
`puted using pixel differences:
`Mij =qAij (cid:0) Ai+ ;j + Aij (cid:0) Ai;j+
`R ij = atan Aij (cid:0) Ai+ ;j; Ai;j+ (cid:0) Aij
`The pixel differences are efficient to compute and provide
`sufficient accuracy due to the substantial level of previous
`smoothing. The effective half-pixel shift in position is com-
`pensated for when determining key location.
`Robustness to illuminationchange is enhanced by thresh-
`olding the gradient magnitudes at a value of 0.1 times the
`Figure 1: The second image was generated from the first by
`rotation, scaling, stretching, change of brightness and con-
`trast, and addition of pixel noise. In spite of these changes,
`78% of the keys from the first image have a closely match-
`ing key in the second image. These examples show only a
`subset of the keys to reduce clutter.
`maximum possible gradient value. This reduces the effect
`of a change in illumination direction for a surface with 3D
`relief, as an illumination change may result in large changes
`to gradient magnitude but is likely to have less influence on
`gradient orientation.
`Each key location is assigned a canonical orientation so
`that the image descriptors are invariant to rotation. In or-
`der to make this as stable as possible against lighting or con-
`trast changes, the orientation is determined by the peak in a
`histogram of local image gradient orientations. The orien-
`tation histogram is created using a Gaussian-weighted win-
`dow with of 3 times that of the current smoothing scale.
`These weights are multiplied by the thresholded gradient
`values and accumulated in the histogram at locations corre-
`sponding to the orientation, R ij. The histogram has 36 bins
`covering the 360 degree range of rotations, and is smoothed
`prior to peak selection.
`The stability of the resulting keys can be tested by sub-
`jecting natural images to affine projection, contrast and
`brightness changes, and addition of noise. The location of
`each key detected in the first image can be predicted in the
`transformed image from knowledge of the transform param-
`eters. This framework was used to select the various sam-
`pling and smoothing parameters given above, so that max-
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 3
`Image transformation
`A. Increase contrast by 1.2
`B. Decrease intensity by 0.2
`C. Rotate by 20 degrees
`D. Scale by 0.7
`E. Stretch by 1.2
`F. Stretch by 1.5
`G. Add 10% pixel noise
`H. All of A,B,C,D,E,G.
`Match % Ori %
`Figure 2: For various image transformations applied to a
`sample of 20 images, this table gives the percent of keys that
`are found at matching locations and scales (Match %) and
`that also match in orientation (Ori %).
`imum efficiency could be obtained while retaining stability
`to changes.
`Figure 1 shows a relatively small number of keys de-
`tected over a 2 octave range of only the larger scales (to
`avoid excessive clutter). Each key is shown as a square, with
`a line from the center to one side of the square indicating ori-
`entation. In the second half of this figure, the image is ro-
`tated by 15 degrees, scaled by a factor of 0.9, and stretched
`by a factor of 1.1 in the horizontal direction. The pixel inten-
`sities, in the range of 0 to 1, have 0.1 subtracted from their
`brightness values and the contrast reduced by multiplication
`by 0.9. Random pixel noise is then added to give less than
`5 bits/pixel of signal. In spite of these transformations, 78%
`of the keys in the first image had closely matching keys in
`the second image at the predicted locations, scales, and ori-
`The overall stability of the keys to image transformations
`can be judged from Table 2. Each entry in this table is gen-
`erated from combining the results of 20 diverse test images
`and summarizes the matching of about 15,000 keys. Each
`line of the table shows a particular image transformation.
`The first figure gives the percent of keys that have a match-
`ing key in the transformed image within in location (rel-
`ative to scale for that key) and a factor of 1.5 in scale. The
`second column gives the percent that match these criteria as
`well as having an orientation within 20 degrees of the pre-
`4. Local image description
`Given a stable location, scale, and orientation for each key, it
`is now possible to describe the local image region in a man-
`ner invariant to these transformations. In addition, it is desir-
`able to make this representation robust against small shifts
`in local geometry, such as arise from affine or 3D projection.
`One approach to this is suggested by the response properties
`of complex neurons in the visual cortex, in which a feature
`position is allowed to vary over a small region while orienta-
`tion and spatial frequency specificity are maintained. Edel-
`man, Intrator & Poggio [5] have performed experiments that
`simulated the responses of complex neurons to different 3D
`views of computer graphic models, and found that the com-
`plex cell outputs provided much better discrimination than
`simple correlation-based matching. This can be seen, for ex-
`ample, if an affine projection stretches an image in one di-
`rection relative to another, which changes the relative loca-
`tions of gradient features while having a smaller effect on
`their orientations and spatial frequencies.
`This robustness to local geometric distortion can be ob-
`tained by representing the local image region with multiple
`images representing each of a number of orientations (re-
`ferred to as orientation planes). Each orientation plane con-
`tains only the gradients corresponding to that orientation,
`with linear interpolation used for intermediate orientations.
`Each orientation plane is blurred and resampled to allow for
`larger shifts in positions of the gradients.
`This approach can be efficiently implemented by using
`the same precomputed gradients and orientations for each
`level of the pyramid that were used for orientation selection.
`For each keypoint, we use the pixel sampling from the pyra-
`mid level at which the key was detected. The pixels that fall
`in a circle of radius 8 pixels around the key location are in-
`serted into the orientation planes. The orientation is mea-
`sured relative to that of the key by subtracting the key’s ori-
`entation. For our experiments we used 8 orientation planes,
`each sampled over a grid of locations, with a sample
`spacing 4 times that of the pixel spacing used for gradient
`detection. The blurring is achieved by allocating the gradi-
`ent of each pixel among its 8 closest neighbors in the sam-
`ple grid, using linear interpolation in orientation and the two
`spatial dimensions. This implementation is much more effi-
`cient than performing explicit blurring and resampling, yet
`gives almost equivalent results.
`In order to sample the image at a larger scale, the same
`process is repeated for a second level of the pyramid one oc-
`tave higher. However, this time a rather than a
`sample region is used. This means that approximately the
`same image region will be examined at both scales, so that
`any nearby occlusions will not affect one scale more than the
`other. Therefore, the total number of samples in the SIFT
`key vector, from both scales, is + or 160
`elements, giving enough measurements for high specificity.
`5. Indexing and matching
`For indexing, we need to store the SIFT keys for sample im-
`ages and then identify matching keys from new images. The
`problem of identifyingthe most similar keys for high dimen-
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 4
`Figure 3: Model images of planar objects are shown in the
`top row. Recognition results below show model outlines and
`image keys used for matching.
`the equation above can be rewritten as
`u v...
`This equation shows a single match, but any number of fur-
`ther matches can be added, with each match contributing
`two more rows to the first and last matrix. At least 3 matches
`are needed to provide a solution.
`We can write this linear system as
`x y
`: : :
`: : :
`sional vectors is known to have high complexity if an ex-
`act solution is required. However, a modification of the k-d
`tree algorithm called the best-bin-first search method (Beis
`& Lowe [3]) can identify the nearest neighbors with high
`probability using only a limited amount of computation. To
`further improve the efficiency of the best-bin-first algorithm,
`the SIFT key samples generated at the larger scale are given
`twice the weight of those at the smaller scale. This means
`that the larger scale is in effect able to filter the most likely
`neighbours for checking at the smaller scale. This also im-
`proves recognition performance by giving more weight to
`the least-noisy scale. In our experiments, it is possible to
`have a cut-off for examining at most 200 neighbors in a
`probabilisticbest-bin-first search of 30,000 key vectors with
`almost no loss of performance compared to finding an exact
`An efficient way to cluster reliable model hypotheses
`is to use the Hough transform [1] to search for keys that
`agree upon a particular model pose. Each model key in the
`database contains a record of the key’s parameters relative
`to the model coordinate system. Therefore, we can create
`an entry in a hash table predicting the model location, ori-
`entation, and scale from the match hypothesis. We use a
`bin size of 30 degrees for orientation, a factor of 2 for scale,
`and 0.25 times the maximum model dimension for location.
`These rather broad bin sizes allow for clustering even in the
`presence of substantial geometric distortion, such as due to a
`change in 3D viewpoint. To avoid the problem of boundary
`effects in hashing, each hypothesis is hashed into the 2 clos-
`est bins in each dimension, giving a total of 16 hash table
`entries for each hypothesis.
`6. Solution for affine parameters
`The hash table is searched to identify all clusters of at least
`3 entries in a bin, and the bins are sorted into decreasing or-
`der of size. Each such cluster is then subject to a verification
`procedure in which a least-squares solution is performed for
`the affine projection parameters relating the model to the im-
`The affine transformation of a model point x yT to an
`image point u vT can be written as
`" uv =" m mm m " xy +" txty
`where the model translation is tx tyT and the affine rota-
`tion, scale, and stretch are represented by the mi parameters.
`We wish to solve for the transformation parameters, so
`Ax = b
`The least-squares solution for the parameters x can be deter-
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 5
`Figure 4: Top row shows model images for 3D objects with
`outlines found by background segmentation. Bottom image
`shows recognition results for 3D objects with model outlines
`and image keys used for matching.
`mined by solving the corresponding normal equations,
`x = ATA(cid:0) ATb
`which minimizes the sum of the squares of the distances
`from the projected model locations to the corresponding im-
`age locations. This least-squares approach could readily be
`extended to solving for 3D pose and internal parameters of
`articulated and flexible objects [12].
`Outliers can now be removed by checking for agreement
`between each image feature and the model, given the param-
`eter solution. Each match must agree within 15 degrees ori-
`entation, p change in scale, and 0.2 times maximum model
`size in terms of location. If fewer than 3 points remain after
`discarding outliers, then the match is rejected. If any outliers
`are discarded, the least-squares solution is re-solved with the
`remaining points.
`Figure 5: Examples of 3D object recognition with occlusion.
`7. Experiments
`The affine solution provides a good approximation to per-
`spective projection of planar objects, so planar models pro-
`vide a good initial test of the approach. The top row of Fig-
`ure 3 shows three model images of rectangular planar faces
`of objects. The figure also shows a cluttered image contain-
`ing the planar objects, and the same image is shown over-
`layed with the models following recognition. The model
`keys that are displayed are the ones used for recognition and
`final least-squares solution. Since only 3 keys are needed
`for robust recognition, it can be seen that the solutions are
`highly redundant and would survive substantial occlusion.
`Also shown are the rectangular borders of the model images,
`projected using the affine transform from the least-square
`solution. These closely agree with the true borders of the
`planar regions in the image, except for small errors intro-
`duced by the perspective projection. Similar experiments
`have been performed for many images of planar objects, and
`the recognition has proven to be robust to at least a 60 degree
`rotation of the object in any direction away from the camera.
`Although the model images and affine parameters do not
`account for rotation in depth of 3D objects, they are still
`sufficient to perform robust recognition of 3D objects over
`about a 20 degree range of rotation in depth away from each
`model view. An example of three model images is shown in
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 6
`est match to the correct corresponding key in the second im-
`age. Any 3 of these keys would be sufficient for recognition.
`While matching keys are not found in some regions where
`highlights or shadows change (for example on the shiny top
`of the camera) in general the keys show good invariance to
`illumination change.
`8. Connections to biological vision
`The performance of human vision is obviously far superior
`to that of current computer vision systems, so there is poten-
`tially much to be gained by emulating biological processes.
`Fortunately, there have been dramatic improvements within
`the past few years in understanding how object recognition
`is accomplished in animals and humans.
`Recent research in neuroscience has shown that object
`recognition in primates makes use of features of intermedi-
`ate complexity that are largely invariant to changes in scale,
`location, and illumination (Tanaka [21], Perrett & Oram
`[16]). Some examples of such intermediate features found
`in inferior temporal cortex (IT) are neurons that respond to
`a dark five-sided star shape, a circle with a thin protruding
`element, or a horizontal textured region within a triangular
`boundary. These neurons maintain highly specific responses
`to shape features that appear anywhere within a large por-
`tion of the visual field and over a several octave range of
`scales (Ito et. al [7]). The complexity of many of these fea-
`tures appears to be roughly the same as for the current SIFT
`features, although there are also some neurons that respond
`to more complex shapes, such as faces. Many of the neu-
`rons respond to color and texture properties in addition to
`shape. The feature responses have been shown to depend
`on previous visual learning from exposure to specific objects
`containing the features (Logothetis, Pauls & Poggio [10]).
`These features appear to be derived in the brain by a highly
`computation-intensive parallel process, which is quite dif-
`ferent from the staged filtering approach given in this paper.
`However, the results are much the same: an image is trans-
`formed into a large set of local features that each match a
`small fraction of potential objects yet are largely invariant
`to common viewing transformations.
`It is also known that object recognition in the brain de-
`pends on a serial process of attention to bind features to ob-
`ject interpretations, determine pose, and segment an object
`from a cluttered background [22]. This process is presum-
`ably playing the same role in verification as the parameter
`solving and outlier detection used in this paper, since the
`accuracy of interpretations can often depend on enforcing a
`single viewpoint constraint [11].
`9. Conclusions and comments
`The SIFT features improve on previous approaches by being
`largely invariant to changes in scale, illumination, and local
`Figure 6: Stability of image keys is tested under differing
`illumination. The first image is illuminated from upper left
`and the second from center right. Keys shown in the bottom
`image were those used to match second image to first.
`the top row of Figure 4. The models were photographed on a
`black background, and object outlines extracted by segment-
`ing out the background region. An example of recognition is
`shown in the same figure, again showing the SIFT keys used
`for recognition. The object outlines are projected using the
`affine parameter solution, but this time the agreement is not
`as close because the solution does not account for rotation
`in depth. Figure 5 shows more examples in which there is
`significant partial occlusion.
`The images in these examples are of size pix-
`els. The computation times for recognition of all objects in
`each image are about 1.5 seconds on a Sun Sparc 10 pro-
`cessor, with about 0.9 seconds required to build the scale-
`space pyramid and identify the SIFT keys, and about 0.6
`seconds to perform indexing and least-squares verification.
`This does not include time to pre-process each model image,
`which would be about 1 second per image, but would only
`need to be done once for initial entry into a model database.
`The illumination invariance of the SIFT keys is demon-
`strated in Figure 6. The two images are of the same scene
`from the same viewpoint, except that the first image is il-
`luminated from the upper left and the second from the cen-
`ter right. The full recognition system is run to identify the
`second image using the first image as the model, and the
`second image is correctly recognized as matching the first.
`Only SIFT keys that were part of the recognition are shown.
`There were 273 keys that were verified as part of the final
`match, which means that in each case not only was the same
`key detected at the same location, but it also was the clos-
`Yuneec Exhibit 1023 Page 7
`affine distortions. The large number of features in a typical
`image allow for robust recognition under partial occlusion in
`cluttered images. A final stage that solves for affine model
`parameters allows for more accurate verification and pose
`determination than in approaches that rely only on indexing.
`An important area for further research is to build models
`from multiple views that represent the 3D structure of ob-
`jects. This would have the further advantage that keys from
`multiple viewing conditions could be combined into a single
`model, thereby increasing the probability of finding matches
`in new views. The models could be true 3D representations
`based on structure-from-motion solutions, or could repre-
`sent the space of appearance in terms of automated cluster-
`ing and interpolation (Pope & Lowe [17]). An advantage of
`the latter approach is that it could also model non-rigid de-
`The recognition performance could be further improved
`by adding new SIFT feature types to incorporate color, tex-
`ture, and edge groupings, as well as varying feature sizes
`and offsets. Scale-invariant edge groupings that make local
`figure-ground discriminations would be particularly useful
`at object boundaries where background clutter can interfere
`with other features. The indexing and verification frame-
`work allows for all types of scale and rotation invariant fea-
`tures to be incorporated into a single model representation.
`Maximum robustness would be achieved by detecting many
`different feature types and relying on the indexing and clus-
`tering to select those that are most useful in a particular im-
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