`DOI 10.1007/s10846-012-9747-9
`Tracking a Ground Moving Target with a Quadrotor
`Using Switching Control
`Nonlinear Modeling and Control
`J. E. Gomez-Balderas · G. Flores ·
`L. R. García Carrillo · R. Lozano
`Received: 30 June 2012 / Accepted: 16 July 2012 / Published online: 12 August 2012
`© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012
`The control strategy consists of switching con-
`trollers, which allows making decisions when the
`target is lost temporarily or when it is out of the
`camera’s field of view. Real time experiments are
`presented to demonstrate the performance of the
`target-tracking system proposed.
`Keywords Switching controllers · Tracking ·
`Control strategy
`1 Introduction
`Tracking moving targets (m.t.) using unmanned
`aerial vehicles (UAV) allows performing impor-
`tant tasks like surveillance, reconnaissance, and
`intelligence missions. UAV hovering over a de-
`sired position requires information coming from
`a group of sensors; more precisely, it requires
`data coming from the UAV attitude as well as of
`its surrounding environment. A sensor capable of
`obtaining abundant information from the UAV
`environment is a vision system. Many results re-
`lated to this topic have been presented recenttly.
`Most of them are related to identification and
`classification of multiple targets, see for example
`[1, 9, 15, 16, 25] and [22]. A circular pattern nav-
`igation algorithm for autonomous target tracking
`has been studied in [24] and [30], showing a good
`performance. Other work concerning trajectory
`generation from video sensors includes particle
`Abstract An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sta-
`bilization strategy based on computer vision and
`switching controllers is proposed. The main goal
`of this system is to perform tracking of a moving
`target on ground. The architecture implemented
`consists of a quadrotor equipped with an em-
`bedded camera which provides real-time video
`to a computer vision algorithm where images
`are processed. A vision-based estimator is pro-
`posed, which makes use of 2-dimensional images
`to compute the relative 3-dimensional position
`and translational velocity of the UAV with respect
`to the target. The proposed estimator provides
`the required states measurements to a micro-
`controller for stabilizing the vehicle during flight.
`· G. Flores · R. Lozano
`J. E. Gomez-Balderas (
`Heudiasyc UMR 7253,
`Université de Technologie de Compiegne,
`Centre de Recherche de Royalieu,
`60200 Compiegne, France
`e-mail: jgomezba@hds.utc.fr
`G. Flores
`e-mail: gfloresc@hds.utc.fr
`R. Lozano
`e-mail: rlozano@hds.utc.fr
`L. R. Garcia Carillo
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
`University of California, Santa Barbara,
`CA 93106-9560, USA
`e-mail: lrgc@ece.ucsb.edu
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 1
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`filters for moving cameras without stabilization
`[20], and the Joint Probabilistic Data Association
`Filter (JPDAF) for tracking multiple targets with
`unreliable target identification [3]. If a model for
`the object’s motion is known, an observer can
`be used to estimate the object’s velocity [10]. In
`[13], an observer for estimating the object velocity
`was utilized; however, a description of the object’s
`kinematics must be known. In [18] an autoregres-
`sive discrete time model is used to predict the
`location of features of a moving object. In [2],
`trajectory filtering and prediction techniques are
`utilized to track a moving object. In [26], object-
`centered models are utilized to estimate the trans-
`lation and the center of rotation of the object.
`Several interesting works have been presented
`concerning visual tracking of targets using UAVs.
`In [29] a color-based tracker is proposed to es-
`timate the target position, while in [14] thermal
`images are correlated with a geographical infor-
`mation system (GIS) towards the same goal. In
`[12] a vision-based control algorithm for stabiliz-
`ing a UAV equipped with two cameras is pre-
`sented. The same system has been used in [11]
`to track a line painted in a wall using a vanish-
`ing points technique. Some methods for designing
`UAV trajectories that increase the amount of in-
`formation available are presented in [23].
`In this paper we describe the use of a vision
`system designed to observe a visual target located
`over a ground vehicle and to track it by using an
`UAV platform of quadrotor type (X-4). The main
`challenge involved in target localization include
`maintaining the target inside the camera’s field
`of view. In order to achieve this requirement, we
`propose a control schema that develops a X-4
`tracking, such that the target localization estima-
`tion error is minimized. To successfully perform
`this task, we have developed a control strategy
`consisting of three principals objectives. First, the
`hovering UAV tracks the target over a desired
`position, this stage is known as take-off mode
`(TO). In case of a temporary lose of sight of the
`target, we use a second control schema named tar-
`get localization (TL), which consists on increasing
`the UAV altitude to obtain a better view of the
`scene. Once the vision system has located the tar-
`get, our third control schema called loss of moving
`target (LOMT) moves the UAV until it reaches a
`desired position with respect to the target. All this
`control strategies switch at every time during the
`test. The input of the image processing algorithm
`is a set of images taken during real flight tests,
`the output of our algorithm is the 3-dimensional
`target position and its translational velocity. How-
`ever, one missing part, as far as our interest is
`concerned, is that there are no physical obstacles
`which hinder UAVs from tracking a target. This
`paper focuses on the UAV implementation strate-
`gies of tracking a target over a ground vehicle
`using vision.
`This paper is organized as follows. Computer
`vision algorithm for position measurement and ve-
`locity estimation using optical flow are described
`in Section 2. In Section 3, the control design is
`presented. The experimental platform used to val-
`idate theoretical results is described in Section 4.
`Experimental results are presented in Section 5.
`Finally, Section 6 presents conclusions and future
`2 Image Processing
`The quadrotor’s computer needs to be able to
`chase the on ground m.t. using the information
`given by the camera, i.e., position and relative ve-
`locity. Regarding this, it is required the estimation
`of the relative x − y position, altitude and velocity
`to the moving target with respect to the quadrotor.
`An on board camera is implemented for such goal
`and the schema describing such system is shown
`in Fig. 1. At this respect, we use some process-
`ing methods: edge detection, target detection and
`optical flow measurement which will be further
`discussed in this section.
`2.1 Edge Detection
`In the present approach a red square object must
`be tracked using a camera. For this reason, an
`edge detector to find the edges of the target in
`the image plane is proposed. We use a Canny edge
`detection algorithm [7] which is known to have the
`following characteristics: good detection, localiza-
`tion, and only one response to a single edge. The
`Canny edge detection algorithm uses the good de-
`tection criterion: there should be a low probability
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 2
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`Fig. 1 Basic scheme
`of failing to mark real edge points, and low prob-
`ability of falsely marking non edge points. This
`criterion corresponds to maximize signal-to-noise
`ratio. In the good localization criterion the points
`marked as edge points by the operator should be
`as close as possible to the center of the true edge.
`That corresponds to maximize the position inter-
`val, passing by zero and correspond to the inverse
`of the expected value between the true edge point
`and the maximum output of the operator. The last
`criterion to only obtain one response to a single
`edge is implicitly captured in the first criterion,
`since when there are two responses to the same
`edge, one of them must be considered false. This
`is necessary to limit the number of peaks in the
`response so that there will be a low probability of
`declaring more than one edge.
`Our vision-based position estimation algorithm
`uses a red colored square target, for this reason we
`propose to use an edge detector to find the edges
`of the square target in the image plane. The Canny
`edge detection algorithm, locates the edges of the
`target in the image and produces thin fragments of
`image contours that can be controlled by a single
`smoothing parameter known as σ . The image is
`first smoothed with a Gaussian filter of spread σ ,
`then, gradient magnitude and direction are com-
`puted at each pixel of the smoothed image. Gradi-
`ent direction is used to thin edges by suppressing
`any pixel response that is not higher than the
`two neighboring pixels on either side of it along
`the direction of the gradient, this is called non-
`maximum suppression. A good operation to use
`with any edge operator when thin boundaries are
`wanted. The two 8-neighbors of a pixel
`x, y
`are to be compared are found by rounding off the
`computed gradient direction to yield one neighbor
`on each side of the center pixel. Once the gradient
`magnitudes are thinned, high magnitude contours
`are tracked. In the final aggregation phase, contin-
`uous contour segments are sequentially followed.
`Contour following is initiated only on edge pix-
`els where the gradient magnitude meets a high
`threshold; however, once started, a contour may
`be followed through pixels whose gradient magni-
`tude meet a lower threshold, usually about half of
`the higher starting threshold. Image regions can
`sometimes be detected when boundary segments
`close on themselves. In our case the boundary of
`a rectangular building might result in four straight
`line segments.
`2.2 Target Detection
`Once we have four rays which intersect in four
`points it is required to verify that the rays form
`a square. To verify this, the angle in each corner
`of the intersection of vertices are computed. By
`applying the triangulation of polygons, we can
`obtain two similar triangles in one square, given
`the triangle with edges A, B and C, the angle β
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 3
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`time instants, and let G pi be the gray scale value
`of a particular pixel p = (ui, vi)T. Then, the gray
`values for pi which appear in two consecutive
`images are defined respectively as
`= I1(u1, v1) Gp2
`= I2(u2, v2)
`where ui and vi are the row and column pixel
`coordinates respectively. Given a specific image
`point p1 ∈ I1, the aim of the approach is to find
`another image point p2 ∈ I2 such that Gp1
`≈ G p2.
`Moreover, the relationship between matched pix-
`els p1 and p2 is given by
`p2 = p1 + r = [ u1 + ru v1 + rv ]T
`where r = [ ru rv ]T defines the image displace-
`ment or optical flow and minimizes the following
`residual function
`ε(r) = up1
`v p2
`v p=v p2
`(I1(p1)− I2(p1 + r))2 (4)
`where wu and wv are two integers that define
`the size of the integration window. The Lucas–
`Kanade optical flow algorithm has an adaptive
`integration window, therefore it is capable of han-
`dling large pixel motions and acts as a low pass
`filter. For a complete description of the algorithm
`see [6].
`Optical flow can be generated by two kinds
`of observer motion: translational motion (Ft) and
`rotational motion (Fr). Let us assume that the
`camera is moving with translational velocity v
`and angular velocity ω while viewing an object at
`distance d and offset β from the direction of travel,
`as depicted in Fig. 1. The optical flow (OF) can be
`mathematically expressed as follows:
`OF = v
`sin β − ω
`The maximal optical flow is obviously gener-
`ated when the plane that contains the features
`is perpendicular to translational motion direction
`(β = 90
`) [4]. The velocity can be estimated from
`Eq. 5 as follows
`v = (OF + ω)
`sin β
`Fig. 2 Target detection
`between the two edges B and C can be obtained
`by the following formula:
`|B|2 + |C|2 − |A|2
`β = arccos
`2 · |B| · |C|
`where |A|,|B| and |C|, denotes the lengths of
`the edges A, B, and C respectively. Applying this
`formula at each one of the square vertices, we
`obtain the four angles in the polygon if this edges
`are perpendiculars. Figure 2 shows the result of
`target detection algorithm using four vertices; the
`4 edges are painted in blue color.
`2.3 Optical Flow Measurement
`We use the optical flow obtained from image se-
`quences to estimate the translational speed of the
`X-4. The horizontal speed estimation is used
`to perform autonomous hover flights as well as
`for avoiding lateral displacement. Many different
`methods for computing the optical
`flow are
`available [4]. We can mention for example
`intensity-based differential methods, frequency-
`based filtering methods or correlation-based
`methods. In this paper we implement the Lucas–
`Kanade pyramidal method, which is an intensity-
`based differential method [6].
`Consider two discrete functions I1, I2 ∈ Rmu×nv
`representing two gray scale images at different
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 4
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`Notice that singularities in the above equation
`appear when β = 0
`. Nevertheless, in our case the
`roll and pitch angles are very close to zero which
`implies that β = 90
`◦ ± 3
`as a maximal interval
`when the quadrotor is appropriately stabilized at
`hover. The measurement of the angular speed ω
`is obtained by using the gyro information on each
`axis. An altitude stabilization algorithm in closed
`loop is used to keep the distance d constant and
`equal to some desired value.
`2.4 Solving the Problem
`the vertex v0 to the central point pci = (xci, yci),
`l1 = v0 + α1(pi). In case of horizontal displace-
`ment of the target we need to know the target
`direction in order to indicate to the UAV a change
`in yaw angle. This is achieved by using a reference
`coordinate located in the image corner p0 = (0, 0).
`We construct a line from p0 to pci, l2 = p0 +
`α2(pci); using l1 and l2 we obtained the yaw angle
`reference of the UAV using dot product equation:
`Translational velocity was obtained using the op-
`tic flow algorithm described in the last section.
`To obtain X-4 position, we use a target detec-
`tion with a red color segmentation algorithm to
`obtain only the red channel image. After this,
`we apply the Canny algorithm for edge detec-
`tion, attaining the interior and exterior bound-
`aries in this region. The exterior boundaries are
`formed by a finite collection of n line segments
`of the following way e0 = v0v1, e1 = v1v2, ..., ei =
`vivi+1, ..., en−1 = vn−1v0, connected by n image
`points v0, v1, v2, ..., vn−1 where vi = (xi, yi). Using
`this points, we can obtain four vertices with four
`edges, the next step is to verify the right angle
`in each corner of the quadrilateral, using Eq. 1.
`With the area of the square founded and using
`the pinhole camera model with the intrinsic para-
`meters values, we use similar triangles properties
`to obtain the distance Z W (altitude) between the
`camera and the target. Also, other information is
`obtained such as the central point of the square,
`that is equal to the point where the two diagonals
`of the square intersect, called (xci, yci) in the image
`plane. Using this information we can obtain the
`3D coordinates of this point:
`XW = f
`YW = f
`Z W
`Z W
`where f is the focal length of the camera. Know-
`ing the four coordinates of target v0, v1, v2, and v3
`vertex of the target and the center image coordi-
`nates (xci, yci), we construct a line l1 going from
`Fig. 3 Flowchart of image processing
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 5
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`flowchart in Fig. 3 explains the image processing
`algorithms used to obtain position, orientation
`and velocity data. Once we obtain this 6-tuple,
`this information is sent to the X-4 by means of a
`wireless modem with a baud rate equal to 38400.
`Our X-4 vehicle is equipped with a reception
`modem connected to the serial port of a Rabbit
`microprocessor, embedded in the X-4. The output
`of these methods during real flight tests are shown
`in Figs. 4 and 5.
`3 Control
`A common mathematical model for the quad-
`rotor is implemented aiming at developing the
`navigation control strategy [8]:
`¨x = −u1(cos φ sin θ cos ψ + sin φ sin ψ )
`¨y = −u1(cos φ sin θ sin ψ − sin φ cos ψ )
`¨z = 1 − u1(cos φ cos θ )
`¨θ = u2
`¨φ = u3
`¨ψ = u4
`The quad-rotor model, presented in Eq. 9, can
`be written in a state-space form by introducing
`˙Z = (z1, ..., z6)T ∈ (cid:5)6, with
`˙X= (x1, ..., x6)T ∈ (cid:5)6,
`states defined by
`x1 = x z1 = θ
`x2 = ˙x z2 = ˙θ
`x3 = y z3 = φ
`x4 = ˙y z4 = ˙φ
`x5 = z z5 = ψ
`x6 = ˙z z6 = ˙ψ
`Using the linear representation of the model in
`Eq. 9 and the notation from Eq. 10, one has
`˙x1 = x2
`˙z1 = z2
`˙x2 = −z1u1
`˙z2 = u2
`˙x3 = x4
`˙z3 = z4
`˙x4 = z3u1
`˙z4 = u3
`˙x5 = x6
`˙z5 = z6
`˙x6 = 1 − u1
`˙z6 = u4
`Due to the fact that, in general, the vehicle never
`works in areas where |θ| ≥ π/2 and |φ| ≥ π/2,
`Fig. 4 X-4 real time image
`ψ = arccos(l1 · l2). To calculate X-4 velocity esti-
`mation we use a Lucas–Kanade based optical flow
`algorithm to obtain the translational velocity of
`the camera placed under X-4 structure. It should
`be noticed that optical flow gives the velocity in
`the image plane, which in this case corresponds to
`the velocity of the X-4 displacements when using
`the floor as reference.
`The proposed algorithm obtain (XW ,YW , ZW , ψ)
`that is, the 3-dimensional position orientation of
`the target with respect to the X-4 camera. Using
`the optical flow algorithm we acquire (˙x, ˙y), which
`is the X-4 velocity estimation corresponding re-
`spectively to ( ˙xci, ˙yci) in world coordinates. The
`Fig. 5 X-4 real time displacement
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`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`3.2 Control Laws in Each Operating Mode
`The control strategy proposed in all different
`modes is based on the idea that the global system,
`presented in Eq. 11, is constituted of two subsys-
`tems, the attitude dynamics and the position dy-
`namics, existing a time-scale separation between
`them [19]. From this fact, it is possible to propose a
`hierarchical control scheme, where the positioning
`controller provides the reference attitude angles
`(θd, φd and ψd), which are the angles that must
`be tracked by the orientation controllers. For the
`complete system analysis, the error dynamics of
`the model in Eq. 11 are represented by the errors
`˜xi = xi − xid and ˜zi = zi − zid, with i ∈ {1, ..., 6}.
`3.2.1 Attitude Control
`the linear model is chosen for being implemented
`instead of its nonlinear version. Such working do-
`mains are satisfied even in research works where
`the nonlinear model is used together with a feed-
`back control [5].
`3.1 Operating Modes of the Moving
`Target Mission
`The navigation mission has been divided into
`different sub-missions or stages:
`– Take-off (TO) the objective is to achieve the
`desired altitude zd and it will be supposed
`that the moving target is initially inside of the
`camera’s field of view.
`– Target localization (TL) in this mode, the ve-
`hicle has achieved the desired altitude. The
`task to be accomplished here is to align the ve-
`hicle’s center of gravity (CG) w.r.t the moving
`– Loss of moving target (LOMT) the vehicle is
`required to change its altitude in order to find
`the moving target, i.e. until the moving target
`is inside of the camera’s field of view. Once the
`mini-UAV has found the moving target, the
`vehicle should go back to the desired altitude
`and pursue the moving target.
`The navigation control is structured in different
`controllers for each sub-mission as illustrated in
`Fig. 6.
`Fig. 6 Navigation control system
`For the present studies, attitude dynamics have
`the same controller among all operating modes.
`An integral sliding mode control (ISMC) is pro-
`posed and implemented on the platform, which is
`explained next.
`For the pitch dynamics case, the error equation
`is defined as ˜z1 = z1 − z1d. As shown in [28], lets
`select the switching function
`˜z1(τ ) dτ
`s(z, t) = ˙˜z1 + 2λ˜z1 + λ2
`which depends on the pitch dynamics states. The λ
`parameter in Eq. 12 is the slope of the sliding line
`and should be greater than zero to ensure the as-
`ymptotic stability of the sliding mode. Computing
`the time derivative of Eq. 12 one has
`˙s = z1u1 + 2λz2 + λ2˜z1
`Considering the sliding mode condition ˙s = 0, and
`using Eq. 13 one finds the equivalent control
`= −2λz2 − λ2˜z1
`With the purpose of obtaining a control law such
`that the state vector ˜z1 remains on the sliding
`surface s(z, t) = 0, ∀t > 0, let’s use the Lyapunov
`function candidate
`v(s) = 1
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`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`the same time, the z controller changes. In both
`of them, the control objective is to regulate the
`x and y states to the origin, i.e. x1d = x3d = 0.
`There are two possible situations where the m.t.
`is lost by the mini-UAV. The first one occurs
`when the camera’s field of view is disturbed by
`some objects between the m.t. and the UAV. The
`second one occurs when the m.t. presents one
`acceleration large enough to disallow the tracking
`of the target. In this paper we focus only in the
`second case, considering the camera’s field of view
`is never obstructed by some objects. Thus, we
`will focus in the second case where is impossible
`to track the m.t. due to lack of information in
`the visual system. Then we propose a searching
`process consisting on changing the altitude until
`the m.t. is found again.
`– Control schema when the m.t. is detected: in
`this case, the feedback control law proposed is
`given by
`= kpz
`x5 − x5d
`(cid:7) + kvz
`x6 − x6d
`(cid:7) − 1 (20)
`where kpz and kvz are positive real numbers.
`Then, using the controllers 19 and 20, the
`closed-loop system of the position dynamics
`(left hand side of Eq. 11)is given by
`˙x1 = x2
`˙x2 = −kpxx1 − kvxx2
`˙x3 = x4
`˙x4 = −kpyx3 − kvyx4
`˙x5 = x6
`˙x6 = −kpzx5 − kvzx6
`The Eq. 21 can be represented as ˙X = Amt X
`⎞ ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠
`−k px −kvx
`0 −kpy −kvy
`0 −kpz −kvz
`⎛ ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝
`Amt =
`An efficient condition for the stability of the pitch
`sub-system can be satisfied if one can ensure that
`the reached condition
`s2 ≤ η|s|,
`˙v(s) = 1
`d d
`η ≥ 0
`holds. Then, the system remains on the sliding
`surface and the states go to the origin. Thus s˙s ≤
`−η|s| and the controller must be chosen such that
`− Ksign(s)
`z1 = z1eq
`where K is a positive real number. Following a
`similar approach, it is possible to obtain the yaw
`and roll angles controllers.
`3.3 Position Control
`For each sub-mission or stage, the position con-
`trol have well defined objectives, previously ex-
`plained. Motion in the x − y plane is accomplished
`by orientating the vehicle’s thrust vector in the
`direction of the displacement desired. As conse-
`quence, the angles θd and φd act as virtual con-
`trollers for the position dynamics. The control
`laws proposed for the x an y positions, respec-
`tively, are expressed as
`) + kpx(x1 − x1d
`θd = kvx(x2 − x2d
`) + kpy(x3 − x3d
`φd = − kvy(x4 − x4d
`with kvx, kpx, kvy and kpy being positive real num-
`3.3.1 Altitude Control
`The z-position control is composed by two dif-
`ferent controllers, one for the situation when the
`m.t. is being detected and one for the situation
`when it is not. When the m.t. is inside of the
`camera’s field of view, the proposed control law
`is formed by a state feedback taking into account
`only the states involving the altitude dynamics. On
`the other hand, when the vehicle looses the image
`of the target, a switch to a different method for
`measuring the vehicle’s ψ angle occurs, and, at
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 8
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`3.4 Stability Analysis of the Position Sub-System
`This section focuses on the system’s stability
`across switching boundaries, i.e., where altitude
`dynamics switches between the pair of controllers
`Eqs. 20 and 23.
`Following a similar approach than the one pre-
`sented in [21], it is possible to find a common
`Lyapunov function for the closed-loop system
`formed applying the two controllers of the posi-
`tion dynamics. However, working in this way, the
`same pole locations have to be chosen for both
`cases, when the m.t. is detected and were it is not
`detected, which in fact is not the case.
`Let’s define dx and dy as the distances mea-
`sured from the vehicle’s center of gravity projec-
`tion to the point where the camera loses the image
`of the road, see Fig. 7. Thus, when the error is
`bigger than dx for x dynamics or dy for y dynamics,
`the control law is changed. A change of coordi-
`nates can be made using the known constants dx
`and dy. Thus, without loss of generality, a state
`dependent switched linear system can be defined,
`given by the closed-loop system together with the
`switching conditions
`Amt X if |ex| < dx and|ey| < dy
`˙X =
`Amt X if |ex| ≥ dx or|ey| ≥ dy
`It is clear that each individual system in Eq. 25
`is stable, since the matrices Amt and Amt are
`Fig. 7 Camera’s view
`Suppose that there is a family A p, p ∈ P of
`functions from (cid:5)n to (cid:5)n, with P = 1, 2, ..., m
`defining the finite index set. For the case of lin-
`ear systems, this results in a family of systems
`˙x = Apx with A p ∈ (cid:5)n×n. Let’s define a piece-
`wise constant function σ : [0,∞) → P with finite
`number of discontinuities (switching times) on
`every bounded time interval. This function takes a
`constant value on every interval between two con-
`secutive switching times. Then σ gives the index
`σ (t) ∈ P of the system that is actually active, at
`each instant of time t.
`Theorem 1 Consider vectors t pq, symmetric matri-
`ces Sp with p ∈ {x : xT Spx ≥ 0}, ∀p ∈ P having
`non-negative entries and symmetric matrices Pp
`such that:
`p Pp + Pp A p + βpSp < 0,
`0 < Pp − Pq + fpqtT
`βp ≥ 0
`+ tpq f Tpq for some tpq ∈ (cid:5)n
`With the boundary between p and q of the form
`{x : f T
`= 0},
`fpq ∈ (cid:5)n. Then every continuous,
`piecewise C 1 trajectory of the system ˙x = Aσ x
`tends to zero exponentially.
`See the Appendix.
`– Control schema when the m.t. is not detected:
`in this case, the proposed control schema is
`given by
`) + kvz(x6 − x6d
`= kpz(x5 − x5d
`− kZ xx1 − kZ yx3 − 1
`where kZ x and kZ y are positive real numbers.
`Then, the closed-loop system is represented as
`˙X = Amt X where Amt =
`−kpx −kvx −kZ x
`0 −kZ y
`0 −kpy −kvy
`0 −kpz −kvz
`⎞ ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠
`⎛ ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜⎝
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 9
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`Fig. 8 Embedded control architecture
`4 Experimental Platform
`The total weight of the vehicle is about 500 gr, with
`a flight endurance of 10 min approximately. The-
`oretical results obtained were incorporated into
`an autopilot control system using an architecture
`based on a29 MHz Rabbit micro controller with
`512 Kb Flash and 512 Kb RAM. These micro
`controllers are capable of handling floating point
`operations and multitasking processing virtually
`due to the enhancement compiler Dynamic C [27].
`We have built our own inertial measurement unit
`(IMU) using accelerometers, gyros and a compass
`to obtain the roll, pitch, and yaw angles, as well
`as the angular rates. The IMU information is sent
`to the micro controller which also reads reference
`control inputs from an operator through a ser-
`ial wireless modem. The micro controller subse-
`quently combines this information to compute the
`control input and sends the control corrections
`to the motors through a I2C serial port. The vi-
`sion sensor is composed of a wifi camera placed
`onboard the X-4 platform, the camera is point-
`ing downwards, allowing to perform the optical
`X−4 Altitude
`X−4 Altitude (cm)
`Fig. 9 X-4 altitude
`time (seconds)
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 10
`X−4 position
`X position (cm)
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`Fig. 10 X-4 position over
`time (seconds)
`X−4 Position
`Y position (cm)
`Fig. 11 X-4 position over
`time (seconds)
`X−4 Velocity
`velocity x (cm/seg)
`Fig. 12 X-4 velocity over
`time (seconds)
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 11
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`X−4 Velocity
`Y velocity (cm/seg)
`Fig. 13 X-4 velocity over
`flow and positioning algorithms. The algorithm
`processes images coming the camera at a rate of 18
`frames/seconds. The image has a size of 320 width
`pixels and 240 height pixels. The 3D position and
`displacement velocity estimation are computed in
`a PC with Intel Core 2 duo processor 2.10 GHz
`using OpenCV libraries. Figure 8 shows a block
`diagram of the basic architecture.
`5 Real Time Experiments
`To test the proposed algorithms we realize sev-
`eral experiments. In this article we describe an
`experience in real
`flight consisting of 180 s
`of tracking a car with a translation motion at
`constant velocity. X-4 position and velocity es-
`timation are obtained by means of the image
`processing algorithm. In the first 10 s we observe
`the initialization of the algorithms, at this time the
`target detection algorithms identifies the target
`in the field of view of the camera. When the
`target is detected we obtain the position of the
`camera, next, the X-4 tries to go over the target.
`After the initialization the control algorithm uses
`the take-off (TO) navigation method with the
`desired altitude zd = 90 cm. At 55 s the target
`move faster than X-4 and the camera lost the
`target. With this information the X-4 navigation
`method change to loss of moving target (LOMT)
`mode, increasing its altitude over 120 cm. At this
`altitude the X-4 camera localizes the target, and
`target localization mode (TL) try to displace the
`X-4 toward a desired altitude. It is observed in
`Fig. 9 how the X-4 moves to desired altitude us-
`ing a embedded switch control. Figure 10 shown
`the X-4 displacements estimation over its X-axis
`on 180 s of real flight. It can be seen the ini-
`tialization steps during the first 10 s of flight.
`After that, we observe the displacement of the
`X-4 center of gravity and how the X-4 embedded
`control tries to move it to a desired orientation
`close to 60 cm over X-4 axis. In Fig. 11 we shown
`X-4 displacements estimation over its Y-axis on
`180 s of real flight. After 10 s of initialization
`step, the X-4 embedded control moves it to a
`desired orientation over Y-axis, in our case 50 cm.
`Figures 12 and 13 show the X-4 velocity over the
`X-axis and Y-axis, respectively, on 180 s of flight.
`Velocity estimation was obtained using optical
`flow algorithm.
`6 Conclusion
`In this paper we presented a UAV tracking a
`target placed over a ground vehicle. The strategy
`makes use of a vision system that estimates posi-
`tion, orientation and displacement velocity of the
`UAV with tespect to the moving target. The nav-
`igation mission uses different control algorithms:
`take-off (TO) mode for achieving a desired alti-
`tude; target localization (TL) mode has for goal
`aligning the vehicle’s center of gravity with respect
`to the moving target; and loss of moving target
`(LOMT) mode where the vehicle is required to
`Yuneec Exhibit 1021 Page 12
`J Intell Robot Syst (2013) 70:65–78
`change its altitude in order to find the moving
`target. The UAV tracking algorithm has been
`developed and tested using our experimental X-4
`platform in real-time flights. The real-time exper-
`iments have shown an acceptable performance of
`the UAV applying the control navigation schema
`Future work will concern extending the strate-
`gies presented in this paper, with the purpose of
`working in different conditions, such as a different
`target forms. Pattern recognition methods, like
`machine learning, are being tested with the main
`objective of providing a more robust estimation of
`the form and location of the target.
`Acknowledgements This work was partially supported
`by the Mexican National Council for Science and Technol-
`ogy (CONACYT), the Institute for Science & Technology
`of Mexico City (ICyTDF) and the French National Center
`for Scientific Research (CNRS).
`Before proving Theorem 1, let’s use the