`from a Single Multirotor UAV
`Nathaniel Miller∗
`Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77843, USA
`Jonathan Rogers†
`Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 30332, USA
`An algorithm for autonomous multirotor tracking of an arbitrary number of ground
`targets is formulated and evaluated through simulation. The algorithm consists of a par-
`ticle filter to predict target motion, trajectory generator, and model predictive controller
`operating over a finite time horizon. Furthermore, a target selection algorithm is included
`to reject targets that preclude accurate tracking of the main target set. Performance of
`the guidance algorithm is evaluated through simulation using real-world target data. Sim-
`ulation results show that targets can be kept within the camera’s field of view when using
`either a gimbaled or non-gimbaled camera, but performance may be substantially degraded
`in the non-gimbaled case when target dynamics occur on time scales similar to tracking
`vehicle dynamics.
`Ground speed
`Course over ground
`Lateral and longitudinal accelerations
`alat, alon
`Easterly and northerly distance from origin, heigh above ground
`x, y, z
`xcam, ycam Easterly and northerly center of camera frame
`Nearest altitude range (for gain scheduling)
`φ, θ, φc, θc Roll and pitch, commanded roll and pitch
`Non-dimensionalized thrust, commanded non-dimensionalized thrust
`T , Tc
`Time constant
`Coeffecient of drag
`X, ¯X, σX Measurement, expected value, and standard deviation of random variable
`Number of samples currently held in accumulator
`Maximum number of samples holdable in accumulator
`Time vector
`Horizon length
`k, K
`Current time index, number of time indicies
`¯x, ¯u, ¯Y
`State, control, and output vectors at instant in time
`Desired output vector at instant in time
`Estimated and desired output vector over time horizion
`(cid:2) ¯Y(cid:3),
`Optimal control vector over time horizon
`∗Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Student Member, AIAA.
`†Assistant Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Member, AIAA.
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`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Downloaded by Michael Daniels on August 3, 2016 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/6.2014-2670
` AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference
` 16-20 June 2014, Atlanta, GA
` AIAA 2014-2670
` Copyright © 2014 by Nathaniel R Miller. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
` AIAA Aviation
`Yuneec Exhibit 1015 Page 1
`(cid:101)x, (cid:101)y,(cid:101)z
`Desired x, y, and z positions
`Gain matrix
`Minimal gain matrix producing ¯uk+1 only
`Distance from target j to centroid of other targets
`There is increasing interest in the ability to task low-cost airborne assets to autonomously track ground
`targets, specifically though video feed. Such autonomous tracking capabilities may allow air vehicles to
`perform monitoring and surveillance activities without persistent oversight by an operator, which may be
`a prohibitively burdensome task in cases involving large numbers of targets and/or tracking vehicles. In
`scenarios where the number of tracking vehicles is limited and the number of targets is large, one air vehicle
`may be responsible for simultaneously tracking multiple targets. In this case, the tracking problem primarily
`becomes one of vehicle guidance and path planning since the vehicle flight path must permit on-board sensors
`to track multiple ground targets that may be uncooperative. As ground targets move farther apart, the air
`vehicle must increase altitude to ensure the targets remain within sensor fields-of-view. Furthermore, the
`air vehicle must continuously search for the optimal position that minimizes the probability of targets being
`obscured or unexpectedly maneuvering out of the field of view. Thus, the vehicle path planning problem and
`the tracking solution are coupled and create a complex guidance problem that must be solved in real-time.
`No solution currently exists for this type of problem and therefore tactical UAV’s are often restricted to
`tracking and engaging one target at a time.
`An extensive body of literature exists on automated airborne target tracking algorithms. Video-based
`tracking of a single target has been well studied1, 2 but such methods do not easily generalize to the simul-
`taneous multi-target case. Similarly, the problem of tracking and engaging multiple targets from multiple
`aerial platforms has been studied somewhat extensively during the past decade (see, for instance,3–7). In
`many ways these are simple generalizations of single-target-single-tracker algorithms, in which the number
`of trackers needed is the same as the number of targets. For high-altitude missions tasked with tracking
`targets in a confined area, such as the Predator scenario discussed in,8 the multi-target tracking problem
`from a single vehicle can be easily solved by flying standard surveillance patterns and determining optimal
`pointing solutions for on-board sensors. The problem becomes fundamentally different and far more difficult,
`however, when tracking is done with tactical low-altitude UAV’s with on-board, low-cost sensors of limited
`range and resolution.
`In this case, the vehicle must constantly climb, descend, and reposition to ensure
`adequate visual range and resolution with low-cost sensors. In addition, several algorithms have also been
`developed to track multiple targets when keeping all targets simultaneously in view is not a priority.9, 10
`Such solutions fail if targets move unpredictably while not under observation.
`This paper presents an algorithm for tracking an arbitrary number of ground targets from a single
`multirotor. For the purposes of algorithm development it is assumed that vehicle positions are known, and
`the control system is tasked to keep all targets within the video field of view to the maximum extent possible.
`Furthermore, it is assumed that the tasks of pointing the sensor and determining target motion from the
`sensor feed (both topics that are well studied11–14) are completed by external algorithms separate from the
`controller derived here. The tracking algorithm is constructed by first generating a reference trajectory given
`predicted target motion. Based on the reference trajectory, a receding-horizon optimal control problem if
`formulated and a linear model predictive control algorithm is implemented assuming vehicle dynamics similar
`to a multirotor UAV. A particle filter algorithm is used to predict target motion over the receding control
`horizon. In addition, a target rejection algorithm limits tracking vehicle altitutde below a certain ceiling,
`ensuring that tracking resolution of the total target set is not sacrificed in order to track a single, rogue
`The paper proceeds as follows. First, the guidance algorithm is described including the trajectory gen-
`erator, model predictive controller, and target motion particle filter. Simulation results are provided for an
`example small-scale hexcopter aircraft, and trade studies are performed examining the effects of camera field
`of view, target rejection, and gimbaled vs non-gimbaled performance. Finally, results demonstrate that the
`algorithm enables simultaneous multi-target tracking performance for a broad range of ground target types
`and is robust to uncooperative target motion.
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`Yuneec Exhibit 1015 Page 2
`II. Tracking Algorithm
`T1, T7, T18
`T4, T11
`T5, T9
`Asset Assignment
`(Pool of targets)
`T1, T2, ..., TN
`T19, T27
`T2, T8
`Figure 1. Graphic representing the proposed tracking architecture. The asset assignment algorithm (not the
`focus of this work) will assign each airborne tracking vehicle (denoted Am) a set of targets to track (denoted
`Tn). The focus of this work is the control system associated with the single-agent, N -target problem.
`A general multi-agent, multi-target tracking problem may be formulated by considering M tracking
`agents and N targets. As shown in Figure 1, a centralized architecture consists of an asset assigner which
`assigns to each agent a set of targets. Each agent is agnostic to both the other agents and targets which
`are assigned to other agents. The focus of this paper then is the single-agent, N -target tracking problem –
`specifically, the control algorithm on-board each agent that allows it to track multiple targets simultaneously.
`The process of asset assignment, whether performed in a centralized or decentralized manner, is taken for
`granted in the discussion that follows.
`The multi-target tracking algorithm operates in four layers. First, the trajectory predictions of each
`target are estimated using a simple target model and particle filter. A trajectory generator then takes the
`estimated path of all targets and constructs a desired 3D reference trajectory for the multirotor to follow.
`Linear model predictive control (MPC) with a finite time horizon is used to track this trajectory. Finally, a
`target rejection algorithm works to determine if any targets are driving the tracking vehicle to prohibitively
`high altitudes and reducing tracking performance for the majority of targets. Such rogue targets are removed
`from consideration through a mathematical rejection criteria. A diagram of the basic control architecture is
`shown in Figure 2.
`A. Rotorcraft Dynamic Model
`A simple linear model of a multirotor is constructed assuming the rotorcraft contains a stabilization system
`capable of tracking commanded Euler angles with first order lag. Translational acceleration is accomplished
`by thrust vectoring using the roll and pitch degrees of freedom. A drag term, linear in the velocity states, is
`added to the three translational velocities. The controls are taken to be commanded roll rate, commanded
`pitch rate, and commanded thrust. Two controller states, commanded roll and commanded pitch, are
`also included in the state vector. In this way both control and control rate can be penalized within the
`model predictive controller. Thrust is non-dimensionalized by vehicle mass, resulting in equations of motion
`independent of vehicle mass. Thrust, roll, pitch, roll rate, and pitch rate are constrained to reasonable
`values, discussed further in Section 3.2. Gravity is accounted for in the dynamic model by decreasing the
`non-dimensionalized thrust by 1. Equations (1)-(7) describe the linear equations of motion for the aircraft-
`camera system.
`¯x =
`φ θ T x y
`¯u =
`˙z φc φc
`˙θc Tc
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`Yuneec Exhibit 1015 Page 3
`Targets’ State
`Particle Filters
`Reference Trajec-
`tory Generator
`Control Matrix [kmin]
`Agent Control Sequence
`Select Control Matrix
`Based on Altitude
`Vehicle Specific Controls
`Figure 2. Block diagram representing the multi-target tracking control algorithm
`A =
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 cdx
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 1
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0 τt
`0 0
`0 0
`x y
`z φ θ
`B =
`¯Y =
`x y
`: gimbaled
`: non − gimbaled
`z φ θ xcam ycam
`xcam = x + z tan (−φ) ≈ x − zφ
`ycam = y + z tan (−θ) ≈ y − zθ
`The xcam and ycam terms in Equation (5) are a nonlinear product of altitude and orientation angle. To
`maintain linearity, gain scheduling is implemented in Equations (6) and (7). The user defined permissible
`altitude range is discretized into ten intervals on a logarithmic scale and Equation (8) is used to generate the
`output matrix C assuming altitude z is a constant on the interval. In this way, the standard linear system
`equations, shown in (9) and (10), can be used.
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`C =
`0 0 0 1 0
`0 0 0 0 1
`0 0 0 0 0
`1 0 0 0 0
`0 1 0 0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`˙¯x = A¯x + B ¯u
`¯Y = C ¯x
`: gimbaled
` : non − gimbaled
`0 0
`The continuous system equations of motion are transformed into a discrete system using a zero order hold
`transform with a timestep of 0.2 seconds. These discrete equations of motion are given in (11) and (12).
`¯xk+1 = Ad ¯xk + Bd ¯uk
`¯Yk = Cd ¯xk
`B. Ground Target Model
`Targets are assumed fixed to a flat earth and are modeled as points in two dimensional space using a East-
`North-Up coordinate system. It is assumed that targets hold constant longitudinal and lateral accelerations
`over the planning horizon, and that lateral acceleration is reasonably small such that it does not change the
`ground speed of the target (only direction). For all cases in this paper, a planning horizon of 5 sec was used.
`The target equations of motion are shown in Equations (13) to (15).
`Figure 3. Ground target coordinate system.
`φ(t) =
`˙x(t) = (alont + v0) sin φ(t)
`˙y(t) = (alont + v0) cos φ(t)
`φ0 − alat ln v0
`+ alat ln (v0+alont)
`φ0 + alatt
`: alon (cid:54)= 0
`: alon ≈ 0
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`¯Xk+1 =
`Mk+1 =
`N +1
`(cid:40) (n−1)¯(X)k+Xk+1
`(cid:105)(cid:2)Mk + (Xk+1 − ¯xk+1)2(cid:3)
`(cid:40) Mk+1
`: n ≤ N
`: n > N
`Accumulators are used to estimate the mean and variance of each target’s course over ground (COG),
`ground speed, and longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Distributions of these variables are assumed Gaus-
`sian. Position, velocity, and COG measurements are taken from a GPS receiver and assumed deterministic
`due to the GPS’s relatively high precision in taking these measurements. Longitudinal and lateral ac-
`celerations are determined by first order finite differencing applied to the groundspeed and COG. Online
`accumulation algorithms, as shown in Equations (16)-(18), are modified to include a forgetting factor.15
`: n ≤ N
`: n > N
`Mk + (Xk+1 − ¯Xx+1)2
`1 − 1
`: n ≤ N
`: n < N ;
`Each target has an associated particle filter to estimate future target motion. Particles are sampled
`assuming a Gaussian distribution of the four unknowns on the right hand side of Equations(13)-(15), namely
`alon, alat, v0, and φ0. These equations are integrated forward in time yielding particle trajectories over a
`finite time horizon. Particles are regenerated, not resampled, with each new GPS measurement. This is
`equivalent to a particle filter in which the measurement error covariance is zero.
`C. Reference Trajectory Generation
`A time horizon is chosen and discretized as shown in Equation (19). The desired multirotor trajectory is
`generated on this time horizon to keep all targets in the camera’s field of view at the lowest altitude possible.
`Figure 4 presents a graphical example of how this is done. The desired altitude over the planning horizon
`is a constant determined by the minimum altitude necessary to keep all the targets’ particles within the
`camera’s field of view at the end of the planning horizon (t = H). For this work, H was chosen to be 5
`seconds. Optionally, a buffer zone can be designated near the edge of the camera frame to keep targets from
`approaching the edge of the field of view, guarding against modeling errors and target prediction uncertainty.
`Use of this buffer zone has the effect of increasing the multirotor’s altitude and increasing the probability
`that targets will remain within the camera’s field of view. At the same time, this altitude increase means
`that the targets are viewed from a longer distance. A trade study involving this buffer distance will be
`considered in the Results section.
`¯t =
`0 ∆t 2∆t
`. . . H
`The generated trajectory is stacked into a single vector as shown in Equation (20). The reason for this
`unusual stacking will be made clear in Section D. The zeroes in Equation (20) represent the desired roll and
`pitch angles. Setting them to zero forces the MPC controller to attempt to achieve the desired velocity with
`as close to a level attitude as possible, which is generally desirable for video tracking purposes. The second
`instance of the x and y positions in the non-gimbaled output equation is specifying the location of xcam and
`ycam, the center of the camera frame.
`(cid:104)(cid:101)xk (cid:101)yk
`(cid:104)(cid:101)xk (cid:101)yk
`0 0 . . .(cid:101)xk+K (cid:101)yk+K z
`0 0 (cid:101)xk (cid:101)yk . . .(cid:101)xk+K (cid:101)yk+K z
`: gimbaled
`: non − gimbaled
`Due to the inherent symmetry of multirotor systems, it is assumed that yaw angle has no effect on the vehicle
`dynamics. For simplicity the vehicle yaw angle is assumed to be zero at all times and is excluded from both
`the trajectory generation and system model.
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`Figure 4. Determining multirotor position. The dark blue lines are observed paths of the targets. The many
`black lines emanating from the blue lines are possible target paths predicted by the particle filter. Light blue
`circles represent the expected location of each target at a future time. A bounding rectangle is drawn which
`contains the expected locations of all targets at the future time. The desired multirotor location is the center
`of this rectangle.
`D. Model Predictive Control
`A linear model predictive controller is constructed16 to track the reference trajectory. The control vector is
`stacked as shown in (21). A quadratic cost function is constructed to penalize both the states and controls,
`shown in (22). The estimated output over the planning horizon
`for control sequence
`is calculated
`using the discrete system model using the block matrices kca and kcab given in (24) and (25).
`(cid:16)(cid:2) ¯Y(cid:3) −(cid:104)(cid:101)Y
`(cid:16)(cid:2) ¯Y(cid:3) −(cid:104)(cid:101)Y
`(cid:2) ¯Y(cid:3) = kca ¯xk + kcab [¯u]
`J =
`+ [¯u]t R [¯u]
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`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`d Bd CdAH−1
`CdA1dBd CdA0dB
`d Bd
`Setting the derivative of (22) with respect to [¯u] equal to zero and solving for the control vector yields the
`optimal control over the planning horizon (27). Because the MPC is re-calculated at each timestep, the only
`part of [¯u] needed is uk+1. Extracting just the top block-row of [k] allows a more computationally efficient
`calculation as shown in (26)-(28).
`kca =
`. . .
`kcad =
`[k] =(cid:0)ktcabQkcab + R(cid:1)−1
`(cid:105) − kca ¯xk
`(cid:105) − kca ¯xk
`[¯u] = [k]
`¯uk+1 = [kmin]
`Recall from (8) the output matrix for the non-gimbaled case depends on altitude. Thus, each discretized
`altitude range has a [kmin] associated with it. When running the MPC algorithm the appropriate feedback
`matrix is selected based on the current mulitrotor altitude, using the implicit assumption that altitude does
`not change significantly over the planning horizon. A block diagram of the control system, including this
`gain scheduling, is shown in Figure 2.
`E. Target Rejection
`Targets which are prohibitively difficult to keep in the field of view, for instance due to completely uncorre-
`lated motion with the rest of the targets, are automatically removed from the target set. The target rejection
`routine is initiated once the multirotor has been within 10 percent of its user-defined altitude ceiling for two
`seconds. Three metrics are used to determine which target is rejected; distance from other targets as shown
`in Equation (29), course over ground correlation with the other targets as shown in Equation (30), and
`number of times a given target has been at the edge of the camera’s field of view. This metric is determined
`by keeping track of the number of instances in which the target was responsible for limiting the bounding
`rectangle as shown in Figure 4. The three metrics are weighted and summed, and the target with the greatest
`score is rejected.
`j =
`xj − 1
`− N(cid:88)
`yj − 1
`= ψj − 1
`− N(cid:88)
`A. Target Data
`III. Simulation Results
`Data for simulation experiments was collected by placing a GPS receiver on three different ground vehicles;
`a pedestrian on foot, a bicyclist, and an automobile. The resulting trajectories were recorded. This data was
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`Yuneec Exhibit 1015 Page 8
`post-processed to determine time histories of alon, alat, v0, and φ0. The data was then interpolated onto a
`uniform time grid using a timestep of 0.2 seconds.
`Walking data was collected on sidewalks in a small residential area. Every effort was made to ensure
`the GPS receiver had a clear view of the sky during the trajectory recording sessions. No further special
`accommodations were made. The pace under motion was about 2 m/s. Biking took place in a low traffic
`district. Again, the route was intentionally planned to maintain a clear view of the sky. Due to strong
`winds, riding speed varied from 5 m/s when traveling against the wind to 9 m/s with the wind. Driving was
`performed in a large residential area. Roads were selected which had clear views of the sky and speed limits
`under 18 m/s. This was done to ensure the car did not drive faster than the multirotor is capable of flying.
`Other than selecting roads with appropriate speed limits no effort was made to drive out of the ordinary
`while collecting data.
`For a given simulation a data set is selected at random. Small perturbations are applied in heading,
`velocity, start time, velocity, and start location. The tracking algorithm is then tasked with tracking 5 sets
`of randomly perturbed data. A sample data set generated from walking trajectories is shown in Figure 5.
`Figure 5. Example of randomized target trajectories. Targets begin near the origin and move in a north
`easterly direction. Open circles indicate locations at synchronized time points.
`B. System Identification
`To improve simulation fidelity, system identification was performed on an example hexcopter to obtain the
`linear model given in (3) and (4). The hexcopter was instrumented with an autopilot tasked with tracking
`human pilot commanded roll and pitch angles. Roll and pitch doubles were applied to determine appropriate
`rate limits and time constants, seen in Figure 6. Performance testing was conducted to determine maximum
`speed and thrust. Parameters used in the simulation are in Table1. Linearized coefficients of drag were
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`determined from maximum speed by Newton’s Second Law applied at equilibrium at the maximum allowed
`roll and pitch angle (designated by the subscript max).
`It is assumed the only lateral and longitudinal
`forces present are the horizontal component of thrust and aerodynamic drag. The equation to determine
`coefficients of drag from maximum speed and bank angle is developed in Equations (31)-(32). Analogous
`equations were used drag coefficient cdy from | ˙ymax| and θmax. The final identified model parameters are
`(cid:88) Fx
`listed in Table 1.
`= ¨x = cdx ˙x − tan φ
`cdx =
`tan φ
`| ˙x|max
`Table 1. Experimentally determined system parameters. These parameters are used in the system model
`presented in Equations (3) and (4).
`τφ, τθ
`| ˙xmax|, | ˙ymax|
`cdx , cdy
`|φmax|, |θmax|
`| ˙φmax|, | ˙θmax|
`22 m/s
`[-0.8 1]
`45 deg
`90 deg / sec
`Figure 6. Application of doublets and system response.
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`C. Example Trajectories
`An example trajectory generated by tracking walking targets with a gimbaled camera is shown in Figures 7
`and 9. The top plot in Figure 7 shows the tracking error between the commanded and actual locations of the
`multirotor, the second plot shows the multirotor roll and pitch angles, while the bottom plot shows gimbal
`pitch and roll angles. There are several interesting features to note in this example case. First, since the
`aircraft begins from rest, an initial transient is observed as the multirotor achieves a forward speed consistent
`with tracking the moving ground targets. The hexcopter maneuvers to keep on the desired trajectory while
`the gimbal keeps the camera pointed to the optimal location where all targets can be observed. Note that
`after the initial transient, gimbal angles remain relatively small throughout flight. Furthermore, note that the
`multirotor maneuvers fairly aggressively to maintain the desired ground track. For this case, the algorithm
`was 100% successful at keeping targets within the field of view.
`A second example trajectory for the same case except with a non-gimbaled camera is shown in Figures 9
`and 8.
`In this case, once past the initial transient the hexcopter maintains relatively low roll and pitch
`angles so that the targets are kept within the camera’s field of view. This of course leads to increased
`tracking error, as shown in Figure 8. This highlights the inherent control tradeoff faced by the non-gimbaled
`multirotor – tracking error can be improved through increased control action, but pitch and roll deviations
`tend to perturb the camera field of view significantly so that targets cannot be captured. For this case, the
`algorithm was 98.4% successful at keeping targets within the field of view. Figure 10 shows altitude time
`histories for both the gimbaled and non-gimbaled cases.
`D. Trade Studies
`A Monte-Carlo based trade study is conducted to explore sensitivity to different simulation parameters.
`Three metrics are used to judge the success of a tracking session: normalized flight time, percentage of
`targets outside the video camera frame, and mean altitude. Monte Carlo simulations use 100 cases with
`randomized data sets and the mean statistics are reported. Normalized flight time is a metric based on
`energy necessary to track targets. For example, for a vehicle with 10 minute endurance while hovering, if
`a tracking session were conducted which exhausts vehicle battery life in 8 minutes, this would result in a
`normalized flight time of 80%. In calculating normalized flight time it is assumed power consumption is
`directly proportional to thrust. A tracking session with 0% targets outside of the camera frame is able to
`keep all targets inside the camera frame at every instant in time. One with 100% targets outside of the
`camera frame has every single target outside the camera frame at every instant in time.
`1. Camera Frame Buffer Zone
`Mean altitude is directly correlated to the selected buffer zone around the edge of the camera frame. Target
`rejection is not allowed in this trade study. Maximum allowed hexcopter altitude is chosen to be (a rather
`high) 1000 m as to not restrict the trajectory. Results in Figure 11 show the gimbaled case performs well
`for all vehicles independently of the camera frame buffer zone. These results also suggest that decoupling
`vehicle motion with camera attitude, which is accomplished by the gimbal, is a key element in the algorithm’s
`performance. Normalized flight time is not strongly dependent on camera frame buffer zone size; although
`a slight trend towards decreased flight time is exhibited as the buffer zone increases. For the two quicker
`moving targets (bicycles and cars), the non-gimbaled case’s ability to keep targets within the camera’s field
`of view at low camera buffer zones is poor. The mean altitude must increase by nearly a factor of two before
`the non-gimbaled case has success on the same order of magnitude as the gimbaled case. The non-gimbaled
`case does, however, yield considerably longer flight times. This is because the non-gimbaled case does not
`maneuver as aggressively, as aggressive maneuvering with a non-gimbaled camera will result in the camera
`pointing far from the location directly below the multirotor which contains the target set.
`2. Target Rejection
`The walking tracking session is modified to include one target whose motion is substantially dissimilar from
`the motion of the other targets, as in Figure 12. Simulation is performed with both target rejection allowed
`and disallowed. Once a target is rejected it is counted as outside the camera frame for the rest of the tracking
`session. The hexcopter’s maximum allowable altitude during the target rejection simulations is 200m. The
`camera’s field of view is set to 70 degrees and the camera frame buffer zone to 0%.
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`Results from target rejection Monte Carlo simulations with 100 simulationrs per data point are presented
`in Table 2. The target rejection algorithm is able to significantly improve tracking performance of all metrics
`by removing the rogue target from the target set for the gimbaled case. For the non-gimbaled case, the
`out-of-frame percentage is already quite high (due to the absence of a buffer zone), meaning tracking of
`some targets is somewhat poor already. Adding target rejection in this case does not significantly improve
`tracking performance of the overall target set.
`Table 2. Target rejection results for both gimbaled and non-gimbaled Monte Carlo cases.
`Gimbaled Non-Gimbaled
`Out of Frame (%)
`Normalized Flight Time (%)
`Mean Altitude (m)
`No Yes No
`3. Camera Field of View
`The camera’s field of view is varied and its effects on controller performance are demonstrated as shown in
`Figure 13. The simulation is conducted using walking trajectories with target rejection disallowed and a
`camera frame buffer zone of zero. The maximum allowable altitude is 1000m. An increasing camera field
`of view increases performance as judged by all metrics. Most prominent is the ability of the non-gimbaled
`case to capture targets within the camera’s frame for wide fields of view. The wider field of view affords
`the vehicle greater maneuverability while still keeping targets within the camera’s frame. This analysis is
`of course independent of the effect of field of view on the camera’s ability to resolve targets. However,
`note that as field of view increases, vehicle mean altitude decreases approximately exponentially, meaning
`that tracking is generally performed at lower altitudes with higher field of view. This potentially offers the
`opportunity to