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`(Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961)
`This public document
`has been signed by
`acting in the capacity of
`Director-General, Reader Services and
`Collections Department,
`National Diet Library
`bears the seal/stamp of
`- same as above -
`at Osaka A
`6- AUG. 22.2016
`by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
`10. Signature:
`For the Minister for Foreign Affairs
`Naomi ASAN O
`P. 1

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`ISSN 0914—7004
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`P. 5

`National Diet Library .
`Catalog of Japanese Serials
`Volume 1
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`(National Diet Library
`P. 6

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`and health education
`ISSN 0917-6608
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`P. 9

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