`ZTE (USA) Inc.,
`HTC Corporation, and
`HTC America, Inc.
`Evolved Wireless LLC,
`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2016-00758
`SAMSUNG 1015-0001

`My name is Zuo Zhisong.
`I am a Standard Engineer at ZTE Corporation.
`have been employed by ZTE Corporation since 2005.
`For more than 10 years, since February 2005, I have served as one of ZTE’s
`delegates to the Third Generation Partnership Project (“3GPP”) in a subgroup of
`3GPP’s Technical Specification Group - Radio Access Network (“TSG-RAN”)
`known as Working Group 1 (“WG1”).
`During this period, I have attended dozens of WG1 ’s meetings and
`subscribed to WG1 ’s reflector list (3, to
`which I have sent hundreds of e-mail messages and through which I have received
`thousands of e-mail messages. In general, before each WG1 meeting that I
`attended, I received e-mail messages from delegates of other companies through
`WG1’s reflector list, providing technical documents, called contributions, for
`discussion at the meeting. Some of those e-mail messages provided the technical
`documents as e-mail attachments, while other e-mail messages provided links to
`the locations where the technical documents were stored on 3GPP’s publicly
`available website <>. Regardless of how the e-mail messages
`provided access to the technical documents, those documents were also uploaded
`to and available for download at 3GPP’s publicly available website.
`As a delegate for WG1, I sent e-mail messages submitting technical
`documents on ZTE’s behalf to WG1’s reflector list hundreds of times before
`SAMSUNG 1015-0002

`meetings for which the documents were submitted for discussion. I also uploaded
`technical documents to 3GPP’s publicly available website more than 200 times
`before meetings for which the technical documents were submitted for discussion.
`In my 10 years as a delegate for WG1, I have also regularly accessed the
`location on 3GPP’s website storing technical documents submitted to WG1. That
`location is available at the uniform resource identifier
`<>, which I refer to in this declaration
`as “WG1 ’s public directory.” Since 2005, I have accessed WG1 ’s public directory
`in several ways, such as, for example, by entering the uniform resource identifier
`of WG1 ’s public directory into an Internet browser and by accessing 3GPP’s
`homepage <> and then navigating to the uniform resource
`identifier of WG1’s public directory. Regardless of which method I used to access
`WG1’s public directory, I have never encountered a password requirement or any
`other restriction that would prevent me or a member of the general public from
`accessing WG1 ‘s public directory or any intermediate location. Based on my 10
`years of experience as a WG1 delegate, since 2005 to the present, any member of
`the public could freely access WG1 ’s public directory, browse it, and download
`technical documents stored to it without restriction.
`I attended WG1 Meeting #44bis, which was held on March 27-31, 2006, in
`Athens, Greece. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of an e-mail
`SAMSUNG 1015-0003

`message dated March 21, 2006, shortly before Meeting #44bis.
`I obtained this e-
`mail message from 3GPP’s public e-mail website, which is available at
`<> and with which I have become familiar as a WG1 delegate.
`Like all other members of WG1, I received this e-mail message from Mr.
`Katsuhiko Hiramatsu through WG1’s reflector list along with five ZIP file
`attachments, including a ZIP file titled “” That ZIP file contained a
`single Microsoft Word document, a true and correct copy of which is attached as
`Exhibit 2. Neither the ZIP file nor the Word document enclosed in the ZIP file had
`a password or anything else that would have restricted my ability to access its
`In preparing this declaration, l accessed
`< 1_RLl flSGR1_44bis/Doc sK>, the location on
`3GPP’s web site at which R1-060'/' is accessible to any member of the public
`without restriction. Attached as Exhibit 3 is a true and correct copy of a printout
`from that website. Exhibit 3 lists several ZIP files, including, as
`shown in the following excerpt.
`3/21/2995 19:41 AM
`3/21/2996 16:26 AM
`3/21/2066 9:64 AM
`3/21/2996 9:94 AM
`3/21/2066 9:94 AM
`963139 R1-866789.219
`468156 R1-860790.219
`124596 R1-866792.219
`17727 R1—o6o793.zig
`35394 R1—96o794.zig
`SAMSUNG 1015-0004

`(Ex. 3 at 1.) The text “” provides a link to a ZIP filed titled R1-
`I downloaded and opened this ZIP file and found that it contains a
`single Microsoft Word file, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit
`I compared Exhibit 4 to Exhibit 2, the Word file in the attachment that I
`received from Mr. Hiramatsu on March 21, 2006, and found that those two exhibits
`are identical.
`In the excerpt from the 3GPP website printout shown above, there is also a
`date stamp (3/21/2006) to the left of the link to Based on my 10
`years of experience as a delegate for WG1, having uploaded more than 200 ZIP
`files to 3GPP’s publicly available server, I understand this date stamp to mean that
`R1-060'/' was uploaded to 3GPP’s publicly available website on March 21,
`2006, and that any member of the public could have downloaded the ZIP file,
`extracted the Word document it enclosed, and viewed the contents of that Word
`document without restriction on March 21, 2006 and thereafter.
`I have no reason
`to believe this date stamp is inaccurate.
`I also attended WG1 Meeting #45, which was held on May 8-12, 2006 in
`Shanghai, China. Attached as Exhibit 5 is a true and correct copy of an e-mail
`message dated May 2, 2006, shortly before Meeting #45.
`I obtained this e-mail
`message from 3GPP’s public e-mail website, which is available at
`<>, and with which I have become familiar as a WG1 delegate.
`SAMSUNG 1015-0005

`Like all other members of WGI, I received this e-mail message from Mr.
`Hiramatsu through WGI ’s reflector list along with two ZIP file attachments,
`including a ZIP file titled “R1—061 1” That ZIP file contained a single
`Microsoft Word document, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit
`6. Neither the ZIP file nor the Word document enclosed in the ZIP file had a
`password or anything else that would have restricted my ability to access its
`In preparing this declaration, I accessed
`<>, the location on
`3GPP’s website in which R1-061 1 is accessible to any member of the public
`without restriction. Attached as Exhibit 7 is a true and correct copy of a printout
`from that website. Exhibit 7 lists several ZIP files, including R1—06l l, as
`shown in the following excerpt.
`431339 R1-661111.219
`174661 R1-961112.219
`71687 R1-B61114.ziQ
`93632 R1-861115.219
`231279 R1-961116.219
`(Ex. 7 at I.) The text “R1-061” is a link that, when selected, initiates a
`download of a ZIP file titled R1-061 l
`I downloaded and opened this ZIP
`file and found that it contains a single Microsoft Word file, a true and correct copy
`of which is attached as Exhibit 8. I compared Exhibit 8 to Exhibit 6, the Word file
`SAMSUNG 1015-0006

`in the attachment that I received from Mr. Hiramatsu on May 2, 2006. and found
`that those two exhibits are identical.
`In the excerpt above, there is also a date stamp (5f2J2006) to the left of the
`link to R1-061 Based on my 10 years of experience as a delegate for WG1,
`having uploaded more than 200 ZIP files to 3GPP’s publicly available server, I
`understand this date stamp to mean that was uploaded to 3GPP’s
`publicly available website on May 2, 2006, and that any member of the public
`could have downloaded the ZIP file. extracted the Word document it enclosed. and
`viewed the contents of that Word document without restriction on May 2. 2006 and
`thereafter. I have no reason to believe this date stamp is inaccurate.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the statements made herein are
`believed to be true based upon either my personal knowledge or to the best of my
`knowledge, information, and belief.
`Date: 1-*ebruan.rL.2o16
`?“’°'2%L 5
`SAMSUNG 1015-0007

`SAMSUNG 1015-0008
`SAMSUNG 1015-0008

`LJ._5 75133.? 1 6-0
`Subecriberb Comer Email List
`P’ 3GPP_TsG_RAN_WG1 Arcblvee
`[First | Previous | Next | Last]
`[Hra1|PravIous |Ne:d|Lael]
`ByAuhor:[Hrat |Pravious |Ne:d |Laa|]
`A Lmsazv Archivee
`__- :arr_1'so_Iuu_wa1 Home
`‘I a°H,J.sGMRA"Mw°1 "arch zoutwukz
`subject: Panasonic Izerlrludlnn for LTE
`From: Kaiauhiku HIRAMATSU <{|oy in lo uI11eek]>
`Reply-To: Kabuhlkn HIRAMATSU {log In to unn1eek]>
`Deb: Tue, 21 Mar 2005155325 -IDBD0
`content-Type: rnulliparllmhead
`uxvphinczs lines). I11-noorsaxip
`H (23 lines), R1 .ooo1s4.up (23 lines),
`..;:;>-' R1-0OI|TI£:ip(23 lines), R2-
`naoouzznp [23 lines), nmaovszzip
`(23 lines)
`Dear all,
`Eearch Arcznl-um:
`__ Loam
`9-M (fit Peeewerd
`Please -Find the attached Panasonic contributions on
`Q 8eercl1Archlvee
`Best regards ,
`Katsuhiko Hiranatsu
`R1-B68792 Random access burst evaluation in E-UTRA
`R1-E60793 Indication of combination between L1lL2
`signaling and uplink data
`I11-060794 Channel Coding Structure -For LTE
`R1-B60795 Feedback of UE measurement for HIHO
`RAN1/2 joint:
`R2-866982 Channel Coding Structure -For LTE
`(same contents as in Iu-860794)
`Top of Ileenge | Previous Page [ Pennellne
`3 Subecrlne or LIneI.Il'.lcrI'.'Ie
`December 2015.Week 4
`DecenIIIer201§.Week 3
`December 2015,Weelx 2
`December 2o1§,Week'l
`HevenIber2o15,Week 5
`Nwemlnr 201l.Week 4
`lnIevember2n15,week 3
`Norenlllr 2015.Week2
`November 2015, Week 1
`October 2015.WOOIl: 5
`October 2015,VleeIt 3
`October 2i|15,Week2
`September 2015, Week 5
`September 2015. Week 3
`3epteInber1o15,week 2
`8epIeIrIber2015. W'eek1
`August 2l)15,WeeI: 5
`Auguel201l,Week 4
`AII§uIi2lJ‘l5.Week 3
`Augnet 2l!15,WeeI: 2
`July 2II15,Week5
`SAMSUNG 1015-0009

`July 2fl.15._Wn'eI: 4
`July 2015-, Wool: -3
`my 2:115, week 2
`July 2015, WIOR 1
`Jlllll 2015, WIIK 5
`J une.2Il15',Wee_|1 -1
`June. 201 5'. Weeks
`June 201 5. Week 2
`June 2915, Week 1
`May 2015. Week '5
`Hay 2015, W_aak-4
`May 2015, Wu]: 3
`lnIay'2'01;5.'. Week 2
`May'2.|‘.|1 5, Week 1
`Apr||.2B15. Week 5
`April 2015. Week!»
`April 2015, Week 3
`April 2015, Wail! 2
`April. 213.1. 5, Week 1
`March 2015. Vhbek 5
`March 2015. ‘Mack 4
`lglnrch 2015.-Week 3
`fllrch 2015, Week 2
`Hitch 2015, Hath 1
`FIl:IruIry_ 2015. “belt 4
`Fcbiuiry ZlJ15',Wuck 2
`February 2015‘. week 1
`Jinnury 2lJ1_5,- Wo_I_I:-5_'
`January 2015, Whole!-
`Januury 2.015. Weekrs
`January 2o'1_5._W_eeI:.'2-
`J.'anInry'2D ‘|_5.,Week 1
`De'ua'mb_Ir_20'1 4. Wihk 4
`Doenrrihlr "201 .4. Week 3
`Doo'_amh'n,I"Ifl_1-I». Week 2
`De'c.em'ber_ '2,e1ja..-ween; 1
`Novaniblr 2'01‘-|..Wook 5
`November 2014.'Wo_ok 4
`HevDm'bIr2014. Week 3
`l|l_u'1ir.h'nIII.I.r Z814.
`lluvimbor 2014. Week 1
`061053! 20-14,
`October 2914. ‘Week 4
`Ociobor 2014, W901: 3
`Ocfnhir 291 4,
`Ocinhlr 2011, Wank ‘ 1
`5.Ip_tII'I_I|:IIr 2014, Walt 5
`September 2014'. Week 3
`S_e'pI:ernbe'r- 2014, Week 2
`September 2014. Week 1
`August 2014. Week 5
`Aunust_'«2014, Week 4-
`Augufl 2014-. Week 3
`Apgust 2014. Wink‘!
`August 2014. Week -1
`July 2014, Week 5
`.-I uly 2014, Week 4
`July 2014. Week 3
`J uly 2II14,.W|olI 2
`Jmy 2014. Week.'1
`J une 2014, Week. 5
`June 2014, Week 4
`J une._2_I:I_14, Week -_3_
`June 2014. W_ee_|i 2
`Jun_I'2lI14. Week 1
`Hey 2014, Week 5
`SAMSUNG 1015-0010
`SAMSUNG 1015-0010

`May 2014. Want 4
`Ill"! 201 4. W01!!! '3
`may 2014, Wait 2
`uayj2“o1.-I. week 1
`Apr1I'2n1'4, wuk 5
`AprII'201 4-.‘ Wool: 4
`Aprll 2'01"-II-. _WgoJg: .'_3'
`April 2014. We.-k 2
`April 2014. wank 1
`March 2014. Week 5
`Hatch 2014, Weak 4
`march 2014. week 3
`lnlarqh 1014. Week!-
`Mnrcri. 201 4. man 1
`February 2014, wank 4
`February 21114-,waak-3
`Fuhrudry 2014, Week 2
`Fob'rua_r'y 2.1114. Week 1
`-l.Il.1'I-|.I'fV 2014.
`January 201-4,_Weok 4
`Jinuury 2D'M,Wuk3
`Ja'nunry'2o14, Wait 2-
`Janury 2914-, wax 1
`D_.I_nImI':_ar 201 3 ,-Wuk 4
`Dloeemlior-2013. Week 3
`Deccm'I'aor-2_01_3. ‘Week 2
`Buonriibur 201 3, Week 1
`Hovomhqr 2013. WOOK 5-
`Huvonihur 2013. Wu-ok 4
`Novomhor "201 3, Wgok 3
`Hwofimhnr 2013. Walk 2
`November 2013. Walt" ?1
`Ocgnhor 2013, Walk .5
`Ocimur 2013'. ‘Walk 4
`-Ot:tahor2III3, weak 3
`2:01 3._‘|N__Ia9.<R1'
`Elciobor 2013. was): 1
`Samambar 2013. Wgpk 5
`Shpbombor 2013. Would-
`Snphrnhir 2l_'."1_ 3, Wank-3
`1,01 3-, WIOII-2'
`Soptlmbur 2013. Wink‘!
`Augus1.20fl3.'_. Wank 5
`August 2013. Wank 4
`August 2913. week 3
`Auguat 2fl13,'WlIk 2
`Auguat 2'o'1'3, uni; 1
`July 2n.13;, Wick '4
`July zn'13, man 3
`J uly 201 3-, Week 2
`July‘ 2013. Wonk 1
`June 2013_.Woak 5
`Juno‘ 2013, ‘Wick 4
`-l.ur'I'n 2lJ1‘:l’,-.W;
`Juno 2B13, would
`Juno-2131 3, ‘Hook 1
`III? 2013'. Wool:-'5'
`ll_ay'20_13'. WI!!! 4
`May 2013, Wink -3
`my zo_13-.wu1: 2
`HI} 2II13,.WIOIl 1
`April-2013‘-. WOOII 5
`April 2013. _Wn'nk 4
`Aprll'2l|13; Wank 3
`Apr|I,2IH 3'. Week:
`fibril 2'|_I1_3._WI_'olI 1
`March zo_1.-3.V_vuk 5
`lllft‘-.h 20-1 3. Week" 4
`SAMSUNG 1015-0011
`SAMSUNG 1015-0011

`March 2013.. Wick 3'
`Mural-i_2'.l._'l'13.. Week '2
`March 201-3. weak. 1
`Fnbruary. 21113. ‘Week -1
`February 21113, Wink 3
`February 2913, Wbokz
`Fg.bru.ary;.2o1:l., Week 1
`January 2'_l3flr3,Wul_t 5
`January 201-3, Weak 4
`January 2913. .WéolI:'.3'
`Jamury 201 3,W_aal: 2
`January 2013, Week '1
`December 201:2.-W_ool: 4
`D_I‘0.§.mbor 2012.-W.a‘.ek .3
`December-2012. Weak 1
`IIluvambIr'2012. Week 5
`Hmrornlur 201 2.'W_oalI 4
`Ndvomhof 2012. WIIII 3
`N¢lV'e.I'I1|IIIl' 2.012. ‘H.991! 2
`November 201 2.:Wo‘ok 1
`Ocfubor 2012, weak 5
`out:-bur 2912, Wool: 4
`Dctdaqr 2012, Wpgk 3
`ociobojr 2.0.12, Woék 2
`Oclobor 1012. Wonk 1
`8op_to'mb¢r 1012'. WII.e_It 5
`Bjptdrhbar 2912, Wash 4
`Soptornbor 20'-12, Wink 3
`September 1012, Wqok 1
`August 2612. Wonk-'5
`August‘-2'IJ12. Wall 4
`AuauIf2ll12. Walk 3
`August 2012', Wonk 2
`August 2012-,\'huk'1
`Jill! 2.l|'|2'..V.||‘I.IiI .5.
`July 2o‘l2,__VIl_uk 4'
`July 2012, Week 3
`July 2fl12,.Wulr 2
`July 2912, WIOII 1
`-'|.IIr'I'I.'2I.J12; W.u'|.t'-5
`June 2012'. Walk 4
`.'l.ul.II 2£l1_1_,Wapk._:1
`.'lunI.1l:I12-.' WUI‘k.2
`Jun‘: 2012,_Waek‘l
`May 201 2, Wick 5
`flay 2012, Wink 4
`2012, Win]: 3
`May 2ll12, Wick"-2
`May 2012, Wool: 1
`April 2012-. Wail: .5
`April 2012. Week 4
`April 2012, Wu'k'3
`Aprl|.2lI1Z. Wank:
`April 2012, Week 1 V
`flII’c.|'I 201-Z. Week 5'
`[larch 2012. Week 4'
`lllarch 3011. Wink 3.
`March 201 21 Wick 1
`lilarch-2012. _lgre'eI_r- 1
`FaI:ln.Il'l"j" 2012-, Week 5
`February 2012. ‘Hook 4
`February 1012'. Wick 3
`February 2012. week 2
`February 2012', ll.\lool.r 1
`.l'an'uu‘ry 21312. Wpolr .5_
`January 2012. Walt 4
`..I.a'nuary 201-2, Wonk‘:
`SAMSUNG 1015-0012
`SAMSUNG 1015-0012

`.lanuI'r'y' 201_2.Wo'nk 2
`J1In_uI'r'y 2'012.We_nk1
`Donembar 2'011.WOe'lgI_ 5
`no'pomhn-32011. weak 4
`D0cOI'I1'bIr2011.‘NI-Ck 3
`Dtoambor 201'1.Woak 2
`Bofigmbif 101-1. W091; 1
`Hwo_rn|:or'2'011.Wo.ek 5
`IlavDn1IIIr'2'011,_Wook 4
`Novombur 201'1.Wook 3
`l_lavnn1I_nr3201'1,\V_oek 2
`H'u1rambor201'1.‘|'\h-a_k' 1
`October 2011 , Week :5‘
`0_c1'nb_o_r 2011, 1_Mo;e.k 4
`October 2011 , Week 3
`Octabor 2011 , ‘Nook 2
`Onfnhir 2011 . Wick 1
`Sdfiombur 201 1 . Wool:-5
`Se.pfiI;mbnr1'01_ 1 . wall" 4-
`8_opternber'2011. Wool: 3
`September 2011, Wank 2
`Sewn-nbnr 2011, Wank 1
`August 2011, Wonk 5
`Aufiu81'201 1, Wool: 3
`August-301 1 . Wick 2
`August 21:11, Wail: 1
`.1 my 2011 , Wonk 5
`.1 my 2011 , Hull» 4
`July! 2911, won: 3
`J.u|.'I 20.11. Wink-2
`July 2011. Wool: 1
`Jun: 20.11. Wuki
`Juno 20-11,’o_1l'¢uk'4
`June 20.11, with 3
`_-Inna 2011.". Mlhk 2
`June 201‘1;Wa11k 1
`flly 2011-. Wool: ‘5
`may 2111. Weak--4
`Hay 2911, wank 3
`Inky 20.1 1 . \".|‘I'_c_k.2
`lily 2011 , WIOII3 1
`AprI12_I_11_1. Wick 5
`Ap'rII.2011. Wank '4
`Aprll,-2011-. Wick}
`April 2011-.-wukiz
`Aprll2011_. weak 1.
`um-.h 2011. _WcoI_I:_ 5-
`Hlrdh 2011. Week 4
`l1I:rch2011. week 3
`lhrch'~2011. Week 2
`flarch 2011. Week 1
`February 2011. Wank 4
`Fgbrulry 201 1 , Wduk 3
`Fabn'1ary'.2'011 , Wbck 2
`Fqbruary Z011. W091! 1
`January 2011.Weol¢ 5'
`i|IlI|.lI'—]|' 20‘_I1.Wook 3
`January 1011. Week 2'
`January 2011, Week 1
`Debémlhr 2010. weak 5
`Dtwornlau-201 .0._Wo'.o]i1 4
`Dcunilur 2010, week 3
`Demmlar 201 0. ‘Mask 2
`DIDIrIiliIr'20'1 0. WI‘-all -1
`Haummlaor-1010. Week 5
`Hanmlanr-20'-‘I _0. Wick 4
`SAMSUNG 1015-0013
`SAMSUNG 1015-0013

`Nhvimbir 201 0. Wait 3
`|‘l.6IrQ'n1_I:_IIjt 2I01.0...Wa'.O.k-2
`Hovqrribor 2'o1o_'. weak 1
`omhor 2_n1o_, vv_oo_k '5
`Octohir 201 ll; Wool: .4
`October 2010, Heat 3
`Octobpr 2010,
`Qefoblr 2010, Week ‘I
`September 201 0. Wink 5
`5e|':Ita'rnba'r 201 0, Wick 4
`Saptambir 2010, Wink 3
`Soptarrqhar 201 D, W'Ie|(.2
`8a;fl_ern|'.I_or 2010. Wool: 1
`A1.InuI1'201'9.. WQQII 5‘
`August, 201 0;, Wool; 4
`Aunust 201 0, Weak:
`August-201 0, Wank 2
`August 2010. Walt S
`.I.uI'v 20.1-.o.. Wait!!! -4
`July 2010, Wick 3
`J my 291 0. Weak?!
`-‘I uly 201 0. Wick 1
`Jun! 2010, Wank 5
`June" 2010, Hank «I
`JuIIc'2lJ1l|, Wick-3
`Junb-2010. Week 2
`Jun 2010, Hank ‘I
`-J.lIl|.I 2010
`May z‘o_1o', was 4
`May 2910, won: 3
`may zo1n, we:-1:2
`Hay 2010, Wool: 1
`Aprll 2010. with 4,
`April _201'|l,"WIll|:.2
`April 'Z'll'1Il_'. Week 1
`flarch'.2I|1 0
`February 21110, “fink-A
`February 2Il1I'l,¥'Vcok-,3
`Fgb’r'I.Ilry 21:10. Nick 2
`Fcbirugdry -2.u1'of. Wm: 1
`January 2010; weak 4
`Jiniflry 2o1_n_, Wguk 3
`January 2010, Wonk '2
`January 2D1l_J,Week 1
`Bonirnhur 20.0.9
`Hawanihnr zoos, Wang 4
`l'laIrII'_I!I‘|IIl"200_9. Wonk 3
`Novambnr 2009, Week 2
`November 2009. Week 1
`0c_tul:o_r 20.09. .WI_ek- 4
`October 2009, Wank 3
`-Dclnhnr 2009. WILOII: 2
`2’oI.I‘.9_. Weak 1'
`sapmnbar 2009
`August 2013!. Wink 4-
`Auguit 2009. Week 3
`Auiunt'2fl09'. Walt 2
`August zoos-, Wank 1
`July 2099-
`June zoos, Was]: 4
`Juntzllol, Wa'ok.3
`J um 2009, Wonk!
`June 2009, Week 1
`May 2009: “lock 4
`MI! 2999- W"!*-":3
`May 2009. Wool: '2
`Ilny 2009. Wank 1
`SAMSUNG 1015-0014
`SAMSUNG 1015-0014

`April 2m)_'9. Weekl-
`Aprll 2008. Week}
`Agrll 20119. -Week -2
`April '2'll,ll9,'W'e_e_lI 1
`flIl'c'l‘I 2009, Week 4
`Hitch 2009. Week 3
`March 2008. week-'2,
`flarch 20,09_.We.ek 1
`February 2009, Week 4
`Febru'e'r'y anus. Week 3
`February 2Illl9, Week -2
`February Zlillll. Week 1
`January 200.9‘. Week 4
`January 2lJo9'..We'ék.3
`January 2D09.We'eI: 2'
`January 2IlDI,Weel: 1
`December 200'!
`Nevember 2008. Week 4
`November 2209!". W_a_-alt -.3
`November 20oa_,'We‘ek 2
`November 2fl08."Week 1
`06193? 21103
`Seflaernher "1003, Week 4
`_3'e;fl_ernbe'r_2t[D'8, Week 3
`Septe‘m'ber 2000. W.ee_l_c 2
`September 20028-;_Week 1
`Augnet 2003, Weill: 4
`Auguetzooll. Week 3
`August-2008', Week 2
`August 2900, Week 1
`July 2008
`June. 2000'. van: 4
`J une -20.110. Wee II" 3.
`J une 2008'; Week-2
`June 2000, Week 1
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`April 2.008. week 4
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`Aprllflllflfi, Week 1
`h_IIrc‘h 2008, Week 4
`March am. weak. :1
`Iler.'c_h 209,8. Week 2
`Hatch 2003', Week 1
`February 2008. Week 4_
`February 2008, Ukek 3
`Februeryzflos. Week 2
`February 21108. Week 1
`January 2l_JOB,_.Week 4
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`January 2006, Week--2
`January 2003, Week 1
`November 2607. Week 4
`Hwember 200-'l.'Week_ 3
`November 20,01. Week 2
`November 20.07. Week 1
`October 290?. Week -I
`October 2001, Week‘:
`October 2007, Week 2
`October 2007, Week 1
`September 20.07
`August 2007. Wee'I:.4-
`Auguel 2007.. Week 3
`August 2007. Week 2
`SAMSUNG 1015-0015
`SAMSUNG 1015-0015

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`Jllnl 2007, Wonk-3
`Jum 2001', Wu K72
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`April 2'0..||_7. W93]! 1
`March‘ 2001. Week 4
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`Fcbruary 2007, Wick 2
`February-20.0‘!-, weak -I
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`January -200?-, Wuk 3
`January 200?. Wenkz
`Jarluary-2007!Woe|c 1
`Duuuriihur 2006
`November 2003.-Wool: 4
`lvluvnnihur 2000. ‘Wool: 3
`|\Iovom|I.Or'20_0_6. Wool: 2
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`May 2008, W_o'ol:=2
`Hay 2008, WOOII1
`April 2000
`March _20D_6. ,Wco|_I:_ 4
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`February 2000, W901: 4
`February 2000. W60]: 3
`Fgbrulry 200,0, Well: 2
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`August 2005-. Wail: 1
`SAMSUNG 1015-0016
`SAMSUNG 1015-0016

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`SAMSUNG 1015-0017
`SAMSUNG 1015-0017

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`January 1890 _
`SAMSUNG 1015-0018
`SAMSUNG 1015-0018

`SAMSUNG 1015-0019
`SAMSUNG 1015-0019

`T56-RAN WG1 Meetin
`Athens. Greece,
`Agenda Item:
`Document for:
`Random access burst evaluation in E-UTRA uplink
`Random access burst is used for the initial physical connection on initial cell access, handover and the resource
`allocation when the UE uplink has not been time synchronized. Several discussions on random access burst to
`achieve short initial physical connection setup have also been reported in [4] - [7] . Random access burst sub-
`Frame may be composed ofa preamble part and a message part. We evaluate the preamble performance. Based
`on the evaluation results, we discuss the inclusion of message part on random access burst.
`2. Discussion
`2.1. Random access burst requirements
`in random access burst structure design, the following requirements have been considered [I] [3] - [I0] .
`Reliable acquisition ofpreamble
`Estimation ofan-ival timing
`Reduction in the whole process delay
`To minimize the usage of time—frequeney resources regarding spectrum efiiciency
`The most important requirement ofthe above is reliable acquisition and estimation ofarrival timing because the
`success rate of random access burst attempt should be high enough. The inclusion of message part on random
`access burst has been considered to shorten physical connection setup deiay [4] - [7] .
`2.2. Discussion on preamble length
`In TR [2] , E-UTRA is required to support at least 30km cell size. Therefore. we showed the link budget and
`achievable number ofbits per TTI [0.5ms) to estimate how many bits can be contained on random access burst
`in [10] . The result would be useful in the case coverage is critical although the result is still preliminarily. On
`the other hand, we also need the discussion in the case that interference is critical. Ref. [6] reports that
`approximately -I3 dB and -18 dB ofthe average received EsXNo were derived from the system level evaluation.
`As mentioned above. the most important random access burst functions are reliable acquisition and estimation of
`arrival timing. For these reasons, first. we evaluate the required preamble length that corresponds to the required
`average received Es/No. Next we discuss the possibility of the inclusion of message part.
`ln the preamble evaluation, we assume the followings:
`Random access burst TTI is a multiple of0.Smsec. Preamble. guard time and possibly message part
`share a random access burst TTI
`Random access burst is timeffrequency multiplexed with other channels [3] [4] .
`SAMSUNG 1015-0020
`SAMSUNG 1015-0020

`Preamble struetu re
`A preamble sequence should have a good auto-correlation and good-cross correlation. General chirp-like {GCL]
`sequence has been considered to satisfy these requirements [5] [8] [9] . In our preamble performance evaluation,
`Zadoff‘—Chu CAZAC sequence [I3] , a special case oFGCL sequence, is used. RACH preamble structure is
`shown in Figure l.
`we evaluated l.25MHz and 5MHz as transmission bandwidth oi-"the random access burst.-
`M Reetition M=3 200u I? 467us I1-4 933us I28 ‘l867us )
`CAZAC sequence
`N=.m1_25MHZ)‘ N=293[5MHZl
`512 samples (66.6?us)
`28 sample
`CAZAC sequence
`CAZAC sequence
`remaining ea
`Random access burst TTI length = O.5!1.0l2.0 ms
`Figure I — preamble structure
`Performance of preamble
`The simulation parameters are shown in Table 1. As preamble perfomtance evaluation criteria, we used False
`alarm and miss detection probability to the average received Es/No. The definition is as follows:
`False alarm (Pfa): the probability of a particular code being detected when nothing. or different code was
`Miss detection (Pmd):
`the probability of a particular code not being detected when the code was
`Although time domain preamble detection would also possible, in our evaluation, the RACH preamble detection
`is performed in frequency domain. which is similar to the detection algorithm described in [S] .
`1. Repeated CAZAC sequences ofthe received signal are combined in time domain.
`2. The combined CAZAC sequence is processed by FFT.
`3. A transmitted CAZAC code is detected by using coherent detection in Frequency domain.
`4. A delay profile response is obtained after IDFT processing.
`Table I — Simulation parameters
`(total preamble length: 200usec)
`(total preamble length: 467usec)
`14 (total preamble length: 933usec)
`Repetition Factor (M) of
`28 (total preamble length: |867usec)
`CAZAC sequence
`I transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (combined non-coherently)
`Coherent detection in freq uency-domain
`Preamble detaction in time-domain (after IDFT)
`SAMSUNG 1015-0021

`Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the miss detection probability (Pmd) to the average received EsfNo of l.25MHz
`and 5MHz bandwidth to achieve the false alarm Pfa = I0": under AWGN channel and TU l20kmt’h, respectively.
`Bandwidth. SM Hz
`3 Channel:
`—I— 3 repcIition(20Llu.s}
`—I— 'l'rcpctitionl-16'l‘us)
`—I— I4 repetilit::n[933us)
`--0-— 28 repe1itirsn(lB6'Jus)
`Bandwidth: l.25MHz
`Channel: AWGN
`— —-l—— 3 repetition (2[}t]u5)
`I-‘ repetition :46‘l'u5l
`-- -- l4 repetition (933u5l
`—-A—— 28 repetitionflflfiusl
`5 Bandwidth: 5Ml-lz
`' Channel: TU l20km/h
`—I— 3ru:pct1'lion{2fl0us}
`—I— 'Irepe1:'tiont4b7us)
`—I— |4repetition[9]3us)
`—I— 28 repctition(lS67'us)
`Bandwidth: l.25MHz
`Channel: TU l20kmfh
`- -¢-- 3 rcpetitim1:2D0us)
`- -l-- '}I‘ repetition (4-67-"us)
`--l-- 14 repetition (933us)
`--A-- 28 repetitiontlsémsl
`Average received EsfNo [dB]
`Figure 2 Miss detection probability (Pmd) to the average received Es/No (AWGN)
`,F?'5‘E “"”I" P” E510‘
`I u
`E .
`E [UG.
`"H -15
`Average received Es/No [dB]
`Figure 3 Miss detection probability (Pmd) to the average received EslNu (TU llllkmlh}
`Target value ofthe false a|am1 is S 10'} and the target value ofmiss detection is S 10': and 10"‘ in WCDMA [l l] .
`We think similar target also would be required in LTE. Therefore. ifwe use the same target values from the
`above resttlts, we can derive the required preamble length to fulfill the average received EsfNo. The required
`preamble length in 1.25M Hz bandwidth is illustrated in Figure 4 to the average received ESINO to achieve Pmd 5
`I04 and Pmd 5 10'; with false alarm Pfa = 10"‘. Figure 5 shows the case of SMHZ bandwidth.
`SAMSUNG 1015-0022

`Bandwidth: LZSMI lz
`Pmd=1l)"‘ (AWGN)
`Pmd=1o'= (AWGN)
`Pmd=lO"‘ (TU 1 20kmr’h)
`rmu=1o'3 (TU l Ztlkmfh)
`Average received Es/No [dB]
`Figure 4 Preamble length to ESINO of false alarm probability = I04 (l.25MHz)
`Bandwidth: 5MHz
`Pmd=l 0" IIAWGN}
`l’md=l 0'1 (AWGN)
`Pn-i::l=lO':‘ (TLll20krnll1)
`Pmd=l 0'3 (TUI 20kmfh)
`Average received Es/No [dB]
`i -I
`Figure 5 Preamble length to Esfl'~lo of false alarm probability = ID“ (SM Hz)
`According to [6] , approximately -13 dB and -l 8 dB of'tl1e average received Es/No were derived from the system
`level evaluation for the ISD 500m and l7'32m. respectively, when using open-loop TPC and 5MHz transmission
`bandwidth. Table 2 shows preamble length required for -l 3dB and -l 8dB of Es/‘No under AWGN and
`TU l20kmfh.
`Table 2 Required preamble length to the average received EsfNo (SMHZ bandwidth)
`-13 dB (lSD=500m)
`-I 8 dB (lSD=l732m}
`(67 usec)
`(200 usec)
`(I33 usec)
`(267 usec)
`(333 usec)
`(933 uses)
`(467 usec)
`(I867 usec)
`SAMSUNG 1015-0023

`In this evaluation. only one preamble is transmitted. If multiple preambles are transmitted and multiple
`preambles are also received at the same time, additional preamble length would be required due to multiple
`access interference (MAI).
`2.3. Random access procedure
`For non-synchronized random access procedure, we introduced the four methods in the Denver meeting [10] .
`We extended the discussion to following five methods. In the figure "preamble" could be randomly chosen
`signature sequence
`Node B
`Random access burst
`(preamble + resource re nest + Data)
`Node B
`Random access burst
`(rcamble + resource re ucst]
`UL resource allocation
`SDCII (Ill. dalal
`Random access burst
`( rcamhle)
`UL resource allocation
`Node B
`SUCH (full resource re uest + tJ[, data )
`Random access burst
`( reamble + resource re nest)
`UL resource allocation for resource re uest
`Node B
`Random access burst
`( reamhle]
`UL resource allocation for resource re uest
`Node B
`SDCH (full resource rc ucst]
`U1. resource allocation
`."§DC§l(l_Jl. data)
`Method D
`SDCII (full resource rc ucst)
`UL resource allocation
`SDCI |tUl_ data)
`Method F.
`Figure 6 Initial resource allocation sequence
`- Method A
`The random access burst contains preamble. resource request and data. The delay for data transmission
`could be shortest.
`- Method B
`The random access burst contains preamble and resource request. The resource request could tell the amount
`of UE buffer andfor transmitter status. We assume only one or a few bits for this. The allocated amount of
`UL resource could be based on this resource request. The actual data is transmitted after one round trip time
`- Method C
`The random access burst contains preamble only. The allocated amount of UL resource could be based
`without UE buffer and/or transmitter status. Therefore. the uplink resource allocation is not so accurate and
`could be waste of time-frequency resource in the uplink. The actual data is transmitted after one RTT.
`- Method D
`SAMSUNG 1015-0024

`The random access burst contain preamble and resource request. The allocated amount of UL resource in the
`first SDCH would be relatively small because only a few infonnation bits are obtained at Node B. The next
`SDCH contains UL data. The actual data is transmitted after two RTT.
`- Method E
`The random access burst contain preamble and resource request. The allocated

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