PT0-1390 (Hev. 09-08)
`Approved for use through 2/28/2010. OMB 0651-0021
`U.S. Palen! and Tradernark Oftice; U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the PaperA'Or"k Reduction Act of ·1995, no persons are required to respond to a col!ection of infcrmat~on uniess it d~spiays a va!id OMB controi number.
`8 June 200r
`9 June 2006
`U.S. APPLiCATiON ~KJ. (If known, see 37 CFR 1.5)
`This is a FIRST submission of items concerning a submission under 35 U.S C. 371.
`rhis is a SECOND or SUBSEQUENT submission of iten1s concerning a submission under 35 U S.C. 371.
`Yeong Hyeon KWON, Seung Hee HAN, Hyun Hwa PARK, Dong Cheo! KIM, Hyun Woo LEE and Min Seok NOH
`App!it_;ant herewitll ~ubrYdt~ tu u-,e United State::; De~ignated/E!ected Off:c:e (DO/EO/US) u-,e fuiiuvving itern~ and uthe( :nfurfnatiun.
`2. D
`3. D
`This is an express request to begin national exan1ination procedures (35 U.S.C. 371 (f)). The subn1ission must include items
`(5), (6), (9) and (21) indicated below.
`4. 0 The US has been elected (Article 31).
`A copy of the International Application as Filed (35 U.S.C. 371 (c)(2))
`a. 0 is attached hereto (required only if not con1municated by the lntemat;onal Bureau).
`b. D has been communicated by the International Bureau.
`c. D is not required, as the application was filed in the United States Receiving Office (RO/US).
`An English language translation of the International Application as filed (35 U.S.C 3'11 (c){2)).
`a. D is attached hereto.
`b. D has been prev;ously submitted under 35 U.S.C. 154(d){4).
`Amendments to the claims of the International Application under PCT Article 19 (35 U.S.C. 3'71 (c)(3))
`a. D are attached hereto (requ;red only if not communicated by the International Bureau).
`b. D have been communicated by the international Bureau.
`c. D:,
`d. D have not been made and will not be made
`have not been made; however, the time limit for making such amendments has NOT expired.
`An English language translation of the amendments to the claims under PCT Article 19 (35 U.SC 3'71 (c)(3)).
`An oath or declaration of the inventor(s) (35 U.S.C. 371 (c)(4 )).
`An English language translation of the annexes of the International Preliminary Examination Report under PCT
`Article 36 (35U.S.C. 371(c)(5)).
`Items 11 to 20 below concern document(s) or information included:
`An Information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97 and ·1 98.
`An assignn1ent document for recording A separate cover sheet in compliance with 37 CFR 3.28 and 3.31 is included
`A preliminary amendment.
`An Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1.76
`A substitute specification
`A power of attorney and/or change of address letteL
`A computer-readable form of the sequence listin9 in accordance with PCT Rule 13ter.3 and 37 CFR ·].821- 1.825.
`A second copy of the published International Application under 35 U.S.C. 154(d)(4).
`A second copy of the En~jlish langua9e translation of the international application under 35 U.S C. 154(d)(4).
`This ccl!ection of information is required by 37 CFR i .414 and 1 49·1- '1.492. The !ntormation ;s required to obtain or retain a benetit by the public, which is to f;le (and by the
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`SAMSUNG 1005-0001

`PT0-4390 (Rev. 09-08)
`l\pproved for use through 2128/2010. OMS 0Ei51-0021
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Off;ce: U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMEHCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a coilection of inforn1ation uniess it dispiays a va!id OMB control nurnber.
`I PCTiKR2007i002784
`U.S. APPLICA: ION NO. (if known. see 37 CFR 1.5)
`Other items or information:
`The foilowin~j fees have been submitted
`21. 0
`[2] Examination fee (3'7 CFR 1.492(c))
`Basic national fee (3'1 CFR 1.492(a))
`- ... $330
`__ 5 ___ 33-a--------------------------------------------------------------
`If the written opinion prepared by ISNUS or the international preliminary examination report prepared
`by I PEA/US indicates ali claims satisfy provisions of PCT Article 33(1 )-(4 ).
`. $0
`All other situations .................. _ .......................................................................... $220
`Search fee (3'7 CFR 1.492(b ))
`If the wntten opinion of the IS/VUS or the International preliminary examination report prepared by
`IPE!VUS indicates ail claims satisfy provisions of PCT /-\rtic!e 33(1)-(4).......
`_ $0
`Search fee (3"1 CFR 1.44~>(a){2)) has been p,1id on the international application to the USPTO as an
`lnternat;onal Searching 1-\uthoriiy ................................................................ $100
`International Search Report prepared by an ISA other than the US and prov;ded io the Office or
`prev;ously commun;cated to the US by the IB
`. $430
`1-\11 other situations._ .. _ ..................... _ .. _.....
`. ...................... _ ......... _ .................. $540
`TOTAL OF 21 22 and 23 "'
`D 1-\dditionai fee for specification and drawings tiled in paper over 100 sheets (excluding sequence
`listing in con1p!iance with 3"1 CFR 1.821 (c) or (e) in an electronic medium or computer
`program listing in an electronic mediun1) (3"1 CFR 1.492(j)).
`The fee is $270 for each additional 50 sheets of paper or fraction thereof.
`rotal Sheets
`Exira Sheets
`Number of each additional 50 or fraction
`thereof (round up io a whole number)
`- 100 =
`/50 =
`Surcharge of $'i 30.00 for furnishing any of the search fee, examination fee, or the oath or declarat;on
`after the date of commencement of the national stage (3"1 CFR 1.492(h)).
`X $270
`Total claims
`. 20 = 11
`-3"' 4
`MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLI-\IM(S) (if applicable)
`Independent claims
`X $52
`X $22()
`+ $390
`s 572
`s 390
`s 2,932
`O Applicant claims smail entity status. See 3"1 CFR 1.27. Fees above are reduced by>~-
`Processing fee of $130.00 for furnis~ling the En~jlish translation later than 30 months fron1 the earliest
`claimed priority date (37 CFR 1.492(i)).
`s 2,932
`Fee for recording the enclosed assignment (37 CFR 1.21(tl)). The assignment rnust be accompanied
`by an appropriate cover sheet (37 CFR 3.28, 3.31). $40.00 per property
`$ 2,932
`Amount to be
`Arnount to be
`Page 2 of 3
`SAMSUNG 1005-0002

`PT0-1390 (Rev. 09-08)
`Approved for use through 2128/20'10 OMB 0651--002'1
`U.S Patent and Trademark Ottice; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information un!ess it disp!ays a vaiid OMS control number
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`Please charge my Deposit Account No. _§_Q~?_§_Q _______ in t~re amount of$ -~:~9-~-------------- to cover the above fees.
`c.. [2] The Commissioner is hereby aut~rorized to charge any additional fees w~rich may be required, or credit any overpayment to Deposit
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`d. D Fees are to be charged to a credit card. WARNING: Information on this form may become pubiic. Credit card information should not
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`NOTE: Where an appropriate time limit under 37 CFR 1.495 has not been met, a petition to revive (37 CFR 1.137(a) or (b)) must be filed
`and granted to restore the International Application to pending status.
`Jonathan Y. Kang, Esq.
`Lee, Hong, Degerman, Kang & Waimey
`At the address associated with
`Customer No. 35884
`/Lew Edward V. Macapagal/
`Lew Edward V. Macapagal
`Page 3 of 3
`SAMSUNG 1005-0003

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`FIG. 1
`Walsh generator
`'1 I
`SAMSUNG 1005-0004

`FIG. 2
`N e
`""' oi'-
`ol'-"" N
`CAZAC signature
`Subcarrier mapping 1
`of limited area
`.. 1 IDFT
`Burst repetition
`Preamble burst signal of
`time domain ·
`(single subframe)
`""-.. ro
`Walsh code
`N subframe
`~ e e
`~ e
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`SAMSUNG 1005-0005

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`FIG~ 3A
`e -jn11/2
`e -jn11
`e -j3n 11/2 ·I
`FIG. 3B
`"---' "---' . ~
`FIG. 4A
`Coded bit
`T.1Trt An
`.r .l\.1' • 't D
`Coded bit
`SAMSUNG 1005-0006

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`SAMSUNG 1005-0007

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`<+-< 0 1 "'-'
`SAMSUNG 1005-0008

`FIG. 6B
`Sub frame
`I B I
`I I
`Short block OFDM symbol
`Long block OFDM symbol
`RACH signal of frequency domain
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`N e
`""' oi'-
`ol'-"" N
`~ e e
`~ e
`SAMSUNG 1005-0009

`FIG. 7
`N e
`""' oi'-
`ol'-"" N
`............ ro
`Attached wideband pilot
`Embedded wideband pilot
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`~ e e
`~ e
`SAMSUNG 1005-0010

`FIG. 8A
`Pilot sequence
`7 5 subcarri1~rs
`Message associated with pilot sequence
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`01 m
`a:> ' ro
`N c:
`~ .....
`~ c: c:
`-..) -c::: c:
`SAMSUNG 1005-0011

`75 subcarriers
`Message associated with preamble
`(12 subcarrif:rs within short block)
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`N c: c:
`~ .....
`~ c: c:
`-..) -c: c:
`SAMSUNG 1005-0012

`wo 2007/142492
`FIG. 9
`SAMSUNG 1005-0013

`FIG. 10
`~...-...-~ RACH CQI pilot
`~ Scheduled access pilot
`Short block: RACH pilot allocation for RACH
`.Short block allocation
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`N c: c:
`~ .....
`~ c: c:
`-..) -c: c:
`SAMSUNG 1005-0014

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`FIG. 11
`Repetitive sequence
`Repetitive sequence r: .I
`FIG. 12
`~ 0
`Single CAZAC sequence
`I 0 I General CAZAC sequence of 0 ~ Conjugate CAZAC sequence of 1
`SAMSUNG 1005-0015

`FIG. 13
`Identify CAZAC ID
`of block: 1
`..... Measure peak position
`and peak value
`Identify CAZAC ID of
`blocks 1 and 2
`Measure pe~k po~itiol\ an9
`peak value tf conJugation ts f-----
`Select peak position and
`not performed
`81105 r-- and p~ak val~e if peak
`value IS great
`Measure pe~k po~itio~ and
`· ~ peak value 1f conJugation ~--'---
`is performed
`Measure peak position and
`r---- peak value if conjugation ~--'---
`ts not performed
`Select peak position and
`~ S 1109 1------ ~eak value if peak value
`Measure peak position and
`lS great
`._____ peak value if conjugation t - -
`1s performed
`Identify CAZAC ID of f - -
`blocks 1' 2 and 3
`• • •
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`• • •
`N e
`""' oi'-
`ol'-"" N
`~ e e
`~ e
`SAMSUNG 1005-0016

`wo 2007/142492
`FIG. 14
`I. 0~ 0 ._
`Mixed CAZAC sequence having length of single CAZAC sequence
`[QJ CAZACl sequence of 0
`~ CAZAC2 sequence of 1
`SAMSUNG 1005-0017

`FIG. 15
`Measure peak
`m J
`l Identify group ID of
`Select two peaks
`~aving high
`frequency in generation
`~~rrcsponding block
`J - -
`N c: c:
`~ .....
`~ c: c:
`-..) -c: c:
`Decode bit
`-~ value of each
`~casure peak baS;,J ~,;
`uence of which group
`s not identified
`l - m-
`Select two peaks having
`high frequency in generation
`. ~]
`Identify group lD of
`corresponding block
`/ e---
`~~~:~i ~cquonceillmm I
`Identify sequence ID I
`. . .
`____ ....,.
`Identify ;~~en~~
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`SAMSUNG 1005-0018

`wo 2007/142492
`FIG. 16
`: durati<bn
`SAMSUNG 1005-0019

`FIG. 17
`N c c
`---1 --....
`+(cid:173)N +-
`r----- - - - - -
`Remeasure peak based on
`sequence of which group ID
`is not identified
`- - ----- -a··----------
`Select four peaks having high
`frequency in generation
`,--_ -~dentify group lD of
`l corresponding block
`Decode bit value
`of each block
`~ c
`---1 = c
`---1 oe
`S1701 -+-
`Identify sequence ID
`ofblock 1
`l~n--1--i-fy __ -_ sequence ID _]
`- - - · · · · -
`Identify sequence ID
`ofblock n
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`Measure peak
`---- --r----
`Select four peaks having
`high frequency in generation
`Identify group ID of
`corresponding block
`SAMSUNG 1005-0020

`FIG. 18
`-...1 -....
`N c c
`+(cid:173)N +-
`Block 1
`---··+ ... -----
`Duration! DurJiion2 Duration3 Dumtion4
`~ ·I· ·lr----+--~
`Sequence l(for,Duration 1) ~ '
`Sequence 2(for,Duration 2) - ~
`Sequence 3(for,Duration 3)
`Sequence 4(for,Duration 4)
`...... r-
`Frequency domam
`Time domain
`~ c
`-...1 = c
`-...1 oe
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`0 .....
`SAMSUNG 1005-0021

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`FIG. 19
`Sequence reception
`data estimation
`! Detection of CAZAC
`I sequence ID
`i Decoding of data order
`. and bit value from
`[ dete,cted peak values
`\ I
`Full-correlation using
`detected CAZAC :D
`and receiving signal
`I Detection of peak v~lues I
`I from correlation result
`SAMSUNG 1005-0022

`wo 2007/142492
`FIG. 20A
`Base station
`1 User equipment I
`Access preamble (..:..message)
`~l ============================================~>l S200 1
`82003 ~==============T=im=in~g~i=nb=o=rrn=a=ti=on==============~
`Allocation of uplink data resource
`S2005 K<::::::=======================================l
`Transmission of uplink data
`~===================================::: .... ~---- S2007
`FIG. 20B
`Base station
`Access preamble
`~==============================~. S2011
`Timing information and allocation of scheduling request resource
`scheduling request
`r===================================~~-- S2015
`Allocation of uplink data resource
`S20 17 KC::-"":;::::=::==========:::::=:::=:::=:=================
`Transmission of uplink data
`~=============================================::::::::,.... I S20 19
`SAMSUNG 1005-0023

`FIG. 21
`N e
`""' oi'-
`ol'-"" N
`; - - - - - - - - --
`Signature 1
`Signature 2
`Si1,rnature 3
`Signature 4
`Signature 3
`Signature 3
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Long CI\ZAC sequence
`• ~~j~~~~~~Sign~urc~Signat~~-Si~~
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`~ e e
`~ e
`SAMSUNG 1005-0024

`FIG. 22
`N c c
`-...1 --....
`+(cid:173)N +-
`CAZAC sequence
`: Transmitter
`~ ro
`__ f
`Channel dccodj~
`recognition (LLR)
`ognition (DFT)
`- - - ___ _j
`~ c
`-...1 = c
`-...1 oe
`-~~aS~:j m-r~:::drr I - Intcrlcavcr
`-[ Si;ture mapping
`: Receiver
`Measured data ~
`tzJ a
`~ 0
`SAMSUNG 1005-0025

`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Yeong Hyeon Kwon
`Lew Edward V. Macapagai/Maggie Wen
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`U.S. National Stage under 35 USC 371 Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`National Stage Fee
`National Stage Search -all other cases
`National Stage Exam- all other cases
`Claims in excess of 20
`Independent claims in excess of 3
`Multiple dependent claims
`SAMSUNG 1005-0026

`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Total in USD ($)
`SAMSUNG 1005-0027

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007 /002784
`1. A method of transmitting data on a random access channel in a mobile
`communication systetn, the 1nethod comprising:
`generating a new code by multiplying a code sequence by an exponential sequence;
`transmitting the new code sequence to a receiving side.
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein the code sequence 1s a CAZAC (constant
`amplitude zero autocorrelation) sequence.
`3. The method of claim 1 or 2, wherein the code sequence is transmitted as a
`4. A method of transmitting data by using a code sequence in a mobile
`communication system, the method comprising:
`conjugating at least one element included in at least one block of a code sequence
`divided by at least two blocks to indicate predeteuuined infouuation; and
`transmitting the code sequence, in which the at least one block is conjugated, to a
`2 0
`receiving side.
`5. The method of claim 4, wherein the code sequence is a CAZAC sequence.
`6. A method of transmitting data by using a code sequence m a mobile
`2 5
`communication system, the method comprising:
`SAMSUNG 1005-0028

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007 /002784
`generating a second code sequence indicating predetermined information by
`combining at least two first code sequences mapped with at least one information bit,
`respectively; and
`transmitting the seco11d code sequenee to a receiving side ..
`7. The method of claim 6, wherein the first code sequence is a CAZAC sequence.
`8. The method of claim 6, wherein, if each of the first code sequences is mapped
`with 'n' number of information bits, the at least two first code sequences are selected :from a
`sequence group consisting of2n number of first code sequences.
`9. The method of claim 6, wherein the combination of the at least two fi~st code
`sequences is performed by summing the at least two first code sequences after giving
`predetermined delay to each of the at least two first code sequences.
`10. A method of transmitting a code sequence in a mobile communication system,
`the method comprising:
`generating a combination code sequence by combining a base code sequence to at
`least one code sequence obtained by circular shift of the base code sequence; and
`transmitting the combination code sequence to a receiving side.
`11. The method of claim 10, wherein each of the base code sequence and the at least
`one code sequence identifies one or more information bit.
`12. The method of claim 10, wherein the step of generating the combination code
`2 5
`sequence is performed in a frequency domain.
`SAMSUNG 1005-0029

`wo 2007/142492
`13. The method of claim 10, wherein the step of generating the combination code
`sequence is performed in a time domain.
`14. The method of claim 10, wherein the combination code sequence is transmitted
`through a random access channel (RACH).
`15. The method of claim 10, wherein the at least one code sequence is obtained by
`circular shift of the base code sequence as much as integer times of circular shift unit.
`16. A method of transmitting a code sequence in a mobile communication system,
`the method comprising:
`generating a repetitive code sequence by repeatedly concatenating a first code
`sequence at least one or more times;
`generating a cyclic prefix (CP) by copying a certain part of a rear end of the
`repetitive code sequence and concatenating the copied part to a front end of the repetitive
`code sequence; and
`transmitting the repetitive code sequence, 1n which the CP 1s generated, to a
`receiving side.
`17. The method of claim 16, wherein the repetitive code sequence is transmitted as a
`preamble on a random access channel.
`18. A method of allocating a random access channel in a multi-carrier system, the
`method comprising:
`allocating a random access channel to each of at least two consecutive frames in a
`SAMSUNG 1005-0030

`wo 2007/142492
`way that frequency bands of the random access channels allocated to the at least two
`consecutive frames are not overlapped with each other; and
`transmitting allocation infonnation of the random access channels allocated to the at
`least t\~vo consecuti\le fra..-tnes to at least one user equipment.
`19. The method of claim 18, wherein the frequency bands of the random access
`channels allocated to the at least two consecutive frames have a pattern which is periodically
`1 0
`20. The method of claim 18, wherein the allocation information includes a hopping
`pattern of the frequency bands of the random access cham1els allocated to the at least two
`consecutive frames.
`21. The method of claim 18, wherein the random access channels are uniformly
`allocated to the at least two consecutive frames.
`22. The method of claim 18, further comprising allocating a channel region for
`transmission of a pilot sibllal at the user equipment to at least one sub-frame to which the
`random access channel is allocated.
`23. The method of claim 22, wherein the user equipment trying to random access
`through the random access channel transmits a pilot signal through the channel region.
`24. A method of transmitting data by using a code sequence in a mobile
`2 5
`communication system, the method comprising:
`SAMSUNG 1005-0031

`wo 2007/142492
`mapping each of a plurality of blocks having at least one bit of a input data stream,
`respectively to a corresponding signature sequence;
`multiplying a signature sequence stream, to which the plurality ofblocks are mapped,
`by a specific code sequence; and
`transmitting the signature sequence stream multiplied by the specific code sequence
`to a receiving side.
`25. The method of claim 24, wherein the specific code sequence is a single CAZAC
`26. The method of claim 24, wherein the specific code sequence is a sequence
`obtained by concatenating at least two different CAZAC sequences.
`27. The method of claim 24, wherein the signature sequence is an exponential
`28. The method of claim 24, wherein the signature sequence is a Hadamard sequence.
`29. The method of claim 24, further comprising repeating each signature sequence
`2 0
`so as to match a length of the signature sequence stream, to which the plurality of blocks are
`mapped, with a length of the specific code sequence.
`30. The method of claim 24, wherein the signature sequence mapping is Gray
`SAMSUNG 1005-0032

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`The present invention relates to a mobile communication system, and more
`particularly, to a method of expanding a code sequence, a structure of a random access
`chmmel and a method of transmitting data in a mobile communication system.
`A user equipment uses a random access channel (RA CH) to access a network in a
`state that ~he user equipment is not uplink synchronized with a base station. A signal having
`repetitive characteristic in a time domain is used in the random access channel, so that a
`receiver easily searches a start position of a transmission signal. In general, the repetitive
`characteristic is realized by repetitive transmission of a preamble.
`A representative exainple of a sequence for realizing the preamble includes a
`CAZAC (Constant Amplitude Zero Auto Correlation) sequence. The CAZAC sequence is
`expressed by a Di1~ac-Delta fL111ction in case of auto-correlation and has a constant value in
`case of cross-correlation. In this respect, it has been estimated that the CAZAC sequence has
`2 0
`excellent transmission characteristics. However, the CAZAC sequence has limitation in that
`maximum N-1 number of sequences can be used for a sequence having a length ofN. For this
`reason, a method for increasing available bits of the sequence while maintaining the excellent
`transmission characteristics is required.
`Meanwhile, there are provided various methods for transmitting data fi:om a random
`2 5
`access channel by using the CAZAC sequence. Of them, the first method is to directly
`SAMSUNG 1005-0033

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`interpret CAZAC sequence ID to message information. that data to be transmitted
`is a preamble, if a sufficient number of sequences that can be used as the preamble are
`provided, message passing can be perfonned with only CAZAC sequence ID without
`additional manipulation. However, since a method of transmitting additional information
`should be considered in an actual synchronized RACH, problems occur in that there is
`difficulty in realizing a sufficient number of CAZAC sequence sets, and the cost required for
`search of a receiver increases.
`The second method is to simultaneously transmit CAZAC sequence and Walsh
`sequence by using a code division multiplexing (CDM) mode. In this case, CAZAC sequence
`1 0
`ID is used as user equipment identification information, and the Walsh sequence transmitted
`in the CDM mode is interpreted as message information. FIG 1 is a block schematic view
`illustrating a transmitter for realizing the second method. However, the second method has
`limitation in that even though the Walsh sequence is added to the CAZAC sequence, bits of
`message that can additionally be obtained are only log2N bits when the ·walsh sequence has a
`The third method is to transmit CAZAC sequence and Walsh sequence in such a way
`to mix the Walsh sequence with the CAZAC sequence. In this case, CAZAC sequence ID is
`used as user equipment identification information, m1.d the \l.falsh sequence is interpreted as
`message information. FIG 2 is a block diagram illustrating a data processing procedure at a
`2 0
`transmitter for realizing the third method. However, according to the third method, since the
`Walsh sequence acts as noise in detection of the CAZAC sequence to cause difficulty in
`detecting sequence ID, there is limitation in that repetitive sequences should be transmitted to
`prevent the Walsh sequence from acting as noise in detection of the CAZAC sequence.
`The fourth method is to either give orthogonality between blocks constituting a
`2 5
`corresponding sequence by multiplying an exponential term by a CAZAC sequence or
`SAMSUNG 1005-0034

`wo 2007/142492
`PCT /KR2007/002784
`directly apply data modulation such as DPSK, DQPSK, D8PSK, etc. In this case, CAZAC
`sequence ID is used as user equipment identification infonnation, and the modulated
`sequence is den1odulated and then used as message infonnation. FIG 3A illustrates data
`modulation according to the fanner method of the fourth method, and FIG 3B illustrates data
`5 modulation according to the latter method of the fourth.
`Furthennore, the fifth method is to transmit CAZAC sequence by attaching a
`message part to the CAZAC sequence. FIG. 4A illustrates the case where a message (coded
`bit) is attached to the CAZAC sequence used as a preamble, and FIG. 4B illustrates the case
`where a message (coded bit) is attached to a sequence consisting of a predetermined number
`of blocks to which orthogonality is given.
`However, the fourth method and the fifth method have a problem in that they are
`susceptible to change of channel condition.
`Accordingly, the present invention has been suggested to substantially obviate one or
`more problems due to limitations and disadvantages of the related art, and an object of the
`present invention is to provide a method of transmitting and receiving message between a
`user equip1nent and a base station by using a long sequence to maximize time/frequency
`diversity and alleviating performance attenuation due to channeL
`Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of transmitting data
`through a code sequence in a mobile communication system, in which the quantity of data
`can be increased and the transmitted data becomes robust to noise or channel change.
`Still another object of the present invention is to provide a method of suggesting a
`structure of an efficient random access channel in a multi-carrier system.
`2 5
`Further still another object of the present invention is to provide a method of
`SAMSUNG 1005-0035

`wo 2007/1424

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