`Kamen et al.
`[75] Inventors? Dean L- Kamell, Bedford; Robert R-
`Ambrogi, Manchester; Robert J.
`Duggan, NorthWood; Richard Kurt
`Heinzmann, Francestown; Brian R_
`Key, pelham; Andrzej Skoskiewicz,
`Manchester; Phyllis K. Kristal,
`Sunapee, all of NH.
`[73] Assignee: DEKA Products Limited Partnership,
`Manchester, NH.
`[ * ]
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`[21] Appl' NO‘: 08/384’705
`Feb. 3, 1995
`Related U-S- Apphcatlon Data
`continuation'in'part of application N°~ 08/250,693’ May
`27, 1994, Pat. No. 5,701,965, which is a continuation-in-part
`of application NO_ 08/021,789’ Feb 24’ 1993’ abandoned
`[51] Int. Cl.6 ................................................... .. B62D 61/12
`[52] US. Cl. ........................ .. 180/218; 180/65; 180/658;
`180/907; 364/ 176; 701/124
`[58] Field of Search ............................. .. 180/7.1, 8.1, 8.2,
`180/8.3, 8.6, 65.8, 907; 280/5.2, 5.28, 5.3,
`5.32, DIG. 10; 901/1; 701/70, 22, 124
`References Clted
`4/1907 Schafer et a1. ....................... .. 280/526
`4/1956 Johannesen ............... .. 280/DIG. 10 X
`(List continued on neXt page.)
`1/1986 European Pat. Off. ....... .. A616 5/06
`0 193 473
`0537698 10/1992 European Pat. Off. .
`(List continued on next page.)
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`*Oct. 26, 1999
`Osaka et al., “Stabilization of Unicycle”, Systems and
`Control, vol. 25, No.3, Japan (1981), pp. 159—166 (Abstract
`Roy et al., “F1ve—Wheel Unicycle System”, Medical &
`Biological Engineering & Computing, vol. 23, No. 6, United
`Kingdom (1985) pp- 539—596
`(List continued on neXt page.)
`Primary Examiner—Anne Marie Boehler
`Attorney) Agent) or Firm—Br0mberg & Sunstein LLP
`There is provided, in a preferred embodiment, a transpor
`tation vehicle for transporting an individual over ground
`having a surface that may be irregular. This embodiment has
`a support for supporting the subject. A ground-contacting
`module, movably attached to the support, serves to suspend
`the subject in the support over the surface. The orientation
`of the ground-contacting module de?nes fore-aft and lateral
`planes intersecting one another at a vertical. The support and
`the ground_contacting module are Components of an assem
`b1y_ A motorized drive, mounted to the assembly and
`coupled to the ground-contacting module, causes locomo
`tion of the assembly and the subject thereWith over the
`surface. Finally, the embodiment has a control loop, in
`Which the motorized drive is included, for dynamically
`enhancing stability in the fore-aft plane by operation of the
`motorized drive in connection With the ground-contacting
`module. The ground contacting module may be realized as
`a pair of ground-contacting members, laterally disposed
`With respect to one anothen The ground_comac?ng members
`may be Wheels.Alternat1vely, each ground-contacting mem
`ber may include a duster of Wheels. In another embodiment,
`each ground-contacting member includes a pair of axially
`adjacent and rotatably mounted arcuate element pairs.
`Related methods are also provided.
`51 Claims, 40 Drawing Sheets
`Page 2
`7/1966 Saurez ..................................... .. 180/10
`3/1968 SelWyn
`9/1968 Malick
`6/1969 Fleming ..
`6/1970 Gross .... ..
`8/1971 Durst, Jr.
`..... .. 5/81
`1/1975 Douglas et al.
`3/1975 Hickman et al. .
`.. 180/65 R
`4/1976 Udden et al. ..
`4/1977 Deutsch ............................... .. 272/703
`4,062,558 12/1977 Wasserman ........................... .. 280/205
`8/1978 Gabriel ..... ..
`9/1978 Haibeck ..
`5/1979 Francken .
`180/77 H
`4/1981 Fouchey, Jr.
`5/1981 Lauber ......... ..
`.. 180/8.3
`4,293,052 10/1981 Daswick et al. ...................... .. 180/219
`4,363,493 12/1982 Veneklasen .......................... .. 280/11.2
`3/1983 Campbell
`.. 180/6.5
`4/1985 King ...... ..
`4,560,022 12/1985 Kassai
`4/1987 Davenport
`8/1987 Vadjunec .
`280/242 WC
`4,709,772 12/1987 Brunet .................................... .. 180/8.2
`4/1988 Torleumke ....................... .. 280/11.115
`5/1988 Eagan .... ..
`9/1988 Brown .
`4,786,069 11/1988 Tang
`. 280/221
`4,790,400 12/1988 Sheeter . . . . . . .
`. . . . .. 180/8.1
`4,790,548 12/1988 Decelles et al.
`1/1989 Wu ........................................ .. 180/907
`2/1989 Houston et al. ..................... .. 180/65.5
`3/1989 Houston et al.
`9/1989 Chern .................................... .. 280/266
`9/1989 Reid ........................................ .. 135/67
`9/1989 Hedges
`..... .. 135/67
`1/1990 Olson ....... ..
`9/1990 Sherlock et al.
`.. 272/703
`1/1991 Ethridge
`5/81 R
`3/1991 Lin .... ..
`. 280/205
`4/1991 Cook ..................................... .. 280/221
`5,158,493 10/1992 Morgrey ................................. .. 180/8.6
`5,366,036 11/1994 Perry .................................... .. 180/65.1
`20 48 593 5/1971 Germany ....................... .. A61G 5/06
`3242880 11/1982 Germany .
`31 28 112
`3/1983 Germany ....................... .. A61G 5/04
`3411489 10/1984 Germany ..
`59-73372 4/1984 Japan .
`0255580 12/1985 Japan ..................................... .. 180/86
`2/1986 Japan .
`63-305082 12/1988 Japan ........................... .. B62D 37/00
`2190277 7/1990 Japan ....................................... .. 901/1
`5-213240 8/1993 Japan .
`7255780 3/1995 Japan .
`152664 2/1922 United Kingdom .
`1213930 11/1970 United Kingdom ................ .. 280/5.26
`8605752 10/1986 WIPO ................................. .. 2805.26
`WO 89/06117 7/1989 WIPO .
`WO89/06117 7/1989 WIPO ............................ .. A61G 5/04
`KaWaji, S., “Stabilization of Unicycle Using Spinning
`Motion”, Denki Gakkai Ronbushi, D, vol. 107, Issue 1,
`Japan (1987), pp. 21—28 (Abstract only).
`SchoonWinkel, A., “Design and Test of a Computer—Stabi
`lized Unicycle”, Dissertation Abstracts International, vol.
`49/03—B, Stanford University (1988), pp. 890—1294
`(Abstract only).
`Vos et al., “Dynamics and Nonlinear Adaptive Control of an
`Autonomous Unicycle—Theory and Experiment”, Ameri
`can Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, A90—26772
`10—39, Washington, DC. (1990), pp. 487—494 (Abstract
`KaWaji, S., “Stabilization of Unicycle Using Spinning
`Motion”, Denki Gakkai Ronbushi, D, vol. 107, Issue 1,
`Japan (1987), pp. 21—28.
`SchoonWinkel, A. “Design and Test of a Computer—Stabi
`lized Unicycle”, Stanford University (1988), UMI Disser
`tation Services.
`Vos, D. “Dynamics and Nonlinear Adaptive Control of An
`Autonomous Unicycle”, Massachusetts Institute of Technol
`ogy, (1989).
`Vos, D. “Nonlinear Control of An Autonomous Unicycle
`Robot: Practical Issues”, Massachusetts Institute of Tech
`nology, (1992).
`Koyanagi et al., “A Wheeled Inverse Pendulum Type Self
`—Contained Mobile Robot and Its Posture Control and
`Vehicle Control”, The Society of Instrument and Control
`Engineers, Special issue of the 31st SICE Annual Confer
`ence, Japan (1992), pp. 13—16.
`Koyanagi et al, “A Wheeled Inverse Pendulum Type Self
`Contained Mobile Robot”, The Society of Instrument and
`Control Engineers, Special issue of of the 31st SICE Annual
`Conference, Japan (1992), pp. 51—56.
`Koyanagi et al. “A Wheeled Inverse Pendulum Type Self
`Contained Mobile Robot and its TWo Dimensional Trajec
`tory Control”, Proceeding of the Second International Sym
`posium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, Japan
`(1992), pp. 891—898.
`Watson Industries, Inc., Vertical Reference Manual
`ADS—C132—1A and ADS—C232—1A, (1992), pp. 3—4.
`NeWs article “Amazing Wheelchair Goes Up and DoWn
`U.S. Patent
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`This application is a continuation in part of U.S. appli-
`cation Ser. No. 08/250,693, filed May 27, 1994, now U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,701,965 which in turn is a continuation in part of
`U.S. application Ser. No. 08/021,789, filed Feb. 24, 1993
`now abandoned. These related applications are hereby incor-
`porated herein by reference.
`The present invention pertains to vehicles and methods
`transporting individuals, and more particularly to
`vehicles and methods for
`transporting individuals over
`ground having a surface that may be irregular.
`A wide range of vehicles and methods are known for
`transporting human subjects. The design of these vehicles
`has generally resulted from a compromise that favors sta-
`bility over maneuverability.
`It becomes difficult,
`example, to provide a self-propelled user-guidable vehicle
`for transporting persons over ground having a surface that
`may be irregular, while still permitting convenient locomo-
`tion over ground having a surface that is relatively flat.
`Vehicles that achieve locomotion over irregular surfaces
`tend to be complex, heavy, and difficult for ordinary loco-
`in a preferred embodiment, a
`The invention provides,
`vehicle for transporting a human subject over ground having
`a surface that may be irregular. This embodiment has a
`support for supporting the subject. A ground-contacting
`module, movably attached to the support, serves to suspend
`the subject in the support over the surface. The orientation
`of the ground-contacting module defines fore-aft and lateral
`planes intersecting one another at a vertical. The support and
`the ground-contacting module are components of an assem-
`bly. A motorized drive, mounted to the assembly and
`coupled to the ground-contacting module, causes locomo-
`tion of the assembly and the subject therewith over the
`surface. Finally,
`the embodiment has a control
`which the motorized drive is included, for dynamically
`enhancing stability in the fore-aft plane by operation of the
`motorized drive in connection with the ground-contacting
`In a further embodiment, the ground contacting module is
`realized as a pair of ground-contacting members, laterally
`disposed with respect to one another. The ground-contacting
`members may be wheels. Alternatively, each ground-
`contacting member may include a cluster of wheels, each
`duster being rotatably mounted on and motor-driven about a
`common laterally disposed central axis; each of the wheels
`in each cluster may be rotatably mounted about an axis
`parallel to the central axis so that the distance from the
`central axis through a diameter of each wheel is approxi-
`mately the same for each of the wheels in the cluster. The
`wheels are motor-driven independently of the cluster.
`In yet another embodiment, each ground-contacting mem-
`ber includes a pair of axially adjacent and rotatably mounted
`arcuate element pairs. The arcuate elements of each element
`pair are disposed transversely at opposing ends of a support
`strut that is rotatably mounted at its midpoint. Each support
`strut is motor-driven.
`The invention will be more readily understood by refer-
`ence to the following description, taken with the accompa-
`nying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a simplified embodiment
`of the present invention, showing a subject seated thereon;
`FIG. 2 another perspective view of the embodiment of
`FIG. 1, showing further details of the embodiment;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic view of the embodiment of FIG. 1,
`showing the swivel arrangement of this embodiment;
`FIG. 4 is a side elevation of the embodiment of FIG. 1 as
`used for climbing stairs;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram showing generally the nature of
`power and control with the embodiment of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 illustrates the control strategy for a simplified
`version of FIG. 1 to achieve balance using wheel torque;
`FIG. 7 illustrates diagrammatically the operation of joy-
`stick control of the wheels of the embodiments of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 8 illustrates the procedures utilized by the embodi-
`ment of FIG. 1 to ascend and descend stairs;
`FIGS. 9-21 illustrate embodiments of the invention uti-
`lizing a pair of wheel clusters as the ground-contacting
`FIGS. 9-10 show use of a two-wheel cluster design in
`various positions;
`FIGS. 11-21 show use of a three-wheel cluster design in
`various positions and configurations;
`FIGS. 22-24 illustrate an embodiment wherein each
`ground-contacting member is realized as a plurality of
`axially adjacent and rotatably mounted arcuate element
`FIGS. 25-26 provide mechanical detail of a three-wheel
`cluster design for use in the embodiment of FIGS. 18-20;
`FIG. 27 is a block diagram showing communication
`among the control assemblies used in the embodiment of
`FIGS. 18-20;
`FIG. 28 is a block diagram showing the structure of a
`generic control assembly of the type used in the embodiment
`of FIG. 27;
`FIG. 29 is a block diagram providing detail of the driver
`interface assembly 273 of FIG. 27;
`FIG. 30 is a logical flow diagram followed by the central
`micro controller board 272 of FIG. 27 in the course of one
`control cycle;
`FIG. 31 illustrates variables defining the dimensions of
`the cluster design of FIGS. 11-26 and of a hypothetical stair
`with respect to which the cluster design will be used for
`ascent or descent;
`FIG. 32 illustrates angle variables pertinent to defining
`orientation of the cluster in relation to the vehicle and to the
`FIG. 33 is a schematic of the wheel motor control during
`balancing and normal locomotion;
`FIG. 34 is a schematic of the cluster control arrangement
`during balancing and normal locomotion;
`FIG. 35 is a schematic, relating to FIG. 33, showing the
`arrangement by which the state variables indicating wheel
`position are determined so as to compensate for the effects
`of cluster rotation;
`FIGS. 36-38 illustrate the control arrangement for stair-
`climbing and obstacle traversal achieved by the cluster
`design of FIGS. 11-26 in accordance with a first embodi-
`ment permitting climbing;
`FIG. 36 is a schematic for the control arrangement for the
`cluster motors in the first embodiment permitting climbing,
`here employing a lean mode;
`FIG. 37 is a schematic for the control arrangement for the
`wheel motors in the first embodiment permitting climbing;
`FIG. 38 is a block diagram of the state of the vehicle,
`utilizing the first embodiment permitting climbing, for mov-
`ing among idle, lean, and balance modes;
`FIGS. 39A—B, 40A—B, 41A—B, and 42A—C illustrate
`stair-climbing achieved by the cluster design of FIGS. 11-26
`in accordance a second embodiment permitting climbing;
`FIGS. 39A and 39B illustrate orientation of the cluster in
`the sequence of starting stair climbing in accordance with
`the second climbing embodiment;
`FIGS. 40A and 40B illustrate orientation of the cluster in
`the sequence of resetting the angle origins in this embodi-
`FIGS. 41A and 41B illustrate orientation of the cluster in
`the sequence of transferring weight in this embodiment;
`FIGS. 42A, 42B, and 42C illustrate orientation of the
`cluster in the sequence of climbing in this embodiment;
`FIG. 43 is a schematic for the control arrangement for the
`wheel and cluster motors during the start sequence of FIGS.
`39A and 39B;
`FIG. 44 is a schematic for the control arrangement for the
`wheel motors during the weight transfer sequence of FIGS.
`41A and 41B; and
`FIG. 45 is a schematic for the control arrangement during
`the climb sequence of FIGS. 42A, 42B, and 42C.
`FIGS. 46 and 47 show schematically a vehicle in accor-
`dance with an embodiment of the present
`equipped with sensors for ascent and descent of stairs and
`other similar obstacles.
`FIG. 48 shows a vertical section of an embodiment of the
`invention in a configuration, similar that of FIGS. 9-12,
`utilizing harmonic drives.
`FIG. 49 shows detail of the cluster portion of the vehicle
`of FIG. 48.
`FIG. 50 shows detail of the cluster drive arrangement of
`the vehicle of FIG. 48.
`FIG. 51 shows an end view of a cluster of the vehicle of
`FIG. 48.
`FIG. 52 shows the mechanical details of the hip and knee
`joints of the vehicle of FIG. 48.
`FIG. 53 illustrates an embodiment of the invention pro-
`viding non-visual outputs useful for a subject in control of
`a vehicle.
`The invention may be implemented in a wide range of
`embodiments. A characteristic of many of these embodi-
`ments is the use of a pair of laterally disposed ground-
`contacting members to suspend the subject over the surface
`with respect to which the subject is being transported. The
`ground-contacting members are motor-driven.
`In many
`the configuration in which the subject
`suspended during locomotion lacks inherent stability at least
`a portion of the time with respect to a vertical in the fore-aft
`plane but is relatively stable with respect to a vertical in the
`lateral plane. Fore-aft stability is achieved by providing a
`control loop, in which the motor is included, for operation of
`the motor in connection with the ground-contacting mem-
`bers. As described below,
`the pair of ground-contacting
`members may, for example, be a pair of wheels or a pair of
`wheel clusters. In the case of wheel clusters, each cluster
`may include a plurality of wheels. Each ground-contacting
`member, however, may instead be a plurality (typically a
`pair) of axially-adjacent, radially supported and rotatably
`mounted arcuate elements.
`In these embodiments,
`ground-contacting members are driven by the motorized
`drive in the control loop in such a way as to maintain the
`center of mass of the vehicle above the point of contact of
`the ground-contacting members with the ground, regardless
`of disturbances and forces operative on the vehicle.
`In FIG. 1 is shown a simplified embodiment of the
`invention in which the principal ground-contacting members
`are a pair of wheels and in which supplemental ground-
`contacting members are used in stair climbing and descend-
`ing. (As will be shown below, stair climbing and descent and
`flat-terrain locomotion may both be achieved with a single
`set of ground-contacting members, when such members are
`the wheel dusters or the arcuate elements referred to above.)
`The embodiment shown in FIG. 1 includes a support
`arrangement 12, embodied here as a chair, on which a
`subject 13 may be seated. The vehicle is provided with a pair
`of wheels 11 disposed laterally with respect to one another.
`The wheels help to define a series of axes including the
`vertical axis Z—Z, a lateral axis Y—Y parallel to the axis of
`the wheels, and a fore-aft axis X—X perpendicular to the
`wheel axis. The plane defined by the vertical axis Z—Z and
`the lateral axis Y—Y will sometimes be referred to as the
`“lateral plane”, and the plane defined by the fore-aft axis
`X—X and the vertical axis Z—Z will sometimes be referred
`to as the “fore-aft plane”. Directions parallel to the axes
`X—X and Y—Y are called the fore-aft and lateral directions
`respectively. It can be seen that the vehicle, when relying on
`the pair of wheels 11 for contacting the ground, is inherently
`unstable with respect to a vertical in the fore-aft direction,
`but is relatively stable with respect to a vertical in the lateral
`In FIG. 2 it can be seen that in addition to wheels 11, the
`vehicle is provided with a pair of laterally disposed feet 21
`capable of being extended in the vertical direction by
`controllable amounts, and a footrest 22. The footrests are
`here provided with sensors for determining the height of
`objects such as stairs over which they may be disposed. The
`feet 21 are disposed on a pair of corresponding extendable
`legs 23. In a preferred embodiment, the vehicle is stable in
`the fore-aft direction as well as the lateral direction when
`both feet are in contact with the ground, but lateral stability
`may be sacrificed when one foot is in contact with the
`In FIG. 3 is shown an arrangement of the embodiment of
`of FIGS. 1 and 2 permitting swivel of the chair 12 with
`respect to the suspension system,
`including feet 21 and
`related legs 23. The swivel operates in a plane that
`approximately horizontal. The swivel arrangement, in com-
`bination with the ability to extend and retract each leg,
`permits motion of the vehicle up and down stairs in a manner
`analogous to human locomotion on stairs. Each leg 23, when
`serving as the weight-bearing leg, permits rotation of the
`remainder of the vehicle about the leg’s vertical axis in the
`course of a swivel. In achieving the swivel, the chair pivots
`about a vertical axis disposed centrally between the legs 23
`to maintain the chair’s forward-facing direction.
`Additionally, the non-weight-bearing leg 23 is rotated about
`its vertical axis in the course of a swivel to maintain its
`related foot 21 in a forward-facing direction.
`It can be seen that the embodiment described in FIGS. 1-3
`sacrifices inherent fore-aft stability in order to achieve
`relative mobility. For generally gradual surface changes, the
`balance mode involves providing fore-aft stability to an
`otherwise inherently unstable system. For more irregular
`surfaces, such as stairs, this embodiment has a separate “step
`mode” used for climbing or descending stairs. Stability may
`be regained in climbing or descending stairs, for example,
`by using a hand to grab an ordinary handrail 41, as shown
`in FIG. 4, or even contacting an available wall near the
`In addition, a variety of strategies may be used to reduce
`the risk of injury arising from a fall. In one arrangement, in
`the event that a fall is determined to be about to occur, the
`vehicle may enter a squat mode in which it controllably and
`quickly lowers the center of mass of the combination of
`vehicle and human subject. Alowering of the center of mass
`may be achieved, for example, by hinging or separating the
`suspension system in such a manner as to cause the height
`of the chair from the surface to be reduced. A squat mode
`could also have the beneficial effects of dissipating energy
`before imparting it to the subject, placing the subject in a
`position so as to reduce the subject’s vulnerability, and
`putting the subject in a position that is lower so as to reduce
`the energy transferred to the person in case of impact.
`In the block diagram of FIG. 5 it can be seen that a control
`system 51 is used to control the motor drives and actuators
`of the embodiment of FIGS. 1-4 to achieve locomotion and
`balance. These include motor drives 531 and 532 for left and
`right wheels respectively, actuators 541 and 542 for left and
`legs respectively, and swivel motor drive 55. The
`control system has data inputs including user interface 561,
`pitch sensor 562 for sensing fore-aft pitch, wheel rotation
`sensors 563, actuator height sensor 564, swivel sensor 565,
`and stair dimension sensor 566.
`A simplified control algorithm for achieving balance in
`the embodiment of the invention according to FIG. 1 when
`the wheels are active for locomotion is shown in the block
`to the
`diagram of FIG. 6. The plant 61 is equivalent
`equations of motion of a system with a ground contacting
`module driven by a single motor, before the control loop is
`applied. T identifies the wheel
`torque. The character 6
`identifies the fore-aft incli