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`Polyphase codes with good periodic
`correlation properties (Corresp.)
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`Cited By
`643 Citations
`IEEE Publications (550) | Other PubIications(22)
`| Patents (71)
`Cited by IEEE Publications (550)
`. Staphorst. L.; Schoeman, J.; Linde, L,P. “Performance evaluation of a joint sourceichannel coding
`scheme for DSISSMA systems utilizing complex spreading sequences in multipath fading channel
`conditions", Eiectricaland Cornpufer Engineering, 2003. IEEE CCECE 2003. Canadian
`Conference on. On page(s): ‘E679 - 1682 VDL3 Volume: 3. 4-7 May 2003
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F i334KB)
`. Zepemick. H.; Hai Huyen Darn; Deepak. V. "Performance of polyphase spreading sequences with
`optimized cross-correlation properties [CDMA syslems]“,
`l/ehicuiar Technology Conference,
`2003. l/TC 2003-Fail‘. 2003 JEEE 5am, On page(s): 95? - 961 Vol.2 Volume: 2, 6-9 Oct. 2003
`Abstract | Full Text. PD F (2T5KB)
`. Slew. J.; Coon. J.; Piechocki, R.; Nix. A.; Beach, M..' Armour, S.; Mcgeehan. J. "A bandwidth
`efficient channel estimation algorithm for MFMO-SCFDE". Vehicuiar Technoiogy Conference,
`2003. 'l/TC 2003—Fail'. 2003 JEEE 58th, On page(s}: 1142 — 1146 Vol.2 Volume: 2. 5-9 Oct. 2003
`Abstract | Full Text; PDF t262KB)
`. Yik-Chung Wu; Chan. 5.0.; Serpedin, E. "Symbol-timing synchronization in space-time coding
`systems using orthogonal training sequences". Wireless Communications and Networking
`Conference, 2004. WCNC. 2004 IEEE. On page(s): 1205 — 1209 Vol.2 Volume: 2. 21-25 March
`Abstractl Full Text: PDF t304KB)
`. Coon. J.; Armour. 3.; Beach. M; i\i'lcGeehan. J. "Adaptive frequency—domain equalization for
`sing|e—carrier MIMO systems". Communications, 2004 IEEE iniemalrbnai Conference on. On
`pagetsi; 248? - 2491 Vol.4 Volume; 4. 20-24 June 2004
`Abstracti Full Text: PDF i492l<El)
`. Zhenghui Gu; Shoulie Xie; Rahardja, 8. "Performance analysis for DS—CDMA systems with UCHT
`APPLE 1025

`signature sequences over fading channels". Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-
`Spring. 2004 lEEE 59m, On page(s): 1416 - 1420 Vo!.3 Volume: 3. 17-19 May 2004
`Abslract| Full Text: PD F (BSZKB)
`. Wei. Hua: Hanzo. L. "Semi—b|ind and group—b|ind multiuser detection for the MC—CDMA up|ink".
`Vehicular Technology Conference. 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 lEEE 5901. On page(s): 1727 -
`1?31 Vol.3 Volume: 3. 17-19 May 2004
`Abstract| Full Text. PDF t646KB)
`. Shoulie Xie; Rahardja. S.; Zhenghui Gu "Performance analysis for UCHT complex sequences in
`DS-CDMA downlink systems". Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fail. 2004
`JEEE 6-0th. On page(s): T24 — ?28 Vol. 1 Volume: 1. 26-29 Sept. 2004
`Abstract| Full Text. PDF (520KB)
`. Reinhardt, 8.; Weigel. R. "Pilot aided timing synchronization for SC-FDE and OFDM: a
`comparison", Communications andlnfomieiion Technoiogy. 2004. lSCl'l"2004. lEEE international
`Symposium on. On page(s): 628 - 633 uoI.1 Volume: 1. 26-29 Oct. 2004
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F t653KB)
`. Lung-Sheng Tsai: Su. Yu.T. "Transform domain synthesis of communication sequences",
`Communications, 2005. lCC 2005. 2005 lEEE international Conference on. On page(s): 1092 —
`1096 Vol. 2 Volume: 2. ‘I620 May 2005
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (232KB)
`. Bowei Song; Wenjun Zhang; Lin Gui "Comb type pilot aided channel estimation in space time biock
`coded OFDM systems", Mfireiess Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 200.5.
`Proceedings. 2005 lntemetionel Conference on. On page(s): 202 - 206 Volume: 1, 23-26 Sept.
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F t351KB)
`. Gacanin. H.; Takaoka. 8.: Adachi, F. "Pilot-assisted channet estimation for 0FDMt'I'DlVl with
`frequency-domain equalization". Vehicuiar Technology Conference, 2005. VTC-2005-Felt. 2005
`lEEE 62nd. On page(s): 554 — 558 Volume: 1, 28-25 Sept. 2005
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF t2rt0KB)
`. Yang Yang; Yong Hual Chew; Tjeng Thiang Tjhung "l'raining—based frequency—domain channel
`estimation for muitipie-antenna transmissions over multipath channels“. Vehicular Tecnnoiogy
`Conference. 2005. VTC—2005—Fail. 2005 lEEE 52nd, On page(s): 2263 — 226? Volume: 4. 25-28
`Sept. 2005
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF {143KB)
`'‘IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks —-— Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed
`Broadband Wireless Access Systems-— Amendment 2: Medium Access Control Modifications and
`Additional Physical Layer Specifications for 2-11 GHz". JEEE Std 802.163-2003 (Amendment to
`lEEE Std 802.16-2001). On page(s):0_1 - 292
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (4479KB)
`. Rapajic. PB; Kennedy. RA. "Merit factor based comparison of new polyphase sequences".
`Communications Letters. lEEE, On page(s): 269 — 2T0 Volume: 2. Issue: 10, Oct. 1998
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF (60KB)
`. Haring. L.; Bieder. S.; Czylwik. A_; Kaiser, T. "Estimation algorithms of multiple channels and
`carrier frequency offsets in application to multiuser OFDM systems". Wireless Communications.
`lEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 865 - 870 Volume: 9. Issue: 3. March 2010
`Abstract| Full Text. PDF t245KB)
`. Levanen, T.; Pirskanen. J.; Koskela, T.; Talvitie, J.; Valkama. M. "Low latency radio interface for
`5G flexible TDD local area communications". Communications Workshops (iCC), 20i4 lEEE

`internationai Conference on, On page(s): 7 - 13
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF (304KB)
`. Bing Han; Zheng, YR. "Higher Rank Principal Kronecker Model for Triply Selective Fading
`Channels With Experimental Validation", 1/enicuiar Teohnoiogy. iEEE Transactions on, On
`pageis): 1654 -1663 Volume: 64, Issue: 5, May 2015
`Abstract| Full Text‘ PDF (123-BKB)
`. Liru Lu; Dubey, V.K. "Extended orthogonal polyphase codes for multicarrier CDMA system".
`Communications Letters, IEEE, On page(s): 700 — 7'02 Volume: 8, Issue: 12, Dec. 2004
`Abstr-act| Full Text: PDF t21t-EKB)
`. Weina Yuan; Pingzhi Fan "Implicit MIMO Channel Estimation Without DC-Offset Based on ZCZ
`Training Sequences", Signal‘ Processing Letters, IEEE. On page{s): 521 - 524 Volume: 13, Issue:
`9, Sept. 2005
`Abstract| Full Text: nos (163KB)
`. Jiun Stew; Coon, J.; Piechocki, R.J.; Dowler, A.; Nix, A.; Beach, M.; Armour, 3.; McGeehan, J. "A
`channel estimation algorithm for MIMO-SCFDE", Communications Letters, IEEE, On page(s): 555
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`Abstract| Full Text: PDF i160KB)
`. Sanivate, D,V.; Pursley, M.B. "Crosscorrelation properties of pseudorandom and related
`sequences", Proceedings of the IEEE, On pagets): 593 - 619 Volume: 68. Issue: 5, May 1980
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF (ZTQBKB)
`. Benedetto, J,J.; Donatelli, J,J. "Ambiguity Function and Frame-Theoretic Properties of Periodic
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`Ahstract| Full Text: PDF (532KB)
`. Oingyu Zhu: Liu, Zhiqiang "Preamble Design for Multiple-Antenna OFDM". Wireiess
`Communications, IEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 1123 - 1127 Volume: 7. Issue: 4, April 2008
`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (259KB)
`. Hasegawa, F3, Oi-cazaki, A.; Kubo, H.: Castelain, D.; Mottier, D. "A Novel PAPR Reduction
`Scheme for SC-O FDM with Frequency Domain Multiplexed Pilots". Communications Letters,
`JEEE, On page(s): 1345 - 1348 Volume: 16, Issue: 9, September 2012
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (ZEEKB)
`. Chei. E.; Shin, K.G.; Jeongkeun Lee; Sung-Ju Lee; Etkin, R.H. "Fast Spectrum Shaping for Next-
`Generation Wireless Networks", Mobile Computing, iEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 20 - 34
`Volurne: 13. Issue: 1, Jan. 2014
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF (132BKB)
`. Shoulie Xie; Rahardja, S.: Zhenghui Gu "Performance of DS-CDMA Downlinit Systems With
`Orthogonal UCHT Complex Sequences", Communications, JEEE Transactions on, On page(s):
`251 - 256 Volume: 55, Issue: 2, Feb. 2007
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF i233KB)
`. Guixia Kang; Yu Yang; Ping Zhang; Hasselbach, P.; Klein, A. "Pilot Design tor Inter-Cell
`interference Mitigation in MIMO OFDM Systems", Communications Letters, iEEE, On page(s):
`237 - 239 Volume: 11, Issue: 3. March 2007
`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (134KB)
`. Yaobin Wen; Danilo-Lemoine, F. "A Postfix Synchronization Method for OFDM and MlMO-OFDM
`Systems", Wire-iess Communications and Networking Conference, 2008. WCNC 2008. iEEE, On
`pageis): 1 - 6

`Abstractl Full Text: PDF (208KB)
`. Qingnua Guo; Defeng Huang "GMP-Based Channel Estimation for Single-Carrier Transmissions
`over Doubiy Seiective Channels", Sigrnai Processing Letters, iEEE. On page(s): 8 - 11 Volume:
`17. Issue; 1: Jan. 2010
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF USBKB)
`_ Jo. Soon-Ki; Choi, Jeong-Min; Baek, Jong-Seob; Sec. Jong-Soo "Channel Estimation with Optimal
`Power Controls in Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks", Wireiess Communications Letters.
`iEEE, On page(s): 10 - 13 Volume: 2, Issue: 1. February 2013
`Abstract | Full Text PD F (445KB)
`_ Wasden, D_L.; Moradl, H.; Farhang-Boroujeny_ B. "Design and Implementation of an Underlay
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`Abstract| Full Text: PDF t1470|<B)
`. Dimitrov, Sviien; Privitera, Niccolo; Suffritti: Rosalba; Boccolini. Gabriele; Awoseyila. Adegbenga
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`. Artery, F.: Klein, |\il.; Lehmann. F. "Utilization of spreading codes as dedicated waveforms for
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`Abstract | Full Text: PD F t429KB)
`. Diggavi, S.N.; AE—Dhahir, N.; Stamoulis, A.; Calderbank, A.R. "Great expectations: the value of
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`92. Issue: 2, Feb 2004
`AbslrarJt| Full Text: PDF (120BKB)
`_ Kim. Dongslk; Ui-Kun Kwon; Gi-Hong Im "Pilot Position Selection and Detection for Channel
`Estimation of SC-FIZJE". Communications Letters, iEEE, On page(s): 350 - 352 Volume: 12. Issue:
`5. May 2008
`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (198KBl
`_ Jianwu Chen; Yik-Chung Wu; Shaoclan Ma; Tung-Sang Ng "Ml joint CFO and channel estimation in
`OFDM systems with timing ambiguity", Vlfrreiass Communications, iEEE Transactions on, On
`pagets): 2436 - 2440 Volume: 7, Issue: 7, July 2008
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (287 KB)
`_ Dharma. T.S.; Madhukumar_ A.S.; Premkumar, A_B.: Adachi, F. "Estimation of CSI tor LST BS-
`CDMA systems using special sequences with pre-defined spectral nulls",
`Communications, iEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 891 - 89? Voiume: 9, issue: 3. March 2010
`Abstract| Full Text: PDF (SBOKB)
`. Figueiredo. F.A.P.; Mathilde, F.S.; Figueiredo, F.L.; Cardoso. F.A.C.M. "An FPGA-based time-
`domain frequency shifter with application to LTE and LTE-A systems“, Circuits <5 Systems
`(LASCAS). 2015 iEEE 5ti‘t Latin American Symposium on. On page(s): 1 — 4
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`. Hai Deng "Polyphase code design for Orthogonal Netted Radar systems". Signai Processing,
`iEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 3126 - 3135 Volume: 52, Issue: 11, Nov. 2004
`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (416KB)
`_ Yingming Tsai; Guodong Zhang; Grieco, D_; Ozluturk, F. "Cell search in SGPP long term evolution

`systems", Veriicuiar Tectrnoiogy Magazine, iEEE, On page(s): 23 - 29 Volume: 2, Issue: 2, June
`Abslract| Full Text: PDF i't95KB)
`. Yang Yang; Xiaohu Tang; Zhengchun Zhou "Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Odd Prime
`Length", Signet Processing Letters, iEEE, On page(s}; 615 - 618 Volume; 19, issue; 10, Oct. 2012
`Abstraot| Full Text: PDF (1399KB)
`_ Coon, J3, Beach, M: lliicGeehan, J. "Optimal training sequences for channel estimation in cyclic-
`prefix-based single-carrier systems with transmit diversity". Signai Processing Letters, iEEE, On
`pagets): 729 - 732 Volume: 11, Issue: 9, Sept. 2004
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (224KB)
`_ Bowel Song; Lin Gui; Wenjun Zhang “Comb type pilot aided channel estimation in OFDM systems
`with transmit diversity", Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on, On page(s): 50 - 5? Volume: 52,
`issue.’ 1, March 2006
`Al:islract| Full Text: PDF i328KB)
`. Taejoori Kim; Love, D.J.; Skoglund, M; Zhong—Yi Jin "An Approach to Sensor Network Throughput
`Enhancement by PHY-Aided MAC", Wireiass Communications, iEEE Transactions on, On
`page(s): 6?0 - 684 Volume: 14.1ssue: 2, Feb. 2015
`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (1!-313KB)
`. Marcum, A.C.; Kro-gmeier, J.V.; Love, D.J.; Sprintson, A. "Analysis and Implementation of
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`. Mysore, N3, Bajcsy, J. “Linear-complexity detection with iterative processing for space-time coded
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`. Coon, J.P. "Generalized precoded block-spread CDMA", Communications, iEEE Transactions on,
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`. Akansu, A.N.; Agirman-Tosun, H. "Generalized Discrete Fourier Transform With Nonlinear
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`. Yamarnoto, T.; Adachi, F. "2-Step Frequency-Domain Channel Estimation for Training Sequence
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`. Jeong-Min Choi; Hak-Jin Kim; Sung-Ryul ‘fun; Youngho Oh; Zifeng Kui; Jong-Soo Seo "improved
`transmission parameter signaling scheme utilizing cross-correlation properties of DFT-spread Chu
`sequence", Broadband Muitimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSBJ. 2014 iEEE internationai
`Symposium on, On page(s): 1 - 4
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`. Lung—Sheng Tsai: Su, Yu.T. "Transform domain approach for sequence design and its
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`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (45!-EKB)

`. Qingyu Zhu; Liu, Zhiqiang "Optimal design of constant—modu|us training sequences with
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`Abstractl Full Text: PDFt176l<B)
`. Elenvenuto, N.; Dinis, R.; Falconer, D.; Tomasin, 3. "Single Carrier Modulation With Nonlinear
`Frequency Domain Equalization: An Idea Whose Time Has Com%Again", Proceedings of the
`iEEE, On page(s): 69 - 96 Volume: 98. Issue: 1, Jan. 2010
`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (1487KB)
`. Kuschnerov, Maxim: Chouayakh, l'vl.; Piyawanno, K.; Spinnler, B.; de Man, E.; Kainzmaier, F‘.;
`Alfiad, M.S.; Napoli. A.; Lankl, B. "Data-Aided Versus Blind Single-Carrier Coherent Receivers",
`Photonics Journal iEEE, On page(s): 387 - 403 Volume: 2, Issue: 3. June 2010
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`. Menglu Xia; Rouseff, D.; Ritcey, .l.A.; Xiang Zou; Polprasert, C.; Wen Xu "Underwater Acoustic
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`Abstract | Full Text: PDF (1'l64KB)
`. Ui-Kun Kwon; Kim. Dongsik; KiHo Kim; G5-Hong lm "Amplitude Clipping and Iterative
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`. Zehua Wang; Wong, V.W.S. "Optimal Access Class Barring for Stationary Machine Type
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`Abstract | Full Text: F'DF(140BKB)
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`. Yonghong Zeng; Leyman, AR. "Pilot-based Fast Estimation of Frequency Offset and Channel for
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`. Chan-Tong Lam; Falconer, D.D.; Danilo-Lemoine. F. "Iterative frequency domain channel
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`Communications, iEEE Journal on, On page(s): 348 — 358 Volume: 26, Issue: 2, February 2008
`Abstractl Full Text: PDF (915KB)
`. Benedetto. J,J.; Konstantinidis, Ix. Rangaswamy, M. "Phase-Coded Waveforms and Their
`Design", Signal Processing Magazine, iEEE, On page(s): 22 - 31 Volume: 26. Issue: 1, Jan. 2009
`Abstractl Full Text. PDF t2137I<B)
`. Kilbom Lee; Joonsulc Kim; Jaehoon Jung; lnkyu Lee "Zadol"i—Chu Sequence Based Signature
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`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (SQQKB)

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`. Guangliang Ren; Huining Zhang; Yilin Chang "SNR estimation algorithm based on the preamble for
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`Abstract| Full Text: PDF t216KB)
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`Abstract | Full Text: PD F (991KB)
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`Abstraot| Full Text: PDF (41-1-KB)
`. Zhefeng Li; Xia, Xiang-Gen "PAPR Reduction for Repetition Space—Time-Frequency Coded MIMO»
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