`About 3GPP
`Specifications Groups
`BGPP Calendar
`News & Events
`Delegates Corner
`Some general infonnafion about areas of interest to 3-GPP delegates.
`Information about TSGs or WGs
`Table oi contents
`Teach yourself SGPP
`How do I connect to the meeting server’?
`Registration and participation
`Participant lists —why are they irnporiant?
`Change at employer, reslructurhg of orgenizalun, etc
`Docurnehts area
`D°cU""3'i"I N“"‘b3'iW.?
`Automatic Document Numbering (ADM)
`""°‘“"9 D‘“°“"‘°”‘ “’"‘F"“‘“
`Dralling ‘ler:hn't:aE Specifications and Technical Reports
`Reepons ible behavnur
`Cenlralzed editing tools
`gepp wepsggg; Search for...
`Search and download specs. docs. CR5 and more frorri
`the 3GPP FTP Server.
`Aovnnceo FTP SEARCH
`More news- --
`‘yin to R
`' ms caMM"fi,,“cA-I-mus
`In the Specifications Group section ollhis site. you will see the Structure ofthe Technical Specification Groups :[TSGs). Each 01
`late tour TSGs is made up ofseversl working Groups (was) which deal with specific parts of the TSG's work.
`All ofme important infomtation and documents relating to each TSG or WG can be round via the homepage for that group
`Teach yourself 3GPP
`The firsl 3GF'P rnethodssemrnar was held at ETSI headquarters in June 2009_111e presenlationsgiven there are sliil relevant
`and are freely available from the C-IGPP web site - {Click here) - Covering the following topics:
`BGPP intro, Basics, Meetings, Rules, Following the work. Preparing meetings, Organizing and chairing meetings, Work Plan,
`Work items. WID improvement. Spec numbering, Drafling specs. Change Requests. Chain'nan's Role. Elections. Voting.
`Electronic meetings, Funding, Legal aspects,
`News Feeds
`SGPP News
`SGPP lweels
`The presentations were filmed - see the movie
`Who can participate as a delegate?
`Representatives of members ol participating Organizational Partners I[i.e. Inclividual Members}
`Representatives of Organizational Partners
`Representatives of Market Representation Partners.
`Representatives of Observers and Guests
`How do I connect to the meeting server?
`All is re vealed here.
`Registration and participation
`Delegates must register - in advance otthe meeting - lrieirintenlion to participate. Regitration is by internet, using the URL
`given in the meeting invitation. Ensure you register under the correct company or other organization. See below lorhow to
`proceed if you change employer or if yourempioyer restiructures its business.
`APPLE 1018

`On arrival at the meeting venue, delegates must mnfinri their presence by signing the attendance list Unless you sign the list,
`you will not be deemed to have participated. and yourorganizaton may lose voting rights.
`Ifyou have forgotten to register in advance,
`your name will not appear on the participation list (so you wil have to add at. and your contact coordinates. manually. before siglruhg it’).
`you wil not receive a delegate badgeon arrival;
`you musfslili register on line, even alter the meeting has started
`Note that registering; IOF the meeting is quite independent Of booking HUIEI accommodation!
`when you register for a meeting, you will have to identify yourself, either by your ETSl On-Line account coordinates or by your
`name and email address. it you hve reoentiy changed employer. or have a new email address. 00 NOT CREATE A NEW
`PERSON RECORD dunng the registration process, but follow the linkto update yourexisting record first
`By default. you will be registered as representing youremployer at the meeting. as long as that employer is a GGPP Individual
`Member organization. Ifyou wish to represent any other organization. select it from the appropriate list When representing an
`organization other than your employer. at the momentyou confirm your registration, an email will be automatically sent to both
`the TSGNVG Secretary and the otiicial contectperson otthe represented organization infonning them of the fad.
`Participant lists — why are they Important?
`Participation in TSG and WG meetings is recorded by the Support Team based on signatures on the participants list Ari
`Individual Memberorganization's rightto vote in a particular group (TSG or WG) dependson its de!egates‘part1'cipaling — and
`being recorded as participating — in meetings of that group. Your participation in a meeting is confinned by yoursignlng the
`attendance sheetduring the course of the meeting {and updating any coordinates which may have changed). The ollficial
`participation record appears in the secretary's report at the meeting, and the Individual Member organization you represent
`will acquire I maintain the right to vote altlialmeeling.
`IT 5‘0Ll (Of 3 CDIIESQLIB l'l'Df'l'I the same organization) GOES l"IOl EI'lE|'lfi 8 group l'Dl' three "ordinary" meetings. VIE IM Will IOSE TJ18
`If you do not sign the participants list, you will be deemed none have participated in the meeting!
`Each TSG hasa Chairman and up to three Vice-Chairmen who are from memberorganizations. and a secretary who is
`usually ttom the SGPP support team. The arrangements for WGS are similar, but WGs may have a maximum of two Vice-
`Chairmen. Contact details olttie ofiicials can be obtained from the homepage ofthe individual TSG or WG.
`See the Elections section olthe site tordetails oflhe imminent elections and recent results.
`For more inronnation on the election ofofficlels; see the BGPP Working Procedures.
`Atthe slartof every meeting. the chairman shall read out the IPR text. He shall also rnaention the conditions of LAN and internet
`usage {cited below}.
`Change of employer, restructuring of organization, etc
`If you change employer, you are of course no Iongerellgihle to represent the old employer. unless it is within me same group
`ofcompanies. lithe new employer is a 3GPP Individual Member (or OF’. l\r'lF-ZP. etc} you are immediately able to attend
`meetings representing that new organization.
`Ifa member organization restructure-s itself, its delegates may find that they are no longer employed by theiroriginal
`organization. However. changes in 3GPP membership normally occurrather later. and the original memberships will persist
`for some time, Until lhe new structure becomes rellected in the EGPP membership, you may continue to attend meetings
`representing your former organization.
`It you change employerorthere is any other modification to youroontactcoordinates. you should immediately take steps to
`update yourPerson reoord held by SGPP. lfyou have an ETSI-On-Line (EOLJ aocount. you shoutd update yourown
`coordinates by visiting this page and correcting yourown record. lfyour email address has changed. you should take
`particularcare to tick the check box to force all exploder lists managed by SGFP to be updated to reflect that new address. if
`you do nothave an EUL account. you should send an email to SGPP Contact with full details of your new coordinates. and
`MCC will update the record for you.
`when a company restructurt-:5. or is involved in a takeover or merger, the company may itselfintorm the appropriate 0P[e) of
`the change and in due course the 0Ps will infonn 3GPP. in this case_ SGPP will make appropriate changes to all alfected
`BWIDIDEEES OT 1716 O|'Qaf'IlZBfiOl't3 concerned. and delegates need take i'lO explicit action (other than TO CHECK that their new
`O0Old|l"|fltES are oorrectly FECOFUEG}.
`Documents area
`Each TSG or WG has a specific documents area allocated on the 3GPPftp sen.-er. This is where you will find the all meeting
`documents including invitations. agenda. reports. contributions and Change Requests relating to that group. Delegates are
`advised to download and read all documerto prior to the meeting.

`During the meeting, new documents are made avaiahle on the local meeting server, The secretary may copy them to the main
`pubiic server from time to time during the meeting iftime BBt‘lTiil$. After the end ofthe meeting. the secretary will ensure that
`I318 })UDI|C SBNEF l5 DFOUQM up 10 date WW1 all documents created dl.tft|"IQ the I'|'IBBlll‘Ig.
`Downloading meeting documents individually using H1'|'P is very time-consuming. and delegates are strongly encouraged to
`use FTP. Some organizations configure employees‘ PCs to inhibit the use of l-‘l’P: delegates may wish to ask their IT
`department to relax this restriction to enable more elficient meeting participation.
`Archeological note: Written contributions are referred to as TDocs tor ldcics). This is an abbreviation o1'”terriporary document‘
`and in the long-ago era of all-paper meetings. signified tl1at such documents’ lifespan was limited to the meeting at which they
`were presented. Following the meeting. TDocs were destroyed. Iiany information presented in a TDoc was to have continuing
`Validity atterwards, it had to be captured in a "pen11enantdocument" orin the meeting report For this reason, itwas not
`legitimate for a publishabie deliverable [T5 or TR in 3GPP context) to use a TDoi: as a reference. 3GPP has always operated
`100% electi-onir: (0% paper) as taraa oontribution documents are oonoerned Documents are not deleted following the
`meeting, but are retained on the public sewer indefinitely, Neve rthess. the term "|'l2loc" persists. But 3GF'F' has no Concept ot
`"perma nent documents‘.
`Any 3GPP Individual It-temberor GP or MRP may make a contribution to a 3-GF'P meeting. Each meeting invitation will contain
`details oi how to register and provide contributions for that meeting. See the Meetings pages tor more details.
`Organizations which have been granted temporary Guest or Observer status are not allowed to make technical contributions.
`Organizations which are not Individual Members of3GPP (or are notOPs or MRPs) must not appear as the ‘source’ of a
`technical contribution other than those clearly identified as Liaison Statements. There is no restriction on organizations with
`which SGPP may exchange Liaison Statements other than outgoing LSs to the ITU. as identified in the SGPP Working
`Most SGPP meetings are held in countries} regions in which 3GPP Individual Members are based (Europe. North America,
`Asia.) Meeting locations tend to reflect the geographical diversity of the TSG and WG participants. Meetings may occasionally
`be hosted outside these regions by agreement otthe delegates and, itneoessary. the N36.
`Any 3GPP Individual Mamberor group thereof may has! a meeting. For more intonnafion on hosting requirements see here, ,
`IflV'lT3l.lDl'lS fOI' EGPP meetings and the DEOESSEIT |OQi§T.lCal infOI'l'l'iBt.|O|'l are N be distributed at least 21 days before “'13
`meeting to the TSG or WG membership list via e-mail. and also posted on the BGPP website,
`You may also COHSUII the homepage forindividual T36 0? W65 where you will find the archives Of past meetings. and
`information relating to rig; tuture rneetingstor that group.
`Document Numbering
`Each TSG orWG meeting has a structured numbering scheme for its documents. Delegates wishing to make contributions
`must first obtain a document number either from the secretary or an tiornaticaliy via an on—line application {see belowt.
`Automatic Document Numbering (ADN)
`Some groups use an on—line Iiool for ailocating document numbers. This will be clearly stated in the meeting invitation.
`Meeting Document Tamptates
`Several templates exist for submitting contributions to meetings These can be found on the respective meeting folder on the
`ftp server. based on generic templates available in the information directory
`Sketelon of Technical Specification and Technical Report documents
`TSHR presentation to TSG cover sheet
`Change Request [CR1 cover sheet
`Liaison Staiemen1{LSi
`Work item Description (WID)
`work item status report
`Work item exception sheet
`3GPFl presentation
`Proxy vole form
`visa application tetter template
`Configuring Wr‘Fiacceea (presentation)
`Drafting Technical specifications and Technical Reports

`Use ti1e skeleton documents provided (via the section above).
`Follow the guidance of the on-line rapporteurs‘ tutnrial.
`Follow me drafting rules tall oitneml) given in 3GF'F TR 21.801.
`Also follow the procedural rules given in the 3GPP Working Procedures and the TSG procedures in 3GF'P TR 21.900.
`Use common sense. If Ihatfails, ask your group's Support Team Project Manager.
`Responsible behaviour
`Delegates are reminded that they share the meeting [Resources with their fellow delegates. You should not abuse the
`service by using bandwidth—hogging appticafions such as movie downloads, streaming video, web—based gaming, etc during
`the meeting. Use the intern et service in your hotel rooms for this!
`Delegates must respect the law of the hosting country, and should not visit prohibited internet sites.
`In C3585 Of persistent abuse Of the ll1lEt‘l'IeT bandwidth, MCC may fES‘iI'iCT if'IdiVidi.IaI'S USE Of the SENECE.
`In part1cuIar_ the FCC has laid down the following F1Bt\'ll'Dfk LISBQE conditions:
`1. Users shall not use the network to engage in illegal activities. This includes activities such as copyright violali on. hacking.
`espionage or any other activity that may be prohibited by tooal laws.
`2. Users shall notengage in nonvwork related activities that are consume excessive bandwidth or cause significant
`degradation Of the performance otthe network.
`Since the networlc is a shared resource. users should exercise some basic etiquette when using the SGPP netwont at a
`meeting. It is understood that high bandwidth applications such as downloading large files or video streaming might be
`required for business purposes, butdelegates should be strongly discouraged in perionning these activities for personal use.
`Downloading a movie ordoing sornethirlg in an interactive environment iorpersonal use essentially wastes bandwidth that
`others need to make the meeting effective. The meeting chainnan should remind end users that the network is a shared
`resource: the more one user grabs. the tees there is for another. Email and its attachments already take up significant
`bandwidth (certain email programs are not very bandwidth etlicienl). In case or need the cnaircan ask the delegates to restrict
`IT usage to things that are essential forthe meeting itself,
`1. DON'T place your VWF1 device in ad-hoc mode
`DON'T set up a personal hotspot in the meeting room
`DO try 502.112: ifvour U'lIF'r device supports it
`DON'TmanuaIly allocate an IP address
`DON'T be a bandwidth hog by streaming video, playing onllne games, or downloading huge lites
`DON'T use packet probing software lllt'i"li1'.'.h dogs the total network [egg packet shifters or port scanners)
`Delegates are encouraged to provide feedback on their 3GPP meeting experience via a shortweb-based survey. The URL of
`the survey will be made known to participant.
`Centralized editing tools
`Certain TSs contain ‘lorrnal SDL diagrams, MSC diagrams. and tests using TFCN. These require specialist tools to edit (see
`EGPP TR 21.501 annex H .5 and annex 1. ‘these tools are expensive to purchase or license, so ETSI graciousiy makes a
`centralized instance of the tools avaiiabte for the use of 3GPF' delegates.
`ll‘! order it‘) USE SLICI1 iG0iS. refer {Cl the guideline Ci0CL|l'TlEl‘1i. then GOI‘liEC'i ETSI HEIDUESK i0 obtain 8 personal BCOOUHL
`2015-1 0-20: New template for LS5 [JMM).
`201nt—06-(J3: additional PowerPoint skeleton added. 16:9 aspect ratio [JMM].
`2014-05-21: Hyperllnl-tlo 3Gi=l= PowerPoint presentation updated [JMM).
`Page updated:
`23-2? May 2015
`Release 14

`New Orleans
`New Orleans
`New Orleans
`13-14 Jun 2015
`13-16 Jun 2016
`15.17 Jun 2015
`22-26 Aug 2016
`1920 Sep 2016
`1922 sep 2015
`21-23 Sep 2016
`14-13 Nov 2016
`0505 Dec 2015
`05-03 Dec 2015
`07-09 Dec 2016
`134? Feb 2111?
`05-07 Mar 201?
`was |\«'lar201?
`oa—1o Mar201?
`Release 13
`Release 12
`Release 11
`Release 10
`Release 9
`Release 3
`Release 7
`Release 6
`Release 5
`Release 4
`Release 1999
`Carrier Aggregation Explained
`Helfslellsmall Cells
`The Evolved Packet Core
`Q3 Gpp 20 -[5

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