
`US 2005M 73247Al
`(19} United States
`([2) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. Nth: Us 2005/0173247 A1
` Jalali et al. (-43) Pub. Date: Aug. 11, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Division of application No. (BITE-1.836. filed an Nov.
`28. 3(ll'lll.
`Inventors: Sllila .Ialuli. San Diego, (‘A (US);
`Karla Ewalt. San Die-go, CA (US);
`pm" Swanson. Santee. CA (US): Brian
`Dwyer’ San Dicgu‘ C1AIUS); Michael
`J. Heller. lineinitas, CANS): John R.
`Havens. San Diego, (.‘A (US); Eigene
`Tu. Sun Diego, ("A (US)
`Correspondence Addrem:
`{73} Assignee: Nunngen. Inc.
`(21} Appl. Nu:
`NIH'. 4. 3004
`I’uhllutliun Classifiealien
`Int: Cl.
`(52) U.5. L].
`GIIIN 27l§53
`............................................ ZINE-150, 304.1)“.
`[he present anUl‘lllL'II‘l relates generally to interolttcr plate
`format devices and mclhnds for separating molecules having
`different net charges. The devices. and methods; of the
`invention are particularly suited for use in high—throughput
`screening, to monitor enzymatic reactions which result in a
`prorluel having an altered net charge. For example,
`systems; and melhmls disclosed herein may he used to detect
`the activity ul‘ pltusphatascs. pmteases and kinascs on vari~
`nus puplidic suhslrales under various conditions.
`'-i_'_."'-.(-)3Electrode .
`Microtiter Plate 0..
` Gel —>


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 1 0f 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`i H Electrode
`Microtiter Plate 0 O O
`I E 1.13;: E Gif‘j‘


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 2 of 10
`US MUS/0173247 Al


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 3 of 10
`US NUS/0173247 Al
`1234 S 678 9101112
` 3E Unphosphorylated
`"'3‘“ Kemptide-L
`Phos horylated


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11. 2005 Sheet 4 0f 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`1X Tris-Borate Buffer
`Pin Electrodes
`and Gel plugs
`Membrane Plugs
`Microtiter Plate


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11. 2005 Sheet 5 0f 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`200 =
`R2 =o.9997_
`Limit of Detectiou
`y: 3040.1x+130.47
`0 0
`mole fraction of phosphoryiatedmnphosphoMatad Kempfide
`1 can
`lnlensityTR son
`Limit of Detection
`y = 3232.31: + 273.3
`R“ = .
`o 9933
`mole flacfion phosphoryialedzunphasphorflated Kemplide


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11. 2005 Sheet 6 0f 10
`US NUS/0173247 A1
`50 1111\4 Tris-HG]
`ph 8.0
`(-) Electrode
`Diffusion Barrier 8:
`Microtiter Pl'ate
`{H Electrode


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 7 of 10
`US NUS/0173247 A1
` limit of detection
`Percent Concentration Phos:Unphos Kemptide


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 8 of 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`1mm ‘
`200mm 1
`“' 15011:»
`M9“? WWW-Talia" (“I“)
`MnCIZ Concentration (mM)


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 9 0f 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`Separate Plates
`One plate
`Active Active Active
`Active Active Active Blank Passive
`_~_ Positiva Peptide
`Negative Peptide


`Patent Application Publication Aug. 11, 2005 Sheet 10 0f 10
`US 2005/0173247 A1
`Promega's peptide
`Texas Red Labeled
`Llssarnlne Labeled
` Fluorescence
`‘ 01)
`Active Passive Active Passive Active Passive
`DUnphoephorylated IPhosphorylated


`US BUGS/0173247 A1
`Aug. 11, 2005
`[0001] The present invention relates generally to microti-
`tcr plate format devices and methods for separating mol-
`ecules having diflemnt net charges. The devices and meth-
`ods of the invention are particularly suited for use in
`high—throughput screening to monitor enzymatic reactions
`which result in a product having an altered net charge. For
`example, the systems and methods disclosed herein may be
`used to detect the activity of phosphatases. pretenses and
`kinuses on various peptidic substrates under various condi-
`[0002] Protein kinases are of particular interest in drug
`discovery research because they have been shown to be key
`regulators of many cell functions. including signal transduc-
`tion (Ullrich and Schlessingcr, 1990), transcriptional regu-
`lation {Pawson and Bernstein, 1990). cell motility (Miglictta
`and Nelson,
`[988) and cell division (Pines and Hunter,
`1990). Protein kinuses are enzymes which covalently
`rrlodify proteins and peptides by the attachment of a phos-
`phate group to one or more sites on the protein. Phos-
`phatases perform the opposite function. Many of the known
`protein kinases use adenosine triphosphate [ATP] as the
`phosphate donor, placing the y—phosphate onto a histidinc,
`tyrosine. serinc or threonine residue in the protein. The
`location of the modification site and the type of residue
`modified by the kinuse are usually specific for each particu-
`lar kinase.
`[0003] The added phosphate alters certain structural, ther-
`modynamic and kinetic properties of the phosphorylated
`protein. Generally. the phosphate adds two negative charges
`to the protein. This modifies the electrostatic interactions
`between the protein‘s constituent amino acids, in turn alter—
`ing secondary and tertiary protein structttre. The phosphate
`may also form up to three hydrogen bonds or salt bridges
`with other protein residues. or may otherwise change the
`conformational equilibrium between dill‘erent
`states of the protein. These structural changes provide the
`basis, in a biological system. for altering su bstratc binding
`and catalytic activity of the phosphorylatod proteins.
`[0004] Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions,
`under the control of kinases and phosphatases. respectively,
`can occur rapidly to form stable structures. This makes the
`phosphorylation system ideal as a regulatory process. Phos-
`phorylatiort and dephosphorylation reactions may also be
`part of a cascade ot‘ reactions that can amplify a signal that
`has an extracellular origin, such as hormones and growth
`phosphttarnino acids with radiolabeled specilic antibodies,
`or 3) Purification of phosphorylated peptides from unphos—
`phorylated peptides by chromatographic or elect‘rophoretic
`methods, followed by quantification of the purified product.
`For example, in one widely used method, a sample
`containing the kinam of interest is incubated with activators
`and a substrate in the presence of gamma ij-A‘I'P, with an
`inexpensive substrate, such as historic or casein, be ing used.
`After a suitable incubation period, the reaction is stopped
`and an aliquot of the reaction mixture is placed directly onto
`a filter that binds the substrate. The filter is then washed
`several times to remove excess radioactivity. and the amount
`of radiolabelled phosphate incorporated into the substrate is
`measured by scintillation counting {Roskoski, 1983).
`[0007] The use ot‘saP in assays. however. poses significant
`disadvantages. One major problem is that,
`for sensitive
`detection, relatively high quantities of 331’ must be used
`routinely and subsequently disposed. The amount of liquid
`generated from the washings is not small, and contains 32?.
`Due to government restrictions, this waste cannot be dis-
`posed of easily. It must be allowed to decay, usually for at
`least six months, before disposal. Another disadvantage is
`the hazard posed to personnel working with the isotope.
`Shielding and special waste containers are inconvenient but
`necessary for safe handling of the isotope. Further, the lower
`detection limit of the assay is determined by the level of
`background phosphorylalioo and is
`there-fore variable.
`Although radioisotope methods have been applied in high
`throughput screening, the high cost and strict safety regu-
`lation incurred with the use ofradioisolopes in high through~
`put screening greatly limits their use in drug discovery. For
`these and other reasons.
`it would be useful
`to develop
`alternative methods and apparatus ['or high throughput
`screening that
`facilitate measuring the kinase dependent
`phosphorylation of peptides.
`[0008] The systems and methods of the present invention
`provide an easy-to-use, rapid system For separating differ-
`ently charged molecules and quantifying them. and can
`easily be adapted for use with standard microtiter plate
`readers and loaders. In general, the systems of the invention
`comprise a) a sample plate comprising a plurality or sub-
`stantially tubular sample wells arrayed in the sample plate,
`and at least one capture matrix. positioned in each of the
`sample wells proximate the bottom or end of the sample
`well. which comprises a diffusion-inhibiting material; and b)
`at least one first electrode in electrical contact with at least
`one sample well at the bottom end of the sample wall, and
`at least one second electrode in electrical contact with the
`top end of the sample well. when: both electrodes are
`coupled to a power source. The electrical contacts with the
`bottom and top ends of the sample well may he made
`through a conductive fluid.
`[0005] Methods for assaying the activity of protein kinases
`often utilize a synthetic peptide substrate that can be phos-
`phorylated by the kinase protein under study.
`'Ihe most
`common mechanisms for detecting phosphorylation of the
`peptide substrates are 1) Incorporation of 32F {or 33P)
`phosphate from [‘“Ph—ATP into the peptides. purification of
`the peptides from ATP. and scintillation or (Therenkov count-
`ing of the incorporated radionucleotide, 2) Detection of
`[0009] The ditl'usion-inhibiting materials used in the cap-
`ture matrix in the sample wells of the system serves to
`exclude molecules which have not been selected by elec-
`trophoretic separation, and to hold or contain those mol-
`ecu les of interest which have been selected. In this way. the
`non-selected molecules may be washed out of the wells. and
`the selected molecules retained for detection. The capture
`matrices used in the present invention may comprise more


`US BUGS/0173247 A1
`Aug. 11, 2005
`than one layer of material. with one layer being a diffusion-
`inhihiting layer of material. and another layer being a
`binding layer of material which binds the charged molecule
`of interest in t1 covalent or non-covalent manner. Various
`electrode assemblies are preferred for use in the systems of
`the invention. including plate electrodes. pin electrodes. and
`conductive liquid electrodes using gels or other hydrophilic
`difl‘usion barrier materials to isolate the conductive liquid
`from the sample in the sample plate.
`the invention also provides
`In another aspect,
`methods for separating a charged molecule of interest from
`a mixture of molecules having different charges in a plurality
`of samples, and quantifying the amount of the charged
`molecule of interest in the samples, the method comprising
`the steps of:
`(a) filling the sample wells of a system of the
`invention with a liquid;
`(b) adding a sample containing a mixture of
`molecules to at least two of the sample wells of the
`to) applying an electric held across the sample
`wells by energizing the electrodes, whereby the
`charged molecule of interest is transported by the
`electric field into the capture matrix; and
`(d) detecting the amount of the charged me]-
`ecule of interest captured within the capture matrix.
`In preferred embodiments of the invention.
`system of the invention is filled with an aqueous buffer for
`use in the electrophoretic separation. The methods may be
`used effectively to separate diflercntly charged peptides,
`such as those formed by enzymatic reactions with peptide
`substrates which add charged moieties to or remove charged
`moieties from the peptide. Preferred embodiments of the
`methods utilize a detectable label on the charged molecule
`of interest to detect
`the amount of the charged molecule
`which iscaptured within the capture matrix. more preferably
`a fluorescent label. Suitable detection methods for use in the
`methods of the invention include fluorometry, eolorimetry,
`luminometry. mass spectrometry. electrochemical detection.
`and radioactivity detect ion.
`[0016] FIG. 1: Across sectional schematic for an embodi-
`ment of the invention utilizing a plate electrode for the first
`electrode. a pin electrode plate for the second electrode, and
`a sample plate containing a gel capture matrix at the bottoms
`of the sample wells. This type of device was utilized in the
`experiments of Example 1. Note that the sample wells are
`arrayed in a substantially parallel fashion, forming multiple
`roots of substantially parallel tubes.
`[0017] FIG. 2: A photograph of the dual—plate electro—
`phoresis device For multi-sample electrophoresis in a 384-
`well microtiter plate format.
`[0018] FIG. 3.5:: A photograph of pre- and post-electro-
`phorcsed samples in a gel capture matrix system of the
`invention. used as described in Example 1..
`[0019] FIG. 3b: A graph of the fluorescence data pictured
`in FIG. 3n, as measured on a [luoron‘tctec Columns 7 St 8
`are walls that contained buffer, but no peptide
`[0020] FIG. 4: A schematic of an alternative second
`electrode for use in the systems of the invention. In this
`conductive fluid electrode. a set of pin electrodes is physi—
`cally isolated from the samples in the sample plate by a
`hollow support structure containing a conductive fluid {such
`as Tris-borate buffer). and by a bydrophiiic diifusion barrier
`{tiller plugs) which permits the exchange of ions between
`the conductive fluid and the sample, but which isolates the
`electrode chamber from the wells containing the molecules
`to be separated.
`[0021] FIG. 50: A graph of fluorescence data obtained by
`clectrophoresing samples with various mole fractions of
`phosphorylated and unphosphorylated fluorescentiy labeled
`Kemptide in the device shoWn in FIG. 4 for 5 minutes.
`[0022] FIG. 5b: A graph of fluorescence data obtained by
`electrophoresing samples with various mole fractions of
`phosphoryltttcd and unphosphorylnted Iluorescently labeled
`Kemptide in the device shown in FIG. 4 for 10 minutes.
`[0023] FIG. 6: A schematic of an alternative second
`electrode for use in the systems of the invention. In this
`conductive fluid electrode. a set plate electrode is physically
`isolated from the samples in the sample plate by a set of
`hydrogels held in microcapillary tubes. The gels contain a
`conductive fluid (such as Tris~horatc buffer). and serve as a
`hydrophilic diffusion barrier which permits the exchange of
`ions heIWeeu the conductive fluid and the sample, but which
`isolates the electrode chamber From the wells containing the
`molecules to he Separated.
`[0024] FIG. 7: A graph of fluorescence data obtained by
`electrophoresing samples with various mole fractions of
`phosphorylated and unphosphoryla ted fluorescently labeled
`Kemptidc in the device shown in FIG. 6 for 5 minutes.
`[0025] FIGS. Sal-8d: Graphs showing the efl'ect of various
`concentrations ofsall ions on the ability ofthe systems ot‘the
`invention to electrophoretically separate phosphorylatcd and
`unphosphorylated Kemptide for fluorescent detection. Note
`that the systems are effective over a wide salt concentration
`range. This indicates that electrophoretic separation of prod-
`ucts using the systems of the invent ion is practical in various
`salt-containing buffers used in kinase. phosphatase. and
`protease reaction assays, demonstrating the feasibility of
`single plate reaction and separation of reaction products.
`[0026] FIG. 9: A graph showing one-plate enzymatic
`reaction and electrophoretie separation in a system of the
`invention using the Kcmptidetprotein kinase A system as a
`model. As compared to a two-plate (reaction in one micro-
`titcr plate. separation in a system of the invention) assay,
`there is a higher background signal. However. phosphory-
`later] Kemptide is clearly ditl‘erentiable front unphosphory-
`lated Kemplide. as compared to the parasive difl‘usion data. In
`the background level appears to be relatively
`consistent, which indicates that good quantitative results
`may still be obtained by subtracting out the background.
`I0: A graph showing the cleetrophoretic
`[0027] FIG.
`separation of several Kemptide samples labeled with dilIer-
`ent lluorophores. These data demonstrate the compatibility
`of the systems of the invention with several commonly Used
`fluorescent labels.
`[0023] As used herein. “tube" and “tubular” generally
`refer to any hollow elongated structure with any type of


`US BUGS/0173247 A1
`Aug. 11, 2005
`cross sectional shape, including circular, square, triangular.
`polygonal, ellipsoid, or irregular. Although it is preferred the
`wall thickness be less than the void in the center ofa tubular
`structure, thick walled tubes are also within the meaning of
`the term. Tubular structures may be open or closed at either
`or both ends.
`[0029] The term “array," as used herein, means a set of
`members. specifically tubular sample wells, deliberately
`arranged in a plane. The regular arrangement may be rect-
`angular, radial. or any other geometrically symmetric shape.
`Irregular arrays may also be used. although they are not
`preferred for use in the invention because they are not
`generally compatible with standard microtiter plate readers
`and loaders. Although rectangular arrays with 96. 384, or
`1536 members are-preferred because of their direct compat-
`ibility with standard microtiter plate formats, other special-
`ized rectangUIttr arrays (e.g., It] by 10} are also envisioned
`as within the scope of the term. In the sample Well arrays of
`the invention, the sample wells are arranged so that the axes
`ofthc sample wells(or length ot'the tube forming the sample
`wells) are substantially parallel (or having a greater parallel
`component than perpendicular component of any angle of
`[0030] As used herein, “dilfusion—inhibiting material”
`means a material which under elech‘ophoretic conditions
`allows the passage through the material of small molecules
`on the scale of the charged molecule of interest. but which
`prevents the free diffusion of small molecules on the scale of
`the charged molecule of interest
`through the material.
`Examples of diliusion-inhibiting materials include hydro-
`such as
`agarose, polyacrylamide,
`tlopropylammonium inner
`salt, methacrylic
`potassium salt,
`monomethacrylate, and derivatives thereof; sol-gels and
`silica gels. controlled porosity glass. size-exclusion mem-
`branes, chromatography resins. and other suitable materials
`which slow the diffusion of molecules through the sample
`well by molecular sieving or other means. One characterisLic
`ot'the diffusion-inhibitingI materials is that they may hold the
`molecule of interest, and other molecules, in place in the
`absence of an electric field.
`[003]] As used here-in. “binding layer" or “binding mate-
`rial" refers to materials which have the ability to covalently
`or non-covalently hind at
`least one molecule of interest,
`usually through covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding, ionic
`bonding, Van de Waals interactions, and other non-covalent
`chemical interactions. ”these materials include specific ailin-
`ity binding materials. such as antibodies, avidin, streptavi-
`din, haptens. biotin, and other specific interaction materials.
`Binding materials also include non-specific binding materi-
`als soch as metal chelate resins, anionic resins, and cationic
`resins, polyvinylidine fluoride, nitrocellulose. and positively
`charged nylon. Binding materials preferably bind to an
`unlabeled or affinity-labeled charged molecule of interest
`with an equilibrium highly biased towards the bound state.
`[0032] The present invention provides systems and meth—
`ods as described herein permit simultaneous electrophoretic
`separation of pepLides. and other molecules having different
`net charges. and the subsequent quantification of those
`charged molecules. These systems and methods are easily
`adapted to be compatible with a variety of readily available
`standard detection equipment,
`including fluoromctric or
`calorimetric microtiter plate readers. Utilizing non-radioac-
`tively labeled substrates. and standard detection systems, the
`systems of the present
`invention may easily be used to
`analyze reaction samples in a highly parallel fashion for
`high-throughput assays to determine inhibitors or stimula-
`tors of Houses, phosphatases, pretenses, and other hiolegi~
`cally active proteins.
`[n a general, the apparatus includes a sample plate
`comprising a plurality of tubular sample Wells, where each
`well contains a capture matrix designed to retain the mol-
`ecule of interest upon electrophoresis of a sample. The
`system also contains at least one pair of electrodes. Each
`discrete sample well
`is in electrical contact with a first
`electrode near the bottom of the well. and a second electrode
`near the top of the Well. The capture matrix comprises a
`dill‘usion-inhibiting material that retards the free diffusion of
`'I‘his material serves two functions:
`ensure that the charged molecules of interest are retained for
`detection within the capture matrix after electrophoresis: and
`second. to prevent other molecules from diffusing into the
`capture matrix. The capture matrix preferably also contains
`other layers of ma lerial which bind the charged molecules of
`interest. Such a binding layer captures the charged molecule
`of interest in a specific or non-specific manner in order to
`hold the charged molecules of interest in a particular loca-
`tion for detection, which allows more facile quantification of
`the molecule of interest as compared to a dilfusion-inhibit-
`ing layer only capture matrix. As the binding layer will often
`also bind other molecules in the sample. the second function
`of the diffusion-inhibiting material
`is important in these
`In the methods of
`samples, containing molecules of different charges. are
`loaded into the wells of the sample plate. The samples are
`then electrophoresed in a liquid which supports the electro-
`phoretic movement of the analytes in the sample. preferably
`an aqueous bull'er. Upon electrophoresis, the charged mol-
`ecules of interest are selectively transported and concen-
`trated in the capture matrix. The molecules with a negative
`charge move towards the anode and maybe sequestered by
`a capture matrix placed between the sample and the anode.
`Alternately, molecules with a positive charge move towards
`the cathode and may be sequestered by a capture matrix
`placed between the sample and the cathode. Unchanged
`molecules. and those of a charge not captured by the capture
`matrix. are washed out of the sample wells and apparatus
`with a washing buffer. Alternatively, molecules of an undes—
`ired charge are electrophoretically moved into one of the
`buffer reservoirs of the apparatus, where they may be
`removed by continuously replenishing the buffer. The mol-
`ecules of interest which are retained in the capture matrix
`may then be detected by any appropriate means, including
`fluorometry, colorimetry, luminometry, mass spectrometry.
`electrochemical detection, and radioactivity detection. Fluo-
`rometric labels and detection are preferred for use in the
`methods of the present invention because of their case of use
`and handling, and the fact that most researchers are familiar
`with fluorometric detection techniques.


`US BUGS/0173247 A1
`Aug. 11, 2005
`[0035] The methods and systems described herein may be
`used to detect the activity of hinasc, protease, or phosphatase
`enzymes on labeled or unlabeled substrates, and may gen—
`erally be applied to monitor the chemical modification of a
`molecule resulting in a product 01‘ altered net charge. The
`system permits simultaneous parallel analysis of many
`samples by electrophoresing multiple samples at the same
`time. This is advantageous for the screening of large num-
`bers of compounds for their etfects on various kinases,
`phosphatases, and proteases.
`In addition, as the capture
`matrix isolates the whole fraction of charged molecules of
`interest for detection, the electrophoresis and detection steps
`may be done sequentially or simultaneously. Traditionally,
`substrate conversion analysis has been done in agarose or
`acrylamide slab gels, which utilized the gel matrix to sepa-
`rate modified {altered charge) from unmodified substrates.
`Although the slab gel
`technique works well
`for a
`samples, parallel analysis ot‘a large number of samples is not
`practical. In addition. the intrinsic irregularities of the slab-
`gel method make it ditficult to compare samples run in
`difl'erent gels. Capillary gel electrophoresis devices, such as
`that described in US. Pat. No. 5.916.428, which also sepa-
`rate the charged molecules in a gel matrix, may be used to
`separate and analyze charged molecules in such samples.
`However, these devices require somewhat specialized and
`bulky equipment to load the samples and detect the move-
`ment of the labeled substrate through the capillary. More-
`over. such devices require dynamic detection during the
`electrophoresis process. Although such devices in the art are
`useful for the separation of complex mixtures of molecules
`in which several species are to be detected, they are usually
`too costly and cumbersome for use in high-throughput
`combinatorial library screening applications.
`[0036] Sample Plate Design and Construction
`the system is com-
`[n a preferred embodiment,
`prised of a sample plate containing a plurality of substan-
`tially parallel sample wells. which may be arrayed in any
`configuration permitting simultaneous analysis of multiple
`samples. For example, standard 96-, 384-, lS36-well mic-ro-
`titer plate formats (8.5x11 cm) may be used, and rectangu-
`larly arrayed sample plated are preferred. The sample wells
`are preferably short, being 0.5 to 3.0 cm, and more prefer-
`ably 1.0 to 2.0 cm deep. including the capture matrix. The
`sample plate may be constructed by any usual means,
`including molding, machining, or
`laminar construction
`(which is useful for sandwiching a layer of capture matrix
`material between two layers of support material which form
`the sample plate). Suitable materiaLs for construction include
`polystyrene, polycarl‘tonate. polypropylene and other poly-
`mers, as well as glass, quartz, and other silicate materials.
`Important considerations are that the materials should be
`insulatory, and should have a low background signal
`whatever detection system is to be used with the. system tie,
`low fluorescence).
`[0038] The plurality of sample Wells are open at their top
`and bottom ends, with the capture matrix positioned near
`one end of the sample well. The capture matrix forms a
`continuous layer across the sample well, as illustrated in the
`examples. Usually, a capture matrix will be positioned at or
`near the bottom of the sample well. near the lirst electrode.
`However, alternative embodiments are envisioned in which
`a second capture matrix is positioned. after the sample is
`loaded, at or near the top end of the sample well. With this
`configuration, both a positively and negatively charged
`molecule 01‘ interest could be captured from a sample for
`detection in the systems of the invention. In the assembled
`System. each sample well is in contact with a first electrode
`at its bottom end, and with a second electrode at its top end.
`The electrode contact may be direct or alternately may be
`indirect, such as through a conducting medium such as a
`conductive liquid or butler.
`[0039] Capture Matrix Composition
`[0040] The capture matrix is an integral part of the sys—
`tems of the invention, in that it has. the ability to capture and
`hold the charged molecules of interest for later or simulta-
`neous detection.
`In this way,
`the capture matrix of the
`present invention dil‘fers substantially in function from the
`gel separation matrices used in slab gel electrophoresis or in
`capillary gel electrophoresis. In those techniques, the hydro
`gel is used to separate and define groups of molecules within
`the gel matrix. As used in the present invention. the capture
`matrix is merely used to hold and segregate a single group
`of charged molecules (i.c., all molecules of a certain charge)
`from the other molecules in solution. Because of this sim-
`the capture matrices used in the present
`plilied function.
`invention have ditferent physical dimensions. In the systems
`of the present invention, preferred capture matrices have a
`thickness of less. than 0.5 cm along the path ol‘ electrophore-
`sis, more preferably a thickness of less than 0.3 cm, more
`preferably a thickness of less than (LE em, and most pref-
`erably a thickness of less than about 0.1 cm.
`[0041] The capture matrix comprises a dill'usion inhibiting
`material which impedes the passive transport of the mol-
`ecules of interest and the other molecules in the sample. This
`serves two purposes. First,
`to separate the molecule of
`interest upon the application of an electric held across the
`sample well by selectively electrophoresing the charged
`molecule of interest into the capture matrix based upon, its
`charge, as the uncharged and oppositely charged molecules
`will be prevented from entering the capture matrix by simple
`ditTusion alone. Second, alter the sample has been electro-
`phoresed, the diH'usion-inhibiting material holds the charged
`molecule of interest within the capture matrix in the absence
`of an electric field, preventing their ditfusion back into the
`sample solution. Sol gels, cellulose, glass fiber, nylon, and
`hydrogels are preferred for use as dillttsion-inhibiting mate-
`rials in the capture matrix.
`l-lydrogels. such as agarose,
`potyacrylamide, aminopropylmethacrylamide, 3-sutl'opro-
`pyldimethyl-3-methacrytamidopropytarnmonium inner salt,
`methacrylic acid, 3—sulfopropylmethacrylatc potassium salt,
`glycerylmonomethacrylate, and derivatives thereof, are par-
`ticularly preferred. The capture matrix may be comprised ol‘
`a single layer of difl'usion-iuhibiting material. as in the
`systems described in FIG. I and Example ]. Or the eaptu re
`matrix may comprise a gradient layer of dill‘usinn-irthibiting
`material. This gradient may be a density or other physical
`property gradient, or may be a chemical property gradient.
`[0042] The difl'usion-inhibitirtg portion of the capture
`matrix is usually formed by casting a hydrogel in the sample
`wells or by pressing the sample wells into a sheet of
`hydrogel. For instance, the sample plate may be prepared by
`first sealing its bottom surface with a standard microtitcr
`plate sealer (cg. Dynex Technologies). Once the plate is
`Sealed. a solution of acrylamide or a melted agarose Solution
`is pipetted into the bottom of each sample Well

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