United States Patent [19J
`Zanzucchi et al.
`I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll Ill lllll llll
`[11] Patent Number:
`[ 45] Date of Patent:
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Inventors: Peter J. Zanzucchi, Lawrenceville;
`Satyam C. Cherukuri, Cranbury;
`Sterling E. McBride, Lawrenceville, all
`of N.J.
`[73] Assignee: David Sarnoff Research Center, Inc.,
`Princeton, N.J.
`[21] Appl. No.: 338,703
`Nov. 10, 1994
`Int. Cl.6
`.... . ....... . .................. BOIL 3/00; GOIN 35/00
`U.S. Cl . ........................... 422/100; 422/58; 422/68.1;
`436/43; 204/450; 204/600
`[58] Field of Search ................................ 204/403, 299 R,
`204/180.1, 454, 452, 601, 603; 436/43;
`935/87, 88; 422/68.1
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`Primary Examiner-Kathryn Gorgos
`Assistant Examiner-Alex Noguerola
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-William J. Burke
`A system for processing a plurality of tests or syntheses in
`parallel comprising a sample channel for moving samples
`into a microlaboratory array of a plurality of wells connected
`by one or more channels for the testing or synthesis of
`samples, a station for housing the array and an optical
`system comprising at least one light source and at least one
`light detector for measuring the samples in the array, and a
`means of electrically connecting the array to an apparatus
`capable of monitoring and controlling the flow of fluids into
`the array.
`Samples are loaded from a common loading channel into the
`array, processed in the wells and measurements taken by the
`optical system. The array can process many samples, or
`synthesize many compounds in parallel, reducing the time
`required for such processes.
`23 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets


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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 1of10
`16 7
`FIG. 1A
`FIG. 18


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 2of10
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 3


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 3of10
`FIG. 4A
`FIG. 48
`FIG. 58
`--- ______ ) ___ _


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 4of10
`FIG. 6A
`FIG. 68
`FIG. 6C


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 5 of 10
`FIG. 78
`FIG. 7C
`FIG. 7A


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`25~50 248
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`246 ~


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 7of10
`__ ,,
`D-282 ~
`FIG. 9


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 8 of 10
`( 3!8 ) j2
`A, B, C, D, ....
`-~--l __._c;~ 314
`314 0
`FIG. 10


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 9of10
`FIG. 11A
`FIG. 118
`!.._ ______ J
`FIG. 11C
`FIG. 11D


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 17, 1996
`Sheet 10 of 10
`FIG. 12


`This invention relates to a system comprising a parti-
`tioned microelectronic and fluidic array. More particularly,
`this invention relates to a system including an array of
`microelectronic and fluid transfer devices for carrying out
`various processes, including syntheses, screening and
`chemical diagnostic assays, in parallel, and method of 10
`making the array.
`Traditional methods of making a homologous series of
`compounds, or the testing of new potential drug compounds
`comprising a series of like compounds, has been a slow
`process because each member of the series or each potential
`drug must be made individually and tested individually. For
`example, a plurality of potential drug compounds is tested 20
`by using an agent to test a plurality of materials that differ
`perhaps only by a single amino acid or nucleotide base, or
`have a different sequence of amino acids or nucleotides.
`Recently the process has been improved somewhat by
`combining the synthesis of various compounds having
`potential biological activity, for example, and traditional
`semiconductor techniques. A semiconductor or dielectric
`substrate for example is coated with a biologic precursor
`having amino groups with a light-sensitive protective chemi­
`cal attached thereto, and a series of masks are placed over
`the substrate, each mask having an opening. A coupling
`agent, such as a photosensitive amino acid, is illuminated
`through the opening, forming a particular compound by
`reaction with the amino compound. Additional masks are
`used with different coupling agents to form an array of 35
`different peptides on the substrate which array can then be
`tested for biologic activity. Suitably this is done by exposure
`of the array to a target molecule, such as an antibody or a
`virus. The array is exposed to a biologic receptor having a
`fluorescent tag, and the whole array is incubated with the 40
`receptor. If the receptor binds to any compound in the array,
`the site of the fluorescent tag can be detected optically. This
`fluorescence data can be transmitted to a computer which
`can compute which compounds reacted and the degree of
`reaction. This technique permits the synthesis and testing of 45
`thousands of compounds in days rather than in weeks or
`even months.
`However, the synthesis of each coupling reaction is not
`al ways complete, and the yield decreases as the length of the
`biopolymer increases. The process of aligning a plurality of
`masks and forming openings in the masks in sequence
`requires careful alignment and takes time.
`The above synthesis is made possible by two other recent
`technical developments that allow various manipulations
`and reactions on a planar surface. One is the detection and
`analysis of DNA fragments and their identification by reac­
`tion with specific compounds. Probes, RNA and DNA
`fragments can be resolved, labeled and detected by high
`sensitivity sensors. The presence or absence of DNA frag- 60
`ments can identify diseased cells for example.
`Another step forward is the ability to separate materials in
`a microchannel, and the ability to move fluids through such
`microchannels. This is made possible by use of various
`electro-kinetic processes such as electrophoresis or electro- 65
`osmosis. Fluids may be propelled through very small chan­
`nels by electro-osmotic forces. An electro-osmotic force is
`built up in the channel via surface charge buildup by means
`of an external voltage that can "repCI" fluid and cause flow.
`This surface charge and external voltage produces an elec-
`tro-kinetic current that results in fluid flow along the chan­
`nel. Such electro-kinetic processes are the basis for a device
`described by Pace in U.S. Pat. No. 4,908,112 for example.
`Thus real progress has been made using electrophoresis
`and/or electro-osmosis to move very small amounts of
`materials along microchannels. Such movement can be used
`for synthesizing very small samples of potential drug com­
`pounds in an array and testing very small amounts of
`materials for bioactivity. Further progress in fully automat­
`ing the fiuidic processes will result in the synthesis and
`testing of vast numbers of compounds for bioactivity of all
`types, which information can be made available for future
`drug selection and will greatly reduce the time and expense
`of such testiJ::ig.
`The system of the invention comprises a device array of
`micron sized wells and connecting channels in a substrate
`that interfaces with a station for dispensing fluids to and
`collecting fluids from, the array, and for performing electro-
`25 optic measurements of material in the wells. The station is
`also connected to control apparatus means to control the
`fluid flow to the channels and wells and to collect measure­
`ment data from the substrate. The above elements are
`interdependent and together can perform a variety of tasks in
`30 parallel.
`The individual wells of the array and their sequence can
`be varied depending on the synthesis or analysis to be
`performed. Thus the function of the arrays can be readily
`changed, with only the additional need to choose suitable
`interface means for monitoring and controlling the flow of
`fluids to the particular array being used and the test or
`synthesis to be performed.
`In one embodiment the above system can be used to
`perform various clinical diagnostics, such as assays for DNA
`in parallel, using the known protocols of the polymerase
`chain reaction (PCR), primers and probe technology for
`DNA assay. In another embodiment the above system can be
`used for immunoassays for antibodies or antigens in parallel
`for screening purposes. In still other embodiments, the
`synthesis of a series of chemical compounds, or a series of
`peptides or oligonucleotides, can be performed in parallel.
`Each well in the array is designed so to accomplish a
`selected task in appropriate modules on a substrate, each
`50 module containing the number of wells required to complete
`each task. The wells are connected to each other, to a sample
`source and to a source of reagent fluids by means of
`connecting microchannels. This capability permits broad
`based clinical assays for disease not possible by sequential
`assay, permits improvement in statistics of broad based
`clinical assays such as screening of antibodies because of the
`parallelism, permits a reduction in costs and an improve­
`ment in the speed of testing, and permits improved patient
`treatments for rapidly advancing disease.
`The array is formed in a suitable dielectric substrate and
`the channels and wells are formed therein using maskless
`semiconductor patterning techniques. The station and con­
`trol means, such as a computer, use existing technology that
`includes commercially available apparatus.
`The present device array uses active control to move
`fluids across the array, reducing the time required for syn­
`thesis and screening. Further, large biopolymers of all types


`can be synthesized and processed while maintaining high
`purity of the synthesized compounds. The present micro­
`laboratory arrays may be fully automated, enabling the rapid
`transfer of samples, precursors and other movement of fluids
`into the array, from one well to another well, and to enable
`the measurement of assays and the complete control of
`processing parameters such as temperature control.
`The system of FIG. lA includes a computer 10, electri­
`cally connected via line 11 to peripheral apparatus, such as
`a modem or printer 12, which computer 10 is programmed
`to give instructions to a microlaboratory disc 14 and to
`record test results obtained therefrom. The computer 10 is
`electrically connected to a station 16 via line 15. The station
`16 includes a microlaboratory disc support 18, support
`tubing 20 for loading test materials and reagents onto the
`microlaboratory disc 14, pumps 22 for moving fluids to
`particular destinations on the disk 14, one or more light
`sources 24, an optical fiber 25 and one or more light
`detectors 26. The optical fiber 25 is operative to transmit
`light from the light source 24 to the detector 26. One or more
`containers 28 for waste fluids and the like are also housed in
`the station 16.
`A small volume of a fluid to be tested, such as a whole
`blood or other DNA-containing fluid sample, is loaded into
`the system via a loading system 30. The system 30 may
`house one or more capillary tubes 32, illustrated in FIG. 3,
`containing a sample which is connected to a loading capil-
`lary channel 34 etched into the surface of the rnicrolabora­
`tory disc 14. The loading capillary tube 32 is inserted into
`the capillary loading channel 34 horizontally. The sample is
`moved into the capillary loading channel 34 and the fluid
`sample is then moved to a first well 36 on the disc 14.
`Alternately, a loading channel 50 for vertical insertion into
`the loading channel 34 can also be used to load the sample.
`FIG. lB and FIG. 2 illustrate a particular module comprising
`a plurality of wells 36, 40, 42 and 44 connected by a channel
`38, shown by a dashed line, on a rnicrolaboratory disc 14 of
`the invention. Each module is connected to a well 46 that
`collects excess or waste fluids from the respective module.
`These waste fluids are collected and moved to the waste
`containers 28 in the station 16.
`The sample is treated sequentially in a series of wells
`including first well 36. For example, in the first well 36 the
`whole blood sample is transferred from the capillary loading
`channel 34, filtered and lysed to separate the white and red
`corpuscles, and the DNA is isolated from the white blood
`40 cells. The DNA sample is then moved out of the first well 36
`through a connecting channel 38 that connects all of the
`wells of a single module, and into a second well 40. In the
`second well 40 the DNA is separated into single strands and
`amplified using the well known PCR method. The treated
`sample is then moved out of the second well 40 via the
`connecting channel 38 and into a third well 42. In the third
`well 42 the DNA is assayed by known probe hybridization
`techniques. The DNA assay is detected and evaluated in the
`fourth well 44. Thus the determination of DNA in a par-
`ticular blood sample is performed in a series of four wells
`connected by a channel. Lastly excess reagents and the like
`are collected in the fifth well 46 that is common to all of the
`modules in the rnicrolaboratory array 14, and is transferred
`into the waste collection system 28 of the station 16.
`The combination of a loading channel 34 or 50, the wells
`36, 40, 42, 44 and 46 and the connecting channel 38 make
`up one module 48 on the test microlaboratory disc 14. A
`single module on a microlaboratory disc 14 is shown in top
`view in FIG. lB within the dashed lines. As will be
`60 explained hereinbelow, a plurality of modules are formed in
`the rnicrolaboratory disc 14 so that tests can be performed on
`a large number of the modules 48 in parallel.
`The particular sequence of channels and wells of the
`module shown in FIGS. lA, 1B and FIG. 2 lends itself to the
`detection of pathogenic bacteria in blood or other DNA­
`containing fluids using the DNA assay protocols of Greisen
`et al, see "PCR Primers and Probes for the 16S rRNA Gene
`FIG. lA is an exploded schematic diagram of the parts of
`the system of the invention adapted for performing clinical
`FIG. lB is a top view of a substrate of the invention
`illustrating a single module formed therein.
`FIG. 2 is an exploded top view of an illustrative module
`of the invention.
`FIG. 3 is an exploded cross sectional view of the optical
`transmission and detection system of the invention.
`FIG. 4A is a cross sectional view of a well embodiment
`of a microlaboratory disc of the invention.
`FIG. 4B is a cross sectional view of another well embodi­
`ment of a rnicrolaboratory disc of the invention.
`FIG. SA is a cross sectional view of a portion of a module 25
`of a microlaboratory disc illustrating devices in typical
`FIG. SB is a cross sectional view of a portion of a module
`of a microlaboratory disc covered with a cover plate.
`FIG. 6A is a cross sectional view of a rnicrolaboratory
`disc illustrating additional wells having preformed devices
`therein together with an optical system interface.
`FIGS. 6B and 6C illustrate a valve situate in a channel
`adjacent to a well in the open and closed positions respec­
`FIG. 7 A is an exploded schematic view of another
`embodiment of the present invention adapted to perform
`immunological assays.
`FIG. 7B is a top view illustrating a module on the
`microlaboratory disc of FIG. 7 A.
`FIG. 7C is a cross sectional view of a control means for
`moving fluids in the channels and from one well to another.
`FIG. 8 is a schematic view of another embodiment of a 45
`rnicrolaboratory array suitable for carrying out the parallel
`synthesis of proteins and oligonucleotides.
`FIG. 9 is a schematic view illustrating a modified station
`for the system of FIG. 8.
`FIG. 10 is a schematic view of a further embodiment of 50
`a rnicrolaboratory array suitable for carrying out the syn­
`thesis of a large number of small molecules in parallel.
`FIGS. llA, llB and UC are cross sectional views illus­
`trating the steps needed to form cross over channels in the
`FIG. llD is a top view of a cross-over channel in the
`FIG. 12 is a top view of a channel "gate" electrode to
`control flow in a channel by electro-osmosis.
`The invention will be first described by reference to FIG. 65
`lA, which illustrates the parts of an illustrative system of the
`invention configured to perform DNA screening diagnostics.


`of Most Species of Pathogenic Bacteria, Including Bacteria
`Found in Cerebrospinal Fluid" J. Clinical Microbiology 32
`(2), pp 335-351 (1994). Since the disc 14 can be arranged
`to form a plurality of up to 1500 parallel modules, broad
`DNA screening can be conducted in parallel that might not 5
`be possible using a system of sequential assays. Since a large
`array of parallel tests can be done at the same time, the time
`required to obtain meaningful results is also reduced, and
`consequently costs are reduced. Further, the statistics of
`broad based screening can be improved. In addition the
`system of the invention provides the ability to detect mutant
`DNA such as is found in oncological diseases.
`The station 16 includes a fiber optic assembly 25 and one
`or more light sources 24 and one or more detectors 26 (not
`shown) that address the system loading channel 34 or 50 and
`measures the transmittance or absorbance of material in the 15
`channel 34 or 50 and the first well 36, such as a blood or
`other fluid sample. The fiber optic assembly 25 can verify
`the presence or absence of materials in the channel 34 or 50
`or the well 36, and quantify their amounts by transmitting
`the measurement data to the computer 10. Suitable lasers 20
`and photodetectors are available commercially. Fiber optic
`adaptors to support the optical fiber are commercially avail­
`able. These adaptors may also include a lens for efficient
`transfer of light from the light source into the fiber.
`Preselected substrates, designed either for modular par-
`allel or array processing, can be placed on the substrate
`holder 18 in the station 16. After suitable modification of the
`software in the computer 10 or choice of other driving means
`able to monitor a particular sequence of steps for control of
`reagents to carry out the processes in each module of the
`microlaboratory 14, entirely different tests and processes can
`be carried out in the system of the invention. Thus the
`microlaboratory array 14 is individually designed for a
`variety of assay, measurement and synthesis tasks, and only 35
`the module configuration and the driving means needs to be
`changed in the system when a different task is to be
`A circuit of thin film transistors (not shown) can be
`formed on the front or back of the glass or other substrate 14
`to provide power to the wells via leads and electrodes
`explained further hereinafter, and to connect them with the
`driving means such as the computer 10, so as to move liquids
`along the array. Pins can also be formed in the glass substrate
`which are addressable by logic circuits on the support 18 that
`are connected to the computer 10 for example. These
`transistors and logic circuits will also be in contact with the
`substrate 14 on the support 18 to provide an interface
`between the microlaboratory disc 14 and the computer 10.
`The system loader 30 is situated outside of the station 16
`and may be connected to a loading capillary tube 32, as
`shown in FIG. 3, suitably having an inner diameter of about
`200 microns and an outer diameter of about 600-700
`microns. The capillary tube 32 can be pretreated to eliminate
`surface adsorption of proteins and related bio materials in a
`known manner, for example similar to the methods disclosed
`by Cobb, ''Electrophoretic Separations of Proteins in Cap­
`illaries with Hydrolytically Stable Surface Structures", Anal.
`Chem. 62, (1990) pp 2478-2483. All of the sample material
`is loaded into the system via the system loader 30. The
`system capillary tube 32 can be loaded horizontally directly
`into the microlaboratory disk 14 via the loading channel 34.
`The sample is i

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