rogrammable Motion
`Control Handbook
`Published by the
`Programmable Motion Control Group
`industrial Automation Division
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`November 1992
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`This Programmable Motion Control Handbook has been prepared as an indusuy service by the Na-
`tional Electrical Manufacturers Association. It represents individual and corporate contributions, and
`the combined efforts of many members of NEMA’s Programmable Motion Control Group. Contrib-
`uting firms, members of the PMC Group are:
`Allen-Bradley Company
`Micro M0 Electronics, Inc.
`GE Fanuc Automation
`Reliance Electric Company
`Gettys Corporation
`Rexroth Corporation
`Giddings & Lewis Electronics Company
`Square D Company
`Kollmorgen Industrial Drives
`The Superior Electric Company
`In addition, the first printing and distribution of this document has been sponsored by both members
`and non-members of the Association. Without their financial support, this publication would not
`have been possible. Those firms appear below as well as in boldface print in Chapter VI:
`Advanced Control Systems Corporation
`Giddings & Lewis, Inc.
`Advanced Motion Controls, Inc.
`Aerotech, Inc.
`Auen_Bradlcy Company
`Baldor Electric Company
`Bodine Electric Company
`Danaher Controls
`Eaton Corporation
`Enprotech Corporation
`Futaba Corporation
`GE Fanuc Aummauon
`Hurst Manufacturing/Division of Emerson
`f h R
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`Industrial Indexing Systems, Inc.
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`Micro M0 Electronics, Inc.
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`M S ystems orporanon
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`Penn Engineering &
`Manufacturing Corporation
`General Controls Electronics, Inc.
`Reliance E16CmC
`Gwys Corporation
`Superior Electric Company
`Prepared by the
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`Programmable Motion Control Group
`Industrial Automation Division
`2101 L Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20037
`(202) 457-8400
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`rogrammable Motion
`Control Handbook
`Published by the
`Programmable Motion Control Group
`Industrial Automation Division
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`November 1992
`©Copyright 1992 by
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means with-
`out permission in writing from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
`While extensive research and editorial diligence have been exerted during the
`development of this handbook, neither the association, nor its membership, nor the sponsors can
`assure its accuracy. Readers should use it as a guide and check with manufacturers and suppliers of
`products which an: mentioned for additional details.
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`Table of Contents
`I. Why Should I Read this
`A Resource Guide to Motion Control Technology,
`Products, and Applications .
`II. What is
`Motion control?
`The Uses and Benefits of Motion Control Technology .
`. ii
`. 3
`How to Recognize and Discuss Motion Control
`III. Fundamentals of
`Applying Programmable Applications .
`Motion Control
`IV. Building Blocks of
`Programmable Motion
`Control Systems
`V. How Do I Select a
`Programmable Motion
`Control System?
`How to Recognize and Discuss Motion Control Systems
`and Products
`Putting It All Together: A Step-by~Step Application
`Tool Kit.
`. 23
`VI. Where can I Find These A Matrix of Products and Systems Which Fit
`Your Applications
`VII. What About
`Technical Standards?
`AGuide to Applicable Standards .
`VIII. What Do All These
`Buzzwords Really Mean?
`A Glossary of Selected Motion Control Terms .
`. 41
`. 55
`. 65
`. 83
`Table 2 Manufacturers Reference Matrix .
`Used Symbols
`. 89
`Page 4 of 28
`Ex. 1009
`lx. Where Can I Learn More A Motion Control Bibliography .
`About Motion Control?
`Tables and Figures
`Figure 1 Typical Programmable Motion Control Systems . 7
`Figure 2 Typical Profiles
`Figures 3-8 Profile Calculations
`Table 1 Common Feedback Devices
`. 33-38
`. 20
`. 42-44
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`Foreword: About NEMA
`This handbook was developed by the Programmable Motion
`Control Group of NEMA’s Industrial Automation Division. With
`600 firms that manufacture products in the United States, the Na-
`tional Electrical Manufacturers Association is one of the largest
`trade associations in the country. It is also among the oldest elec-
`trical trade groups in the USA, being able to trace its roots to the
`Electrical Manufacturers Alliance constituted in 1905. NEMA
`also serves as a clearing house for the application of new tech-
`nologies, a forum for manufacturers, and a channel of
`communications between manufacturers and end users. The In-
`dustrial Automation Division, with 150 member companies,
`represents the group of firms having supplied the largest in-
`stalled base of industrial automation equipment in America’s
`Thus, it was only natural that the Industrial Automation Division
`form the Programmable Motion Control Group in 1989. The
`PMC Group provides an opportunity for diverse industry inter-
`ests to help their customers understand this rapidly growing
`field. PMC Group objectives and programs include developing a
`market statistics data base, working with the U.S. Census Bu-
`reau to enhance government data collection, establishing
`end-user/supplier interchanges, providing current applications in-
`formation to users, overseeing related domestic and international
`standards, and reducing international trade barriers.
`The scope of the Group is to disseminate, support, and promote
`programmable motion control technology with special attention
`being given to the control elements of motion control systems
`and their interface with general controllers, sensory devices, ac-
`tuators, and other related devices. Membership in NEMA’s
`Programmable Motion Control Group is open to all firms that
`produce motion control products and software in the United
`States. Various levels of group participation exist, including op-
`portunities for non-NEMA members to attend meetings and
`formulate market statistics programs.
`With this first edition debut, this “Programmable Motion Con-
`trol Handboo ” represents the most comprehensive overview
`and general guide currently available to this field. It is intended
`to help the novice, smaller OEMs, and especially end-users who
`are interested in benefiting from this emerging technology.
`Large end-users and producers of this technology may find it
`will provide a baseline for discussions with fellow suppliers and
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`colleagues. The underlying philosophy is that the faster motion
`control technology can be adopted by manufacturers, the more
`productive they will become.
`As you proceed through the following chapters, you will gain an
`appreciation for the many different technologies which make the
`concept of motion control possible.
`For additional information, a tear—out request card is on the back
`cover fold. Information on ordering extra copies is also shown
`On behalf of the members of the Programmable Motion Control
`Group and the financial sponsors appearing on the inside front
`cover, we hope that this document assists you in understanding
`and benefiting from this new productivity enhancing technology.
`Manufacturers and industry members interested in finding out
`more about the Programmable Motion Control Group are invited
`to contact:
`Mr. William C. Rolland
`Manager, Industrial Automation Division
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association
`2101 L Street, N.W., Suite 300
`Washington, DC 20037
`Phone: (202) 457-1975
`Fax: (202) 457-8411
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`I. Why Should I Read This Handbook?
`- This handbook is your resource guide to motion control tech-
`nology, products, and applications.
`Assumptions About You
`How To Use This Handbook
`The objective of this handbook is to provide you with a
`friendly starting place in the world of motion control. It ad-
`dresses some of the major questions fust time users and
`experienced engineers alike want to know when they must
`specify an unfamiliar system.
`Above all, this handbook is a compendium ofpractical infor-
`mation about motion control. It is not an in-depth design
`manual, but rather an introduction to the technology and a
`guide to further resources compiled by leading vendors and
`developers of motion control technology.
`You’re someone who is involved in the design, specification,
`construction, operation, service, or sale of industrial control
`products or systems.
`You’ve heard about motion control.
`You suspect that motion control technology might have
`some benefits for you.
`You wish you knew more about it.
`You're looking for a “Ground Zero” motion control introduc-
`tory overview, not an exhaustive textbook.
`This handbook is divided into 9 chapters. The first 5 chap-
`ters, including this one, are “Quick Read” concept
`summaries of motion control fundamentals. Read them all,
`and you will have gained a good basic understanding of the
`subject of motion control.
`The last 4 chapters are reference guides to manufacturers,
`standards, terminology, and further reading on the subject.
`Just glance over the format of these chapters, then use them
`as your specific needs arise.
`What You'll Learn
`‘ After reading this booklet, you will be able to:
`. understand the uses and benefits of programmable motion
`control technology (Chapter II).
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`. recognize and discuss motion control applications
`. .
`(Chapter III).
`. recognize and discuss the major categories of motion con—
`ttol systems and products (Chapter IV).
`. select in a preliminary manner the appropriate type of mo-
`tion control system for your type of application (Chapter V).
`. identify some of the manufacturers of motion control prod-
`. .
`ucts and systems which fit your application (Chapter VI).
`. . refer to the appropriate motion control technical standards
`(Chapter VII).
`. locate any unfamiliar motion control term in the Glossary
`. .
`(Chapter VIII).
`. . know exactly where to turn for more in-depth information
`about motion control in the Bibliography (Chapter IX).
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`ll. What Is Programmable
`Motion Control?
`The Early Days
`PMC Defined
`In the early days of machine development, the control of posi-
`tion and velocity was accomplished by elaborate, expensive, and
`time consuming solutions such as a series of cams, gears, shut-
`tles, and the like. Frequently, other devices such as hydraulic
`and pneumatic cylinders, electric solenoids, plungers, and grip-
`pers were added to these systems. Some examples of these
`solutions include early textile machinery, coil making, and wire
`winding equipment.
`The automotive and machine tool industries were among those
`who saw the control of motion as a means of providing complex
`shapes and integrating complex operations. Being able to move
`heavy materials and process them in a repeatable and continuous
`manner added value and increased the productivity of their oper-
`ations. While this was of great benefit in operations which were
`continually repeatable and injected no changes, this was not an
`optimum solution for operations which required short runs of
`parts for any degree of variety or customization. This was, of
`course, because early automated systems were highly dedicated
`and required laborious retooling and set-up when even margin-
`ally different products or processes were required.
`With the emergence of computers and microprocessor technol-
`ogy, other options becarne possible. In electronically based
`systems one may choose a variety of different parameters by
`merely changing the software within the system. This translates
`into less set-up work and more throughput. For example, to
`change the speed of an operation, a mechanical system might re-
`quire you to exchange an existing gear with a larger or smaller
`one. In the modern world of programmable motion control, this
`could be accomplished by entering a few lines of code or select-
`ing a different velocity profile from the system’s memory. This
`is what we refer to as programmable motion control.
`Programmable Motion Control (PMC) is defined as the applica-
`tion of programmable hardware and software (in conjunction
`with input sensory devices, actuators, and other feedback de-
`vices) for the control of one or more linear or rotary motions.
`Expanding on this definition in today ’s concepts for the equip-
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`Motion Control Product
`mom used to control motion. a programmable motion controller
`commonly takes the form of a microprocessor based system.
`The system will be comprised of the following basic elements:
`controller, amplifier, actuator, feedback. A simplified block dia-
`gram of a programmable motion control system appears below.
`Controller —.» Amplifier
`The controller will include a means of entering a set of instruc-
`tions or code into its memory which are then translated into a
`series of electrical pulses or analog signals and outputted to an
`amplifier for controlling some type of actuator. The amplifier re-
`ceives the signals from the controller and boosts or amplifies
`them to appropriate levels for the actuator.
`The actuator provides the actual physical motion and will be
`closely coupled to the design characteristics of the amplifier.
`The amplifier/actuator set‘ may be any one of several different
`design classifications. Typically, but by no means always. they
`will take the form of an electronic amplifier and an electric
`motor. Other common means of motion are pneumatic or hydrau-
`lic actuators.
`The final element of our system is the feedback device. There
`are a wide variety of feedback devices that are commonly used
`in motion control systems today which provide information on
`linear or rotary motion. Generally, a motion control system will
`base and adjust its functions on the input of any one or combina-
`tion of the following devices:
`Optical encoders
`Magnetic encoders
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`Many motion control systems are integrated into a larger system.
`Various computer-based devices, such as programmable control-
`lers, stand alone industrial computers or remote mainframe
`computers serve to link and coordinate the motion control func-
`tion with other functions. In addition, an operator interface is
`present to input control logic, change existing programs, or pro-
`vide real time modifications, such as system shut down or
`schedule changes. Thus, a more integrated motion control sys-
`tem would appear as shown below.
`O erator
`The Purpose of Motion
`The motion control system’s purpose is to control any one, or
`combination of, the following parameters:
`The types of feedback devices used in a motion control system
`will depend on both the control element (position, velocity,
`and/or torque), as well as the accuracy required. Another parame-
`ter used in the selection of a feedback device might be
`environmental considerations, such as temperature, accuracy,
`sensitivity, and stiffness.
`The machine manufacturer who wishes to electronically auto-
`mate his product must select control equipment which will do
`many things, at the very least the following:
`Provide Process Control: To turn on and off and control any
`fluids, heaters, coolers, air pressure, and associated functions.
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`Motion System
`- Manage System Faults: To monitor and act upon informa-
`tion supplied to the control unit from interlock switches,
`jam-up sensors, process control limits, etc.
`Provide Motion Control: To command, control, and monitor
`the motion of those things in the machine for which the de-
`sired motion profile must sometimes be changed—-—either
`during normal operation, at set-up, or under emergency con-
`ditions. Thus, the motion controller must be
`PROGRAMMABLE, so that it can be told in advance just
`what it must do following the receipt of specific input sig-
`The block diagram (Figure l) on the next page gives a general
`overview of the various types of motion control systems com-
`monly used today. Sometimes, the controller is very specialized
`and designed to accomplish very specific tasks. Examples of
`such controllers include the following:
`Computerized Numerical Control
`Industrial Robot
`Transfer Line
`Plastic Molding
`Coordinate Measuring Machine
`Laser Welding and Cutting
`Plasma and Flame Cutting
`Water Jet Cutting
`Another type of unit which is becoming popular in the l990’s is
`the general purpose stand—alone controller. This controller is typi-
`cally more flexible than a dedicated unit and is adaptable to
`many different applications. It is used in higher volume generic
`applications such as X-Y positioning, palletizing, and other gen-
`eral motion activities which require adjustable activities or duty
`cycles. General purpose controllers are available as board level
`products which may be incorporated inside larger pieces of ma-
`chinery; as enclosed units, in which the controller and its
`associated amplifier and power supply are contained in an enclo-
`sure with external connections and operator interface; and as
`bare cards which are designed to be fit into a larger logic device
`such as a computer or programmable controller. In cases such as
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`Figure 1
`Typical Programmable Motion Control Systems
` Programmable
`Stand Alone
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`the latter, the higher level logic or control unit is referred to as a
`“host" controller. The host generally is responsible for several
`more specialized or lower level control functions and may also
`provide ancillary functions such as statistical process conuol,
`high speed mathematical calculations and interrnachine commu~
`nications and coordination.
`Processors at the chip level are not generally useful to the end-
`user. Motion control chips are generally incorporated into a
`larger controller which then integrates their function (motion or
`actuator control) with other functions as a portion of a complete
`system (tracking of events, performing calculations, maintaining
`internal and external communications, etc.).
`A popular motion control system for larger installations is the ad-
`justable speed drive (ASD). Typically an integral horsepower
`configuration, the ASD consists of either an AC or DC motor
`and an amplifier or inverter which accommodate heavy indus-
`trial processes. ASDs are typically found in paper and steel mills
`and continuous process environments where very large loads
`must be transferred and acted upon at various rates of speed in
`the course of their processing.
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`Motion Considerations
`Ill. Fundamentals of Applying
`Programmable Motion Control
`When applying programmable motion control, it is essential that
`the designer understand the motion parameters important to his
`application. This chapter covers issues pertinent to motion con-
`trol to help the designer qualify and quantify his requirements.
`This will help in the study and selection of motion components
`to meet an application.
`The decision to apply programmable motion control to a motion
`system is fundamentally determined by the need to control a sys~
`tem or process beyond the capability of a single ungovemed
`device such as a line connected AC motor. The next step is to
`classify the parameters that are needed for control. This usually
`begins by considering the load and goes on to include process
`control, safety and fault management, and user interface to name
`a few.
`As mentioned in the previous chapter, the purpose of a motion
`control system is to control one or more of the following: posi-
`tion, velocity, and torque. In addition, it is not uncommon for
`the system to switch between operating modes. Let’s first con-
`sider the subject of velocity control.
`- Velocity Control: Velocity control or speed control needs to
`be quantified with respect to several issues. First, what is the
`speed required to do the application? Further, does this load
`vary with speed or is load constant? For example, a machine
`tool axis will require, in general, constant thrust (torque)
`over a fairly wide range of cutting speeds, plus have a high
`speed requirement at low load for rapid traversing. This
`would result in an overall speed range of hundreds or thou-
`sands to one. In contrast, a machine tool spindle driving the
`part in the case of the lathe, or the tool for milling, will re-
`quire a fairly constant power requirement over a speed range
`of perhaps 5 to 1 as supplied by the motor (transmissions are
`generally added to further extend the constant power range).
`Another consideration of velocity control is speed regula-
`tion. Speed regulation is generally expressed in percent of a
`set speed. Based on the application, the concern for speed
`regulation might be short-term or long-term. Short-term reg-
`ulation would be the consideration for speed deviation due
`to some transient load of a known quantity. Long-term regu-
`lation would be the concern of speed control over seconds,
`minutes, or longer. In addition, speed ripple in a system,
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`often the result of motor and driver design, may be a concern
`relative to certain frequencies for which the application is
`sensitive. Examples of this would be the effects of speed rip-
`ple on the surface finish of parts made by machine tools or
`consistency of coating in a web process.
`Torque Control: Torque control suggests the need to control
`the torque or force in a system independent of speed. An ex-
`ample would be a simple feed or take-up roll in a web
`application for which web tension is controlled. Maintaining
`constant tension on the web results in varying torque at the
`rolls as a function of roll diameter, resulting in a constant
`power requirement. A more complex tension control might
`require a changing or tapered tension as a function of roll di-
`ameter. As in the evaluation of a velocity controlled system,
`a torque controlled system needs to be quantified in a num—
`ber of parameters. What is the required torque range? Over
`what speed range must the torque be provided? Is torque rip-
`ple of concern, and if so, what frequencies of ripple present a
`Position Control: Position control entails the control of mo-
`tion displacement which is the change of motion with
`respect to time. This control includes command, control, and
`the monitoring of motion. This can be as simple as the
`change in velocity command by limit switches on a simple
`slide drive, or as complex as linear and circular interpolation
`between axes on a multi-axis machine. Within the discipline
`of position control, numerous issues need to be quantified or
`measured. The resolution of the position control, that being
`the smallest unit of displacement, needs to be defined. Along
`with the resolution, the accuracy and repeatability of the mo-
`tion displacement needs to be determined. Resolution,
`accuracy and repeatability are common quantities associated
`with position feedback devices like encoders and resolvers
`but, in consideration of a complete motion system, will also
`be affected by the mechanical system and position controller.
`Position control typically involves motion acceleration, or
`the change in velocity with respect to time. The acceleration
`rate will affect the forces in the system since torque is the
`product of inertia and acceleration rate. It is important to in-
`clude the inertia of the actuator (typically a motor) in any
`torque calculation of this kind since its inertia may contrib-
`ute considerably to the torque required. Chapters IV and V
`contain examples of application types and the calculation
`methods for determining inertial, acceleration torque, and
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`Machine Control

`other load related issues. The selection of acceleration or de-
`celeration profiles will also affect system performance.
`Constant torque acceleration may result in the fastest acceler-
`ation rate, but a parabolic acceleration/deceleration profile
`will result in the least heating or root mean square (RMS)
`value of torque required. On the other hand, an S-type accel-
`eration will produce the least mechanical stress or jerk in a
`Position control typically requires flexibility regarding the
`need to change certain parameters of the required motion.
`For example, the length of a move, or speed of the system
`may be changing based on variables in the process or parts
`being manufactured. For this reason, a programmable mo-
`tion controller is needed along with specific application
`software. The application software can be “canned” or “bun-
`dled" software that might come with the system, or custom
`software requiring additional cost or effort. When consider-
`ing flexibility in programming, it is also important to define
`the degree of operator interface for implementing changes. A
`simple operator interface could be a thumb wheel switch al-
`lowing selection of particular predetermined functions. A
`more complex and flexible interface might entail an alpha-
`numeric display and keypad.
`In designing a complete system, subjects other than motion con-
`trol need to be addressed. These include process control
`functions and system fault management. As mentioned in Chap-
`ter II, process control involves turning on and off of associated
`functions to the main process such as pumps, coolers, heater, air
`pressure, and so on. System fault management includes the de-
`tection and response process limits, mechanical limits, jam
`sensors, and safety functions such as interlock switches.
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`IV. Building Blocks of Programmable
`Motion Control Systems
`Motion/Position Drives
`Controllers and Amplifiers
`This section is about programmable motion control from the per-
`spective of the kinds of hardware and software that are involved
`in acting upon a command to execute a desired motion. Every
`programmable motion control system mus_t have the foundation
`blocks: controller, amplifier, actuator, and feedback.
`The terms controller and amplifier when used in a discussion
`about motion control can be interpreted to mean almost any-
`thing. A controller may consist of a simple on/off type of
`sensing device that might operate a small fan motor when fumes
`are detected under a vent hood. If the motor needs a transistor to
`provide drive current, the system could be said to have an ampli-
`fier. All of the basic building blocks of a motion control system
`are in place. These are the motor, the transistor (amplifier), the
`fan (load), and the fume detector (controller/feedback sensor).
`Amplifiers are classified based on the characteristics of their out-
`put. Some of the more common types include:
`- DC Amplifier: Linear amplifier which is capable of output-
`ting at bi—directional DC voltage for powering a brush-type
`DC motor.
`- Brushless DC: Linear amplifier used in conjunction with a
`brushless servo motor. Commutation of motor is based on
`amplifier generated trapezoidal wave form which is com-
`pared to a pulse feedback from motor.
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`- Brushless AC: Linear amplifier used in conjunct

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