`US0065 l 6236CI
`United States Patent
`(10) Number:
`US 6,516,236 C1
`C t fi
`28 2011
` rown e a . (45) er i ca e ssu : un. ,
`Inventors: David W. Brown. Bingen, WA (US); Jay
`S. Clark. Bingcn. WA (US)
`(73) Assignce: Roy-G-Biv Corporation. Bellingham,
`WA (US)
`Reexamination Request:
`No. 95;o0o.39o. Sop. 23. 2003
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Pam-H No;
`E:5”‘l’d£qo _
`Dec "5 2001
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 091191.981. filed on Nov.
`13. 1993. now abandoned. which is a continuation of appli-
`cation No. D8l656.42l. filed on May 30, 1996. now 981. No.
`5.8613 85. which is a continuation-in-part of application No.
`03t'454.'.l'3v6. filed on May 30. 1995. now Pal. No. 5.691.397.
`Int. Cl.
`G058 I9/I8
`.......................................... .. TOIJIS6; T0018?
`U.S. Cl.
`Field of Classification Search ...................... .. None
`See application file for complete search history.
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`A system for motion control
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`6.080.063 A
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`6.101.425 A
`6.101.530 A
`6.104.158 A
`6.125.335 A
`6.128.006 A
`6.131.097 A
`6.133.867 A
`6.139.177 A
`6.144.395 A
`6.147.647 A
`6.161.126 A
`6.166.723 A
`6.167.491 A
`6.169.540 BI
`6.173.316 BI
`6.191.774 Bl
`6.195.592 B1
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`6.203.640 131
`6.209.037 Bl
`6.216.173 BI
`6.219.032 31
`6.219.033 31
`6.219.173 B1
`6.232.391 BI
`6.233.545 B1
`6.242.880 B1
`6.243.078 Bl
`6.246.390 Bl
`I 11 I 993
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`71' 1999
`91 I 999
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`Exhibit 2010


`6.241.994 B1
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`6.213.439 131
`6.285.351 B1
`6.286.133 B1
`6.288.105 B1
`6.238.116 B1
`6.290.565 B1
`6.290.566 81
`6.292.110 B1
`6.292.114 B1
`6.292.112 B1
`6.292.114 B1
`6.295.530 B1
`6.300.936 B1
`6.300.931 B1
`6.301.634 B1
`6.304.091 B1
`6.305.011 B1
`6.309.215 B1
`6.310.605 B1
`6.311.116 131
`6.311.311 B1
`6.319.010 B1
`6.343.349 B]
`6.345.212 B1
`6.353.850 31
`6.366.212 B1
`6.366.213 81
`6.366.293 B1
`6.314.195 B1
`6.314.255 B1
`6.400.996 B1
`6.401.005 B1
`6.421.341 B1
`6.425.118 B1
`6.430.411 B1
`6.439.956 Bl
`6.442.451 31
`6.463.404 B1
`6.410.235 B2
`6.410.311 B1
`6.413.824 B1
`6.480.896 B1
`6.491.606 B2
`6.513.058 B2
`6.516.236 B1
`6.513.930 B1
`6.519.594 B1
`6.519.646 B1
`6.523.111 B1
`6.513.963 B1
`6.542.925 32
`6.546.436 B1
`6.559.860 B1
`6.560.513 B2
`6.560.592 31
`6.511.141 E11
`6.606.665 32
`6.615.091 B1
`6.641.328 B2
`6.652.318 B2
`6.653.325 82
`6.653.621 E11
`6.662.361 31
`6.665.688 B1
`6.668.211 81
`6.618.113 81
`612001 Deangelis 21 a1.
`612001 Rt‘.-senbetget 11.
`612001 01‘I.1'1O
`1.12001 Rosenbetg
`812001 Rosenberg eta].
`812001 Rosenberget a1.
`912001 Chang e1a1.
`912001 Hopkins
`912001 Rosenberget a.|_
`912001 Hurnplernan eial.
`912001 Galycan 1111:: al.
`912001 Gabai eta].
`912001 Change! a].
`9121111 Mallettet a].
`912001 Bullen
`912001 Okahayashi
`912001 Riachieet :11.
`1012001 Braun et a1.
`10121201 Rosenberg
`1012001 Gomi at 1:].
`1012001 Shahoian eta].
`1012001 Sarnnov
`1012001 Fongetal.
`[M001 Rosenberg eta].
`1112001 Rosenberget a1.
`1112001 Andrews eta].
`1112001 Kikinis
`13002 Bmun el al.
`212002 Nourse
`312002 Mes etat.
`412002 Rosenberg et :11.
`412002 Rosenberg eta].
`412002 Harniltnn eta].
`412002 Li et a1.
`412002 Peurach eta].
`612002 I-Ioffberg eta].
`6.12002 Schwan 81 a1.
`1.12002 Hanetal.
`112002 Molloy eta].
`812002 Kjmou et 31.
`8.12002 Ho
`8.12002 Lapham
`1012002 Appleby
`1012002 Kasugaeta].
`1012002 Sevcikelal.
`1012002 Kreissig eta].
`1112002 Brown elal.
`12.12002 Fang et 3.1.
`112003 Brown e1a.1.
`212003 Brown e1::1_
`2.12003 DcMoueeta1.
`222003 Li
`2.12003 Guptnet :11.
`212003 Dupuy eta].
`312003 Hang
`412003 Brown et .31.
`4.12003 Fnjnmesseretai.
`512003 Harrljltuneial.
`512003 Kranse et 21!.
`512003 Reid e1a1.
`512003 Brown
`312003 Govindaraj e1.-1|.
`912003 Birchenuugh eta].
`11.12003 Walker
`1112003 Cannon eta].
`12.12003 Zweig
`1212003 C3:111upe1a1.
`12.12003 Jackson
`1212003 Callahan. lletal.
`12.12003 Fujilaetal.
`112004 Mason elal.
`US 6,516,236 C]
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`6.133.382 B2
`6.118.949 B2
`6.848.101 B1
`6.350.306 B2
`6.359.611 B1
`6.859.141 B2
`6.865.499 B2
`6.819.862 B2
`6.839.118 B2
`6.392.145 B2
`6.920.403 B2
`6.922.826 B2
`6,941,543 B1
`6.944.584 B1
`1.024.255 B1
`1.024.666 B1
`1,031,198 B2
`1.035691 81
`1.016.336 B2
`1.113.333 B1
`1.131.101 B1
`1.131.891 B2
`1.139.343 B1
`1.216.119 B2
`1.302.616 B2
`200210044291 A
`200210181931 A
`200110031492 A
`2003111109959 A
`200210111453 A
`200210052939 A1
`200110029443 A1
`200210163909 A1
`20030165103 .41
`200310161023 .41
`200310033150 A1
`200110032218 A1
`200210129333 A1
`200210049116 .41
`2004-10019683 A1
`200310031111 A1
`200410044194 A1
`200210156812 .91!
`200310230998 .41
`200410025150 A1
`200310165221 AI
`200510114444 Al
`200510132104 AI
`200610149824 AI
`2011510286451 AI
`200610064503 A1
`200610146320 A1
`2006111206219 A1
`200610241811 Al
`2011610241301 1111
`2006110282180 1111
`200110022194 A1
`200110203442 A1
`200310215516 A1
`2001310215511 111
`200910030911 A1
`200910063623 A1
`200910032686 A1
`200910151199 A1
`200910151301 A1
`200910211001 A1
`201010005192 A1
`201010064026 A1
`1 1.12006
`1 112006
`1 112006
`I 112001
`1 111 991
`1 112000
`I 112006
`1 112008
`I 112008
`Ban'na.n et a1.
`0e el al.
`Duan et :1].
`Korrljne et :1].
`Brown el :11.
`Brown 1:1 31.
`Murray.I\1' elal.
`Topka et al.
`Bales el 3!.
`Brown :1 a1.
`Tenncy el 31.
`Brown el al.
`Brown :1 31.
`Mm-ray.1\1 cu].
`Brown e1 a].
`Neveu et 31.
`Brown ca :21.
`011 et a1.
`Schmit: e1 a1.
`Yarnamolo C1 11].
`Tajirnzl et :11.
`Sarkinen et a1.
`Menemes el al.
`Balan e: :1].
`Brown 121 a].
`Chandhokc et a1.
`Arunofi el a1.
`Lee et a].
`Miyaji et a].
`Heishi et a].
`De Beer
`Brown el :31.
`Park el 31.
`Foster 21 a].
`Brown 1:1 :11.
`Friedman et a1.
`Brown :1 :31.
`Brown :21 a1.
`Brown et :11.
`Brown 21 a1.
`Brown el :3].
`Brown et at.
`Brown :31 a1.
`Brown e1 a1.
`Brown e1 a1.
`Brown e1 :31.
`Brown e1 at.
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`Brown et a1.
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`55-57, Apr. 1993 issue of Control Engineering.
`Furness. H.; “New Family of ‘NT’ Process Software Set to
`Move In", Apr. 1. 1993. Cahners Publishing Company. pp.
`52-53. Apr. 1993 issue of Control Engineering.
`Laduzinsky.A.: “An Open Look for PLC Programs". May I,
`1993. Cahners Publishing Company, p. l (reprint from Con-
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`Mechanism for Robotic Manipulators". Jul. I. I993. IEEE.
`lntemational Workshop on Robot and Human Communica-
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`sions-MSDN Archive Edition, pp. 1-19.
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`Manual".Aug. I. I993, DEFS 00032048—00032l54.
`Wallace. S.; Senelti. M.: Barkmeyer. E.: Ray. 5.; Wallace. E.;
`“Control Entity Interface Specification". Sep. 1. I993. pp.
`Galil Motion Control; "Galil Servo Trends vol. IX. No. 2".
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`to go global with IEC I 131-3". Oct. I. 1993. Instrument and
`Control Systems. pp. [-4 (reprint from instrument and Con-
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`Jul. 1994 MSDN. Knowledge Base Article. PSS II) No.
`Q93658. pdf p.
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`Ace Technical Sales: “Third Party I.~"O Driver List". Dec. 1‘.
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`Architectures for Machine Control". 1994, NIST. pp.
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`NIST. DEFS 000l047I—000I048'.r'.
`Fanuc Robotics Nonli America. Inc.: “Pontiac Truck and
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`1994 MSDN, Knowledge Base Article. PSS ID No. Q96'.r‘9S.
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`GE Fanuc Automation: “MMC-IV Descriptions Manual“,
`Mar. 1. 1994. DEFS 0005445?-00054479.
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`Mar. 1. 1994, DEFS 0C054l26—00054456.
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`Laboratories. pp. I-9.
`Tele-Denken Resources. Int:.: "The History of Program-
`mable Controllers". Apr. 1. I994. pp. 1-26.
`Wonderware; “InTouch 5 Lite (Product Data Sheet)". Apr.
`14, 1994, pp. 1-4.
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`Apr. 19, I994, pp. 1-4.
`Cart In Automation (CIA); "CAN Physical Layer for Indus-
`trial Applications". Apr. 20. 1994. pp. I-4. CiA Draft Stan-
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`Kramer. T.: Proctor. F.: Miehaloski. J.: “The NIST RS274}
`NGC lnterpr'eter—Version I", Apr. 28, I994. NIST, pp.
`Standards Organization;
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`Microsoft Development Library; “INF: An Alternative to
`SpoolFiIe{)". May 6. I994. lul. I994 MSDN. Knowledge
`Base Article. I-‘SS ID No. Ql I IOIO, pdf pp. I-5.
`Microsoft Development Libra.I'y: "INF: Banding. Printing.
`and the Number of Bands". May 6, I994. Jul. 1994 MSDN.
`Knowledge Base Article, PS5 ID No. Q7269 I.
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`tems-—Ma.nufacturing message specification-Part 6: Corn-
`panion Standard for Process Control”. Jun. I. 1994. pp.
`Sakai. K.: “Object Orientation and C++ langu

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